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Show ialtfi n v nfaf ftt Mhmm'mZ'A fTT i t tr U-- - ; - to i,l,ii. .. .'u, Til 'fiii ! , laiia ... I ' .irrr? . rtitrilftffitfefe. loair ai ?ou!.irn link .ivurxtrz 'srs. nswcmaigur t?T ; .. HM , f,r!'yiri ii- - ij ill .' I tun ii J iiiivLtl l' Q S V VOL. VI. MANTI CITY, SAXI'ETl.' rniiT A AMI) , I of fo-- ii 5; I I ,1 Ijiiii.i 0:l:.-.rn:-.r- lii: PATH ATUiKSKV X. Cl- AU KiiiSi AITI) Td r--r r" Ad S-- j Dyspepsia Mouiv. Manti, Utah. 'Viifs b & E. C. COEFIN HA BID IV ASE GO i EKiHT q 4 sssssbskssSS bjiiiiuts promptly at mi I titles secured to Mu.lvr thu various entries t SO. t is: Captain J. M. Jjrgeusfu, .d ; Mats Anisraou aud seven vulture. The s.pvklit rspurts fas was triteg to mulls' iiaiuptoB ruaS.i, haring baeu dU.ililvd Kf.llnn ti,e lire. g nui, penpie ibIicbm- fay a Jiuiriifaua since tbs 12th. Ia four end ottfa kaoa to idrlvMiactwia liSZz lalcrwiing Budget flf Ntws Frtm (tajs the suu bail not sfaons and I e b wwlbar waa so tfalrk le.1 night that I BiffrreDt Pirts if the they struck tfaa fareakcia fasfort ihy Ctwflty. j could ms the eoast. ) iiliii v W m. T. R e i d, Dfll 001 LIVES LOST AT Wt tabular 6badwick, After I Eating NEW YORK LEITkR. SEA. and ) Mw WpbM. JOBBERS OF .er VA'U'AckwvvNW' LitvttViM A'ooU," vYva- NtvowtV" NWiVcvkV rVc- wHvti;, ViftvwVXe, , V. ATTORNEYS, ; J? C.S. WILKES. ' Land Agent Tunl Attorney tkIV 'ecuvwvcs' Toes, March S. RB1. sad TC propoaltloa to eatabllsk a public Mdetm B teoeathethe esomash and ether . dicasuon, MgmM ttttim a The Nurateiu Biri, UicUter Goes It Air garden on fop of the reservoir at hit sodappsHUk aadbythas -- a ! cmncoun tbs local 4ind street and 6:h avenue, a bill fur l. ssawrsa tha QataHflfldflchfl Pierw, Xtir Xurfult which Is nyw before lbs Aaremblr, It Jbsoo Meets d the dlsasrat banlslH. tbs marling with almost uniiilmoce rpiws!-tfo8AI.T LAKH CITY, UTAH and jmmbM tbo tlnd adod. : Only oue ncwspaiwr la the city Sd bed Utile appsetut and what I did eat seems te be In fiver of the schemes and Sunday Nowspapero Milthat la tbs ons which claims tbs credit Heart-- uu .k Tl;! subjest it, doubtless, of llrS proposing It. The -- World" has I"1 I sa bow lutcitning u i usd orncE luiLoisa. " aSw is jKict to everybody, allfauugh tfarra tennis to be eating I would ape Mnea a fofcmase.ee rned a good deal of nnforl- certain!, m tlnd, aUgcoetmin. a varirty of opinions (upon It Sts & efy lie schemas for pablls sstSTprlsts. 3 tie, I tank, wm aggravatod by my bailaras. Ol: iii; lui:is li.r A:ik:ullursl an. would bars lbs lasus of papara cnlfrtly but this time It has svldently blt sn off wmeb la that si a panmr, and from beta Miiii-i.i- l jtails. prohibited ea tbs flr.t day of Uia wst k, mors than It can ebaw. Tha Ck, we ar lew Am pnpnlar while still others would Maeider their linpnwel.in of lbs ip ta a Sourt rrser-veplan Is that tbs Miittbwhfokk lest j " l to b. floored uvsr daily psper wholly maompleta wiihsn; took I Hood's Ptfcg Sana.i Stomach I and used for s vflla took thi tbrM addition. boMec .1 Iraer garden more than an air sard-- u It did me sa 1. 1 1. Tie name Sunday newspaper, Iiupiib cad therein Is Its wtakrees. jMense aaooat of good. Ugwomeea B- si l. ani tood my and sUi8e4 itiisbed n forj lh. ilm.duileg whieh it Is pi I ted L(t th. prss and publlo Dm cnTlAf X had Wat.! ! i .! ! e UMUtioeadJ prcrkwily generally, M; e.h eiieulated. Mast of amnon tb nitterial n w fir: c'hv Oijjar Von p.iiiy. M'int jL rson, Wateitewa, Mass. rppotfd It. tLe ;Cuuitr( vr is MS tested du'lsg the prreredlnn we. k. and it'lrriiiii'cs. against It end eu also Is the Board of gir la ekartettr, differs from the nllnary Usalih, .Now the feS !'. O. I. CIGAR, CO., 1 Aradeniy of At. die, ns ' Fnsarad aaiy .Suli-m- , by C. L HOOD O CO, dyMhMBilM, XMnU, XiMi N. (! news item, aa widely as tbs holiday has corns forward and protrsts lu the runt display of goods frost tha g.neral dir. most rigorous manner, saying If tbs play. Mot only dees it contain tbs ehr ms I carried out "It will lUC surely be news of tbs day, but In addition followed by wide Sar.pete Yalley Railway rat a general spread disease and (ofLavr A Notary Public. : Attanipy-a- l ttfcv torlee, taken directly either bon TIMKTABLK. MO. 6. iu a Horsemen, Cutilo Sfen, irliecj) Men, Family 'Men fering." It wonld probably bring on an and Singl.i Men! a Uw-- W. INW. norsla, or written efpeclslly for epidemic of typhoid fortrand ..collections cSim raia. "spread Hoiio. Ssluf or that tains. It also son tains notes on the disease broadcast Vn'iilc St., hulfblnk low tba city." s. NUi fashion, sporting and tbs drama, and Them are Vi?1 ' strong words and Mr.Fnllt-ssr- t J M Arrlvii Oimiw. Valuable Medicine, n. ii somstlmsa artlslaa frim tba pen of soeb --n-l j paper will ban hardiwork to counMO Utni ,. WMMt, man as . Bill Nys, and Mark Twain. In teract them. 15 ut Drairar L..M i oratL Si! - point of alu It is uanally double the J?.!-AC- K 'iiivid . FEBD1NAND rA man Issue. daily pina 11.1 mw. Lwtm Miphl, im. ': The Boaday paper la wsleome to at. Tmliu ru dolly, duday uocptvd. Several addition hara been made to Piwrutiug Atloney or Sanpete Counly. llLk lUt iMt every home, and few poeple objset tbo Central Park inedicinHlmycaH' N.i WnUons rauM NnjSdieam? 1 never heard men iimiiu. the menagsrla sal it bn I i:i ,1.. i daring' to It la beeauM It printed on tha PLEASANT, UTAH put few dayi, some of which ara qnlts Tibobobb BEcnics, Oesenl and will duahtlaM ooatluns Interesting. A II. S. KbbK, Omni BapnletMiduL Office on Main Street. gentleman to uaka Me appearaaes, uaUI It shall of the Yaltnre family hu arrived frsm aeaet to bo a eourse of preflt to tbs bmdloberry, India, besldw a flock of 4D publisher. Southdown lamb. Tbo Vnlturo la JS. . A we rise on Sunday morning, hew wy largo one, I rf" M ever, thing mml Tbe wry .l-- 1 ATMNEV AND COIXSFlOll AT LAW, Yfg, my friind. every word ' moepbere whispers that tkia Is a day I whieh ho in fovor at il..t .. -id ht bean a considerable ia true. I l.uvo used it. and it doJkB. ., SOD Kb rtrat, WAINIMQTQII.'B.'O from differsnt other The whally daya. Two young alligators from ue I ?"od 72r?. f ' no other. My friend, ?! t. Dewev of .and and Mining Cases. merchant, weary from hla wuhs work, Florida ban been Specialty to tbo promoted ii'fornal WundLrfuI. ,implj allows hlmulf to alupa little longer tha both of them by physicians. A No flieawiBcome Mar a than oanaL The wound; it houle deea not very handsome takeo WJ. aiSFOID, IE. HBIFMB snowy owl eapturad at t ie internal for humanquick, IeV?in0 Ctrj use. in blue boximhaa . gotohiaduk, tha tradumai to kla Owcgo, N. T, hue aim been oontrllmted of men snd women who were L"i tools, nor the farmer to hla Implamaata d It attracting aneh attention. The Sow Throat and Couhe! Wl of hnabaadry. All alike are glad ot the eaewy ewl la a ran bird re-" In 1 stops them in three or four doses. Alhert nwnu ui 23 UNION SQUAntNY. PHYSICIANS ,ND SUKGEOSS rut wMoh they now enjoy. - Bat ean It glens, ns It only vlelta ns In themseren ATtnnTa.a7L.v would have one botto of eaoh very ,I10U1I1I0. be tlflm said UTAH. MAHTI that this reetf CRT, winters. prlatar enjoys aav. half the liv.e th.tar. lost, Hot always. If be works at an rank rin--v - ot lb. Kye, Ew, Kotc anil Tbioil'i rm-rnoSS-ttlig Buiunxes. wkleh piiata a flanday Issue, jSSL t ,irenth ,nJ thdr Siuclilty mF friend, so many people tl,e.,eMon,' he We all bu hare had three fatal Ires In this bui tolling night and now, VlC praiao iL Who dr. W. J. HOSFORO Icddsnse. Two Bloi'kj about the time when other people are ally daring the past week, and aa n rediUtfCityll.il. DR. K. T HOSFORttOn. Block .nd ! arlelng to greet the meraleg, ho must sult the peepla are seriously eoneldarlng IToum. loaikof iholK-nrrjltt seek his eenek. the question of erecting none bnt flrewp,:t Z. C. M.k. I All o Drug Ktoro, Salt Lnko At half put four o'clock the preeemca proof bulldlagr There ia External in Yo'low, Interim! in Blue?ily certainly a p elarka and carriers fault grave mailing their somewhere when lives are begin ,. 53AYIS03T, nd 1.00 each, or 13.00 and f9 do dozen tke papers are donkle the lost by Are m frequently, bat the work, knt, ran tii remedy . Sole Proprietor and Manufactun-r- , nenal sin they ten hare aa antra is lot so apparent. Many prominent nik' ; amount. They then Is the army of architects aroln favor of flnproof buildi Lm Mt.Plf.asaxt, Utah. news boys who never see the Inside of ings, etlll they do net believe In a Will treat all kinds of diseases in a chunk or Bnbbnth School. taw to that effect. Tha Many par. present .a skillful manner. Diseases i Veterinary (Piiar.jneuy1 ante, who by no mssna wonld allow taw la either defective or loosely 71 West, First South . f. peculiar lo females receive i' Stmt, their children to nod norsla of a calls It Are for i proof balldlngs special atlenlion. aid. roman tie aharaatar, seem whit mors then 80 feet li height but to think It porfoetly safe to bring Into this does not lneludo dwellings. The their homeathat whieh'.een tains all tha ptalona ot oar firemen, who aro (- the mart eompetnt to apeak nieeeeary elemsate Thslflaaday newspaper. In this way hnadreds are placed on the eabjeet, seem to bo almost en& r tirely Ignored. The Building Departopen dangeroae greud. Shall we stop the liaday aewapopenf ment le pretty well satisfied with the ' , nsula dlwawe apKitfiy. , Not nalam we wish to adyoeato rest and Wumnt taw, but Fire Chief Benner ollnn, Sevior County, Utah. qnlet on tha Sabbath, to plaoo thousands dose not agree with Ik Ho proposes of boys In Sabbath-Behoo- l who, other- mme very Important ameadmanta In wise will never be knewn te attend Net nalam we wish ether aaterprisu each railways, saloons, theatraa aid elab rooms to ha also closed. What ever tha oplnlan of othsn may Tinna. March 17. A dlspcteh from he, Christian puple eaaaot iidsr any Kiffrteln, a town af tha Tyrol, near tha IreumitsneM nphold tha Baaday r, Bararloa frontier, sayi a prominent for not only an they forbidden to mwehent wu aasuslnrted la broad day ' doaiywork themselves an that day JJfiM by aa Italian, who, whea arretted, ' bat are also forbidden to hay any ono Pmndtobe a member of tho Mafia. Dont fail to su our Ooobcfore work for them. Will move to our new warehouse on ALtrkei purdmaing Ho killed tho merchant In mttob girettr for a LASS WORK. netweon Mam and eel Temple, on or about March - --- A Manti Boy. 15. eompatrlet whom ha had bun detailed IIItlTlt TRUTMEIT IIIKITCEI. the Mela to pat oat of tho way. Tho by manti. mntdw hu erected ezel lament, and a UTAH. Gone to Pieces. L fuling ef dangerous IndlgDation, ta Noetolx, Vs.. Mareh 17. The Norwe- growing against tha Italian society. gian bark Dictator, from Ponsaeola ' ! ... March Lmbokn, ' for carNational with lumber end Fit., Xuglend Dealeb In ; Bank of Italy nod the Bank of Tnacmnyl . 3Xvwx. rying n crew of fifteen and the captain's YiuVte, ara intarvaulng to uve tho ere dltora of Tore Breed Ferchf ron Horsen. young wife and boy, same aahortlna strong enetarly gals this the embarrassed hoaau In thie city. The f Handling Horses a Specialty. riels Is du to the mepenslon 9l e II. Feely, 1riist. Xielb IIanoxs, Sec. - J F. Fiouiku, Iter montag two miles aorth of Virginia large Beach hotel. The weather was so thlek aagu refinery In Annona. It la believed I MT.I UTAH tha vessel wee not sera until 8 oslack the present tronblu are SEaggarated. and than aha waa in the brsakeiV bread, aad the bouse Involved wlU be able io Whon in Sail Lake don't WhnlosaJo and Retail forget to (Me eae quarter of a mile from the tide over the difficulty. ?:-' shore. - Crewe from two Ufa earing -Rtopattho erd Loxdoe,) Mareh Salisbury, tatloai were promptly on hand bnt Jnet before starting for fiauBemo bald eoald not use their boats became of the a long eoaferene with Lord Knntaford tremendous surf. They tried repeatedly and Mr. Currie, of the foreign office. A e to fin out a over the ship bat Werk j(Thr oldest Rcetaurant in the ef supreme dlfflsplty, requiring I Tke Greatest Ba rgaln House in America 127 S. Main the Bl Ol&sity. gnnseeuld art deliver Hies so far. tha mut delleate handling, wu confined Tha ship finally aneeeadafi la getting a to Manufutlurerere of the Beet Gra!is ot to tho ongagenuiila line ashore, tied to a barrel which the of Carrie, relating Xngland to protect Bclglnm. ! surf carried la. A King breaches bney waa Leopold, daring hla recent visit, prewed qnlskly rigged and mat eat bit un- tacAa answer to what cofortunately the eallon seemed Ignorant opers lien England weuldprutlulunder 1 Wir. give D of Its ass aad work was delayed aatil the a v txbtieg treaty tor tha datanu of oiden it tba pi Beqairav otnao. rmro. s' Instructions wen sent Fkxtixel omr. Belglnm'd aentrallty in tho orant of a, l to the ship la a bottla ever a Straight Grade, Family Pride, XX Family, Furiua Giiie, CLip war. Lord SalUknry, according to re--1 Tha new thsa proceeded to carry oat port, promised Beglleh aid by flMt, and Feed, Bran and Shorts. the direction. The first man wee de1 troops, If demanded, to Motlngent livered hen Li elf ht mlnntes and eaves toad The Following List, Aitwarp, luring tha Belgian army others wen recaed before snn-oeboo tor datanalva operations In the tarts Good Koto Paper, 24 sheets for Ge. foar eomlof In a life beat whieh MT. PLEASANT. UTAH. tap oa the Meuse. Bemrthlng oenrlng d Goad Bill Cap, Legal Cap and Fool's sued la the surf. They wen rsetaed the scene of Europun diplomacy Cap Paper, at 13a. per Qnlre, worth flOe. with gnat dlfflealty. half dead. Tba Bert Fngllah Pins, full count, at Ge. sharpens the apprehension that a final beaeh wu Used with peepla foam coun- move la tha long gam preluding, wu per Paper. try honsoi and the hotel, and to the will not be long Cammon Pina, fall eoant, at Sc. per delayed. spectator the enxlsty and anapcaaa waa Paper. awful. At uighttall Ultra wan atlll lowry a son Safety Piua, ell alsn.t 8. p'r Dnttfi. J nine penon a the bark. Including the Lead Pencil , pldln cdir, stG- - pr Doun. captain, hla wife end little child. The & Rubber Tip Pencils, at U, IX 20 and eapiain bad urged hie wife all day to 84c per Doun. take a buoy and com eehon, bnt aha TrOXRTLTTF.IIS AND CARTERS. Hook and Kye, black an I silt 'n d, at ntcodfaatly nfased to leave her hatband Are Pure and OM uni ufllic t le. per Doimi. and child, aa only out oonld bo brought a time. Boon after dark the bark at fiOr. per all at Silk, Embroidery colors, 1XVU went to Hisliilatinii. hnndredekeinn. piece in a tremeidneasaea and W Carry a Fall Line of Notions at the captain's wife aad ala eallon ware e Ranging Llko the Ahnre. Dealers T " lest. Jest befon the ship broke up the li !' A Kl"d F . HUO, to be llsd at DO I an Merasd ; ecu Into with the bis captain , Jumped I UUW h Rock Fmufo for rt ttt mph igtimm Huiidirgv Ncxt-- l eon strapped to hla bock and reached eoRdlUfw Wi Mil iv Dm flDdrrd Doltavt for lay I FKAaNKADKIaNS, IVoprictor, f ly Kxeeated. Wut Irt Berth BA, hon alln but the boy loot, a STJ? (VkIekM'r,t cflwr't Mon, MANT total ef eight lives. The listmaking of aovad IW"rlf?RiTrti Main Stroot Xantl. XiAhJB ClTT, UTAH. v e r V IsIfJD a.tAGENTS UXlLlL VwWutvy Dyspepiladues " brait a (coins eanlUl. IL a nerady ilk. Hoecsa. : v V wtv, m ww E. B. COFFIN HARDWARE C Progress Buildlnf. 3diIL2 vDi'Ja fSL ; lr j&imz MEN j ih Jisifsi he ei I specialty. 0Clltln j Moxuoe, Utah. ,.r " ' l i ink. Jm. - J :: OIL' BALSAM. Unf. MATTHEWS, Arin turbSS i raeem-Mue- r Drs.Hosford, boek-kup- j team No 14 Union Biool& HATHENBRUCK huidotthte? 3. id tfiwSS1 r tthfe riokT.!5iL PROVO; dii. a com-pnlm- iy w. Mi'na and Roys' Suita, jsruirrf n Surgeon , Si bsEn SALT LAKE UTAH. S0n MANTI noois, , CITY, We were not one of the Comoanies that 'Zfd the American Harvester Co., nor have wl at any time had any connection with its plans or management. We carry a complete stock of, Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Hay RaliEs and Tfrine.l COV city;utah ' l NtstaosstifciaireMCcs SALT LAkE CITY i 0. B, WIST, i ..Invite httenuon to theii large and .. varied aaaortnient of Ladieit Newmarkets, Jackets and 8liawlo, Miasea nod Children's Wraps,' Radies and Missea Merino1 nd Woolen Underwear. u newe-pspe- . '1 i .i- lt Llth u ' , JI" iZTfiJmV1 ''Muesli SR!.J,B. STACEY .v . 4 onirtn eatab-lUbme- . ; 4" . 1 Ailrt M. 0. ; e. 1 jtJ That we sell cfieaper than any of our ' competitors, taking quality lsi! into consideration, and in addi- - " lien, we .divide our profits with" our customers by enlarging their Photograph with every $ic.oo' Purchase, or give with every. . $25.00 Purchase ore ol the three fine Books, viz: Jlllle lncycla-pecica, lioincstic Medicine or Tennyson's P031113, . oy. foe every " $1.00 Purchase wegiyea ticket in a bciiitifull Upright Piano.' At iSAifr kit-balhde-y, bald-heade- d . .. , j k-- !?'1 ESIGESEN Physician a To GAauraxiiteo al Wm. A wIOOjDoMsjpneDollar ; SOL. SPRAGUE f , osnt . JHood'8 Sarsaparilla 1 0 in ihf joastf oods - Rubber b, LTCir Fsscinaiore in great variety. ; OTcrcoaUiBaU, Pape J j $ rn II me, Glovcc ft Mittens. Satin, Moire, and Velyet Uilbons in all ahadea. 54 inch, all wool Suitingfat 60 cents per yard. Cashmeres r from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard. ,.v.. 1 lFIRSTC - WBTE, . Xr Ge OZaSOltf 87-T- "Rov hc 3S YOU C.KliOGiSYi. M. OSBORNE Sc, 8tV d "I three-year-ol- d IP L IJANT, J Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller 87,-L- i LROASIE), life-lin- Book Binding IM M. DAVIES, . u llfe-sam- Ufo-lln- e. H. Serry, ,!. naQJ IxtSOU d-- NEXT! t, varSTUliy Ordors Flllod on Sliozt Arc alill at the front wi h full stock of the following ' well klip'll goods : Jay Eye Sec Sulky Plows,' Canton Clipper Plows,' Canton Clipper Steel Hand Plows and Harrows, J. I. Case M Chilicd and Steel Beam Centre Draft Dows, Ajax Lever CtfitL vators, Evans Celebrated Triple Lever Wood and Steel Frame i Harrows, Planet Jr. Garden Tools, Gorham Combined Seedera, Fountain City Grain Driljp, Hoosicr IVes Drills, u Examine our Stock of Siiggics before you buy. Wo sell,, the best Buggy on earth for $ioo, with leather top and rivited rims. Our No. 5 Concord is an excellent Buggy for country1' ' usage. "The Old Reliable" ; Tri-cycl- -- BTotloo - - - BOARD OF TRADE Saloon and Billiard Hall, s storF. ' Richards, Our WiM3 andLiquors Ili-s- Fauilt Tkadb SoLit'iTrn. ' hih ST, Stf 'V . UD1l-d- e , and McCormick Machinery are still in the lead ' Consolidated Implement Co, st . Salt Lake City, Ogden, Logan ajq and Houses ; ! Jdaho Kalis, Idaho, nd iford! . ; Utah , CONFERENCE VISITORS to Salt Lake can find no bettor place than ; . 18 Main Street, next to - Snvnge'e Art Bazaar, for DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS anil Family Supplies in General. ' Call and fee them; they will treat you weU. J ' |