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Show TH6 LOGftN NATION gi11- - w ,mv' ""n"'"' 1,0 runmun AJ1l.1VI.ul nHA inmin, - i m went on mg enuaceim ffta ot Marriage. return would piy for tlis extra lor two or three yeais, during jlJut, Koneisiicliiugly, there tiiuo Mint tronl.-lemany times which tne girl receiveil no visit prol who not over. either, hy from other young men. It does won l.t eive daiaces to a man A home reading course will also' not appear that the eentleinnn ' wlm hrnm.U oil ml f.ir it iwn...:ui:in ie di-ever loke of love or iiimriage; man for lis of .. snfici promise, bryfcti though lie did tell the girl t hail Wliere, theiijdoea the "equality' 'l'!. Is special course i f.oiiipili-ctuever met a young lady wl i .11 he of tin sexes'' come iuf i tM much cannot lie t.nid I fit regimled more highly, that he iu lib lavor ml we iiojie it wil reWIXTER ceive fil'EVIAI. longed to protect her, and. if he THE A the alteption and af rouuge i SE. 1,1 A I i m J. 0. KiwK M. W. M .rrill. Jr.. want any thing or wiy asi tli:ii:liereatter regular James Quayl.t and Joel Kicks enilances Last year we favor! fre silver. SKWSl'Al'ER. A dorse character assassination. We will In given Tuesday aiulSut unlay and now we have ti opanu it. don't it as we have not evenings of each week. Adn.is- AND FHIDAYs, V4Pl'HLIHHED favored it then liecaiise We fiO cents. heurd one of them say they apiou, Nnttirday, T 7.") thonglit it was riulit. We oppose ceiit. HiiMsnlay iuutinee f ir proved of the course the Journal UTAH. j( noWi oil, Most adored master, CACMi COUNTY, LOGAN. i pursuing towards people who children 2"i cents Music by because thou lelleat us to. Ain't t don't ai t ex.n.rtly to suit it. Ogileu. Ib nfs A. N. ROSENBAUM. we honey of the first water? Did insinuation class 'eduesilny of KM'IIIK AND I'lBUHHKR. Ouuvfh'h aiwsAui: lias lieen re- each week; ndi'iisniou M cents. his own master eier dog COM, JNO. F. PRIBYL. vived. The piiiicipid feature For in f 01 maiion mom faithfuly? Di.lever a dog lived, he would make her happy. wonld result its justify. regarding private AthRNMAl K KniTOK. ween bout it i.H its length. It wns lessons etc., get lew for it? Oh. mighty Some, conversation lassed at Farley's euqiiire IIcNDRtDs OF farmers and other i loubtlcKS made so hum so that otlice, Third street. oil the subject of a house WITH SIMILAR RESULTS. master, we are ever remly to serve Hours from KATBM: HVBW'KIITIUN IHHiule in this vallev and throuchtin and the party. All the wiy which the man proposed to buy; would read mid 10 11. iu. to 5 p. 111. each only few ope day. One Year out UtahN all will lie pleased to 1.25 we ask is to lie patted on the back he showed anxiety to clioosa a The democratic mayor-elec- t tf T. H. Lkwim, Jit., of riticiseit. When we get a day Sit Month learn that the Agricultural Col house would lie that .75 if we'll I hrre Month read it. please her. Still, by some local politiiian and W. Geo. Muuager. Thatcher, gave has decided to give a winter Ijogan, called a good democrat. We ain't he did not come to the point, and, lege the of editor Thk a Nation We sell Turk's Cough Syrup on Latent imtteriifl in wall mil at last course of lectures in Agriculture thrashing last week. The got any sense. We don't want the lady's iwtieiice TO ALMHIITY KI.EVELASI Enquirer and A Arts. Domestic full ac .1 worn she linoleums him sued for ami breach iltxir oil out, cloths nt positive guarantee to cure all refrained from commenting on it any, only enough to vote the count of will be .found on same S5. himI throVit and Inug troubles. It hha C. of M. 1. the found promisM, jury It is Haid that the following ticket. It don't take any sense to first iageof today's issue and the at thp tune, lieing desirous first of stood the his for miuy years and that conduct did W constitute an hat a joya good democrat seeing the Logan (tapers. prayer was offered, at the close tit attention readers is directed Kotice of tli.3 Irrigation is Keeting. of A to implied promise lea.hug r.nujjy lor marriage. They lisive since come to hand, w 1 a recent democratic convention in ful thought! Wo don't have All pernim intern ted in the fjouan & the cure of verdict of three thousand dollars to it colds, is all and work is it Onr not that worry. itiapcd plain close of tht the Near deep very ColoradolifDKon and Lojjan & ilyde Tho nmences Tuesday, down Irk Canals ami all diseases of thoeousumption, was given to the lady, throat and is in usdamages Mr. All Thatcher's out for is that nature expected m and arose are convention the chaplaiu liereliy nutitted that a meeting will Tumi and continues 50 Trice and this cents been verdict now ami $l.u(). do. has a big witle streak of the savage iiuheU id the CViurt Iluuws Lopin, lungs. all the delegate reverently bowed is to do what we are told to for tei? he course of alii For it sale, ruied iter the term. ibos. by by man. That streak got away with Moiulay.Dec.4th.atl2 o'ulnck 111.. for general Drug Co. their heads while prayer wan We thank thee.oh, Cleveland, that LI tures will be com Agriculture the of heariuif the annual purpose The rule renort not does whatever culture and refinement apparently Cleveland. we are democrats; wp thank thee offered to almighty nnd cover fifty lectures in of the Trustees and fur levying a tux fur Bather Bleep work Uith ways. A uirl is al plete the for in the man's nature, when he exist thee thank for the filled voice was panic;we The chaplain's in suy otlitr form is und the tuke Thau for the tranauctioii year and of 1U, general agriculture agricul- struck the free to break off an engage Republican editor. It any other businen that may come Wfore what many other with emotion awl the rcairter ex- hungry ami idle men and women ways tural lectures people think anil chemistry: thirty wan without just cause that the lue leetiDK. in the couutr) ; we thank thee for ment, however formal it may have will is Tea made be 'ark's for Just those perienced great difficulty in getting ..in ten given. horticulture, it is the privilege of the sex WH, WTTKhN. attack was made, and if public THO. TAbBKT, the low prices; we thank thee for in etiiinnlogy. six in liotany, fifteen folks. cures It every wont. It is going the rounds conslqiutiou anil Al.HA HaURIM, to change its mind. With the of Logan does not severely TOIW QtTAYLB, of the press and we print it ko the liauks that have dusted and iu veterinary science, also daily opinion not 1. W. a cathurtic moves the tlifliih T. II. Ruhr, Ballaso, cenBure the mayor-elec- t, that city, NT. G. CamsTKNARN, the thousands of business failures more reason, a girl may break an lectures in that all inr readers may see it: Trustees. bowel sale For Aside at ltiter from ilay. every dairying. with all its fine schools, is lacking 8t since thou hast come into nwer; we engagement which has lieeu im these there will lie. a . IJms. Diug Co. J. EL Cowi.fy, Oh, almighty and course special childmuch of being as far advanced as plied, but not expressed. As n of Cleveland, who art in Wash- lhauk thee for the rags onr reading, and doubtless a course Frovo. to nut it does a rule, the for thee we thank help gill ren wlm wear; thou in political economy. ington, when not fishing; the reputation of a jilt Here we also have an editor cbii'I ait the father ot Until and lluth's .lot lies our wives need and Every lecture will lie of much of some most the lut A young man came to thou what thrasher. for distinguished we thank thee the of the. father get; sister, ami god interest anil of a practical nature. and jMipular women of the day onr not what so long ago, and and liauker for the done city hast father democratic iarty will be of special interest to (its had episodes of the kind in They have established . a business. Not knoweole: for the not doie has thou wouldn't own it if he here), farmers, and jespecially to those their career. the nature of the these all early for we ing thee thank man, the we hail thy name as (he great po who desire" tit,' learn more of the tin l'erhant it be worth honored him with election is our public might t a? liecause it duty lineal prophet of tin century. hiiigs arts in fanuuig, for if properly wiiile of the advauced thiukerf to the City Council, vrher? he so. to do It democrats may in hmulile good We liow down to thee it tended to it) certainly is an art afterwards became of will Alio clamor for the absolute ami should iMjIitical obedience. When thou be against the grain, but we bf considered as such. the Council. He waspresident of the to to sexes elected also try quality medicine. take our est when thou say I .otnreg will also la given 011 the sayest go, we go, the incongruity between of onr Chanilier of ComWe will woik our wives to death We have uo science of datying. Too careful president come, we come. claim their ami had the a fine business and merce, philosophy our sacrifice starve our children, thou desire but to servo thee. If attention can juot lie paid to this of to women was into prominence iu kill special growing ami swear will we homes, crucify lilierty, branch of fanning. It should be sayest black is white consideration. is onr It Cut his dis bock perfectly will never coramcnity. but go to it, and lick the everlasting stuf prosperity, meof the most profitable to the who went to obvious that a seemed best suited for nian position on and thee old on our dear who party, fin' out of the man farmers in Utah in general, and disputes for law to ask from ither a which was lines, damages girl Thou developed most Cleveland. adored onr we it. When thou takest snuff Cache valley iu particular. Here when he made a brutal attack on would lx who him had jilted of account all us than art more free put will sneeze; when thou sayest we Lave thousand of acres of aa a member of onr staff From that of court; yet girls But silver we will echo thy voids; together. Thou knowest more than laughed out fine graziqjjnnd an can ls found time on his star of glory has been for breach of promise, not only when thou sayest gold tlaeu gold the Honth and West. Call us fools, The water in this valley anywhere. on the decline. Many people have 011 the sentimental ground of a is rpit in our faces, wie your fept to the best in the world it is. equal broken refused to patronize Lira longer, heart, but on the inon and there ia We are democrats after the im- on us, wa will live thee all the an milimiteil supply and Lis offices are near at an end. that then of it. And now onr jHiliticn! praetical coiiieiitioD for proved modem tye. Our busi more. Everything if We matrimonial beei market has believe the same course we leave vote father, & SANDS, ness is to vote the ticket and ourselveAyin thy Cache raljejfo berome one of the Ladies be the dis spoiled. ili tlmuV as pursued justify by the people of Lo Do na with care. What is it to us 'er straight. j5aV.!CenT ehvse Shiest pro - limit Ci girl haV after Mr Thatcher Las served whether wjUiuve free mlver or iiojv Kick silver into h juLUJa ot Vfccouu tries in the world, and (ran, ducing brief his a season term. A man who can whirl next more present during , century; give privilege i ...n ,iiu nogs uini fill ui mr it certainly will lie if proper atten not make can hold while his a ma slip more hay, National issue V to the temiier, ought not to master from our fall bmks; crumbs that tMn ia given to it. The dairy DEALERS IN lie he har as a go officer. nny Provo marry long the bill: public we cruuilM liouds; fall When the tables. McKinley preserve at the Agricultural dfnrtnienf in his IkhIv. lirpath '.nflirr. wag our tails; when they fall fast establish Ktate banks; rostertrusts: U College incomplete, fnrisheil with is There full wit somethine don't when we n ag faster; always oriueMMigressmeu all iiPcesKary appliances and is in they pnir;nigc: THE LAST issue of the Journal Tkr ilnftii ttut ii Tnhi U It) S,kA Silki we stand nud wait until they da tish whenever thou wilt, and hunt coarse and vulgar in a breaeh-o- f the hands of ait expert. levotes much of its spaee to de n nml en s thou whenever cuse. The rest, ii of nature This the is This is democracy. sucl nipe promise liiPii mere viil lie a course fending and applauding Mr. kind of democracy that elected our we will endorse everything thou suits is revealed by the old English given in Domes tic Art. "Young Thatcher. to. had Probably they great and almighty Cleveland. Oh, loeat, carry Cleveland roosters, pleadings; the father of the gir1 la lies certainly cannot rfford to As the is familiar with this public most adored master, we love thee campaign torches, and forever, jvis the plaintiff, and he sued fur miss this. Fifty lectures will lie use nud in the Territory. Finest I'liotoii'iipli as we have had onr say vrritium tnnuit, it lxsinc iven in cooki for what thou hast not done for us more sing thy praise. Amen.1' SO exercises in mil joi 11111I showed the matter 1111 in its ip; tor of course that English We love, thee because thou art is a sewiiifj and fancy work rue light and as it is not a matter I'UE SEXES 'irlrt did ciKikiug and Cleveland. Wo humbly surrender THE EQUALITY washing for si) lessons 111 Hygiene; Jt) in 'or continued discussion through their pajias. Those who are !iouseTiold ourselves to thee. Do with tin as chemistry; ten on the he public press, we have thought Srain Street, Ijogan, Utah. curious about branch that of legal farm and gard.ui and a few iu thou wilt A New York court has just de to lot it drop and shall sa, ice net should read the reports 'lotiHchold Though wheat is but forty cents cided what a "marriage engagi-meu- t" pi Optional nothing more about it unless means. It is a question if the cases in which Rroughair lectures will also be given in dairy oe. E. II. ii A. J. per bushel we love thee; though URTIS. essary, through self defense, cotton is low we love thee; though often discussed among young ind Erskine went usually pitteil ing and laundry) work. We may clip a few comments from business is dull we love tliee; ieople. Such a promise, lieing h ipftinst each othrr; they will nriae The lectures on cooking will all lome of our exchanges to give the from the perusal with a enrious 'm cnrneil out 'on the though thousands, millions, are covenant, is often supposed to practieal .mblie an idea of how tho case is oul of n.ent, we love tin?; on the same footing as other cove- iiiiression of the English middle plan Hud fully illustrated. Tin view) ALL. KINDS OF by outside pirties, but though our children are clothed nants that is to say, it is imagined lilacs a century ago. The notion kitchen is modern in every sense. ilherwiue intend alit dropping in rHgs we love thee; though our that it involves a specific offer of if those days wan that the soV Tables will la set ami vietunl iincl We are willing to let together. wife, the dear companion of our marriage by the man and a sccilic 'innoralile destiny of n girl was to nrviHl by fair maidens' hands our case rest with the public, as Repairing and Finniviiin; Ihme 011 Short Xutii e and at Ixiwesi. Possible bosom, looks so shabby that she acceptance by the girl. IJut that e the wife of soma man and. the This certainly m an interesting we have confidence in its judgment rriin. en n't go to church, we love thee; h not the doctrine laid down of his children. If she i:irt of the program ami will ly mother provi and no fear of it- vereict, for 1.1 not attain Ihis destiny, her f sjiecial inten-riton though we are sinking deeper in Chief Justice Church in the In conuet tioi whole community seldom goes debt and poverty is knocking at Horn an rrrmm Karle. He said: life was a failure, and if she could vith tins the dewrtment is wel1 Curtjv I'iKirliiig H.u?r. K M .lirtirn mil r.ml ,r.l. I.iiia, riata. wrong. I a tin door and hunger is staring us KVmtracta of uiarruip- - uiv rye the failure on any one, she fjuipjieil with sewing, laundry ' in the face, we love thee still- This othen. They comvrn the Mchi'' wis epiite right to due him for !e.. and in alaive lectures will aim In thk latter jmrt of August an AVIivuYim Visil Lo.-o- i Call Al The shows onr great faith and love for teresU of hunwn lire uu,l enliM lamages. An idea lias been m includeil Hit' hi t of. home keepinc item apM'nred in this Htier re nt the hmiiai. syiuuiliirti thee. Our wives and children we g:tiuir.g ground in this country of ind entertaining.: These should heart, and the ArUuiii uWliirutioim don mliug a young nun from tlii.-:- i will sacrifice, even as tho Hindoo ami im lite years that women may i.it lie slighteil. plitxl liy purlieu them y who was at the time in Sai mother sacrifices her offspring by lire of' en p..ranK)nliiiKly illii-a!rile il Tliere will be iio clmrge for nd crancisco. a:ul possibly have other destinies; that ine 1. :u was given ttut.-tuS ierI)iiy. there are avenues of usefulness uissiou and no examination is throwing it under the crushing eumtional. As a matter of luw, as strictly co. and by is was Sn hold wheels of the juggernaut. Oh, judge clearly riht for spinsters, with perhaps at The purpose of thesf ixrsou who, at t'ji. tout, v.c v. llndiUartria Fur Cmiiiiii'iriiil Travelr-tand TliMtiid that no formal Imikuiikp in neeefKiri much promise of happiness as is Imps. mighty Cleveland, words cannot ing is to place w ithin the easy islerisl reliable. Time has to oniit'tiU'S thp iiintrm-- t uf niurriHo. proven offered iu the average married 'each of ull who have not had express onr love for tint. We If the iimduct nml dfelarutioiiM of St net Attention (iivni '.0 Hie Comfort iJ IVromi. different, Alfer a tl:oroiiij;li love our party, too. What care imluvlM that lli..y ri'ipir! life. As fust m new occupations the time, means or 'nelinnliou to we are sntinlisl the vet.tiga!ion we aUiiit the many promises it IheiiMelvra mh eiiK.id, i are discovortsl for women and take u full coiirs , In Vain some case wan Mps. J. H. BROWfJ, Proprielorr. nt and thai In grouu.lless lmt We know Iy made? it promised th.yhave Hrritmlm th:i self support is brought nearer of the more imih.rlniit IAKJAN, UTAH. lriilis iiarties reterretl to have limu free silver, ami we know it won't their reach, this idea acquires daiut thr seien.-- and art of fannvimigiil. In justice to thein i The same princii1es have jnsf give it to us, but we will stick to strength. When It I leenmes gen ing. Now is the proper time ti is a matter of l!m tight, we . the party. We know we said if lwii aflirmiHl by the generul term eral, brsadi-o- f promise siiiis will take udvantnge of his ilKive grand is due. stntunieiit opport)eit ilid nut do the things it promised of the supreme court of the fourth to eucumbMr the court tunity offered ,y the College a1edn21.il iihioindly newspHirs to do we would leave it, but we judicial department of New York, calendars. lSoanl can h , ,. for iJJ r uto priutiN;; an item which is not in a cast which was lied when w haid it from appealed l'ut the fact remains that the week and th. would not trne, but wIihu any wrong has We thought then we had some Chenango Couuty, says the female reformers who demand lie heavy while the results would b!eu done an honest nowspapcr is manhood about u, but we "equality of the sexes," only want be marked. to do any thing that 'u haven't. We have no iudepeut It this caie a young man met a it when it com is their way. There Farming an I all branches of willing iu its jiower to right the same. deuce. g Thou, oh. mighty Cleve-- , gif at a and was is proliably not a woroau in the agriculture should ,j reduced to laud, hast all the manhood and iutro luced to her. They attended L nited Wates who does no egree more or a hci i.titic Itine in this Thk oemookaTjc organ says KLECTEI STiai IF IMU SEITS. iu the party. We the same church and tho same with the doctrine tmUV Ui ' just laid down country. Oi ourBe riuore atten citL:ens as W. W reputalde uadre fools, liars, aad he usually by pie 5'ew York court concern- -' Uou must he paid to brne but .he' Alaughun, Jauius T. Uaumiuiul, Family orders promptly attended to. I iee UoiCit duhvvry to all HEM-WEEKL- - ., j Y -- Tl'E-UAV- j UH-u- j j e ..;nt - S . Tm-sihiy- , ! - 1 ; i i.-- i'lo-fi-ssi- ir hii-l- MiH-Lero- 11 e lt thi-n- ! ln-in- g ar tit oflr - - 1 ; 1 Sei-y- Walker - House WHi-e- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH pre-nupt- ial VnieriGan and European Plan. BE0HT0LS Prop. uvry-oryuiTg-fft- "THOMAS & ODELL, -- f 11 BOOKS STftTIONSRY. 1 Mfi piinil bt lssik-kepin- g. nsmit hs.T rt-- sl (fuller Work. Roofing. Valley - ciim-o- give: . f us a unlikr-11!- - h-- call. . Peoples' Hotel, e s ..t f-- s iM nmi.-H.-i- ! I nu-aii- e a-- I di-en- p.-- 1 Prime Beef. Mutton, Veal, tc. prayer-meetin- : 1 iuJi.-p4iidonc- i 1 prayer-ueetag- 4111-I- s, pai |