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Show I 1 f A 1 l'Z I'MOX riiiiH urrit!' :url .Hi w x : iirtli I4 3:V u.i.i I Innii l.i)bu sL .I?el 21:. forward to the occasion in anticipation of a glorious IACJJ-TO- . ili-- m HEATRJli Feb. 27 i.nd 2S; that ot '.lie 27th lieing fur those over the age. of 15 and the 28th fur nil under 15. This pr iiiiin' S t be the leading event of the season, aud our jicij-pl- e u The GOLDEN HOURS CLUB will lime. Si.iiiIi. .lu:l2u.iii 1 Alik. Atfel.l. present for the first time in this city, direct from manuscript, the new domestic drama The beautiful Aurora Borealis appeared with all it splendor and wo (iiiANin: wrsrr.iiN'. Mixed lraiu...l!i:,.'2uiu Mlxiil tr.i'i beauty iu the northern skies last W. Jl. Sin uvi .i. Thursday night about 1) oclot k, attracting cousnlcrable attention. the It was a sight to lfesser JIn. Jfijnbethlid. skies above the northern horizon Hub&'-ribiIl.llil.KIK, f,,r tin Gi.'jKr. hplearing like a vast wall of fire, i with versatile streaks of tinted hues Re: tlm 0M-Vfrom Death May heavens. 1 far iuto the luiiistjtonilit. shooting up All Bald Qhe Could Not Live a Month Jim Stnrk and Frank Ramsey It was said that never before had such witnessed in a been this sight to Provo Thin play has lnni procured at much trouble anil expense, .nnd the went yesterday. y1, i Xov) Alive and H'eH Thanks city. company will give the entire proeeeild for the lienefit of Itoode Bantaparlllu. T. (1. Wiinuier iiiadcn trip to our departing uii.bionaries. Tho care taken in Sarsaparilla, (or It Is The public schools celebrated - j na8t praise Hoods sufferod with tlit Capital Wednesday. 10 1 years wonderful medicine. costing and arranging this play insures it Washingtons birth dAy, in the to be the Crowning Event of tho and Dyspepsia Neuralgia l 50 tak(n on eubtcription at central school exwould Season. with I Bud fainting aprlla. Sometimes building the Globe office. almost stiff wltlieiild perspiration. I spent ercises which consisted of song, be a great deal of money for mrdutul attendance, diuiKlder but I did not irvt any Vnelit until my Subscribe for tlit Globe. The recitations and music, appropriate told me about lioou's Sarmparilla, mid 1 began Every effort will be put forth to give a good 1L 1 weighed less tlian 100 lb. and wss take to for the occasion. G. W. Decker, beat Jaipur iu Utah county. A Picture of Misery performance. Sheriff Brown of lrovo was in principal of the schools, opened Every one who saw me thought I could not exercises at 10:110 a. in., with a Hk another mouth. But I bona to improve the the Queen city last Suiultiy. after beghiiiuig with Hood s SarsapaThe Company give their services gratis, and in consideration of the brief speech, highly eulogizing atouoa rilla. and have gradually gained until I am now I cut weU, sleep well, and Electric lights have been placed the father of our to owe all object and tbe low price of admission they would country. Quite am In perfect health. I in the first ward meeting house. like to see a crowded house. a number of visitors were present George E. Forrester, travelling who seemed to enjoy the exercises Xi Klat Biiroey Street, Baltimore, Md. auditor of the llio Grand Western very much. CAST OF CHARACTERS. HOODS PILLS are purely wintabU, was iu t'lo city Tuesday, The entertainment at IliiT need Ifftij hamUMfUlwait reliable end beneficial .1. D. Huish Steve Harland, who sins anil repeats A. Daniels Why don't some of the stock-me- emy Thursday night, in commem..J. village Jeremiah parsou Bartlett, Uncle 1 h inlayson of Pnyson give some of their oration of Washington's birthday -b ly. Once some larger boys ln.nl Tom Blossom, M..y fathwfun S J well Douglass a was a views on the stock law. very pleasing affair; (Wi! Hatliiiwuy, loud ul a gnu very heavily aud gi-el McCann H. 8. fisheries at loes and appropriate program Richard Ashcroft, A number of young people were arranged Badhaui it to Andy to iho in order to see EpkTithfuT negroTr .Henry carried out by the pnpils of Stark . Dave . hail ' No sooner r. over. lim the kicked Thus f'ii'j'.irtain'.'dit Ujram Short-- fisherman school. Songs, recitations 1 the he Wilson Jr.j'l ue diy evening. jumped Hank Blaster ie tumbled over than mimic, hatchet drill and a debate JJJ 0 the Cuptain Drummond, U. 8. officer kill would vowed he and J. W. N. Whiteootton, one of being tbe principal features. A np May Blossom, Toms daughter A VI Huii-M Provo's legal ; lights, was in the splendid lunch was served to all first cue that laughed anil n0ne Deborah, her maiden aunt Lmiuft Jackson Miss him. to dare Ramsey provoke housemaid city a couple of days this week. present after the conclusion of the and his brother were taken prison- - j Ami-- . .Stark seven. Little age May, Thirty couple enjoyed the dunce exercises. Nothing occurred to era by tbe British. A British ofand basket party at the Opera mar the pleasure of the evening, ficer ordered Andrew to clean the SynojiNiM except that ono of the male waiter House Thursday night. House. Act L Exterior of Tom off his boots. Jackson remud who from his great desire to be mh Hurl of Steve Act IL Home A farewell reception will lie fused and got a sword cut on his and pleasant, became some II L Same. Act polite was brother His head for it given Albert Arrowetnitli at the whot awkward and 1111. of a Act Wintergreen Lane. upset cup ojicra house Tuesday night Mar. 6. coffee, which was not quite cool treated in tho same way. They small The telephone lietweeu the enough to be comfortable, into the were taken dawn with the 24. 16S4, DOflT FORGET THE DM E. forlorn a confined to then and Globe office and the U. P. deiot lap of a Globe pencil puBhrr. pox, Their mo tin r got was kept busy Thursday inquiring Mrs. Murphy deserves great praise prison pen. them exchanged and brought borne. about the trains. for pitting up the entertainment Jackson was brave, honest, nnd W anted : Reliable man to open anl carrying it out, no pains bevery affectionate to his friends. small office near here and handle ing spared to make tho occasion Jackson was General iu tho war 25, one long to be remembered. ot my goods. Stamp and references. 1812. Tho f splendid victory A. T. Morris, care th is paper. 52- - 4 New Orleans showed Jackson to It Mug lo .1 Murk far Ian. uerals UNION b) one of the very ablest Our citizens may look for some Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III that America has ever probucetl. water when very high Bpring opens. More snow has fallen here this win- writes tlmt lie hail a severe kidney Jackson was once eating at a table, trouble for many years, with severe u hick tbe tavern keeper had set ter, it is snid, than ever was known. pains in his bark and also that bis out for those who had come to Bee Nesbit & Betts will pny Cash bladder was affected. He triei a horse race. There was a fight for beef, veal, hides, pelts, chickens, many so called kidney enres but going on at tho other end of the LOCAL TIME CARD. eggs and turkeys. Call at the without any good result Aliout a table. were so common Fights Iu effect. Feb. 13, 1$U. hotel for information, bl-- 4 year ago ho began use of Electric that Jackson did not stop eating Tbaixs Rrs as Follows: Our jMKiplc were greatly disap- Bitters and found relief at once. to Bee it. Presently he heard that I CjUC&SO, vZXl&Jlil, Soutblioiiiid. Northbound. Station. Electrio Bitters is especially Adapt- a friend of his one Patten Ander- ra 8.05 p. m. Arrive - Oicdeu. - Leave , pointed iu not receiving any xra'l m. I Ub 1( Leave KOO a ,n m JSnlt St LOUIS 8.10 on Thursday. The snow blockade ed to cure of all kidney and lirer son was likely to he killed. Jack-- ) Arrive it. in. Leave 9.08 a. in S.(tT p. m. Leave Ihl m 9.40 a. Provo on the V". P., was the cause of all troubles and often gives almoe son could not easily get to his p. m. 8.5ft p. in. Puynoii Airive 10.12 a. m relief. will One trial instant prove m KSlRSdlS 11.10a the trouble. friend for the crowd so he jumped ftirplil 8JJ0p. m. City, 2.05 p. in Hantl WM n. m, our atatemeut Price only 50c, on th table and ran along on it Leave 12.10 p. m Jinili 2.25 p. m. Chris Evans, the California ter- for 2.0Up. ni 11.40 a. m. bottle. At John Quig- nnd large m 8.40 Joe. St. time Im the KMH at Bame a. in. Atchison, crying ror lias been captured agnin and M Ilford 810 .m a. ni. drug store. 10.C4) leys Arrive hand his and Frisco Patten 4JU a. m, l. ra put coming sentenced to life imprisonment. of Juab run daily except Sunday South Train FEES R to 'draw into liib pocket as though The authorities will no doubt Train leave Salt Lnhe fur Ogden at T.I0 a ANDREW JACKSON. m 9.20 a. m 2.45 aiul 1M p. m. a pistol and opened and shut a innke Bure of their game this time. For tickets and information Train leave Ogden for Salt Tjafce at 1.4C A Composition by James Todd of tobacco box which sounded like and 9JM a. ni. 8.23 p. in, and 6.15 p. m. to Delos Lambert came down from Apply the cocking of a pistol. The 6th Grade, Public schools. tbe Tiro through train daily to point eut. Eureka Wednesday, lie reports crowd were so afraid of him that AAT. IL SIIERMER, Pullman and Tourist ideepera. Free Andrew Jackson was born about that mining camp in a very prosper8. Stark, Agent Pnyion. eliuir can. scattered oat and cried dont R. G. AAf., Tayson. they Agent K. Burley, Geul Agt, Pamgr. Dept.. D. ous condition and thinks it will ere the year 1767, but histories differ fire. Jackson was a lawyer, he OR Balt Lake City. long lie one of the liveliest camps on liis birth. Andrew Jacksons went to'congress aud to the United E. L. Lomax, OenT Pnmgr. and Ticket Agt. E. Diokinauu, UouT Mngr., Omaha , W. F. McMILLAN, father was also named Andrew States Senate. He was elected in the country. S. H. H. Clark. Jackson. He was au irishman President Genl Agent, Oliver W. Mink. in States United outlie and ratten llay-moDarious Riley E. Ellery Anderton, had come to the Waxhaw settle- 1828"and died in 1845. Room 506 Dooly Block, John W. Dnaue. had their hearing before the ment on the line between K. Condert, Frederick North Salt Lake City. Receivers court at Provo Wednesday. Fatand Sonth Carolina about ten ten was released, and Hsymoro before the revolution. He THE STRONG POINT about was given three months in the years the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Is bnilt a log cabin cleared some land that county jail. they are permanent. They start from and raised a crop of corn, when he the solid foundation Pure Blood John Qnigley, Leo Fairbanks, sickened and died. In this sad His Samuel Taylor, Wm. Lewis, Amy time Andrew was born. SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES Townshcnd and Cora Curtis, stu- mother lived with her relatives dents at the B. Y. Academy, came and spun flax to earn a little money. and "dartrojr tli inserts that jrou are paying As the times aro hard and to aid all ng them, I hare tariff on every year. home Wednesday to spend the re- Andrew was brought up in a wild derided to reduce the pru'eof mending all kinds of footwear. Here-nfUr the price of soliug aud heeling mens shots or boots will be re14. IIAXCOfK, Jr.. Is agent fur mainder of the week. country and among rough fieople. kind of nil from $1 down to 75 cts. Women's from (o cts., down to 50 cts. duced AVhat little schooling he gut, was E. H. McBeth and Henry Smith YIN A SIH at an old field school. From a (OUTFITS. started for Salt Lake City Wi dues-daex ICeimix'lxx fg Jxx O fellow he was a hot tempered PAYSON. UTAH, little afternoon, on the U. P. train Win. The tn:iu got stuck in a snow drift, np near Lelii, aud it is not known Ax? vrJed Highest Honors Worlds Fair. yet whether they have reached their destination or not. ft. S. ft . globulin. of gi-'-i- ! Iji-ksdr- a.luwa. Hoods Sarsaparilla n -- v I b'-in- , i"- T I ol'SocneH. Blo-ron- PftYSON is HOUSE. OPERA and i5 cents. Prices, 35f PACIFIC SYSTEM. Mc-Hatt- on I iw csircm a-i- re Don't Fail To Read fi his. tlx y l?xrpoxrtiioxi CHJVHELL W. L. WORSENCR OFT WLlie loaiiuuiiiii'e The Brigham City Bugler tells of a boy who killed n mountain lion near that city which measured eight foot nnd weighed 400 pound. Ho must have Bhot about 2(H) xnuids of lead iuto the animal it was weighed. j lint ho ha a fine .1 of Cooking and Heating Stoves. king lie-fo- re Iiiviativiiis are out for a grand reunion picnic party of the l&t lay :i 1 Wednesday, waul, on I The only lurc Crcsra t a Tartar Iwd Jr. No Aumionia; No Alum Used fa Millicuz if Hk-jj- s Jo Years the Standard. Skates, Pocket Cutlery, Carving Sets, Tho Celebrated Christy Bread Knives. Table Cutlery, Razors, and other Goods Ammunition of all Kinds. |