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Show I Ileruld tells of a reluming iniwiiiMiry from the Southern iSiiiten, whose labors have been euti!iiiel 'uhnesl entirely to the ' ".to ofMii'hiyan. 'i lie What is your calling, ScientiHa Amaricu "I'm a pugilist!" Agency for want a pound ings. K Dr. T. C. Ililf will lecture at I'MO.N PACIFIC. the Ililf Academy, Friday night The Paj son Lumber Company CAVUTt, rainx urriui uml Pa) iu i hiivii.iuoved their lumber yard to April 13, subject, On Horseback fullu: U Smili. the Holy Land' In conJiV1 a. in ( Iawninr. .M:lJii.iu A. Dones COPYRIGHTS, I'utwMijfi-property ou 7tli be- through and free Hanihook wmato S. S. bilk ft, Ak'i'iit. nulla IN CD- - K1 Mau.auw.lY, iTiw YOKK. nection with the lecture there will tween G and II streets one block Inma Banning pataata la Amartam Kvary patent tain oat by iu la brought, bafora be solos and quartettes by the best : ) (IKANPKjWEftTKnN. east Hour mill. of the p tlw public by aaouaa givan Iraa of oOaisa la tha 8:C m Miul Iruiu. ..ltl:UZumW. tliinl train.. Aircnl. locul talent of Payson. Refreshi(, SlikkJkU, Milt (Smith, 11. H. McOanne, ments will also bo served The Lanraat etreulatlrm of any aetantlSa paparta tha Henry Nelieker, (. V. Jackson, udmissiou for adults will be 25 world. Siilaodldly Uluatmwd. GLOBELETS. man afcould b without, lU Put Simmons and lfy IJnrgess cents and children 15 cents. This ha. Addroaa yaari fUOats mootliniadway. te Ore King Maw Carrie Sill rt'uwiua stniti-for the lakeyesterdny to lecture will i i interliiKprtiuu mint lm ill tin1 surely le very ommii'iiil':All odi.-iiy.TImrkiluy ugliter a few hundred ducks. esting, entertuiuing and amusiug. l.y the wrlii'ia t ioiiK iiiii.i glLHOflH fOLPINQ OfQAN full name. Wasted: Ladier, to aid mo m It will lie worth double the price uwr gmm wbanwB Blood By Purifying Tholr acrvuuaMvima lll per week at of admission and should draw a my business. ustmoommua tamS H nods Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Subscribe for iLe Globe. housn. Mrs. full with Address tome. stamp, Blood, Cures Scrofula, Etc, astrnaiMmacoaqt --j considerable Tluro has auMMume'onM Conference begins in Suit Luke A Norman, Manager lsidella Toil-- l My experience with Hood's Rarwiparlll'i hai . art tmnnmnotm five Uttle effective. girl, My Co., 1125, 7th si, Suit Lake City. talk, recently of a union depot at teen very lour Friday, April 5. P BlUtOHH cwcMd yemra a bod Bkln dlMuo. llold, had for V.M.C A H8 - ana flu break out In a nui would of tho tho Rio Grande limbs and at arm crossing 50 ii taken 'l subscription Just received a new stock of tore a, discharging yellow matter. Klie r!iSiL'isro It Western and the Union Pacific, icrateli the eruption aa though gave IliC GixiBEoffice, clothing, hats aud dress goods. atul tear open tlw lores. mile south of the Union about lowest. the are Our of Two Bottles of Hood's very prices FARMER MILES, Wild,hay"for sale. Inquire the Sarsaparilla caused the eruptions to heal snl lacifio and built being depot, Blieet convinced. L L Call aud.be 2 s! ir HenryXebeker. tlw scabs pealed off, after which tlie erection of a smelter near the and G bevanw soft and smootli. Asa family nnxi'-cents'per yard II. Lemmon. above Subscribe for theGLOBE. The ing mentioned place. Nothing boat paper in Utah county. Billy High Shield the famous definite can bo leurned concerning slack wire and trapeze performer the reports and they are likely T. G. Wiminer spent several days HOST RGTE9 CASTF.ATG3 Vi THE WORLD will organize a new company in a nothing bet wiid rumors. What in Salt Lake this week. Has hla mcMuida now In book fora, and for few days aud start on a trip through gave circulation to the reports wns aale, folly i:ii.trutii' hi muat appro' Dan llonse ami wife of Goshen the northern riu.t'wKlaof Ali i in ( utia, BpayinzCaiuoaud part of tho to. r.tory. like ly the negotiations of some UidKliug Horaea, etc. Alio Doga, were iu the city Tuesilay. howlou liia rof- - and iuatruiuenU, and telland Luke Salt no the has equal treat isu.i.t of cartrated tor a capitalists Ilood's wo believe Sarsaparilla The Billy High Shield specially ing (he bed took Very impertart to all alack owner and Mii Katie Johnson of Spanish recommend It." W. L. Kixo, Bluff Date, Tea. I chuse in of some land that caatrators. For pricua auil particular of book vicinity, which Los been out for we tlM bent family cuiliartfo write him at Charluaton, Cole Co., 111. Fork is visiting in the city this the last three mouths on a tour Tt Pills llir.t Hoods some new hoped effective. Try bus. tteeuU. week. will strike the town be- - BKitfeMul of the southern the through part HERCULES W. A. Wiles has returned homo territory returned home this week-- ore ont John Quigley, teacher of the after spending several days in Jb BECKMAN, Hell is full of newspaper men das &sd Bass&na class of the Seventies, Salt Ijako City, theological who killetl themselves blowing for wns very much surprised to find Miss Ola Jadsou went to Eureka Hatter, Dyer and Tailor. O u some little EXCISES town, aud the door of the room in the PersMrs. her sister, Thursday to.visit too, without enough support that, fower part, and an Wave building, where the class mectB thmvfkire laaa Ukaly lo gat out G. W. Comer. to fatten a grasshopper. We've ian or oilier ofontarthaa gaa gnaullu angiiiaa now any Hate and ClotLinz cleaned bolit. Juat light locked and apparently no one presUia Imruar. turuUie whtai, and U Mrs. John Francis spout Thurs- decided that its a sin to lie, anyruaaaUday. ent when he went to enter dyed, repaired, aud made MACB8 WO SME1.X. OB TOUT. day iu Spanish Fork, visiting her way, and in the future well be He was much moro day night. JCo douUa or fMae axitoalnna, ao ftoqoaat wltMbe mother. and father found telling tho truth. Ex. to order. urcluU apark. surprised when l,e returned with a In addition to tho regulur trains member of the class who unlocked OPe a I lrighlma Hotel. A1 Briinliall, a former tonsorial Tor Simplicity ft Beats tha World. It Oils Itaelf Autumatl sally, artist of Payson, but now located the Rio Grande Western will run the door, to find tho members all Xu Batturlaa or Electrla conference. trains during present and a number of well filled at Ephraim, was iu the city this Kpccial TOUR FRUIT TREES SPRIT issaortth It aChaapvr Grade of Oa 7:15 Tho special leaves Payson at baskets sitting around. Theregu-a-. week W1" m., and arrives in Salt Lake 9:30 lar class exercises were dispensed .ml dwt ro the rti th.t iub pBctirayijKcomi Ami 19 The U. P. py car passed down a. in. Returning leaves Salt Lake with and a general good time lind. tariff to every year. PALMER AyflcY, MANUFACTVitERSa the road Tuesday and relieved tho at C p. m., arriviug iu Payson 8:15 Songs, recitations, readings, short 7. .. 1I.IXCOCK, Jr., In aent fur ran, CiL id M2i& Sr. financial embarrassment of a few round trip rate will be I speeches and refreshments were Tho m. p. all hind of of our citizens. 2.35. the features of the evening. SPRAYING OUTFITS. Misses Nellie Douglass, Ada The tithing oifico has been re- - j About 8:c0 o'clock l;u-- t Wednes-move- d Si?An are PAYSON, Marsh and Adelia Sharrer . UNION to tha rer of J. S. Pages day evening llenry Parker am1 home from Utah University covered bundle a door his will and hereafter store, upon will return tomorrow. be conducted by Riahop Page, the step. Upon investigation it Was Leo Simons left Wednesday for office of clerk being abolished. found that the coverings enveloped his sheep herds near Thompson Mr. Jesse 8. Taylor, the retiring the form of a large boy baby about Spring Grand county and will be clerk, hns had charge of office for two weeks of ege. Mrs. Turk r tPlCTCt absent tor several months. the past two years and has givei, o red for the little waif and made LOCAL TIME CARD, t us comfortable as possible. No The American Fork Item says efficient service. In effect, Feb. 13, 1S01. clue ns to the identity of the parsome Payson hoys were over at W. II. Apperlcy of Ligau, ofTbains ents conld le obtained from the REDUCED RATES. Southbound Run as Follows: Spanish Fork shooting on the fers n handsoino reward for the liild's clothing or wraps. It is al.00 a m. streets of that city last week. best set of answers lo five ques- most O.ncta. certain, however, that they 820 to Missouri River from Og- 9.10 a. m. m. The sheep Btearers are endeavor- tions he asks in a recent issue of ln.13 a. m ire Payson people, from the fact in, 33)5 p. in, ing to charter a box car from the the journal. One of the questions that they cliose to leave the child den, Spanish Fork and intermedi- ll.lja 13.10 p. in to is: Express in one sentence how with Mr. and Mrs. U. P. for transportation south 3.00 p. in Parker whose ate points S.Mp. in a person can do most for his pres- kindness tho sheep shearing camps. H.10 p. in f heart is well known. liUO p. in ent and future elevation. To this will Mrs. Will McClellan presented the infant and care Train South of Juab run daily except Sunday They keep we would uiiswer: Tickle the hind Train leave Balt Lake for Oirden at T.00 a or it as their own nntil someone her husband with an m., VJU a. in., 3.13 p, ni. and 73W p. m. of mule. a legs cau prove a better right to it. girl yesterday morning. Mother Train leave Ofpleu for Salt Lake at 1.45 a. mt, aud 9.00 a. in. 3.35 p. m, and 0.15 p. m. A select party was given in hon- This makes the third child adopted an 1 child are doing well. Two throiiRh train dally Icarinc Salt Lake or of Xullie Douglass and Ada y this kind hearted couple. at 7. e. m. and 7 p. ni. reuchinv llaiivar in 34 Tom Allrnau and Mr. Lloyd of Omaha in M hour; Chicago in 48 hour, mailing Marsh at the home of Miss Dougmuch funler timethau via any hour, calweek this Provo are iu Payson other linn. Pullman and Toiiriat aleepere ' Are the IS Cruft. fair fur lass and free chair care and the only line operatabout ou and nolhl Veatibulad tralne culating on the outlook iu the fifteen Thursday evening, in ing Dit.i'iKilirii receipt of your address Upon 3. Stark, Agent Peyaon I'tiih. out the in part couple taking summer. this here line in and fifteen cents postage stamps, S building J). K. lliirl)', Oru'l Agt, Poaagr. DqA, festivities. Everybody enjoyed we will mail Mure ticket at Bio Craudc.TVoatprn ivfflc Salt Like City, you prepaid our SouW. A. Hay, one of the leading themselves K. L. (ieti'l ltn'jr, uudTleket Agt. hugely iu the games, venir Portfolio of the World's 11. Dirkinaou. Ouri'l tingr., Omaha, business men of Deseret, stopped after which refreshments VIA yere Columbian Exposition, the regular 8. n. IT. Clark, olf jit this city a couple of days this Borved and all Oliver W. Mink, expressed themselves price is ifty cents, but as we want h. Anderaon, to have wo mike Week ou his way to Salt Lake. the V,'. Donne. Joint one, you price BURLINGTON os having a merry time. The ROUTE, Freilcrick K. Coudert, nominal. You trill liud it a work Baeeivera. Cards are nut announcing the young ladies leave tomorrow for of art and a thing to be prized. It rewhero Lake Salt will City they marriage of Miss Mary E. Gourley containp full pnge views of the non moeemmerai sume their studies iii the Utah great bpildius, with descriptions to Mr. Waller Rouse, both of of aame. is in and executed highest on the 28th of this mouth. University. style of art. If not satisfied with For Sale: Good six horse powI'm going to get married,1 sniu it, after you get it, we will refund er traction engine, cost 8150, will he, as he plnced a baud os largo as the stamps and let yon keep the s. 'll for $250 cash. Address F rauk Dutch cheese upon the counter, book, Address IL E. Bucklcn & Co., Chicago, III. nnil I want a wedding cake. It Ramsey, Box 120, Payson, Utah, As tho times nre hard and to aid all in meeting (hem, I hars IJCIKLEVH ARStCA MALI'E. is customary, nowaday, said the llenry Adams, prosecuting attor.salve decided Tho best the world to reduce the price of mending ail kinds of footwear. Herein for to baker girl, hare the maney of Juab county, stopped iu pretty the after price of soling and heeling mens shoes or boots will be resalt terials of the eake hnrtnotiize with cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, duced from 81 down to 75 eta. Womens from Go cts., down to 50 cts. Pnyson Thursday. He was on fever sores, tetter, chapped route to Eureka on legal busiueBs. tho calling of the bridegroom. rheum, For a musician, now, we have an hands, chilblains, corns, and all George Patten, who has been oat cake; for a man who has no skin eruptions, and positively cures on a visit down in Mexico or some railing aud lives upon his friends piles, or no pay required. It is time, returned home last week ac- the sponge cake; for a newspnper guaranteed to giro perfect satiscompanied by his grandson Joseph. parrgraplier, sp:ce cake, and so on faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by TI M TA1IIJW '1 r co-o- $mnfific Jlmcwan lip Nulii-iiitie Save the Children j rvi-niii- i , - i ! ' for. ciRomAB. - , j G-- ; i iilSls HOODS Sarsaparilla 1 CURES I fr pur-fompa- ny I I I fi one-horu- I 1 lii-- ' i 32 -- I dis-noti- ou PACIFIC v SYSTEM. OR $35.50 Hound ICVixi llei-lri- Go-bIio- Dont Fail ii, To Read 1 his. i , Otlicr lScimiiiiif In l'roportiona mu. cuiniELL John Quigley. Awvrdtd Highest lienors D-PR- World's Fair, t in It. t!. II. IhtiUroy. To Missouri Ilivcr points 820.35, rctr.ru 83G05; SL Ltuiits 827.85; return 848.05; Cnicsgr 832.85; return 85ti.05; San Francisco 82i).35; re- ICE The only Ture Cream of Tartar row der. No Auituonit; No Alum Used iu Millions of Hasses lj:ir :teo 40 Yens tlie Standard turn 83(105. It is expected that the rate situation will Ik adjusted iK'twoen the Southern Pacific and Stud a Fe systems in the near future. All who expect to take t'f tlcse low rates Imd lu t t r mule their propof-.etrip nt O.l'.?, The Stock Question Settled by Buying Your BARB WIRE -- OF- W. L. WORSEN CROFT Large stock Painted and Galvanized at bottom prices. PAYSON, - UTAH. |