OCR Text |
Show : ,.v . . ' 'ft - iteMMidiiiu - 4 xp s : v m M tk Iwft fcfftfc. 1 IMI , t. vl . I ' ' - k W l ' Ji:i'i - iH tA . : s. aT'.N:, '. rr.:-. 1511 'w"r.--- 4 irf M. uaJ tiHr in !.. variou bih. SiS&VMmitil Court ''i,,lil;;-;':;;- i..u & Gbadwick, Wilkes s Sland AGENTS J Yuil NVs $ Agents (.r .. wUateA.-au- ti'.it w.twiif w ; i i IN V i&t ns ALL cvflMnflfrrcr. 1 j .(j ; . L 'i .!. i k !.. : '" - y Tifc-Ti- r.Ti SAllT-MKE- Er ! , aa-kW- I - . ; ,i1 ' r tj s n-.w r ,i,: " 1 iiSucct,or Kig Gruu, hklbU. lnl.-ii.i- ( ' l .. ", ' ; , - JcaevraS-,- ft w '.J ' J,-- - .,!j. 1'IV " ' ' . ' v'? 4 X'uri-etiirn- QvM Ch-u.oxaan.to- 5toB88 if - A : V -.i ' . ...... .. in tiif f,oni5,. ':?' V o.. ,:.V t aUlbin , ,ilB $rn :,..vre . Ci!f fi ufii Jltjf 1.'. . UUTT. S , lrA.-nQli- rit ftfjr'iWitg to fllfa rl.rt.fsrf In ul the uuny new- Slum, which is w.-l- ku.'V,u .Siciue.o rltiRs bavo Iren jutUv pertoruiituwi. tWi' railnrad It find buil l will main floor, Twin, uj( gl(. . I has teen T" Cauadlae for the to pare the way ; - luro-- ; teny. Saiatl SB (Mritutran Tbr.e Ira has ( J Ik. r ,.. 1 ep'-- i ii dA .t'w ! 1 tiabcw. a for a uvk , OdiB r . - 5 d.li:..u.e.fi a ..lagnuJccui lomtiaa CiyiaCfcui;,. UUest Dio t . ii umned ci teen Us tbo 1! tr..r Kk 4 yi m i - ' . ; r d' Vb tUjll s.,uaro ll0-- VA !:,vr-- ' ' ,!i nifi--'- t rr.all tf. B.,iy i .f",. ' nt 'c f ... E .'f '. b- -, l vtpw AND BETATL DEALERS IN WIIOi.KSAl.K .. ' ' - ,.v - a ' rflkfc f : olili'.lw Lk.mEEu I M VH0. lri,5Af4.7 .V - t ' - r; 'w' $ 1 rr - - r WnlJ.. i ,lUd tlu Britlih Minister, who COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. i ; ! ! ti I l W. . whip hand of Canada, and & Notary Tublfo. lag a - v-- 1 ' - the BrltUh gaveru nival M that colony U sOL:srJlAGVEt T T!' ' a? i:.- 11 j " tHru.ia.a,-u- i bring' the raelprodlv BigotUtlou, , . a ,! 0g.r SUttorW-at-La- aft i1!'- ? l'i b, Ktiug t'';V O : p ' .if, ay '!)! '..i Z ' ... D ., , ' 1 ii.UAeSii .. Y5'a,1atBr klaraHSil A.'iVLediMipuiiiivM Attorneyand Stiiwlwij Uao!iij to buaiuMi ttavcu I j,. tMetu.i e e. alMiut this rorlproeltj I'u's, Ceudekudtbi TnlteJ SUtMaud H I LijicioW. will uot be Mr. RUiu. Till UuiilU:. I ; lllh cuv.Mr.Wfi l it .', n. odlciaU have net UlpaAtheir eauo uy 1...1 .., b. am t .' ji.nl sjei'ej' wiiibr. 1 for twaw thl. country and K.wfoundUuJ to aiTrereling PaleemenMn.t an abrnpt eloae, by dNltnlng to allow Company. S2.r3J a. mi . S'! - RELIABLE MEN itkiCi efTav. l.tj.-'lli- - 1. Sf..,;i a. , i'.T : Atfi.-uitu.- ".Ss Mineral Lauds ' n H:p y. . uA&riiNetONl.ETllERk aSAViliKES. IJOUein Ttel e UTAH. l t Y,C r:." , .- 11 vvi' V'' : ....I liJVt!:, Ki Itmn MivFimK attorneys, ". lS.:Land . AND r.S8Al'TPKl,: g ; Lrllrr--r- N -- . ;: ' Tli 't:ns ;'J.O Ii'Ui.i iiibv!4l iw.'ii, i.ut at i'.' nl l y il- Hr.s ut 4ta: rilly prr-"f. s. yii.i pbif. witk Ia ' Laid tMte l.i u r: m. H i inm!... UmriM'ITY. AND CANADA - : - : r- ;. ;.-..- lifiMa. IIiu'. Office, .:: ' ".' ,l,lteIHrl,M.,...;'! - uS ! I ' rV . . :' - - : , fjiwy ff- , ,4UNNhito-- Hui . - i JrS. Jk , 1 . MiMflOVfc kl erLT" at V; , f- - "' V 'i'ViTV V1 f if--- ' , r.1 '- , . kt-- . , . ' . , (i i r TT TT L s i t VOL. VI. Kt '? : - '''' i u .4 vi "v - " Ju i ; Cuttle , M a " altytrty,;ttatnnlrt.tlrawi;a.w.aJl,,;'r .l ." ." . .(.- -i to hegwlhiM , ,, mi "i" i., a. I might standpoint, tb.y u , UOXEOX, tTTAg. . ' , U That la just the point well uot coma. , -' '' -- V -- said a Wester. Realtor. fs-i CW axaetly ' EBIGKSEN da wants our marh.t a goodie. I worse not than we dwlrannod aha inaatjcalculdll r Sanpete Cowty.. TnaKBtin AUoraey ; . . yen oy to takfthU faei iflo eohaideralloii, t s iwaoii Tlraelose of lira r. tharipjp Apj; be duo tjdlekerlug . If L io1" a Slaiha ildaau't npt th.haof nf f' " wale OfficibP aln Sgree ..iirnliy 1 bit galaWa vffll aimply daellaato make lthluiej Hood ffri!r In th'irrl'T. all.f .iiiei?rodsw-ttoHlawhat will klluCauada then aud at all, do. Cotunrarelally speaking Canada U I ti.n rliy iiffleelragiV.-vil,asir.l-ot!.I Oiirabo!of,-'In our power, and aba most acoept eueh I esebiugfoHb-t-weI nml t- ? " ma b wo terms eg AT LA', dlapoaMftn f" ASDCDliNSHOR ATTOBNEY raeWnhd It la a uUtahen Idas, that uuuy I ' . 'wMHUlTO.B.O peaplo have been ltd luto from a lick proplfliildai.- -j .i,--...,atMem. I ooe liv Iiren foif tb ; Min.r Hi to Case,. of trualwarlhy Information, suppove -and Mining , Specially LsnJ Deib'iee.w that all of tho man oloeted to the Fifty-- 1 Eastif nveanhinff. , v a'i Llud, aacond Coaraa;.by tha Farmers Al chtociiai wil'.: Jipe note WMIMHIO. (innee, are.u pad Bested. 'Jinn the railh.-i- r wiiidoj K.-- ie ' r .I.-' Kanaal Fnnd fomp la trnAd&aJttor P;llref tVii: f 14 - - t The rt ndfweii the'dtad iangnagea I epf jrnprT whQe upln '. III raiiifciAXS-'Si)'!iHssand olaaeleal lora, la nevertheless ae I Esstrf ip f fr tldinM-.i:r I are Hie mun f it. i !: as an man making and educated OTAIL opou nethorily HAH! CTT7, I to b fo .hlomdd " . 1 1 to Blatea United Uu .'S' if .'f1 "S an.lTbreat a natters relating ' .ifr'in ' . IMMWM at ttra Kye. F.n. Siw tine Mlin and lta'damcetle affaire, I Bovarnaient, I SpveUUy .. .11. Ill I,:r"!i ' 'd ha has few anperlora. Kspreaentallre I devolf-- V'.V; H,A.4 l. V ltiwk ' I aJvirwtiil na.w. j. Mosfoao-ncii- int tMuii W 'irift . -- P John Davla. from tlra aame State, will nip MOMS tt Cuy uall. r.lnck and a half be one of tho inwt educated luau.Uiat it nSm 00. T HOSHID-S- ne aoatkOtUr Uenrh Umiie. 11f . MU 'alt'Jnt hltWr; hoeiraf - I I Taaooad Congress. Indeed hi Is ao elosa a i at b rTwTttTatndeatthatha has earned tha title of I ; 1 "crank." Rut ha is tha kind of "crank" I I Na that lira eouatry eaa always lad room Physician asp Srimwix, for. Hels the origuator . of the idea of I iiudet 3 T.Vl.HASA XI', iTMf. . is Stats agrlenltnral college, and tha nallway ll:u;!,'i ' ,. bill passed by the I Will treat all kinds of ilistAevs in author of tho 1 . .. . Illinois legislature eetaKIfehfti kthe first a skillful manner. l)ic;w; ' peailpir to femaies.rccuivc one of those colleges in flia( BteoVBe'KA TMnd.!lOh.tjciI special, attention. be heard from In' tho Houw, and perty .y "The I J Liwrcirc him under tha any member that tackle nl AtnJean 1 VFEIDIXAND 1 V 1. risAsX1' 'rAli All. itsi jns ii. MATTHEWS, tickot Piano At .... miti 1 m t ; .irawui i Th; f! ;.oiA l'l; tl lert, I f - - . - .jo 1st I!! ir p.Vd(l':;-"- t ... . J.jIu'. . te'ofuM fit - i'i t'od- f;,M5;,ul.Weie.Vr.Asi. t:;y !.( I'ri.l.y. Irving nid.i -.- j . . -- . , It i':.i ,! '. lifismiii i: wlio in . :po-- I,txc ! . Anw ,.rieenerj .! , Tltcii 'v lb" l i I ' I1 -- r" ' t " I vlal .-- v- 4,1. PiYlSOH, . da. ts.'v' tiie-- Si. ' t ti'S- T U 'ijp!,irir;i In : DR; s ) f ; r r dentist. WFIRST-C- ; - - - y -- j. inTia C y v. . All.-r- l JlKl0 ,.a Ummil a pAdeotoialJ here s ever thf Wiitd.J that Ih iHi-io- b hlirhVrf h.Te qull enough trouble with JlraJdaek. tWf. . thousand ww 1 kdrt ItiKl y tu Htrike (.r Ul ... 1; ' . ! L ': - ' ,0 .. r i.ir f J'" I i'V f. ip'ia' ; Trjsr!'!' - j V -- J...n TV1,.m, ' V : v f ' 1; J ai T:? . ( ill a . ' I " pji 1 ... ir: J v S t J iMMaeienatcecnaAiO I V I I ? S i ' puHi-.inal- i,,: OvvruoffU, HaU, MANTI ill iij'MKBIlM: I ft . . ; andOapa. J .'alf'!- - nooisv 1 hal 'A4 Mtora I j I 1 iVksa&artsf . , Mtli' I - f.. . , r l-- ; tj 'I-- A" . Woolen Uadcnrear: k. " - f'A j SALT LAKE; CITY. , . ,.' . . t r. Jr r '... i';ii!moi in , 'U.-- 1 ' f. ' t j ' ; ui I' '.- i II IEMM JiubOcrs,, In, prrat vsriely'.- . - t . i II injm;; The rrasri JhafiPbraJararanacted by Ihsr nuf con-- 1 pAyi ialj, pr. llvwanl gross. ail Lhut Led tha aartary of the 4 :Tmmp to aimendilhe the Coinage at I Bt hLry4 Iriiee to xew with pewee th. dlieretlonuy. that time, naume wbnaver It .beeemee meeerfait I ,JRi:iiiii of diimitiids redeiun the ellver certificates. The I hsvi brew draw'VSf.' 'Via i(l - .IT? In -- Dbaleb t ' Mix m 1 as Xi.5r -- MVh.,p'ind lift":!":: 1, Oils of n,nr. wan NEXT! . 1 enHM,t fora w anvlblug-aml- ; ' HPTiriP Kirhai Pvr ' rl1! ; tuAll. r. ' LP! ' I V(i;--PleHsah- : V Patent Roller t ! a , Are Mill jVl U- - ', I'r' K - lr .Vagt ' W :-d !f ig ?'' V' 'n, iB i i- -' .iii.i-U- . ,, , I. - Sir . Read Carefully"1-"- Coed Note Japcr, SI uWto for fi.. flood Bill Tap, I.gsl. .Cap awl,Fool , Sh Cap 1aiier, ut 11. pcrOnfre, wntlii' Unit Kngltoh IiEJ.' ftUC rrjifl, at 5 Ml ' " rv. J'I ix. -n 21-p- er .a 11 - aiuf'iicCorinick; Machinery ve still TRADE r 1. 4? W. ' v P w ft a . .1 j . r i.Jni ill T i uf 1 Houses at lltL1 . rt- - Si " . . ' , 1 , '" ' ; . 1 .' i Ii l i.;i.ii. ri.'lfir, in the lead. ; Ogden; Lofean and Milford Utah, Ji&s. Idaho tloal.t lt. nl 'iH.K'inn. ' . s Stale Falls, ta.find ."it ' A . Idaho. CON EE RE NCE VI SITORS, hobetter Lake vr'I-rCfTI- .!!, v -- 'Two Blocks tollowfng C.Qns.Q(i.d::InipJement Co .',Snioon..nd Billiard Halli , f- ILuAUVt; B.OAR'D,. ,0F ; of the 5 1 ' of U"- atRckv well known good : Case1-Chilicd.an- d ,, , 1, Plow, Jay Kye See Sulky Plows, Canton Canton, Clipper Steel Hand Plows nnd Harrows, J. I. Steel Beam Centre Draft Plow, Ajax Levtr CwilN 1 vatorsHvans Celebrated Tripple Lever Wood and Steel Fram Harrows, Planet Jr. Garden Tools, Gorham Combined Seeders, , Fountain Gty Graid Drills, HoosierPtiesi Drills, i,t Examine our Stock of Buggies before you buy. Wn sell the best Buggy on earth for $ino, with, leather tup' and rivited, riius. Qaf No.'5'Cohcord is an excellent ? Buggy tor country. The Old Reliable lusige. l (irA-l.-- i,!! j.,r V1-!- ' tAi-- v 1 it the front wi:li full ClipperTri-cyd- e ? l,.ii,w u. Vdy''V:i'V diThtfog, card playing and ether die- -- ...aliid per Fapew 1. a , Captalp. P grarefnl things In .. couaaetion with jOmrffib Pius.', full conOl. it " L . thou fuusrri- - appear te h ellher eutlr-- 1 taa.V Paper." t ' I' ,f ri,s" .. ,without ruundaUao.drgroeely fxagUtert.wsj :Wet rin all .i.at reaell.-ifk finA.d. S mitor pliln r ! it, i.. p Lad ..jfl.ulielil.s !U lh.xen. " " - r Owl one uf tha roumlttee. eald In nnawrr ai P.nblierTlp rcneiD. at V--. iJlVjrapt-d- Plaice ut daubing. tbeRnitbcrnSUtce. I Duran. "I ean ay R- l- ontheMtoarst trajn: v.ru H.rL't li.u.v. . 1 : SSiESiS .. ' wnf I'Vf ' - usually anrf. rfe fcorfs A lt - L.,. chinge,pdjuhIle-opla.- - Bf . ' N(iXrJC)NS.'.,LWt&: I.- IC,-ua- l Th return of th Hearst special train 1 from Ran Franelaeo . ha. Martod an.w foff all tha goadppy atari is of the eoormou and of fnnrrais, cotrrflul Congresilonal expense of the qutra.ns artloevs lilraeq Who. ejjHntl, Bt "Tattauhcd ' them. The expense' part to 2n.OOO.1XO ftenci."" Ibiluiito OVERtLOWRV m , J n i 'Me j t lira Ixi orilen ,, ...a MBwiiUm offlrp. Pmv. KKeTIVILoBIC, J ...... . .pt , lym M. DATU5. . v fc r- -to blgcR'-wr-.Vili,,,- of whleh 07.000000 are in actual elren-- 1 blana. Ab.irT"-yi,lutlCfilatlon, SOC.OOOOOO are, repreMmUd .Jqy woman, ttirat ttvr vllfleie1i PhcifiktUn, and Th !l.nOO,nOO are held by th Treaaury far m whleh no Book Bindihg1! II.-N'i'- erry, - ; i SlThe oldest ReBtauraiitiiiJJitn., TftsUy. 127 S. Main St. V. t : utAmtmM, ...a -- "irTi'nrMim'mn - kf--- " - l- "-&- dJSOVlOQaoieee . M. n, r V l-- i-t It - ! Vi f '.'.I'-- - : i i. ii inn:, ji. ' "i j : T7 t f" r . 1 - 1 k. v J'rfc ;.itrfr Yuli ; ; i jf?p f" j bullion pnrol rad Ira ehaaed each, month, thgreefter fill '.fl1, Rellvflte MT. PLEASANT, UTAH .. note. Tb mint I The atreetof . V 111 W P An puarannjnHur; 1 run will pot In a big 'part of it time for 0f In I flood. When in Salt Lake don't forget lo qiit a while after th Orel of July V-T abraded and mutilated tho slop at the recoining JadKmMlu uuoiu.tiig l w Ahaultiilu:' fnrtlenalennney.now li thoTreaintyl wrn Mld ly - A r ' Hnndl ing Horan a Specialty ! e.ti-- - Pure Breed FereheroR Hoiwg. i if ' rTAH. A. C. 0U90fiii,ji i Hay.tfsne ASS WORTHS L ', KITL(TUTHITCmtlRiiV w.aFY. ) UANTL : : " f i A. .? UnltdfSlal.t s ; l pfai-mT- possessing, j " '- - Tie ynUd.tmhlsn'dertr(wr'vrfk,uiltFvS:.t!V.'. want tha- - r ,' '-- IbEBTACET . " '.Sls.iS4-" piled for and recclvad their cherka from 1 0L . the Treaaary departmekt. I demeu mwn f.':.e n Ilaytl, the black republic aootmding o private advices raealvad harcwaata A Mg'pn'pi.ltion of 2,tiG(;,l2a,ii,'i t H ; get tiadef Unel Sam's protsetive wing .av,f?r lftlraold gaiitleman ha pay i inch p- M4&.ITV In wiuU,r Ca.,x pnrtsnaniM. In retnrn tor a coaling 1I . W Thor: asyl IM JUffiY-itatlon upon thi him),' which " the Utah. 'i !" if-i-- i rV: - , ' vf I i ?is .Ii J inebMlon. I dlMSiea apwialiy. Sal In a, Savior County, s-- ..tu-iMir- .i : i1 ' . !' !T.P3rsrspsKsa',KW6WV - n Jyc:f , Th ldg.i sens a .''..a. o h.- -u . l)j.kis.T-'j,fyf:fl'- - . I I.-::- . 3: "' 1' A : : , ". ' I'iji ,T . '' 1,1 the-A- j- : ' I V S - -- l . , 'hi M. ,1: i.tf their large am varied assortrueut of Jaelcets and Shawls, Mipgea' and, Ladiea' and Miss' Merino . ' t ; PROVG CITY, UTAjK ; j I ourt-X'ple- t ii 'J TJnlorL Blools. A & CO HATHCNBRUCK - . ItiU I ! i I nn would .iTvh.. lo.rrt rwijf. they , i,Hi!w.snji'U.ti;Al'iil,'l an l,.:iv.iivi! cf finilMViri-iliinlor- ' ni.i: if U iul IwifSTM i l.nif '.!l,. uh.I Kai'.i it .11,1 liAiiii ! mi JT dloithi'1 1. 1 i. . li. ,,,..1 S Ui';r,.i -.. .....j v,l;.a.l.r !Jw ,r.sl f.., (.' dny- -, nr-'- - j.- utijl li.Di; lini-i;ul 'i i:n ii w,'ii .., ' j fo j J ...it ,'rJT'. ..if o.:i.i ss r r ejial .. .' I i' jpid v.Drs.Hos iJ ' f eli'iie:frifjvlk L itf ' ' - y Wm. ' evnry I 1ft Main dry iuxt plaiv than', : im hats, to Savaga'e Art Kauar, for goods;-shoes-, ' v iFomliy Supplies in Ueneral., well. fiuinw tlmui; ll.eywill j.Vrail 1"' anil -- " ' |