OCR Text |
Show I'lIE SENTINEL. ,T 'l I. ivotrd !" . tLrte ut t :.i Wfll kill'.U ji I'lbl. :.i hxvi lUtlJ.iu. A TERRIBLE FATE . - to the JnttmU of Sanpete an 'Surrounding Countiet. 1 Auhoeripiion, per year, - - 12.50 Six mouths, - - Three mortlis, - - - - -- - 75 Advertising rates on application fmls Out if i A Baby Win- rm-Mcl- '"?n . fr1 H Bold ! County lirUTs i (feaf ti buuoilug. Horrible Jr.,pys the higliet un. Fate of Throe-Ye- ' - City Mr. (Upaituieak lti Tha Democrat is Club will meet lu tin City Hall oa Thursday svonlag. Aa l ..I k ... ,, .i l ti i. in. ; . in L.kii i'il i i m,., ir i. j - lO lfi arl. i'.ieil 1 - if , i.;i j,, - x'-i- -- di-c- SVic. ' VasOai Uilt in ho West y ! t- . .h-i.iiii- t!-- . 1 . wi-r- s i tln-T- y . iuvuiu-!n-ultiuiat- e Bi.IJij"' t burl-nae- s i It , r. O.. i In' p:i Has : Wax j 't I N bsiUrf nLltf to reLrt thi.. i.n.:.,. the iafautry tut-- . il n:,i flnl toward the hills. Ky u tin u Hii.y did not esrape. ' After tin u Hu. cavalrymen culling thru. i:..au mid from fir ilitr- guns of ii.l.-r. xbuwcred grape and d.- .Jlu death amvug their ranks. wi, such a slaughter wltneaecd. m' uiie half of the uieu remained, Afi. r hills fur an Juiur liniger forces wiibdn.w iu the pampas ef luseo d Almnutv rhvely fulluWi d by the rebel troops. Urrx ufli r an hour's lighting the rubt-- troops l after a desperate straggiivl tu turn tiiiir jUnk aud then the began. Locl.'cleJ by bxitoricsof (i.itim jjuu jmI light mountain artillery the rlixt..n li.v ul the ll'ixipK, th-- i guvrilt-.ini.- , n-.- l 1 ni Inicex weru i:i-- p. fail-- , liiif-- a.u limes they ti i. u lu l i ak j. i..usb i.' ciri-i- e uf iluatti, but ail lu nu .i I. r lb.- - pitiless cutis drove ibem ..u k. At I.n Ilia llii; e'j-tiUin1., r Mine i ii- Crrulio, xt,didiiia bp in bn Miiruiw and waving t in e.iii.l, hliKiited ri'.ng KayuiiHix,'' aud at iiu-- tiku x iiunlp pf Wild animals Irupiug ut lin ir did ilia lehels attack tint pi.-fuicex. From all ald.-- i they I ni'. man who ouiv wax de.l; nu was sbuwn him. (Is wax, bayo ui iixl in death altiiiiiih lie might have b vii so wuundeil sx to liisalde Mm froai liutiiig. l.iae hiiirlii.-rhacking at a of did Ilia rebels hack at iut-iuieu, jouug intiu tiiciiui-ed- ; ml were killiil aud dilc.i In. IlII lighting a. Hit' In.i-Jof tjiiir uiiils. At Right it wax il,,ii ,i," iiim 'rebel tlci'l'H bxl men a i e i.,jed mnl 4jii w.io iiird. iipiieri leea eeriuugiy. Vogt of the gutirum nt wax moiu'ug lue xliuwiy-lila 1..V.X i.iiliil. I .hit wee tided mere m I ex n and ov- -r l.Ct ' I'ilil'lsl1 C.KHII. The prui'Mrrx u bitter very lu Hr gevi'riuiiidil press vlixt'it cailx-'in.ir.'irlptiaii u iiuic.iury" of oidiers. They advice tii. t giiturninuut to adup: mui uiollimi.i, to xhtml bioOdy aod every uue ol a. a ubel.-- whu falls into lb- - T h.iiidx, am! lynch law. tj - i,i,FMi tai-rc- . bi-i- nj i wt--- : ii. b.-i- '' rkl tit t : rii-- 4on-ira- it, e J7.-Ma- Coon-liii-- - pain-mou- P'-fi- -- iipr-mai- -y. c.r-dla- t! li-h-- in S7 x l - pr cht-eri- r f l, -- .IeviuA 't f i l. ill-- ra.-is.-- J 11 n-i-'- - I ' ti J 'r h ' ' :li 'ft rj after-noun- A nt-i- i u . ui-ri- : - . t e 1 , u ' n J, l il--- tc - r .1 lV ' M:s Brnn.'l .op i.n , Nt.xvi ii .1 IV.i un Full Line of hji'nib ii.i.ii Inlrxl xl.lex ainl lunel.y fur In r ..il J -. i I seaSidi. Mrs. llrin.el Will Iv pl-- ;t I"'"' i 'i 5: - i"ry Pf Ij jik.Sn tl Id Main mumnx l.W fwuaqm lrtavik stmt I M. I"- - ti- t.r cn. si,.1 I "clue l.tU. IJW. Twenty vilh I'l'il r'i Ai.ii- I1, M gffcl'l e.xl.ery Il.l li"i'-- x eXHiiiiliii SS ef- '" - I'd i 'i 1 iH 'I. c-- . 'L:.:; :r. in n1 e i:!v I'.vil :bii .. 1. ,! ..r vi--- Hi'l i v r.i.U ). 2Q S Md. I Ladi.x Mnliiul iuii'nii I''' !' lilt Hi ",iill tlOCXCOIlj i I i.l .'I 111 ni im V . u and Fancy Groceri tr Fruit, Prorisiona, Rutter, Eggs, Fish, Poultry, Gan'l bsCurow iri.'xxS tw rl lltr liir Yltminonl mui that tft bjr fntltnt- UB In- '."i'e Mrti-- wii'XT iuVi'n'il iiMiiil TiiMui,!t lltrt-v- Redlali'-- n by MN Ida Mn.ilc by Kilgar Reid. tfidr Etc, iHf f iSfiiiM'fli tin itMlilt. Hn d or. lr Saturilffy. A good programme had M prepared, aud a iff turn from Dr. soar fi ,it of Irovo, wa ol coui-- e li:e ureof thsoeciiexlon. Tho question no to where the summer Institute shscM bs'i.eld. waa brought up fer dinxidera. tlon, and it was learuxil that Ctah County Is of mertiiig at A'axtilla Sprinys 1: bail bn r. hi Spanish Fork Canyon. the intoniiiin to Imld Ihs b.iiitd 1 lusli-iut- e at Funk's i.ake. and th Juab Isacherx hail tecepttd au lnvitatiori lo to participate. It ix now tbt sonfxr with tho LTr.h County b'Hcl'i rx and If they cannot Is Indn.rd tc c:.".xi. will to Funk's Lake, possibly the othi-ijoin them at Castilla Spring. Tha next meeting will bn i !.i r.t Cphrnini, (ih Ratnnlny, Klay flh. Will Laovo RomeWieuiNiiTON, April 17. -- n ix li ;' luit-- r here Hint .Miiil-tewill be rvi M,,rd fioui Rein wiiliiri i"" Fur thq. rrxj,',.t 'Jr . w' :uj:xm-:i:ii- i nm..':; e' Iihdne wau!. haul calm tiit angry bi poet to tbs exciiaidi' Italian: , nully he must take a' leave of In Vder to preserve 'tie eternal di.l.i-mat,Utnex of (hlngn. While ii u d true that IhH oil Fuva had leave i.f lilux'iu'i" lx'fuin the New urinum eLuulx (lull h- - vv.. I) net: lug, tlie frulii lliix ord.ji-capilhl of liiHgiivirniiieiit'xd!xatiHf.u-iiu:- i will! Mr. BUrueV rmirxe. r,eli els ciiiixlaiiixx. uu, niiiiixb'r at li uii.i oMaler, i;i aroiir.l:i:;ri wii'i tii. a b .ivc of pbuuatie iii'Hye. unlex the llalianx tu f eexe and xen.1 a lul tuUiO to llu-l.erliern lo the plnre ef thu hsud. nuiii yniidg viiilinlMt, Mai ifuix Imperiali who now acts us Uudiliix uiexxui'ger ! in Waxhington. ' 1 I H. FEJiajt Proprietor, fcjaS t to iriiii!' u, : nim " ari'rauxxd i nmliing oul xa inaumed yi .iixnh, wii:iii I'ii- ii.umnx Mlrlxrii.:i ,it!n" V.e it'll li.o iiMi undml lH.ll.xr for Huy llitl w t e.u, ul imxim-- l (I'xii'iil Iiv I'alxjtl') i uri' Ukl:n: Ifiill 1 "'rrk L'nrp ' ul f. r it dn'Kgixt ,T l.J l L'LNKY X Cl. fi.iriUi.Sc - fri-i- . : I -. Summons. I'i liti'.liUGi-i'- Favtlli-- Cnurt, Best Stock of ciotmn rixi-lui-- tnnxt). Link TertiUiry. H.VV.U"i"iix'xilrltitili!l, ; x. In in mona. ) .ldlin He, Urfrmlanl. ,l:,ii'.iief-rtlixTi,iT:- i t rt null, tajutau oliivrtri-- .'iiiii.rti- . lutr-Hio- IH Wt'hirwl lioarinir wi be rtt 11111 till! l.iki-- kMtl I rtf j(jj - ilk mtirt-ltlofvd tohdiit IlliUitf Hill illllam-rift- ftiitl I'l'iriii;'. m In It: fiamml Tho County Institute ly liniiiKdvf q i-Parfs 1.1 tut1 thi r."il:!i-Mh-1- 1 W' FfH :,i1b '.u 'I ii. Mkiiiiii of n TiiiiiliiiiH I'.mi you liujvr tl I, liuiii Ixh:, In Manti. UDkuowii. . Iirx,:in:., I uu ur, xuiair.uui'il le b and appear ut bi t.'r" u,r. Il:e underlmind, my oRica Ii . rayaUi' I'reclni-t- Saupaia County, V. r.. o i uf April, A. ll. 1WI Kitiifiia. H.tli tflk day ul i fi'ibu I. M. xaiil day, tn auawer a ml ai- - il a;:ainal you liarxln by alieve v h.rHIM plaintiff prayed niiii;i--- l V..II I. r the .a 11 I'I 1 .JO .l ion, iisll.il- rnd iai Mv irntx.i allcprd to lie iluo and in:: ruin you tu valil plaintiff, for dauaye tl'iu by iu t'i!1':iii( tier cn boil xaiuixla &G0. r IU r.'lra in im, b r old, wbila atrip In (ai r, Ii ft Ii.i.ii fuut xliila, l.ruudrd NAOl , lailUi.ab. An. 'iiui! Ira err, X1' r knmX. Tkraa !..i I.H ', I'l.i nl-.- gpiHU on lafi Ihiuliaud Omilt. MQiiirrU 1'IIB ytii'A.I li.y IjnntiMlirM Yfhir fi I't, WllitO Mi nboaldr. Dpi ib iurchf '1. Lr.todiMl 69 amiflol fliat If yqsn Tull .iiUyi1! ins) dual RllWT MR rIjOTM WnlrRl top h:;l-r- , plftintiif vll lakn n;Miut von tor ih kctl fmmotfl.i keeping Raid tl!77Ml- - Rlj'l CliBlB n nut. Ar iiuy CounfaLk- of ukl conn- To li:4 ( (ii'.'.i r.:. Male I ..ni ii noil diieihinni therein, ititcn iiMi.nr my Maud t.l Klk ilty of Aitrll :iitf a r. :i, T fm AMU . 3(DEALKRS IN)c General Merchandise -- Are Still at Their X)ld stand, - Main Street, Manti, Utah. eftkelVaoe, iByrllelSectiici 1 ' r I'uni-lkid- r tk Tbo Boat Advertising. TjUMMONS Ik iUf SN.kjirlia aiiiRiife'M ii r r. Tf I'lffjHlill. ' . 1,11 Jprll a Ui.mliiy. IU an.Hi-- 7ih, nOES rt lit V iPwwdf1.21 . dofin 14.lii'U'Wiil. yi 'Iff .11.11 I.'fl, Wll'BIMlaUbiaiR oikirwiMiiMe -- wu. in?. in' i.y Hiininmu d In Vi i nri. lui. hr asd appear . Hi1 "iiXrntlanrl, si vnv offii.a lllv., In W.lvli.'.l a. PI. Mil 111 PRICES. ioc ri:iTUT, CiahTriTl-i..- ii, .tUlnlia o'clock ainat I lV IlYW fS Iw 2 .all. III;.. III piaio'ifia " . h ni lWt I lisK. I . '"! rx. ilmi. 1 10 12 rear a. l4h liin.l .4. ir, fmnt old 'in in,. io l.'rrhrad, anil whih- - nu aiiiu. wnue Tbs muxt eilirieiit ulverii-i- ii i I.t l u ..ii ntfhl ax... i.i.r of Ifidxl'x SarxHirii(x I llmt wliu-i- , I m on op rurhi tliieh. an.l 111 'A mmlieiiie from Uxlf. Tuut i. riHii "l'.rt-.- l r,.aa I'P1 niaro. H nr f .ran ""I n. ihnxn will! ur r ill frssi by It. sj'...k "u .III. mxli while hii-- - i- 1 .ii.-- a t- fi.-- t wl.ii In turn ln lliiftli, while airiji m.wa :r.ii"!i tl huulli-r- . :i line :huui trrara old, while !.nk mrrslul.-ha (we. lerth.inlii-nu IV l.u-- derive lienelit Hliil urge oilier t: try . tin1 circle lliix ucceaxful I runda aoniiii. of f tie itopularity.iH riifiiiiy wt.bi.i;,;-froi- u t.i.! I.u li.ii-Iiua vliite .,.a I, brxnil-lliix rauxe alone, ainl uure Mid D "u I. It . a. l m.xo are bernmiug eiithiiKlntir in rri.M"T tn' Aiilynn toil you H rtuss Iiiinjrmd ex ii "liinl'y IJlift o Bl'pi'UP ffn.l half uf llouuHhKr-iii.irill- a ti:1 'iu- pl.i.utiif w ul ileiieviiHtrute il alwlul merit. All Hint rm mu 4( M h it ii i Rjid tuiipiil. s.ul ix axkeil fur llowi' &vrxninrl!1i ix d nu ,4 r v.rtMs-- i iil Tiiithnili n it Im given o fair trinl. If in firH giuij iiluoil pnriibr. nr I'liiDi'ie i Mnk r f. ,f htiii i.i i mntti-lne.Thu- : , b- IUmhIx V - i...'.i-tciiii- ', try Clawson, . e, t.-- (!: - i li.Mi-i.r- . ki I flWBOTTOM M Ins ynu in w. da.' and nwlmr riainaun done to lBit'ni-n.pI.y Ihaftiliowlas ln- - il (i i.r C v. ar- i.M, liramled i il I" W;B .he .Ta.i'i o ?."!&.V,!,r ,,H,V" Um xiini I'I -- . BOOTS & eimrl. Mm licM IWanct i ty.i , cu in rr e $ jk?. (KTP, c frieinlHHiiti'i-riiigHimiIu:y- tj Ffeo-DlwB-to-all- nit' i AW-a-y Green pvrlic 12--- ta i Jr. u-- ki mill ml Iur ji iv. Iim fair vepiceoulBiiv;'of ll.'-S-. 'ii al 1!j? iuodiiv; ttarl.ifa wire -. IV .. Rook (.f Monoou by ll'iiw tv HSICUl li'ius t S: ul iM.ilcil' tree .Mi-ilal anil i. N'uiili i"! Si., Spmcc . J v j;iixi.iiiLt'tf a rure 1 ; i ro. lil'I'l id I'.iii.t-i'- s i i , L;i:OMSUiiDn; .Tkniaiv.,x; r??TBrg7i in. TOBNfili i:('.iV.(.'uil!'llinp-- i'u:c. - '. i S:m I I..'"." l i ni- ! inili-x-i- i 'in-- i;t .i I . ... .i I, ii.-- X. il j. i ul I., my I Debility '. Ull". ill ill." Ill- Mill i . .i) nx. i'll- - .lllil Nil ll i! Proyrai.v A. .ci 1 rei for sale. Iami.x Tmouxun, a'C m p Gaii Fix, witi rule fti il rm; w ill liii' ni- : i bung V! j i.ju ( You IIi.iV! VuUUg ID1NA ptciaiiy ' r ulhisy. I : MfiUV il.ii.li lialx in mi veil i lixwx ui ii ri othi-pilx eipixl'y :i I iii'ip. Fm JIOXJ J'.'ovo, Utah- - f.-l- i I ; I i ii:s.'itdn-'iig'x'-'D- ii. pririHi' lXECTIO 'ipBUk e- , 111 Id my I - .dot lari. If:iny V ' i'gi tli Jim ti, 'il .1, lni-l.- in." ly rf S, Minium Fauhii'ii.i'le hi'. Im-r- :r.o KD.flfg . KOTIl E Futt I'rULIClTKft. y Mix. M. K. Ciga rodnfecon 'J "-- Je AosmmJJ, Nothin. It Coat W:.y f'L f - oytoed Ne-- r Land at Salt 1,ak City. r. T. Unrck 1WU, UM. Nixire I, linvliy Ldvra Ih 14 Ilia ull,nriuc-nainaMr .A. I'. 11? 'll id . htie fllnl pntivu of liia iuluutiu aeiuer ::1 :i wi tiler thill lle.x i to lnxki- - Bui prux In au)iMirt of Six claim, and y -' U'lite iixx ti.ir.-- of n!..ithat xaid xif will bemmla brfuia lha Uuanly ,V Co., xlnl of A. i 'W I: :i. i--' . iju Kr' in'li n HMipetx rouury, I tuU, xt ih Conn i. pr.ii.il. Ii . S. I'audit lluuaa. Mxuu, ulah, oa May Cad, lull, via: ii, i lii:-i-- , : alxii t Id1 IlMlidx Jam ,lr j.03w, turlha k KW 1. Vi 1... . ,d t'H'y will H K H. li W V, lire. (bl.r ..ii:.;. m SI, Tu. JH, . K. 1 H. allbi-ii,-I- l 'J years Iihlix iiih.ni. . cimr.'.i'. vo:i ;r Uauxioox lha fulluwlnu witnaanraloproTa hia ynulinuon, rexMcura upon ud calrlva the Ii- e i Ifi-- e xh, lie is cnli-idellion (if. Hid land, viz: John Allncchl, lhilip u:i !; Improve. eii-- r brought Into this purl Hark. W llliain Hoars, Jr., Kdvrard H. UrlO, all 01 lay.-tiot'..-i. Kiuiatr lounty, Diah. ut li.iiuiifaiil'i-rXNhiiiil-- l II ffasxz It. Iliiaiui, I r im Im:ii Hull Bir.l A Ijia-r- , Il'ii:ii.,l i.l NM J"' J' In atfr frr Apiiiirantx, Bagllar. Ktahle : .1 I'.-.Kiiglbih mijMirotHl ere lliix fsillulia animal . ; :re. i'. ..nd ('ieivliind Day I L V' am o I.I.N i ouutaiiiCrtN'iiw Dividfy 6-- 6-- ww Wi vww mmmLiIJXOi mRir SI". 2 Arnv4 Umpr, on 'teoeq Strtilh. Nu, i. p. in. hi, 11 1S.1S. Lmri'l Nrpiii, Tram mu diiys Mimliy Train tlop al Hxlliai marked ualy wbw xlKoxled. ii-- j I" 4 lsW. .Arrlit-- f W .Y Umm-- -s .B s nim 009 vmnu emaka tt TaJl DBwWlti nop madudafti wgata uonnoe eaw eqt jo am ml o' i. v!i ".i'l'i nrixiug : ,i 11 ufu- swj 81V wTifBAeW.e Xiama taX inaal a.POQH eqn Apamai pon - I . i Jchtak ' t J Clit'ffUr. . rt ' vi . toil, regu- - Tnaouuas Kai'Blcc, Geaorxl lluagw. H . Ii. KkrR. General Snprrlateadaut, ...i i'. si known ii.-- i ,A., I tf. ant tli ! I - , li j. tf.lk)l,uaY4B 'mi. .( ,) . a .iuiii-'-r-i t .'Ulinu. ,mr JMaD Jt WiSasi . Ho Bfiw Nrcat kail l.nh ImMiim ' WilUS ront-ATT- O xsqte po ftsamota eqi lc. . u ostsaa wnmuip eqi ei.TLK. E. J. ataaaip - j- Court llo W7 eamaasfr .' papa pain eqt l.aUSia. l TIMK TABLE, Nd. Med need K y. ii. IX S; ; III ! ji A tlllii' illlil Will I'" ti.e.ll ' ih i.ir,. r; fur l.l ly ;.'irx it iii.i'ii-- 1 l.nMiiul, r i I ri No. . i - fri- -i .iH mid I M Uuiu;: NkKU. j d- l ir Tn ii nT edxo Plow j Ibrw sa8 7 -oq w l pom em pip so mb paasamm Poe toliaSft' lie--P I ildip mws pama, MI X. Sarpe!e Valley Railway . i'lllpx ('it i i.i. i. ii.i.ii. 1 bi-i-d I. I I ! -- btlri umtoTAod to, an en aunapraq I'iUV all xi II iliurMrahfcex-i- To take - etiij iur I f 'llil-lt- l u woiiiii eJamLa aujaawu i I 1 ii-- nx l:-- li i l.!f : : 'Iit:n i)iiiii!a V. f..r eo 01.1 c i A,v rult i'Jirt ti j; jr Kvi'iv i tk H Hur- t I n h lif- ly iinivf'lMr, I t!f , er; ii-- F'i'" ul1 d:,x 1 s. ila i .1,1 pn-fen- , r ip t" : A Grea1 Undertaking yrru-rdjj.o- I n 1' The Kiixlllil.uke City, w'.li lx t',n em-r- t from J. di. " 1. li.ilidX, ItbCix. and rff.-etu- Guatc-nuila- Ii I.- -, e - ti' l- - ' t M'lll . Ultrtjrt i ioU!iitVp b;S-- frobatk agraasxtr1' 1SSS Bfj i i i A , ,,'f ini i pn-.-r- Ih u W WU Bad Mjno v ii.1 (flilillltMlt 1 I'l.iijii'.'il al.il i nlhl't,-.- - muu-agsi- f ' iyV ;'x tli- - can.-i.-r- It0 - no T a yes rovnu sow'j pupirn em t At . fa. tin vca: I iil.aplllu I'll d on all Nn. 2ir,. Wiil aiJUd nil .s! e r - . ' Itlh I M I ' B!JBdBJBS Tf e ih. iUK-nk- .11 New toiiKu April W. -- M'.nixm I'tvix, .of gs.'icral eiieriiiteiiih-ii(.'orpin: 4ini.tr A Sju ti Ai;ii';ii-.;i- , l;..ilway Ooaip.iuy, which ix ronxtruciiug a line of miUoad from the Untied S'.ulrx to Smih America, giro a summary of the wi'i k as fur ax it has gone, and alxo the futun ; lain f the coiiipauy. lit says. ji: little lias Iwen said about It le the i iit'lij ttie road Is enc of the ghti-v- . , i : mnl I 1 uihltng enterprise. The line ftliich Cjupauy has begun is to bxFtu) m!U-- j lu length. Thru year aro to ba inkt'n lo building. FrotiibOOO n to Ii'.giO will ho smplnycd. have been made which eall for cemp'irtioii firm Corpnx (Tuisii to the K'o (jrad-.'ly ,'.4i'i; 'j.'.alina will etoea Um Kie Graude nt (irowipivilie, Texu, and run thence to tux pan from whleh point a branch line will run. to the City of Mexico. Tlu main lino will foutiuua from Tnxpan to Mallaland, to The PrealdXit'o Train, Teliumcpcc, lu Mexico, thence to Salvador, Costa Rica Nicaragua, yor Memphis, April Happ in and Jii,hnia. Coi;rrxxiou are mads ly an addreaa of welcome tothe fre-id,ilT x of each of tlie goveruiucni Is soys: This restored, harcu.nloux tiirsug'i which it wifi pxux and and lodsstruetlbls union, lu dealing snlxndiM cr.xntxd. " ' with tho greatest problem that tux ever eoafronted toy people, it to our iuteu Funds Csouated tlon to ho just ood while at tha urns time with tho iuxtiuci 'VAsitiMi riiN, April 11. Tfi iropcwhleh pegvada our people, the T V1 larK' on' Jicn- aim Is to guard our social purity, ' . I. R l.)..x, p'jMlC' '.uudx, clvllixatlon our and mulniaiu preserve efiv, ai: I th rot j. i i w itiuoi ei tha eaueuian prestige and puexiblluy of a Little Rock, ark., April 17. lrai-den- t wi:;i jlii uf tl.e surplus, 1 caiixiri l received a Harrlsoqjjfcd parly rom- - iinHuxInmw annng tho flnaiiiUI welcome at thla point. Gov E tgN nllii'erx nr tlie Ticakury. Ibvldi'x cir of ArkoUsu, mayor of Little K ark. and tu put in circulation the xtih a committee of cltlxens. esciwted the ilcavoiiiig xldixr hi Ivor cuIil Fqxter party from Memphta. A military xnlhte 'lax siiDilu-rplav- i Miitvrniiig (hi ii'. .iliv, Clyilesdalu ea fired as the train rearhrxl ibis city four and lixlf rent I'.iadx, aiui.unt-ira Ivrrli i ftaers .he pie- - nd the l'reeldeot was 'ii by a tu tixi.iaraai, whivli nmtura in-I I i e lie am) Ih- arse crowd Fn. Tfie bclik-vtht uf t!,e parly m u . . .' i.ililirii eeh In at vii li.uiki, which huld fl2(V.i.THi iau . u( f tiii---f buuxr, wiurn i I i!. r iu rums id pupV lunula, wuiiMixi t,, rotnfi, 4 i w:t : i s,n:i-- M tlji-TI , i.d eoibt i ti am- - uiaiatiTuba. This eelpiiiue by the a nlhuikx fur riiriibttiikii. even at I'rexnl-.'iil- , lt'i-- k tb tlie and by uxL-fit a s; ilia! other school districts i:y alowsi rale of InlerixL Ida reganleil "uxlmaalrr WaunximiCer, .iftxr veSiirb kuilid do Writ tu otxwrve. ax f.'iiMidi', ieriiMx, (u float thean IhibiIx oil talk a public IbePreehleut F 'I he :t 2 sr-t I fimlx From the Ogden SUindunl ws leara Tbo left this etching fur parly V A'1-- , e.ff . i?' i the plan lu tlm of .xnr.bly fur yrxts from that Jamia Hiitrhlo, of Statlonvllle, , i.' fleci.Miy '.Vinihon in IsM. iu i x u.Sk fwrut, jouog sun dumiultlud suicide last Thortday j f j : Aj MimIhix, iji.d April IT.-Mr.R. L. King,' 706 Fraukiiu (., I by cutting his thioat with a raior. dent wu vtllueexed just lefure (lie 1 A 3 :. : Irlohmeftd, Yai wm rocruilv.cn rod by When dirmered by hit wife, ho was left the xf; with a lilhlmy A.U iut,, the d'pot. Ksther Minvy, an Ni nJ 'mi Ogden up!mixl"r!-- r lha of AjsViSarxiparllla. a if to in tha I kuecllog prayer, Xootbri rorrlage ' ; , t l ll m iMlorgd wuutan who oLin r adlclao cau approach this preparation house. Financial trouble are enppeaad iy. WV u laki-inpxrl thne K. Jiihu d ai aou'egreudfa'her, lligc, o T bn w n the b.ick and to bu liir rauxe of the terrible deed. t . i a cleanser at the blood. who wax a playmate qf the riiid,i-in J x f ii'.v ven 'xiirpiii.t'irxe A uixo namd Mrhase wu robbed In childhood et rxgelirix.-ik- , V.u w:ix yi i: -- r.iiiii-x.Vi : , if I Mr. Wood, our Railroad agent, paid a iiir.rlix-M!prq.i,r butli.n. U: H. W. depot in Halt to get a glimpse of him. oloon ucar ihs Kmu ring visit north ao Sunday. ,We an- - Lakn v( ;e ; ii..,-.ir'.1. i u.i, iie. me m seems tn window ebe went, i, ut It City last Widuetxlay. Y cstand that the remit will bo an early there ware a liiiidred auj- - x. M'.'yti4 she had found him au-- xlu.k'-i- i hi- -i fli"ai .i . gang ef thluvce lu the . . r b I e'liange la tho social status of. tha gn-a few rui..cg! .iiii of pin. hand. into lx It the which hi dtcoyVl and wu by coidialiy lixrdly iman, Mr. Wood, that Is to be. will ii-- ! I'limx, lvc!i:y-.xi'ip:buliuu. ala while tlie which to hm iufrom ilia tell eirp'jcd pocket possible w oom to MaaU. W We net he taking uouey pixLit liiini. poxir rhlpx. a lVealJeul wu or hix overMwmd ood taken the $400 mure, 8M pixy srned whethai MU call her Kittle AL 9 vlM of I, mii'up.Xlhlc Hi rd id lie. ' thirty, ft Auale, but both are Diet girls, w from him . Two of the iobbere havo mate. feiir I i I'hewiug gum. t.i no bcoo arrested. V ufntulata. 'A : four .iith.:i liickx. The syfa Coned th Meyer. hef-tu , iikiii who hid seven anifUr.F. 0. WUIes, of Bollna, woe In A Bold Criminal. The Ephraim brass haiiihucein-p.'i- -l . d inti this marsiag. - Ho yoyo tal them by a uoutbor of pruiuinriit eUir-H- ', 'wtruC- A boM of aeries Is Burnt st Sail aa getting than oil right forgnlrs of tho thslr Mayor last iiictd. and pi.v. dangerous character wsrt vacantly sotsd him with a guM head.-- e me, nx n j In Ogdsn, inough lha facto bars tskso of thslr extiwiM. The iivml pro- I.ummiv, April jc... 1aiurll has D.uid enly Jnt mme to llghu A young man waa carried oat, and ull la'liimeil 'a uiii.iif. load:lrr--ief groin r F. topivmheysoftlie C-rW.Jfsr ' Id will feeflulshtd that far by duly dli.-lix- l Yitli 'ieii:J Ln.ru j of Gi.ar In .leu ainl (L viclMly fxr to thdr homes well been Ji iu.'ii a jbax ; raaultof (lwir nauiiiift. , lahiihhe :iy: "I'he attempt of' the j Ts-da- ... I . I Ml Ms . . , r. . c,t I'ac-ili- c - li V. ' v. h.dd-lnith- d i;.--- a tHifii.f 1. story is told here wlurh liirnas ...dio light on the trip i.f Ci; :i , i I ii.i.Iorhlli uml party in Inc f.u li. it i.i.y U , ti luxi i..e pally ui '(: Juj (ion Id in leaver iur a i..m. , the object being .i a.iaiign n imuiiuiis oombiiiaiuii of In. sics. in working uni Hie H'esleui Miirmil proMi-ia- . Thi, is dtiliiixl l; pmilis in a pudlfiii t . lit i;: tlio Inaole !drtN. It lx xsul tii ujh' spent of Hie Vdi.ilrrl.llid is f,i ih,. p.u POeO Ol liradlng i.lf (ii.lil.l, f lisii al tended lli.i uierlii.tr of U if Uoaid of line iViX'.i-ii- i i r,.fll (his Wit k, Ik W.b lHllljill ,l! I'lent lent lluglnituf Im. Nor time: ti havo hufl uu iiiiilrrHiundiiia on (i... ,, ues (Ion of dii ixiniix of lhriiiig!i' rxt. s l.sl tween i Iml uu, d and tho ( ii.oti IV.ciil-:, It has bom, , i1ihI lliet tl, i.rei.i Uutlii' with l.irt N : wer-l- , in IixxIhs.ii igiiuri .1 by tho I iit;,.i Iliriiii vino Mr. (idiibl nliluiiml rnnlrid. I hough l.uxlnnw had bn-i- i largely ill. verti-to the MisxiHiii laclflr, tin hortliw-osliTpiuple growing in dlguani, and vihc.i liiry fuuiiil timr had uo iiilnliiui of aC-ling the ini-Hogliiit Ii it,,, .fact in Sew lmk. llie Hyx tim. t andci hilt, Deprw, Kursiby uml Tueinbiy Immtd lately started WiMiri c. ef train.' .Il ia raid tfiul uljr. i is to reach Di iiver in alvuueeuf ibmi.i, und be flrtt lu the flclil In uikkicn 'i. iiijiu-ararrsugemems fm car lying ,iut tbelr plana. ' , .. Tha plaus, it isklligiil, ex tension uf the Koiihwe.trvu Tim Firm nut. Eik system to Ogiteu. horn ft Missouri Valley lUvislut: nlteady rearhea Fort Casper, ai.dlhp laying two hundred or three LuuUihtl miles of track lu a soulhcaxtorly itir.ciiou will eounuct it wltk tfie Centr.il ill Ogdeu. When this lx done, the .V will parallel Ibn I'nloii l',.yllie ttacutlrc length, aud will pea-nix uu immediate advantage In having a Chicago terminus. It la said that this step wu contemplated for a long time by thu Vanderbilt Interests, but the sciieiuu wu abaudoned when the trafll." contract between the Northwestern nu-N m- that Union Iaeidr whsprifeciixl. the contract lx a ilwul Mter, ilu North weateru will May no longer in Mali liahlug itself on an ludepiuiil.-u- i fooling. . Sbuuld tlte plan he earilnl nut it run hardly fall to' work euiixlderaulx injury to tho Union Pacldc Fu'he. omre. It would limit tha effect, of the proposed tuuihiiintlnii lu Hhe Southwest, aiul save to Chicago oml the Northwest much buxlnem that would otherwlu he diverted to other rohte. ill T( O'.lil'l, - .iiin. ii ; i;,r guUitHi I'UW'I, r- li.o' tiu-l.n- X pj,,,-.- ' tim loau muds' liiui f.y ,ii. irKe. Martiu of David IliMip forgsil the aud wife, mu aim.si ui; I the uuUry public iu uulrtiig the il.'H fmui Iiiii,tb lilui.xi If. Ilf fni , notary's aud wiUn'Mi's leiiut:,iix is making the triixt I wiiicb ficurc the mortgage fe and .I', tfuE . ' ! !i if lli.U him. (. p . ml r a'.i (. uii ib (id .l by instructing thi ni pal and liilurrt We ara la hopes that before atony tothopablie. weeks, tha obasiful whistle of tha - Wo still have two stores to rent In locomoiivt. will awake tbs csLoes of our tho mfiaeZ Block, For term wilu mountains. Felt Olson ft Co. Provo. M Our Ssminaty has ended He eeason'i Buffer with Why concert Dyspcptia and Llvct labors, and flnivhed off with complaint! KnlgMe Blood Core which wu o decided snoeeas, An socially cured thonaandi. aud will euro you, and eOwrwiso. ' Ao yoa lka it. Gray and faded Tho stock hoMvtabf- - tho Qaaalsoa .. tY wklakara may ba ehangad to thali Inlgotlon eoaponf met lost Wodossdoy i natural and area eotor brown or, black svsolng and granted tha R. 0- - Y. the ' bp wdng Buckingham 'a Dye. Try It. right to two water sudeleot for thslr 1 v y engine etc. ) 1 1 S.A.Keuor, ef the Dtmocrai, and Nest Saturday the Field Sunday Frank Cannon, of tho Standard, ttt school and Theology clou Inland having t , ! I among our visitors. They are on a good time. An appropriate program with tha Alexander mine. has boon arranged for the forenoon, and t A lady phynlehta called at the Mantl the afteraoea will be devoted to plcnle-Indanelng etc. grocery yMterdayand Fait ha pulse of tha senior grata grocer. Her decision Thames fl'aidnt aged 71 years, one of waa that tha patient would, with proper tho lint Mltlere hors, passed away care, recover. Ho enffsred aonsldorable Saturday. U la reported that llr. Gobal of tha during tha last days of hlo (Hums. Tbo X. 6. W. hat taken to himself one of deceased wau well known and highly Mantl'a fair damsels- - Wo hove bean respected member of the community, unable to authenticate lb report but and ho leaves a numerous family aud a offer our eongfatubtlou, on trait. large circle of Mead to mourn his lost. I , Tw pugUlela took a little eserolae at A petition is belag olrculated uklog tha depot this atoning. " Ao then was the railroad company to locate thslr no policeman present, tha ally will not depot nearer the settlement. Th pres, nollu ouythlag on account. of tha ent Intahtiou la t loeata It at tha Bscky mtllM from tha town, acrepo. point about Reuben K. Anas aud tho reoldaale bailors that It will bo Marbixu, ud Holaa Petaraou of Moroni, and lloter to the Interest of tho company, as wall for tho people to A. Laron and Sttiannah Chrlotanoau, of emorooenveatsnt eouio a mils further South. jH Mi.Ploooont, died their - not In of In L taatiou to ola the great majority at ao In tho Territory. liitlaNi has a lauyk-- 1 BBWtii V-- r iV Spanish Fork Is lo have a national ! ud to It, atid whan It waa earned V ? bunk. I that tho oufarn ! want to house eorlnlu , i . h 1 : . ! eaiuro covm, aud fddmt that the I. C. H. L leads out with lbs an ' i :.V Vwu (UU la tha drab, ha felt is - ii D.marrmsnt that thslr retail storsa will, party t 1 ; iI ilka had been made after Mxv m1st, close at p. m. the jiutt-c1 ' t Ok. A abort time elute some miners In .1. i FrtL Greenwood ha Bxi Kldnr County tried to dry oom i 'igntdblepoi . i tioo as prlnelpalqf thaSaupta1' Auks giant powder Jn the oveu. When last i aceeufcf ot falling htallh hoxcil from, they were recovering. ' - .Uademy a , I la will fidicy.pthgv AgymiitsfiX about I I : year, but mat ruumsbixlabou lathe Aeumpanyis living incorporated to f 1 - 4 ' sKhlish a bat factor. Tha capital xJ . r jkhuoligom afftHi eftdrt time, placM at fiifjTO and Logan will ' bf v Chunter :.L 'd pax 'a 1 rolry84aJ .rnbably bs llie plare selected fur the 1 T' " ptubale buuiuit fyt MiUll Ju-- t ' from Piov 'aclnry.. 1 At th Cache Ceunty bureo fair list ,.t s'lei.ding the B Y t V.1 ' j!,X werr llilrty-fivv I: (ht-rh. if. , ' pore bluTxleil , v I. ii- - H'.'l t 1C, . hxi-i'iix- l ' 1J Ii'.li awm H 0! Jri-ji- . Business man repot t a prosperous and ively time. Thu grading la nearly sumpleted aud the graders ara moving further south Mayday will ba ealebrated by th suuday schools, and a concert will b( the evening's attraction, ilIu; - JBOQ BUO iauamaaf CT ' U'wlaid '!uxii!1j2 M iovi-- . VOL. Vll. There Is mors Caturrh In this section of the cotiutry than oil other disca-put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he incurable. Fur a great uixny years doctors pniuouiiCMl It a local disease, and preecrilMHl h ctl rvnmlicx. and hv niiislsMly fa'liug tv cure with locxlir-oili.ieiif- , ri.U" ucxd bax piovcu cMxrih it iucurablr. to be a cuublitiitioiial disease, and thrrr-fordeslrex Miiaiitutloiial troaiiiieiit. llxll's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.Chcuey ACo, Toledioii. is the only Ci.iietitutinual cure on tin- - market. It i taki ii liiterimlly in rfusex from 10 tiataaxiooiifuL It nets directly ii, i n the blood and inueoas surfaces n I lie eyxtem. T hey offer one hundred dtillarx for any case it fail to cure. Send for circulars and textiiuiiuiale. AddiCex. K. J. A: Cl).. TiiIiiIk, O. if. ' hold l y J'ruggixtx Tncix. IMF. 1 - Mr. John . ... t-- i joidi. (mad from a visit to Mary wale, showed" as some gas spsrietsiia, of ore from I hi Dolton mins. !i f liar .1 i i V. Gunn'sen GlsanlnSs . s cart, i1. -- : ,1.. u 1 ' school. and iaat hlplil by the primer; Il, . " : i WX.K. lf Ki If. f.ic. 1 -.- .i ; . com-.-- i j lia.:.: I i four j .'in i.r,,, Ii Ij., i ,.3,Iy J, ft with i:t k.i-i- i aid for llaliilS, ! vv i t l g t i: r.,1 Ktii l. fioiu ttiw h" for Lis a i re'll. .1,. i i. i. , .i,ti.uis ih.'ii ., Duiiiiitl lu I, ,i !.i i,i n; a ans unit Ail of a .... oBFtli it fur fr- ts Is lie r.plim the ,. j,ii hex III of it, ::;.i o If . ; ). :.. Ui f, and r!..c.i w.n. ' luwt Hiifk hfjH-u- : a VurL tin ft if 1.' I.. . I. l to tl.'e First Cl, y Hire , bx'ih of (h),i I if ad 1 Mina Beau has lawn twice nrprlxid 1st. y. On Friday evening by the wiuih nod hi ..) - s . li'-ii- s IU.S Tl v.., i M-- acciinipuni' c.!.1: Im ... lu .1 ,.: I iv. .i.J l iiv f e.- r 'if ..i i s ii ' i'i .tic . I.;.-- f l - J I'.- i. rf-- . liesrtuj; ' : ? K- - hi Minim Hi.d was a fiit-ry- . ar tiers-Mr- .1 M ir. Ail r,n tl f'gu! a ......eel ' : j t'i i itfi , ... few llai- Old Bey pries tut best caitle. A peculiarly shocking accident occur Kur buslntM JkoMoiib in Mautl Mpir red at Ibe Koberte block. Bear Spruesr ta Fait OIsm A Co., Provo. Clawson's slurs on Broadway, yesterday A party of Indians tixik a ti ip on Hit morning, which resulted la tho death of child. Chester Clark, a thrao year-ol- d morning train. Mrs. Frank Clark rains hare and Mr. The train was well HUpplM wlib from Colorado sight months ago, sod postmasters this morning. have bean rsomlng ou tho third Soar of Last Friday witnessed tho,olulng-rx-srelsethe Roberta block fur some time. Yeofths Stake Aeadeuy. sterday morplng Mr. Clerk, who la the Trimlnp for wedding aakes at Mrs. steward at tho Saddle Rock restaurant left for hla place of business aud the litBchougnarfll bakery. Tbs Sxxtikxl only Bc.ampyat the tle one followed blm out Into the hall, and then retoraed Into tho parlor w naKTiNiL News Depot ; Clark was engaged In housework There will be a heavy shipment ut A window faeiag oa Brood way was up. tattle la the nest thirty dap. and thaehlldeommruecd playing with of Tha It. bla all! tbo w luduw I out Mens hand toya by wire TbeYoang but few Inehao above tha Baor and tlrs. last nighW BASF ALL A full line of Huks Hall Clark saw bar child lean out rf 1L She realia-- d tha danger fully and tried to mstsrlal at this nfl'.e. ' move toward tha wlotlow, hot was an role on a Surmno. Holiday Nurolwr vereums with fear that she Gould not 'KNTINKL News Depot. .tlr aud stood watrblng tho boy oa be about II will (0 per ton to abi repl further tad further over tha sill beats to lha Lshi factory uni ihnu suddenly lust hla lialaneo and Surveyor Rijtigsard. went ie, Kphralsi Ml headlong oulo the stoue parameut rxiinw. Mrs. Clark gava o shriek and to locate the pi dosed wuhu faslsry. s . aensolaas to tha floor,' but aha soon tbres fiirOvt wit at Sun ftII Loti recovered ood rushing down stairs fuuud offlee. i tin el s .ho lifeless body of bar child In the nu The quarmntine physician oxy iLxl if stranger. I)r. MrAekrsn was mmmi no new eases of dlphthurin have lei. in thu aeaus, but Ultra was nathlng for reported. nlm to dm Curnurr Ilai la wax nutidwl Eld.1 Henry M'iutrb end LnuU And nit no learning the farts, eonrludHi that Si ui Inquest waa tmuecewiary. Tha uu KfaOli Wvfr ilia speakers la-- t buml.-ifortunate parsnla ara ovetwbeluiad With tna fabernsrl. aud lby will havo the sympathy It Is reportil that I)r. Wwdrlsg tl jrief if all iu tliHlr terrilils heieafamaut. Ml Pteaaaul.lias sold out hia drug stun Herald. Sod 111 leads going East. et - i i :i.i !roiii yt.I.'.r is if: - : : luin-tet-- i::' i Aii'.-- tviijMlei, PumIumm Hi I tin . bit liiwtiifs Cosiibg WaLFlr. tlr. il.cSi ;.r a, j prup-ri- tnbaui. (1 0 till Mil- -. Tkt Ctuitji lmtitulr. Tfcist . r i hl-u- i Tuesday, Aran. 21,' 1891. K r- . ii-- ini isKillei dow tile kl it l.r..-:l.- s ' Tha property now '.I. - r- D.rno'.C.Ur V hen suAennr with owned by 1. 0. the head, Nervous Duiuf.'a west of Suufl, u willtSj Urantzeg, sltasted, a few doors Pm aye. at Druggist. Sons Stoic. Apply to, Lowry l i :t-- r M For Sole. ;; v i 'x'-- Msrtlu buriourj fn ;ii Ji.r. : old farmer who i'wi i ); i sc.' s ,.i . hi- - psi-near if.- - ; . of having it forged a dacil fr, in l;,4,l r. , wife to hliusrif and wi' i'.; r i, chain of liile it C i .. tha loan tTiiaw at Vi. lii : . , r r treat, for tU ; loan on ti.c pm, jllfs-per- Thw-Stu- rj TEKKiTORlAL CLEANINGS. ! n ,Ysr 1 W agpeisV wwrftissdMUHlwf AwSlii WAt WKnfalilwH t.ii:i T.i. I : CR vovsuvi i i if N i nr r V.MliM, t ii y hid ; , IUr.y i -i fif-.r- ior.lh-pikxe-.- d jr ?j i - J i Ml. -- d l.rit-iiu- , Spring Medicine lir. Gunns liiuroviHl l.'.n r I'lllx, 1 1. .,c count of tlicir ml Id action, nre ("jwiul.y adaptril for correcting spring lileon'er. xiiKha iiiipnre blind, ilr'ul bruin ntul and acliiiiR mnl worn out body. They pill or n doee. fry them till spring. act promptly on tlie I,Ivor and Kidneys: drive out all impnritlex from tho Mnwl, aud ninUrlo from the ylem. i ); !y one 1. 1:, field at 20 cent Ivx 2'h Csiray Nolie I Mf hM e III V ,, r HUill line l.lue ::: and imber !.u oa ni;hihip. I fulls ,pa da :'l:MUSrirr. f"-!,- . :B i ajfx lit . aulu. SALT LAKE CITY. riBJVMAja' Hsil'sp inti. Nras.ta.1 If Jaua-- e and rea'a r smd uiTSiTT. "',l v d nh' imiiayaimiu dan ix u.a Ihrv Oil' l.exelil Ihp lnha-- l uiah hn!dr. al i el-- I) ffra lWn.1 at le 1 lock. X. 4! i .Ti nr ui.. mrI'ir pf April, V1. a. I . Smw , JlanliC Wf. y 5?? ""JPV'B! w. 6 it 1 |