OCR Text |
Show ax ordinance: Ore oa a tVieudLn Vhe cause at D Santa Fe Route. ed llu-c.l- TWtecfrxon. Lliv You Goiiitf lo hr WORLD'S 1WK' oflXmevieau. AvAeresYs S.FRBnsTAOFFR, Ornate Recorder. Slid notice shall llie lime and pl-- e, wueii mid .,ie, the "hd apt- ..l w;i hear To ProviJo for the KxU'Umon of the Iliy (Jiiuiied ellirin an. olije, liuiiH ind icrnrl Water Wuika. said uaueaeuieiit. Said notice Iliad be vt4 PHYSICIAN 41J St'XC.IMN. t Mevv lie it ordained by the City Council of pubiivlied l:u lea I him one W eik in eoste Logan City iu I'tali Terriluty aafiilloaa: j newMiuier pidiliaheil and haring a gen bktTiUA 1. Wueuever liie oily culm eral nrculntiiiii wiilun Skitiiik 7. Al its lirl regular atweion cii eliutldivni ilaxpetiirnl to extend the DFi rtTii-.- Akrr. ufmr llie expi hi mu id the leriuuieu1. iuu-e- d I ayalem of water woika uuw uwued and in the imiice for in the luat onutniiled by nutil 1akhd City, lay laying . Con-Oltter aii.l ttc.i.li-n.m I'iimh llii.L, or uidlua for wa'er in any street ol aecimii, the laiunrii shad lieai' pit d i If a Ihili't Fail 'ii Si eillc Yolir Tickcla Ilctlililli' j ami city wliereauuli piiea or maiua aru aider any uiijicliuna or apimuia. tiieii Main St. i.ftg.iu. ftjH nut already laid, llie tame or any part within the time iiientiimed qi'd iniike at thereof utuy be dona in the fulkiwiug auch rairrecluma in llie inwerSim-n- l Rio Mild Tlie t'ity may be manner: juL The couucil ahall deierniine the size, Ueconler ahall uote UfMiii raid irl auch Y. W. MAI I'.IIAN, j & the quality, kioit, location and extent of piped correcliona as muy W unlantilly or luaioe to la laid and t'auee an estimate council. Tlie ranuiilerutiin nf such ap-JThe only line ruiiniiia lullu:;in .lcciin; cura between ulb and objects j:ie and aiiid uvleuient Ojolcn, Salt Lsks ATt'UkMtV AT I.AW to be mude of tlie ouet of auch piped and may be cuntinued at oilier arl future the laying of tha same, and Fity and ('hicau w it It lit I'lunicc, LAKH ATToKNUY. and detlue the uouudarieetif the dmtrict aeMaiona of tlie council in tlie iu(ie man ordivieiou of the city apecially to lie ner until the ssme ia raunpleteii. When beiidfiled or effected by I he tame, blit completed tlie City Council ahull make thecouucil ahall include in such distrirt an order to be entered of report ( cootiu-io- OullectionA Xutury Public. Office ovei tlie saseaement as aet forth in the City Drug Kture, Main Street uuly lota or ptecea of ground adjacent tu lagan, THE NHOKTENT or abating upon thaatreet or atreeta in corrected list, a ropy i f w liich nfiler cer- Utah. tiu.l QiHCKKS I 1.1 NK which auuli pipea or uiaiua are to be laid, tified by the City Recorder under totlie the aeal of city, corporate EfiUl'.MEXT E.NSl l'lio couucil at: all alau iletermine whether tlie whole, or if not wiiat proportion of gether with such cor reeled list ahall HCENEliY liNKQl'ALKI) tie delivered eaid to of trraisuivr tlie UOLI'II AKDKKSON. tlia coat of buch pipea or uiaina and Ilia warrant mV laying thereof, ahall ha defrayed by city and ahall conatitute hia VIA (ll.KNWiK)l) SlmXGS. fur ilia collection of the said I Hals, finch local aaattaanianL NOTARY Fl'SLIC. The council ahall aet a time when it taxes ahull be due and payable thirt Train leaves Tuion O lcu, st G : 1 p. in. Ticket Oitlce IVp.it, days after 1ats of the unter confirming will meet and hear and oonaidor obj.-and all tlie auch and assessment, any tMI Mailt Street. tioua or prtteata loaucb exteneiun of the Tnuialatioe of ianl Ikmuunits fmm water ayeteui or uiaina, or the defra ing taxes remaining uuiwid at the expirathe tion of lu Sivui'liliaviaB a of auid iAnsuhae the lisle after aixty dnya f the expenaa of tha sum by local tHi.i- itjr liMnnkm order kIihII lie deemed deliiqiieiit- ' 8. tlie Ski.tioh LOGAN UTAH. in reupon lniiuediiitcly Thatiual action of tha council receipt of llie iwirreeted tint and eerlitlsd apect to uiattera mentioned in thie too ahall be entered and preeerved ml lie eopy if tu dor cou Il ruling the mweaHineiit II. V. UUSNEiT, lilAKIIAL AtlENT aforewtid, the treaaurer of said city shall T. HAMMUKII, oily record ur said to colhi't the Keeanienl proceed ahall 2. council next The city Skctios uO.1 Dimly 1uililii)' Unit Lnltii City. ranine a uoticeof lU intention to iiiske and taxes in like manniirua other city tuxea are ahull furnish In and collected, ATTORN KYATI.AW. xienaiun of pipea or uiaina and defray each lurv 1 he txpeuaes liiereuf iu whole or in purl of buataxpayer or leave at l.ia in the by local aeacuaiueiil,Ueacribiug Hie pro. I'niu-- n,ftu ('I itliowol or defiosit Slates poaU'llice, HildieMad to of water luaiue, the )AMud exUiiiUiou boundaries of the district to be uffucted him postdgi, Niiii, a uoticeofths anmui.t Will practice is sit Court Is Ike Tnritury sed bclorr the Diatrict and Crnrral Laud Cilfave. or benefitled by the name, the eal iuiatud of tax uaecuaed agHinat him and when coat thereof, and designating I be tuue and where payable, Within thirty duys el fur tlie bearing uieniioued in eecliun after such aaseeaiiieiits or tnxes are deoie. to be publiabmi al kataL twenty d.iyn alinquent. I bn Irs.iKiirer ahall publish list of suiiie and proceed ti sell th in a newapaperpupliehed and luvuig a Office hour from l:jo tu n m., and hum inneral Circulation within lha city, which pniperlv in thesniuo manner as provided I to ; :)u p. m. notice ahall be eubelauiially iu the fol- by law f'ir sale of real eaiate by cuuuty c illectora. form: lowing fikCTios 9. The City Recorder on re- Office ill kirk Block. Logas, full. Notice is hereby given by tlie cit couucil of Logan City, in tha Territory ceiving fiotn the treasurer a duplicutr of Utah, of the iutentioD of such couucil receipt for niiipey paid on said aasesa NJVwN'WV sNi Wiu, J. Utoilwin aud meut, shall credit the penam w ho mml ZhiIi TUiiua uiaina fur water luluy of the coat of piiea aud thy payment and such i reilits fur hsmkh-ueiitlotiefruy GIKIDWIN, rpllUMASA paid shall epply on tiuT wuiei dol laying thereof. tMliuialcd at lars by e local luriwfcuient upuu tlie lota rates of the lersun who nimlo such or Uan the wnt- -r rates of any or piccca of ground within the following OrriciaL Anars actor. described district, being the diatrict tu other person upon the written order of be Llfec'cd or bcuc tiled by suid water the iMrrau in whose name the crod:t Alialnirt uf tithwmsil on short aotio. Rua. i tanda. pipea or mains, namely lUativit fiti amt prtitNti-ii'Ail pruleala aud objecluiua to llie carFuaaeil October 2.7th, 8'.KL 1 Hit. of tiaiali- al LliiltHl tu. riiiitlr lllurk Jf liuril. Lursu- sini'Mlaml gurrukl K. Also llu Heat of Wines, Liquors, Ales, Heer aud I'nrter. (Inters be must of intention out such 'JllOHMIT.SKKX, rying given Prealileul of (lily (lonrcil. in writing to tlie city recorder 011 roinpt :itt'itii :i't 1 can-fu- l pricing A.D Approved Sfith day of OcihImt. lafiCL or before tiie duy of at oclock .... iuM being tlie tiuie Jamkh (Jcati.k. Z.STKWAKT, et by eaid council when it will hear and Mayor. si. Utah, and Idaho. comdder auch objecliouaaa may be made Avteat: Aimii.imi Akiikk"ov, thereto. Amo Jiecunler. Fisa Issi'ramcii Life Oily the city couucil of L'lgur. By HKAI.. City. (In In J. It, Hlewart tu havs jrimr prill Mis russs nUifntedi ti nimI fur iImhIm, umrUc.cm, will Mad kimUu all (loi'uiiHdtx, vti., him for lilv Uity itecurder. Ten itory of Utah, I .(ikI lirp kiMirnow Hiullo fwy our rani mUI Section 3. After the expiration of tlie -I, hu1 nuningrUiiiii ldM lull (.Viinty of Cache. ( llie Rudun designated daya. day twenty Ailulph Anderson, (My lutcorder in iu the notice, the uity council ah id I meet, fin- Ixvnn C'lly, in tutin'y. and if written o' ijeutioue to the uiuking and A. RKAV1LL, uf llie improvement signed by tlicuwnera Utah Territory, ilu hi reliy certify that a tr.ie'iiiid full 'tie is foregoing 4.1ms-. of one half in value of the pioperty e lu O.di tie alfeeted or lii l aa ahuwn by copy nf mi Oriliniinw entitlisl vDie ttooue Wv.'j.mwer1the tual preueOing liuh, uncul roll (slier j council of by the all cqiiHliiillun ia fiiiirh, lie nut Ulml wurks," (My on the SS.il It dav of Ocbilatr. with the i.ily recoidt-rihull bear and lekran id Dp Capital U'i'1 appruvel by the Mayor of said W. ATTOK N $50,000,00. eonaidcr auch ebjautniiie r pro teals, if on the 'Jfith .lay of Oclnlier, 18!4L auy, aa bhail have been made. If the city Aa witiiewi my" hand Ctiunuil tu pnahwd with the ! hk.II. I and llieCoriatrato fiml id prepared extent ion uf water uiaina, it said Isigaii City tliia the ahall luukean order which aliali lie enOffice iu Journa BuiUfnf, UKHO, I'tah. tered on record in the minutes uf U JGDi day of OcIoIkt, A. D. 1891. proueedingx, uu.hcri.mg and directing .lame (jinyle. Vice Pivsl. Ripley fi. Lyon Auoi.pii Gay lsmile.nl, Pn-at- . Ani'Miwin, thowuik Ui bo i. one a. d the pipes or IMy Pushier. Allan M. Fleming. Ast. pushier. T. Odliain. W. S. MuCorfliuk, mains to lie laid, under the HUiervixiun T. BARKKTT, uf the prufier utlieer or ntliivrs, mreun or C. P. Goodwin, Joint II. Davis. persona lu be uiiincd in tlie order; and SCHAVBRSON, I he couucil shall thereupon, silting aa a Q board uf equalization, apportion aud asses llie coat of the pipes or uiaina and the ABC1IITKCT. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Atvhltrct. Surveyor mil Civil Euglnrcr. laying of same, oi tlie pari thereof ue upccilied in the notice upon '.he real Drafts Issued on Europe and the Old World. estate, lots or pieces of ground included within the diatrict; such apportion met. I Over J. 'i. Ktewart' Ottiiv, Snl Hire t, Lmtaa. Will Draw linn ind Sp iii.wIiowK fw Public to be in ucoord'incn with Die square fad, uml Prlcuti- HuiIi.iiikh. front foot, oro herwise, aa such lioard of t quulixnl loti aluil! eelimale tlie special benefits to such properly by remain of Mid-Winter Your Patromigr Solicit l Tcmornry Oftu-- it auch extenlion of water inaina, and aa said board uf equalixulion ahull deterKMiticmv, mine tn be just Suction 4. The city council ahall The Fair at Fan: Frati-i-isithereupou make au order tu be euLered Nu.TS MIX Strlsi . Louak. uf reuonl levying the lax, and for the will soon lie opeurd.j The EXTRACTED) ot the proiairty in sco.irdiince have very with IheapporDunuieut und determiua mans'.'einrnt se WITHOUT Pop lion of llio board of equalizulio.', which Iwrteil the Ivsl nf the World's Fair BY PAIN 0.1910 Rppuintuient ahall be fu'ly set forth in auch order, 'lbe order ahall ulaodea-ignal- s exliibitw mi tlint those who wen ui -Mil M IC Puli PI HI.M ATION. OBTUNDINE il lias in Popularity. Sin"' the the buuuduiies of the district cui fortunate in tint I'nilcd Mnii Ottiiw, Nnlt IaIcn Ciljr Cliii-authe ARTIFICIAL Then seeing to 'miILt Teeth have Ftlleii, when' why liHht ot. il.JL ;(iif bracing the pioperty taxed. NiMUv I Iw n lik pivni llwit lh fitllowiriK j TEETH A Section 5. The city oouucil ahall ap KxKwitiun will still have on np)oi-- . You it costs ka tu of lio 4ti'T Iihm li uifhitiN'iif liiHhilcufiim f n.in- -i siint three comiiiiaeioners, reputable t to inspect the fon-igexhibits! tiifikpiwuumiiiMif-i- Hi hI tirnof in wiimm, of hm unity BRIDGE citixeus,b make the asserment provideil piitii,AfHl itml wiil Pouf will lu ihpuIh UTimp THE: AMCmCAN MCTHOD. The Uio Draudc rlu''Urknf WORK UNui.ly Cimrl if ( iiuii( (pr in the last prceecdiag auction, who at San Francisco. on Krisiujr iv. lilt Ii, lAh. k (ii) hall be sworn to faithfully and iuipar-Dail- Western in N liiti; with its usual j hW, vix: Niclii; oifT fliK fur I In railway SURPASSED! execute their tluli-a- . KL,rSH'. I;:. IV- li N III ii. Hi iutino lit full'iWh KwillMmv to Iffiivh hie Before entering U'Oc their duties the progressive spirit will, in connection FILLING A D. NMifinitiiii!ii'DN uMinv mui mlrivHiinii f, commisHiouera shall give al leastsixdays with Die Southern l:icifii; mmI IhimL v jy slolm WdNr. limr IVncMl, PRESERVAcump.-uinotice by publication in souie newsaier InM'i'h II Smiilt, ( Imrhw Adiirlinr ull f Uikhh, uf general oirculaliou iu said city to all pill in effect a low round trip Rite ('cht To., I lull. Has secured exclusive right to upcrati! this wonderful pain W.W Hymn (Siyn. persons interested. the- the existence for riiniHiif. -r uf Kitciirtdr. Ally, NATURAL during saving uiclliial in laigau. A copy of the order providml far in Fair. Tito Rio (irtinde West. the last proceeding section, certified by TEETH A the City Kecorder under the coriMirute as you know, tiii through to SPECIALTY. Kcmimh 2 a ;; Hu kh seal of the ci y, shall be deliv red lu anal r:i, MtTMK TO II Mil rORN, rK. - -- - - Locus, Utah couimiasaiiiera who ahall proceed to list San Francisco without change Ulh Ktnt$ of Jolmune ISiturtua, DimuuwnI, and asseaa the property sccording to the tourist and hrstiinss lullman Suxicv :i Irr by yivta by Die uadfr Sleep, MkiuhI I Udt uppor.innuient set fuith in said order, Kxtcutr nf lli Will und TKifiirBl ol JohnsiDM PKtru dwwHi. staling the name of the owner, if known, jug cun. Two Traina daily. ctYtdiuifH And ih nil to of, pt'iwMb or if unknown then so e'aDng also aa twTifucchiii.uHtfHiiwi tlx NHitl tn nu LOW RATES tlewriplioii and the dimension of enuli liHii ihm with tin wewimn V'Aolim, witiiin lot or pit oe of ground sod the amount of Are still in effect to etiatcrn point j tfinmiNiUiN MtcrliM lird 4ilJi(itio!i of thin nofii. to thr mui Kmtiitirfii liin rNMinuu iu tui levietl thereon. Haid ooniuiirwioneni shall aUi- make a plat to acooinpany Saul viu the Rio Grande Western railway. HitiitliliH'ltaniheC'iNintyA f LucIm. Joiiw lynuny, list, aliiiwlngtlieloualion uf the mntus Uctueniber the Rio Grande Western KzfCQtff uf thp t aim Will awl Tiitairotof JOHAMMIl VKTKIUKX. or pipea oidered Ur be biid and the aei IcOMIUmI tione of the respective lota ur pieoea uf s hinted for the elegance of its equipDstwi, H"SMiils-- 2illi. ground assessed with reference to the ment, its new coaches, its free chair same, and shall return and deliver said lists snd plat when completed, to the ears, it tourists 01 colonist sl'?e ers No. I trait City Recorder within thirty days uftvr and its new and urtis'.iu Pullman their appointment, and said plat and list NOTICK mil PI HLIC.t riON Double Room Palace I teDrawing shall teiuain in the office of the City SleepIzHAdOtluHt Halt Orf. 2. fill, em iler and be oten to inspection bv all ing can which rqn through to 10. in HuCir Niven Ilm that fiilknrliui perMius inlcreeled, for a period of ten ilif Iian tihti aotine if lii iatMitioii (Ihicnop without change. 'jfiecd In midst fi'Mil duys. f liUrUum, himI pmitf lu iwiil l'Urk Skctiok 0. Tinmedlately upon t;e re Safety nnd Coinfort'' ia iu well earn-l-- d lliul priuif wiU U mu Ido Cnm ii oMW-hi( mihijr of Umii, ul Lmirt CiHinfy, lurqofeuch lijif and uiat iu him,' the Two motto. main line i lull on Mmnlny Nov. IMh, IHW, fast cq. if., (!;ty IpNiorder btiqil publish a notice to Kerr II. K. M Inr lli$ K(i nf gt$ Jkmi nf N Wg himI 1aI A. uf Ke, 4, Tp. that effect, describing tbt district in re- press trains to the Fait daily, dWS.hKi N nf Hi W. Hull Ukv MmLiino 0l spect to which they are made, and that Uoiminm tiir fnlUtwiuv wiiwKwi to iimvu the naince wplbeiqirn to inspection fur hitUNHilimuiM iinb Wii Pul(ifinu OFFICE 15 W. 2ND SOUTH ST. of, Min! Ian L rwiilmipn j ten daya, during which time written ub-- ! TICKET vis: Jdlm A liWillmtu. llobrK WilPHin Cnawrliuw, ill Wystl, fioroui jectiona to aaid asaesament and appeals of Wlli-ilTsidHp ruunty. Utli. sjtn, to tbs council fur the correction of eaid D. C. IwnoB, A. K.Wklrv, I. II.BkRMrrT W. W. Muusimii, Hjrrou Gron, asssssmeat may be filed with the City OCH, Mxr. U. F. T. A- BMpt. Ally, Iw Claimant ia ? ... v - i Are you willing to work fortheceuM of 1'rotivtiun iu piecing reliable n in tins hand of your acquaininfer-natio- tances ? If you ere, you should be identified with The American COL C. TV. Protective Tariff league, IEA9f. SUNSTRUCK IN BATTLE I rot. mii. Ear mkoicai. ro mcnAirr, , I iiiii.I khv Hit lli'.luriilfl krnim mill 1'Uli lw iluiin uio mHiil. I HAVE NOT Al mil YEARH ML A NOW. Tli Martini iHHiit nf mjr ilnmir wn c uaaiMk Curt mrlwl In built. a EimlMin. Iaiu'MRIiii. June 14lh, mti I'n to til Mine nf liegiiiiitiig In Hike Hr. Mile Tjiii mui 1LT A CUP OF Kmirillr 1 hid IihiI cim- llnnul (li.trui-ilnihiiii In my liemi; hIo, ink pell, end ill-- imt fmir I have Had to up irntldw yflin an end mtmy tu Hm of aluKHPlir,(In I I liou. niniitt. a for m r I iu e CL L rould net wnlk uanM ilm utm-- l I KNOW YOI1C HKUKIHES lilt K ( I IIKH ME. end Hut the curt-- will be prriintnrnl. Kevrrnl g 1 e THE CO TO Log Cabin Shoe Shop For Neat mid Prompt 1 NIGHT the complexion makes PURE AND BRIGHT. Mil'll I! 1o)ri krtBtrof (Henry plant. llrcrssd. KMicr m hm liy invrn by the andrrriened, MlmiiiiMnitrr if the Frtatc id Henry Plaiit ilin.Ktil. tu Iheireditm of. and all prnuua hm tup riuinis araumt the Mid dtnaed to rx. hii.it them with llie imxia ry vouchers, within Ian tumUii lt-- thr hrt of thin ntilKr. tolhe aiideiltnini.tn lorot the late of the n id lira am d, in Kk'hmoad I I, in Cai-hLVuily. I tuh. HLKkv IRuyaa Pl.AKT, Adniiiiirtn.t(T.f the Palate of 'Ueecased. Slice o g m rated November 4th, itlpj. BUY THE Paints, Oils, pay-men- t, 1 Lcan, fnrTiiK N'atios t'urniwTiiv Nation. s ( fitful Tiir Nation. They (.11 uniat trial Tiik Nation in order to lie posted un llie i:rf cl tin- tint Sulka-rila- DruSisisi prea-enie- I.oasii, Vtub Comer Mam & ... and Retafl 1 XjGHT HUHHIKG ED. RYBERG, 1iop. Wholesale ompany. and Varnishes REPAIRING. MS J. RITER BROS lOf KKDITOH. HkKKV PLAKT, Boot .... Mn-islli- THOUSANDS - deu-riuin- e N vVJ Q npK here an indnif jnur siikiIi.-- , end Mil mimum well ol them. Ynnr irnlr. I Til. i W KEAN, Kellnnel Milllnry Iliniie, Huytiui.O. In PR. dll.rNNKRYlNK the mart nr. tein cure Inr ll'lwlilrhr, NrurulKlu, Nrrt. an Proatrstinii, IIiiiIwmi, Npusma, Warp. IrMurnw liullurw, ttlura. uhiI 0mhi, Hatdl. COuUum uu mmliu ur daiWMiui in him. Sold ou a Fwltlva Guerautee. Dr MILES' PI I.LS,50Dosc2SCtr ! c JA II H O i Crand Western, Colorado Midland, flte ison, Santa Fe Railways. Topeka IM.ssi:i) liitr Hm ml I I 135 W. 330 ST.. NEW YORK. ON lUa autfce out and send II la Me Laapuw Mating your parities, and give a helping hand ueci-ewr- - iSomr People kl NH- - Frank!? First National Bank. - I) ! b-- n m-iu- I l.-i- LOGAN, UX AH.1 pm-ae- 1 , deU-riuiue- s THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Send TEN cents to IS Union Sq., N. Y., for our prlzo same, Blind Luck, end win a New Homo Sewing Machine. The New Home SewinE Mechine Co, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COP YRICHTS, etc. n- - to Hifnrmafinn anil fw H iinIUn. forML'NN l'U ;il llliHA IlH A V. NEA )UKe i fiifuf in AiimHik Okiia unnxiu fur pmimi nati'ia liiAn mii hv ut it ouiNie uratM4M kitvu sne 01 ciurv iu iim ORANCE, MASS. UM8M ticntific auifritan Limt CP'MSq 11 & In tbr Afnr pnndtiS pniwr VDH'iniMilT illnirau a. N mii'liirtni wuno. mM fhnuitl IN Without it. 4 V;iL1t. iuoi.iIil A',dlnk MI'NN nr: Util tiroBiiWiUs auw York Uijr. K,Hiu, C. SQUW.W.D--kS'w.4'M. L. FOR SALE BY C(eupr rtnu1atl-- h Me mus.xH HARRIS BROS. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. a1-- -' ' L" The Your Mid-Wint- Favorite te Paper : - Ami 'ilit-l.dii'- er ra -o to all Business. The American Method Painless Dentistry. Paper RijiiMiran Fumily Garcflil Attention given Fair! OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 ncn-.ise- is I.-ii- The - Logan l!k Nation Gives all the news of Town. Comity and State, anti as wurh tional news as ui;y other paper of its claas. - ! Vom Home Would lie Iikcmiilete H- DR. L. WALLICK, : Na- tionofthe . Mnl-Wtiip- without it. ( IkeW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Fas-1v raeis. i"l ttviall the Rrmr.1 newaoftlie railed fin tge lnr.da in s nutahrll. It ba Mali sued the wi.iM H pier the 'iwqu ti.li drjaTimriitr Icr "Tiik IOwu.v Cisci e," nnd "Dl l Vovku Folks." nf wives and' thr la " III tv AM' ! 11 n tv'' I'hiiii'a di w. uiiti.rlal. Slid biwuMlt'lis srr .inrrr- a'daiiyl'li I1 Hr ynural soil ttu.iitiw- H" 'Ac.eiiTl.TCSSL". drjiartmnil has noj lintfirr are rKegniscd authority tn ' M ujy rior In the ci.m.tr)" IU I all jtiits nf tlie brad, 'i. saiusAi. rvrrtJ - Ihiui ii'T" FOR ONLY j $2,50 Vrirk W'rrlly Tril.imr. j The Logan NlIioii, peryeur Total j r j prr yvur. fi 00 fi.js i Ik ... j.50 W c Furnish J?oth Papers For $2.50. j D j hnl.-niHlon- s May 1 ! Prim si any Tune. Address all Outers to; THE LOGAN NATION. I 1 C.l . |