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Show Ml v- THE SENTINEL. sol mil cenuony nftt-nettwu tlic law or good mural aanrtiui:. lu it La nothing in ihat line to tlia French wuiuan wlm li;,s heiui married to forty Mir, n.rn Sextneil lit I WARU ; Co. F.iIiut. StKVKN-MIN- . ll G. RbadhkT, 1 within six vear. Vauai-- r Representative Mill and Crisp am clearly in the lend at ,lh-- tin e in HtnA-m- l at tit Pott OJi-iii the raje for lb of 'hinti Citi. Utah. Nr tnvyr.ituhon it, llic but doesn't next nei Ilonas, 7uvXvvU-i I in ,l In Hails at follow that either uf limn Uaiu-- r will be elvcteJ : tl.aie are dark i - It 'trv iMVIt; i on i .Oil-- I in- wlu-- i ai.J i l, )i;r 1 i 3 wi-l- mi r i; s i Mt. llessant I Ir.-t;- : - ; Ini - i- - i r rl.-'" e i an , v ill e oi l to Ue Llgh at puelit auction, at City il Oiuulv. at 10 a. .i.l Cny, .iupi-ti pay llti ef alvcrttseni-i- it i with iii.t cxjistis-- s of sal -- 1 1 , l ,lv 'it V' A1 . : . lit I . r CiVRBl A. tn wr ,0N3 UH tw- eieUw Mu., f Sll patina, 0,1. Til k . I Yl 'I li U 1 M: -i . .1 ii". I non tit Ion, nm , i m w-- M. w - 'I'it M 1 1m- hra up taOM. I Yy sRse ifoec JUMM. whaia w .,a"U r. jfioiwiiuiix ecr it upadt iu.ifciilliuoB and lb euMimr or tluUMA Si BuffAUhSTT. m-o- IsViESTERN, Ir.V d i I1 l'i. Sidi V:.i il i.itrR'o' GRANDE i ii-l i ,'t I:.' Il . i. , f i c-- i:!:n!il-:ti1 .'C li. in .rble I i il-- i - ( Is. U. Cook. lUMtL U. Coox, Sm ret in Uiiuom City, ApriUth, 1st) I Dated, ' 1- I ( ! i i (1. J.IkTlW-JLaasat Uianl of Director: I R. V, tvr .N: I JIVE METHODS, Out kand Control, i..u M'Al.vrAVTKll. t 1 iis-t-- t,f loyal iib-- : ' ' rv. . a n i; ; vsiii-.- exaggi-riile- , experience! - i f lKl , , i i i,.-r rr orders of e e e :r;i:u;m;iTiiiif O i 1' 1!I) tjiiijn It J. y M,'1KI'.N In the natural unb-- uf Australi.in riiiiiMiuiiv,-- . a'lb. il come tburuujbly d ' become indcj.i iidMiL :n,d felt ililvt Hrilaill Tills is land, a i ibuwn by the wrivii.;.of lb at eognlry ul.o publii-iHt- i's; adSJCClSS?i!L -- T i1,. 1';,: . j t nun Kirill, ,i e?vir.!i3 lill?" I in cOMMEIiSS' the capital aiock of il.e p.yabl ta the secretiry. I y cf December, il,e 1V.!i wbich tbis w.ss-- 1 tn bif-r- wut 3 per (.f vtUielit i 11 i- ! i. -:. j I ; I Sloan, i; i 1 iti-plac-- ' of hi. ft). 'iriaoi-aa; Mon til lily. fcaupeteCuiiMy.l Not ember 1st, foA an I i iAItWAY. !.:i Ralerences. 2.GG0 this paper when you writa. y-- J Marne l.v il. that l'i a they or caniiut conceive oi a ungresi uf colunie driamiug . t from tins . Secretary ltu.k think i'iiorunii separation the. aro in but uMiuuity. llisy i blamed for tint fiiiluu- ul to t i inUro-uf the agricultural .iintry (o receivo f.Jr treiiin.ent i oiii Coiigrt.aa. Then it is nigh i me that a campaign uf education van lieguu by the Secietury. K mixt-iei-- an! y. - '- i un-.-i- ;! na l iiii-b- llf iiiiii-i- . rirjKiiisilii'iiv, be ia to aiixh-i: i. blame hat he iiifniri'il u ui;ike it b jiiiify g !t a dii-kr- i rt r lO tin-- . f t iil utgi.-- (llitv hl U. lini.on thin uffon' a in lit h a Kitin'- - the Konth utliur acotiuii. any one of w liieli may win the pruu. There ia many ili.uk a atrniig i that a will le to giro one sect inn nl the Mm unulhir be humiliation fur President in d ill aiiotlu-- tlie iioiiiiuaiioii for Viie in order In iusurr li Modern politic is not liitig uf tit a - i .'.jiu-- i . President I iui: v, . atari uprn an eit.:, V Ill" to trip, oatenribiy and mingle with il.e ) ifo. t in raality to seek for a j A presidential reuniiiii Zi'i n t ia one of tjei m.mi catch it any I v r ,i can Caleb hit bre-1:- . after it. Iroin IXGEXMiOUS : horsefc from Arnii. 21. 1S91. Tvfshay JkMtUfB Notie- l.erety a'lTu that at u. or tltfi ilircutors anil sliareholi!-i- s : Printed and Pullil;cd by Tin. i AaMsameiit CUKKEST OPINION. r ' ui.ib-rstuii- , Hotel :M- mm - a . i et--- A Tempigibf;, " I M.ai tiAL'siK. P.A,Miiiii -- J.I IHS'l- - in Klfort Apr ! Wli, il- GEO.A.LOWg tali. til Of course in a umj'irty ul cnm u ).IJ U.' i;A X. .4. N...J I lltMV- MiuliL' AtlHttue one is injured !wum-- i Jjxeriiuiii;: XT Vn.l. voUA . :u a. ji. e :iav I ting public will sooner or it ii a. m. V Ri t, U' I it a.tli Lukf rjiii :i in. HMM I r judgnit-1,1ami their l.x. i, Ul lVl,r iu "ill kiiiil- - ol firrt claw Agriculture Iplennu U . a. in ' v. JRI n lit ia ll I 1 u is very t i be jut. liooni. lul Steam llciit in Hu'i J .vu I.. ITU Cm ;. t Tl . r There Ic I n . t i. imt.. ifta-a. tu r for i . M) l.v - HIM.-.SI.IW1 J A Ml r .it I lu. .: a. ii an to advertisi' bit trur kiHitim ,it .1... t i it1 k iii N . m 1 ttip ,1 than by maki;)." charges t 'V i lb I 'I bis country set-in., is i, uj. 4.1- lo lie wakiii! i r person-- ,' bi through f I., it Carter lfariiaoiia torbirn uml i e i. l to of exia-rmedium of the pres. I m- tbeuliHurdity ip I X .. Nil. do fowl more than it I i i. .tu I of the people ia called u il im.i (ftiinuiiy in legal trials. The old draggled and cxnlliinl bird of i CL3 I gcuuiu ii ma in inliHbitiiiit ilonui't l a . i1 : ter, investigation follows, uml Uio:. .i os ib rector of the luinL b.-Tlio tub .ecJ I lie wliii-ill lint leetifcla Ti I. A little rtlW.Ured of ptey.lwn! rwed 'expert, long the truth ia disaoverad niul il.. C i for Ihe oflered u ; ri ,e of I on it t.i ntiinl (nuk end feUrn Ruiii-- l the side IIihL Tirf trei'i wm uiinuet upon hi wbrp epeertus blame put where it justly iieloii.-I- n MpIuyid lA'Ittli t'tl fiirwtnlaiulHViNl hiuiiroMS M'l design, and there ought to Hi kit rt n E'' CJ i Cf bmx Ierhei jihi ittutlffpo Ihe the Ephraim lUgUtcr of Satur llin. II tins 'eX'il-- lesliniiiiiy I. ml.. 'hfttu. Vmu MM, if yity are nr4lcUn the enough mt! lie I'r'iiiis in t'-CO Ih fluah. II pay a day correspondent undertakes tu kipt Kurt bMHtud i l country U- ioi:i I i viilne, addle the iipoa you. vli). u Uv reeoider witlii!V lll,,hl ,,,r. "I l 1 lln.j-ii-will tkn uiwn train or ih? tnuii Wake up. you! I : v.t to m U umi-'"? oudr futen lb n, which tliut the charge of neglect ef dul. Ti c I1 (oii;.i.p'li hit i ltl uri Its rtctiim wIiim tlu-- am ua Yl' I" wh-vif ,f Th." l I I uuut I r tuiinl reeent decision of Judge Llaclbum oven- me. lr. I lercci tu Xeehy, tbemven'or of the .u li ni lime. It :t Iruti). All (hili-rIme curad tbou l Ii,w,nri-r(ii.i.leu in the fountain Green case, wbii-- I that deea not pmte, ml! now try I S il or nsnIealeiL ruMl Wii! I'l'iilliii' I 'tv t Miuie oi ih- - nt llua WASHINGTON LET ICR s .l'i a id I n ,n limn, anil t ivm a lair trial. in. 1.1itn J was decided against the town M"- ti- ii. .W.iicV our - in 19 I in lit (ion t iu nr mir tu ryi-rby flyer Usov inn. yr writing ,Lii..rUiS a ml (Priwi uar Rafalnr CemMjiundi-1,1.iil nusn-it will lie (or r i ri fhiii umm in ,: Dili, cause the recording of the Cliartoi I Ifl im A Ui I niagsxint article on foileut force,' l,"F,"lll. Ktlit.tH Waiiiiinuton, April, 13, . 11 nnnrtnf l.nii;--flillir Nm tur IV, ak lAat had bees neglected, ia the greund 1 VMo r r: tu p id I Oeerra Mr, IforrlNin i apparently nut at rKOVO. - - UTAil. An Vr i I..- - lit linatli, - IiiIm, AMhina,i an ,.m r a w p wl 'h t'oiirlM. ar,l kinUi-.aUMtuai, il riii .MVP f complaint. The writer who I KUikea have been m. r.s or less pat o:itby the Italian war riniuT-I w z in p i..nb rtf'" 4 SO in I ' I kidw behind the now 7e this spring for sln.rU I tfl'lW .lit Aik again dying thick amt fast. I ' 1 lies. f WOT.n IIM. Msfk. plume, "A frequent 0,yr1it, Arm O knows anything about the Italian ' who I buttheraeu wini the carpeuters aou saya the people Jsc. SW IB L MVe Hfilt nntiBci! Mr. I:, V Mi ft .ID L- MT the srumsnt and having Suit till belimrtd that the county recorder I to11 mi" ,re liU wiel-linH K Hi n not he itlrt l'Piwr.1 i Imnipitlatrly'sii'l-r.if that lart' r?w Il H II si.riii'tA IM' had recerded the ineorporatiea.l111 24 hours out of every day, Unity answer Us last rilspiitrli it k. li Ufi Hi l.itAbli'l li. :! Ml MD fair OHTrVl 1 Ita show no signa of diasatia- break off diptomat'.e relation an-- l k,i li al t lllllilUUfl-For a period of nix years the officers a p ui fncumltl ivfiB of i'utarrh In uirviuiff I,uu W tUa Ul ITfUcL 3 I IliA U i ittsaiih hr from imitrirtor niinUfor our have been laboring under a false I lAao Mdiiint Of Hr. pa. ('hUitIi l(aTHMly. Ouiy w vontA ll'laiiiiisHMlinilK'rVaril TL.is iZ.im :s vi hand (Beet, Work. Jlfuiicn, 8a laiatbl'riiu r.l.v a tha eabln. nays tho Italian in 1 . luM by AirujiKiiU ettrj Um p Kpiniuui rrir impression. Why they did not :o i" m X4iiti s for litvo Atriia atateit be not Rusk Uucle I pmitlvely paper I t may Jerry ViT Hr LlaTM, (Bason, etc: make h. Uhef, the r i.iai: M uUUEn. r.o i.,,i xi.Ti;vivs- -r ia U the intricacies ; of al day paat, lie keep tt well hid f. ."'u knowing., ;V- wnfor does in. l:ivpm thoae who see him. not say, s.ilt it i Doors, Sq-u- i & .M.'u!.iifgs, i? tl.nlii.lii. uml 4.13 Pj'41'ifii Europetll diplomacy, but his blunt lie Is devoting hi :ii,r : put that officer, were content to I llaU. riv. American advocacy of retalitation things In hu; - fur h..s ( rr.,; f f l.ii"miti.i! I.im nUi Naiiii-:"ii- l i.i. ,ii. krtiMiao l,riVAU I.i il on beheving, not caring l.:i'-Government undoubtedly aboenee, which will -. ' l.aili niul Shiirul" s. tmiii 'v.n'lMi' VliNy un how gate the subject, and when at last and which, of colli, e. t:i(i.iHtMi tu;i tn Mill I.:tlat lit ouf ilj III;! i.k i! rwcrieH, Ml weight ia convincing the inaiEi, r lionrw lit Salt I iki. e r iiil 1 9 into court, they for U I : it il li'.ilit t sir 0 im (d ...in men government of the wisdom of at all If he hod a i i ji ejii a.? h't t'lFi'in'l eertou rupture wit li I.1; ; first time discovered that their in-- 1 f'lritiMi. i4oilr I .; I'. i.'i:i;'..i ,1. II IIKXNK'I r ! i 3 I". C. 11:11. I.. - ImT"'. l,tlN,b l I u! M.tlltl. withdrawing ilia embargo it lia the long pending ntslo l n. i,- ir i , i iirn. Prt. lntf Aft, Uiii::)"'r. rr.vii. niovo, corjioratiou is invalid, WhaUveil on. I skr I uv. L;liii. l'roiir Salt i. i r.,1 - -r t ,t placed on our meats. The farmer troublNwme quiwtlun of Tr.ilow vet at of a Jltfeal Joed, 8j::jiv in. omission may be charged I emberoftbe administration seem U.S. Treasurer II ustun has pace i : i against a county officer, there ia nc I to Mr. "lsolved I, K. N. Kederkcr. LIS by i r own a' hoMiBg jds right along, doubt that the wont neglc.t Store. iana, having agrsed to serspt iii- - ( who inaist Us3till then pepl( been tn the case uf the tows offi-- 1 n pn-gild thl ffbHUila OldJ. e faraen are Ignorant o! the pectsd today or ' e - uera whu failed to see that such si, science of government. t. ,.i JEW HF.ll, WATHiM Mr. Blalns teems inclined to loose h !., 1 tJ OTI SALE ipiportani, Matter as the recording temper because of the manner In which of their charier wo attended to. EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. I The presuleut of the tax com-Bu- i the press has discussed and disposed of DEALER IN ALL IlESCKirriONS the writer ia nut couleui I uission of New York city hasn't the Italian matter. Whenxsked for TO fcrr , SJlaiaw 3aci e ihe .Co-- ?? 8iore. Single or Qovlle i i 1 with showing the almost crimi-- 1 a to whether hi answer to .Musical IiMtrumrnla. Strings fv up very high opinion of tha honesty the last dlapateh bad been sent he petuniings. ll-s-t Hi ass (kind Inslnnticnls. nal neglect of the town uihecrs, but I jf ihe big business concerns of that :c. ft1 I kind ifi kind. The newspaper have Watches, decks &yd Jrwdry, lantly replied: Shi-t-- t Music and Music liuoks. must ueaccmltu the rtaiuiaul biata-ltowAs matters are from the He says. more about known beginning Send for my new t'al.iloguc lii.d mil - guardiiiu, and lntiuuuta that the. I iow very ie1, ixcept honest and tld affair than 1 have and hare long Repaired on Klmrt Nidiw. it has a sketch ofiOle Hull's Violin EAST, was Something worse Ilian anil much good inhirm.i-iu- n I guoraiit iereons, pay personal ago settled It to suit them, what 1 the riaying j, Va in fur musician K I al the botteiu ot the aifoir, and tnu I taxes. By various subterfuges Mnseefeomlng to me for Information T wii.it you for or Send me dels your SOUTH ' love ef money Hud some cuuuectu," I wealthy meu avoid the payment of That the answer to that lost dispatch want in the Music line. was written slid read to the cabinet last b i V with it, lie dues nut ALSO ier cent wm-- is rertniu, bin, wMther It ha say that Mi I these tuxes. Ninety-fiv- e I i.itc . UTAl;. PROVO CITY,1 yt AT I Watches, fine Gold ami . Iteid wm bnbiL, uu.m e&tch thi iii. we and. cant . is befu scut uuty the K- - sui;-- i t mil ii; !i", Opposite Coart ll,:3-ecie, j Cutlery, Ltc., Etc. Moltn, Jewelry, Manufacturer of and Dealer in here id the cubliict knu.v.ni it ii;i y v .11 Stpiare Dealing Fair terms Simulant. i i j aoibiug eise meauU Why should first Class T1,M resignation of Senator Ed- - not tell. Accommodations I love ofmuuey have I do . TIME OAED, anything to ! t t It U believed by ' ith itP lhe recorder ia Save yuuf Money by buylnfi' tlm I privee the republu anx ot only paiu : ill, i dlcxi:.. tlie that Hi1ni'i,i,ln-iNov. mil, ism. ei in 'Arr.v c.i;::jr.V for the work he dues, and the only lhe S,"t of ,uun ther cn iH.V kuthuriilie are lui!i u.!ii i! t'nxditi 111 ll, ifford 10 I lil,e- - ,1' TUVINS LEAVE CALI-ANA r.iiir- jMMc null tinkl All R. U. W. Tiflim I EXAMINE MY LARGE STOCK. meaning that can be attached lo th I reciprocity quest tun fur Hli:icl or liu3 Ynum art yourown Wism of eomf li. iini i M- Tin1 ,uccH,',l b' Uges In the respective A. M.1 wheel aesertion is that some one paidliiu, I ib iftkuiic wilbut r. J. A. P.MiTiiV, Pnprlrtr. I'riro willnu tho ronch of ovrryltly P. 8. Ordere by Mail Promptly Filled, Correspondence Set? J IU)" I.l 2.0 and 5.00 but uo man ran bring would be difficult tu Glut r. man hem. Alun curnm ifuH lliieol tN'tiuol to foil in hie duty. Oi coune ,i : A jjr W II. fill AT Oi. AcimiU. : 5.35 :it MANTI. Main St., 2:a i Ueid dues not need to I tollie 8e,,al h r,P 1Perince in who has given the pri Lr Hainieti' Niji'iii J M DAviO TraTeUiK J reply to any 7.45 t 1.30 uml SouUirrn 1UIl Irm'ii nt thing! any rertoiisHiinly. .wii-- i t . Hie nutUrBd auch charge, lie Vri::? tt n eo well know ,m!jlic 10.00 7.1KI ny CaPa-tiareciirucity tn in' the county that the mere men - 1 ciw m'Buk1 ,or llie reeignation will be negotiated t!:e pris. nt ! l 1. Tra!i.!! jik si I0. Hi. And 410 .ip & HalversDn; ! n; Hi I'nAo . .in.. irri itnlsiratiuo, nolwitlistiiiiiliiig tin, aplion of auch a thing will , cause ! il na. ond KJ3 p. n :iY Ssll Luke fur Ojgili'D tt 7:00 s. in i'i The Indelible liillion ie the pointment by Mr. Illaliuijif the lltli of , C:Jd atiU nnl :i. RHI m, Mm-Ito ) m NiinII. clas the writer as a Jlulaa people name applied to the late defunct noxt October a tlie ttmetfi hear ihe Ca ArchitectPj Contractors and tlauderer. w. iircr.Es. The tlikinle ,!ongrsss. The numlier of rouree nadian propoitious. t.i n. Fr'l A IVa .Ifl. first (lima Amumiiodatitnm- - Hnilders plans, ppoenfioations As for the recorder ' tbiaking ol refers to the dollar expended by tariff law hit Canadian Inti n e! Iisre And bids furnished on demand . C. the time when the county seat will F. RKSSECIUIE, and it waa intended todath.it tliat body. Alodcrn Styles work a Specialty IvPM. yfllllilffiT. There la a well dedii.el im-be removed from Munii it is thlag. only MT. not yet an open one, t co: " ; meat, 1I,V.SNT, mil '.liuse visilin.; Ilm Triii"1i-Millin- ' fST-A- li ;? owsewafy to reflect bark a ieriod ot Tim Supreme rourt ef the Teiri-tur- v compel allhoagh ' Canada to ask foranm-iKti' 1 MANTI CITY. "i or fur llfis I fi.w lion'". ; haa deeided that the Commie take tha commercial euu:-- , iiujiiire ,1 yeni, and tlwy wi!i iiuernv f.i Hip ,Fni- oonyuyain-' . Fatta'y wlih . Where you will get tlie beat fit, the beet style, and the bests ,ij remember that there was then no lion has no business with school Trad reciprocity would every iiay- I thought of a teanovnl, and had then election. Perhaps the commission thtoKhame, therefore there will !e im work F in Utah, and tiro best and cheapest cloth, aisl' clienpest filULi.T-jllS- ; ; TAKn CITY 1 been, the incorporation of Feuutaii, will now find more time to attend nelproelty. u .Grain uml Stabling. ay, , TI : . So great an Impression did l ot I.. I 1 UndTAWillfiCp, IlOiiririon, Green could cut no figure in the o their own cniu 1. T. Trrri.K, lreriilml.-- ' j eriis, seeing that rolk, president of the National Karin, rs I'rnK .lrei:. Troprii fori Murnifarturcrt fof uf tli licst quality always on baud. I ; i Suits mode to order . H. J. Giiiiistensox. '" (lie courts' refuse lo allow them to Alliance, nuke upon the local nt'.z-.-iAi "ekt Trni.E, Cnsbier, shortest notice. J r 15 ll WIW nevci interfere with other people's affairs, Alliance by a speech doliveri-- tiers lust J ! li. l. Kun. Jawi ('kaavforii, Jn ; - J-- li ked tc record the Fountain Git-eRJJ t is to be belied that the 'five week, defining the object and :iDih . J WM. (i. M ktcai.f. Jas. ' I iu l!u- ' Sorter, and those who know bin. nrthiee will take the Ipnt and the former organization, thal it has Y.r oil Tr;ii:::i'ia llfiifrul Kailiu rusiness. been determined to print uijili.-101 will readily believe that it bo bail iirn what they are sent here for. , 1 fo. O EL CK. UL i!1hm-p.naMr ii dmsud FItp of for distiihuti.ii it l.J general m.iW on rn-ijk t t been, there wrouid haVe been no They might have formed the' idea copies Or hhU r muilr.of ihp piirpHL mi. fn orttni mmaUuiula mi4 an at mil linir u4.iiaiiHtl. Although Col. Folk lias t Apnj lo KilUoU.u Ai'.s I'niYik. R'eji Fin. j r.r'f Vjiili. iaff Alisvluirly liarglar Pruo trouble on that score. It is unjust that they had a right to control tie deal of time Iu for Washington h,-Voi.ry to Iohii nu msl rtfitp, rlir und farm brand uiyr public olllcei "lection id incorporated Companies yean put. this wm the first time he had y I i'i"lvrtifiii4i avpriid Hpriirity, FOR DYSPEPSIA, made n pnblte speech here, and iiihi with blame ibat evidently belong if allowed to go on, i' i y -tli. people were surprised to discoii-Fur Stu Bad some ailirturt util. w a t we feel satisfied that , ( was Tlio he an orator of no mean ability. New r For till hand to do. ' the article will meet the cmib-uip- t Is an tiertlve 0, numt-mi:ILMAS GAEF, Senator Culiuni, w.o Is im Fur ly pruvr. Im, 1 f il'ao ymni . richly deserve. iip y Nnriil, M Crcwn Sevang Machine ; i There i I wm a eanituit fnnn to lie a gmal deni of 0 jubilant over t!je t., rut a V--. 1 ikx t.,n-and choiiMrIhL lim u Ids Stale that lie t:l-":v.r ,r; nt l ilt ki! i' reli:ii"!i", ilnriiblu, aih ac humbug alaiut Canadian reciprocity lime and Hie In imrly tive, niul . t i".iih al ii I:!t !,i rinytlduK 1 Wuaous, Ruggies, Plows, and all Classes of Blacksmilhin Mvi li- - 'q'lir owr, mily tturautnl thr rwry both stniiilnrd of excel EDITORIAL at iiMisi'iuriiig in and I Cansil IMKAUIlAPilS. 'ij Washington bAl'l i;l.' ae ! r 1,1 un!!. .ilarliUf, An . mlilwil K:n a In on Short Notice and in First-cla- ss , tun ingly ssy aimUrrmy .lv:.tI idli'iriiihti. jit's Style at S.ILNeilson'a old l clii 'i:; to rtmi.lv, Inry. It S.inaiarUla. I iHl tn, )I1H Everylioily couoerncd may i.L fo l'rssldent lil'inliig mil, wMi-l- i wu ,lin, ' !! 'Il.e ir.'i.-- t valuable im M a rnot at gs. Mik U.nt tlm- It Ii:m r ; There ore serious drawtmuks to rv - I"en my lujiiily mnlirbie. and si- - iiiHi'i lux guilty of flaying to t lie grandstand taken down for mpiiirn l.mt fall. i.f ;i i ul is 1ullv tvarrunii-njii-iKNICHT'S i limntiHi a slronpr in nur hmwlu.,l. Ike pleuures of club life ifoiiisH ffeuutur K.'iunli.ii ; New hkm i the Iwys tell it, but tbit some of jn Dtiu-- r 1. by I la- hnllnve R tn In- - the Post nmllrlne im , arlli." iA style snM. York C'ity, During an ullcrcatiou he lM;;i liiu- uui"iita feii'isluti ,y I, r. Suo.iiar ri. gentlemen are is n'ntost eerfoin nnnlly that in Mii;.iti- i :o S Mm. . loitrrH, n tic:, A t:im!Aut ! ! fj in on oftha clubs in that town the rrmnlv l"rgi;i FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, :i tic i fu1 tsfp fn4P than 40 fxn. A Seiut r Kdiiiui.dMi the Km lrwlur did imt kiuiW of t:,- - m- - i iii'-u' FOR DEBILITY, Kmnui .:e ruio furConwl.italu mkI uifc.ukt I k Y Prding 'officer hit off one of the Uier Alliuin-- mmeuient ia onlv a until 11 whs uiudi- ridd:i'. AM i id '.ur al ni-u, " ears of a member. He bad evi hmijieUi. UijiminSioiiM and Livi:x. . dun biles i ti icily pin.", m,i! ii U ihe Ho the Scuutor UWIMMJI PM MWWiH8imCl(HlHiW temporary become impressed with the Him Lhe bHanfral Uilievcd A iu Ur rMnpmuul rut geherally Is a mrtaia run-- , whon tlie n I forynt b n ibe siory cf the mini who b;.-.tzec- fore j Si'l ti"' I r4uiX V. the next Senator fr-t l wi advertisement In bexded W pictorial M,iL -- I wan a Treatment for $1.00 Month a One Nonli li v iiivitalioii to enter be t'roclor. m!ii:-i(rmn n id grr:il W ha'I ?. Wi cnt. J id: Lead me y our ear. i r. !": :'ii-- l ixt Class l I.. and i the aili biHdiise lie1 tlmulit the Hodi Imally, tippmiTPei'UnlSMuri riuikuse nut.-va j i the nan that I surprise twluml i.rm: Nmi-.r hi ,rk. BOTWCALOOei I'm X.Y. k .i I!5 toni ta i; rs , a The story of the bluud Ihiiwly uld l nn l lie only u ilone, Iruivij, Iu: (hat I did lnr tinla lj.'il A Tukitit Atftmmnk m u ipcaiify. Tracy i.iisken i Manufacturer of ti,iue.rary land that Secn-DiriT sn an b h Ayrrt Rarjuurilli. a f..w IkiW-1 1"'1 i V Indian, Geronimo, l,aving lcnai .'.i-'to r. 1 ,, sin, we-- ; R!nM u Putt fvnpq regard taking as bi t ?an iPPnmnPttil KnVht' i f wlih-im.l Kin-- f u:t h. my In li.H onlf tl.p tn! yvwititi rxW'ii(iirr. of the nary yayila of tlie muni r . Ti.ir. prim I lake l till !v iiti-- i Ian Sunday School teaciier may I rrrrjr luivl f riUritflt dTajWini'l. iu U1P I 35g'il&XiSgCa&"giSwwaiway--.ya-Mgje . In similar rii'.'' -- 1 . Ar.-wiic. tn tlm'siwteuioiit lliat ia no doubt aliout Hist being the limpri ji CnuihHJli 73 V M Lira A vci b k!) a, K. Y. true one, but be iant the kind of Mfirii-r-iliMain L. nillti.oll-.,-- . iHiki irii nnd to 1 do,' but IbiArHfr l from e pe-- t i Ft MPortisie1 Ihp judging v: man we should Qcl. ct to diiieniie uml in'cii-of ibi thing .lviw t tn c.i-wjt Vti:, wV: FOR ERUPTIONS Luili-i!h Kiruirf4 M.iU-rrrViirft livst Well buv,. Urn si,, nirfuliy perlenre people hardly cxpoi ti 1;. spiritual inatrurlion to either cliil Ii.rw feuwdy Lf All ( at p. U It a aidcnd-Bacretary of tha l !, na i avy rliiiiuk-idfopiav Ii. all A.d oriidiialinR In lm:rily(-of Ixrwry 5iiirc Iii t'oiigne in I VtDud arnl ftlouUKh acthi a. in or adult. tin- - bkiud. iwh ax rarliti-'li'- . IL J Mw COAMKJL Imlependent epirit, an ! tl.e ii v.lit iwWt tu -iii xcahMixn.i. 'i i Iaa.Uii4. Vaik, be tiii,u! watched with intenst. prliirig lpfa Ktvs, sud the like, bike only ttk. America La produced many No for N. !Uu L Y.. Grists. Sr.i, Fsx. wailing your ; hut iin-ii- , FRl mu tlon will i with oppoi'.loii from : tmoiij' ir. i kr!"' N.T. r A TIrrnift - l am r,(jM tn,nlf.,m anl MVCl Oi ni.rnti-outside of Mornioiiiein, know, il will Do a l,m (iini- - i lM:lillei! living ia il: nic S OQrSQCQrillQ Hhi-It iiuv r. that, hai I whose madia for marriage ha pn. m lhy ,! xmiir ailainodv R rccrAncn r.r f tiMil C.Mjrcumete again, and ,y I - mdei! a I JVI :in moot thU at' uiki'i U fir SB. J. C. AYES tt CO., caused them to go tluniigli that tl.iilu Ir Ik i I ila lx I'1 l palrous H... t.i zmUUuuJ K T.'iH-- Dillci, v i . il lung. it" - Ui mi low lI ( Brntenanre ef tiii'fo row.i. :.f AtK) tTdi w t r.ab-tth-- . qi..r..MOW..nf alih. uir f; h- win t uii'l Vi" fi.iw. ISi- nt: d orrt i - e . de.--ii- i . liui-Lc- . J Vvv Salt Lnlto Oiy V.tvss I1 II-- . ' l . . . I . i1 . I . : 1 :U , . Julius Jensen, 'ngm::-innocen- s I1- ?. t -.ji I1 ! I r dr-m- l:l ") n mt. isutrr s -' , C- - . lllr b.-i-t fcei-ti- iri-- en-i- -l . I . 1 -- - - iu-t- s M- - - l)-- 1 M 111 I Shuttler.Farm and Freigh"& Crovesr. Wagons, Reapers, HtaderiSSS Mowers, Hodges Planet Joiner Horse Hoes an; Garden Tools. Superior Pres U' Grain Drills, J.I. Case Thtesb1 ing Machine, Ames Steam gine, LeffelandTurbine Wheels Lane Saw Shingje Mill, s Agencies all Principal Towijj sfi brlM-U- t' ) 1 - " oi-- i., II I J. m .'li Ui-- t iAj r li 0 The Micksl 0 v. - i- - to the Motioa'Store kP n k0 R, G. W. Restauiai0' 1 Ger-broug- ht . w . ii - - V a !., a G. m s. i . rt i.i'i-a- t u I fN Gardner, JWiiiiusic A. Marker, "P. ni - iitli LvrwvycLl JuoranrL Food Alalj 1 Hi: PRINCIPAL POINTS i'l- WEST, NORTH and iit if'.1 im MAUTIr & C. R. RASMUSSEN, ALL STATIONS. ""k U!ipii-jili-e.- - : l.cti-tlio- 4 1 TEMPLE HOTEL, - Raine a 1 I Tailoring Establishment, -- taker - -iiiiili- A!-'- ftlttr 1 MAIN ST. MANTI. SAVINGS BANK . Tnllois' Trimming . 1 Vice-PrcH- i Si:'I IS I, m I Raise YiiiirDraFisli, - 1 kFirst-ClassSBlacIismiihl- Ayers Sarsaparilla auffi-re- r l . fii-'n- I nSg fw HorseShoeing aSpecialtv, eou-luol- aia-ut- : .'iLiin, l,ii.--i,'i- I ' - Jue tiWcv Bargains t . il-- t I" i f-- iMnnti City, . - Blood Cure. - r.-- -j XJtalx i THE PHENIX m h t '! .Vi-I- s e l 11 Ayers Sarsaparilh ,-r. m orisl-nat- r ru-::- fiilfi-tv- k-- I I- enu-ra- . flo-n- OLLEiW Itnpnn-ihlin- 'hs-linc- - . SGlLL il-- 1 :U . I - H i 1 y. 1 a ) 1 I i s ' f jti Qn-t-- C. BAILEY, ( LJM AllOUSEYy xo i -i y.-- Im-- l, l t - .41 l..".u 1; t a, ft i io ct firaJc of Blqnr.fp Custom Work's Specialty. "Stfi J5'. 2B3ST, mmm Jrit |