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Show sjf f 5K I . . UTAH DAILY 1 V STATE UTAH STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1904. 1, JOURNAL of Development in Past Few Years Has Hungarian Novelist the Possessor a Fine Wit. Been Wonderful. j OGDEN, Recent sllBcusbion of plans for the j Tbo death of Maurus Jokal has development of electric power In the j called forth many anecdotea In the recounts One drainage canal at Lockport, II., and Hungarian papers. he which at to the .will a dinner at Chicago how, party transmission its give more than ordinary Interest to waa present, someone criticised the For President the very comprehensive 'review of gift of a statue lately given by a electric power development in the wealthy nobleman, Count Zlchy, to ALTON B. PARKER ol New York. the town of Prague. July number of Cassler's Magazine. For What sort of a present Is that? It appears from a recent United The name UTAHNA is a familiar one asked Why. Its no greatthe that West of DAVIS G. bulletin aggreHENRY thq critic. Virginia. States census to make will shortly become much more and Count for Zicby sacrifice er a gate output of dynamos Installed In 1 were to present a if than which as supply, power Mr. Charles A. Baas will, in so, central stations a town of Prague. For Treasurer: exclusively for lighting and power cigar to the DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. few have a delightful high-gratwodays, a It ever And have given you arc number The of 3.738. la W. B. WILSON. purposes asked Jokal, quietly. For Presidential Electors: cigar of that name on the market. of Publie Instruction: lamps supplied is 419,561 and the num- penny cigar? Superintendent held In his honor In a At FRED J. KIESEL Is 19,636,-72banqeet ber of incandescent lamps NATHAN T. PORTER. SAMUEL NEWHOUSE The total Jrcnme from the sale the town of Torda he was called upon For Justice of Supreme Court: to propose the toast of "The Ladies. H. SNOW. EDWARD of current Is $90,458,420 per year. CHARLES 8. VARIAN. He made an excellent speech, during atIn America the first important For Representative In Congress: which he continually toyed with the comfor power at transmitting tempt ORLANDO W. POWERS. at a potential ex- brown curia upon his forehead. Finalmercial purposes For Governor: DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL TICKET. In honceeding 3,000 volts was the Installa- ly he said: "I raise my glass JAMES H. MOYLE. Torda. of ladles of the or gracious tion of the plant at San Bernardino Second District. For Secretary of State: hair until live all grows my used The Cal. May they potential and Pomona, His audience drank to the LEVI N. HARMON. was 10,000 volts and the distance from grey. For District Judge: For Attomoy-Gonera- l: this water power to San Bernardino toaBt, but It was easy to see by the ROLAPP. H. In 1893 the faces of the ladles present that they HENRY miles. was twenty-nin- e GRANT C. BAGLEY. In did not think much of the compliwas connected circuit District Pomona For For Auditor: Attorney: series with that to San Bernardino, ment. Jokal rose again from his seat ALBERT G. HORN. J. W. GEIGER. and and took from his head a magnificent making a distance of forty-tw- o one-hal- f miles, this being by far the brown wig, showing an entirely bald greatest distance attained In America head beneath 1L "My hair, he added, ARRAIGNS ROOSEVELT'S RECORD. In the same year will never grow grey." And the up to that time. Bell of the General Electric company ladies, who had not known of hla Installed what Is known to engineers baldness, were more than pacified. H. B. Martin, national secretary of the American Anti-Tru- st league, as the first three-phas- e plant at Red-lanarBy Carrier, One Month, 60c. By Mail, One Month, a letter to Roosevel at President sent' lengthy Oyster Hay Cal. From the autumn of 1892 recently THE JOURNAL FOR RESULTS at were to 1893, engineers October, on the trust question, saying raigning the position of the administration work on the plan for harnessing the that the experience of the Anti-Truleague with the president and the greatest cataract, Niagara General Knox will throw some strong light on their attitude. achievement In modern electrical engineering. He says that at frequent Intervals he and other officers of the league One of the most remarkable enginfurnished the president with "positive, and convincing documentary, eering triumphs in this country is the harnessing of Shswinigan falls In proofs" of the violations of law by the trusts, and that promises made at the St. Maurice river, not far from these times were broken. He says that a the action of the administration where It empties into the SL Lawagainst the Northern Securities company wus against the newest of the rence river and about half way beThis tween Montreal and Quebec. trusts, which hardly had time to do much damage even If it was so disposed. of for sale was the Installed plant Mr. Martin asserts that the president's claim that he has "executed miles power In Montreal, eighty-fou- r tlie laws resolutely and feurlessly" cannot be made to apply to the enforceaway. It la Intended, however, to ment of anti-tru- st supply power at points all along the laws, and that evidence in the administration's possesof factories and for lighting. line sion was not only put aside, but other evidence easily procurable was not ARE EASILY MADE BUT IT TAKES THE GOOD8 TO BACK THEM UP. In the light of reeent development IN ASSORTMENT, WE CLAIM SUPERIORITY PATTERN8, VARIEsought On this line Mr. Martin says: It Is reasonable to expect that the GOODS TO SUBSTANHERE ARE THE AND AND COLORINGS TIES conwill water utilization of powers The only two actions begun by your administration for the enforceCLAIMS. conTHE TIATE of all , tinue until any practically ment of the anti-tru- st laws were the action for an Injunction against the siderable magnitude will be put to Northern Securities company and against the Beef Trust. The first we work. It Is even now proposed to transmit electric power from the Alps have already referred to, and the Injunction Hgalnst the Northern Securito Paris. The only limitation upon ties in the district court has never been carried to the higher court, while power transmission appears to be the the trust has been openly violating both the law and the Injunction to point at which it cannot be delivered at a profit. your knowledge, and to mine, and to that of every cltixen of the United UTAH. fill DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL , I t ' ' .1 4 i i PICKET Vice-Preside- nt two-penn- y de 9. I i(tal?na fytatyiQ X THE JOURNAL SOc. st Compare the duality States. ised, sometimes, orally and sometimes In writing, that these cases would be taken up and proceeded with. Every one of these promises you have broken. takes Issue with the statement In the . president's letter 'creation of a bureau of coriwratlons and amendments to the that the commerce laws hus for the first time given a chance to the national government to deal intelligently and adequately with the questions afof fecting society whether for good or evil, because of the accumulation In and of new because caused the great corporations, relations capital Mr. Martin inte- r-state thereby. "And what have you done, Mr. President, with the bureau of corporations since It was organised V Mr. Martin asks, "You appointed your private secretary, Mr. Cortelyou, as head of tlmt department and then, after he hud collected all the data possible about violations of the law on the part of the trusts, did you transmit this data in proper report to congress or the people? Oh, no! The bureau of corporations, which was Intended as a bureau of publicity, you have made Into a bureau of secrecy. You transferred Mr. Cortelyou from the head of that department, with all this secret Information about the trusts In his possession, to the position of chairman of the Republican national committee, where he can use his Information to sandbag campaign contributions out of the trusts for your campaign fund, Mr. President. "Against all the hundreds, aye, thousands of men who have been practicing plunder and extortion upon the people In violation of the anti-tru- st law, which provides for their punishment, fine, and Imprisonment, you and have never caused a single wurrant to Issue, nor a your attorney-gener- al singe arrest to be made, nor the conviction or a single one to be secured. "Nay. even worse, for to the most powerful and notorious of these offenders against the law, the proofs of whose criminality had alIn been hands, you extended the hospitalities of the placed your ready White House, and In return accepted their hospitality. Little Havoc Girl With Played "Manias Darling's Curls. Bessie Is the daughter of Chubbs, who owns a fine house on the eastern aide of Central Park, just off Millionaire's Row. Bobby la the darling of Blubba, who d lives a block away. Harry la the gem of Hubbs. The three fami. Ilea are mutual friends. The children are sent to the park under the charge of one nursemaid. This estimable person takes her sewing with her and aits on a bench while the three children wander off to play. One afternoon last week the nurse espied a friend. She dropped her scissors on the bench and hurried off to see her. She was gone ten minutes, according to her own account Meanwhile Bessie had four-year-o- ld No one can deny that President Roosevelt Is Intellectually well equipped, honest and brave, but there Is moral courage and physical courage, and In moral courage he Is lacking. Lincoln would never agree with the president's policy of "speak softly and carry a big stick. the money panics which have occurred since the birth of the nation were the result of Republican inflation legislation on the money All question und the tariff. On the occasion of the opening of the campaign by Tammany Hall in New York recently Warley Platiek spoke of the prospects of the ticket, sayGeneral Jackson propounded the question: ing: 'Shall the people ruler But the new doctrine seems to be Shall the government be administered solely by the Rough Rider. Theodore Roosevelt T Gladstone suld that the American constitution Is the greatest document ever written, but Mr. Roosevelt' Is of the opinion that It Is a worthless document, to be used or abused "by hjm as he chooses." says: "Give me the money that has been spent In war and I .will purchase every foot of land on the globe: I will clothe every man, womau and child In an uttlre of which kings and queen would be proud; I will build schoolhouses on every hillside and in every valley over the whole earth. I will build an ncademy In every town and endow It, a college In every state and fill It with able professors; I will crown every hill with a place of worship consecrated to the promulgation of peace: I will support in every pulpit an able teacher of righteousness, so that on every Sabbath morning the chimes of one hill shall answer another around the A philosopher 1 1 i earths wide circumference. Boyle Furniture Company curly-haire- the scissors. Leta play barber," she said, and discovered I'm the barber. So far aa Bobby and Harry are concerned Bessie la usually anything she wants to be. When the nurse returned she almost fainted. The six long golden curia that had adorned Harrys head when he entered the park were hanging gracefully over the back o( the bench. Bobbys brown clubbed SHOES across the back, looked like a feather duster. "What shall I do? shrieked the nurse to a policeman who responded to her screams. He was a deliberate policeman. He calmly surveyed the wreck and then observed: "Do? Why, take the kids home, and be thankful ye didn't bring a rahair-- cut SHOES AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE GOOD SHOES SHOES THAT LOOK WELL, FIT WELL, AND WEAR WELL. YOU CAN FIND THESE KINDS OF SHOES AT CLARKS. WE HAVE BEEN IN THE SHOE BUSINESS FOR 22 YEARS AND KNOW WHERE TO BUY THE RIGHT KIND OF 8H0ES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND well-wor- n zor. SHOES straight with a bang In front New York Press. anti-tru- st :i WE COURT COMPARISON WITH THOSE YOU THINK ARE JUST THE SAME. WE KNOW THE VALUE OF THESE AND ARE SURE OF THEY WONT FADE THE COLOR THEIR WEARING QUALIITIES. WONT RUN AND THE THREADS WONT EASILY PULL OUT. BESSIE WAS THE BARBER. "Three years ago the officers of the American Anti-Tru- st league placed In the possession of your administration positive proofs, liontestable documentary evidence of flagrant and enormously oppressive and Injurious violations of the law on the part of half a dosen of the greatest trusts in the United States. Both you and your attorney-gener- al repeatedly prom- CHILDREN. Good Serviceable Shoes WAGES BASED ON FAMILY. for Men French Railway Grades Salaries of Its Employes. , "Solicitude for the population of France haa frequently found expression In public and private utterance, says the Railway Age, "but It has remained for the Railway Company to Institute a system intended to promote larger families. According to this plan officers and employes are divided Into three classes by Incomes and subdivided according to the size of the families. Employes getting wages of less than $4o0 a year are to receive an annual premium of $6 to 9120, the lower sum for those having three children and the larger for those having nine, with Intermediate sums for proportionate numbers. In the second class are those earning leu than $460, for whom the premium la placed at $15 for a family of six, ranging up to $40 to the employe with nine children. The third class, drawing up to $520 as salary, only enjoys the premium when the number of children has reached eight, then having $20 added; and $50 should the number increue to nine. This action Is the first of Its kind to be taken by a corporation In Europe, although the German states similar have measures adopted through reduction of taxea and Increased wages to states employes. You never smoked a Nickel Cigar to equal Upmann's Baby Bouquet in quality. Clark's Comet" $300 Clarks Star and Crescent " $3.50 ' The Gibson Girl' For Children you must get well and will ksP the feet warm and dry. Hundreds for ladies is one of the very nicest people have heard of the shoes that can ba made. The fit is perfect and the shoemaking is of the highest grade. We sell them for SHOE $2.50 $3.00 and you will find eleven stylos to select from. thing that looks Giant Little $3.50 School Shoes different These Shoes are made of Box and Velour Calf and Kid. They have Oak Bottoms and Solid Insoles and Count era. Besides being good wearers, they A special shoe and one a lady buys have a great deal of stylo in them. twice is the For something very swell you can find a nice Patent Colt (guaranteed) once tried seldom forgotten. no too cap and a neat calf top for $4.00. are made of Kid, Box Calf, Wo have other grades cheaper and The Calf and Kangaroo Calf. some heavier ones. range from For Boys' School Shoes Julia cMarlowe the HEAVY SOLES and medium tops are th very beet. The prices range with the elastic instep. This shoe from $1.75 to $2.50, and can ba had in made for comfort and Mile for high or low tope. .Lighter weights in the kind "GOOD-AS-GOL- D $1.50 and $1,75 P $1.25 to $2.25 is $3.25 and $3.50 I L. CLARK & Thsy Cong Please call and investigate leading brands of sold them for years and know good qualities. SONS CO. their |