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Show THE SENTINEL. i $4 I wore PaWiakod by T . - VaamSrevmMMi. R . . Ikanoa. at MmvXVm, M, Maaagei Ma dents of Peter lb Great to barem Great ppwwftl. am fehr are at Ike JbotiomaBd with snub a fuunda-IWIII lien, there is but little wunder lliai I harmony ia lacking iutbe affaire f u,8 nBijni SSv-- BIG EXCITEMENT xr A &--- Pont Offlot im very much aa if the! . Biah, for trapurtatun , World a Fair mipht be a failure, aa feeami Cfc Metis I not only aoiae of Hie foreign na I tiona, nut oven mine of Ilia State IrefiMe to have anything t do with It look lit. fb AGAIN TH1 , i: - hF'grande! TP. ADE ESTER ty- L w ZLlZ. It ni i7' c L1 uv- -r 'i.-- il-i- Si tii 'i t tirWi - ; -- (l,'id I 1 it t dl I i Hi ir ti f at k- - t t i ?. u jjj, I I! b" i I I i' v I fi 8f jh i At SABOAItJS Throughout Our Mammoth Stock. Mi M.m th t.o ,rt -ta-gria- iSissB Sa nearly ara the Demo-- ia. rich graaa of tbe watermelon. At the erataandthe Republiaana, dir ided I J itai at any time la tba that thair rate ia neceaaaiy to make I ley aa. tba darkey la ready day aad I ilabl to waka a atoady diet of the juicy either party auecaaafal. la moet of the lara lha Tka alliance yartiaa. uiii.i.1 .rAndiiv"sfitoT,'i5r.uo5iu fui.i., hare ielaamaof a for a national aad a & 1YB1I GO. WAIKEB BK0TEBBS 1 I I IAZj UTAH CITY, UUM G. A. Gardner, Hotel Templeton Oougtt-Uure- s Are abendeoti but the eae beatnows for fTK ... them, large Mtpla party. la tba leading I Ua ennanUeaiy anodyne and eapeenwani of Srergla Ci- r WVmiMlhKI!, BUlhll, I le Vor ot ahawn ana the mulartnaae ol Ayer Chairy yeeUiraL iB aidoa enliur.; and daring tba J qoaUUao baU a eoetoiy tbto preparation liar Marly taxea the bar net atlaaaaoa, a are erop at anocaaa, aarryiagjI bMa in (rnalor demand than any oilier party they y M ability of all rat.roada aad other traaa- for eukto, eouatu, liroorhiu, and puV preaant able ta capa with tba otbara I rotation eempautee. Not a taw a art. I in eonplalnu (tueral. I in Bored Uk more than el(lit rnwHu bat a long ag they hold the balance I bat tboaeaaria ara dally loaded with- I erere (onh aonenpanied uh hrn-u- f Ihia Urge, dalleloua fruit, and deapateb..I of power, thay aonld gain their lha lunao and Uia eapecumnn. to tk( lhi Nortk. yroa Clicks irjd Jewdy, ot mauer. The phyalrian pure me up, lnl paint, aa cengreaamen af both I tbaaa, they And their way, in mailer m ta aiy dniuM prereilcd on me to tty parti., are anxioo. to win theh lir.il III) fill'll good grace. Ia caao they put ia I We hare aa our table nibi word, oa I I aa eppnaition tiobat the table will MMMmfml'mie.lom1 prodarm-- of PCCtOfcll b turned on them aad thay are Nad originator of tba famoaa June I Jambo" mein. eom and did I eo, bepM to tr.ipnm; my likely to learn when too lata, thni kB time to begin planting bar Iwiga hulled, the eouRh reaMd, and I I have ever tba HOtb of February; but II la althongh the organiaation ha. aboat beeabaiMa. I would lUgcnt that tbe name ant until lbs litl ef March." Im to of reetunl made.'Phanomenal prograaa ainae Promgeneral cbangnl Ayers (Very tba llaia aimed abere, planting EKilr of Life, for tt certainly earn! my UIo. ila organiaation, they ara not yel may ba aautlauad uatll lha ffrel of Jaly. lluenoa Accominxaticns First C?Sd i. OUdea. Salto, Ayres. ft u a common matter to plaal the avid A yean age I took a very bad sold, able to ooatrel any alaction, unlaw uf tbs last year and raise a area; taka whichlew aetttod oa aiy lunga. I had plyl.t or that erop far a second plaitawaata, a naklng cough, and gnat amenna. they hava one af Uia ether par tier the seed Zr.;y.' Air.'tr.l- C:::::. . fOr tba aama year. The earlier me no good. I did doctor'! Nietos ing My to unite with them. fetoJ many rewdlea,but reeetred aa beoa. srop however, gives tba beat malaaa al K. C Y Train A r Jiv,)aiitii bbil! liit Tba time far planting to maturity it dtt ertrytody despaired af my recowry. I Some.of thair damanda are p m to Ch am advised s ry Pectoral, tba melon erop Is from aavaaty-lvto Ayer's ; U A. r.AflTUS I J. d, as a lest inert; did eei featly naaonabla, tthila otkari art one kindred days Tba diferaao la I eMaiaed relief, I fra lb la la caused mar by tba variety af lha boMtoe ef tt, was eomplately natund ta Main MAXTI. . radionloia. They demand St., aad tba alamsai ot tba sell, thaa heellh. t. Adsaw, Maw GMua, M. J. eainagaaa that thor may b a ta latitude. Tba sell beet lolled ta a . nffleient amanat of eirraney, ta meton erop las sandy loam, underlaid with slay, aid high and undulating Cherry Pectoral, V. meat tba growing damanda of tht siough ta ba dry. Bottom land, to be Dv-mast be ao drained, that it country, the aapraiaion af gambUng available, raavABBaar will not bacons boggy We have hers aommanly known aa optianara buy- oas ef Nate re's paradoxes A large and Sr. X. AYXX CO., Lawall, Xees, CEK1UN aid Vy ek DresiUa. Natl; auboulea.tt. mngnlflneat frolt, which mast have a ing aad aalling. - Thay wiah aha dry ui fvhv only bt growing rapidly right through ta have government control all rail-- iha soil, summer heat, and without rail, .:i Hundred road aad telegraph linea. Tht until It la literally a watermelon; a asa of reddened sweetness, wttbln snow For m) by ('likrlrR Muslic, i .wJeicitw t.ubrir tariff so far baa cut bat little figare white walla, covered with emerald mean. NIJELSOX, uriluuuti'y I Uh Fmtki I.uUo, Nrling, S:uijr Tba Hll for melons need a urge ia thair fight, bat will certainly bt amount of vsgeUbl mould, and a lar ana of lha planka in thair platform. par oent ef potash. Tbs soil should ' Boot and Shoemaker. The puaaga of hQl compelling prepared by daaa breaking op, ae early praetieabla, that it may have tha baaedt to taka government mertgagea on if thmvegeUbla mould, aad af freexlng mala Ureel, Nawtl. real aetata, nnd fixing a low rata of after breaking op.; After tha fertlUaar.whole aarthe ftrst-Clua- ii Cuatoni Work ami First Claud Accoiuniiuiniii.iih. .interest, it one of their, la Uit de- faca, shack off la square, ten by tea fast tea Tha twelve by greatest weight mands. uf melons an aa ners cornea tram tea by Reparing done. On general principles the party ua squares; tha largest aulena from ou twalvt apanaa. Leave Ail ia democ ratio hat they do wall to vtaabyin a hill- - this will sxtaad only llu.iX' visiting tin: from ton Half Block West of Lowry's Store, Mauti fSJ-In fast la all and lb twenty dlreetlou, ahoulil from to inquiru for this Hons.. heap making any pledges ground will bamattad with roela. Tha Fret conyeiam-to tin either party until thay, saa whan watermelon la a graaa feeder, aid Its - Ti'ii'pla ev.irv dny- - ' . ' roots several ran feat will from tha lheyfian win. The presidential kaaaa tha aaesmlty af apraadlag For good Bmines locntions in Hip lattead of musing It In eleetijpB ia A long way off aad many Ktra; A laid II.i)', Grain auil Ua U1L Tha land ahoald ba kept free bo before the made ahangas may 11LOCK, graaa by frequent bat i next convention. It ia trua the al- aol deep onltUitloa. Fromalx to sight ErnK'Ji.fsfN. Apply la ran. olasa A Co, Provo. la tbs dally growth of vtaea In liance ia growing rapidly, hot it i inch favarabln enntlllleo. Tba Kalb gem t Very questionable whether Urey tha most prolific, hardiest, aerlleat, and bast shipper, but af Inferior flavor. The may bo able to accomplish anything Augusta tUtHmaak ia tht u'd keov a b that time or not, and it would varlty;la uf need shape la peek, sax.- Xiui Extract ohtalnid Purely Vegetable. baa a goo.1 flavor. Tie aud rly be mush wiser for them to continue firoathi Soft to Handle, baa been known sIon iS7s j. , for soma timotoconie, ua they diape and ihm find make ft a pmi. Tflllow Pini Tin. ft gruwi the lergeel, aad hae have beam doing work thesitua And thereby increase fltvar af 'any known melon, to promote tion whara it ia ao much to than rbean grew to weigh fium sixty to Zt Id quantity and quality eighty pounds. Eiblth ef of the Wool Sheep, advantage! ... 1 1.c Ef to go v . N' 'll Je, liaise Ynnr ii jjr i tt cli' "Itv- l ul s, roA arriva airili f1:10 in l 2OOpe. Arrlvo lifadville AmvaPerbk. bS.t' S ArUul Plain pa 5 . T.w a e. P Arrive Unvar Nal tVMTBOl'SUTBAIS. Denver M - i v. i nn Cl Wear a Crown xm GROWN ORGAN RUMORS OF WAR. J 1 .I- See lha Europe is beginning to gat excited over the prospects of war in tin near future. Just why these nation should periodically think that there ia likely ta apriag ap a war. ia no! vary elear, anlcss it is an account af jealousy. There ia a gnat dei of jealotfly between tba variou. gerernments. one being afraid thni some ana of there may gain a lilt It advantage over tha other. For tkia reason they are each watering closely tka actions af tha other And art ready to see in every in " ereass of army or navy, every nan ahip tkat ia built, every fart that i strengthened, a manace to them Hires. That tha peace of Europe hang, n a thread, than ia . no disputing That war is inevitable there can In o doubt. Each government is seeking by ovary paaaible means .to build uy thd strength af thair own lation and weaken tka power of all tba others,.-Russiia ao intent an ao quiriag new territory, that it kv no staples ia to tha means employed to attain the and. They covet tha Jand joining t..en and aa their neighbors ara weak, tkey would soon absorb all of them, but for tbs feet that they (ear interference wb their pet schemes, Othar natisai ara ready to asaiel In repelling (he adyaaer-- of Raraia, keeauea lhay da not dare la allow tha daaoen- - H. HDMPHRIV& FsmounCimitrALCrt Mm !i Lr tw OffUl'H Leave ull laftk Lviv l'rovu knights Blood Cure. IflaXTBOXAIIOALOO., M aiwniUiiiwinwiiiMiM 1 tea waaa.it KatoWe Bleed Cm tmai tmm eapertMce. ft to the eely petuiee I hseeercr toead ferckiaatodneersli. IT n :,nVaaMcUcaAe,B'kIra.ll.r. CapMa VcCuMtek, ai Ike Itiyee Antic Ea aedMaa, vntea. "I aattaeyaa M kff ynar andlrtae cMst writ aappHad wHh KUht'e Bleed Cm II ta a (plnMlid etaiedy to all tdaea aad elewacidlMrdeia." Mae Twk, E j. Me Cotwob jia.JA&juia 80 JOiiiMm,' H8 Cunluri.y Sul. it llhilitrai.'s I'l.ritiiiny 80 I) Niliftf - x. MU V Ip nln'c Sin .Vhijni', Ynur r'l.ii,- ,.i l tf-- u', til tV ni IIh'.ii- fu-- S.iMlIl-'- . 1 f,i blli'O i; ln - hi- tt !' Caper frli vi. Sli i- k it I r'i.i'ka Kiv. : from your dealer, ask him 18 qc . Poodway, N, Y m t. I. 1 'Ml'. ;i . . I M&fe s SiOVIlOll (XH'NTIiiS. ' jocr Money by 1 1; .j Cei etc. e Ag: . The zujcc ie eei .r and c7.w., lv J,Z:l .it h:v f.; SA TIMB CARD, In effect Nor. 16th, 181)0. ' Lt , a Easief the TRAINS LEAVE ii, P.H.' Juab at Nejihi at ivcr aql Jpeca gtrii JovTy ALL STATIONS, b Ccr Z:::se er QeitKe Cievc. ' A.M. 2.00 and 6.0U 2 85 ,5.85 7.45 4.80 7.00 10,00 MAHTI, uffi C. R. RASMUSSEN, CITr PROVO S.'lY.EqCLES,' Cee.rrtarsse.AKt F. RESSEGUIE, I- Maniifartiircr .f and Dealer Utsjsjiig ad & EXAM INK CALI-AN- P. 3. i- n- Ordure by Mail Promj.ily MY BARGE STOCK. rilled. Correspondence TrT,7.E. President. II. J.GiikieTKi.HOH. - Aijikkt Ttrni.it. Cnshicr Vico-Prcs- I Jaurh Orawfor!, Jk., Ja Metcalf. K iaii, ' i' Giiahi'oud, i firtsdn i (Irarntl Bar, ling imifuMo on tfi-M- i Eisiigi, dind, ) Klru paiaou&iviuigficU'Puali, Finrouf Vaiill Safe Absolnldj' Ilarir Piitof loan on real mtaie. ettv and farm ony to and ntln-- property, r .preved aieurlly. Tailoring Establishment fiiSAIN ST. iV5A?ITI. Where you will get the IwkI fit, t!,e b. t plyle ebeapeet work n Utah, and the Iwrt and eh The Sew s Crown Sowing Ma china of the Iwat J Taliors Trimming quality alwayvon lioth, , b ind. Suits made tu oris ahortest iiolice. laiiKi .. . 31A0KSMITH, '., It tttibsr.icni . i' liiiil'iT l i A Wiili.ici-- r , 8 I; i I: , , r rfim vWw f or r. 11 CITY o.rrf-liirv- , Wc k.toa. a . . '....I ,.r , Muu-nt.ikf-r- . V,C. BAILEY, LAXD AllORXEY , k. Vjctkcs. n . ',"dnroat.iltliaen.railta.-i- Wla nrp i.i - Kiel Gaea ( tiNiotii Work and llepairing done. Gall and pn Mr. Branteg ag hia wurk ie trimly ftret daea in every luir; irid.ir. Priica Moderate, and terrna caey. i W'fk wrsL of Lowry's Store Manti. Isdoi), vavwv . , ouciun- - ini Yi.'i'iSo .n'...tt.nilQB H Kiret-d- as CIaec of Blacksc-hLStyle at S.PuNeiLionaol ;Manti Cit y, -- XTtfxlx THE PHENIX f Monti Coop. O. BRANTZEC- Dootmiil irttiirtRi.f Vjvffcs.ev SuporinfiMidpiri. P- - t I i . pipe spccificatioTm and bitia furniriipdxtn demand . M f.tlorn Styles work n Specialty IIT. ILKAAXT, - - I'TAli. , ; a Halverson,; Ai.r. Work Wabbastied. Shop East Blachsmiihinn WaeS"!l xTUggie' on Notice and iu and lioilero Raraired. pliuiH, ss Horse Shoeing aSpecialt All Mu.! of Machinery, Knglnra .. . First-Cla- l wiliunt rokiMi; ihr wlu-i-- l jfl. . Itu,ev MUlj.ulU- - ri.cll (iTWlin.iy. j AIM. cavrica lull Iiiivcf A ) 11. ,'ifi-iul- , J.M Illvis. hr, cllue hjtn,tr end Soutliarn I tali. - &: - T. lin Ik . 6 Wl iestaur B JLXJL, rPjimljhting Igirriltr.E Hugh R. Sloan, YOtieenl'tl yoer inre tVaveer Rains ''VV ;r, yoa-ess- . a za Tow1 DIRECTORS. JfYrim-niin-;- - ! --AT- lire; liracs Hand (iiatrunient. All kind, Orchestra dc Hand i!uic, Mi'Mi'nill Music Books. Sltev; Iliili .... '.... . Sa w'r.u.l Suiu-- ON SALE SAVINGS BANK. In. J !. (Vi.-,- , Wln-els- , A,iOWflTJi G;-!i- WALT LAKH. .a I SAN PK HO ANI Ihe S.-:- raUic L fellow bcep raiwn, and Rktmld aupeiw the uw n( ail other Miateriala tur the dtpyiu u( akcap for ar.tb. Yotni tnUy, WILLIAM MORGAN, CSiftfeftl) ; bitIvb SbU in ai.i. t . " .i- I. Agencies ail Principal IN cm viitnr at ili, J. Turi.li.e 1 Snia ) 0MTMLE In vi t pt.i.f rci re Jt.ir 1) If.-- 1 Mu-.ii- Next to Zion Jrivii'.ng Bank, Wo eordielly il . , SHEEP DIP tha hargalu we hav In .It;r. vis. Bo tlhliirn,i Suit at 48 Il.i Mice Kuiti. at ... Wavu.s.' If.ckoye .d.v, If. , dvrs. Planet i.- N p IM 90 p U Fct Vullry can now f'itkf me numltrii to hull JoBku iRowiiUy buuFK Ismu. in M'k.n Livuif I(li...iit r.Uwf unit PutM blei'idvi; Cun on n't i nrt nigh miu. J. 11 mSNMCTI it. I. ImIHjK. l NarrUt'oT. On. Fit. A Ptw Aft, liub. inuiTui from & - r : -t Mills. OODlK. S.T Iriikft 3 NO Bud 19 ao a. Ba 448p.m. 9:40 B. m. Bd 4;48 9BpK i ArcLi'ctjt, Contractors nr.d One Montha .Treatment for $1.00 lees giekiie, PIAO; bill elie,mtiali. plepiAiae Mat tree oenceipl el Sc ll iB II MANTI CITY JW.?;iiSiC SiciCi Marker, RtiiMore- a III ? 17" P B 11$ Cily TRAIX4-8A- Walt ) H.rG. f A. H. HUMPHREVS. PEfS MoUUt Yll'NMkllt Ucn. Manager. Instrument, Stung !;os fir.--t ; Frnolina Chemical Co.( Fairview, eule agent for Sanpete Co. Kn-in- 99 ri.25o in. XUtun avi Mlt I44k'.1 W p. III. C. ii.'i 1 1 BIVUMAll. PRO YU, UTAH. 1 1 .li I.jil-- Ff.-pt- Suiwri ir Press Grain e. Anna btcaui I.. p t pn I pm 919 p B 10 hprlnjfviiie TlllitCU IMVU ImliiUlulB - iih'xxL, rjYpr. I ' i Taaislralv. FERNOLINE m p gs.,.1 , 4 47 7 M lafAV . ai-- I W?!l to' rv:-V- . Mi1 Rpik ij, Ajk. Cj.:y, TJtxth'" K pere Crown Uow.-rHe and Garden Tool. m pm 888 p B ) iko-- Diecriplivn circulars free to any addrqpn in Sanpete county. FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, ao 9 4 ilur.nv new Catalogue lust out i reliable, durable, attractive, and l r a cktirii of Ole Hull's Vllin itoiibalcring its standard of excelfolberaarltof roar wteo Its tlut uniTcrwl us i. ill ii .util inm-i- i r:.t xsl inlouna- - lency. I lie cheapest to v iii .!' i stiue to aheap ntmen ihrovffhoul buy. It M' musi lans t.ii ti i. m(uM aay, that during Auyrusc tf ;dl the moat valuable : ! r . me voiii 1,700 srabltr aherp al Kcphi, f.j, wl:al you i.li- -; : tt yonr rrinlad directiona fa r and ia fully warranted (n, .11 i.ic line, HRuitr lank, aud tbcjns are coUrtly cuad Ollier styles sold. by tligrk2ht. Ai.iO t l and Holier, .'...it MiicbiiiusniipidieB furnished by live. .'! .;n, Cjltery, I' t FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, IV.iliUi r.lr lei ins Si.uul.it'1. Fuirview, aolc agent for Saupelo, i Mhnp Uip will prove id theyneaU (a k r; Before purcliaeing any other. It con.binea the latest and best lU tone ia pure, with great power and oomplata contrtd. tastfoika Vftcoi Ufkibn !i :u in than A new and novel Rule" or Chart,' which aho at sight all the rarfect hartuoniee, ie given FREE with ach organ anl.l; aV. a good In .w tieatawnt. struction Roi.k, a fine, edjueiable l.ftnd ywr dip wary rmremenc to ue, Piano Stool, and aatiefectoiy 'aar-ranla- e. Nwfod ntbar tbaafajurioua tu the mmc. a,,, tea V toisss Oct. 10?. CAN. a CurMicAL Cc., Maw York. M 1.1 I'kv.-- , Hrooulurav, N. V. I wmd ftmr Ftnwliiit Dip fnr ayw.fii.fr - hai.t onbbv abwp laai $pCnntvirr, ul t'.'.m- i l ,11 i Handing ttto wn4 mctftc for mb ia watt uun avmtiti gf.ni uris it ihim- ftefol tffad wvom tba woul Rrtd grHCtji ... .:.!'. tba abaac tb I wonlalMV in 'i ttief' sS PiAitmi Kami, I'tah, in r Schuttler Far.n Train, leave Salt Lake at ?:10 a. m. end 4 :00 p.u., errivInK nt Imvo at :M a. m. end S.1S p. 1'ralna leave Salt Laka for oeden at 7:00 a. .B:Wa.n, and 1:30 and 1:00 ill KAiil.E IMGK, j. i'lgu , HO la'itvo nprini;villtt Trovo Mlt ! uk Arrir t rrive Gjitlcit Provo at lM$L? at also Niitivt' and Inijmrtud Lmul '" Iditl. ami SiiingliT. TESTIMONIAL. . a Man IB liti a xn UWp imp lavaVv TliUUr S-- . Pw.fsa IV... '!li"' ' ' Mrit rifitri .Vi-- ft .Kjjf your Tou can well aflbnl to give FERNOLINE SHEEP DIP a trial. It may and will Mvt you agroit deal id unmet. Riul the following teslimoDyi TESTIMONIAL. . Pnaem Jckctim, An. ., Ur. 44 lU 119 U'KNeytAirviMW LotoVc Imllftuola . - 'j'-- NORTH and SOUTH The Hickel TERNOUNE SHEEP DIP. ar. INIS n Itt ain PRINCIPAL POINTS ETA2. Jun-Jatn- I : Uful.-- IM TO OU ftYRUTO Sas bji' L Tins Lending Jewlery House o( Provo. All Ordfre frail tlie SnulL Will Receive AttenPmnipt Send Your Watch to me tion. fcr Rqvnirs. --- ;,H .t:,,,,., ritii-,i- i LOCAL TRAIN, UftVf MftBtl L ftv LplirtlH U'mtc Sjuiuglity IjtMlVf MiUllt PlkUiDt : v tif t ii ririi-ii- Salt Lalio p.. 04M Ugiten - t;r GEO.A.LOWhi lUfop p in Arrivu Grud Jundluu . :ldpW Lciva (iraud jnnutiutt Umu KiYff.. H:30. lu. 1.40 pa$ Arrtvu latMkTu Unm Kiver.. iW Arrive .... 8.10 p.iu. M:80bjb Provo laeftvo ukv.e.e J0 P.1U IM a,ua Arrlv 4:48 y. iu. IiOb Knit Lukta.- Leave irnfi iJa " ififfiiiiff'ftTiwi P ip.ui. LJUtui 4JW u u leuuvuixlMtWwod Spring h4'i i ''Awcv v. ni Valire-s- . P P v P u l. IT i r is. Anri.oii, . .. Doors, c. Xapreea iLaa p l'uebli l've IxavaMadrille ftr ruB'i, tftptii tiui tntlfli'e Mut: i W7m p P: , j. slt CIO Bargains!. SEX1INEL I x Lv I eispnn i t Hall. ;.U Cjrffiefirs, (cal iililb! , 1.1- uuJ Siii.iil f . S. Country iuvitod aa ive innt cl.-- e li.-- : ftm-!- ; j ntatit ie closed out, mo sli ill i.in- ertir,. niehinir firu-ls- , 1I..M nui ( up- -, li,...-- EAST, WEST, I'BOVO. , VvVvvvtti. W, M .-- Fi.h, TEMPLE HOTEL, I aik. Lkf Ari.iu Julius Jensen. GAr, JOIIX It. Uwvu Arr.va Leave UiCAL r- a liwu Arr.Vv V.'S.t'HFj u twi Ciotwt Tin: artist, ii 4, ip i , r 1.1 I I'ul.fl'rt's.V'l Kfi Motioa Store J. Ayers l.v. Kplmuiii Amvt'Maiiii Ilral. ill Ewt) I.'uOiii. h'O IA IT. A 71 v.K. . CllCriV t f'( lit Suit l.'ih Urn. L'ttehnrwK (fitly AttoSiiUty CiVufttt . V Klfu--i V- Lumvi liCBVB VorNiMfsinit.r. AHN4 mu-ad- IIMBiCIi ; J SEE BAPSAIWS' AETEf? V je UOl'Nl. TUAJhiS. tAcl f "' Sk f.orunJ"d i ' . t , llrt'l.L' i d..' lb. 'll fur b. iifr.'Oi::. Mural. 1Mb. iwl. No.. So. I Atliuilic AOaulla Xsuna. HaU; ..1 a.m. ' (hnku hull Lake jijna.ei. ll:lua.u.. HIUm p. in itovo p. U. n tu rw a. Gnwn kiver... h:S p.u, J m. towcekivw... .H) p. Crn JuecVloa S.U p. ni. Jjf vwa, w Orao Juaclion a liuii- - Table, iu Em ;l I if IB . r . Bl'AM.Ai.j: tiAl.'iiK. ii,",'i l'aiii i l A a H- 5TTV a 'ym t ii'i ' 'i--- 1 I ; v 1 I.i T.-b-V r. is iaoT.: - ;n 1 ..I., t fI h l- H ", ' a "h LOWEST CASH PRICES mow A io: nf. . j a rtamafAV ifcvVv' iii 1 .y Furcli have of the Meat, poriuiu i5i ir IN hit .!. tin1 Wide, Awake V ea .j iJ V transpires that lha of tba Naw Orlvana 1) acb-1- 1 The Farmer's Alliaai , w ara American eitixeus. Tba i.i.b ..il nf 1,0 A' I' It ICES y aoppoaod to be a recent organ Which Tlnry are scISin- alien, flourished ia tba Sealbsrn I Italian government will no doubt I $i3B33XfG States, uader tba aama of graagara. good wkan thay laarn that tkay I ftrat 5 Pities TL' iuoli waa with that name are adopted Tba prasaat aouiathing 1. m:.-- ..nlv 23 iX awihW cttj iatariaring Sm 50 Piece Full 56 inch Turkey Rf! H:.n,.un.e Fine ifl-'- -. liUU.-.xir:. . Napkin. wiitl. ia Tezaa ia 18S7 and waa intended I ft none of their buainou. tn,. Extra Fine Bleach Table I)anwk only Toeln large and landi.ine, I'ludi-U..i:.li.-.Evtr:. ltdid.. irthf.iW; 13.00 ta make war aa the land aharka. dux., only per r patterns, l't-'.n all colorn. ..u.y lo yd.. Ti- - m only $2.00 per dox , worth $3.50; 2fi00 m1. r'xln. 1i'ii li Biaaa that time tkair damanda aOWi y.U. hxira . "ill' par jd.,withao loci, HwxlbftO: 2000yd. .Extra Fine French Ginit- U- (t ..nlv .1. kava grown witk tireir power, aad. Cahlfarnttbaarewgaad . Uk to ao thair numkar. hare d- -n rapidly tkat ti.a poliUciww, who too bd tor him to aawrei.to w.th, 1. thapaat hare ignored, or ri,ieui. k rePuUUn-wit- h Jack d tkam. are new fain U carry worth $8.50. them. They are na loager weak aad ignorant, bat have beoewe I Watarmalanaa power i .tka laad. P.lit aian. fc(1 ,bM hli whnDrtar wka ware ready ta eaeer at tlieltoag faai, tba Irat arilala a( taa. "kaiaat wblabbabaobnMaaiar idea of farmara nlavinx at aalitif.l bJb ulriD( h Rauoa, lk Irtl I feel to their are heginaiag power. utleta of (aod which the iwallar la a ed, or you Itenrembea wo guarantee evtry duljare worth of gods in repr T. jB mIm much tka number arlSew York betel aalle far, aa be eoote " ! ' d"-i,u 1 llJ!r! 1 r and for Sain Va lLig ''K11 r.!? April great Slaughter the member., but tba poaitioa they SSSiwl geuar-Jvicli- i , v ..3 v a.-- J ALLIANCE. i ... :i &ri mOLLEi Manufa lur.i-- s of MWH lie i cff (Jrsilr of T. Ti-- ' f ,r" No waiting (br your (Msfs. Custom Work a Special au, aa'Jia, |