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Show THE man must be wide awake and energetic, or his place of business becomes quiet as a graveyard. Some business houses DAILY TIMES Published every morning except Monday by The Timcs-Xlcputtic- st em to go upon the theory, in times Publishing Co. an Application has been made for entry at the x)fitotlicd at Pay son, Utah, for runs mission through the mails ut d-class rates. secon- SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One week . . . Six months One year ........ . . . 0j - 81.25 2.50 John Huikh and that nobody is buying any- T H Em thing. But the father must have the necessary machinery to work his farm; he must have wagon, harness, seed, and all the standard necessities of his business and of life, and his inquiry is, Where can I get what I want on the ....52 WEST THIRD SOUTH most favorable terms? lie looks over Where you will Hud a licit Spring flowing into finest Swimming Pools the local paper forau answer to his Also connected with the SANIlAhILM are Sanitarium ALL BATHS CHURCH DIRECTORY. Latter-Da- like these, na I a it Cl to m 1 u see Saint. J S Pace, Jk, Biniiois, Sunday School in each ward at lo a rn. General meeting in meeting house, 2 p tn Meeting in each ward at 8 p m. SMITH HOTEL FINLAYSON Fine Grades Most Convenient On Ukv. A. C. Tout), Pastor. Main m S Sunday Services: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 j. m. Ernest and largest Sample Koom in the Society of Christian Endeavor, Wednestown, fitted up for the convenday at 8 p. m. All are invited. TERMS. REASONABLE... 0. 0. F. Passenger Going North ' Going South p. m, 0:07 a. m. 3:5(3 S. Staiik, Agent. 1110 GRANDE WESTERN. East-boun- d. d . . .7:05 a. m. and (5:5(5 p. m. 7:55 a. m. and 11:15 p. m. j rah am a Specialty J. S. PAGE, JUN,. BY THE USE OF- - - Payson, Utah Yes, says Mr. Arnold who resides :n the Cen-tr- al Park Addition, Salt Lake City, I have been treated before wl eu 1 lirst. contract- d calanh 1 went to a specialist, who almost killed me. lie burned out. thedelicate lining - of my nose with acid. The sutlerng was in- tense arid after tha this severe treatment caused a cancer in the left nostril. had to bo taken out another year This W, H. Shkkmkk, Agent, of su tiering. Every doctor made me worse, and my nose was fast disappearThe Ogden Standard suggests that ing under this terrible butchery, lean congress should appoint a national board now ssy after using l)rs. Shores fc Shores of arbitration. We think not. There feinous remedies I am entirely cured. would bo too great an opportunity' for Dks. SHORES &. SHORES TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER cures all fraud. The workingman does not care diseases of the Ktomflch, Blood and about entrusting the decision of quesNervous System. Price $1 a bottle. tions concerning their labor to the Dks SHORES & SHORES KIDNEY minds of scllish politicians. axij LIVER CURE; a positive cure for all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and B alder. Price 81 a bottle. Puovo Odd Follows are making a great Dks. SHORES & SHORES MOUNTpull for the Utah Odd Follows H ome. AIN SAGE OIL is a sure, safe and The boys here are eager to obtain the certain pain killer. Price 25e a bottle. home for this dace but as yet have had Dks. SHORES & SHORES' COUGH no aid or encouragement from the busiCURE for Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Sore Throats and all lung troubles. ness men of Payson. We hope a com- i Price 25 cents a lxittle. mitte will be appointed and steps at once Dks. SHORES & SHORES WINTER-GREEtaken for obtaining the home. SALVE cures Piles anil all kinds of old sores. Price 25cts. a box. The most foolish man in twenty Dks. SHORES & SHORES State, says a valued exchange, is lie who PILLS cures sick headaches and Billiousness. 25 cts. a box. refuses to advertise because times are hard. These are the very times in which Dus. SHORES & SHORES PEPSIN VEltMEFUGE for children. A sure, to adveitise, When times are good the safe and certain worm destroyer. average business man will run alorg All of Drs. Shores & Shores Remedies with a considerable degree of prosperity will be found on sale at T. G. Wimmer without being greatly pushed. But not & Co.s general merchandise store, and so in hard times. Then the business Quigley drug store. West-boun- t W TIME TABLES follows: at Low Prices. . Regular meeting every Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. IIS WiaiMKit, X. G. E II Pllveu. Sec UXION PACIFIC. Trains arrive and depart at Payson ns of flour GENERAL MERCHANDISE Sunday Services: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Preaching, 11, followed by class meeting;Epworth League," p.m.; Preaching, 8 p. in.; Prayer meetings Tuesday evenings. ITo. 19, Z. TAN NEK, Props. WITH A 1TLL LINK OF Wild man Murphy, Pastor. Payson Lodgo & Just Opened in the Simons Block. ience of patrons. Methodist Episcopal. 25 CENTS. Patronize Home Industry by giving our products a trial. Street leading from Town to Depots. a Anieri a THE PAYSON ROLLER MILL Site in the City rrestjrtcriaa. in vas-dilatin- N ANTI-CON-KTJPATIO- f ..la Either Case You Certainly Need Furniture otoi ps, Wooden and illow Ware, Draperies, Oilcloths, iJishes, Mattings .mil house furnishing goods of every description. AVe are the people who have them in unlimited quantities at Rock Bottom prices. When you come to the city give us a call and see our great bargains. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO NEWLY MARRIED COUPLES. Bedroom Sots from 812.50 nr. Extension Tables solid Oak, (3 feet long, 85.50 Baby Carriages finest line in Salt Lake City. Ce- lebrated Whitney and other makes, at the very lowest figures ever in the west. of-er- ed Folding Beds from 8155-5- up. Cook Stoves from 8(3 up. Gasoline Stoves, 815 or two holes and Rusia iron oven; 817.50 for three holes and Rusia iron oven. Write for prices. THE GREAT INSTALLMENT HOUSE. Cash or easy payments. Mail orders solicited and promptly attended to E. Salt Lake City, Utah |