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Show V MEMORIAL SERVICES, TUB SENTINEL i tiitoariftMQ,peryas, Mnmomths, month, 5Qhm Alrenising rate i A - - I Tun Grist's Bril - 24, 189L ffito nesnt Tha rondo tHirm nlfiht-AiH- irry Co. storms have undo th vtry noddy. Mayer Booth, of Provo, lo paying, MmU rlrit. TIw8intwkl only ie. a copy at tho Hwtiml Novo Depot SumxKL Holiday Number on oalo at Ssntimcl New Depot. i lit Pleasant Is organlringan nthlotie rinb. Mr. Joe. oeoa boild n fine Jadd will slty council are considering tho qaeatlon of a oyaiem of Tho water-work- s. The R. G. W. latsad tospend a million dsllaro on tbolr toad thte oammer. Load peaella thrao ford eentaat Sim row. A foil II ns of Boso Bril natorlal at this A Li .11 ' if tii Rtspwi l n iij J.. k ... T h i WELLS, : i: n .r in'i. !,. in iuji'.rtsr iia . it IS largo stock of toots, and by (MIor A Bon. haro boon r seal red Mr. H. Sparry lotaada to bnlld a bar bar shop and bath boas tkla laminar.' Ward Slaraaaon, oar editor, left for Proro tblo moralag to bo goao for a few i. fii'ii 1 1'. v ill. !.: '.t iTi r) 1.1 Illi II:-'- ' o l!:i III IWVrii) I I l.r.m-- wi'l In I'usiii-for Iririiilr or.-- ' vu liuurra it an; i pirar.1 rar 'i will it" lsi-- l- -sl 1 t .1 .I1 Mirck SOth, KM, i iiiUl t.l .u nil! f.i. 1 lli.aili j. t - JireieM, ii Sulliw Lr. (iuun's improved Liver 1II. couutut tiiririuilil action, ar.ifti4frial y disorder h adapted for eorrertinif epriun uml such as Impure blood, tired brain and yelling and wora out body. NuT this spring, pill or a dose. Try them aud Kidneys; l.lvrr the on set promptly drive out all impurities from tbs blood, on suit materia from the system. Only B. UrunsL Sold at So cent a box by putty Hi" tuiifllernbi'ii'k property is worth waa ,iiiu .1 I...1' a uni! inn Jolla: i. and Is ,u!:l froi : lit r.lj.but aethers la a i. :i.mi:.- - I cit irs sp rulatlllg oil land, i; liii.u t i!itl'.i! p.i riles who at have j - 1. .'ill ;.rf uni i Ltitleil . A Ml1. IU (in a !it, wbirli It i! a;n i- iii-i- r:i. ti.in-s-r will in' in. Km.,1: I- u4. Ilf M., Litor.e Quarries - ii .u.-1!'- : aroiniisr. :1st, New Jjaisos ft Mffli (isienn, a woman Is pretty, "If To ma 'tis ao n Tbo prophet, ou one ooeaalonjust Dyopepelaa viet'mi are nembared by tbo tbonaasf , Boat Uo peoplo wbe previous to his martyrdom, expressed boro beta ifsiered to beo'ta 0 Kolghti h i great desire not to bo forgotten by Blood Csr. Prest. Wells. Bow woUtbU desire has fulfilled. been Edward Bald, our Knight of lb When Nsuroo was bring bombarded, Thimble, lo drily ncelrlng hi opriog and tho eaUto wars driven from tbslr goods, it kaepa him busy (applying tbs beautiful home, then did Bin. Welle demands of tho public. fotaako hU active homo and come to A match gams of baao ball between this Territory. Ml. Pleasant aad Maatl woald ba la As missionary ha baa ban ono of order.. Caalsoahathlng ba arranged tha aklalag light of tbo world, and hU la tha near fntoie? gmtaarilathU oapuity haa provsn Can hold a thoosiad photograpba hm to be a beaefaetoc to tho whole ohnreh. What? Out of those yriont It Ulmpomtbla to hero enumerate al) backed ribome tor sals attblasllea. .he luponelbU pmltlona that ha has Call and oao them. moat hoatrably held nod filled on earth. "Art you going to Manll, or to SanHLa career ha ton no that gives pete!" waa a question asked tbs other oy and sallsfactloa to every Elder In light by a paesenger, tha train left kraal. Thistle. Bo leave no with a fooling In every tout to wleh him well In the world of Sbsep men skonld get tbolr sacks and twice from tbs Control Utah rp'.rlta, to moot with tho Prophet Joseph Wool Co. at MontL Tor further tutor; Smith, Brigham Yonug, John Taylor and all tbo holy men of God who have otloH call at Tuttle A Co. lived aad died aa to has. Tho Central Utah Wool Com paly's Prmfc We'U waa manly In nature, . will appear In our poesesaing all the trails and obaraeUt' tout. Ihoopmou wllld wall to read Utlc of n good, kind, guorona, aad what they bars to any. It and nobU mu. A tool that all nun with W do well to eherUh tho memory of gray and IhU shaded should raporior brothar and frland. God whiskers many blam nil who feel tho loaa of thU kind (hat Buckingham's Dy always 1 97 father. aa area brown or Wtck at will. d May the reoord made by him behead-Oar baa ball players do not ooom to down from generatlen to generation b discouraged by tha report that Mb white tlma shall last. Our Pleasant to going to bant thorn. May we feel ta emulate hte example, boys bare tbs beat pitcher and tho best bring devoted to country and a can stand catcher in tho oouaty, and GsA May to Impressions that ha has good game. mad oa 1 aspire no with tha deal re of Bert Fait, of Salt Lata, representing living our religion, that we may, whoa M. D. Wella, tbs gnat shoe nu Great Master the time eomea that down as tor aa MtPtoasaataa Thursday shall require a to depart thte Ilf, to found worthy to meet brother i night Bs was suffering with n attaekafla grippe. Us called at aar associate with him throughout tha oldq See Monday, stating he waa ease more ies ages of Eternity. ' it m nr n nr nr all right Tha Klactris Bkrilng Sink of Brit Labs City, will ba epca daring Confer nos from 1p.m. until 11 p. m. Mo IJf. WH. T. BUD worthy example. KUlU INDKKW nr rKTEPSON "Will the men serve out their terms a e tni-- likely to be pa dolled by the y ' l'eriili-ni- cannot snyaa to ihat, replied Mr waa tha next speaker. My asHucUlim it te my lmpreesion wltk Prreideat Wells In ibs Temple, umdcstl; . to given ms an opportuu'tj of be howevi-r- that both the rredeni aud would regard with etnn.g coming lnllmsiely acquainted him. Ibav not nafreqnently mar-- favc-- any nppl'ratlou for pnrdun from Hi veiled at hte great ablliUss, bis puut-- I these gyntlemun which contained future I declaration lu would that they Ha waa etc. In all uallty, regular his badness sffrirs, being devoted I sbstsia from ths practice of polygamy, to his railing, aud performed well tbs great work that God aaalgnad him. God News Jotringa. waa alwaygwltb him, therefore ha was Tippoo Tib has been stricken with always able to perform them with such Brother Wells a endli great ponstfasd paralysis. great Infiuenca whleh could always be K. Johnolnn te diig.r-outlGeneral Josi-pfelt by men. Ilesunld correct any erill. ror, without creating My friction. Ilow The grip haa appeared In Chicago iu to coald correct men aad yet, thfis win their affeettea, always esemed a mystery more virulsutform than ever. tom He always had hte own wsy, Uuproz. the French tenor 1s still alive toeanee ha was always right He 1s h5 yuan of sk'. He became so well acquainted wtthl 1h unusually liih at The the Lord, that when looking at him, I Ken Orleans. frit that I coaid see a man developed to of Caulun, 0 , the highest degree of psrfcdtlou on I Itev- - Howard Mortj-varearth. WccMnot calcnlatc the great was foam! guilty of horesuy, amount of good that President Wells Ueurgo Schwarts A Co, private ha;:k will to abte to do ta tho spirit world. en 0f Loulsvlllo, have toiled for (500, (vX) Benedletlon by Brother John Lowry, An Australian ballot reform bill was fltn klalne senate. bP Ths hoiso was suitably draped for ths wulon. Abort tho stand waa the flag Six nsw case of luprosy have been of onr eoiatry, whleh General Welle discovered among Chinamen In Victoria loved aowriL Tha ssrvlesa were Im The sum of W,M wu subscribed at a pressive and a meet excellent spirit Parnell meeting In Cooper union. N. Y prevailed. Tho present coffee erop in Mexico is Amdruw R. KsiiiON. Hie best Iu many years. T Kiv-tr- r, , I lorncj-gener- 1 t Mla-iesip- P1 lluslr, the uoti'd rlt- - !u r, h. Teen secured by the Xw York biua bail club. Yseterday waa vary spring-likTen thousand people are snffoiiug from tho grip at Minneapolis. of whleh toon lata has Baslnese, very daU,te brightening ip ond era long During the year 1890, 1,435 perrons times will to llvsly la this tho Gordeu I (migrated from Ireland. Provo Itsma- - e. I Tha Prevc bM ball fraternity give naiuro Secretary Tiaey will exprete to about a dozen new natal aMp. Cunniy to firrteh w ut L. J. Hiiliher this wheat, anil his in our mi.tet to what aiiiimut each iuio of tiie towns i:i Mcril cla'uw ran fnrnteh. ihsn-jiitlit. to be able to furnish ten csr Un.d-'15 car loads; Kphrslin from 25 to 20 tar liKids and Kairvlcw about pi car load, making In al! 15 car loads Th's will give the farmers n mt'ki-- i for -- 'i: iheir vhest nntso they dn th wlih It os they d.d with Iheir hayjea two prices for It.-Ileynr.iite, who has theme tract for yrsd'ng- the rood f here to Saline, rays he can buy ihv n Utah fomr.y, brie It and chip it In Iivli k rtiesp as l.e ran bay the bay the farmers tskj lor" l.rre. tiicli s step wiih their wheat It will be a d iy when they dud a market for ii t during Conference ONLY. Ill Main SL Galt Lake City. Adviea to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrnp hss been used by millions of niinlisrs for c teething, lor over fifty years sureiHH. It rollsTM the lulls Miffsr- at mire, pmliiess natural, t quii-vltvte tiy freeing the child from pmn, aud lire little cherub awakes aa iirigni as u button." It is very plsoeant ui taste, snot hen ttie child, softens the . giiui-ialliiys pain, relieve wind, Ml till' InlWels, Slid bust kllOWU feiue ij fur diarrluiM, whether arising f 'i'iv lerthiug -- r other cause. Twenty II '! a laittle. cliililrt-- wit.'i prrfert -r 1 Mr. u S' Tho Bast Advertising. IhaLJ" pi, ,'r,oa CU , in. u HB uudar a run., m 8A that it will maauPMturrr an In avrry eaua. or nmnry wiU ba for all ilnas pie. rwi4c a ii poMliiw Irmruiarltiiw aivl wraknamiam 4m u many woiul-- ara amwtw. b Woauri Du.Ua, Oopyrtehi, La DR. PERCES PEII 2K Purely Vejjetabie I Perfsclly Hanak I rmatTALiD as a um: m yaiuauiaoU of tlia Btomauk k oauta a vial, by dninwu. For Sal. Ahonaannd lot, S blocks wwr pie Hotel, Manti- - ThehonuttO Beet orchard In Uri-- . barn aud wagon abed. C.Heicmi.i &C KocerEes EB UNNINGTON Fra 17? 971 ATTC COFFEE: Old G. Java, liccha, nnd Choice Rio. SUGAR. Granulated, Coflee, Crushed, Brown, Syrupq . Spra luaae. Honey. TEA. Gunpowder, Oolong, Young Ilycnn, Breakfut, Ji IMIERIAL. Our new importation of Teu nrc guraiw I to give perfect ratiefiiction in every respect. PURE SPICES, Dried nnd Conned Fruit, Meat and HYH table. In fact, n full, fresh nnd complete atoortment of evt,!usually sold in our line. We buy our Good direct from Hands for Cull, and coniequently buy ut the Ths mast rtlicieiit advertising In of Hoods Saras partite is that whleh roiucs fr"m tho mcJirluo iLvlf. That is, tlmro vriio "are curJ by it, spauk to Miffcriiig siullory. who In turn derive benefit aud nrge others to try ul nisilirtue. Thus the circle siicecs-fthis of its popularity la rapidly wldenini from this ranee alone, and more am Around tha worldmore are beenmiug enthusiastic In as It actually of HoixTaSar-apari- ll Panin, March 27. A bsuilMiius Eng. demeustrate it absolute merit. All that is lor llnod's BarcapurHla te that iteh vronihu, Erelfne Neal, has been It to riven a fair trtal. If yon need iu this city for marriaqs freed blood good purifier, or building up med-- ' e She inveigled lueu to marry , fry Hood' hr-by advertising herself ae a wealthy woman. to-lia- lf Kbi-ul- frn-ud- s IT if "Vory Lowest Prices wint' forty-thre- Pi leal Pi leal Pleagl We make our customers' interest our own, by every nr dole we rail, nnd if it doc not prove mtisfuctory. n&iii the money. We can nnd do tell the Best Good for tim U, Uoney, and nr confident we can conrince everybody of thfi ; w ho will give ns n trial.Me - Indian Pila Ointment will rare Blind, .Bleeding, and Itching 1'lh-when all other Oiutmenla hare failed. It absorbs the tumors, allay tho itching at once, arts aa a poultice, Dr. Williams' Ingive tnatuut relief. Ointmentl a prepared only for dian Piles and Itching of the private parte and nothing else. Every box to warranted. Bold by druggists, or sent b null on receipt of price, 60t per box. Wiuiun M'r'n" Co1,' Prop's md. Ohla Is aanouucvii Dcbi.iw, March 28.- -It that Cap tain O'Shea haa brought suit against the Cstholie bivhopv of the united Why Not? It Costa Nothing. diocese of Galway aud KUmaedangh, Why not ascertain whether that Idea Her. Francis J. McCormlrk, the of yours Is patentable? Write describand against Canon John Mahoney of the ing it. to Messers A. C. Bnow A Co, Catholic dloocec of Cork, Captain Patent Solicitors, Opp, U. 8. Paten O'ohea eui-- ths reverend gentlemen Office, Washington D. C, and they will mentioned for the alleged libelons ut- Inform you free of ehargo. terances in regard to hte relation wllh Parnell which have been attributed to Improve. the bishop of Galway and Canou Main tho public pres Pure Blood Jerseys and Durham Bulls honey and Cows also imporoted English So VI A, March 27. This evening, white Shire, Coach, and Cleveland Bay Premier Stambuloff and Minister of Stallions and Mares for sale. Finance Rritehieff were out walking, a Jims Thomson, man suddenly confronted them aud fire.! CO d. Provo, Utah three shots from a revolver, killing A llaluklrff Instantly. crowd Imoidi Diasolutlon of Partnership. but the issassiu succeedaiely The partnership which haa existed' beed In rscap'nz :n the darkness- - Some people who witnessed tne ehontingde- - tween James K. Elite and Writer string-heriare (hat the assamin was accompanied Jr, haa thte day been dissolved by The greatest ex- mutual consent. Mr. 8trlngham will by three other mn. The police surmise control the business In the future, and citement prevail. that it vm Intended to assassinate all accounts of the firm are turned over Premier Stambuloff, Md that Baltehteff to him. WALTB88TBINGHBH, Jb. was mistaken for him In tha dorkues . Jahis E. Ellis. Mauti, Feb. 27th, 1691. 881 m. In th TheTerritor. Mr. WUliauu' ne r Bosf Stock of Olotlilng In Manti. Mt s waa tho next speaker, who arid: I aa tatoretur.tothertlifo.rii.pof Itelfo.dc to da Jostle ta expert several more to com. flamas, Bseea aid all kinds of nttraet-Ion- s not able In spanking, Magazine. we have mot to honoi MMae tha whoa deed, Good In ring opene np. mnsiq (vary srsnlng. Xatraaea at Tribuasofltos. today. To me, Prari. Wells te, and al ezenreton The boat tolag brill at naya has toea.ene at Uu highest type Baa United State. Is eUlmedJiofcbe that at Tha Wsbsr Dramatis Co. will Foundry aad to to ased on rtoh of man. Ia my heart I have placed him I CityAMo. fiutebed and Lakatea when tonr alghu this weak, at Grier's Hal', "dandy" aeon of tha flraL God oortalnlv hoe will to a credit to tha partlH owning It I Than te it. re ero In Southern eemmenoiag Wsdneeday. Tbay ban a been vary gnetoao la sending n anah a wall aa tho builder It ta M fmt Colorado and asmbsrofasw nasua an their reper- a jkvi.couow.iifo said, man. Hte ladasnea on tha gnat claim bs better teng with n II fool boom Md will to ran than for twenty year aad la tbaa when Latter toire, wlU never Batata to for Day tost tbay flatted ns. by n II horoa double eomponnd angina, gotten. The greatest lea jam over known on with all Ito latest Improvements. Tbo On Thursday night, tks gradsie' sat Bat few ara now living that eaa fully Two gamblers had a lively little ehst-MRiver hae fornud at Yea. Many years practice have given C. L will to fed with oil Instead 0f I th dee fits and snppltoa tor tbs Borisr Trilay sens what Joseph Smith was, .as we serape, ot ths atraat in Ogdsn test Snow A Co., solicitor of Patents at WashUr, eaal. The mala part of the boat te bnllt sztsaalsn, wen to many for tbs saglns were lot permitted to aeaoriria with of white oak. flutehed with white wood ing, D. C, unsurpassed aneceea In Von Bulow, the musician, te an x Thursday. on tha B.G. W. After making ssreral him aad form aa aeqaalntane(wltk patents for all elaaees of In Ha from Memphis Tran. It will hare cert client Greek icliolar and a well in Tabernacle to nndergo a Logan uaaccsssfnl attempts they had to Imre him aa wo have don with oar kind re ration. They make a specialty of reover (70NX The owners I formed man of iniprorements, icrlee completed gcnerrily. part of tbolr load intil tbo next night father who haa been taken from ns. of ths boat are H. H. linn of tbo Prare jected eases, and bare secured allowance Onr association with Prari. Wails, hers Spanish Fork la qaarantined on of many patents that had torn BrKcagnc of the witi-LeDumber Co. C. D. Moor chief engt- Brass Cax, wtofworkad la our office previouselty of diphtheria. snablea ns to speak of hi new of the la Manti, I was ly rejected. Their adrerttemrat la an arrested rcUtopia and "teiuship R. California Nevada rad h lift summer, bat (tapped to attend tte worth; to asnac In a measure, hte great aad Adam Hoag a Capitalist from Dea-- lMd o briL Tha export of gold still goes on tha other column, will to of 'Interest, to Seminary, has.agrin rstnrnad to work merits, and lo feel tho lose anetrined ver Col. When the same is aver. manafocturare, Md all who bar a foot which produces n unlla Ttnt'.e K. R 1 nil the projected 1 rlranous ars Being mans 10 r- to do with patent throogh hte departure. oam peal tori' faces. fialibed tha boat will carry paereogere Welcome back, seema Beaver to to a takUi(U ooaiaiuulcatiea by doing bc- When we think over tha Hat of tbo from tho Tlntle georier shore to Provo shore. twron Brad, boy. amount of labor on paper railroads, and Berlin auh Vleaaa, names of tho gleet and good man that It te to to named th day It te launched. Notio lest on the genuine article then tnv. Bp. Wkltasp aad Mr. Williams Intend God too given la, tha nama that wlU tcveune officers eciiel an oitoour-garia- e other of Ctah. part Halting Maatl, nut Friday, In tho In appear amoag foe first, will to Daniel will I past nr horses, at on dollar per factory at FrovMencc f jr sending What oan it fe. tar aria of ito forthcoming 'Hte lory of H. Wells. He will riwaya to looked A Chicago doctor hf.e discovered that month nntll Jan. 1891. From that out naetamped packages. due the a star s shlntng Utah." Bp. Whitney will teetura nut pot charge will to75 rente per head among the la grippe te raueed by a mlerobc which The Mr. J. T. Jack was In town yestarday, New In feed eonsirti Orient, LcadlngilUHane take iuhabite the air at certain times. It mostly of Kedtop and Fridry ovoriag. at the Iabernaete, bl Latter Day BalnU. Thte people will notwithstanding th report of th Salt Timothy grass, partly strung gronnda (be Mjfi.j never against bear and to hava sin of "Bkatehsa tha f Chnreh will how be lu order to discover some- 3ud. nbjoas bring logroll Lak paper that ho woo Early Lba Mcaie. Sterling. engaged os I eiluiae tho action otthe popular, tad toward Bra. Write. Words cm Etetory.' thing that will kill the little on tka Creek Mr. Railroad. Deep qplda not the goodieee, and tha para Tito President at:d Mrs. Ilarrioon w.ll Fram' April tad lo tbs !8th, Inrinilvt act expnee Cauut-Jack te cn hte way euulh, and carries & Dockery are having a ilia' Durno'a Catarrh Snuff. lone, of that noble man. Ba was start for Jjn Francisco totween April to ronnd ttekati Lake Salt him and with oxteasivc m The about the curia of ruuniairg the eutIL trip puts , When euflering wiih Calarih. Cold in void of ealfiahass. In thla respect to I 5th and nth. sate at stations will of the company la kept a erst, bat tte etaada gsverument under the rate of the Re- ihe head. Nervous lieadaclie, use among all men wc learned &F. Y.By.goodntiraiBg that thalr journey lice aero April known tome. MrJuhn Drew, the srlre, li.lmiis publican and tho D.'iuacralie party. IIhirno Snuff, it will relieve youeic, at once Ittb. Fan for thomnd trip . the Western Desert, the destination, that she Is 71 years of sge. Shr is still Dorkry him a liuie the he.it end of the nca X5c. at Druggist God te Ito anther of troth; and truth some point ia Southern California! playing iu Train Isavs Chaster at It o'aloak aaoa argument as tha difference In Met is company. Moroni lt20, making direct oonnootlona eternal waa the glide of Bra. Walla. Tho Whether Hi ia working fora railroad great. A. Alien, a school teacher You ace In BadFlx, L at Erie top of hte mladaeamad limitless. Hte company or not le to Mr. Jack A my KpU. A fa! I fern inn toaten and klrke.l to dvstli by But we will cure you il (Lwss named ILS. Exrx, Philip Guunlp, you will pa In power appeared all tho vleimitadoo tery. Ilia well kuwa ability ae a the brothers bile traveling fmu fallfniula U. Jlen who are Weak. Nervous amlDebil- efa boy whom ho h Sopt AP.Y.By. of hte .Ufa, equal to the oomprchcnalou galdc waa hte recommendation and Me punished. Omaha, died on the train juri before Another saloon, and a millinery store aad foaadatlo at nbjeeto of tha great- Inetractloae are each that he 1a not Corrtn. A niad-do- g est scare has to and of know magnitude, irVn out Iii reaching anything, when talk grasping the opposed ars among the next addltloite to Mantli I nnnty, X. J. Scores uf d stall smallest An cxprrt la Ojden was locked In Orange to have to dogs satooa It Is .a newspaper aorrespuudeuta. log barinsas honsea. Tha being been killed near I'oxt Joyis end Cadsr tha luiplratloa of Gad, bit mind n matter In whleh the U. P. and vault In oua cf the banks, and made hie the bollt oa the first black sail from the wu y out In Hires minutes. It Is claimed ulare id Home iNire. capable of the loftiest eoncepllona R.G. W. both haven hand. In erajune. Sent (sealed) tree depot. The mllllnsry stere, located la revealed losua. Let lie can open any safe mad, lie Ii by addressuig Dr. Pukdr'e Medical en sara-dothat this third lion with a u, The Several party. Hons have been seen Andarsoa'o photograph gallery , will to topography and large hold la aaerad memory hte great of tho oonntry, mlaerate and other la Rarltai In the employ of the Heeler Bate & Lock Siivio IiBiiidte, tsi North Sprue St, Bay, Staten Island, near the oynsd April let. - T,'eT Da ws oraioVnavTei,nari raoegals la tha reeenree gsodams. Su,a" mountain Company of tlnelnnstll. .. LerllUrd Brlek Company's paseee. preperty. 13M .. Li An unhaiillby woman Ii nnh , krautifuL TU peculiar diMn I, mauy ot tha ' ara iubjm,ui. aauMOf palo oallow ISoai, tuntrim, aXuv jUoiplaa, dull. luainrUM ciaira forma. VouvnaiititiflAq, juaiMMiilyouroUj iuui,g Drfiem r haaith-oomthat bvauty wkkAu llh good qualities of brad kw to anul ot lovvUm-wVavurltePiua 1 tha only u woman, loUbre Frofisions, Tobacco and Qigars, - Ovi-twolhonsand diMentlng ministers have signed a protest against Mr. Charles Dilkes return to publ.e life. He iusists bs will stand as a candidate for pnrltemeut nnttl he receives the official vrto of the Liberal chief ou the opinion of Hurley and Hareourt. Hohnadhoret, Liberal caneus chief, opposed Mir Chariea' candidacy on tha ground that it would alienate thousands of tot Have riwaya on Hand of the first quality a full line of itnple nod t regu-llilr- - Of muter, Ha aha tUomia or bniM Ho ah Iru ma look MS KijaSSsanPw elty. Ogden to California, whero he expert to eb'p upwards of one hundred earj iu lie wants Sanpete tlm near future, liueuui.iiii.-.-- section There is mors Catarrh In this i1ihos- was iltll tha I ,u, j ti loroi i: Hill sill 1 - 1- - eiiin u i'.ni i.y i:i" t'"i-- . oii Spring Medicine hu. ut Ogiba uf" 'tliau all oilier bed J of the eouuiry and hi " . uutil the Joel (yw tut I uieitrr s'i Imr together, put i: 1.'-r i v 1 ) 1 'i.l lour I j hurt nteiut ll,.e Yi ara supposed tu be Incurable, pur j, X; R.r-in its 11 Pres. Uubu. Prfsidiag. . i a great many years doctors pronounced Im L... i; .. ' . i'rt!i-l:n- . ... ri,l!li'U it a local disease, end pr, scribed local 1 .: . ir of L-St rsriieiiiiii, and by constantly falling t - slid W. Kreuul, pasiur liir1 itev.Johii .ni.lhfe. i .m s tlm UIIV- Kv'iil.', m 1..John's E.sugciicii chureh, Holwke i. Is cur with local treatment, pronounced :i ! iiiduciiv luucii-nmte;.,-. ilitiCli i uslit bff. r Ii) S.:!t I. iK'i I uilili 1 4 incurable. Helene has proveu raurrh iaia!k..-bl- e 11.1..- 1.1 i!s have Iruiifl. J to l nr thero-fur- a ehsrgwl with uvrr indulgeucelu wine U f XUOIO. to to a eouaiitutUiDri disease, and Thi' ll'V'U'-l- i u!l IK. Ii .J uf aw at this Hiding. lues prrpiration. hi desires constitutional treatment luil-- i 1 vul'ii-a maku it iMrfburiiH whlrb AadaaM raasbrs, Hall's Catarrh Cura, manufactured by e. mica.. that the 1: has Iwtii eouji-rturoM. X. norm nl nelncts With this I'l'uii, l.u J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. 0., U tto By Sua' fraf oa alttarkaad; mmc But taruLcas was Im -uf su'.idiliiviau first-clagevity !; Horseman, Look. (!iiii'l constitutional cure on tho market, it i WblU aisht Is OsMdlaf o tbs laad, ii.i'lv, si- - ut if kit ping Hie blood pure, waiui TI.h woiktuL taken Internally In docea from 10 drop Tbs sad aad lllaat awaiasn I ilo-ron- l, 1 will make the season of ISUl at to a teaspoon fuL It acts directly upon aecouiplieh the UenrM Jmcrt mllsefriiUiMaiili.ai.il a awe in 1oo. and kh-ivigorous. eases an Aasalls aoall srkl Hus, of aiy riLOUBI Ephralur and Manti; beginning the blood and mneoua eurfacea usiug Ayers Sam-psiii- u Be uud rstand t'.-avsiue lurpi'se rrar aiU'iiwa isMs aaS aaaaaa wan Uat ebon; tUiDtohaiilom. offer one hundred dollar They system. draft aternt with tolllac March an 20th, my heavy init-u--l Haw twaae lb. Irub, Uota bln.s etnlai the best blood medicine ever Send for some of our citin-i- .using IMt. for any case It falls to core. Of lb si aaw life wbsra Ha (ball ba ao ama horsii, Young Apollo," and my Imported circulars and testimonial. Addresa. to light. In buililiupe to U i reeU-stune b'ougiit kind tf af Jnss AscsIseflKbi, Clerclsinl bay. "Pcrclisud." F. J. fHINET A Cit, Toledo, 0. next sumuiri . ilastaf to walasns tba pUfrlws of aiif bl I The success these horses have attained HTBold by Urnggleto 75cte. tlm spring term of closed last ' Kiidsy vaiist JrtUi Vl'e umi'.iht iiifoiousl are lint , i. Usaa." Bacaao Ooao, to matter of conii rulur, on it: m--t schools ioMantl, The trust-,-- as sure fnri gstlers, a of sandstone, u Iittln ihrr.1 ta a satiefaetory eon sideration to all wsntlug the service of iri-- ir !a fmiiiil unsr bntuf a snpi-riu- r t the attendance, wtilclu a first class borer. tliehsine pin re, nuil i. qui.iiywi;l le .iiit.in, exci-pHoping to meet all my old patrons, I in be gutoutivsny eiiustquence of tbs prevailing Bdward llfa and character of end. a man, the oeuidsiiit-atllc:atiru-duucPrayer waa offered by Brother a cordial invitation tu ail to la extriuj iu Those slim. wa rntber divine workmanship of a aupi eme eras desired quantity. O.h-- r gusiriesof very elso-whenL. Firry. however, eUoard maikod im spie, ti.ess hordes befure breeding A man so aarneat, waichful and Bus building stone could be opened iu torT rattlDIHT HAIKU of full are tinstees Tha I aa to, Is uot eomuon amongst U.te ndghborluioioUbly one situated prcveiurut. who waa tha Brat speakar, la sob' prayerful fair at:i lioiioralils treatment guarantand pupils Bush, in part was tha grant veteran in Mauti L'auyon. The color of the rnrk piKsi'word fur both 18 COMMERCIAL ST. 18 stases said: Brethren and stoton, isilli eed. and xml the for energy displnjtd, in wo to whom and honor every way it Firet-cla- e pay Cabinet Photograiibs for today. Courage In this Iwt U white, at thte boor In Salt Lake II. Curiun, We understand that Iu imparting and receiving iustru.Uinii-oua, know a marble. of rsutiouH, resemble yet having great tbonmnde assembled only 81.50 per Dux. Chester, Utah. eity, ars e join the trustees iu h ping that the ledge, yet pussesdag wisdom to properly )r. Kenner aud a few others, will be laat tbslr to Saints pay Latter Day the Salt Lake City, Utah. lirailh of ths children wilt te so nee It. prepared to furnish rock from tbo last respects to tbs Honors! Vstsraawhom that the scho-i- houses, during the Notice. Hte greatness and g.wdneM bar been at prices slightly in advance of (host has bsta God, la B.s inlnlt widom, trim just colkiUiriiced.inuy tw lul, s'.d of life, felt aunug lb peop.e, and ara I very paid for oolite. be To Knur. OuriK.N' A Co. pltsssd to call to a hlglur spbsro wbsra (list the term, iu other ii art its, apparent throughout Z'un. Yen are hereby iiiituinl that your la this Tempi City of our Lord, when j.i-.- t c!umJ. as the ou? May ( d blase bis wives and ehlldrau, stork lu the klanti City Savings Itsuk Is Prmldsnt Walls has spent tbs crowning Not Vory Bad. and unli-s- iMyoieiit is made AUCTION COM MIS 8ION M E It pnssrrlng them iu the truth, that they nu rxticsiie ileliuiiuent Kay, uf Ogdi-u- , liuid 1 will offer your stuck in said days of bis noble Ilfs, w thought to may lira to tread tho foot-ateliefore, of their AND BROKER. to ompbaalu WtsuiMtiTOX, D. C. March 25. I war gram merchant, has oecu laUiring with bank, consisting of S slinrsa. for sale at proper to do Uko-wlsGod blees tbs peqple. father. worthy bis vu great auction, in front of the bank in y Mr. Foster, who will llielLG. W. to get special rates of unredeemed Lino puhlic with A Full Lboyousg people. If possible, talking ds-ei- n May wo live and eondurt oureelvM In a Mauti city, at 12 kl. Wednesday April wheat from Sanpete tu Ogden and has b remembered In Kelt Lake aa tbs repcharacter, that they might bare a the to manner to lo found tub, of lv.il, highest responsible pledges, consisting of Gold aud 8il worthy revnnilug resentative of the department of Justice succeeded in getting the remaiksbie to emulate his worthy oxampl. bidder. eooelritou with Praridsnl Write. and Jawclry, note to oecurrenee ewtA lma also He a year ago tew rate of 121. per. who mad an examination It Is se cammed Auubt Tcttli, ver watoliai, Diamonds XLDIB ANIIUXW j. uorvirT Feebler. To bo aold AT YOUR OWN FRICK Jte secured a rate o' 26cts. per cwt. from tho death of so great a man so ho. of federal office In that HcM Ood ku Indeed, been eery gracious to laid: Forty-tw- o years ago, tha 4th ofUpnke very kindly of the syreuty-fiv- e sock n bright spirit in July. I first mat President Uanisl 11 I Mruiin prteloiiera who ara confined In r In saarrlng os, Mrs. Brunei will not open bar mlllla the heavens to com forth with no In the Wells. For alevau years aftef we wrre nub ieuitsiitlary for violating ths ory store nntll Thursday, on account of Letter times to assist us ta tbs great very Intimate. I testify be was a muu of HW against plural niarriags, tbo death of bar motliar. -God's own heart. Ha waa uvrr kuna n tu it wuut light" he said, "lo regard Uttar Day work. Cbarlio Andeneo , Dlnweodey'a man That impression HU special mission oa earth has been say no," whqn a requirement was nude aH toe east, tout'll i unjust. They and Joaeph Uyda , Spencer Claweon'e well performed. HU eoadart toward f him. I have never knowu of Miu lu rv.ets All that 1 know are 1 feel t.i say In Ilfs. ir uo! criminals man, paid im a visit yestarday. as, aa a peoplo, fairly demonstrated that take a mis-ste- p Of the higlirst integrity. There are of the Him of God nun man a has Let to that houorabls rest. tbo i gun Barry Water Drauatlo Coi, at G.iera bs waa one of uf number whom I could uot Bril four ulgbls Ibis week, eonjaieneiss earth before forming hie acquaintance ns profit Lykls aupirior wisdom ixhi iioiiu the their honor uud trust Implicit The blind In hte counsel us. all uioa great SrinU. lo pul Latter Uw Day with April 1st. ilo nut appror of their lufraclivu Elders, Georcs I. Hillings. A. I. i and Judies (hat bs powered and Toorteea ear load of steel rails have equity soon u ili- - law, but that, after all, is uu aril Uw Smyth, aud F. M. Cox, spoke of ths d exhibited as an officer of the been shipped from tbo east, to bo natd is of tbslr religions faith smf cannot won tbo h'ghret respect and admira- ceased la lb highest terms, and timliy la tbo 8orior Tailor Eraaeb. he Smith. ralleJ a criuir to admonished Ids all emulate present tion of tho Prophet Joseph . liuli trsrl.iUi M:.- -. daye. - el fcati.i" i'vr. iy K...' J.i.' . m it j i t, Multi Tiberutle iuir k Huy. nr. ii i.r f Hfi'l tli" U'i ul I: - f .ui,1 in in iM.Mblll wi.r.iui in. n lt MUil HAMER COUNSELOR DANIEL ruiWori-- -- i!i r .1 41' IN - i : t. j it,' ii r- I- rnoTOGBAiHExis. naideneo. BASX BALL. I l- .I, iii iii. Lo;i Ads tie"al . li libslih iiMUur Mr. County Briefs. It i i- TO on application. dat, Mawb Tribatf 2.50 TggsgSS5 1 :r V'l 1 rJtortkri to A Iwterwri q toWTMnkiW OWNtlA I at all .t. recti.i, r.Ui-..- ' Iliit i;it 1aS(0i i.i 'is TUTTLE o(DEALKRS IN) -- General -- Merchandise-rE- m Are Still at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, UtahTJ V:' re Br Undll CrB00T8 k oot BOTTOM SHOES jtJ HT.P PRICES, ha old . 1 s, n ? - lit ton util - n nt SgSaiSSfa ass Spencer Clawson mr WoVeftoi qood l&toatWcix SALT LAKE CITY. Uk Ft isvImWe |