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Show Utah Univsisit y THE VOL.. Lectures - j NEXT WILL COMMENCE au. I fancy work; 20 hygiene, 20 Icclnrv in L modioLl 10 lectures Oil (llM fuiUl gillilbU; a lew luMXjUS will Ih- given in li(urdudd lsvilt-k- 'There will also be ping. optional lectuies in dairying and Landry work, uul a courts of reading along bmhmm linea. Th led are? on renting will be accompanied by practice iu a well organized modern kitchen, accompanied by table setting and serving, and presiding over dinners. The ile)Mirtment is well equipjied with sewing, laundry, kitclum anddiuing rooms. These will lm brought into use to illustrate the lectures. The above lectures will include not only the art of but of entertainingsewhig COLLEGE. A Special Winter Course of WHICH LOGAN. UTAH, PKIDA M. AGRICULTURAL MONTH. They Will Begin January 2nd, and Continue For Ten Weeks -- Will be of Social Interest TERRITORIAL HAPPENINGS News Items Gathered From Oar Exchanges. TO ATTEMPTED POISOH HER UNCLE. Home-keepin- g, her Items. y home-keeper- s, rsprc-Hented- - home-keepin- g. two-thi- nl - g. y dr-vote- d fa-i- s - v wi-l- dangi-rous- c home-keepin- g, sv , NO. 07. 1HOH. when he struck tlm grouiiV it was nil irnnv iu such a jsisiticn tlmt hi right UnLirUilliin U UIILfll I leg was broken between ths knee aud hii. llo will bo laid Jp for; Work ou the Midwinter sometime. Dr. Hosiuor if in atProgressing Nicely. PLAISANCE IS NOW IN ) pawm-u- i to Sail Francis, n aml lus pnHny will Ik rriuriif.i iii jliis home station fid or (bulge. ill llie saiuu coiim-clioii- , ami in J Fair - CHICAGOS of freint will h,. rerun. Id, tiK. TEISCO. : 1. Yundylo, of tlm Southern Paeiffie freight olfic was The Southern Pacific Railroad Has painfully iujured by tming thrown Hade Known the Rates of Fare from a horse he was riding near to be Charged. the railroad yards. ,Tl,e horse stumbled uud rolled ovm him. He Five rainy days out of seven Iiun .is doing been the weather record of the was taken home, wlie pitt . . , as well as could Iw week lit ban Francisco, bill it him.Ogden Standard. made little or no ditfcrence iu the The Herald's Imhv projrivsn of Work on tlm buildings of that tlm CnliforuiK Mi,lwiut4r lnterii:i-tiun111 iriinTrii ii in i i In the during Monday afternoon the KxpiHiitioii, sugar factory tossed the 3,000,000 cal Arts building, where tie rKf was pound mark with everything run- all in place, tlm work of interior de Hut very hitle (oration was pushed forward without ning smoothly. iroulde is being had with the heels the slightest hindrance, and mid, r except with a few tons which w.r the half finished roof of the Mann, laid upon the ground. for lack ( turcr aud Liberal Arts building storage room, sud were injured hy great deal of inteiior work was doii-a- l the frost. When they are milled times when it rained too hard to they caused some trouble. Tim proceed with tin coiixt ruction of tl. In the llortieiiliiir.,1 muiiHgriucul of the great factory nmf itself. are now of thu opinion that in the and Agriiultural building uud in l e neighborhood of 4.000, 11K) jy. uuds Art building tlm ram has caus, J of sugur will be turned out tlii practically no delay whatever, and season. Tlia factory will be run- llie eariM'iiten on the Adminisning for another mouth if present tration huihling Imve made just at. conditions continue. Dnriug th uiucli iircliitccturul hay ns if the hiiu coming year the company wili had lieen shining all the wlii'e. erect several more largo storage As fur as the concessional work ia sheds for the beet crop and next concerned, then has lieen no time fall will lm able to take earn , f lost nt nil, and it would hare to rain many thousand more ' tpns of tlm pitchfork uiul saw logs, literally, to tuliers. It is very probable tlmi keep tln se people from pushing forthe fsetory will he kept busy ward with their plans, for, if th y several mouths longer next season are uni in readiness when the Expo than lias lieeu the case this. silion opens oil January first, they A daring gang of burglurs have will he just so much out of pocket, lieen infesting Eureka ftiT" sevtral for it is tlm clink of ' tho coin that m mills aud as a result a great they are looking forward to, aud tin many robberies arc lieing reports,!. KxpoKition management is in no Eureka seems to have, more than greater hurry to get this part of the its share of hard luck, an it is suf- eoining show iu readiness than ll.e c concessionaires tlieniMdves must fering from tl. .Tis djjb misrule as wyTT as reign Liter relays of the (piece people of terror. who danced on the Midway Flaissnce The Uio Grand Wnstcru freight in (Miieaga, and' who were in different ways jiinneted with the Columstation at Paysou was bian arc continually lieln-tThe thieves Exposition, l Friday. themselves to a choice lot of coining to towu; tlm hotels arc filling arc merchandise. up; bomdiiig house keeper In clothed the expansive smiles, The Nephi Plnaterj mills are trade people all over lowa.up liegiun-inmaking preparation tn close dow u to feel the clfect of the eoiuiug for tlm winter. The ciinpany has Ex;wMiiion, and tlm Expoilion fund over a thousand liarre k of plaster is a feeling eoriespondiug effect at on hand. llie tradcsmople nwake to the fact At tlm end of tlm piiwent month Hint the liigger the ExiHisilion is the tho Provo woo in milts will close will lie their trade, during down for a month hi order to bigger the perio I of its make tlm huuqhI clean-up- . In order to get ahead with tin allot incut of spue; in tlm dilfercni. while from Play you iny, 415 to $35 will jiut iu your house buildings tin; exposition manageom of the lHst Pianos or Urguim ment has f ilm. I it necessary to ill the world; 1ml mee uliout as you fix nil absolute limit fur Uie recp tion wf applicilio i fur space. Tii.it please, of W. S. LAiuoreaiii. if date Ins been lix d at D rceiulter first, NEW TIME CARO so that Urn bl of t im box, so to p,; ik, . Serious Accident at Frisco-Thro- wn off From a Bucking Broncho-Ot- home-keepin-g, lilw-rall- DKCICM1 son of W. Deputy Sheriff Norrell.of Provo, course of practical arrived from that city on Satnrdav lectpres relating to the Hrt and evening, and arrested, at her resiscience of Agriculture, and also a dence on east Second South street course relating to Domestic Arts, Salt Lake City, Mrs- - Emma Van will liegin at or Patten, whose buslmnd was for the Agricultural College of I 'tub some years foreman of the Brook-ly- n on Tuesday, January 2d, and conmine at Bingham. Something tinue for ten weeks. akin to a seusation was the result A course of Agricultural of this action on the part of the Lectures was given last year tlint INFORMATION. GENERAL authorities, w liicli was a thing alwhs nttemlid by farmera from Terms of Adinisson. No tuition together unexpechd by the lady's twenty to sixty yearn of age, that will ln charged. Admittance will friends and aequaintanees. The gave ua very great eneonrage-nien- t. lie without examination of ratten Mrs. any charge against Jt is Imped that the enure So far as kind. Thn purpose of these lec- is a very seriona one oiening on Jimuarv 2d, 1894, tures is to place within the reach can lie learned it would apjiear will be nmch more at of young farmers and of that in Octolier of the present year tended, imil tlmt the different who Lave not had the she was visiting an uncle, one Mirtimis of the Territory will be time, means nor inclination to Soren Nielsen, at Ephraim. On . well take the fuller course in either the evening of the 17th of that COtUIBE OF AOll rn'LTl'KAIi T.ECTCKFS agriculture or domestic arts, the month, Mr- Nielsen, after eating The Agl'icultural Lectures will more important truths that hear a light supper of rnusli and milk, cover the following subjects: Gen- upon the science and art of farm- was taken very Birk. He remained eral agriculture and agricultural ing and so all night nnd died early next Hoard cau lm secured at $3.00 dny. The symptoms were tlioso chemistry. JiO lectures; 30 lectures in lmrticnlture; 10 in eutomnlogv; per week. By giving a weeks of poisoning and a cat and a numG in In in veterinary notice railroad fare at ber of chickens which ate some of science, and daily lectures on rates will he provided. the mush also died. Owing to the The College hae a four years Huddenuess of the demise aud the dairying, or practical exercises in the (bury rooms. In iid.lition tn and a two years coarse in agri suspicious circumstances surround these leetnres there will lie a culture; a four years course in ing, an inquest was held when it special course of reading, nr the d micstic arts, a commercial course was developed that rough on rats' selection as a sulmtitulc uf some of two years, a course in civil en- had been put into the food and it one class in the College. A gineering, and one in mechanical also appeared that on the mornir.g course in nitieal economy is ad engineering, covering four years of the day on which he died, Mrs. vised. each. Van Patten Lad bonght a bottle of readThe lectures given under eaeli A home Coarse. landannm at the drag store and Heading one of (he alaive headings will lie ing coarse will he organized if a the empty bottle was afterwards if juurjg'lieid nature, just enough demaud is developed for it. found in the boose. I)r. Olson, of the sciences involved being Institute meetings. Home mem-lx- r who made a jmstmortem exor members of the Experi- amination, testified at the intaught to mate clear their relations to the art of farming. A ment Station Htnff or College quest that Nielsen had died special effort will lie niiule to pre- Faculty will visit convenient from the joint effects of some sent the liest methods now pre- IIhcpb iu the Territory where a corrosive poison such os that vailing in ngrienlfnro nnd to nmke request is made for a fanners' known aa rough on rats, and very elenr t he relation of science meeting- Practical subjects will from opium or laudanum iHiisuti-into every-dawork on the farm bn discussed. The accused whs also n To illustrate: under ngrirnlturr It is hoMd tlmt tliu winter witness at the inquest and some the subjects of tillage, of dairying course of Induces ttbove lueiiliouisl suspicions of her guilt were then of shirk breeding, lock feeling will he fully attended by the entertained, hut not sufficient to irrigation, manuring, etc., will lie young men nml young women of cause her urrest. The coroner's considered. while under ento i lie Territory. Every effort will jury returned a vereict to tin be made to inuko these lectures effect Hint the deceased came to niohigv the lectures will lm entirely to insects injurioiv--t- practical and valuable to those his death by jioisoii administered crops, their life. history who attend them. by some person or persons unFor further information address known nnd there the mnttcr rested and Tiienns of exterminating (hem. the undersigned. nutil Saturday evening when FITITAL T'AIRY LFlTTIIFS. W. Sanborn, J. Mrs. Van latteu whs arrested. Tim College has now s very President. It is said that Nielsen was quite complete ilnirv department, well Utah. Logan, wealthy, having lieen worth organized and ir thn hands of an $10,000 and 30,000. The will survey expert. The NOTICEI grand jury is now in session nt the seienepiif dairying, while exerThe annual meeting of the Provo, whence the accused has cises will he taken in the dnirv shareholders of the First National b.ien taken, and will have the rooms in butter mating, and. if Dank of Lognu, Utah, will is- held matter before them forthwith. there ;s a demand for it. in c!t(-at the (milking rooms on Tuesday, Deseret X ru t. making. Ftiepial attention is in- Jan. 9th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p. m. James Gray, a young men vited to this course, ns Utah i. Tin business of the meeting will known in Park City, sud who nuts of finest its nine large Inlying lie the election of directors for the to Mountains so.: started of from butter thn East Henry grade and the considera- weeks with James in Tim making of the liest grades of ensuing year company ago tion of such other matters as may lintler is the most profitable Collina, met with an accident Tuescome liefure it branch of fanning that is ooii to properly day last nt Frisco, Utah, that will ItirLEY S. Lyon, Utah runners. lay him up for several days. His Cashier. Ths dnirv rovers nn nn nrea of Colts, dropjied gun, a was discharghis ockct and from Hi feet by 3P reel, nnd is iqiiipjied FOR THITRY DAYS willi Imiid nnd ed, the ladl passing through his Niwer churns batter workers, with the centri- Twenty-Fiv- e Per Cent Discount, right leg lietwceu the knee nnd BhIk'uo. cheese vnts, (lie fugal $:U0() dollars worth of Dress ankle, without touching either of milk tester and nil other necen (in oils, Wool Suitings, Habit 1'loibs the Iniiios, nn.l made nu ugly look , flesh Ladies' and Children's Cloaks anil iug though not sary appliances. to taken tlm was wound. lie aiits. romsi? in ikimi-stiWraps, etc., etc., etc., at 23 per The objict of this course is cent discount at Z. C. M. 1. ogan hospital.in Halt Lake, where lie arrived Wednesday afternoon, his similar to tlint of llie course in U ranch. is There mother nml brother being there to selected Isaac Mgr. Smith, Agriculture. meet him. Tlm wound whs dresfrom (lie fuller College course in Mo Other Place Like It doim-sfised and Jiin will he around aguin arts, those studies and The best place for all grades of iu a few days. Park Ilerord. exercises that directly on nnd is organized to slums, also rubbers and overshoes Beuuy Birch met with a had meet a demand that lias develop' d is at Audivas Peterson's. The accident on Thanksgiving dny. milking and repairing department He was for special work in cooking, etc. riding a fractious broncho is ulwuys found complete. nicusE of u:cTrnKs. upon the court house hill when GO Good shaves, buneum hatha. the animal took to bucking, throw- lectures will lm given in ing Benny high in the air and cooking; 50 exercises in culling, Ths Palace. F. Purser, Frup. f A special NATION. LaOGAN F'1unw cal ions on the subject, the pnliii,- - is infArnu-that tl.e rcspivt fully Southern I'ntilii Coinpaiiy lias arof ticketn ranged for three cIiwm-ill comicctitiii with the Xiohiti,iii, the raUs of which are as IoI'own; Class A Half Lire, or nne-wa- v rate fortottiid Iriii wilhVJ..ii) from all station located over ttoii mil,- from San Fram-inco- . II CliiH One Hit-- one. lil III fare for round trip, with 2 ad. id, fnuu all stations located over loll i.uic-- i .hill ill iie from S - ) (not to C One all. I one. lift I, fare Class for rouiio trip, with (1 .ill iidilcil, j i rent all located within loti u.ili-- s trout San FraneiHco. l Tlm luiniiuuiii rate will HE IS SUING FOB DIVORCE w. A. Iivine Seeks Legal Se partition From Ilia Wife. THE A s - LEW ACTOB IN a LINCOLN TRAGEDY Year Ago Irvine Shot a Nebraska Banker Who Had Debauched Hls Wife. cial from Liucolu, Neb., to Sait Lake IIf nil, I II. Irvine, of Salt bake City, with his attorney, Judge Power, is in the A (lie to lteused in Irvins wife. I killf l M lln-lniniu the (ii-riii N.ition-i- l h.mk, whom he clmreed with deliuiiehing his wife and ruining his home. At his trail ia this city he was acquitted. lb then ligin proceedings for di voice, and on account of the li.; 41 . contest by Mr. Irvine, finds it necew-nir- y Knl r iiiv tiekei coupons to llu-tto secure d,Nisitions relative to the Fair grounds will la sold wth her guilt. Mrs. Irvine asks alimony the railroad special tickets, ns fol and claims tlmt Irvine is worih $20,-tllllow: For Cliixs A, live ate coiihiii-- ; Powers he wiil 'liinks Jiulge for Class It, four gate ms, for secure all tin evident e lit client CIiikh C, three gale coiihii. Mis. Irvine is also lit Ilia The Soiillierti I'acillc Cuinpany lias city uud is represented by leading reta'iilly conceded a (iliecn lawyers. stop-ove- r privilege oil tickets from the East, so tlmt visitor toCaliforniu TUhN IT DOWN. will have a little time to iu other part of the Slate than in the "The cup Ilia' iLcith" and aka "inebriates.'' That is not the cup for man immediate vicinity of San l,'ran(-iio- . . Ollier railways are doing their aliare when lie pi talcs. Fur it auiety iiVrnnistcrs him and never sates. in tt-- matter of tranKrtuli-inA All spirits addle pats flio round trip rale has already imeu Aud 0khi wide tlie gat-wcl of the Missouri T.iKatan, who nwaits Witil crafty Imits Hirer and the chance ia good for a II r i n ks ad e pt $10(1 rate from New York and reDuwuuwep t, turn, while the big cut already made Wh'.aa luuiiia Ini-illby the Canadian may rcaull lie in a better rate all around. . Quick kiss The class; An arrangement has Imvii made Hut icings emo-craliduring the past week bv Dire-to- r It briugi iicuecd de Yo:mg with the firm 11 j"y; who are. inaiiufaeluring t'm lironz i And Mleul tlm late group of atutuiry wlii.-Your weal. I aines Lick provided in hi will Turuitdrowu should lie erected iu front of the Ere it down New Ciiy Hall, that the heroic figure Wiili sudden (tool of California, which ia lo Miruiouiil Your very life's blm. liuware lhesrieiit'H tuutli, this group, shall le placed in the knows not any let nor ruth. It central under g tin vaulted ice mid to usHiiugo thn pain It Inti, roof of tilt Manufacture and Lila-ru- l It tpiick invite to try tlm bitn again, Arts Jinihling. Tni lip tire stand till fatal bile! it's wiiHnn dulls the brain IS f(st iu heiglit a:d will n.t iipxii u And saui thu juices that iis thoiil.ts so that ii will tower alaive sustain. A spirit it linssis o'er it nestling of woe; a spirit lliut nmvestill you everything else iu that, part of the cun not Kiy no; a spirit tlmt tukea you Hxjmsiiiou. Tliu figure represents afar from thn wuvs that lead up tu honor Eureka, standing erect with a pe r iinl lueiilcd jiraih,; u spiiii tliut ill her hand and a shield by Iter side, your eyes, cheeks aud noae;a spirit while at lu-- feet is a grizzlcy tauir, Dial paii.lxull Ibiiiga "eouleur de ris-e- ; a s. irit wlionn wiles wife ni.,1 cliildn-typicu1 of California. di cry; n spirit hat quenehes sll g.iul ai. .1 high, lo conquer this rpirit Good Luck to the 1'iflh Ward. your sf iiit'a lsst shown ua with voice tiad you turn the eup down. "Won at Last,'' at the Fifth Ward Down! Turn i down! 'I tie unit is your Assembly Hall suit preformed by own, down, tirinly down, uud earn victhe diiuocraiie hocictv, is sure to tory's eruv.'ii. - Stillwater 1iivin Minur, now lie said to lie shut. Enough Ik u g rcut success us all tin oilier Conimein-iiiSunday, Noveuilier 2itli. applications hive bi.-- r.msivel ta have been that were given by NOriCE OF DISJOLJTION. plays M. fill all the buildings comfortably. the same eniiiiany lust winter. It AKKIVP, Smile of them will Ite full to over- - i Notice is hereliy given that tho a comedy drama uud every Imdy No. 9, Krein 0Un Salt Tsike .... G:40 i. in. Hosing, lull a readjustment of tlm shoiild go and see it. Also the law firm of Rich & 1irh, consisting classification iu:-.No. 11. From Oudi'n. Salt possibly tie re lsati!iful new scenery winch is Imiug of (ic urge Q. Rich ami llelwr C (.'. Lake Jill pointhSouth sorted to, so tint there will nut be i nt'P"h is this day dissolved by mutual the Next 9th painted. Saturday and lutsl 12:10 a. in. great deal of crowding. 8 o'clock. coiixuit. 'junc-tinNo. 15. Fr-f'aeliB There sceliis to have 'been a little All indelilcdiiess of, and to Iks and all jilnts North and East said firm will be attended to by misunderstanding among exhibhors CHURCH NOTICE. IlKPAST. on the t'aciiie Coast in regar,l to tilt-- . Hervicns ut Trinity M. E. charcli, lieorye Q. Iticli at kia law office on No. 10. For Ogden and Salt transiorlst ion of their exhibits to the corner of Second nnd Main His Main street, Logan, Utah. Like All of the uiifiniahcd business of exposition, and it may he well to every Huudiiy ut 11 a. in. and 7:30 No: 12. For Ogden. Salt Like stale in this connection that the ). in. said firm will be promptly atthe HcIkmiI 12 in. and all Sunday Emit., transnortution of such exhibits to tu by Samuel J. llick and tended No. ia C'Ihbs and ThursI Meeting, Prayer n,l pointsXorih. 10:00 p. m j'"l from the Hair will cost nothing day 7:30 p. tu. Parsonage two Lorge (J. Kick who will hereafter at all. Tim regulation mode hy the blocks wet of the Z. 0. M. in the seriated I., on rou lliciu Facillu Company is that Third St., and half block north. Inw business with their ofiice nt the A High Liver ; Unusually lias a lrnd liver. jl', shipments originating it stations on Th public lire cordially iiivitinl t.) old stand of the former firm, and who Pacific JysUm west attend all of our fccrviciu. will tiln oMrate their said firm is bilious, constipated, 1ms iudig'H- - tl,e Souihi-r"n'1 P,.:thmd, Og len, El Ii. M. Haiuiman, Pastor. ImsiucN milter the same name of tion ami (lysp.qV-iia- . If there i Kick & Rich. Ul,,ui"m Benson and Mojave, no orgiinic truubh) a few (loses of j for at the Fair, shall lie inhibitor ( KnKiiK Q. Rich, Tlie W.nlfl's Fa r Parks Sure Cure will tone him to San Francisco at d TIkiiku C. C. Rich. ('an not remain such without the up. Int ks Sure (Ure is Hu; only the Nov. I' nnd kiditoi-- cure we sell on ru' tali, Ijooax look and 20',h, 1893. radiant tin; coiiiblooming I'1 tare 't; exhibitor, INWiitive wbiclt iut licallh alone l'rieo $1.00. nrt. guarantee, p,xiou For sale by Biter Bros. Drug Co. mid the charges prepaid, and that! plirks Tctt, by clearing the blrsid of; Whoop! Tint Palace Barber 1 after the Fair is over,by presenting a impurities, makes tlie complexion re- - Hltop is the place, t thS guin the lute of youth. For sale at' The Chicago Clothing Store wil J.Z. 8Uwsr( give suecisl attention 'i tMtli:illc roU1 ll,e 0,n-- r I u rvsn mist has been Biler BnWi prug Fair that the to probate business. discount sll compvtitoie prices, Company. Jj-de- ut al cx.-ee.- l city taking ilpoiiions hi divorce from his over a year ago sli.it an iy, president of i.it-go- . sK-i-iu- d. iiis-ds- . iia' . , du-ati- iej-dei- is r hus in-.i- a n. po'-nt- er g ! i(i'-bille- . t t ( |