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Show VOL. Zies's PAYSON, UTAH Medical and Sargical lnstitnta SILVER Locatad permanently in th llurmou block' U Kat Swuuil Sonlb li.i Suli Luke City, m.w.siiue?,U.M.Dh 1).. A, C'oimuitiuz Phykioiuii. - i it. Specimens of jewtish have been captured which weighed over 500 pounds. It is suid that even the largpst jewfislies are good eating, the Cubans I considering them a great delicacy, Some of the stories li related of the strcugtli of the are very remarkable, and it is said that boats have been towed out to sea by this fish. The jew-fis- h will often break hooks and lines which are strong enough to capture a good sized shark. Mullet lwit is nsr.olly used in catching the jewfldh. This fish frequently floats on the surface of the water, apparently asleep, and is sometimes shot instead of harpooned. The jewfish is probably the largest food Secure a Stable Yalae. Kpotlahiu: AH dieaci of the eye. ear, uiul GUATEMALA STOPS PAYMENT. noee, throul aiul limit. femule, rectal, 1lle 1 for treatment Uur dUeaeee. privato own aew, paiule. af rod certain. Our matin'll. Government Cominbniuu Meet aud the Secin. 7 to Office bourn: (to 11 a in, I to 5 11 u in to 1 p m. retary of the Inieriu Treuaury mSnndaye, p Government' Furpoce. Beblix, Feb. 25. The govern- ment comiasion formed to consider the price of silver liad its first sitting today. Count vou losadow-skSecretary of the Imperial ONLY $5 A MONTH. Treasury, presided. Enclose I cent clamp and write for In addressing the commission, circular: fish known. Posadowsky Baid the Imperial TILS JS. M.D., Government, despite its own gold Q. F. standard, had perceived the deriiysiflan ami Surgeon. preciation in silver aud considered that the subject demanded an exhaustive examination. Hence ffics"oppoBite Smith' Hotel, the decision to have the question Puvson, Utah discussed by experts, with the object of rendering u stable vulue to silver and securing a basis for B. J. H. EVANS, practical measure. quo-lio- NO. pti ieucH nml that liis y, n h w( ro frozen but not eerifii.-dy- . T.,-drummers on tl. rond bed a liar.l-e- r ex(Kriencef they were t with the mail, but when they ortho to Milford they were found to lx badly frosted their iin:nes could not lo learned. Beaver Utoninn. o n-- jew-fis- Homo Treatment. Our treatment of pitlent by mail ut their home. throuKk aymptoiu blank and aa our perfect and effeetnul within oUee work. The cliarte at e low auJ all. of Much the "Ve- DEPRECIATION. to land tbu fish, and they worked an hour Rml a half to accomplish Germany's Effort to J. SllOUEA 24, 1S1)4. SATUKDAY-'KBKUAU- odnesdiiy morning, Arthur Day of this city triumphantly to tho gaze of r Progress the enrem: of a huge pumn, rejjorter, which he had killed near Ma(ilo Hollow, three miles southeast of the city the evening previous, when Arthur, iu company of his ather John Day, were hunting in that vicinity. Tho animnl's trnoks liad been followinl for abont three miles, wlieu lie was overtaken in n thick patch of mahogany brush. Arthur dismounted and, while tlio animal watched his every movement, approached to withiu fifteen yards, took deliberate aim nml Bent a bullet through tho cranium of the brute. Ho mode a jump straight in the air, about four feet run fifty yards, when he fell. Burying his head in tho snow. Arthur followed him, and when he fell, sent another ballet through his body, from riri1it back of the left shoulder. The dimensions of the animal were ns follows: Length from ness to tip of tail, 7 feet 4 inches, weight, 1G8 pounds; measurement around body, 3 feet 1 Y I A snow slide occurred in City Creek canyon just hIjoyh the tuuk yesterday and completely shut off the supply of City creek water. A large force of men wob at once put to work by SupcrintendiMit G riff, and the creek will soon lie cleared Meantime the water supply is ob-tained from the other systems. The Bell Telephone company are now at work on the plans for the telephone line from that city viA Lelu to Mtrcur and Tintic (joints. Mercur mid Eureka are the chief (joints on the line, but offices will be established also nt Homansville, Mammoth, Mam- -is Feb. .mothville, Silver Ciiy anil the 22, It officially London, to go to the Wing preparatoins Over iWa- -' hi 8ioux mi anil probably at Fuir. ,,y announced that the Government thing pertaining hlarttwj1" Hf ForThis permission was re-- fielJ or Cam 11nM. The estab grounds. or Alumiii.nu of Guatemala lias suspended payp .ttSS-SM- u-. later in the evening but liBbmeut of hig liu0 wilI grenlly eolaiu crown. ment on her external debt on ac- yoked Mr. Rognon was not aware of it facilitate tho transaction of bnsi-s- o SETS OF TEETH count of the depreciation in early yesterday morning he and uess SrU Lftke nnJ the of silver. The announcereach of all. i price within were on their way up iuch;nrouud forearm, 12 inches;. friends his Mercur mentioned. ment caused a heavy drop in Guat poiuts , Around AY hen about two and 23 inches, across the canyon. emala bonds. cury. 7 inches, claws, length, 1 paw, a half miles from Eagle Gate, they inch. Arthur received $10 bounty found a trail, and following it to a Yesterday Y m. Fulliii, a 13 year STUD2KTS CO LIMIT liUBDSE. cave on the side of the mountain old boy, was run over anil killed from the county, nml with his feet Cornell Sopiomorei Guilty of a Dastard1 jr Boon had the satisfaction of hear- - at Lehi Junction. His folks liad on the rug made from the monster's will in limo to come bo able and growlOutrage. ing their prey roaring Dean & Gumour, just moved to the junction anil he pelr, to intell his grand children of the Old Eltll)lllhBlr',e,, ing in the cavo. All efforts to waB carrying some things from the 2iTcA, N. Y'.Feb. 21. As duco the beast to come out failed, L h h oa80 across the thrilling adventure in Maple Holrtmt 'J.'Ihu supplement to the regular annual and aieBL.mtiS-late- x Rognon I low. Millard Progress.' class riot between the Freshmen and Boes were on their hands and tracks. 1 he wind was rjinng so dmiMiiW' ' and Sophomores of Cornell, the kLees crawling cautiously along hard Le did not hear tho cars lU'l'K LKS'H AHXir.l HALVE. bottom of the cave the latter proaching. He was knocked down Sophomores perpetrated a dastardelegant 7lie best salve in the world for in advance armed with tbc car and dragged about nine ly and dangerous trick by generat- slightly bull s eye lantern and a 45 calibre cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt ing chlorine gas in the hall where antorantio revolver ...HI.. former car lMRtb. More the tram w. fever sores,' tetter, chapped .ho Freshmen were holding their with a Winchester rifle. AsHped and Le was got out lie rheum, 0 IN CONNECTION. landd, chilblains, corns, nml all Opposite ttoGlojnOfieo. janquet Several Freshmen were they gradually drew nearer to the was cut ami bruised in r horrible skin eruptions, and positively cures carried out insensible from the object of their search they heard manner, his head and breast being and as the rays of on parf 0 bim not bruised, dies, or no pay required. It is nmes. A corps of physicians were repented growls n the lantern shot into the cave they lower part of the body was guaranteed to give perfect gammoned, and prompt efforts saw a large magnificent lioness or money refunded. Price made to resuscitate the asphyxiated with glcamingeyes ready to spring badly masbed, one leg cut and 25 cents per box. For sale by students by the application of upon them. They halted for an mashed and the calf of the other instant while Rognon lowered his Pg mashed and footcut off at ankle, John Quigley. aud stimulants. and Aookdelilwrateaim, When Ue wafl carried iuto tll0 Blation The Freshmen are wild with gun smoke which followed the die- the from Provo on TheMid Winter Fair. rag?, and the banquet has been charge of his gun had cleared away nnd a doctor came could screams The Fair at San The a were waiters Several hoys the quivering form of the beast lay special. suspended and feet. is now distance The Francisco at a almost for their heard be open to visitors long overpowered, and others almost lifeless 8 between measured lioness l dead saw he if arrived The management have very cari when the doctor wild with pain. The hall is in McCasvk: & Tayijh, ; in and 9 feet and weigh length nothing could Iw done except to ully selected tho best of the worlds possession of the police, who are about 300 pounds. News. ease him and he gave hiui a dose fair exhibits bo that tlioso who side aud corridors the ransacking of morphine which quieted him. were unfortunate in not seeing of the source to find the rooms Chxis Evans Sentsnesd. died some time after. Lehi the Chicago exposition will still gas. Fresno, Cal., Feb. 20. AfUra lie have an opportunity to inspect the Banner. Miss Jackson, a colored woman, night spent within bis oliqnartera SoiateKBij who acted ns cook for the students, at the foreign exhibits at San Francisco. jail, where he was safely The mail driver between Mil- The Rio Grande Western Ruil way She 12:20 at this died WHiSKIES. morning. anded at 1:30, Chris Evans was ford and Beaver had a hard experin line with its usual progressive was taken from the IiaII insensible brought into court at 10 oclock ience on Saturday night aud SunMM to the residence of Dr. Lockery, this morning, and after a conspirit will, in connection with the A fearful blizzard swept over Southern Pacific day. where she expired. company, will sultation with his attorneys, sen- the all day Satnrdny and sell excursion tickets from country iB that the not known Payson It Sopho- tenced to imprisonment for life at out to San Francisco and tho into Handles only the Lent bramhiof driving night; inaway a side of obtaiueil return, mores possession Folsom by Judge Harris. Evans from to Milford to Minersvillc, go to admissions tho five (5) cluding room, aud the . generator of the was taken on the noon train to on Saturday evening, the driver fair at tbe very low-raof $39.00. connected the with was dendly gas by Sheriffs Scott and Kay L nd horaeB hftd faco the blizzard IVi'ies, Liquors aui Cigars prison These tickets will be good thirty banquet hall by means of rubber and greeted. He seemed ioerf ul, ing down tho valIey from tlie (30) days from date of issue. tubes. and greeted all who spoke to him nortj. Darkness came on and the No reduced rate tickets will he are of Threats openly lynching a Goods Specialty Bottled Tho motion for a new team strayed from the road. All pleasantly. to California (joints other sold made, one man exclaiming that he trial made by his attorneys was de-horses on than San Francisco but Bide his he urged long Qgd would help string up the trip nied. He denies the story that he and a(joQt morning ho found tickets will bo on sale from San Mrs. Brighton. self near the Cave mine. Sunday Francisco to all interesting (joints to to wanted sentenced be Evans Jewfleh. Ths morning came in bright and clear at rate of a faro and n third for the First-ClasBilliard and Fool Room the Judge denies Lnd in B Bhort t;m0 Milford was round trip. but San Quentin, The jewfish abounds on both Tbe Rio Grande Western railhis repuesL in Connection. Give them reached. Here the exchange the coasts of Florida and in tropicway as you know, runs through mails was made and tho drive for to San Francisco without change al seas. The jewfish is frequently a Call. BaBgcrOKB Digging. ueaver begun, but not until juB both tourist and first class Pullman found in the deep holes And chai-nel- s 16. Utah, II. Titusville . Bank j did he reach here. It was sleeping cars. Two trains daily dark (Fla),Februar Payson, Opposite in the salt water inlets. The is to rail a rord M. J. II. Bennett, G. P. & I. A. Flagler building found that he had had u fearful specimen we illustrate weighed which cuts Worth, teough MMHHniMMMMHMnHnnBt about three hundred and fifty of the on prettiest place many near was and s. pounds, captured ckook. rosiPH Indian river. Thirty property Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Tampa Bay, Florida, by Mr. H. The huge fish after be- - owners have placed dy nam ite bombs Bomford. Att mcy at; Law 0 Fngharpoonedtwir aud wounded j r1ohS llie ProPoaed ronite at the touch of a spade, iu three places on tbe head with a will explode r. Fay rod. Until hatchet, lived two days, and wnsi James Holman banker of Jans-Olfloe ovar Hank, VThx Col,cc,f,i' J' finally butchered and sold. It re.ni,d ' hav. Brevard of been nr- county, quirwl h services of three men rested for complicity in the dyne, BOOTH & WILSON, MERIT b the c!cer mite plot The railroutl company j Hood's lias ralhd fjr voluutfern to ::n D dentist. the-pri- ce l:t-nd- ijnr .2yr ap-th- I u i BATH 45-9- Ue satis-actio- am-moni- Exchange I Saloon. Mid-Wint- er -- te I I 1 I liiin-abns- ed I I s ex-Ln- ko - " easa j Lnxul AttorueyK. 1ntnt I tah. cures even after other Get Hoods and prcpant:-ir.- ONLY s f;:.!. i.ht-fi- with the .ruck Ir.vintr AMG?jriSDf PliPJj |