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Show r I ike John Hull WLlLfaf Mti Curious Version of an Amrri-ru- II. S. COLLINS n Idea. Between the ltritish conception of n saloon and that in vogue on this able of the Atlantic there ia this in common that both arc entered by a side door after nightfall. There the resemb- lance cease John Hull' saloon Is an exhibit in the Transportation building, wherein it is full as difliealtto look upon the wine when it ia red as it ought to le in Evanston or llangor. John Hull saloon 1 as dry as hi comic papers, lie lables it "sleeping it from saloon' 1 1 ilistin-rr.nd- i places where we never ideep. It occupies: a position in the rear of the London & Northwestern Railway company's highly varnished trainlet, ingeniously constructed to defeat the ends of tlic trafficker in popcorn, five r w The Best Medicine. o. U'li .T. iiiiilili-r- , thus w ork w Opposite Dank. of Ayer's Fills: Special rates by the week. Excellent accomodations and large sample room in connection. sat- arrauted. : Tayson fine ball room and parlors torrent seferalely for balls and socials. Terms reasvnable. ra Ayer Pill are tlie best medicine I ever tried; end, in my jiulgim-ut- , no better general remedy could lie divined. I have luted them In my family and recommended them to uiy friend and employe for more than twenty year. To my certain krowledge, many case of the following complaint have lieen completely end Santa !e Koxite. rigid-lmcke- Permanently Cured by the nee of Ayer' Pill alone: Third day chilli, dumb ague, hiliou fever, eick headache, rheumatism, fiux, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer! Fill, continued for a few day or week, a the nature of the complaint required, would lie found an absolute cure for the disorder I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for fcly ay that eight year, and I can Ayera Pil.s (.lie belter satlsfnclion than any utii. r Pill I . r sold. J. J. Perry, tqioUeil vania C. 11., Vo. dys-pepa- RioGrandu Western, Colorado Midland, Atchison, Topeka anil Santa 1e Hallways. Tlio iiyliiicerlO ipi wiu ns Cars lad ween Ogden, Salt Lake Pullman Tulaci) and without change, And 1ullniAu Palace Chicago City Reclining Chair cars between Ogden, Salt Itako City, Denver and Chicago. The Shortest Line. Supcib Scenery. Equipment Unsurpassed. Slot-pin- If so, le sure and secure tickets reading over the SANTA TURNOUTS FINEST semi-sc-clusi- ROUTE, Grandest and (Iren test Railroad on Earth. Leave Ogden or Salt Laku on the evening train in order to see the most- beautiful scenery in America. Train leaves Rio Grande Western , Salt Lake City, at d South St. 9:25 p. m. Ticket Office, No. 15 W. l-- IN THE CITY HMUntlieshurtwt possible not ire. Dt-ja- 31. C. Hack Memsall Trains . 105 Therapeutic V.lu. of Perfume. is now established that flower and the perfumes distilled from them WIGHTMAN HOUSE BLOCK, FAYSON. lo t.'J. Aytik Co., Lowell, Vu. have a salutary influence and constitute a therapeutic ugency of high value, und that residence in a perfumed atmosphere forms a protection from T O. WIMMER President. pulmonary affect ions and arrests J.S. PAGE phthisis. In the town of La Grasse, K. S. WIMMER. CuKlilnrJ where the making of perfumes aril in elfoct France, ia largely carried on, phthisis ia -- Eve.rv Dose d n St-co- quarters. AYER'S PILLS g Are YouGoing East? -- THE- character, containing two berth each, and being intended for roommates or elderly married couples. The car is probably half the length of the ordinary lhillman, and is destitute of even the adornment of the harmless necessary darky with the appetite for v.-- Trepan1' iierfeet buine41b-ruur:iut- The British sleeping saloon is our 1 oilman car. It is the great American Bleeper" a it would have been hod it been invented iicfore the war. Entering by it the British passenger finds himself in a diminutive closet where he is permitted d to smoke his pipe. Two chairs would elbow each other for standing room if they had any elbows. The man in charge says: Ills is what a man 'as to put up with in Tchicago, as he opens the door. Six berths are stowed away on either side of the smoking saloon. The berth saloons are divided into compartment saloons, four compartments comprising the entire carriage. Two of the comjiart-ment- s contain four berths devoid of any evidences of curtain in front. Ths remaining couple are of Snlihur Springs, Texas, gjieiik i isfaction and all shag. Contractor and ioN, Incites 12.00 Pep ID01J I I preiiart-- t J do all kind uf work CkA-ks-, ft uti-bJewelry, etc., reuud u short notice. imttly paired Also carry a full liue uf kuuLi which I will trll eheuier than uuy houa in Utah. Having hud 15 year cxiterienrc in the jeweler all-nig- rsHJ Horn, er It Effective DURXETT General Agent rasttrgei,LVj eilu.ei.t SALT LAKE. CITT, UTAH. Dooly RuiUing. urn m mil 11 m nt Wi.a Sundiy, . Dili., the ltio Grand) inaugurates a special re: lining chair car servicp between O lon and Denver. The chairs arc uf a special pattern and comfort and elegance are not mywhere. These cars iU closes 'Xholdersuf will l)3V of ticketNJiSJMKET, & T. A a SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD. Virn ' Part ten Rook of tlis Fair been received. It consains BupgJ Pretty Girl Station Agent. Passengers over the Rumford Fall & Buckfield road always notice upon the platform at East Peru a plump and pretty girl who wears the regalia of the station agent She wears a cap with gold lace and a brass shield, and on the shield is Station Agent This i Miss Lillie Howard, and she ha had at East Peru for charge of the station sometime. She Li attentive to licr duties, the trainmen always have a smile and a pleasant word for her, and many a drummer vainly attempts to appropriate a share of her smile as the 4pain whisks past Tis needless n comment on the neatness of East Pern's station. a A Authorised Capital Block; JOHN FEliSSON, ;Tlie only line running v. cii-iiiiing- L OS ltciairliir u Lend ille, Aspen, 'Pueblo, Colorado Springs and SAYINGS Ij 1 1 I Puyson, Utah. .Trannicta a tieuend Banking acUct 19tll, 1893. NOVEMBER EFFECTIVE I No. 2 u. ui., arrive at Firxtclusrf vvorkgiiuranti-f- 1 Hindnr. iajfon, Utah. Pleasant Valley lash Meat Market. Castle Gate ! Mt -- ge tory, pelung, pro and Buncistion, meaning of word. A Library in it io Itself, the often , MARL'INS Far Tha California IDWIRTER FAIR liyul lnfonutlon concern- - eooeeinlng eminent peTeone; facte ami nat- Ins the countries, citlee, towns, unu festnre of the globe ; particulate coo- place ; eernlng noted fletit ioue penona ud ltisim translation of foreign quotations, valuable la the home, office, study, and cboolroom. The Owe Great G. W. Ry or U. P. Springfield, iiaat. Kl mof,u,by ,TKipS'pw ram llee the do.not taA beoltb or mtafare auLmra, It build up ud imnraw RA1LWAYI ..THROUGH THE. Iiir. Excursion Trips I 1 p o, one-wa- oiM-flft- Sau FritneUro. Cal. ImiTEtrHa-rasr- of rt alf th. ton. "? ; r Prices the Very Lowest. LOWE, and A llomry. OLonfZJ A rn f. . Loud off re. . jMK Lotte dtp. M ISifftfOL'iDE cIrHUiKklnndbrautinetheompk-xiothi treatment. tiuui-u-ii inu Andonrd I? Ho PATIENTS TREATUI MAIL. BY COAFIUENTIAU Far a CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT prompt uMwrr end n faanmt epuiion, write to RIliKN 4k (HI., wtu) have bmd MWIrSfly yMn' I. the latent bn.inm. Comnmnwa-tio- o. etpwime. Krlotlr eoasiumtla. A llaadba.k of eoncwnnng Pafenis and bow to ofe. tain lent free. A too n mukene ef mediea. tart end idMitiae book, mot five. Ca reertvo irtum tkiuugh Mann Amrrlrnn. nad pmial noUealntbe tun. mo brnuebt wldaly fertaralh. publlewitli-o- ut tbn ritou Direct Comeclieni Cliar. nisa m )., 011 . EQCIFPID H7HB WSST. THOIOTJOHIT . EAILWAY t rtrlrnti. owt to to. Invnitor. Thll wlndM jpjpn. ILL BaUdiu l , SAnglo S3 vary i eimt in en im. uhA ttiol pIMn,ant Some years ago we publiplied in the Deteret News, the testimonial of the late Diehop Hunter of Salt AX0 j Lake City, recommending the X SCEIERf X X Ilorse Medicine, and HorseMOST II61FICET RAILROAD man's Collar, Gall and Hoof Oiut-menThere in an impression in , sonic parts of Utah that, the testi- Two Fast ElDTGSS Trains Daily monial was for some other remedy. This is a mistake. It wns the X SVCU WAT BRTWU X X Liniment and Uorseinr.v.d DENVER. Collar Gall Ointment that Bisl. p OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND rate- ing roued-trlFrun-ciaeTo Station iindpr 150 mile y from Sun fare. d tine and To station 150 mile or more frofttrCe h Ffinclicoi onotiud ouiwy full liif.irra Vion. inand For exert rut of S. STARK. U. I . A (rent, or W. II quire 8HBRMBR.R.O. W. Awentat Peysou Ltah. or oddrew the nuderiu(:itfd. RICHARD OH IT. . T. H. OOonxtAV lien. Traffic U iue-- Geu. Passenger Agt. CARS! boutkrrn Paciiie L'oniisiny. ELEGANT RECLINiHS CHAIR l)nniftom.IoTwl.r.ilnnrrrMrrj7yi?lllT'-- Saiisnuc. ROCKY MOUNTAINS! FROM SAN FRANCISCO to other point In driuM & OJpre nert door to L 1.1. L UTIEL IIIEUl iTIUTlL UIUUL mie-thir- 1io Of!i- COPYRIGHTS. StandardGauge CISCO AXD RETURN Bill licfcili to lb 1 - THE Paysox to Sax FbaX' FIVE DIED y fsrbeepmoeetus. tp-M- ill lt--ft And SUIT. atti-iilio- ; VDKTKKArar llUOM Co. TO ita Sui for Delivery will receive prompt .unBoumuLl Brn Round trip Tickets good for 30 dugs. lidnli& I I eqrayd tt to ttapnftetian of diedonartra aUeatlieaui gnat sundanl aalbotlty." Sold by All BonkmUera. C. Merrlan I Co. G. WEBbTERS FublUken, System and South- ern Pacific Orik-P- of fresh a Ccmtutlj Sifflj AND IN QUANTITIES Standard Anthorlty. Be. D. J. Brewer. Jbmim of U.a imtim Court, wntN! Th intanMliwial IltrtionaiTl Via the lines of the E. Ed j de-- give veep constantly on lihiid a supply COAL! , , Rates Wigiitman & Sons. An Rock Springs, J K educed Atlurnry. I'leiniriHi nrnmptly iiilnernl aMilirutiuiiH for laitrnt anil fiir ull iiirrirnltiirul 2UU.liinil. ofliea neat to U. K. Imial ollice, room t'alt Lake Citifl fOg Greatly N(f Af t nitty cor Agents "M 11 DAILEY, t uUir, Ijutd y -- Kit-rid- t T. A'afni-- McReth Bros d lersscn block, upebiirp. iluvnMn-lieH.diu- and beautiful illustrations, an& is G per cent intercut devoted priuepally to the Womans paid on time depoyitx. Hall. and Machineiy Building Too much can not be said of this COLLECTIONS han-- 1 t tiw great work. It would make a 1 frw"dliy ,nd TOu win be startled those! badnwsrto oaffjmgent some Christmas present for. bwt woii who desire to give something in !A SPECIALTY.! the way of literature. When com , plote will contain 1000 folio -parts, price pages of twenty-fiv- e $1 apart. We understand that. WEBSTER'S I there is an opportunity for a fe INTERNATIONAL I h more competent persons to canva 3 New, YAfTkwf. DICTIONARY for the superb book and we knr v V1rfituMwfJViIem?1Ttierwipiwity A Grim Svceraaoroflhe irr "fiof no more praiseworthy or pro Unabridged.' t one nable occupation. Those interested LruniLuwiii(i Everybody sad remra Should own tlua (for ihii i roar grand op.Hiiinity), lull irtleulr l))f fftar mail. Ad.liw. It can wri'e to Francis Smart 99 Uctianaiy. qoestinns TKl:K A CO., Itax No. 400, Angnsta, Ko conoernlnc tlM bi- Bldg-- Denver, Col. io irvin$ PRICES REASONABLE. ruin i?ilru TKfln.in. Kalt'I.akc l'licl.li. 5:5ilu. in.. C iilnr n. in., Denver (I'ill n. in u.lo Spring Train No. 4 leave OimI.-i- i :KI a. iu Salt Like 7 dU . in.. Colur 8:25 (i. m., arrive at 1in-liif- i n. in., louver 1 :'Ml in mil) Siirinii I'uniieetiuiw uuide at Juelilo. v'uloraili 4.1 Denver and line all emt. with Sirinj rnr and I'lillinan meant Mleeiiera on all train, lake the Denver A ltio liramin and have u nmifortalila trip anil enjoy the tiuet aeeuery on the eontiiient S. K. HOOPER. A. S. Sl'OllES. Truflip Man. O. P. T. A. Denver, ('olo. (,'uln. B. F, NhVlNS, lieu. A n't. Salt Luke. City. y hpi-oliilt- of cloth xamjde Hundred Denver. FAYSON EXCHANGE 1) ;i . and : $10,000.00.3 17 V II I Fiioi-- MO iihotosnjilM of with ptons, puildm tortio. too talma deMni mid wsur.omtmrta AddraH MUBM A CO, KbW YuHK, Ski BwMPWAft FARMER MILES, t. Hunter reroninu-iidcd- . Hour): Williams, Prop. . Salt Lake City, Mny 2nd, lt'i-D- When ,n, j , (1 The erecHle and I;;;',;1"1 ooudeotad, f be gratitude rt It. f threading THX BKAAT irad that I fortubata enonyh to DIVIDE. Having a r. end charartt ntrasaly Amrrican inu cart to fy, I ; tarlrtS for BJ It and jrporrnjy r ' J" ..jfii-'aiu- l 'eatur i '" , lualhyaiHi ununlnirliil i i annum ronfMito Uu.t mr, ten CENTS a cony: f N' rour newsdealer liasit. if n". wnd to worWtKtt' K5ST ik-- I.i'1 THE CREAT DIVIDE, Dnvcr,Col. TVahI llorSell.BIlii Collar Gall nrlnu nr In.i'ilalllv 11 ro Pr. J.sW. OATK, mv.-- v IllnlrNi liUDii'h lunuir.iimlj wwin.1 I Infill rkUB)U ILl iblllf t I'li , '""k ,r wl 'itu WV tJt SI. ! Ch'e.HQ. 111. i .;;u .a 'Jif ri1n-- k cot! j.n r it ; t I. Kt.m :r.. :t jkMf c. fl.f.Tlf-f- ; DC I I a.- ! T Jt f' . r t'.fi-- iiG vut y j Lli.u nLI t! j t'in FbVs Jlemedy Hflf, Ruli-.- t to jV sc? I..1, f. t 7i,lf,vj ,,2.1 t..,..!J . . ,i wrlUi lui.i ETIt CiSTSAUT. At-Ti-ll . i.f j I- -1' YGlir hfirse gets cilt nu iic. lllDi a enllnr nr KUlldli BOTt, VFP wtlver! oplnk. it. uf i.iN'.fUt-- !i 1 A.l. I'M fw Crtvrli I'., end to l uni r,v . - ,1:1'' '.'i1 the 1'lir.prrt. Q SEESSE mt Sold hy PrnsclKt or by man. Ike. K, T. riurlllnn Wurcu, I'. |