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Show DAILY First prise, H. is. Dance. Best Harness Stallion Second prise. J. Dlnsdale. POULTRY. Barred Plymuuih Rucks First young Pair. J. M. Bishop; 2nd young pair. J. M. Bishop. OF SUCCESSFUL COMPLETmBJTORS. Waa Broken Will Close Tonight. "Jirday-Fa- ir fr aKend br0ken county fair yesterday. ia .fternoon and evening the re thronged with people, In Ffln the school children being having been given a ,J?2day for the occasion. The erealso a great attraction and excellent sport was witnessed. fcir -- in dose tonight. tollowlnd Is the complete list record ' rtrdl CATTLE. mm l Shorthorn bull lot prise, J. JSTllnd prise. Job. Manning, bull, 1st prise, Job 21:. 2nd prise, T. Ethertngton. FnfTVear-olbull, 1st prise. T. Eth-pris- e. d A. M. Van der ld 2nd Vlles; der g. VM lat prise, cow. T!Le-year-o- prise. heifer. 1st prise, faN)ld der Vlies; 2nd prise, A. A. M. g. Van VlB heifer, 1st prise, A. M. A. M. Van VuderVHee; 2nd prise, jJalf, Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds First old pair. Jnlm Woodlield. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds First old pair, Erie Larson ; 1st young pair, Eric Larson; 2nd young pair. J. M. Bishop. Single Comb White Leghorn First old pair. J. M. Bishop; 1st young pair. J. M. Bishop. Single Comb Buff Leghorns First old pair, George Poulter; 1st young iair, George Poulter. Single Comb Brown Leghorns First old jiair, George Poulter; 1st young pair, J. M. Bishop; 2nd young pair, George Poulter. White Wyandott First old pair. C. F. Dinsmore; 1st young pair, C. F. Dinsmore; 2nd young pair. C. F. Dinsmore. White Crested Black Polish First, A. M. Van der Vlles. Silver Spangled llainbergs First young pair, A. M. Van der Vlles. Silver Spangled Hanibergs First old pair, A. M. Van der Vlles. Guinea Fowls First young pair. A. M. Van der Mies. Toulon Geese First young pair. A. M. Van der Hies. African Geese Flrat old pair, A. M. Van der Vlies. Bronze Turkeys First old pair, A. M. Van der Vlles; 1st young pair, C. B. Sears. White Holland Turkeys First young pair, J. M. Bishop. STATE JOURNAL, 1st prise, John cow, DOGS. Department B gweepstakes Grade cow, 1st prise, A. M. Van der M. Van der Vlles. VHti; 2nd prise, A. gveepstakea gslL prise, Job TbM. Etherington; Tib der Vlles. Pingree; bull, prise, Poll Class first, W. H. Barker, first, E. F. Hosmer. pint, W. H. Barker; 3 W. 2nd, Suker. first E. F. Hosmer. pint E. F. Hosmer; 2nd, Boner. first E. F. Hosmer; 2nd, Birker. I first Jos. Barker. first Reform School; Jeraeya Class IL 2nd, School 2nd, Jos. Bart- 2nd, Jos. Bart- er. first Jos. Barker; der Vlies. M. Van der Vlles; 2nd, male, A. M. Van der Vlles Greyhounds First, female, D. A. Smyth; male, D. A. Smyth. Scotch Collies First, male, C. F. Dinsmore; female, C. F-- Dinsmore. 2nd, 2nd, er. DEPARTMENT H FRUITS. Finest quality peaches, Enoch Farr; second prise, A. L Stone. Finest variety grapes, Enoch Farr. Small fruit in Jars, Miss B. Taylor. Best display canned goods, Salt Lake Valley Canning company; di- first Jos. Barker; 2nd, G. Btanger. ploma. First J. Barker; 2nd, J. Barker. Best watermelons and best cante-loupe- s, First J. Barker; 2nd, J. Barker. A. L Stone. Erst, J. Barker; 2nd, J. Barker. Beat squash, B. Mortensen.-- . SHEEP. PRO DEPARTMENT F DAIRY Hamboulet DUCTS. C. C. B. Sears. B, Sears; 2nd, First Best creamery butter, Slatervllle Crosses Class 5 company. Creamery First M. Marriott; 2nd, M. MarrBest dairy butter. C. B. Sears. iott Cheese Only two hoops, three reClasses 4 and 6 Sweepstakes quired. Burk, C. B. Sears; ewes, C. B. DEPARTMENT G AGRICULTURE. bin Best bushel of oats, S. Grow. SWINE. Best bushel of corn, Oscar Read. Class 2 Chester White Potatoes, N. H. Barker. First A M. Van der Vlles; 2nd, A. Cabbage. J. S. Storey. M. Van der Vlles. Onions, N. H. Baker. First A M. Van der Vlles; 2nd, A. Best display from garden; sweep-stakE Van der Vile. W. S. Read, first; A. L Stone, First A M. Van der Vlles; 2nd, W. second. 2 Bead I MANUFACDEPARTMENT Sweepstakes-B- oar, TURES. A M. Van der Vlies; sow, A Best display knitted garments, Og E Van der Vlies. den Knitting Factory. Grade hogs, Lee Hamon. . Best display double harness, best Thoroughbred young pigs, A M. best light buggy, best stock buggy, Tan der Vile. saddle. Read Bros. HORSES. I MISCELLADEPARTMENT Clydesdale stallion, four years old or NEOUS. over Beat display cut glass and ranges, First prise, Lee Hammond. Richardson ft Grant aa I Graded Stallioit Best ranges, Z. C. M. I. Flrat prise, Thomas 2nd, Barker; for best beer, Becker BrewDiploma Andrew Clark. company. ing Btanion Class C DEPARTMENT K ARTS. First prlie, Lee Ha mm on; 2nd, Lee Beat original landscape In oil, best Hammon. original figure painted in oil, best orStallion iginal landscape In water colors, best Flnt prise, Lee Hammond; 2nd, Lee original figure painted in water colors, Hammond. beat original animal painting In oil, JUres-ci- ass A best original drawing from nature, prise. John Marriott; 2nd, best original pastel painting,- beat orHammond. iginal flower painting, best drawing Eares Class B from life, Gass ft Perkins. Lee Prise, 2Eares-ciHammon. Best display of needle work, best ass D of knitting, Bird Taylor. display rirrt Prise. Fred Bartlett Best display outline embroidery, E Mrs. Krauss. Bart,ett; 2nd- - R nHcS Beat display made silk quilt, Mrs. C. a . es - $1 DURABLE Hurch. Best display cotton patch work, L. Krauss. jVrcherons best sofa pillow, Mra. four years old or over, 1st Lb Best comfort, Heath. Andrew Clark. Jury also recommended that a Aunt ?c(h Stallion Class 5 Davis, aged 85 years, be given specH. B. Dance. ial prise for a sofa pillow. Btaridard-- cia 6; S years old Graded Geldlngs-Pri- ae. stone. class 8 R. ' M- - Runyon- - Too Risky to be Popular. S.1 pr,Ie. I C. Emmett A story comes of a man who, de2 year, spondent over his falling mentality, atPrise. Hyrum Rollins. tempted to commit suicide by shootJJoughbred Standard ing himself In the head. He still lives, pr ie- - Frank Herrick. yB and hi mind is now clear. The bul d Mar-e- .. FW let, according to the plijaicians, disRnnimon. BweejS, a blood clot on the brain, due pJWtakes Standard Stations lodged received while stopping a nn to injury Beat Team (Altamunt), Dr. Conroy. . This cure for lunacy horse. Draft Horse- srunaway become popHmon.Pr Hamnon; 2nd, Lea is, however, not likely to ular. It Is too risky. ' BUY ONE ON THE sik-J-I GUARANTEED INSTALLMENT PLAN LET US ECONOMI- AND SEE OUR IMMENSE WINDOW DISPLAY PROVE TO YOU THEY ARE THE BEST AND MOST CAL YOU CAN BUY. WE GUARANTEE THEM. Ogden Furniture and Carpet Co. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. HYRUM PINGREE. AMERICAN PARTY (Continued from Page 1.) that he did not much like the Immediate motive that was behind this movement. He thought that probably somebody has been disappointed: hud failed to get what he wanted, the movement, therefore, was not quite according to his ideal, but I said to him, when I was a young fellow In Ogden and rather inclined to be addicted to horseracing, In a mild way, they brought down from Oregon a speedy, beast that cleaned us all up, as the boys say. There was a challenge out In the state that they could beat any We knew of a horse In the state. beast that was not much of a looker, but a good deal of a goer. Two or three clubbed together, for we knew by holding the watches on the two horses that our Utah horse could beat the Oregon animal. We all went out to take a look at him, and one of our friends who was ready to put up the most money, said, after looking at the horse, To hades with him; I never did like a horse with a white foot. What Will It Do for Utahf I was not very old or very logical at that time, but I said it strikes me that the question is not what is the color of his feet, but how fast can he go. I say now it is not the issue whether one man or ten have been disappointed that caused the organisation of the American party. The question Is, what will thia American party do for Utah? You will find all through life that men are overlooking the great issue, how fast a horse can run, and worry about the color of its feet. four-legg- ed them now. I would have been willing In those days to lay down my life in the battles which antedated statehood if I could only have seen freedom come to them. 1 was often in Washington representing in my humble way the cause of the people whom I loved. Will Keep Pledge. When the last manifesto was declared; when I saw the American people were as generous In forgiving what they thought was wrong; whpn I saw statehood come to us by the gift of forty-fostates; when I saw Utah received with love by the people then In authority in Washington; when I, myself, gave those pledges In Washington. I said, I for one will keep those pledges, and I for one have kept them." I did It not because I expected then to be a senator of the United States; I did it because my father's life, as far as I knew It. had been one of turmoil and suffering, and mine up to that time had been one of unxiely; boy whom I and 1 had a hoped some day to be a American citizen, and when I saw things coming hack to this state from which I thought we had long escaped, I remembered that boy is now a man and if I would not lave the battle for him to fight I must held to Jlght it myself now and that is why I belong to the American party. THE INSTALLMENT HOUSE Mgr. Grand Opera House Direction Northwestern Theatrical Amociatieii. MATINEE AND H. ALEXANDER MRAMT, OCTOBER 1st NIHGT-SATURD- AY, The Beautiful Pastoral HAL REID'S Re. Man. In Four Acts Comedy-Briitr- .a MASTERPIECE ur tow-head- A Homespun " ES Heart I I A COMPANION FLAY TO "HUMAN HEARTS. THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD. A TOUCH OF HUMAN NATURE. ed full-fledg- ed High-Gla- Specialties ss MATINEE PRICES: Adults, 25c; Children, 10c. To any part of the house. , Night Prices 75c. 50c and 25c. tow-head- ed The Best Doctor. Rev. B. C. Horton, Sulphur Springs, Texas, writes, July 19th, 1899: I have Snow used In my family Ballard's Liniment and Horehound Syrup, and they have proved certainly satisfactory.' The liniment 1s the best we and nave ever used for headache pains. The cough syrup has been our doctor for the lust eight years." 25c., For sale by George F. 50q., $1.00. Cave. - BARGAIN MATINEE. Grand opera house Saturday, October 1st 2 p. m. Adults, 25 cents; children, 10 cents. To any part of the house. Hal Reid's great play, A Homespun Heart. Wanted Freedom Long Ago. PHYSICAL CULTURE I sorrowed as only a man of vivid started on Monday, affection can sorrow in the old days Classes will be Erick Von EngeL Prof. 19th, by Sept I state. had my of turmoil In this 4:80 to 6:30 p. m. from class Boys bepart With the people who I then lieved were persecuted and who I now 859 24th street. Up stair. believe in many Instances were perseTHE JOURNAL FOR RE8ULT8 cuted. I loved tjiem then and I love The program during the coming week at the Pastime Theater promises to surpass anything ever seen In the house. The great illusionist, has been secured and his act is said to excel even anything done by Hermann. The latter uses mirrors to successfully accomplish his tricks, while Travelle uses no accessories whatever. It is well styled the most mysterious act on earth. Everything is done to on a while background with the strongest calcium light it Is possible throw upon the stage, and Travelle offers $500 to any one who will solve Tra-vel- le, eaeeeee eeeeeea MitMtteMMMaMi"1"""" Timely Hints on Seasonable Goods That Are Offered at Its mystery. PAINE &HURSTS i . Blanket Time HAS ROLLED AROUND AGAIN, AND WE HAVE THE KIND THAT IS SO COMFORTABLE TO SNUGGLE UP IN. WE HAVE THEM IN THE BIG PLAIDS AND FANCY CHECKS. YOU WILL WANT THEM AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. 5 CENTS. ADMI88ION 10 CENTS. 8PECIAL CANDY MATINEE, SATURDAY; CHILDREN, EVENING PEROFORMANCES - s-- Clasi a week ECONOMICAL Another man told me Graded Pointers First, female with pupa, F. Van der ScultL E. F. Spits Dogs First, male, Fred Hillman; 2nd, feW. H. male, Fred Hillman. The diploma for the largest display of doga waa awarded to D. A Smyth. - Deaf and Blind. first Jos. Barker; A. M. Van Fos Hounds First, female, A heifer, prise, A. M. ltd fer First prise. 1904. THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY YOU EVER HAD TO BUY A FIRST CLASS, GUARANTEED STOVE OR RANGE. TWO CARLOADS OF JEWEL STOVES AND RANGES JUST RECEIVED. because he said, You be sure to tell the aduience that; it will be the strongest argument you have got." Good Looker, as Well as Goer. Russian Wolf Hound farelL 1, and lt Thoroughbred OCTOBER $5.00.00Down DL'CKS. Indian Runner Flrat old pair, J. M. Bishop; 2nd 2nd VUh; young pair, J. M. Bishop. 1M Belter calt prie, A. M. Van der African Ducks Vlies. First, pair, A. M. Van der Vlles. Diploma for the largest dlspla of gnepriakes Department B; Class poultry was awarded to J. M. Bishop. SATURDAY, Grand Offer for One Week PIGEONS. Beat collection. Ernest Browning. der der 1st prise, A. M. Van A. M. Van prise. UTAH The AT S AND 9:15. Prize we offer is 100 cts ofgood honest work for each $1.00 collected Western Steam Laundry f 2214 WASHINGTON AVE. G. H. ISLAUB, Manager. PHONE 005-- The Price is from $1.00 to $7.50 B; two years old S !r-ol- eep takes All dydsdale Go to the Ross Book and Stationery Co. for complete itock of Tablets,u Note and Composition Books, and Text Books for the Weber Staxe Academy. There are as many differ Cnt sorts of tea as tea conks.' NEW FALL COLORS $1.00 TO 1.50. there are ... FIRE KINDLER FREE- be wiu Buy your coal of Parker andbest nre give you FREE one of the klndlers on earth. . til kinds Cragun Bros pay cash for Twenty-thir41 of fruit and produce. street Ffiower Pots Flannel Gowns 75c to $150 BUY THE AT Wheelwright Bros. Crockery Store Stal tea 01 Warm Wrappers KIMONAS LONG AND SHORT 60e TO 2476 WASHINGTON AVENUE. PHONE 14Z 20 SEE OUR LINE OF Suits, Wraps and Furs IFYOU WANT TO SEE A MAN OR IF YOU ARE HUNGRY F alstaff |