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Show MBS r HIE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT wingfjanada CHINESE PIRATES OPENLY DEFY LAW Trade a Flourishing One in Eastern Waters The fine art of buccaneering as practiced by the sea wolves of south China may lack much of the romance end glamor of tha daya of tha Spanish Main, but tha principle to exactly the same; Blood to spilled, ships are captured by the dozens and hundreds of captives carried off for ransom. In many respects, the Chinese buccaneer to a more crafty, mors coldblooded Individual than the Captain Kidds of yore; Afraid of nothing except possibly a bath, he pursues hla calling with methodical boldness and today, as centuries ago; spreads terror and death among the ships plying the South China seen Bias bay, about 65 miles from Hongkong, almost within the range of British guns, to the stronghold of the pirate gangs. Almost continual warfare haa been conducted agalnat them for five decades, but they atill cany on. Braving battleships and submarines, even airplanes, they ally forth In their little Junks, seise merchantman, kidnap a few Chinese and return to their base where they appear to live the lives of simple and harmless fishermen. In the hurt ten years, an average of three foreign Ships a year have been pirated in Bias bay territory. How many Chinese ships and Junks have been seized to not known, but it to safe to presume that the total runs Into three figures annually. Until recently little resistance waa offered by the ships officers and piracy was considered by the Chinese a fairly safe trade to follow. In foe case of foreign vessels all piracies are committed by men posing as passengers. The danger would be too great to risk staging an attack by foe sea, although that method proved effective In the days bf soiling ships. With supplies of arms and ammunition smuggled aboard and tha ship .wall out at see, tha pirates, usually . On Your Radio "FRIENDSHIP TOWN 700 P.Mslit. NHwiHt FRIDAY NBC CMUtt Cult Vaseline RMlkltMTiOFFi preparations STUDIO VISITS WITH TWINKLING STARS IN RADIO FIRMAMENT Ufa la being Modern imall-towportrayed In Friendship Town, a new program series Inaugurated over netan NBC-WJcast; including work. An all-stEdwin Whitney, , Don Carney, Pick Malone and Pat Pa get t, blackface comedians; Virginia Gardiner; Edith Spencer and Harry- Salter's orchestra depict the various characters making up the country village of today. There are scenes In the drug store; the academy of music, upstairs; the garage; opera house and other local points of Interest in Friendship Town. Local politics play a large part In the general theme; with love Interest supplied by a pair of young sweethearts. Vocal selections are provided weekly by Frank Luther, tenor star. n coast-to-coa- Z st ar Bay Perkins, radio funster, says men today who; when they think of business, get a glump In the throat there are a lot of Two Canadian rs With a Seasons Catch of Beaver and White Fox. hr tha National Goon-ani- l (Frmnd Socl.tr. Wuhimrton. D. C.I la (WNU Barrloa) WTH new regions being by new roads, and airplane routes, Canada reports an Increase of h In population durnearly ing foe past decade. According to a recently completed census there are 1(853,778 Inhabitants In the Doone-fift- minion. The story of foe discovery, exploration, settlement and development of Canada from foe days of Jacques Cartier (1534), Samuel de Champlain (1G03) and Henry Hudson (1010) down to foe advent of foe railroad In the middle of the last century, to one of travel by sea, river and lake. Tha waterwaya of Canada provide easy access to the heart of the continent. Nearly half the area of the Dominion, excluding for foe moment the District of Franklin, comprising foe Arctic Islands, to drained by majestic rivers on the Atlantic coast, the St Lawrence; on Hudson bay. the Nelson; and on foe Arctic, the Mackenzie. No great natural obstacles divide these river basins, and paanga from one to another la easily made by Short port Marcella Shields, who plays varied roles; Is proud of a naive tribute to her ability as a' delineator of chit dren. Following a recent broadcast In which the former vaudeville actress played a little girl, she received dozens of letters from chil- ages. dren who thought she really was a Unto foe railways were built set tlements and commerce were largechild. ly confined to foe seacoast and the ' A soldier who has been In the territories adjacent to the great rivers and lakes of foe Interior. The United States Veteran hospital age of railway expansion followed wrote war since the World recently the confederation of foe colonies to Elaine Page; fashion expert on of British North America Into the the Womans Badlo Review, for Dominion of Canada and made posInstructions for crocheting a scarf described In one of her broadcasts. sible foe settlement of the extensive farming districts of foe praiThe veteran explained he could ries of that region, hitherto withstick to knitting like many of hla out access to any market comrades, but he preferred to do Airplane Being Used. something different During the past decade a widely Many celebrities are nervous be- extended rue of the airplane baa fore a microphone; but not Frank been developed In foe remoter parts Buck; the man who brings 'em back of the dominion where modern facualive from the Jungles. Buck, who lties for travel are nonexistent and was recently Interviewed by Grant foe afternatives are the canoe In land Bice over a national network, summer and foe dog team In winter. admits he was Jumpy during reIts use by foresters for fire patrol hearsal, but perfectly at ease when and timber cruising to now well eshe faced the "mike. tablished, while foe modern surveyor, with his serial camera, flying The quintet of Hawaiian Sere 5,000 to 10,000 feet above the naders halls from the South Sea Is- ground, produces a complete photolands. Joseph Rodgers, the director, graphic record of the country for picked up the other four members many miles on each aide of hla line and brought them to America. They ef flight; from which can be plotted, are William Joseph, Frank Antlserl, with simple traverses on the ground Jim Haplklnl and Samson Akaka. for control, all foe natural features ef the region. Will Rogers, according to Frank Regular air routes between large Luther, tenor, is the only great Canadian cities are In foe making. comedian who never looks for gag1 That phase of development mnst for his next stage appearance. Lu- necessarily be slower than In Euther traveled with Rogers through rope or foe United States, where the South and West on a flood relief the population Is denser, foe traffic tour, and declares the humorist to heavier, and climatic conditions less never atalog ftr foe correct an- severe. swer to any qgeiwMiH-oeflou- s or huThe greatest percentage of Inmorous. S crease In population, shown by foe census, was In foe province of Britje other night on the Cantor pro- - ish Columbia where there are neard more Inhabitants than grai ly Wellington : Hey, Eddie I In China there were ten years ago. Ontario they grbw pumpkins so big they and Saskatchewan provinces InCut 'em In two and each half makfii creased by more than one-fifta cradle for a baby. Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, WinAdmiral Cantor; Huh I Thafs nipeg, Vancouver and Hamilton are nothing! Rack home they grow veg- cities of 100,000 population. etables so large that three cops Ottawa to the capital of foe DoSleep on one beet minion. Queen Victoria was well Frank CTumlt and Julia 8anderson, advised whenwas she named Byas It then called, foe dropped In on Rudy Vallee at the town, seat of after congovernment Pennsylvania Grill recently. Vallee federation In 1807. Few suddenly broke into his routine, and have a finer natural location.capitals ' The called on Crum It to sing his "Gay surroundand houses of parliament Caballero." Frank got up, cleared are built on his throat, hesitated, and had fo ad ing governmenton officessouth bank of the mit that at foe moment he could not a high bluff remember foe words of one of the foe Ottawa river, Juat below foe most famous of foe songs written by Chnndlere folia. none other than Mr. Frank Crum It. Rlvsra and Canal at Ottawa. Some quick prompting by Miss SanTo foe north, forested spurs of derson saved foe day. the Laurentian mountains extend almost to the river bank, while on Dorothy Berliner, radio pianist, foe Ontaria aide of the river the writes as well as plays. Her book city to surrounded by a fine forming Making an Orchestra hu Just country. Since the days of Chambeen selected by foeChlld Study plain, foe Ottawa river haa been association as one of foe 100 best the main highway from foe sea to Children's volumes published In the West. Permanent settlement 193 1. In the district, however, only began In the first decade of foe Nine' One of the most enthusiastic ad- teenth century. After the War of mirers of Dean Gleason L. Archer, 1812 foe British government, lookwho broadcasts talks on law over a ing for a strategy route from foe National network weekly, to ap elder- sea to foe Great Lakes, which would ly blind man who sends gifts rang- avoid the International waterway ing from rare books on Colonial his- of the St. Lawrehce, decided on the construction of the Rldean canal, tory to boxes of fruit which would give an alternative wa I one-thir- ess see terway from Montreal to Kingston, on Lake Ontario. The canal was built by the royal engineers In the third decade of the last century and to still In use, a monument to their skill and workwith foe opening of foe manship, canal foe little settlement grew In Importance, and waa called Bytown after Colonel By, commanding tha royal engineers. It soon became the headquarters of the thriving Ottawa valley lumber industry. Beautiful driveways and natural parka Una the banka of Ottawas riven and canal; and, though it to essentially a city of homes, many Industries congregate there attracted by the cheap water power developed by Chandlere folia. Tha original parliament buildings were burned In 1916. A magnificent Gothic structure has risen' on foe old site; crowned by a central spire, Victory tower, 885 feet high, built to commemorate Canadas part In the World war. Montreal, foe largest of the Canadian cities, waa desolate St Lawrence river bank 800 years ago. It waa first visited by Jacques Cartier; foe first settlement .on foe site rose in 1642. Few cities have giesler natural advantages. At the bead of ocean navigation, yet almost 1,000 miles from the Atlantic; it la a natural gateway for foe commerce of the continent. Her merchants have not been alow to taka advantage of foe situation. Unlimited water-powedrives her Industries wheels. Next to Montreal, ranks Toronto; capital city of foe Province of Ontario; the moat thickly populated province of the Dominion. Nearly of foe Dominions Inhabitants live within Ontarios borders. Toronto to a worthy capital of a great province; a financial and Industrial center, and foe seat of the largest university In Canada. For the next largest city, one must Jump half way across foe Dominion to Wlnnepeg, the distributing center of western Canada and, as it were; foe neck of foe bottle, where foe railway tinea converge. Although slightly more than a century old. Its rapid growth haa taken place during the past two generations. Now It la a city of fins streets, parka; and beautiful driveways along foe and Red rivers; Two Big Cities In ths Wsst Vancouver, with 120,000 Inhabitants and Victoria are in the spotlight among the leading cities of foe Pacific coast. Victoria, dinging to the southern end of Vancouver island, la foe first city of the province of British Colombia. It was first settled In 1842 by foe governor of foe Hudsons Bay company. It to perhaps the moat English town outside of England. Its situation to delightful and the absence of the rush and bustle of other western cities, its beautiful gardens; fine buildings, drives; and splendid climate, ail lend It an attraction for those who wish to lead a quiet, life and escape the rigors of foe sterner dimate of other provinces. Esquimau, foe naval base; situated In a nearby bay, Is of Importance strategically and the headquarters of foe Royal Canadian Navy and Imperial fleet cu foe r one-thir- d In ths steerage; attack foe crew at s given signal from the leader. One group attacks tha bridge and aetoea the captain, another tha engine room, while u third covers foe passengers at pistols point and keeps them from Dcumo these winter day, wise motheti strengthen thdr Interfering. children with Scott's Emolrioa of Cod Iivtr CU.lt contains After foe ship hu been captured, Vitamin A in shmrisner- - This helps build up sturdy tea the idiot to ordered to steer for a chil Once against colds sad against sumv other arinmoa of land where comrades of the point ailments. Then there is a wealth of the sunshine vitamin" pirates are waiting. In the meanthat promotes the development of rm ja this nutter so important to growing time; the passengers are robbed of snmiK booee and teeth Pleasantly flavored. Esy far children to tike. their valuables; thou to bo taken Scott A Boone; Bloomfield, N. . Sales Beprcsentativc captive lined up on the deck and Htfold F. Bitxdue A Co Inc, New York. bound, while the Ships stores are reiMMSiWUSawnSiinsHoMo lieved of all articles that can be m irniHty, conveniently handled. The chief reason that piracy to allowed to continue In Booth China to that the British authorities are more or leu powerless to conduct an expedition on a big scale without infringing on Chinese sovereign rights. Although the Chinese authorities themselves have admitted their InWhea Maa Strikes Twelve Social Bellwethers ability to deal with the buccaneers, a man to thirty years old, an When we la It wonder Newedd I why they have refused many times to hu shown, he to at the Investigation with tha British in any effort cant uve anything? hla of strength. Womphysical Mrs. Newedd It's the neighbors, peak to punish the freebooters. the peak a year or two dear; they are always doing some- an peases sooner. thing wo cant afford. A Rnbiudl Embelluhad Glasgow, Scotland, hu a sensation In the report, fort foe famous picture; The Man In Armour, by Rembrandt wu found to posaeu foe embellishment of a second artist whole believed by an expert to have made certain additions to foe picture probably 100 yean ago. At present foe painting la In Holland being codoe-torefor certain cracks, which had appeared in foe canvas, and the expert then hu reported to the Art Galleries committee of Glasgow corporation that around the figure are Tkosa Headline! Named After Famou Spa traces of foe work of a second art-to- t Editor Well, what wu all use Into came City sulphate Magneelum The value of The Man In Arexcitement? In foe Seventeenth century mour to estimated at over $500,000. during foe Reporter Nothing but a cat fell In of the Epaom spa In It wu once In tha possession of Sir conaequence a foe bay and wu drowned. which became famous England, Joshua Reynolds, City Editor Great! Smoke It up watering place and health resort about 1640; wrote Charles H. La Wall for an extra. Nine lives lost Oh or tha Other In Four Thousand Years of PharBlinks to your wife a good driver? Aka! macy." Later In foe same century rm Is sore not she whether Jinks sit down on every Jokt 1 found foe waHoffman They Friedrich Dr. or all foe other driven she meets ters of the Seldllti spring In Ger- send In. are. Cincinnati Enquirer. Well, they wouldnt If then wu many to contain magnesium sulphate Wo wish Mother Nature were more and so foe terms Epsom salt and any point to them. nearly personified so that She could Seldllti salt wen used to designate soul going out of Itself bur and appreciate foe pretty things this same substance long before Its Faith to the i for all Its wants. Boston. we say of her. composition had been established. For wise mothers !)($& ffiODQSllteO eiitD uUitHl me Tlt-Blt- a. d u RjEAOTSST TME VALUES Your EXSILLAIRS Ever EOUdHIT xha 1 SMOOTH tires and are slippery roads a dangerous colnbina-tion- . - f The difference between safety and danger is too slim to risk a skid or not being able to stop. r- Keep ahead of trouble. Replace your smooth tires now with d Firestone Tires. Enjoy the extra strength, extra tafety and extra tervice of the patented construction features found only in Firestone Tires. Yon get these extra values at no more cost because of Firestone economies in buying, manufacturing am! distributing. Drive in to the Firestone Service Dealer near yon and get the facts. He has sections cut from Firestone and special brand mail order tires. Compare them. Gum-Dippe- COMPARE QUALITY I OLDFtIL D TtPt hiayt dutyRI 6.00 I? U a 'OJ See how Two Extra Cord Flies Under the Tread and the tough, thick tread make Firestone tires the safest tires in the world. You be the judge. Drive in today! Gum-Dippin- g, CONSTRUCTION PRICE Pa-df- le coast A IpeeW Brwl" favdhlHhiianiak Vancouver contrasts sharply with Victoria. It to foe metropolis of foe Canadian Padflc coast a thriving dty, atill In the making, each year Increasing Its Importance; A generation ago tall pines grew where it stands; In 1923 Its shipping trade waa second only to that With foe wealth of of Montreat mines, timber, fisheries, and agriculture not only of British Columbia, but of the western prairies behind It It cannot be otherwise than one of foe great trading porta of the world. It to the terminus of two major railway systems of Canada. Juat nnder foe 100,000 population mark to Quebec which no narrative of foe Dominion falls to mention. No dty of the world haa a more romantic history than the old French capital, nestling below the cliffs of the Citadel, and foe Plains of Abraham, where was finally dedded to 1750, foe great struggle between France and England for supremacy la the western hemisphere; u tire H kyui Hunpiirfm that Sm.b.i.,ua mUSmiHIV Im tto. lia, H hi. hum mm EVERY SDmAIc fisanstw-l- mr m hMH tha MUM an.llr imM ha bullil. tin h. tfa. FIRESTONE fmtoMli uUmlud gnurate. nl In um OmM? Stem. mi i the Volee etFtreetmme Every MondayTr Over IV. B. CL nationwide Network II, Listen to Niht Cowifebt. INI, n. FlimtcM lln Babtar O nrsttont Barries Stores and Berries Dealers Bare Ton Money and 8 errs Ton Better A |