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Show a I'uMirlii-- The Rogim-Sco- tt . H'. SHALL YOU RIDE THE BEST P r in which ronds an work'd and II tho ether, and weighing in this community, we think would nine ouiic-s- , has bum lvjjorted not be out of phuv. There is any from Alabama. rvrry Sitliinl-i- j l.y quantity of grave, easy obtainable The largest iissen;-i- engine in Publishing Company. near by, a vast inn unit of which to the hbip-- THE PAYSOH J U KSOX. GLOBE. liiHnm lii.a Kriil-- r. been ! j iq-m- f'iiid . o-i- r i be!..::;i Cinciuunti C!" eland, Columbus, Ii.it not ii. the p:op r v.ey Indianapolis railroad. Weiglit il nl duce Very good reaulta. his '! f l i.tin tit tin1 The i avtons. I'tuli. fur ii;i:iriiilviu!i ti iouli ilm id as it ii, (MubiiiH too much fsuud, muil inuttri . ..ilia ap'iiiid-i.-ltw- t When the hair begins to fall out and whi'ii placed on the ronds iu Nl.'HSCKIITION: its natund state, ns it generally is, or turn gray, the scalp needs doc fl Mi is little Our yiar than common dir. hiring, aud we know of no belter Six ii.iinth. The gravel should be tmentid, Bjieeilic tl au Hall's Vegetable Sicilwhich ro'i'd he easily done, and ian Hair Lenc'vi'r, HAIVHU. II HAISI'U iIt. IHUI. the coarse (ihicid on the r.ir.d fust Under Louisvilles new charter n solid fui:mh.t!on and the forming city is limbed to twelve wurds, seems that the people of Col- then a of liner gravel follow-- but the alditiomd layer territory taken orado uro laboring under I hi disn light layer of sand, which in will make two r.f tlu.su wards as advantages of an almost uub arable would cause, the gravel to pack big as the' otm r ten. "Waite. The Jjodo, it iu safe to solid. It is far better to build u Tho infringe laws in Australia suy, would not ran out" much short distrr.ce of Ihe road good become so strict that a marhave brains. thau to waste time and material riage there has been declared void on a long distance by. because the bride had deceived The Voice of Brigham City him on r it a thin layer of sand and husband the by stating that she at last reached our table. It pre- gravel mixed. cm' lift was years younger than her sents a very good appearance and age. promises to bo n spicy journal. .III Frr V. E. McElwee, of Lockwood, May it never grate harshly on the Those who hnvo used Dr. King's enra of tbs good people of Box Tcnn , describes a coin found in New Discovery know its value, and an Indian ijouml in llint county Eld.. those who have not, have now the ns bearing (on one sido an urn opportunity to try it free. Cull At a demonstration in London on tho advertised druggist and get burning incense and on the other a tig or olive branch, v.itli the HtMHJ on the people were trial bottle, free. Send yiur "Shekel of words in Hebrew: present demanding the abolition name nml uddress to II. E. Iliu kcoin of brass and is The Israel. of the House of fjords. If these hin it Co., Chicago, a nl get a is in a fair state of preservation birds are almlished what will our samplo box of Dr.Kings New Tlie evangelist Moody is gather "cranky American girls do, whose Life Pills Five, as well ns a copy highest umbition is to marry un of Guide to Hcnltl) nml Household in6 audiences iu Washington like English lord? Instructor, five. All of which is nuto tll08e t!at ,narkeJ liis efforts Mrs. Cleveland yeara 0guaranteed to do you good TnE Wellman l'arty should bo cost, Mrs. anil Bissell were - Carlisle you nothing, at John Quigleys I careful how they tread around tlio present the other dAy, and Sena drug store. North Pole and what kind of shoes tor Blackburn of Kentucky, is a they wear, for, according to a writer regular attendant. in tho Millard County Elude, (who English wriodicals are discuss lias iiorliupa been there,) they are Edgar I hnvo no money. ing with becoming seriousness the liable to stick to the ground, eo Elsie Nor have I. l!"Wb. .'T1'1"' Mgar-Im- of homble eitrac-l'r!0'- 1 great is the magnetism, and never on his yacht surroundei der bilt tiou. come buck. by friends aud lnxury, or the Elsie -- 80 am I. Trnppist monk who speaks liu Anotheb expedition to the North Edgar I have had a cousin o ice a w.ck and who digs a little Pole is being fitted out at Wash- hanged. Elsio I have never had any at his grave every day, ington. It Will I e under the lead' What's in a name? Well thn relative hanged but I have a bun ersliip of tho well known newspaj ,'v "i o-- i lx-tte- r It y Mr' Victors arc the 'Tcatc:: mount :.C i u OVERMAN WHEEL CO.DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. GAS FRANCISCO. f.. DENVER. ILHAMS, Jleuler. In ami Uauufoe Harness and Saddles. A lth I If you want beat. .v; lyc!--- - of the world the Victor. a ride you muot 1 Ciiu!1'U Stock (.'onxtuntly ou Huud, Our pood are of the bMt quality uiidjiuurautoed to ply. wtufacticn. xrrntnl Irptilrluif Jromjttly I'nywon, TJtiili. 3nixt Street, I audjeen is now bringing - 8 cents : : per pound. And we have received the finest selected stock of ft lift amVat prices tlmt'defy competition. Come and examine and be convinced. -' J. S. PAGE ; & SONS LOOK HERE! depends. For instance, the name Ayer is sufficient guarantee that Harness $8 and upwards. dred that ought to be, Do you care, dear inquirod Mrs. Lovelly, "if I marry again Ayers Sarsaparilla is a genuine, Saddk-r, scientific and not a when you are dead and gone?" "Of course not," responded Mi. B,iam like 80 mwl t,mt K'V8 b? Harness and Saddle Oil 25 cents pt'nart and upwanls L.: "1 aui sure I can stand it if the he nameof snrenparilla. and NOW IS Til 12 TIME to use it I barsaparilla lWhe standard, other fellow can. Exchange. phe Ill never marry a man j Ayer s Cherry Pectoral posscS? Oiling Done so made m fortune hasnt at least five Pwrfnl Healing qualities, which nml at reasonable prices. manifest themselves whenever this as boats ..pliers in it lirao in unpacking and packing, Call and see its when you want anything in our line. lie (exultingly) O, darling! remedy is employed in colds which, in former polar expeditious mines all ciphers. Truth. coughs, throat or lung troubles. linvo enused so much delay and Its onodyno mid expectoraii effects "Lost and change are good for A. LOVELESS, waste of valuable timo. EveryIt is promptly realixed. wife as she rose said the people, chemical bucccbs and a medica" thing Inis linen carefully arranged, in the to rifie her husband's night based the cidciihtlions 011 aud very "Ive lmd a rest and now triumph. worst conditions of the weather pockets. Deacon N. A. Baldwin, of New II you ara going I think Ill havo a little change." and most difficult obstacles to be is traveling around the Ilaven, Buffalo Courier, overcome. The route will be by world on a time schedule. He and Ilis Father What are you cry- Mrs. Baldwin and a private chef way Spitsbergen and at lntitudo 80 headquarters will bo establish- ing about, Tommy? will spend many months in the Tommy (weeping bitterly) I journey, but every minute of the ed. It is reasonable to suppose tliul this expedition will be tho just rend in nn almanick (b 1) jjm0 wjh p0 gpont according to most successful ever attempted, where it says its goin to rain BcljeJnlo. Tickets, hotel bills, our and thnt many magnetic nml Joly! gteamers, cabs and carriages have Lecord. Chicago mcleoricnl mysteries of the polar been contracted for in advance, Shoe Merchant (measruringher nml he knows to a penny tho cost region will bo solved. The result Size two will j use about fit will be awaited with much interest. foot) of the trip. you. I think, my little girl. Little Girl (doing her own Rates in effect Nov. 1 0 Low Kates The question of good ronds is at shopping) Oh, denr, no? Thats are still in effect to eastern points The first-clacontinuous passpresent receiving much attention .oo large. I enu wear half-parailthe Lio Western via Grande age. via the Lio Grande throughot the countiy. The agri- one. Chicago Tribune. Western Lailway to way. Lemeraber the Bio Grande cultural department at Washingis for Western the elegance noted San Franciaco, ton lias issued a circular to bo Bent THE STRONG POINT about $20.35. Los Angeles, 20.35. the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Is of its equipment, its new coaches to all the railroad presidents in the wilibe from its fine chair cars, its tourist or 3285. start are that Chicago They permanent. they United States offering suggestions St. Louis 27.85 in the good the solid foundation Pure Dlood. colonist sleepers and its new and for the Missouri Liver 20.35, artistic Pullman double drawing ronds movement. Many railroad To Coloi ado common poiuts 1G.35, room pnlnce sleeping cars which Drniiz point Eat. nml wUb to Lound trip limit CO days companies made concessions in a iiiyliNflit ride throujrli the to Colorado nruiiile- -t Mtrnery of thn Unrky without to run common road through Chicago materials, rangtransporting nioiiiiltiiiiK. he sura to a, It for 3o.55. road via comthe that and points. Speed, safety to change. from half rates free earringe. ing CO Lound limit to days trip . is its well earned motto. Two i fort This will no doubt have a beneficial ,, Pekin, Chinn, h surrounded by Dciniug ami El Paso. . . . 00,55. 10 tn,,ns effect ou the movement nml will ei',reffl V. II. SII12Ii3IER, Agt, wall fifty foot liigl, nnj forty feot ,IU" I eMl lend to numerous and vast improve- thick. ments iu country roads. One of The of a defunct the greatest blessings of nny comb:iuk said o be Kansns is No Tiresome Layovers, City munity is goed substantial roads, liv-iClose Connections iu for a n which will remain so all tho year. peddling clotlicswringcrs Union Depot. What a contrast betweeu the farmAnd Positively the Some antiquarians claim that fj er who can hitch up his team and Quickest Louie WATCHMAKER -r drive to Iowa at a lively rate over tlioro Uproot thnt the locomolivo ynt. a solid road, and the one who must engine was known in Chi.. M) slowly plod his weary way over a years ago. Co.f T. L. 1 o ttir gml rlwst and Alhinl ic MviiimirJ. road so deep with mud that at times Bxutsuf ui In roan hi or A prehistoric liunrin skull foun it is difficult to see any part of his at Anniston, Ala., in lS'.K), nient.-ure- HEREFORD CATTLE JEWELER. E.iu'iiinii-ii- t i:,fv':i.t nml Thiimiurhly Mndnrn Clitilr I'tir-t- , In vltii-l- tli horses but their eats protruding in;. 31 inches in circumference .mis un-- n't- in li.iMm of rrunlur triu COTSWOLD SHEEP I h'Ll'ts. from beneath the slush. Good just above thei ars. SW!it BERKSHIRE roads nincaileniied should cuhnnci Coll on or addrce3 Tlie famous agricultural ants SciCHKH, Ii lixoi Will Co the value of surrounding farms om s. v.jtKra nr, of the United southwestern States fourth. We venture to siy that ('ninnirn-in- l Crfiirl 1 liiM. A;st, I'ficn build their houses or nests Ktxtin'JI. Herein ItlovU. Silt lf Cilj, enough time and cxpei.r-- h". i l i en IR.L&. in the Uniti-i- ' from twvbe to twenty feet high. wasted on Ail LbKtS V ..WC SHttt tlil tnii'fc Lj BeH it. f . Tim vtr.vi, A on,-- . four' with legs IS inches States to minviih'iii! per correspondent Walter Well mail aud will bo known as tho Wellman expedition. The means of conveyance after the frozen polar sen is reached, will bo difTer. ent from any yet employed. Tho purty will hnvo which will I $8 and upwards s I 1 blood-purifie- 1 i 1 and Promptly lain street, Payson, J. 11 $ I I ss Kansas st City, St. Louis, I mi-j- tii-lu- .... ui H. M Ej. F. McCAW. I . 1 Anil Miller d t I - I e to-mI- s I!, r ;f them. A d ci'M.-i-iui:.- ii: e. le:'!-!.!- . a i. 3 ove w iv BteThoBissgaa u I S. (ii'iirr:ihliiNi. Iimia, Mr. A Tii lift A(f Fine repairing a Specialty. Ill olil Loh tolllco |