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Show DAILY t STATE JOURNAL, of her musical associates, will embrace the opportunity of greeting the Miss young lady on this occasion. Conroy will leave for Europe with Mips Nannie Tout and her father about October 9 th. Music and Drama 1 UTAH SATURDAY, Hie Sept 28-29-30Ia- OCTOBER 1, 1904. Fair Oct! nd may start You 1904 Sharps and Flats. The tabernacle choir will hold a In one proalmost are York critics Girl" The School Edna May and rehearsal Sunday at i p. m. special a it go. The amount of work before the organare continuing at Dalya theater. New nounclng ization will necessitate a great numYork, their strong hold on public fa50c,; evening Admission Adults, According to an eastern exchange, ber of extra rehearsals which will now la Girl" proSchool succeeded the The at vor. 25c.; children, half price. seslson, Cecelia Loftus has the held after Sunday most likely be 28: claimed to be the reigning Broadway .New York Lyceum, in New York, in church services. The oratorio First Day September regular RACES. Serio-Coma Governess, "The in musical comedy, and Chaa. suct-ework will shortly be begun. 2:23 trot and pace; purse, 8250.00. play, that gives a chance at Frohmari keeps on adding to its at- aZangwill as the 2:26 trot and pace; purse, 8200.00. dual role. She is demure mile, purse tractive iiualitles by providing new governess, but decidedly lively as a The music rendered at the Snyder Running race, one-ha- lf features weekly. music hall singer, and the public seem recital last Tuesday night was very 860.00. well received. Mrs. Anderson, form- Second Day September 29: to like her in the play. erly of Ogden, is an artist of great 2:30 trot and pace; purse, 8200. Jefferson la All Right. merit and sings with a profound sense sufwho recently 3:00 trot; purse 8150.00. new Jefferson, Mrs. Fiske and her company Joseph her mission in music. Mr. Kent's K mile running race; purse 840.00. fered a severe attack of indigestion are doing well at the Manhattan thea- of beautiful baritone is always enjoyed. mile race; purse 860.00. at his summer home at Buzzard's ter, New York, in Becky Sharp." of much Third Dayrunning is possessed Mias I'ett 30: of his phyadvice the September upon has, Itay, natural talent and has perseverance 2:85 trot and pace; purse 8150.00. sician, abandoned his Idea of playing at of the end the calls Six curtain which make will qualities H mile running race; purse, 860.00. his customary autumn season of first act started off Louis Mann in and staying of her one of Utah's foremost pianists. go mile running race; purse 850.00. twelve weeks, und will presently Buffalo last She is contemplating a trip to GerThe Second Fiddle at mile to his estate in Florida to spend the Monday night. running saddle; purse 810.00 many to continue her studies. All winter. The alarming reports that success. Fourth Day October 1: friends of art will wish her have lately been circulated about Mr. from has retired Corbett James been gross have 2:40 trot and pace; purse 8200.00. Jefferson's condition vaudeville to return to the dramatic The next competition for the Ruben-stei- n Free-for-a- ll trot and place; purse exaggeration. His physician advises a temporary retirement solely be- stage. prize for composers and pianists 8250.00. (5,000 francs) will be held In Paris cause he fears that a return to active K mile running race; purse 875.00. Ada Rehan will devote the coming In 1906. This is the prize which Busmile saddle race; purse 810.00. work might bring about a second attack of Mr. Jeffersons malady. Close season to three plays, The School for oni won in 1900 with the playing of friends of the Jefferson family in New Scandal, "The Taming of the Shrew, his own "Concertstueck.". Flora La York said several days ago thnt and the "Country Girt. without doubt the old actor would Follette, daughter of the governor of Weak, Nervous People. spring. Wisconsin, will be a member of the We have received letters from all play his usunl season next Mr. Jefferson is now in Boston pre- company. She will make her profes- parts of the U. 8. highly recommendsional debut in The Taming of the ing Dr. Gun's Blood and Nerve Tonic, paring to go to Florida. While tothere, deShrew." during the winter, he Intends until the faith we had in the remedy vote himself to painting and the outWe had has been fully sustained. door enjoyment of which he is parthe De Wolf Hopper is meeting with confidence from very beginning ticularly fond. His son, William Win- great success In his revival of that this medicine should make cures, ter Jefferson, will play a three weeks Wang. but lacked that assurance that comes X season In "The Rivals," which was alafter many successful trials. Now thnt ready planned, and may continue the Denman Thompson's revival of his we have been upheld in our belief we tour through the winter. The Old want to impart to others our confifamous pastoral play, Homestead, begins its fourth week at dence. Nervous, and unsteady people, Mr. Mansfield's Plans. the New York theater tomorrow night weak, fleshless people, pimply, pale, or sallow people are all victims of Richard Mansfield returned last weak, watery hlood. Make new, rich Friday to his home in New London, after spending the larger portion of blood, to be forced through the system by the way of the arteries, and the week In New York, adjusting deThis Tonic tails relative to his coming season. The banquet and reception given by disease cannot remain. cures disease by giving you strength His company will remain substantial- the Tabernacle choir Thursday night to resist it. All sell It for ly the same as last year, with the ad- was a most pleasant and artistic af- 76c. per box, or 8druggists dition of about half a dozen leading boxes for 82. The in were out fair. carried plans tablets are to be taken after each players. The season begins on Octo-in detail The and the two hundred and fifty meal: They turn the food you eat We are pleased to ber 31st. Rehearsals will begin two weeks for the chorus and extru present were royally entertained. It Into rich red blood. Persona who Trade inform people, and about October lBt for the was an evening long to be remember' take this Tonic gain in good solid flesh ed and one that will result In great from 1 to 3 York New Before week. reaching principals. pounds per our Fall Stock Mr. Mansfield w'lll appear in Boston, good to the choir organization. a few other is most complete. Philadelphia, Chicago and DENIE8 INTRODUCING Intervening cities. These cities have The Bispham Recitals. CODLIN MOTH PARASITE The market prices X not seen his performance of the Tsar Mr. David Bispham haa again reX and this proTerrible." the fused offers for operatic engageIn Ivan all on all Cotton Goods SACRAMENTO, CaL, Oct. 1. The duction, together with his revivals ments for this year, so that he may from his repertoire, will be conspicu- devote the coming season wholly to many published reports that a parahas been higher, but ous. This season, as last, Mr. Mans- oratorio concert and recital under the site fatal to the codlln moth, which is new two to we are in a position field Intends direction of Londen G. Charlton. It originate to la several years since Mr. Bispham ruinous to apples, had been discovered roles, though he has determined ofintroduced into state are and this to offer our large hereafter keep his repertoire well in visited the Pacific coast, except a a hand. One of the new roles Is a great member of the Metropolitan Opera ficially denied by the State Board of Stock at less than historical figure. Mr. Mansfield has company, and he will give numerous Horticulture. declined to announce the character recitals the coming season throughlast Years Prices The reports are hardly correct, as out the west. He is already booked specifically. The second role la while there la unquestionably some translation. It is of heroic propor- with Philadelphia, Pittsburg and In Washington orchestras. Besides the check upon the codlln moth in Europe, tions, but Is entirely fictitious. returning to New London Mr. Mans- wonderfully fine recital programs for where it does not exist in more than field went aboard his yacht, Amortla, which he is famed in this country as 3 to 5 per cent of the apples, we have at Larchmont, and sailed up the well aa abroad, Mr. Bispham has ar- not yet discovered or Introduced the Sound. ranged for this coming tour several beneficial insect which is keeping Jt in . songs cycles of Beethoven, Schubert, check," said Secretary Isaac of the Schumann and Brahms, each of whlch state board today. New Operatio Singers. & SONS. The facts are that George Compere, His tour, Among the new singers to be heard wIIJ occupy an evening. some two years ago, while working in with the Henry W. Savage English which will commence in October, In this season, elude every Important city in the the Mediterranean countries in search Grand Opera company are Arthur Dean, the baritone from country, will extend to May, 1905. Of of the parasite of the Mediterranean Covent Garden theater; Henri Barron, the fact that he is one of the world's fruit fly, which is so great a pest In tenor, from Moscow; .A. H. Busby, most versatile artists there is no South Australia, discovered a parasite codlln moth. Mr. baritone from Italy, and Kate Sher- doubt in the minds of those who have working upon the wood, a new dramatic soprano, who heard him. Mr. Ballantyne haa re- Compere at this- time was working for ceived several letters from Mr. Charl- the South Australian government, and a. has been singing in concerts and Miss Sherwood is a daughter ton regarding the appearance in Og- had not sufficient time to pursue his of Thomas A. Sherwood, the St. I.ouis den of Bispham, but the guarantee is investigations in regard to the codlln Think that perhaps that semoth, ahd so made a note of the fact supreme rourt Judge, and will be so heavy that It is doubtfull unless and vere nervous headache was gave up this line of investigation, heard in such roles as Elsa, Leonora our music lovers manifest a true spirit caused by a defect in the not and of of the finding parasign any loyalty. and Michnela. Former favorites still ? It will only take a few eyes of site in the fruit this fly section, left with the company Include Joseph minutes of your time for me for other parts. Sheehan, William Wegener, Winfred H. 8. Goddard's Success. 'to find out and no charge His was to discovery the W. reported Mr. J. Harrison Goff, Francis Boyle, Ballantyne Is in receipt of a will be made for giving you state horticultural commissioner and Bennett, Gertrude Rennyson, Jean letter from Mr. H. S. Goddard, who he the information. has recently left Australia, under Lane Brooks, Marlon Ivell and Rita is now in London, but will leave there If it is not from eye strain Newman. The full grand opera or- for America October 6th, arriving in the direction of State Commissioner I will be honest and tell Elwood for where Cooper he N. Europe, B. will be chestra Emanuel Utah about October 20th. Mr. Godunder you so. and Elliott Schenck as conductors. dard desires to appear with the Tab- Is to make his study of the checks ernacle choir here in' concert. It Is on the codlln moth. That such checks possible that satisfactory arrange' exist there is no doubt, and they will 8othern and Marlowe. In all probability be discovered and The forthcoming tour of E. H. ments will be made for Mr. Goddard's Introduced into our own state. Sothern and Julia Marlowe promises appearance here and that music lovers to be one of the really important here will be privileged to hear his Expert Manufacturing The sweetest and most agreeable events of the season. It is learned magnificent baritone voice. Mr. GodOptician. smoke you ever had for 6c 2412 WASHINGTON AVE. that the two stars and their support- dard has been in Berlin and London n's all Havana Baby Bouquet ing company will make no extended for several years studying and sing From stays In any of the cities along the Ing in oratorio and concert.. line of their route, cutting up their others who have heard him recently time for the most part into stands1 word comes that he has greatly imof not more than two nights' extent proved. It is to be hoped we may hear Mr. Goddard with the Tabernacle choir. Deaths in Shakespeare's Plays. THE FINE8T SELECTION OF' Somebody has taken the pains to GOOD FALL AND WINTER 8UIT8 count up the deaths In Shakespeare, A Great Opportunity. Mme. Johanna Godskl is another AND TROUSERS EVER SEEN IN either on the stage or behind the scenes, and finds the number ninety. eminent artist' who wjll this year OGDEN. tour in con The variety of causes is great. Cold work in cert and song recital. In the highest steel accounts for about twelve are old age and decay, seven acceptance of the term, Madame persons are beheaded, five die by pol Godskl is an artist of the most superson, two suffocation, two of strang- ior kind. Few In modern times have NMSBk' ling, one from a fall, one by drown surpassed her vast audiences. Plqu-en- t, bright, of a strong musical tern ing. three by snake bite. an exquisite voice and a fine poetical and imaginative nature Plays and Players. Maurice Campbell's production of with wlnnng qualities all of them to which must be added one other, an George C. Hazelton's play of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven was seen at ability to work hard are In a high the characteristics that have the Lyric theater, at Allentown, Pa. degi-eMadame Godskla fame as sing last Monday night and made a hit. made The star, Frederick Lewis, strongly er and actress. Her itinerary Includes resembles the poet, and aroused much Salt Lake City. Could Ogden be InPINE TREES SEEM TO FURNISH THE BEST enthusiasm. The comedy scenes are cluded? REMEDIE8 FOR COLDS, COUGHS, HOARSENESS, said to be excellent. Benefit to Miss Conroy. SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS AND OTHER The local American Federation of THROAT TROUBLES. MAKE A SYRUP OF WE Taps" can stay at the Lyric thea- Musicians have decided to pay a ter, New York, only till October 10th, WHITE PINE AND TAR, THAT, IN THE OPINION to Miss Celeste compliment Mr. will Where Shubert put the play OF MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS, HAS before her NEVER Conroy Bcr for departure then is still uncertain, but that its BEEN EXCELLED AS A FAMILY COUGH CURE. her musical studies stay in New York will be prolonged lln to continue WE ARE WILLING TO SELL IT WITH THE DISindefinitely is sure. Herbert Kelcey by tendering her a benefit at Kiesel'a on Thursday evening. October and Effle Shannon are drawing par- hnll TINCT UNDERSTANDING THAT IF IT IS NOT 6th. ticularly large audiences to the Lyric. natureThe acompliment will be in the SATISFACTORY TO YOU, YOU CAN EXCHANGE of social dance and no doubt WHAT IS LEFTOF THE BOTTLE FOR ANY OTHER Miss Conroys many friends, outside Letty," the newest Pinero play, and 25e REMEDY, OR WILL REFUND YOUR William Faversham, its star, are fillWE MONEY. THAT IS A FAIR Hudson the New theater. ing York, PROPOSITION. WE at every performance. Charles FrohKNOW WHAT THIS 8YRUP WILL DO. PRICE 25o. man gives the play the biggest cast PER BOTTLE. LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIP-TION- S that has been seen here In years. Julie Do know differthe WE DO IT RIGHT. you a of Opp's portrayal cockney milliners assistant is one of the favorite featence? tea and tea? tannin ures of the performance. a Savings Account to Bear Compound Its 1 Easy TO anend "neo Interest at the State Bank's Ogden ic I IN ALL LINES Music ! that the t t t Savings Department ALLEN TRANSFER with $1.00. company. Don't consider it too small a matter. ALBEKX ALLEsi MliJ. PboneH. First NationsBank OGDEN. UTAH badness kept out. All DAVID ECCLES, President. THOMAS D. DEE, Vlce-Pr,- .i JOHN PINGREE. Cashier JAS. F. BURTON. AsslUni DIRECTORS: David E colas Than,.. D. Oh Goo. H. Tribe Bernard Whitt W. W. Riter John Wateen Cu,' Allgoodne in. kept ohase Joseph Clark J. T. . RUSHMER P.tu, h. SANBORNS MME TEAS In sealed package COAL WE SELL THEM AND ALWAYS HAVE EVERYTHING THATS GOOD IN YOU HAVE TO USE SOME KIND OF COAL EVEN IN SUMMER. Vegetables Fruits Adam Respectfully solicits the account, -banks, mercantile firms and vlduala. We pay interest on time deposit! Ample resources, courteous unt. ment superior servlet. WHY NOT THE BEST? and Groceries - CARRIED BY SHURTLIFF & Edgar Jones Co. 338 TWENTY-FIFT- TELEPHONE CO. or 18-Telephone 18-Call 2041 or 2407 Washington. ST. H 124. Drakes Reese Howell DID YOU EVER s. Capital and Surplus ! ora-torl- 412 25 Easy Moaey Loaned salaried people same dvj asked for without security or dorsement, without knowledge oti employer, or any one; payments tsj - ult. The longer eyea are deprived of the aid they NEED, the worse they be come. Thia is especially to in eye de fects of young people. The eyea of children should receive apeclal atten tion during their school days. Many a child might have become a power in the land if not handicapped by some bodily defect Of all the ailments to which children are liable, eye defects are becoming thp moat oommon. I ex erclae great care in examinations of thia kind and GUARANTEE aatlafac LOWEST RATESI BEST TERMSI j Your credit once established at my j office you can get money at a raomenta notice. Call and get my terms before going elsewhere. D. D. DRAKE 410-1- 1 Eeclss Bldftl Tel. 600-Open 8:80 to 7:30,; 10 to 11 Sunday -j tion. C. P. UTTER Offie nbertaker The Eye Man in Josso J. Drivsr'i Store. Drug 2372 Vuttngios j Phone 150 Open The Cheapest Place to Buy 881 84th Street ttt a I words greater meaning What two BALLARD & RINCKER. 858. Dy and &Gght. ..i . i MEATS TeL RICHEY ALBERT F. have X than X X rfPoW CALL AND SEE LET THE trans-continent- al I two-thir- Anderson White Pine and Tar Coug'h Syrup e Utah Lights Company Furnish you with either or both. I wen-deserv- ed E. W. WADE, and tea? herb-te- a and tea? Writ. for our KMbdgo Book. A fcfciBn. A Gunpuiqp, Soa Fraaciwa, Culley Drug' Co. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. 2479 WASHINGTON AVE. I Mgr- - for Ogd Are You Wishing For a flour that will give ouncea and pounds of satisfaction with each loaf of bread, each pie, each cake you bake? Wish no more simply aeq that you get and use Riverdale or Phoenix Flour, each sack of which is aa good as the last which la saying much. Remember or Phoenix brand. TEA The George Ade'a latest comedy, College Widow," is hailed as the best thing he has yet produced. New Railway Riverdale MADE BY OGDEN MILLING & ELEVATOR COMPANY $ THE JOURNAL FOR RESULT8 Just Why t just why the Ludwig better than any other price la too vast aU handled In it perlence proves -- - M - '2K V tJ tee It You can afford to 6 under those folded blind-- . 1 berett psaleks. X CARSTENSES WBW ; (Incorporated.) of Musio. Temple 74 MAIN STREET. |