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Show HAND WRESTLING. ATCHISON MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Collections a Specially PAYSON A Skillful Exercise That All Dangerous. UTAH Is Not at The Nporfc and Its Rules Explained la Detail1 Two Pictures Illustrating Some of the Positions to CASH MEAT MARKET Wigiitman Sons. & Fresh Bologna and Sausage. PriceB the very lowest. H. W. BARNETT, lie Assumed. With those persons who do not cart to try the more intricate forms of wrestling hand wrestling has always been a favorite. It affords, says the New York Sun, an excellent opportunity for healthy exercise and is not dangerous. The first cut shows the position to betaken by the wrestlers preparatory U The ONLY line running TWO fast trains daily to ft EFFECTIVE APRIL Leaves Ogden, Tam, Salt Lake, 8:05 a m. Arrive! at Pueblo, G:D a m; Cdorado Springs, 7:51 a m; Denver, 10:30 a m. Train No. 4 Leaves Ogden, 7:20 a m; Salt Lake, 8:25 p m. Arrives at Pueblo, 0:25 p m; Colorado Springs, 8:00 p m; Denver, 10:30 p m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant Day CoAches, Chair .Cars and Pullmai Sleepers on all trains. Take the D & R G and have a comfortable trip, enjoy the finest scenery on the Continent A S HUGHES, Traffic Mgr., Dever, Colo. S K HOOPER, G P & T A, Dever, Colo .1I M CUSHING, Traveling Passenger Agent B F NEVINS, General Agent. Salt Lake City, Utah. Train NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER Law Office, Lemmons Block, UTAH PAYSON W. CHIVRELL Boot and Shoemaker 29, 1894. the start off. At the word go each man endeavors to force his opponent to lose his balance so as to be obliged tc No. 2 THE RIO GRANDE WESTERN dr1 RAILROAD 'tt1 This constitutes a throw. A good throw, i f quickly done, is to Next Timks office, Payson. d d push your opponent's hand against his side, and then pu-- h ir.1 and quick and make him lift or svi.lo his forward foot. to stoop To do this well it is a little. Another way is to turn about quickly toward y ur left side, if using your right, raise vein opponent's hand General Blacksmith so that it is over ymr right shoulder: then lean f irvnr l and pull hard. Thit and can be used by a short man better than by one of larger sli. i ' Wugon Woic. The second tut shows a very ordinary throw. The opponent's arm is faced backward and drawn out to the side diCARRIAGE AND BUGGY WORK A rectly away from him, so as to ma!u him lose his balan e. Still another throw can 'be made by pulling backward and to one sale, s that your hand comes dire l!y in fr mt of the body: At stations where no time is shown trains do not stop. D trains run daily. S E W. II . SIIERMER, Agent, Payson. then push it away outwardly. trains run daily except Sunday. one is the do take The best position shown in the first cut. The forward foot is place 1 against that of yorr antagonist and the rear foot a bout thirty inches remove I !: an and at right an gles to the f rwar.l foot. Roth knee: should be bent. The rules of hand wrestling are a? follows: T1 o r.i.::: moving his foot or touching Ills haul or any part of hi? LOCAL TIME CARD, IN EFFECT APRIL 9, 1894. AND get a lxdtev body t Live d m: so as base, is thrown. Turning on one toe. so as to rea.-- further, is allowed. Mov Trains arrive and depart at the various stations as follows: Wheelwrighting and Carriage Painting move one of his feet. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. East-boun- West-boun- h Tipton & Peery ne.-essar- y SPECIALTY. Geo. H. ROSE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM The Through Oar Line. Contractor Builder. i a Specialty. F. MCCAW PAYSON - JEWELER. AND WATCHMAKER - - , UTAH I R. S. WIMMER. NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE AT BANK BUILDING, PAYSON. DENTAL SCIENCE Is not only a luxury for ' the rich, but adapted to all classes and conditions of men Dr. Evans DENTAL PARLORS- - ing either foot sideways or allowing either to drag i a throw. In ail cases the throw rr.v.f be made with the hand. Pushing with head, elb w. shoulder or Trains south of Juab run daily except Sunday. side is stri. ily f .:rbulden. The beauty Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without change. Improved Touof the sport is that it requires no conveniences. It can be enj oyed with an rist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. The Only Line ordinary street dress on, and a mat if Operating Dining Car Service. The shortest and Fastest Line to all points east. not required. D. E. Burley, General Passenger Agent, City Ticket office 201 Main st, Salt Lake. UlrlUh Perversity. S. Stark, Agent Payson. Nell IIow do you know she is in love with Jack? Hello Because she told me he was S II II Clark, Oliver W Mink, E Ellery Anderson, John W Doape, F RCoudert, perfectly horrid, and if she wre in E. L. LOMAX, Genl Passenger and Ticket Agent,. my place she wouldn't have anything E. Dickenson, General Mgrn Qipaha. to do with him. Philadelphia Record. Receivers, |