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Show PAILY TIPA.GS DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OP PAYSON AND THE SOUTHERN VOL. II. PORTION OP UTAH COUNTY. PAYSON, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1894 NO. 28. Wagon Road Commission arrived today. They will hold a meeting the State ward Martins company of six hundred Saints who crossed the plains with hand on the 4th inst., the object being to adcarts. She came to Payson December vertise for contracts for the Wallace 3rd, 1830, and has resided here ever division of the State wagon road and to since. let a contract to Cameron & Lytch for Her illness has been long and painful 3 the St. Marys portion of the road. st North-weII and but she bore it with Christian fortitude. ivy Frost in tho Quotations of tli. e Different Minin? The Lemhi county division is now Her life has been one of and Crops Deported Destroyed. will McConnell Governor and of the Stocks Future State. complete fearless endeavor to follow the teachings be asked to appoint final viewers to view of tli gospel. Truly could it lie said as the road. Some parts of the road in the she laid aside tier cross Well done, BDutheaet were washed out by high thou good and faithful servant. OF UIM CROPS water and were rebuilt on higher grade. Remuneration for this work will be ANNIE ABBOTT. asked for. . t A . self-deni- II COiim - Territorial flews Gathered frcia Car General Brighest Exchiages and Arranged for A TI1E BEAUTIFUL ROCKIES. They Contain the Grandest Brief History of the Eventful Life of Mrs. Wrn. ' the Benefit of our Uanj Readers. Wignal which has just Closed The Funeral Announcement. Scenery and the Host Famous Gold Camp in the World. J. al Bamberger and IL C. McMill in, The richest, the grandest, most the stock brokers, report quotations on range of mountains in the known local mining stocks the past week at the world is tiie Rocky mountain range, extending entirely across and beyond the following figures: Bid. Asked. state of Colorado, Grand old Pike's Peak 810 50 at the foot of which is situated the marOntario . .. 810 00 Q m rn velous Cripple Creek gold camp, is here That great national illustrated family paper, the Rocky Mountain Illustrated Weekly, published at Denver, Colorado, (established 1890), illustrates this grand scenery each week and tells all about the made at wonder? I west. Also, true stories of . .Salea of,.aifiLkAdtve.re. love and adventure. This big weekly, slightly Linker price that a week ago. containing eight large pages, fifty-si- x long columns, will be sent on trial three CONDITION OP UTAH CROPS. months (13 weeks) for only twelve two cent stamps, club of live for a dollar bdl. Following is the weekly bulletin on Handsome solid gold rings set with he condition of Utah crops issued beautiful Rocky mountain gems are the Utah Director of Salisbury by given free as premiums to yearly subscribers. Address as above and mention weather and crop service: The weather of last week was season- our paper when you w rite. able, with warm days and cool nights. SPECIAL NOTICE. It was dry, except for scattering showin were heaviest which the southern ers, The Times publishers have determined counties. According to all reports the weather was universally favorable for to give their patrons the benefit of every I) made. mips. Grain ripened rapidly, and har- arrangement that can a to investing lias made considerable advance- We have cast about for good plan Some threshing has been done crease the circulation of the Times and mentand have finally made iu early localities. The wheat yield is the that we me sure will comgood, in one place only it was reported arrangements mend themselves to the public. very smutty. Potatoes are plentiful and We have arranged witii a prominent A copious rain would help corn good. artist, who does all the work fur the along immensely. Squirrels and r.ibbiis Salt Lake enlarging houses, to have done considerable injury t:o grain largest photographs for our subscribers. in Rich and Tooele counties. High enlarge We make the following olfer: To any winds on the 23rd and 2Gth lodged conone who pays one year m advance for siderable grain. The second crop of the Daily Times and 8lM)or one year in lucerne is turning out well. advanc for the Reel- ih.tcan and 81.23 we will give an excel lent enlarged crayon BLIND TOM. poi trait from any photograph they biing us. These portraits are 14x17 and withHe is the original and the only man out frame,, but. the frames can be 73c to 81.30 at Huishs who has borne that name and electrified secured for from one a chance to obtain audiences throughout the world by his This gives each an enlarged portrait and r good daily or phenomenal piano playing. His enter- weekly for what the portrait tainments are truly wonderful and furn- costs generally a.one. ish an evening of perfect entertainment. Blind Tom has never been equalled. For tho summer school which will be His immitntions and perfect renditions held at the B. Y. academy, Provo, from of the most difficult compositions are July 9 to August 20, the Rio Grande exceptions and stand with the efforts of Western will make a rale of one and h the grandest performer. II irrisburg, fare on the certificate plan. TeachPa., Daily Telegraph, March 7, 1892. ers or delegates will pay full fare to Provo Will be in Payson soon. and take receipt; this receipt when certified to by Prof. Cl u If or Prof. Bnmhal, IDAHOS STATE WAGON ROAD. and presented at the Provo office from July 9 to August 25, will secure for the faro reluming. Boise, Ida., Aug. 2. Special to Tribune. holder a rato of W. 11. SnMHMKR, Agent. Colonel Sharpe and other members of E- - awe-inspiri- ng .1 1 yes-teeda- y .. pos-ibl- v - Lyons, Aug. 3, (Special to Times) the conclusion of the trial o! Caesnro whose very names are a guarantee against Santo the murderer of President Carnot, tho false and fraudulent, when such the prisoner was sentenced to bo execu competent witnesses come forward, and, ted by guillotine. in the full deliberation of newspaper Chicago, Aug. 3, (Times Special.) The print, are themselves puzzled by the weather bureau has ordered frost sigdals performances of Annie Abbott, the displayed throughout Wisconsin tonight. Little Magnet it must bo admitted Last night broke the lecord for cool that the admission is a matter of interweal her in August in Chicago, and seri- est forth public. Advertiser, London. ous damage to crops in the northwest is Miss Abbott will exhibit iu this city on feared. August 9. Chicago, August 3. - (Special to he Times) The force in the Pullman shops was inert a vd today. At noon 532 men On and after August 1 free express dewere at work. The company expects to will be given from R G W depot have 800 men on Monday. But few are livery town on all express matter received members of the American Railway Un- up or form arded from our station, saving ions. tho receiver or sender the expense of Provo August 3. (Special to Times) having it brought up, or the trouble of The veterans of tho Black war will going afier it. All packages received by have a reuniou at Provo on August 22. express thereafter will be delivered free J E Booth of that place is chairman of of charge. As we will be put to considtho transportation c umnitteo and today erable expense, hope e' ery business man closed negotiations with the Union Pa- will do all he can to increase the express cific for a single rate for round trip tickbusiness that we may be able to hold ets from all points in Utah county. free delivery, a3 it will be for their beneW. II. Siiermer, Omaha. August 3. (Special to Tikes) fit. D & R G Express Agt. All the South Omaha packing houses did little killing today, few' men having Introducing the Subject. been emydoyed. Tho managers anIlflngry Higgins I jist called to ask, nounced today that under no conditions mum, wliut makes all tho trees around would they grant the scale of wages de here lean in the same direction? inn ruled by the strikers, as they were Farmer's Wife I guess it's the steady paying full Chicago prices. The men wind does it. were notified that unless they reported Hungry Higgins I guess that's what's the matter with me. I ain't had for work at noon tomorrow', they will lie nothin' but wind to eat fer three days discharged. Violence is feared should now and it's xunkin' mo lean, too. Innew men be put to work. dianapolis Journal. Of tli OBITUARY NOTICE. . one-fourt- h one-lifi- one-lifl- h John Ilollingshead has established an imperishable iersonal association with the sucr?d lamp of science. Dr. Lennox Browne is :i specialist of wide reputation, Mr, John B. Verity and Sir Wm. Thompson with a world wide reputation in At Electrical and other scientific matters Silly Onex. Daughter That Smith girl is perfectly silly whenever there is a man around. The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Wignall will Mother Why? How do you mean? take place from her late residence at 1 Daughter Oh, she excuse me, oclock p. m. tomorrow.. please; there's Charlie Rex; I must go and speak to. him. He doesn't know Mrs. Wignall was born iu Preston, Im here. Detroit Free Press. A Good Time. Lancashire, England, on November 23th, 1820, which shows she was in her 74th Flitterly (to wife, who has just refrom mcetingof sewing circle) turned year at the time of her death. Here she Well, did you find anybody to talk passed her childhood and met her husbabout? and with whom she has lived until death Lots! Not half the Miss did them part. Here it was also that she membersFlitterly were there. Puck. first heard the gospel as preached by the Safe from th Autoj;r:ijh Fiend. Latter-daSaint missionaries,' and havFond Mother (to teacher) Dont you ing espoused the belief she left Liver- think my boy is bound to make his pool May 25th, 1830, with other converts mark? and landed in Boston June 30th of the Teacher I am afraid so. It seems same your. On August 15th, following, impossible for him to learn to write. she left Iowa City, traveling with Ed- - Life. y |