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Show is over foiiuj Rosenbaum Mr. say every-Logai. thin); in Logan and I'aelie t'tiiinly gone democratic except the pec- pie, and a majority of ihein have e- iolitie:i! prineiiUH pouned flume which are calculated to iiuilil up our instil utious and country, mid that are preparing for a tne democrat sure deleat in liuguu ui tin; eu'iiinu election. Kriglimn City C(ine8im-r;l- i dent Ogden Sluntlurtl. Mr. David JJEllIIiUCAX TICKET. rOlM'lI.XAK, JAMES T. HAMMOND, of Logau City. KEPBFHKETATIVEH, AVLSLEY K. WALTON, of llifli Cnanty. HAltlNEli W. M Eli HILL, Jb., of Biclmiond. ITIl'NTY HITT. SCHOOLS. JOSKl'K E. WILSON, of Logan City. CITY TICKET. oii-tai- MAYOil, JAMES When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sarsaparilla, lie simply orders a iwdtle of Ayer's knowing full well that lie will thereby a surer and purer pm imration tliau any other wli'eh the drug store cau furuisli. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the Superior glAYLE. MABSItAL, CIIAHLES F. KAI1LSTHOM. u h. Whereas, tlio lust Republican Senate hihmh1 u free coinago bill vvliicli whs Lillttl in the democra-Lii- h 1 li,; , I )iuNi Therefore Ik it resolved by the Bcpublicuns of Dux Elder county tt j 0 h 5 as z Will Come 2 "3 5 y 1 T S Out B i z o 0 5 e. 0 h a jx ol ml on our wool clip aggregating a loss to this county of not has limn S'.itUM) Hinl u like loss of. jjdu.OOO to our fruit industry and aiiollier loss of from $10,000 to on our farm products. Wii cliurge the democrats of Utah with misrejiresentution, that You s. 0 ' c g hi euiiveution assembled, that tb j party is responsible for of .factories and mim s mine the el, U1J,J the stagnation of business in That to them is churgeahle the decline of from S to It) cents per ; !!i C j )t ' Past Race! All a. S i t 5 Right. s a Jt a - te, - WHeRe ftRe u ' & 'i m you going? JO d whereas they prumised the people 1 am s going to Farley Bros. There 1 run get the best Lime nml Coal f Utah a reduction of taxes when Jt ADOLPH ANDERSON. the least r u money. They always give full weight and a little to go Imuuty should lie killed, B & 53 BRIGHAM CITY NEWS. the sugar TltEASUHF.U, on. They also carry Box ml instead thereof tuxes iu ALLAN M- FLEMMING. ildcr county are 25 per ceut. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Political matters ure liegiumg higher this year tliau ever liefore. WILLIAM BBANUHAM. to assume a little mors life than Wc are diiinictrically opjamed liidebaktr Waps, Itaies, Celeljraied Frazer Carts, Danilsm Sulkv Flows DEALERS IN for buiua time mhL CITY COl.MTI.MEN. (J (,J favor I free tnuie Niliciis and iu Our democratic friends held f iHiuuties judicially applied to 1ST WAIil), tin! a full liue of Harness and Camping Outfits. their primaries and convention JOS. E. WILSON, iijiiil industries, realizing the fact Xrkttl Kcpplir The fkMpwt Hut il It Blj and Monday. They that our M'uple iiimk! employment Saturday 11ANS A. PETEHSON. nominated Clark llubbard of mid wages rather than cheap goods 2nd wahi), Willard for Legislature mid Mr ami idleness. (1 JOHN E. HOlElHE, Parlors in Hie Terrilory. Angus Yauce for suH!rintemlent We would resieclfully call atjoiin e. sgriKEs. schools. of district tention of our next Legislature to Second Stiieft, Opposite Post Office. Jill) YYAKI). The latter gentleman cun hardly the what Afaiu Street, of necessity I'tnh. Logan, A. P. ELIASON, lie culled a rcsideul of this county. is known ns the Mortgage bill, DAVIS. H. JOHN Ho has been tenching in the wliicli was reMal(d by our last academy, but as soon as lie learn- democratic Legislature, whereby 4tu wako. GciGhc ed that school would not omii this the borrower instead of the lcuder JACOD SCll WElEll, In all Sixes iiul Styles, with the Dsilem in All Kinds of- season, he tendered los resignation of money, or the poor man instead THUS. MOBGAN. as principal and move. I to lsigaii of the rich, pays tlm taxes. Cth wahd. . Finishing, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows,- 1 for the winter. We In licve he has sickness some We are having HUGH ADAMS, no home nor proierty of any kind llannarc, Usm. Elf., Dcliirm! io Any Pari of Fill. M A U BITZ M A V U ITZEN. iiimng children but nothing of In the in the county. now. serious nature just very ono is Tlio Uepnblicnns held their Air. Leslie Nichols returned NOTES OF THE NATION. primaries last week and their from a mission a few days ago ami A, L. SKANCHY. ouuty convention today. The was taken with the chills and StbiA Main and was attended well Loo an Island. (invention The best sausage, home made considerable enthusiasm display- lever immediately and has beeu confined to the house ever since. lurd, fresh and salt meats at G. D ed. IT Yours Truly, IteiHlors. E. 11. & A. J. CURTIS, A number of warm speeches Janteb. Hyri'm l Jackson has been com- were made, Hiul all matters of Bhigham City, Oct. 18, 'M3. 44 MC missioned a notary public for Cache business moved off harmoniously Kffi08 OF county. Invalids should rememher that Mr. Willunl Hansen of Collin Full I.ine of Miss May AIIIA'Fn at St. Charles, ston received the nomination for t he causes of sick and nervous ldaliq vinuiitg with her sister, Mrs. the Legislature, and Mr. Frank headaches may Is promptly on R,ort Notice and at Lowest I'ossibh Fills Repairing and Fnroielifng Buggies, Carts, and Hand Sewed Harness. fj E. tlardner. Fishburn that of superintendent by taking Ayer's ities of i'rice. Mbs- A. J. Heavii.i. of Flat district schools. Both of tlicsi speedily correct irregulai Victor Oscillating lmcelH.nu.l and liver, the stomach, resident? Hock, 111., is in Logan visiting with gentlemen are Ixmatide relitibl most and mildest the are of the county. her son, Attorney 1). A Ilcavill. And anything on Earth that you can think of we have on Kobk. F St., between sad and trJ. lAen, l'luh. in usi. e eathnrtie had lias Hansen Mr. hand. Mb. and Mrs. B. CL Thatcher in tli exjKrience left for Chicago Friday morning. 1 1 WIifiiYou Visit Logan Call At The Disc and manufacture of cheese an is wel will Fair the visit Worlds They qualified to judge of the hel fur a few days. Pi ip, Iron Binding. Nails, Flustering lliir, Dumps. Scales, Fanning necessary for Utah industries. II Mills. Semis, Uupc, White Cuiiviiss uml Bobber Duck, etc., tctM Fnt'iT nml Shade trees may is a man of considerable experRates 31 to $2 per Day. Always on be bud of TilK Logan Nukhehikh ience, broad mind and extendiMl t at Deduced prices. Now is the views, and will work earnestly for lleadtjua-iiprA Fr Ciininieitial Travelers and Theatrical Tmnpes. . time to buy fur full planting. 2t the welfare of his constituentsTo make the hair grow a natural trict Attention Given to the Comfort of Patromi. The county central committee Lt?AN. UTAH. color, prevent Iwhluess. and keep nml an executive committee wi re W. MATTHEWS. MGR. Mrs. the scalp healthy, Hall's Hair organized, and the tight may alBROWfl, Proprietor. lleuewer wan invented, and liu WKIAN, UTAH. ready lie considered on. proved itself successfulThe following platform and reMil. ami Mrs. George Thatcher, solutions were unanimously adoptC.KT Vilfk Jr., left over lln- I P. Friday ed: for Muss., where Boston, morning We endorse the National Job Work Mr. Thatcher will take a course platform mod .si by th in the Conservatory of MusicIMINK AT Till'. land last national convention, esieci-all- y Some of the Presidency ami the protective plank. niciulieis of the Twelve Apostles We denounce the action of tin; R. F. Smith, of Towumla, are cxiected to lie present at the democratic party ill regard to whose constitution was comiiletely Conference the Stake in guurteily bounties and would refer to tl.c broken down, is cured by Ayuri SELECIEI ITM IF SBKEI I NlKli UUCUES, E1C. TiiImtiiiicIc, Sunday and Monday. good results arming from the SiirsiiiKirilla. lie writes: Fuinily orlj.M promptly altcmleil to. Free delivery to all parts of City. ftXkXX Fur i'i;.'!it year:, I , must of tli Lost A pair silver jNilislual iMiuuty on sugar, w hereby so much r. fri.lil poiinIiu-tloD :i miiT.t.t :it rim sieetaele:i and case lietwccii uiuiiey is iaid to the funnels of lime, troulile, ml luill;c-tloCali Liiliicy Ik IMeased Wnuld to Have Ilis Old '"l G. I). BeeJer, Main Latest iHitterns lit wall pners, (ii i uted at the old C . (1. 1'umilrv. s Utah county for J. A.Lislinmu's mni C. E. ' liitt my itrcct, fo( a chouw roast of linoletiiiifl and floor oil clullis at Friends puv Him a Visit. liniki-tdown. I w;m residence. We favor the free coinage ol In Im iiuiii I,' .ivc at this mat to try Ayer's Siiriaiwrillii, Mini tf Z. C. M. 1. ollice and receive rev. .ini. American silver at u ratio of l(i iniliiiiil limk iie:irly kun kiiMi, wiili muh J.Z. L. A. IlElliillK. to 1. attention Good haw logs wanted at the I am lreiared to do Repairs on all kinds of V.iihimry, Kugim, Farm excellent result Hint my htmiiui-lijrivr o pn.liate Mini Lidiieys sre in krfei-Maeliiiierv ami Mill Wml,. U. O. M. dr B. ( V., mi mvount. HisinHS. We believe the democratic li'rl,, James. Thubfe, u brick layer t tl. ir fiiiu tiunx, ami, in employed on the Fourth want party, by its promises of tariff re At tlie tiinn r regular as selioul house, now in course (if form mid free raw mater al, is Ayers Snrsaiarillu, my Clcaing Weeks only lJ!i niiiiiiIm; I iiutr can if tlie Win for the large number of weight construction, dropped through mi ds Fair leave hut a short br of l.iO iMiuiiiU, anil was never in ho iiue for sitiIToIiI which has fell like of llm idle with in a mid yc li. men; eoiiM If ace mo IinnI Don't fnrgit yon uhniiig le, ur visit. hat i he C ion Faciflc offers the best his face mi a trowell. nearly sever- not 11111 known for years, and tin fine and ndcr ymi would want ms fur a tmvcIliiK advertisement. ; lervicn am! ing the nose from his face. Dr. c nsctpient loss to the nation-1 lu'lieve I iiin irei..raiiiin of S.irHiurilU rales as cheap as any ine to t'lii Snow attended to the man's wealth. to In Hie le,l iu Hie market ago. No change of cars V K: ii wounds which though not serious lisas demonational the Whereas, ily via the t'uioii Iaeiflc lid Cllil'S; were very painful. iff cratic party promised last fall, il Carrirs a (nnpiete Sb-o & Alton R. B. See your IT, pans! I.) I Ir. J. Arr ft I o., fainill, Mu. 'learest IJi The si.ciulili- given in the ami free raw reform tariff elected, Feciflc Agent for mica Cures otherSfWill cure you ir other i n ion t'lol! IIok-Church l,v the Ladies Mis. material, and !iPfli'il Fiw'li. i formations. H a. KCOBDEH, CD - & ODELL. THOMAS f BCfDKS i STftTIONeRY. Tl CALL AND SEE THEM. liiotoppli PLOWS. PLOWS, PLOWS! Valley Llunber Yard -- South Rock Pend G-a- Il Guaranteed. Dealing -- - Island -- - o Farmers' Friend Press Drills. Ludlow Sbria Waoas. iMSUVlITHS jALL Koofing, ValleV and Qultcr r give us a - consider-considerabl- Old Rickory Farm Waoivs Work call. Itth-Slct- Tooth I Peoples Hotel, ls, arrows. Hi-un- Isilicral I)escdui - lor Cash. SIDNEY STEVENS J.'H. - (j - n. isi:i:i)i:i, J NATI9N rriGE. - 9 C5 Primj, Beef, Mutton, Veal, tG. .IOS1CIMI W'l NEATS, n n, u, WIN, MACHINIST . Tliors-tenson- l 1 ! liTi-l- i t r , t 11 rlm-k-wor- I1k-;:.ii- i ft. G. Christiansen, s l TAILOR. MERCHANT Uciyliitni C'ilv. 'lull, Ayers Sarsaparilla Fres-tylciia- 51 sioiniry and Chrislmii Kmleavor societies Friday evening was a must successful iilfuir, Is, tli ami The were lliiaiiciuily. proceeds (loiiuteil to Hie Ireslulciiuii I'liureh and will Is; used In defray the Ttte SCHftUB GftLLesY VlFmli lu-l- exja'nse recently iueurred by repairs being mads to the chapel. 1 13 12 Ptetographs fne Im Ii k Tsi v Tint lift ST f AND f NEATEST t FINISH Ydl ll S to Tiie Na-I- h mid in nuy kind of p iin or produce, if tukcu to the! C. M. at once. Rkmkii iikh that you can get nil '(mils of nil work at this ollice, nndj ul lh lui eat prices. t it on M, FALL AND WINTER iilim-riptni- . may Has GODD3. 0s,iiiil a Branch OllieP in Isigaii, Tv a Doors Bast Iost Ollice, with F. Jaitmisks as Local Man.ig r. Mfiisnmneiits Taktni :tnl Kdtisfiu tion Guariiuteeil. GIVE US A CAUL. |