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Show "swrwr ternoline SHEEP dip. buZstnettkUiaa Oh2k ?ardySfifttoSttlU ' froatkt COAITEH & StlEUmOVE . riiu Sail Luko Musk Dealers , . 320,000 St. JUnjtr. Solteltur. UK, XjOX,Cahirr .317 f' .1 '"-- ' ' ' mt to , Amtv ,i idfulUi!" that worthy wi, aiiauM laekUntf tto mnlr'l Jaw In hU VAgVP- tifttt to Why, blame me If I (fir kUiKlii 1 HU ging to Mt fje on you aiHndUfetlo. Come, jump upiluip I've bKi dawi to ttui luu ukktrr'i lor mm (rub, but Iwdt- - And won't tba right guinjj bof b.- - glad to set you!" - Ho tin- rvjfuuvul'. her all right V You la-- t it ha Say, wnvat ire lui-kVurisi tlii-- carnage at Wilxon'a ervek? aw kick to art thcia Jt9)flat made wounded to the Mrld hou- cam Kwa1 . Mbat'a no way for a aokllet to talk. J Jo believe, Jim, your moral venae .ilJiiynlvd that' you do not hare the feiibeet appreciation of the word duty.!" Frank aaid, inJlgnahUz. 'Uwnt I, though, old chap? Then than all you know about it Why, Out yV been my bugbear ever elnee I Wn aa high aa your knee. M iea Both, flftN, old Brentwood, nil the pioua (widat Meltoobarg have dinged duty a'iijyjears aa long aa I ean remember, and, now Ive got bare, dura me if you xuVall at the aama old game again. aomrtimea wonder if there hue apot in the world where 1 men like me, principlee are a little knock-aercun get out of beering of that . hateful word." k. f ,l4 Not In thle world, nor tho neat, Fm . afraid, " Beaant aaid wkh a UiUe at his companion fraakeeuf. Lm IoN M' J j Then all I. ean any ia, I wfah Id never biren bortt. U'lang!'' and Law aun gave the mule avioioua lMh with hit now hide,-- ' aa thatft mulfaL th4. there ahould'be aome viwioue fufferiug vrhere.thenikenlf intomocidySUeaee. 1, Uotcah. ; i atj. . MT' BoOU,- (k Shoes; - iahd EViVtWnB fhtaflHFirst-daM- . y Jds tjhepcr than ' pa gTHouiot .inSouth tgeet -Stove i t- f fc Utah'.1 t.A tf tn- to ? VttCOAU1 I ! 1 iv at , -- ! the Manfi mile. BMETii1. her only I ret Ume, ,50 'tin fc U per ton only tatglmiooinrgh , d, . podeeft Co. n,wi ERAL XAHDISE. ns Studdbaker Th-- o. in a rid bariUiM he trailed, 'la sl.A. i ai. fan boil. lit peufe of tfunspuriatlou. --a hurtling shame especially after the way our pour fellows have angered from this infernal climate," Fultou declared, with a gnat of righteous iadig- - ll.h 'h, .iit-luiil- the superfluous steam off and I'm likely to his u little mure companionable. So mum to my quarfara nod burs a pips with me. I'm expecting one or two good fellows you will be glad to meet." No carder" FranlSaakrd, sharply. Bless your innocent young heart, no not even a game of to shock your moral principles." "Who will be there? Why, Green and Carson of ours, of tha Thirty-nintand n car-all-y fellow tm his way home on furlough he My she knows you, by the by Burk flcnderauu, do you remember him?" J should think 1 did. Why, Charlie, ha'ia tho man Swayne and 1 rescued , from the guerrillas." . "fih! that is jolly." Walt put your furago-citfiuad lot ns atari." Ppqpojinme In oflloetW qaartera were not always the kind of antartnlnmenta aMprly'maideq lady of precise views woalj. hav declared particularly improving gatharipga, hut aa this oaca-aptha luvoliy was, not very pronounced.! homo, whhilgr and a good fc& iflt tobqprq .WM .consumed, of but htyond this mild diaalpatimi Hen naolttUa ia nmn plain derm qdbmed vmry pleased to meet Frank J I knew you wotHfl jc toon sittitag st high seats of the Synagogue," he , "and 1 told yousb. Let me you cm yctar promotiota:" - - COOD8;: , w Just before they rachedoampAmevrr, be recoveredbia utual air of wdfeaUe- it fihCtiOU. ay. PrankheBald. yu, twuUhn fer the aake of iddtUnea lend aura ten dollar bill, could youf We're not received a cent of pay elnee whlrltColum-buaibd I'm deg .broa 1 Wbyi M" A holy outrage tlA Wy; pfeVe iwatHlr Gueaa thoae blfcviguat .Wadringfan weald hollar out- fituy llvSlyltay day earn round mod there wna. nothing in the treasury for them.' i un ia n ahame,fl Frank coalcased. w.la "Well, eould you let me .hers the g'Cobptr Wagon ormickMachinery. dl4dlis - ; W . a, - VI All iu , 00 11.., h - there lm-pw- ' ,'v jJUJe - . .It doi-lar- ", "I eould," wee the frigid feepbiiae. Then, will you?" awhea dayea eaB ft fajrtWjmifeSfctet To aendtoagirL" Franks eyei opened with ahtonlah-men-t. Olty, a. .Don't fteuvsv 1 . A. . ?aeo AH. ask me any questions about It," Lawaon eon tinned with earnest neaa. Giva me the money it will he - -ruin U youdeati I Frank wee puasled. Well, here if ia, Jim," ha aaid, hand-in- f Mm' the bill; end aa the Adjutant a, might kbik egginat youq, carrying TU jvt down and walk the reit of the way.? J Laavaon watched hla irtrmting fl glare with a eurioue exprraaioaioa hla face, entt iring fir h!i IJ the while: That's the best thing yonra done for yourself this many a day, Frank Beaant, though you don't know It." ' They wars ail glad to see Frank back, especially the Colonel, who had many ' vih t pna-eafrr- jT while feqjor U4kin calUf hiss Kit. own est'nd wade Blm iflate bln AdventniM dtuf agiln, flying Itm But the enpliaiento. nmma tot aer-er- al SS H0UiSJ lYom Templet r-CL- i k MODATIOXS ltoo had best news of all vraa that hie been fonrqnjyd 9 the Gi Whof;iniatb?i - bu; : M1 Yaombulr, 1 Z ' tM.es 1 f' e, "To Dsytw 4- - K- - U Ttrif . K. J t wry. urirnr nan ruiJ tf .ns'ui, r sn i?a Has. a wi '' UTAH f n. lag, a. iv .,,,11, m. n.v ra.w.aaam. Ana. Drug Co. a. : Whalaaala and Katnil Paalon la 'inea & Clicinicals, yaBtnffa, Parfamtriw, - - Utali. : ' THEREFOR Goodwin ograptM'8, mt. Sal : AND fttTAIL DIALBM I- .;. kinds of J , . . We carry the largeut Stock Thl people of the south will , Doors, Windows, Etc., from Promptly attended to. Office C. and R. Q. Depots. FSflMtML -- i - 4Se-f- ; " ! tion flaaraiiterj . w i If aos utovar too paKt..civinr mom of caldera WMomailoi MhtrpblU Htlua nr Ihi orr nan. pa par a ejrealarina ratine ia is. MvIMnchiiy o lauivrTlat com aaa, with lb iipa Sr last of iso hnar s4ii of laaawjralir aaOtiwauf laa wuhyrlmi tv Ika ionhfsr m aalUnacaallyoiistrror vtilaea Bvislaa utm nlaaia WtfcoM wtakiui laanrerlaMM "H awoasl aunwy, Shawa hrrtka frapattka a XitS . IuiLL A to,I, jpaormral jI 4- . At .i J 1? u MURRAY. & L.C0 UTAH. 3fanAckrtr efPtire Fruit Sutnuie, ' . AV adalterahoa. Alas' tto falls ntsgfitaefsrf BsaMdlss. Maudnks Mver Wis, Master ef Fata, sad Tar Cmdim. .. j Extracts eresli eiaAe frem frvrii liuiu, miuples of which ran P. i.-1 ' 1 Kto flAAD fat - . i SmillU, Rotoru A lto!toi, briigislA, win agents , . Ihfl flw . Utah, TT- -? rlIBL. . MAYFIELD CO-O- P 8U'. thing ini .1 A 5 1 J..U GROCERIES, ETC. Sulky THE' LARGEST STOCK Are earryiag a fira ling of Men's and Boys' Clothing; alsor Boots and Shoes. i t L MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH. : - Hie Best Buggy un Wheels lor mv-Mb- bt su tht A .... i- s sj - - o , HANSEN & CO., PROVO CITY. UTAH. - ri e jii JOHN LOWRY flcSON, GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE DBT GdbDB.GBOCEBIEB. vm. Furniture, Agmw. .a DRT GOODS 4 CO. Bs-etri- yoptjapJ.., BED BOOM . SUITS. jl lon3toae MANTI ROLLER MILLS. alSt-daJi."- .. 10ms fntrta h s Vfj SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. We dAim to be a leading and progressive Dry Good Firm,' ear rying also a lull line of Ladies', Childrens & Men's Shoes. It will pay every one wishing to buy such goods to call and tote'll -- i, ! M .. T ax- - ' -- r.BECKir, Lcm- amine our prices before buying elsewhere. i'. a t mq.fi.aarxvii I ' r . nl Bsepar ft Kldrsdp Block, Be-as- nt ' J St. to ,. t U--v St aad 81 Mala Baby Carriages. Airl - f .a J OSEPH AiARRIOTT - - I?. . , ,'! it .9 j bJl.il Vatowm J O . to.atr igt- 1, I f-- . south of Sslt. Imke City. do well by buying ' th.Jp Ordars by mall us, and yard opposite the ff. .0JT e 3 - 1 1 SOLD BY ALL HOUR DEALEPA K- - 11 7 I i t and Waui. moon. .had not Woi. of eourrc I do, aad. If you'd takan tto jroobla to read my letters you would have dixcovured that I- nonaidei pi & ssAfiSai? 11 A. It if right te pandiaee the Boots and Bhoes saannfaotered hy Zions' KdrcauUle InslituUou ssnsmallyas they sra moderate In elsgentin style sod suparioi qnaltty. hrtyffri ; ' - It-I- s idlng Prop. & f- It is right to Uae home products in prefareoce to lmorted artldM-ia right ts nirniih bur own people empleymtat. U ia right to tiouize home in aritqtlona axsleetvely. re . i.il mew .Uue"jm4in2eil,leflSi of Buggies and Spring Wagousin Utah County. Your ptrwfWhsfr- - suadfifioh' tnen thought1 Harry Barrows," yon tricked : meiulotiona would- be favorably re- asked, siflyaiaMsidm.siiuiiminniaia;Tii stoey tailor," tto liUJo lady fisotod la to say; ,t: No, notwunetly ceived only wish i wsra lika 1D0.0D Mrs i Bssast From Springfield the regiment went Hr. Brent ytqd's grgnivtiUwMi pay ae Httlci Hibuf TctfVi any attention to his interruptions I do the. I A cbikhtl? isto winter M tbaULdan FacM rillwoeAt ?Jadc a pA;ihail7'tftmtflaiinsiiiiiA know this lady 'very wall, Sad I think ' With leather top aud rivited riiua. What the men endured' during that of lovingchildrtn, 1'at tcik&ai thfeu my- her as sear perfection as posalbia Dont send to Balt Lake but savs Freight by sending Tour Orders evere winter under canvas no pen self; so fest easy, for J'ilUkeJitur n big. far woman to to. 8to might to n little : f JL-'. eould describe. The weather wee ex- box of sandie and a kiss in your same, too old for you but, I don't know ato ro -ifS-en- d,1 half and doesn't tor a 'look ion galeh, she inclement, hear and shall many how" cept ally u'i-'li'ilant fellow, who might have atrnek n But," ; Frank.! ; Intamptsd. tu'JYsfi-eanVd- iWonldatlf tohien-l- f , A Mar of laughter Bomtor husband Mow for the Dukm.'wae eitherinvalided Saywuh. things , Him Ggsoa home with e broken constitution or died Brentwood is a ydunglsdy of sigbtssn. interrupted the oairsot of her remarks . "Well,", hs triad, "if that last tto outright of expoaue..'! ItWifK Indeed n who would he ABAc1ced.ifb.? . j. You tfid the ktsalug by yrtofy. 'Ah, boldest flight of feminine, imagination ease of the survival of the fittest " blows, sad will erer- listened tat Why, Mark, Mrs, those who weau hardy enough to strug- lad, I sea Beaant. la forty, if she ia a day, and 4. . to property laqasidsntaj gle through it all gave Uneie fleet suffijwr Ani .respectful to ha young much too saxaiblo a woman to caoonr-agcient assurance that hU bounty money si flotation with,' a man younger had been well laid tiuLi "Wiij todF ". i r.--f ' ! , than herself, even if yon warn tpru In the midst of this diaconffart they Indce4fW:,-Ajd;txlkinfr,,ktimsi to ' . with tor undeniable chsrmS.": v 1 Now this cornea of visiting a pair of part in alight engagements, while they relations do fW Ituoiv that T hare aif celebrated Christmas by capturing n undo in your fcMfiiint? No? Well, I poms like you two," Hendemm said CLOTHING. I ean not ask a gigantic supply train on its way to have onS of tlm ' Wmp fellirgithnt rvy with assumed regret. hundred five auMflo'Vuhtt a about with but prison a Vaijos Hoplriha limpto question i'ricc, together noighbor, put ocv mJ. honestly don't 'think 1 ever 'met S ?ff yo fly into tto realms of tomaaas oners, and,, what wm of loot." ol lots of to I them, many kinder, tpus pAMMib fldlWlMf todjdhtrimony. Bee, didn't even uah quence after the widow ut aU I said Ms It wax ou hie return from this expe- you get u thsnto'.'cuhlf ate Us scflnriht dition that Frank Kesant received the sore, for ma far s young-- , plain asl eould apealn Mew, do you think you ean come dowq from glorious tidings that hit commission star like had arrived, bud that he was appointed Major HspMdt has tatn good cnonfft your atilta long enough to tell mo who to a Lieutenancy la hie own regiment, ttoBeabteare?" A little later and there would have .""BU, Mark, thera art no' Besauts Mrs. Burrows been much grumbling at a mans step- tarn the conrcraaUp was taking, f, I to1' Mrs. Besaat, : ping from t'u ranks to a seat at the Yes, I tofiffl hto aay today that jratt pleaded. but in those day wen wonderfully; like n toy to Vo&f. officers la a widow whh U.bund axpluiaed. wto lives ia military etiquette was not so strictlyJ Senderaon noniiapeAt-Yoflta CttM hmit house in the village, and is oWrtrnd, and. beqideq. our bW Xsrk has hb4a pretty A tit person at the place, as you aad that perhaps asaonatfl ftohl totag kilflii out be for you hum amrisi total tok wsoldierlag klsjgs a fair, though tardy, recognition of ids and arcana WoWThsrs prsfelrM to very lOng-- . Mu-- hum only one ehlkh 0 9 sun,. Who is Bum covering himself With yjtfil8e t a aubatituU.?,;, ,- - , 'Thla'freaVJtit jgood fortune gave sendA ahoy !. glory An the hattle-fi- c at. j5U Frank what he so much needed, interrupted. I Vet, hiS totycUid tod wifs'Wvto hits a few sights elation w kb men, who, muit the evealis goG growntfiatsea, and tohsfacter and hoaijf t'iiltiirr, were mArASesfij t ,;o, toes the anfae mis since." Mm Jkujuwa ejaculated. equals, n UU hr appreciated. Imp Wtitr nrrw, ta Frairii'a uhmirria, the But Yon have brea ail night in tto honas nrscuiii jfliiia tr.ui the fkmiliidj i wav' tatcirugted by. other .a mi penr told ua this. Why; Mn, proaclie, of James Lawaen and UiS party members of to arc wild Get frlembi. a cnnalderstioa to be by ad to will you. rusdy aU Owen end. anosnW-wa- s . , S means ignored. friends of UaaAinuTwOrcr tfAffitoriit ms g with ms at ofa-v- sir, at shall modified for eAfheii spring 4'llimf-Lrenth(Z baring kept furglr.n Vs that he shollhf btfiSTtA flf ciuii-heof winter, the order fare the the u long from teeing you." ' meatwwdaapanML Aniv'wr'ilf YfguaruCV msfcF W'A f object," ruthlessly drclarefl Dr. Com i .-- i Vw1 don't often LmihriV Mark hi an Invalid and Burrows. r inf aulartaart,o I hsrlia Fulton and Frank were now not the rest." Than, swing tha poat on mMBog aliyMecMisntfoS bnaoiQ friends, thougli they were In it." Xlr wife's But 111 Ups, pretty Hi dilten ut aaf it wm from amendment propo-gfiula your well, jrcpossaa bon; flto.tato?frtotwet . hiiu that lleuaut leaned of tke in leaded WsVsfiever ultsuiptcdtogivs and Correenondenca solioited. If yon will VMMMa blAe JuMeS M Aha Mow-- , we 'Ihuiried. were X ! . departure, n party since shorn. I dOtVifoafl "Theyr going to march M (kb aUve. So Urw.t'tIstatalha.toU .pijipM yah 0 to tto Walnut House Mm wholewbleaaed way over IhAraUroad half of IttoOfenfi WMriP uad Invitets Beaaattotea ties tcsara to OMiisanifWa won't spy it fiaror." (AioofJkdkP Mmilu Do what is right. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, WINDOW; DOORS. MOULDING and BLINDS. J fS'isr&ui --WHOLESALE I; . '' I Urfcpjt Jtfqltontafgnnd my fathrc a physician thera, in whose office a. Builoa, W. trunk . TajrKr Mllu t. VanuaixB Tipbl W, Nowell Mrb7iBssnt tha qolta tialawseteat ..:f lathe wsypf widows I a rerun dr1 about. ' Whst tto me ar sip his first lessons in aurgeiy. Hairy of to lot her wear toe weed! thinking plain Henderson, if yoS go thera. ; so loaf I'm sura I don't know. ' If 1 iwt call ms nay Motto dnAMfl Wera n disn " ' r.' '5 wood, the minister; anffto'B&i to iiauu or Which, thank goodneSA youts noi, a manly voice intompted.' Tto fact McCormick MsciiineA,See" Oooptr Wagons. J ,y Eye' k 'passadnilvhtoihsd Aesriet. .Mark, soma body ones told FknU In tha aacSfefajejpffiyarxitig xrtth n that UmTs Is a . strong resemblance bu-- Plows Canton rClipper, and J. I. Case Chilled Plows. man wto naisautually abMri' to meet twan .tor and Mrs. Basest, and ever the dssri.eqas jtortAj,toha4 aid. inea ato's done nothing tof rare about life. was I Main Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, CaroetSp, Wall paper. Etc. pegs into tha adamanfiM earth,, aa all this i suffering . aggravated sight of trains rolling by them on which they ought to have bean riding, body'a ears ni Washington moot have tiaglnd. if tha. old aaw. to true,, far bureau loud aad deep fall from; ha 'llpa 'M tho wkaiy men as ttoy dragged ttoir tired limbs over tbs endleaa miles of rand, i i ClUPTEA'TIL1 : . him, 0 HOWELL A CO., f i SSt&T&. me Utah CATALOGUES FUSE. feaai-litU- s don't mead' (dsay ftod yob doyon? k51 ii UlukarS W. taana Meatya. Boaliiv. euuvea Srcwaa payable ua duaiaaS ' i maasy ua appmvaS ami y. Everything JdyjicaZ at Coalter Jb SnelgroiteeJf Street, Salt LaTte City , Utah. n . i a vinr gnxr rairr. plae eaBsdlfM .. Do.l know Urn Bcasnts, Haikf-.toahurg, yrton I Vs a sMMb uiarMad to! 7 Tha; speaker waa Mis. Burrows a a young doMoh' why to ftot ti iaamon so young and pretty that one prsetioa hB'teriNt t mWeno.." ctouU sea at a glanen that tto honey- Than.:Iassy-fiiM-- JO Dlreota'rS' StuNh. utsaUiNXla. LUMBERAND BUILDING CO.. by-th- Satttmiis Of,. AtesAuu run-aw- ar Was to wounded?" seemed fcHflgfef got 1 oerslch though to tors a ritarmbd Ilfs:-- 1 Aad ypufSiui ,i!iiaixO u.ie.'jiu-juii- , T was not so Inekyr hbt tha daaugri tollkfi was not ussy sselssa tastl-jHI whlek through j my ahouldar-hladmakes a eonrsulsnt arsuss for atrisf . trip home. ews " u Aio you going AF? i J.UMAN'T.rMoUeak HM B.t'kkatxik.Vm IwiSani. UkSKli U. HLLLa.Ui - with tho horss rd tow Ms : Capital. f5Un.kU. . nuvi i N.X State Back of Ut.b, ffe. 60 Ham St., PATRVI1W, VTAtf . a, Chemical Cfci 18 lroBdrcPvr ? T: nets i ritosO WILLIAM KOBO AN. SMKKF OIF from your derirc. k kirn to - gel at good priest ss any house south of Salt Lake. Ve ere bn pered t ear Planing nkille to eustum work on the skorteet Better, so YaunlnJjr, --A We carry complete line of furniture, carpets, window bUndato tbacsv wH paper, Wagons Iron Kto, Parties dealing wMh steed?"' "Aye,fhat wedld. Both nags entered my troop with their master and took part In tkat atriaamage at Springfield. As for Disk Jwayne, to fought Ulmn Im afraid we shall bhmyiaiika a smart soldier eut m him, hell to worth his weight In grid aa a scout" ", ru dowq uiuruxavs. M4M0UDI SSSSS&SS!IS' Weber Pianos, 35,000 in use. riding flying at your heels.' And that reminds m -- did you ever catch my I m. Frirnolln Dick fiwayne you know he (nested in our oorpsff '- wsafta Indeed 1. do not- - The last I sswwf h&n he was pounding along with you to thshbttle-fiel- d, ' Ototo a. e, replied something about this man that uShuugpq,,!,,Fruk admira-huawith "Mol ly by. a- ?' ucver heard k read dt a sum dashing rat of ekbnfby. wa a Jxvtr tidy bifid fighting, I coufea,"i .the, Captain, drawled.' VJr the by, tbnre'waa another acquaintance We-fieof yours on that who rode aa though he had a hundred lives at his mtimvc buy sitftluf, boys." Owe fairly atbrfeil, the gallant cavalryman iroved hhnarlf a prince of good company, a,nig aud story tripping from hla lipa without apparrut effort. It was only urban the party" Waa breaking up that Frank managed to get a word or two a ith him. "Shull 1 k.v you in the morning, captain llonrter-uuihe naked, anxiously. Ni( likely, my hoy ; for I Mart nn the first train, and you'll Is hoofing it pnibatdy before I'm out of bed. "Vos, that ia so. Well, he sure and call on mother, if you go to Meftonburg and, I ay; if you tell tier any thing of iur way of living down here, Jou t draw your pictures with too many shadows in them." 1 understand, and will to careful. But how about the fair Grace? shall I tell her that you head her u kiss, but dost wank tha precious article delir mud till youre at horns?" Frank .laughed., Oood-byold fcltow," to said. I Wish with all my heart and soul X waa going with you." And thera was something Ilka tears in the lad's eyes as to grasped hla friends hand and turned gloomily away to his quarters. The march to St. Louis proved worthy of CbirUa. Ful loo's worsb sip ticipaiiona. The weather was execrable, rain, snow, sleet by turn assailing them the ground now slushy aa a swamp, and again frozen with ridges hard ss Iron. ; Sometimes they had to hunt fur the least motet spot on which to pitch their tents, and sb others they eould nut pitch their tents at aU, to oaua no human hands eould ihc glorious oharge your- fellows mads ffia Mlrchandise tcbtimomial. Pai AuS drink to our aaxt worry h, at SpringfloM.k, Itvrai grand, horoiM-- Vanes llUupbuinui. sad lut.mouongratulate you on I tibtimobial. Kv fnMT)nnniaa,,,' A 8. nCMMIRSVS. use tit WooL rllUToiJ u FKRNOLINC flHCCF DIF a trial, a mar and will mra pan a great dm! uf money. R. ihc folowin , testisMisyi . Bai 'Ua tloir lur a farasaU-siMUas- . tufa, fortbe suiu haHuAkuanaraSwUua. buys. Ho In story maa fharlie? 'W eil, at any rate it has let some of afMllngof rfiiihlvr. Aud ftoa'I Bvan lu fivl. iw laik all. Mil kuUi, Ull ea'ra 4ylas. you, I, lik-- ul a.iMU-n- In lu, .u,ilulir iruuubSi-Ij at Bros, rritgef and Carts. Amos. Whitneys ss and Reapers. of Ulini, usy inu a.i lar- -: ' MabifutMU 'M 11. ..ii :i in. J uiunv- - a oandag buys AwHM.Iuur, al kilim- - arc boys ful nwpuuM. Beaant, how 1 do' envy yon that even dispositiuu of yours. Nothing areata to put you out why, Ive been raging erer since I heard the beastly IKVS" Aud what good has your raging done . aa thnljiuHiM quatltj tal quilt ' (Miua U Wnilur Uo. tu Isi .iwr aiau Mil -- p all AaS dnak 10 our aaxt aiernr aHtlay. boys. Vb. uuImmI mi 4l)r m,i..-Ilu- . Uijia 'it's pretty tough, but 1 guess they'll nut ull right, was Frank's cheer- Uirqi A&i IS. ia.1 emue 1 lxi Trot. Eifilth of Sheep, Tee UTAlC Hu ft la tun ( praut - r r. ItZltw n wiaitn liilitl The Best Grades of Flour, yyflfilwi Custom Work a Specialty- - JESSE W. FOX, Jr., A J. iSj FELT, Vice-Pre- tr. tress. 4 EDWIN DOWDEN, Sec y:. G. JOHNSON, Manager. : a |