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Show iefAill -- m4 CO ALTO rble Works. t jr-r- v y -- t . a-.Nvr- Manager. C.VRISBV. A biii'1'-klici- 'ir '55;'-il in i& huBliiETOCAS. .IX Hliiilfil w tUartjF'tnit Everything - F;rlass Gpodi Cheaper than iCouier .House ; in the ylgjgL1 st Store South -- : - - Utah. 'dbiLicoAur - M. PrSL7a V .( Hi tile a nil" -- - Willi a iMi'aning lie In xubsltvru: "1 kiunr, lay '' ? , ' T . . Yi. by birth aiiOrifui'uliuu, bmlii. yf uiy lil Iimvp Uvn Miviit in auii Genria, and ullT jjoullwrn Mates, for a soldier's puth j, cwv a wandering one." A wldierV you uy? liar, you rv,r . ebi tvara TeuiieM.ee , Ijiot serving now, friend? Are we not both loldiera-y- ou of the .word, I of the eroesF' i Dh, yea, exactly I did not look at it in that light, Mr. ," he paused fir' the stranger to fill up the blank. Abel liieen, or ai the simple folk around here generally dub me lsrsou "Am v-- s- - f , all . V' V. f .r T' .V -- A a ' VI. y , i . ' ' i i L 4 a , ' i; vUawu IQltUl J y. ... , l. v- - .. .1 .1 ll if il ii t !. U. . . li'u ri . i u,,.m F i TESTIMONIAL. 4 . Coal at the Manll i uu h i.i tejH'.s Ii0 tkaa I1 IIin.tH x q J H.'iitil s to luli, tliwtl i5 liur Jif ?:! lit HUbtothi'i.i vid'ilt m.iM t'.dii ti.u ur i!.. h.;., ine NppIuviD-- l HNh t. laipU'Mllitt thtit till." d Mwrk t VU'W Iti U.UiUHt UU'ili BjlklU Milk tHJt Mil irsia-- I. . L H, jU inioi. aUettoiuile t'auyon, 'VMr V1 Ilf ovCK- - i.nlyl.lme.f S.50 per ion wily 83e: Riven ou larRe oT a.uiar,my I ClIMbKhU rab - uioill li! U, Mi J kr U'Us in tkv sIuoubiiJ Iht i.L. i.i 'Well, Mr. Qreen, I am right glad we I.. !! have met, nut only that it has given me pleasure to shake hands with n Northern mau down here, but because 1 see' a way 'to utiliie our meeting." -- . . : l :ie- "Of course I undeKtand' what you iitrii-::n allow .iie'c. l.it mean, the minister assented, readily. liaim-- . if lu 'il uiily mvii ini' d:i You would hare me preach I lie Word l.ii.- I.eiliiy." to your men up in the woods then?" i.T i.nif'litiT erei'lid tlil .l.iill Ar T am afraid 1 had no such good In- iuliL 'iiiewlr.it t.Iii.'i w.i tentions." The Major waa positively i tii.'l;. il In i " t!ie .ii,'i'.ut.'li of a wh-blushing. "I meant that you would be man ol.U-- Lbuii t.u' perhaps willing to give me some valu- fektulvn lilt 'Weil .tliat lie did u.l iJiara able information." fKW-Ther- e t'.u- - geui r ini'iiiiiu'nl. . wee a blank look of disapi.av "Siieli uiadeap tricks as pointment in tbe minister's face, aa he llr lie said, iu :t TjVe 1. ne of cx- Mist ulr.tii il. "iti li.d meet iri.i aiqimval, replaced the books he had already of . drawn from Ida capacious pockets. unil 1 v:i: n 1 iiuv. u ti e wortli not is men we if the am the I had llcsid.",. time, sum, gam.' lrr for?" would much profit by your miniatra-tlonsj- " caudle, f. r if thus.' Yanks lmd found Oh, hang Butler!" With all my heart my lioy! That's yon out, they would have, very properMajor Sopktns explained. Ever th. same cry no time in tide ly, Lining you up to almugh of tlie first just what they ought to have iLiue last alTiud to. and 1 van May. Hut about my eheeking llupkins, abort life to prepare for .the eternity of tn-- tlu'.v eaiiiet ufiUs-rrtin such risks. to have lay that la another question; so rent assured. I allow, if you'd played the role in I'll seek an early chance to beg his . tragedy, instead of comedy, yonr iih Everything jHL'&r.cal ai Ccalter d& Sr.elcircvc'e,?.1, nushi-- r would lianlly have aliprreiatvd I)o!M Frank said, earnestly. I think as as histrionic Street, Salt Lake City k U&k. ubility kivuly yon your the world of Hopkins. imagine." Next dpy they met with better sne-iCATALOGUER The young man was abashed, their undertaking. On reaching tlie senior continued, do tbe crown of hill, which gave them a you thiujc your uvtion quite in accordfine view of a broad stretch of lowland, E I,. Terry E. W. lion. II ance w ith tiu- liigli repute fur chivalry coinhorseman a observed solitary they liiis ever However, tliis rorXi enjoyed? distance. them the far in towards ing as tin folly lias bccii k'riK'trated let me The men were flung upon the ground lieur the result of your eseaiMuk." Ilia under noon halt their enjoying Tlie young man told ids story, Jmt shadow of the trees, when the Major's somehow or otlu-- nil tlie fun xecuu-- to attention was called to the approaching be frozen out of the adventure by his figure. auis rior's austere criticiMU. I.et us atiuH down this path, Ilesant, "Well, you have iLme one good tiling ami intercept him at the --gap yonder. for us. at any rate. Yoii have drawn Wc may get something nut of him any. tlie enemy from the wood! into the open, how. ami we can luig them by a night attack With pleasure, Major," and the two on IVinstauley aa easily as catching officers storied foe the rabbits in a net. the was there sonetUngpn Evidently Aa he atnalo away, one of the officers as Freak mind. they thought,, We curry a complete line of furniture, carnets, window blindr, feaMajors Lascellea on tha shoulder, aa lapped ha for down the' path, walked slowly MM be gaylj cried: TUX WilMLT AI wall paper, Wagons Iron Etc, Parties dealing with m- - ran axtmu thers, and agmeabla waa generally chatty CP TO TIU. llawea man. old Nat "Ikm't disgrizzle, and good gets prices as any house aoufh of Salt Luke. We arc pre seemed now moody enough, but never liad more appreciation of n pracat our Pinning mills to custom work on tha shortcut niiticr. pared inclined to talk. the next. Well, sir, I do not mean to tical ia -- You seem out of aorta, Major, joke in his nature than there force my services upon yon. Kay briefly 40-n Norfolk oyster. In my FATRVIKW; UTAH. Frank said at last, really anxious shout wliat 1 fan do for you, for tlie day bluoil inhave dime a very plucky, manner. I for to ride." wanes ami bare Ilia superior's thing, and there are brighter am ' "You can tell ' us if you liavc seen "And well I may be, Frank. IFul-ton in eyes than old Nut's will gicani oiqinsrul any thing of the Cun federate fun-overy much concerned about Charlie told at Nashville. iuit so .much for hia sake aa for hia tlicKc parts, or whether you Imre hoard when tiu story's . 'C11APTKH XU. fatlier's, wlio is au old and tried friend any tiling of llicir lunvotiu'ids." " mRirr srrsex. of many years. "Surely 1 can," was tlie suave reply. i inou Dh, Charlie's all right, air, Frank passed smiflinaniM "Winstanley is not inneli of a place, Bragg's said, as they marched said, confidently. through yonder village you can- just Frank Hesunt r to so. am dtsluiKV' "You think Well, I uflenHsin up the one sorry l'n that Mv its Rimike iu tiu1 fur WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL TWALFR IN do I . ago. There arc inuuy say I do not agree with you. Now, lusty street that const il u ted the main days of tales not like to ask you boy a to h'll L'niouists living tiiere tluy call' tlie Ration of the miseruble. jiUmre. w1um nousen anu sallow, unwladtSetup tin and pilluge, but tlie troops were some Inlinl 'it ants seemed from . their ated by no motives hostile to young liiirruil anil they ms:,eJ them by uw signs of lU'eay to lie nnwnrthy the noFulton's interests, hnrt." tice of frk-m-l or foe. No wonder Hrapg "1 quite understand that. Major. "That h goo.1 well, sir, have yqii hail-nustayed liis march to pillage so " Well, do you know any tiling about any thing mure t.i tell us? coutcmplublc a community, aa it waa LuseeHea?" named lad aviwmg "Wliy, yes, I liave. Some ineti wlio only a sdltlcincnt of unhealthy Frank was too amazed to speak. lie had lkeii out hunting in tlie wumU told rrully cracker" whites, on Whom even, tlie not one soul was certain that but me tliis morning tliat they had seen a laves looked with eonteqipt. living himself and young Fulton knew their train id a dozen which and all kinds of "No, it isn't much of n place, own for hia secret. Fulton, sake, would they' thought would reach Winstanley to whom Frank's reGregory, nbt have been likely to mention her to by at latest. Npw,.wouldn't mark iiad lsen made, assented, with an any one, and he waa positive her name this be a chance for you? How many expressive slirug of tlie fdiouldera. had never dropped from hia Ups men do you muster?" "They say lie was a hold man who first "Ah, I sec you have heard of bee for "Oh, a mere handful two companies' wallowed an oyster, lint liiing me, if We carry tlie Largest Slock south of Full Lake (lily. God's sake, Frank, I hope you are not of Infantry ljut, did they say how he woi.id not be a bolder wlio laid him. The people of the south will do well hy buying their mixed up in this scrape? Hia tone waa strong the escort was?" self to rest ill one of these huts." Doors, Windows, Ktc., from uh. Orders hy mail so earnest and sympathetic that Frank's "Just one troop of cavalry, nothing "Yet that may be our fate, Frank conscience smote him. more, and so tuckered up by a loag prophesied. Promptly attended to. OII'h-- aiul yard opposite the V. ' I am in no scrape. Major. C. and I). K.(L Depots. march that they could hardly crawl." "The Lord forbid!" was the pious re"Thats Splendid news, indeed; but joinder. "No, I was wrong to doubt you, my boy; bnt I waa afraid Fulton had drawn are yna aura of the direction Itragg's T. - . r..:U all this squalor, one house yon Into some cnnnivanctfwifhhii guilty army waa taking?? ' stood high on a bill at the further cml woman. He tills with was due "i'usitive. south correspondence going of the village, which boosted greater You amaze in u or with force, too, great haste, Hiuilty correspondence! lig titan its humble neighbors. pretensions on our friends' it buns me, Major Hopkins. you may depend was a It square, atone building, 1 great, tftere no is other I afraid am roofs not would over have and louses Yet, ornament, but roomy witlurat Withdescribe utterly will it. that them." expression And you think that the villagers and capacious, which never by any out betraying confidence, I can not excould have auggestoil liome, Imt plain to you what information has would receive ns hospitably?" was wliieli larpw enough- to promise have I how or "Aa did of Saul it, reached me, the warriors Midian, gained for a host; and out of but I know that Fulton1 met Miss was tiuTktauneli reply; "and now, aa I accommodation Lascelles in Nashville more than once, can give you no more information, per- its siiuare, ugly gateway, a toll, spare, Cooper Wagons, BfcCorinick Machine. y Kve Sim middle-age- d Sulky man waa coming ala rapid mit me to wend my way in peace. spit, front something that hss just ocPlows Canton ' Clippi-r- , and J. I. Cara Cliiltcl I'lowu. tbe walk towards odvancingoluun. mm oar that every "Adieu, air! and God speed yon on suspicious curred, I "Howily! Ilawdyl" cried one of tbe movement is communicated to her, and four journey. cracker gentry, coolly offering a bethrough her to others, They watched bint ascend the hillside a court"Oh, sir. Impossible! J wonld stakq till bo disappeared at a turn lathe road, grimed paw to Major Hopkina, esy which that gentleman pretended not of Buggies and Spring Wagona in I 'tali County. my life that Charlie Fulton could never and then started hack to eamp, notice, be so base! ''lie sat in hia saddle like n trooper," to"Who tbe down ia thia eoiqlng person Frank. and Nay, you misunderstand me, tbe Major critically' observed; 10Q.-0D,- . Buggy'- Do not for one moment suppose that I what n splendid physique the old fellow hill?" thogifficer asked. Uim'a Bquar Dixon,- him ia. We imagine Colonel Fultons son could ever haa! Hay, Frank, I do honestly think much stock ia he kyind be a traitor. He haa sinned unknowWith leather top and rivited rims. those itinerant preachers are after all una don' take cf peart on hia raisin', an' thinks hls-eingly: at Icist that's how I read tt. the true soldiers of Christ, suffering aa Dont send to Salt Lake but save Freight by Hemling Yuur Orient us." o res' better'n Canght in the fascinating toils of thia they do toil, privation and discomfort ' one rose Dixonforthwith Squire handsome, but unscrupulous, young in His name.. They may be illiterate, TO estima( woman, be haa allowed himself to be but, hang me, if they're not in earnest." hundred per conk in tlie Major's fortia good opinion, which waa cajoled by her into giving her valuable But Frink's thoughts were onnnutiier tion, of unaffected his fied expression by information. I can picture to myself subject. at the presence of Northern tbe bait with which aha has played him "May I speak to Charlie about this pleasureand hia kindly offers of hospithe tender inquiries about him and unpleasant matter we were talking .of, troops, hia doings, hia whereabonta, hia ex- sir? Perhaps a word of warning might tality, "I sin Bony I Wyant house you all, pected jonrneyings here and fbere.hja bring him to bis senses. . he i.i, heartily, "but your oiUrflu will rewas the stern friend a hia little bits of camp news . "Certainly not," Cml a tVelgiiiiiu in iny 4 ire home, uu' tied so now loves him. ply, "My bands are all so interesting to one who Iff men cun take up their quarters in Fshaw, It is the old tale of Delilah over promises 1 have given to yon and others, your the e!iiirrh,"a pr,iis,iliun aliieli villugi' to 1 confront again, and If yon and I do' not put our that am not in a position accepted. wai gratefully n membeads together, our poor young 8am-- him with proofs of bis folly, lie All went merry as a marriage-bidl- . will be surety shorn of all his ber, I rely ilium your silence and Ctuisiili-rinthe times, a Isiuntiful sup" . ' watchfulness there must lie no In. 1: of jocks. GOODS, GROCKIZIES CLOTH IX in liy tlie done was ainph juKtii-ped " Frank's brain seemed in a whirl confidence between us two now nr ever also fail did not who otlUvra, grateful reAmi yonr asking me this, "Major Hopkins," bn said at last, "you again. to appreciate a iiox of cpcccllclit cigars ski'd me a few moments ago if I knew minds me to inquire what sort of a . and an abniulanee of whisky, wliirh, Miss Lsweellea, and I then evaded your is James Lawson, wlio claims to be Uanigli for, i'd upon them qjlh a gv Her.. . question. 1 do know that lady, and I a eoropankiq of your early days. ons uispla' of li.widtality, tliey am going jo tell yon how and where I "Well," Frank hesitated, for he hated in witii modi'ralinn. The squire made her acquaintance. But first I to act the Major against his old playstlirdridile h'C.t, nisi Baby need your word of honor as agentlrmaa mate by speaking the open trull .he's proved blmaelf nq D ids that yon will never reveal to any one not an Intensely moral young min, 1 won golden npiqkms ssmi!;, MU was a guests. pleased what I may tlyonnob not even if yon believe in fact . a he explained to . stood on rour oath, before n "A bit of a scamp. Alt, I judged as case, h in achonl Massuelmsou.., n ton boy mnek, and Major Hopkina hurried away had acquired senliioeutM wlii h u.t "I never will so help me Heaven," to hia duties. . with the opinions nf hi', i variance tlie Major declared, with as much the mystery So, Frank thought, bora, particularly as regard . tlv is aa Lawann bn and stood James bsforv a uulr thickens, solemnity though tkm of the abolition of alawry, i f ! ; wludc beach of judgra. bow or other mixed np iu it: yet. how li:. be approved and wliieli, of Then Frank related from drat to last the deuce eonld he know any tiling made him a marked man iu the c.n.i his ailvefil lire with Mary Lascellea, about it Surely fhuriic Fulton, with When Uii'q:.r liroke c mnnlty. omitting i.niy the' little episode of the nil hfci fully, iHinl'l never have been so fhongh ills synipalhl'-:- I.l.I !'i r n.i x us .fellow iier u.a ''rlli'" to us rush i.,jr. prefer-einsof l ': ""r d. gulden and gentle hints ly with the Nortl. .! ' 1m inisfnrtnni-nwkqinibut MH-f.ir himself, which the honest lad n 'it " declare them, ti to in u f..r now wus kith to udirve even HAsible, wi were any . t and at all li. i all the hail and (.'luirlic's eonipinr, thin g but sineer. thing in rOWon to 1iU e, ii, irLii.n hlirvwiiiii :. U, w.iim ii,io..i If into tlie Hy this time I Lot mounted stranger In fact, rlmrt of tsvrarin - . thing, once if tlie iiflUvv's . confidence, hud approached a short, thick-se-t old young His family?' 'h, )'" . he h: family. him. were chance offered mint, dressed, in tlie garb of a minister, who three and dungfilvr. a wife Meanwiiile I5ev. AW (iwn-- nr with Hilili and hymn book sticking in Cincinnati, tli:n;l. Ileuveii! ! and lurson AU, us his rural admirers mi nut of his iinimil'nite ilauger. of reach the d mule. lovingly railed 1dm was bustling his yoml mutinied on a lank, Aa the Maj.ir said, q ln'ii Uicy reaelivd l iniiie aee old a at very along !! greeted them warmly as he rodo their ehnniiTrs, Mr. Dixon was :ilb and using sumo very up to tlii'iu. a m.t interit ing l rjai tlie Ivad inexiiressiim every tirio jvirir Ah, gentlemen. he said, "it is I nl. .ant C'ntliliertsfin, n I linrlie Ful- -. so that slacken to atti'in'.Ud iu speed, deed a blessed privilege to see s North...npany, huh on ruaol iu,.v: tiu . of an lumr Iu- - siw ern face in Dim anlimppy country, where in of tin officers wen assinu'd to n t hIh-tlie six from miles spot it is u crime to rrmrmtier that die once nearly the at rule siU i.idtciJvh by r and Corrcpondence eoliciledpf his dear conipalrints fnsn tho North 1 w uni fealty to,the stars and stripes. lark oft:. , .i.iii ,! vr.'ri viking a were making ready bar their descent on ill loth officers shook hands with him. I'lisl brief ten. a After an l'Ii ,i tho hnspitsliie Inhabitants of Viiinton r.- I. You are a NortharnejT' the Major liie l .ior's room they retired ley. Turning hun the nsul into the TO US CO.NTIMFII asked. Weber Pianos, 35,000 lu-- - ul,nl Rnie for aeb H Cjill.il, fjiSi.Oti. Salt lata Cit, QvalCHANDISK Bros. fo 1 nts for tho Cpoicr Wagon r.thR.lACormickMai'hineiy. VI Alt sm 850E. ' 1st a St.. ftco ' ift dkvt UTAH. ,'.. . v"We. - VV; y . mm house Blks I'rom Temple. s First-clas1 best ge Saviiito Boom - Fielding Prop. - -- NTI, UTAH leroi. K.n nnSr. jstfwilht D- vtaoo.w.n M.K.tor.Ttosv a. Stalls A.ttaUM&arKO. loot Drug Co. rleniof 9 WhnlMilo r ft, tni DmUt la Medicine & RHuil Clicniical, taOllf, Dye Stuffs, rerfumerlw, Tobaerds and rimrs. ' - ' W ! V, yo, s, Lieu-tena- nt Sl 00 THE LARGEST STOCK un HANSEN &. CO., PROVO CITY. UTAH . b a, DRY . Furniture, fql-lo- BED BOOM .sun's. ; 1 tfiha liMh - over MK a h'k sf nnrs V.Mp-.lvlvitia ULDTIOIMn IcIieBuilii.B edvertl- -r. totll,s.riM.l.lli f rvf Il tfhf tiff umne i ivlni'ft liinH'lury wiih.ilH - f value In Him any slii.a erne ncwupiiHt la nfuiMrflbalS-eeewhleea- tMi rmUni r tfc e, liua luv lOtlSF.BECKEK.c. eoat-poeki- MANUFACTURER ill-fe- unsam-timonkHi- s b iee mehifii' in PXprriBimt amcmtiffN hhhvv, Hkovi pm iho mm mtvm for Hio mldroai 4 Mid m Cam I. KOWf M. A Co. Ini ttf tlirve-quprt- 'n-r- 1 m 03? The Best Grades of Flour, . .nlaiiB auhi Piriw Ml. HMcat lii n hi dfflir,uiibify vuiaca te Mam. ttarKino r t of vaiaain . - MANTI ROLLER' MILLS. ,'.- ylwihwieiif Co ojn'ratire Mercantile Institution aa they sue moderate in price, elegant in atylo and snperioi n (piulity. SOt.n ItY ALL HOME DEALERS VuX'ffttvvc JOSEPH M AkRIOTT ' MURRAY, 8. I CO. UTAH, Mantifieinter of Pure Fruit Extracts. ' - No adulteration." ; Hsndrakv Liver Pills, Msitei , of Ibin. anil Tdr Cordial. P. S. My Lxiracis are all made from fresh Inifii, samph-- of which can lie seen si iIip Skminsl ufiice. . ' t Rniiei'is Si Nelik-u- , Druggists, tale agents for Utah. . Alwi the fiilinwing Hlandard Rrmedlea. . - . K i( ' ' ... MAYFIELD Dealers in ETC. GROCERIES; line of Mcnfa and Arri carrying a fie MA fjflio jiilJliMl fOrdi Custom Work a Spedialty. A 1 'voi CovAkc,, V. W(uhCiV, vtv Wp,YYYW xWvt .W'U'f, vAe X Wk c.tno 'fcoVhCC. uk l'VV, vvw, vvvof ' , tuvtV Y ' aoa Jfaelhe (j, ;T vc VwWve VVi ' , (lo-opcfti- ve i . uao Boya Clothingi Boots and Shoea. , " . , , SAN PHTK COUNTY, UTAH. kSi c - . WtwV VVrvW Vi A Vv MANTI CITY, uii'l ' at tha omc innntlily lw will visit the IYinuipal Stores in countkn ii.iiii"il, who are respcctfiillv requested to lonet HoldTheir OrdersforHis Arrival. mu tiiic n i BEST -- Wagons, Implements am Bum . :k-,- , atthFM ie rigid to purchase tlie Boots manufactured by Ziona csjicially JOHN LOWRY $c SON GENERAL SUPPLYHOUSE tin-in- I, 0 mtrwtotpM honia KIiihm lf court-martia- l. 1 It ami Wheels for Carriages. v products articles. our own T1IKRKF0RK 1 . - . Utah. . SPAPER- 1 1 id right to un) home in iiri'fyreiii'e to imported Il ia right to furnish jionido cinjiloyinmit. It ia riglit to patroiiiu ixclusively. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, WINDOW, DOORS. MOULDING and BLINDS. The Best, COMMODATIOXS aiiif.' qiuitplr. Do what is right. EEoVO ty ym L'BLeXttW. It tu sup t V,k E6 ' mi haitct1 mi all pniariiul iHTnuLitt mVIUNffi tlajiugin. Hepti-mlie- supply-wagon- , . t I hiK h i i ' Pijlll i'uuiMuiwaffi lliriHMi tmPiuiMliUMM. nU u LUMBER AND BUILDING CO., t Votfip cv. w ' . Bulimia H. UR llfUKli IliMVIVFMlgfilllta IsiNva iiitiii') i Mjiwuvd uffitfuniy. 52 so!' ,a.3ti. Olty, K 'hu. Nt'pM X. 4'liiul, Taylur. Piultf T. PenuwurtA Kii'br4- - H'. Iunri llitsry.1. Huullfp. PrMuk g .HP K. in. II. R H. tifMlum II, iNN nulls twtiun l.llNM M ullltin R s t IT, eMwst. WL14.S.lbkT. Dlrfstsrs W Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Caroets, Wall paper, Etc. R roceries, s. M. Jitp I'll P. SmilXs HOWELL & CO.. npln-iouf- . Vli-- Utah. EUEE. . JiKKS IK t I'KVIH, IUI1SU W iit point-suggeste- . rnld.st. NT, llu-iu- r Office, - - Utah: . M. - MW j jdabiages WA; Mm to " Studcbaker and Carts. it far Amos Whitney's "i Mowers and Reaper. bt c St., Iimrii N.J. It.flH tlu-M- n dnlsr, ask Slate Bark or Utah. Vo. liO Ma Jf.iin friERAL HTLUAM KOftGAtfe from your use. in par-don.- " IN Vuunttniljr, Fernolino Chemical Co,f IS Broadamy. 1 s Lr khU. rEBM0U"E HCEP DIP , ls-s- w m uniKEYS. A. IL . rpK4i?JIG. Wilis. r i III. vrv. . wqS KRNi ' rk. Ibeleh, . Vuir dlp'lscbsspsrwusetatbossdttsa siA. j'Bui and lime, dwt Mi iayuv tkl mL mR latiL-- i nA f'htaper ikaa hMa4ipkMVB uy oUmt ist uu mhim ui iIm cuuotry, la Uf aoUtk 1 MOuU Bdfi, Itai la IW woiu o from u) inicfNid mtlfti vvtia tMMuSf Aat vtjui I tfiu4wM Stotp Dip will prow of ttedMl vaiuc tu islkiw miffitp rarwn, uA ihoiiW tirnr w valr im uwc uf all o(Mr 'nult for Ihi flMlai Y'Miiftmlv, Ala-.- " 'I mile 4 frtri.rfc Jir y.."1h .ih iL. .o.-- M.lu-- Ml llon iliJt'peairil, kutl 1 Lc i.i.' of ihtiImI In iinuiti m !dl (is.UaT tLj u : Sndkwbi I llii' Sl'tib twit AiitihriMiitli filtti .huiui IwlU Bi Chzuicai. Co., sow . . m i . In onlcr to tMiff Is tho work ot n tii ud is iks belief ikat ks ssfeamfrtm sea wi.uM IwuixnsivslsrioshaopmlHnikiaMaaut the, i nullify, 1 would eejr, that dwtaw eraX sf tin. ,wr 1 ilipved i,im scabby sbeep stTiecAL i uu. to yasr pnsud uz ,Ur eumdiny Jijqe, Uuk, sud tbsy wees ssusdy- esnd ,.i ;u-.- t ksl. r AM MORGAN. !. I Ski I I vvunuims iluse !' 1 Nusi, Ctsh, Oct ijidw. ''lll I. r Ut'i N ji is't'iinrr.ftiiJtitj it i a. h II .iw n a!i.'V Ho in Dir k Until I i a trial. It miaad wffl ttiv fiiiiowing icstimimy: . 1. 1". Iwrl.r1., U - ifa. r-.- i. . CHEEP DIP Ki . i' 1m.-I t , ,i i i; . TtSTIHO.W:.-1.- .1 d , . .1 wlit'1:? c:.kI IfM'i1 11.. rCRNOLINE li i k eye-bro- Qrh(jSyiC&)J Emil. to quantity and quality cf the 7ooL w'UCcJ : I'JHU tVil i,.i), . .ai-it uiulor IV f's 1 ill ill It.U v. iu!'.- a sjt-nit ii i if tti.it ls.A W A. lilt uu ir; i .1 in H , t it.. l.vj his.N' pK'Uiu s.)Ui libiUtiit'il ' it, riiVi'j ', lilt ll. IV" : Hi. . Ii . t J . if i I iS'jit I lv iliis' I Purdy Vegetal!, . S&fk ' t fsijuiiiur VU It! i I1 WlfcM'. I : .1 wl w . Vb wUm t4 d euntiian-aiinuti- 1 T u.il linii J ' ' v' u.o,aa Mibfl STflifif flf 1SJT Ifluiuv at but that your heart t strnngcr than bead. Md ? fathtlieru ImUa you iu briflit-eye- J lure Iwiou a iu luppiei daya may Lave made you uufitted to eritwiiw Ueueral Uutler'a eouduet iuipurtially." "And wliat if it ha?'1 Tin- - tineati.ui waa aaked offenairely, aritli itiuilusl face and deliant Rfatuiv. 4inl.v that lure U a god wlm bliutla Li devoUvit, aud that if you Lave Lad your luart tiu the wrung aiile of tlie line, you are very iuikIi to be and tbe Captain Fulton, Major, uk though tired of the eourena-tuiu- , turned on hia heel and left the twu young men to themselves. The idea of Mopkius promulgating aucb rank hereay againat the purest, noblest women the earth ran ahow! It makea me riled all over, to think that ha could be au mean. Why, you look as If you half agreed with him, Frank, or a and that why those elevated .'1 ' expramdve snigger?" think," waa the ten. reply, "that you have nude a fool cf yourself. You had no business to check the Major the way you did, fur there is no more man in Die army than he is." "Then, what did he stiek up Air IluV; Boots, Shoes, iceV i livii'ou. tti i tAiuhliv einiMei'ch an (line, i :ti . -- Ani thereby limwas? 'f fo-o- p.. S i . r ES m 'TKT, . qyJAMtB tti ; m ,,t- i i f.Ki . it v. , U0SsUS.lafir' OSS k 'v"i r.. . - rRNOLINE SHEEP DIP. ft SNELGTy ti,n Onlur that ho can not fill will be Av vAv V-u-v a peculiar one W Qv Co kW0vTjiO Lcttding Implement Dealers, , . tot CONFERENCE VISITORS than to Salt hike can find no brllvr place "k rmnrmr. 1 f. for Main Street, next to Savages Art Basaar, "1'Jl HATS, DRY GOODS, SHOES, Suppliaa iu C.aucral. and Family (.all and nee them; they WU UeU W',1L ' |