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Show GLO PAYSOH PAYSON, UTAH SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1894. VOL. 2. NO. 7. , D J. B. H. EVANS, WILL PROBABLY VETO IT. action of the Portuguese in giving TERRITORIAL TOPICS. roof, extended along one side, makto will lead rebels' to shelter the ing a sort of corridor. Into this DENTIST. aiTairs. the bold young hunter crawled on a dangerous condition of This is all the morelikely as it Short and Crisp Items From the his hands and knees. lie peered hardware atom. Every- Is the Opinion of Finasciere on Grover's Over Domrlu to high art dontixtry. liailly thing pertainingui.tde through au aperture in tho ledge .ervieenlile for life by appears President Peixoto has obderoytid teeth the adjnatmeut of Uoltl, Aluminum or Intesiicas and beheld tho lion in the farther of Territory. tained possession important crowns. of the cavern. The beast was show end a which documents beyond BEST SETS OF TEETH doubt that certain European ves growling savagely, appearing to REGARDING THE BLAND BILL. sols systematically at price, within reach of all. aid to the ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY realize that it was desperate straits. gjve Madsen got his gun through the insurgents. hole in the wall and, taking careIt is Stated on Good Authority That CleveMitfluj Kim roil of SuHiie Young Lady for'at A aim at a vital spot, fired. The ful Hippopotamus Largs. land Will Veto the Seignoruge Hill and it is lornly Injured at Vernal-- A Garden City ImlII entered the'animaTs eye, piercPubluhed us a Fact by Eaderu laier. Thief. Baraboo, Wis., Mrch 21. It iB ing the brain. Its d?ath straggles reported here the .hippopotamus were so prolonged that ho gave it which escaped from' a circus here Denn&'Gilmour, Tropr's. March 22. There Andrew Mecca and William Ry- two more bullets before he ventured Washington, is Old Eaiabiiiihedillurbrra. is good authority for the statement aud reported captured last night an made a bold dash for liberty to mnke an-- ' investigation. It its and at still way making large dehas not yet rom the penitentiary at Salt Lake ll'erfc that the President t'trmt Via of of be one to the largest proved toward the Wisconsin dowii the cided what he shall do with the ast Sunday, but were frustrated its fia.nukteeil. species, measuring nearly nine river. It is said the in their inMississippi, to is said bill, lie seigniorage attempt, by the officers. from tip to tip. Chris removed feet cline toward a veto, and ;to take proprietors, in order to allay the ELEGANT A Salina sportsman by the name the pelt, with the head attuclied, the position that the purposes of fears of the people, have caused it of Madsen keeps the people of that aud brought it to town the next -the act are now covered by the to be reported that the big brute laco supplied with venisou, says morning. Mr. Madsen is an enbad been retaken. It is mentioned of the the law, provisions existing IN CONNECTION. he Press, lie has killed a uu in- thusiastic sportsman. Lost winas a suspicious circumstance that Office. Sherman Globe th the act, authorizing Opposite aud a wolver- ter he kept Salina supplied with allowed to enter ter of foxes, wolves, coinage of bullion, the Secretary no one has been venison when other Nimrods were vrinter. ine this Logan Natiou. of the Treasury being empowered the animals house since the reTILS JN. M.D., too infeT'iJiily lazy to venture away QF, Miss Etta Elder and a compan(0 coin the seigniorage v.ln-earn- ported return to capfnity and lli'i''1- deer, Chris there are many hrowd observers ion, Cora Peterson, ran a foot race from ed. jT 1011. S:u ami In u kill'd has rhysirlsu lyv ii'.'uiln-- of foxes, st ck in the alleged in a spirit of banter and amuseChicago, March 22. The Poet's who take little wolves and coyotes. Last fall he ment last Friday in Hinckley. Washington: The President will recapture of the beast. shot anini.ilii',t-.':- t block wolverine, lias Etta slipped and fell, injurGfilee' epyaite Siuitb'i Hotel, veto the Bland bill. Ho reached in this before an animal WILL 00 TO AFRICA. Pajeon, Utah this conclusion last night. He has ing herself internally. She was Mr. Madsen does not con- country. prepared the draft of the veto Negro Bgsolvs Xhit There is Their carried home in a hysterical claim to li? a p: ofeiiuuaL He dition and her .life is despaired of. message, and will submit it to the , mid this is the T roper Nome. loves the Cabinet tomorrow. For this stateHillard Blade. his secret of biiitcss. BinxiSGnAX, Ala., March 21 ment there is the authority of one one of Vernals Last Sundny neof the closest financial associates Three thousand representative I nfiiH nallwaf. young ladies entne very nigh hav-D- g Orrr of the 'President groes from every pnrt of Alaonma was She serious a mishap. were in attendance here today upon First class fare Payson to Omaha, liorso on the Fourth convention of negroes re- running her state the Neb. , Council Hli.H's, la., aud olho A Stay Grants! ward rnco track and collided with to cently called consider the ques- a calf. The horso full and threw Missouri river common points 22. UniThe Starch Chicago, tion of 1 migration to Africu. $20.30 oiwi way and $3.".y8 round her senseless. Her ted States Court of appeals, JudIt was the sense of the meeting ier, knocking fainted trip. Limited to GO days. and fell ges Jenkins, Woods aud Baler on that Afii.-- was the natural home escort nearly Only $20.30 for lirstclass ticket horse, and was so dazed that over the Union Pacific the bench, this morning denied of the negro, aud those in this Railway the petition of ui5' attorneys of conutry should return to that con- le did not know what to da The to Reading, Ran Francisco Payson aud preiiucrgdlit, the assassin of Mnyor tinent as soon as possible and cs young lady was taken home Los Angeles and Colton California Harrison, for a writ of habeas cor- tiblish there a great nntion such vaiin a critical condition for via Ogden aud Southern Pacific hours. She is past pus to prevent Prendergasts exec- - j the whites- lyul established in number of and $35.98 forfbnnd trip will and Boon bo able Railway, now, danger ution tomorrow. u.70 days. S. Stark, Agent fjAmet was to run another race. Yerr tu- MM r uhUr. Upon hearing this the attorni$of as however that Suhiru agreed jt ImihI ftHtl '2 applied to the Lieutenant Gover- the white man had brought the ne press. 1trw CI - nii rt Handleftonlthe bmt brands of nor for a reprieve but he refused to he to uar-den a resident America, Samuel pny 1894; $20.00 01 Grice, ought gro Taking1! to interfere. the fare biick to their native land. City, who has done time will be the one way fare and $35.-5- 0 IViass, Liquors aui Cigats. They then brought arguments effect were to that Resolutions veral times already, whs arrested the round trip faro between before Judge Chetlain who extend- passed. afternoon Detectives by yesterday Ogden, Spanish Fork and interBottled Goods a Specialty ed the time of execution to April Rhodes and Sheets on a charge of mediate points and Omaha, Coun6 and in the meantime will examWILD BILL IS SANE. burglary. In bis possession were cil Bluffs, St Joseph, Atchison, ine into the claim that the prisonfound several sets of harness, one Leavenworth and Kansas City via er has Income insane Bince his The Famous Indian Scout Undertakes to of which was Boom Pool and Billiard recently stolen from the Rio Grande Western and BurClass First Scalp au Omaha Folloemau, trial of Abe Hunter on lington & Missouri River railways. residence the in Connection. Give them Wile First Nortli street, another from Omaha, Neb., March 21. Secure your tickets at the Rio WILL LIL LECTURE. one of few Bill the QUEEN Buckworth, Call. and a the barn of R. K, Ihoman, G rande S estern offices aud bo sure scouts took who par still another from the barn of John they rend via Burlington Route. For Four Sits Shell Tell ysn'AU About remaining in driving the Indians from Neb- C. Cutler. Late in the afternoon Payson, Utah. Oppoalts Sank. the Recent Kudd.o. raska, Kansas and the Black Uillb, the Detectives visited Grices Deaftwa Cannot he Cured was found wandering the streets house and there uncovered a great Indianapolis, Incl., March 22. Dr. J. A. llonser, of this city, an- last night demented. lie wni lead amount of stolen property. Fort by local applications, as they canTOSEPH B. CKOOK. Cl nounces that he is about to close ing an imaginary body of rangers of the tools taken from Wilsons not reach the diseased portion of There is only one way negotiations with ex Queen Liliou up a canyon to assault a band Att rney at; Law meat market on West First South, the ear. and that is by euro to kaluui for a lecture tour of the Indians. He met a policeman deafness, three sacks of oats from Mr. CutDeafness ' remedies. constitutional United Btctes. lie expects to the end of the alley, and thinking ler's granary and that gentlemans Office over Bank. ray son, Utah romme ire the tour at San Francis- he wrb an Indian, drew a hnnting harness were among the aiticles is caused by an inflamed condition of the will wear knife and made a desperate atlemp recovered. co, and says the It is not unlikely that of the mucous lining this tube When Tube. a crown and appear on the stage to scalp him. He was taken half a dozen charges will be pre, a have inflamed does rumbling at Honolulu. you gets exactly as she jail. Buckworth has gone insane ferred against the fellow today. BOOTH & WILSON-sound or imperfect hearing, and ns a result of the injuries receive Herald. when it is entirely closed deufness during the Spotted Tail war thirty 13 BECOMING GRAV2- 17th : Chris is the Utah Central Tress, result, and unless the inflamyears ago. f Vtah. aud killed an shot Madsen enortn Vessels Gave All to the mation can be taken out and this Surcpsan lion lost week, near tube restored to its normal condimountain oub Insurgents. Thurston tho head of Salina canyon. Chris will be destroyed 21 March Rio De Janeiro, Lorin Thurston, Hawaiian mir- - has been laying for tho big brnte tion, hearing forever; nine cases out of ten are The Portuguese warships were al- ister to the United States, has been for tome time and finally caught a caused by cutarrli, which is nothing lowed to leave the harbor under recalled and is requested to glimpse of the animal just disapcondition of tho inflamed an but the stipulation imposed by tlio hurry home as soon as possible, a sum the cave into near pearing sturfaces. mneous PAYSON, UTAH. Brazilian government that Admiral Recent advices from Honolulu mit of a high cliff. Then Madsen Wo will give One Hundred Da Gama and the insurgent officers atato that a govern-an- d did borr.etl ing rot republican hunters many Dollars for any case of deafness First Class Fare, Sample Rooms men who are with him should to bo eeteblidied in would scaled do. to He attempt caused by ratarili) tLc.t' (iiitot and Hosiery. remain on board the Portuguese Hawaii and I L melon's services the mountain side nml enter- bo cured steep l.j IfVj'is Catarrh Cure. Bhips when the question of their are needed at home to farther that ed the cave a close second. The Termslfteasonabls. free. F. J. Send for ci ultimate destination has been set- design. wi s sun ill, extending bnck opening & two tled between the Co., Toledo, O. Sold governments. some ten or twelve feet. A ledge Cheney . The international complications of rock, renching nearly to tho by all dmi'd-isAlso Gold at LehL subserevolt the and from arising Considerable excitement h s quent bui render of (he Brazilian itKcrj "eimr-in created been circles asmining these in by vessels waters is war Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Govt Report. the recent gold find at LehL Over suming a grave aspect There is considerable excite- 500 men are on the ground and are ment lure in regard to the act on staking ont ground. The ore is of the Portuguese naval ofllceis fonnd in ledges from 10 to 50 feet who have so far protected Admiral Jtbick and assays 818.G0 to the ton. IN CONNECTION, l).i Gama and the insurgents who he diggings are about four miles The best TURNOUTS in the City are with him. It is feared tIn3roni elii. It is thought there 'are Iwovcins one extending north oo-Meets Hack south hike the mountains to through j cures even after other preparations JOHN FRANCIS, PROP. Get Hood's and ONLY Goslicu valley. HOODS. I'or-eala- iu BftTH r a - i 1 r r rlia-"1- Exchange I'li.-fl- s oil-li- 1 - - - ttmiil. Eust-lacbi- n ; Xaml Attorueyw, Re-call- ei. mJm John Francis, Prop. LIVERY $ j STABLE au.Tiuks REuiLo"i,RoiJ.usss;;; T ABseuiFEiar py&m an |