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Show That Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth etic Dump The Gold Into The Sea Need of the Hour Items Of Interest An Art Barn Or A Palace? j (From a Speech by Senator Wm. H. King in Cong. Record) We give below some excerpts from a great speech. A . study of it reveals how mankind has been betrayed and disinherited by the money power of this and other countries. Never has there been such a deliberate crime perpetrated against the people since the downfall of (the Roman empire'. When the gold standard powers planned and executed this crime they believed they could keep within their hands a control of the situation but it has got beyond them and if humanity does not unite to set matter right he downfall of civilization is imminent. You do not believe it? Get ready to behold it, then! The present disequilibrim between monetary value and property and commodity values is what is the matter with the world. (The gold standard) Your property, securities or commodities, which would readily have exchanged three years ago for $100 of money will not bring you more than $25 of money today. That and only that is what is the matter with the world. They ask us to stand by the gold standard. But the gold standard has hot stood by us. It has gone into hiding, into legal reserves, and to get one dollar of it or of money, which is the same thing, we must surrender four or five dollars worth of property, securities or commodities. The situation is not only unnatural, it is repulsive. (Reader, take note for the need of Natural Government and Natural money) The world might as well allow its property to be destroyed by a conflagration. The world will not much longer stand for this legalized robbery and confiscation of legalized Values, this sacrifice of manhood and womanhood (and childhood) as well as of private fortunes to the whims of a pampered and worshiped tyrant, the impotent single gold standard, which has become a Frankenstein which has turned tyrant against the world and rendered its commerce and finances prostrate. Why should the world have its happiness and progress obstructed by such an unnatural and device, such an purely artificial barrier, such a man-maimpersonation of actual fraud and duress? The time for action has come. The miserable pot of less than eleven billions of monetary gold HAS SPRUNG TIP AS AN EVIL GIANT and spread havoc throughout the world ,while normally powerful nations states, muncipalities and corporations have for the present become helpless dwarfs and unable to function in a normal way. In the face of this unspeakable and wholly unneces. gold-exchan- ge gold-exchan- ge gold-exchan- ge About Prominent Utahns If the Democrats wifi recognize merit, ability, years of and In a Christmas editorial written to Santa Claus, Colliers distinguished and unselfish Very great credit is due to those forward-lookin- g been d men women who have and brain and find who heart said: us leader a will responsible nominate Help Weekly service, they would point the unmistakable way to a better life the Hon. Wm. R. Wallace for for realizing the dream of an Art Bar. This project is the Until we find the man who can be prophet as well as a leader, U. S. Senator. expression of a desire long felt in the community for a dedent who has the courage to be forthright even though he must and permanent home for all kinds of art and a meeting place be lonely, our progress upward will be slow. for all friends of art Particularly credit is due the proMr. Sheepman, what do you moters This is a very significant statement, full of deep meanbecause of the fact that they are not wealthy and think of the economic system ing. But the truth is that Colliers Weekly has been fighting that pays you starvation have had to carry on as best they could, even to sacrificing, because of the' impelling force of ideals and the love that very proposition afi during the depression. It has laugh- prices for your sheep and wool of the true, the beautiful and the high ed out of court every proposition to cure the depression, when good. the world is so much in Without detracting in the least from the high motives everything that tended toward or bordered on the prophetic, need of your products? Some G. comes H. Wells men as mere when such noble and it calling sheep may we express the thought that the say we need a Moses to lead Art Bam aspirations, to prophesying. And so the Magazine wifi stand in the way us considered be should only as a beginning? As out of the wilderness. to who of effective and permanent change. We agree that the need Moses was dared descendents of people begin the construction of a shepherd, you had food to eat and when a of the hour is the leader above mentioned, and believe we $4,000,000 scarcely temple they could lead. can point out where and how to procure such a leader, but know, and how he but kind of shelter and clothes in their wilderwe can project the idea to a more imposing ness homeB, the able editors of Colliers will fight to the death every sugA lesson may be learned Ait Palace. surely laid line. men in The has before writer that along gestion from one of the citys carpenoffices all men in and to put for the idea of a new Temple editorial we And thus dare high places great practically shall tell the prophetic things of the last hundred years as they bear ters, offJack Kirten. He was that posterity about our ideals of life. The same from his work and be- zeal on the rimes of the present, but could nowhere get a hearing. laid and the same effort put forth under lines of displayed unable to find another job laid down in the Book, Natural Government, Any prophetic leader must walk humble and penniless and ing organization he Bet about gathering up would build a lonely as did Lincoln until God, who stands watching in the $5,000,000 Art Palace that should be to us broken and disordered toys, what the Parthenon was to Greece and the Pantheon to events come so he his that shadows, place may tp shapes and perform his mission. There is no question about his and with the assistance of Rome. In the Temple should be a Hall of Drama, a Hall of Alfons Finck and several boys coming. Will we recognize and accept him? Art, a Hall of literature, etc. he mended and renewed We have here the worlds most beautiful building materenough' playthings to make ials ; we have the most skilled artisans and workers. Thouhappiness amony many child- sands might be employed. Wealth, proud of its homeland, ren and to insure to himself would contribute; the state, county and city would do their and his family of ten a merry share, and all would be proud of the undertaking. In losing ..... priblic-spirite- the-rude- Our Philosophy Of overnm Tzyc. . THIS WORTH WORKING FOR?) By Robert G. Ingersoll de mourns ; a world on which the gibbets shadow does not fall ; a world where work and worth go hand in hand, where the poor girl, trying to win bread with a needle toe needle that has been called the asp for the breastbf the poor" is not driven to the desperate choice of crime r death, of suicide or shame. I see a world without the beggars outstretched palm, the misers heartless, stony stare, the piteous wail of want, the livid lips of lies, the cruel eyes of scorn. I see a race without disease of flesh or brain shapely and fair, married harmony of form and function and, as I look, life lengthens, joy deepens, love banopies the earth; ana over all in the great dome shines the eternal star of human hope. Christmas. ourselves in such a project, we would be finding ourselves, and posterity would find" and know us for something far better than money. A monument would be left for the centuries to gaze upon and to realize that here in the tops of toe everlasting hills a people lived who were conscious of the beauty surrounding them. Mrs. James A. Hogle one of the citys leading women, has been an angel of mercy to many poor people during the two years of depression. While disgusted with a system that forces charity upon intelligent brings in the midst of plenty, we feel to commend the sweet spirit and tireless efforts of this good woman. Her work and that of others like unto ler proves that the condition ictured by Bellamy in Look-n- g Backward," may soon be a reality and not a dream. AMERICA FIRST! terness and peanut politics. Whether in or out of office he is the type of man a Natural Not merely in matters masystem of government would terial, but in thing of the produce, or rather, make of spirit. toe average man. Not merely in science, inventions, motors and skyBen F. Redman, one of the scrapers, but also in ideals, rd citys outstanding business principles, character. sary world tragedy the Not merely in the calm asmen, has done as much, perbankers ask us to wait, wait, wait They tell us that their haps, as any other Utah man sertion of rights, but in the deflation program (They did it deliberately) must run it toe cause of aviation, with glad assumption of duties. course while the world has become a stupid slave to a putrid It is not toe policy of this for Not flaunting her strength idea of putting Salt Lake the of billions eleven less than gold. of pot aper to attack or knock, but on toe as air a a giant, but bending in as all could take great the and A1 map If Capone were out of jail here will be times when the over a sick and Some believe center. ravel in in helpfulness the and a ride place it is for there deepest dump whole truth must be told and gold aiiport should wounded world like a Good I see a world at peace, the Atlantic ocean it would be a Gods blessing in the present hen we shall hew to toe line. hat the localRedman Field. Samaritan. state of the world. Over night dhe human race would find a adorned with every form of We have usually though well ie called the Not in splendid isolation, now better and more adequate medium of exchange and such an art, with musics myriad of organized labor, but it in courageous cooperation. but to as us would sent be voices thrilled, while lips are upon era of lasting prosperity and progress appears that it is, in this state Your subscriptionwill in pride, arrogance and Not stars first 206 Scott love since seen the and words been rich of with not sang help Bldg., morning has at least, very poorly organdisdain of other races and libertruth, a world in which no ized, and we wonder if it really greatly in the cause of in sympathy, love but peoples, from toe exile sighs, no prisoner present people ating and truly represents the and understanding. calamities. and future of The efforts classes. ity. Not in treading again the Food for eaders are taken up with bickHELP SAVE THE DAY people. The people have trustold, worn, bloody pathway atnot writer has did A certain great ed them to render service. The Deseret News erings and quarrels and which ends inevitably in chaos select-ng America When in C. Rees. A. If one mistake enter on make duties said, tacks their What thouare recently any upon They hundreds, and disaster, but in blazing a Hereafter it will not be so started there were people like at a critical time. little do sands, even millions of dollars abor leaders would apply toe Joseph J. Cannon as its new trail along which, and Jefferson of man to He a to how their is toe editor. ability God, other nations will please four when it comes to saving toe energy and genius Washington, much of a question as they realize what follow There is and Rees Adams in this will character and country. own ahead of them that toe wielding or make of can hoard, founders? one much organization government years New into Jerusalem the where know His now. dont I posibring. These years, but it wifi be a question of arent Nothing! Every dollar you does to his they would fare a great influence. wars shall be no more. men like He to known. no We is have service will much tion whats bring better. going always how much real human bring experiences have; every liberty yofl prize First in keeping her labor one can render. And that is that back again religion, pa- the likes of which have never will be swept away if the )rief for Mr. Rees, but he speaks out. He is a bom fight- employed and contented. First He work. and or bran triotism his for does truth serve before been known. The prob- right thing is not done to set surely organi- er right. just the whole purpose of this pain more a distribuequitable find some way, lems of toe past will seem maters right. This paper is zation effectively. comes from a distinguished per, to render service. Is there But we must tion wealth. of in toe First two and A father family. need for our service? There somehow, of restoring great- small and insignificant com- fighting for a change in toe culture and education, care, speaks the pared with the problems that system which it positively One of toe chief assets of brotheia distinguished them- health and is, and the answer should be ness". The man childof happiness our are ahead. Let us believe that knows will save toe day. It the city and state is a man selves in toe editorial line and ren. First in the care and shouted from the housetops. literal truth. Who among proWe are in earnest. Service leaders would endure what the men we have elevated to is fighting to save your means like Herbert J. Maw, Dean of J. J. will add to the shining tection of the aged. First in at did man record. a seats will Men Valley at of be the the America and will freedom. to Washington University, It rendered be must power your pay leading away from the outin her hour of danger. And Forge? Who among all those equal in brain and heart to you many times over to help of ability, vision and progres-sivenesworn economical and financial Great good comes from the As a legislator he every occasion. Let us have it make this fight. Help with her danger is not from the ex- in high place would give seven, which have proved serfaith that Salt Lake, the your dollars before a possible was the fearless and able Salt Lake Tribune Forum. It systems treme radicals. It is from the and more, years of superb our undoing. extreme conservatives who vice for their country without Crowning Jewel of the ever- upheaval makes your money champion of toe people. He leads people to think and Some day some nation must Not one lasting hills, will be given op- as valueless as dust. Send in is a peer among his profes- study. The opportunity of are holding on and standing monetary rewards? take that path unless we are Who the should ideas them. among of among? portunity to grow and expand your contributions and you sionals, a leader of young men, thus exchanging to lapse once again into utter pat against the demandsnow present day politicians and and develop into a real City of will be rendering service for a powerful influence for good. be appreciated. It is a daily barbarism destiny. If you do not and that honor toe would The stand for Destiny. yourself and your children. He should go far and accom- treat to the public. believe that the danger to our statesmen we covet for our beloved and trust it information of the and betterment the people Business office, 206 Scott plish much for thought country is real just watch rights America. common herd To all who are of government and society. has given during the times of Bldg., Salt Lake City. events a little while and then the And so in and Who been Jefferson? did has among liberal and progressive, this The cry of today is for his depression greatly with these thatwespirit with come and tell us what you as hopes say to the rise can worthwhile. them kind heights in politics. will have an appeal and dips in toe business cycle. have seen during 1932 and afi our heart and soul Amershown by toe paper will be found worthy of sup- Rather 1b it a convulsion of all 1933. The best thing you can of patriotism ica First! Who among them Dr. June B. Smith has just Never have toe affairs of intellectual do is to come forward and help Adamses? the spiritual, sent will to be It any port oath (seriously) foundations that underlie our the office of the Secretary of completed a lecture course on Who can unroll us make the fight. Help to registers his defend and pre- address in the United States culture. the curtain are to in heaven and liberties your Indeed, toe crisis even State been in better and more How to Live. People save your behold it? Once we are and and at the rate of $1 for six in themselves of, apof those serve by hands government than expressing Put your spare represents a gradual crumbl- capable fortunes. for the people, as did Lincoln? months, or $2 per year. Spe- ing of these foundations them- M. H. Welling. He brought to preciation of the good that has over the ominous mountain money into this cause before The leader of this which looms just ahead we who will be cial prices in bundle lots for selves. . . . the those the office a record made in come to them because it is rendered valueless by We shall behold and enter the wonderset matters distribution. Come in and do who claim Furthermore, a is to course life. The series. in forth and brought private to be leaders of congress collapse of the system. Promised Land. Then shall Promand to to the us a better lead ful stimulous your bit for toe great cause of peoples and of nations have He was a tireless worker, need tens of thousands of do- right and is we witness the greatest adThe abundant more ised servant in living. somewhere deed, Land, very the people. The time is ripe not yet risen to the occasion, public llars to make the fight national vancement in human welfare walkfine with her us today, likely for mighty changes that shall though this does not mean possessed of that rare gift, lady inspires in scope. Do your bit and let among that has ever been known. and and Govand life of ideas Natural in sense. loneliness, poverty common firing guarantee more abundant life, that those who are striving to ernment should it be said of you that you ing Some of the things that ap- come will he such But to their possibilities. practical appeal obscurity. take their places could perrendered worthwhile service fir- Hearing her one must conwith toe faith of Wash- larger liberty, and a much form their tasks (Continued on Page 4) much better. as he to come out of the in the great cause of human forth more distribution of equitable Jefferof betclude that she has learned toe the battle for and line ability ington, ing son, the patriotism of Adams toe good things of earth to the ter things which have been how to five by applying the and toe loyalty of Lincoln to common people whom toe visioned by such men as Jef- principles of the abundant fife For our permanent waves we DR. HTRUM SMITH, set the national house in Gods must love because they Complete Barber Service ferson, Lincoln, Wilson and to herself. use only the very best solutions. do bit. our we order If made so many of them. 202 Roosevelt. at The Chiropractor before has world Never the Salt Lake Scott Bldg., City. Experienced Operators The state is fortunate in of men beheld such a glorious Success to the new Salt Beehive Barber Shop Painless Adjustments, Speas wonderful a the and. and capable presage Lake City administration. The world crisis is here. cialist for Nervous, Rheumatic having so good Bennion at the ent, taking it all in all, minus Beehive Beauty Shop man as Harden "Steve cuts 7our hair with and Respiratory Disorders. This paper wishes them well That is toe one great conclua smile. head of the Agricultural De- the depression. What of the and will stand by them in so sion. It is really a world crisis, Phone Office SO South State Street future? What will next year, SO South SUte Street far as they do the right things not a stock market depression 41 East 1st North Was. 6147 partment. While a party man - two years, five years, bring? bitfrom free he one not of those is and and its singularly for toe municipality regular international-single-gdd-standa- A vision of the future arises I see a world where thrones have crumbled and where kings are dust. The aristocracy of idleness has perished from the earth. I see a world without a slave. Man at last is free. Natures forces have by science been enslaved. Lightning and light, wind and wave, frost and flame,' and all the subtle powers of the earth and air are the tireless toilers for the human race. ... . ng Thought 1932-33-34-3- 5, s. so-call-ed open-minde- . ' |