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Show THE SENTINEL, k erty, there ina ioo act to it iim ecciiHe' nr p.ire. onrr Rjfery land ht i ,h u d cle .r, thus aare tinie, n.iii;ev and tr u a tha yt i eoi i I I r BDITOii L Gran de ' VuWv has guns ti Europe, bat Ingalls nraiaina wir.r v Annthsr C!ire for iliunkeneas has beep discover d. Ti.a surest erne, however, is sot o drmk . Will the fort foundlandP i v(v CLOTHING & SHOE CO., i jbUIWAY. 'vtk Wvt Wg W ifvVv vtAVvif tvoVvte cvw, tj uer, Vtebew Vi 'WtvtWtw, weaaa k S bs Vs eo pnttf, attar, V rCeft'Aof. v o$ Vbeati I STANDARD 611168. iyarertt vhV oe qA MANTI CITY, Tima Table, la SSsot Harsh lllh, IttLl 1 BAST BOUND TBAIHS. Nat. people which The riots, Pennsylvania 1 bays resulted in the death of seven .?.3i of tbs riots -- sod the s, wounding c A New York many more, shows conclusively nceurring. riiy ofli-- l that the opinion of the cupitnliil'a cisl has actually objected to being that it paid better to hire ignorant bribed Canada too, has a foreign laborers, tbau to put Uf growing Farm-- 1 4 with the demands of Americana era Alliance. Truly nothing 1 succeeds like auccMfc twaa a mistake. OrtPWKIwakTWrtlW.Drtlto.jare. Will tha r I b The rioters were so' called cheap farmers' movement round the laborers, imported from Italy. world? ML PIERCE'S PELLETS 1 ;! Hungary and Poland, to take the Keane wsute to know Bishop be place of the more independent, fht tha earning American will be. Piiralf Vegetable I 11 ut also more I intelligent; Amt ri- - Well, your e I nveiwmw, then be peoan and English colliers. who beiieve that tha It wu clairtad by the mine own- - ple coming snovAUD Ai a American will be a woman. I j rs that these men were more tract- o The Kanane farmsra did I I hie and obedient; leas likely to not local tender inks neroaaonabla demands, etc. Ingalls a public um Smii IMS If the real facta were stated, it reception when he returned to hie IMS I Umlpknlscar S SM bwmo LHTisptus ould tie other day, and It wasnt bo something aa SMS t e Hows: probably IS a a I case of The English speaking forgetfulness either. SIS a I 70 THE Cough-Cure- s SM a The Italia ns do not seem ISM a , ica wu more given to inflecting to be ieu a j? id figuring out the profits of the wnr apprehensive f. trouble beNpal ins owners, and likely to ask for tween their nation and 1 the United srtjir ban a yMafSt pnomSm ta rol I CHANT AND BROKER. thelsutae. JtSEttrts but f li,i,i,n 1600 YoTk profit, is Wed at New' HB sm A Full Lin of unredeemed 1 pal yt norantaubjacta af Italy, Austria, I last Thuraday. sssry snsrtl.kir. togJawS. 5jiiifc Sf pa I 1 I ."I suawia far wwZT IM fk' id Ruuia, not being used to quea- of Gold pladgw, . ola tka BUS NkUw. lar and Wklpd. consisting 811 njajwis rtartM. Mvifi( rati U mU IU kaa-- I 0UM Stow, SM Lut seposlf Tilwrt MmS m er Rrttchw, Diamond! and Javolrr. I j liavel ul city wing tha right af tha rich MIS pal rtsMannw I a.n.ArwoM.iWr l MM ppal a i ckat aioat of thaprecaada of To bo sold AT YOUE OWN PRICE Arrl?s ManL11 M i UMps ' I would ba aatiafled with apPita daring ConsrenceONLY. . UCilflilMMUt I let their b ht employers war. willing Ill Main St. Salt Lake City. 53S5 VUZS'&EStUft VSft rV1,,B we. I I Igivetham. Tba native workman ILhoyM BWf, to reward driven rapraotioally away, and tha me,, i . iw Mu, lb. JEWELER ski an. I VOHlI hu W Irtoucb : '! Chtny rsetonU k thaand is rythisg worked all right Res-- 1 ,o.DoBan. W UW- - farK ( Utw hi a Aunuo re live regularly nominated I ' g j ice In Amarica taught the I . Olldrt ialrtswartly a!w jMs1 OuanlSuiM,.. III Tome.naaacw. Sw UsaaaiOMsM, Ssll USCMft BMk Tk I Oalp few a Abatml, the mayoralty of aJ gnen ma'SSaW SsTiS5 things, and they an to make demanda of their I "leago. May tba best man win I Clocks ad Jewelry, Watches, WoXevj ns. i tba are anxious for the i J ileyars, which were ignored. ; ; la San Lais (Nip, who presides over that ka was inaugurated lae? Decern I Repaired on Short Notice. mjwrm IMnjfMWH city 11 Nteam M ood when mots Heat la Evany Room, peratoislur1B ,b Worlda Fair toiaakaal ;'l wo sxtra onsaax. naadad, n new impsrtation was Jf00 Impression upon foreign visi-jt.Vj I nwalirtorj: 1 Tea striksra made a mid I br- j but Wer I Tha more that is known : of New i r HI' rmrim 1 I" 9 L Hanleu unm Conference visitors are specially invited to Oouttv(tchft& ftee Out Vtveit WecmWefc. F. 8. Cminlry Merchants aud Basil. Dealers art iaviWd wt must oIom tht stock ss soon m tbs' clotbinaesne. MjiojOood., Hit, SaspSgSagpo-ovw- Oo. rars,taF5ss? Mjgmsli Notion Store ,f tbrl,, L W. iat f"?: Ayers G. A. Gardner, Cheriy Pectoral. . ,1. Hotel' Templeton, Slt Trkitr fln.ucial method. i.e Dealer in all kinds of first class Iflnntltesl ,fl Kt; bn I L,ntf . ASf I 9. A. Main - - Si, mMumni I Robnttlar Farm ul para, Grown Mawsrs, Hoao andO aidan Tool . Superior ftlMBB FnuOnud DilUa Ml VtasJ.lV .A to drive good oitiaen.LVunU-101 lb. community and rapl.ee ( B who era too ignor-l- ! , Bua fit tbamaolvaa for member-- 1 1 Agencies all Principal Towns I IK flAMMTP anti flWTVB BAMirt. mi Bt, ffWfc JKfcto,, 3auufU; j it I 4. V--; A 1 tti?: . omentthat aneuld be cou-b- tT U "'-7", ofPod on tba tf1 ra"' b,r testing their ia one i thing tha i i'l n i yIu" tM- o. TEMPLE HOTEL, llwn. The Mfckel - Lowryt store, MaaU Bargains Buainesa locations ttf 1 good every In the SEN1INEL BLOCK, " J to Fr8nT,ey.Bnc lath day-Al- ao ; - Siout ' t ;. li".' ? ' ! fi!JUCdandt,,l 0 ,U . 1 1 Diacriptiv circulara ldd" in Renpete countyires i,1 if i f: j J'T v I f teeeMof Besides this, thj'cuniy dl )U'i .IW nrtnci. liti- -l ,utnd- - ftjJorigu,.loewof rs it will be almost make good tb till bo projpetlj. It - is a ibould receive ettsnh'on .always danger in the question ia dvaa security to prop- a-- ia la,, m, pViM, wrdr .jj1" I rl m I Off V Musfc.1 b?'1 w,ed Pute u 0 SALT LAKE. am 1.1 wkwai hrcknSc, y I.M worth JJ J1 rhlhlrriii'ji rmilunty Sniu ni M (hililr,Vs Suita at .... U. Piennslstie 8tnr i N ?. M,', u W Bwe ,,"ni' T' riHiini hwka al Mn A bun,, at fj P " t&lfi 1 WW -' ' crown SewingHichiaa and is 8,L ST rtyleT " pair BALT LASS w Is itawws.vr K P!. bai, Chsras mvsn ..ii all - l- ttVWv J. FOULGKIt. Superintendent. m ' rni,bd CHRISTENSON,' l iumt tl'trat-Olftfl- fl Horsa Shoeing m' Wot Md Factory. CITT aSpeoialtv, iBMaiaaasgajjg y, Waaawraan. C1J ndseeMr. m. Brentreg traelw Awt clan. i Particular. Prices Modemta, and' terms easy, . TJtsato. THEPHENIX LLeS iSWLiiLLi Menufactiirar of Menti. Yvtve 0testntcOacts. I TaUore' TrimminM , R-Skl- MmtMtaNNsC purrhue" llKUltElt S? works Si tracker , hnj BT.H.EASLVT. tttali - .b-- P-, Hugh JtBLAt,ssmiH rttad?ravs:jAntohi ni ,. Rails & HalvEison U;asisiM Modern &ylei i. n d ! aassttwSLZStj;!! FREDERICK .MWOontncte, ia, teoKSfiSST, Establishment. S ww.Tai(08 !aA,M 8T- MANTI. tefJl SJS tin lRai'8T00K.' ATcni,chir.! Ja10 CtAwroxa J v . H ww.au caoi. ' L':ANDmrms Vkw-Pna- L O.CllVMU. m-Sr'ca- Next to Zinns Snvicya Beiik, thelssyi,,, r in such e stats sf, we great 0f ituro, and result m vurc umtoaTISSii tSSltSlXXfS r n Vw. Iprovement We arslinx.,;, pipii'S 0IIIME wu A r, Preaidant. I auo leScMm sm or Tlttlk, I MrtrtV, wfcVSSliftSlvijfc . , the owner, collscter ,PPwl to I now all tliel eke pises in tlowiV 4 M uf uecesiily K I ,. 1 tion from i IDiHO. SvSSSSCSr "'CKCHRiSTENSOH. Fainritw, oI. for s.npcl. Cp 6 1 1-- to an 7 I ' wprMentlew.it i posit- lend to bo aold without K BOOK. Sheet MuUc and MuricBookA 5itbl here been I Bntr Clark, and err I CITY H. J. Chmstxmow, dulxa w AU. MMCAimoin Pr ctpiale m Arm. AjA I i- n- aiatcrou. 1 A. Marker, a-Cro- the naaotl 8etba or. These plats era oil EW GBOWN OUGAN ade from tha raemda,' and i ig discovarad thyt tba title I pnrcheaing other It ' I af it ia defective, 8omoleo,I,b,"e, tba Jatost any and bsst im- ptioaa of the l.nd found i,!.pu ww leada, are Incwract, aud A new and novel RnV any tranaectuna which which ahowa at sight all thepaSa ob the record t all I hMoni. i given FREE with ji ! I I il tha J f eerelsaaneaa fW; alen rt I rivet I ok,Ja fine individaele, but fow PUnnfu fi UTAH.- Manafactursr of and Dealer 111 u V, C. R. RASMUSSEN,'. PROVO CITY, 1 8AVIN68 OAHK Music Store, ii;i ! OLOOl NiH. W ANTI Imported Lumber and Shingles. PROVO, UTAH. I m 32i5S.jd hi": flea. ' Mouldings, 1 7.46 -l- F. RE8SEGUIE, IILGKEL,(Proprietcr Ilay, Grain and Stohling. Rasa JcasKX, Proprietor wrMAoiMBacskFwvek On, C. N,iw and 1 brh. kll S.W.ECCLES, rmt DoWIl 6J6I NaaAIMiM PlaDioiMiMLilierYard All those visiting tha Temple ahonld Inquire for thia Honae. I I For 2.S5 4.20 7.00 MaaU, Custom Work and First Class Aocommodations. I Reparing done. (Sife. r.n. a. ml 2.00 and 6.001 jWA? - EatcfthtOMp. Store. ainUarQa He tbaotuuti .r.OMAT-nw- w. ir,t'Ula sac SICA In effect Nov. 16th, 1890. : I Lowrys Livery and Feed Stahls 8TAT10N8. .. Wpr&MsiM rirrZ" fttX.TCxKat alw Q 2, TIME CARD, AI. yO.---DT- M. rXRRV ACO. BSTWOit. ALL Jwly 1 nv-ucngiu- P61- ' I Half Block Wait of kmMiwM MANTI. St., " pw. KK5 people D. NIELSON , Ifitl Ham U a Seed annual FREE are very canlcaa about it ia a vary important mat'l xafar to tha recording of na, by I I? JOJI an-- i mt to as. it that 0MU now 1 the best. Y NORTH and SOUTH PwptlSs. Honw of All V. Orders from tba South! Becriv Prompt Attal Sand Yonr Wateh to ma Repairs. I- rasa DO NOT DELAY. i ofl y all true lovsra of liberty. m nr h dur" but lilNV, Mams, (Boom, ete. The place to get a Oosd, Square Jlf6ai at im figurf3 EAST, WEST, ml SI AAW. heiu .1 00 th commonacalth, it any Um are Ukaly to ba--1 dangerous element in th I rau,t nT h Farhapa tha mine ownaia I l,oinUr for ai tbay have mads a paying I asnt, although that is doubt-- 1 ; than are other things oil , if, i A ft i 1 WIU (Boom .t n 0 Mills. (PRINCIPAL POINTS! pJJ othar V.l f'tosr Largs Sample MTITW, 09 itet Qm Accommodations A bstinto I . iiaiUD ar a tw. J. ATM n oa, taweU, Mesa. BrtlkprtDnsslMi. Fia1; taMaiM.IA (the honast people of the country. hat the and of tha tronblowilll . b; aafly foreseen. Tho atriksrsho gto ass , n y withot ft aompoUad to follow in th.ila.B ' hou of thou whose places tbav provd mo,t otthwB- - The occupy. Soma Urn. in another importstica will vll mjiltinrnl8 .iimn ra Julius Jensen; OppallsCMit Boas. the las, City 1-iftl- ,f wtir ,UctJ,,d V1 ;dflert0,, tortM UtlBwgaartaiawi. t4"5 T,uk. GEO. A. LOWE; Yws QWn Pla Aj, d Vhon. g lays sek Ii M, nnrt Leading Implement Dealert ao ud C,p. Skt - rll , at Dapartmeat LtavV-uv- karto Muastarlmar o aka lata aaiaak at I j poor roller. 1 Wester 4ctwc,e, Cok(kvt, W X V,net tvswV ns. 4 1 . .UbllAPiis. Krwl v. RIO r, I rt AMB 10 Al I m-- T, u'Wt BAILEY Ota r Bl No waiting Luo for your Grists. Custom Work a Specialty Wt obbbdi DENE Fe' d " |