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Show NATION. LOGftN, UTAH, TUeSDftY MORNu'G. OCTOBER 24. 1893. VOL. 3. asked TERRITORIAL TOPICS IN JACKSON COUNTY. ab-iu- had Imvii made, but that udmiltcd that they have i d Uni M,H proper to : Stevenson Visits Sacred Lot. Ur. the , ! IIM .dieted iu the build a Temple nMn Items Gathered From Doctrine and, ; Our Exchanges ('ovi'iiunlH. that w,,,,c ulons.u,'-quantities to r:i emu- - . -. -- The Republicans Have .. y in sulllcicut Tlie noinitus'S for Wm. Ii. .Sioi.-r,.!A. A. McAlister. M. II. r,:iin F. Si ii ire.- Made!?,1 ommeiici'd. THE WINNING TICKET:! wet'e thu mallei t no deal 54. NO. re:.,. ; ,pee the plant. He further staled ".'tat active work will be a. once! commenced and the p'ant pushed t JAM IS OlfAYLE FOR MAYOR sn early completion. "llare you not bad men at work The Balance of the Ticket Is Also Composed of Gocd Solid j right along?" asked the reporter, en" Oil, yes," replied Mr. Urecn, but only a small force. We did! 1 lie Republican City ticket is nut feel like pushing work aheedj u o mnou Nov miter i tli. mode until we cctdii see where tlie money vo tho Iigat- - will ilcimm- was coming from lo pay for it, liut rneme-n- t it by we will go ahead now." j stride . Will the machinery and iron olecliiig .fiM Jiat nmjnrily every work for tlie buildings delay you?" ninn whose name lias bijn plaeen 1 ordereil Xo. the iron fm the on that ticket by thu represeutu tivo eili.ens of fjognn lust Sutur-nnbuilding by telegraph yesterday, ' evening, we expinl to gel it here right Guo hundred delegate, from the away. The maetiinory will lx- for-- ! tie muiiieiml wards of this city, wurde i ut oiae. Mr. Hrecu stated that there will met in thu U rt House Hut unlay be tSUO toi s of iron for Ike Imild. evening, th't. list. Chairman o' W. Central enmmitte ings, ami when that arrives it will City tho calhxl imx ting le uut take long to erect thtt buildings. Mauglmu selection mid a for asked o' When asked us to when they ex- ordei, mid chuirmaii secrc pect to have the plant completed, he tenix)rnry Ou motion I suae Hinitl. replied that thu bluet furnaces woit'd t:iry. for ciiairnnui and I. chosen was prohjdily Im completed bv January 11. Nielsen for swretury. 1st, nnd the remainder of Ibe plan; The various committees wer-thewill Iw a little later. Tfie leiincr.i up(xjiut('d. Messrs T. A. will be tlie last pari :f it .completed, Thorcsen. J. Irvine, Clins. Ihikn and Hint will he completed iilxur-thand (has. Wick James Mortimer latter part of Fehi iiart . committee oi the hind Wlu-treked us to Hie result of tin composed credentials. iiivotications for copHr on; in Hus '1'he coiinuitteii on onler o! Territory, lie replied that they huvi nml xrinanent organ i business plenty of ore. Tlie ruiupxiiy lias Jixd llicks, Georgi were zntion purciisseil three copper. proiHTlii's. one in Tinlie and the other two in Cole, Zeph Tlioiims, J, 1). Know Nevada. Too ores from these mixed leu mid W.E. lartington. tour ballots were, t beitiie nut nominee ivivivi'd the jui lllllllber of totes. I'iie nominee tins Allan M. I'lenimin:'. The last enudi. lilte 1; L . f. i. l nominee Tor wits XiUe. Tlie tin hies iu tli- !i A TllCsere: " illinm lli'aiigliain. Wyoming & Utah Rail McAlister and AuguMu- - li iidun. road Will Build to Logan. William Diiiiigiwiiu hiis chonen i first ballot. KLSU LD 1ROM TIlLaiTi HLS The city ticket lieiug imnle up the work of tlie convent inn was Of The Unio.i Pacific, Cashs Valley uoiii1, and a iiuitinn for Will Come to tho Front With n-' r-- I ; sllec.-s--iii- l The Church has B1C PLANT UOITER SALT LAKES erected a very nice and commodious I BEAUTIFUL U.AKUhN OF EHEXJ store muc'ing house on the uorth-eas- t ju-sside of the street S9 close to the Salt Lake Laborer Suicides Utahs 1. Other Potatoes Superior The church A Description of the Sacred Lot and fenced lot us possible. I Itema -, InIts Surroundings Other is yet incomplete, as it lacks a terestlng Notes. proper head on it, hut in due time Thera is said to lie about fifteen a spire no doubt, will lie built on the snow it. the Blue uiouii-taiu- s, iuchesuf Special CoriMjiotuiriuY ol Thi. N tion edifice. The cost of the building I am rciiiiniU'il this morning of Uintah county. will l ulxjut fiU,UIIU. Founder's promise I have made you when I had beDay was appropri-atel- y There is a law suit bending tiiljiniru-ineutwwritten to you only a short time tween the two fact ions the observed at lha H. V. AcaJoseph imnle nml currim!. since from Ogden's Kdcn, (Ogden ites and Ilendriekites who both demy, lrovo, on the ltith iust. a Bound. valley), that f would write you Isilli claim that they are the true The Enquirer any that Provo ION I'll K 1 I'S. from Adam's Kdcu, when I should church of Jesus I'OWI'M Three cheers for the Wyoming Christ, and are en- needs able councilman, not boys be so favored as to visit that most titled Tin Ib'pnblii'iin city ticket is u und 'tali r.iilrn:iil! to the possession of the sacred and fossilized individuals. The Mured place. intiir, I.ivmi sill simiii lx- - released from lot. The law suit is iil eiy to ter- Enquirer is right. Well, now that grand mid greut minate favorably to those now in in which she hus so Times are so dull in Eureka tlml Ki'piihlii'iiuisiii is Hu tidi wli ifli the time has cmiie, for this viry day I Heudrick-ite- s. h Imiiiiil ads to of lot the the it mi affair by the Union la- a nii'j Logit an dogso possession hs prosperity. insignificant 1 stand on jluil sacred spot, pointed cilii' r.iilroad. for will theme a serve fight The city pint Turnt is oiii ,,f (n out by I lie finger of Hod to his Klder Hall nude an appoiutiucnl for a couple of days. Help is wi.hin reach and it will Ix'st 1 inluptisl by iiny lix-ti- l party Prophet Joseph, in the year s;il , for me to deliver one of my illiistni-lc.- 1 not he long in arming nml tlie day for years. lIelHr, a small town ou the line the Tnniple lot in the center stake it I'liiiies will Is a (lay of which led urea, Sunday, Uct. 15, mi rail-roa of Ilia ltio Grande Western Evcrv lli'p'ibltii ut is pl'vis i 1 of Zion where a Temple should foi (he ,ieple of There are some who will marvel rejoicing 1 in Emery county, is to liuve with tho U'pii'olii'un ticket Ho girut in this very generation. (See . Harden the locaiiou the ('ache of valley regarding electric lights. The plant is lo lx tiro scores of iIi'iiiiktiiIs, and they Doctrine mid Covenants.) Fur : lew days past, a parly of of rMiii here in this choice land and railroad iu the by company. will Vole it. put This land was dedicated unto the of lifiix-- men, eniiiitri'. Of sneli 1 will ask U lo- iiirveyms, merSmith A Wilde, gcm-ra- l Tin1 sx,celi imnle by Isaac Smith Lord and is therefore holv' ground. have been l'aie it otherwise, if they can do so, epiipx-il- , Ihnrniiglily of Coalville, Summit was a most logical one, utnl one I, indeed, feci liiglilv f voi'id t iiiui liml a more desirable and suit- - chants at wmk xiirveyiug for the qmeil.V which the ilsmixr:its can't deny set my fool ii (sill this soil, Isiw the able location. It must be reiuetu-.H-re- d count,, lmve assigned. Liabilities Wyoming ami Utah railroad. Two about 8l2,lR)0, assets not given without stuttering. knee, wlfer prayer and write you '.but tlie land at the liuicut siirieyx inlii Logan will lx made. Dull business, credit and coiiie-- t u few words so soon after our Adam was all hi one imiile h jolly, ('hiiirumn iiotlx-iiiIhipp From 'as per. tlie ; Wyoming, laxly it ion chusihI the failure. Semi iiiiimal cmifciviice, Sixty-thiof ,'e,cipt.'itice. and spit-ewitty two of tcrmnm North into until the western coniiiieuU picciii jj Vrtj John Ijeyliiinl, a Salt Lake I it v ind said tuany tilings which have railroad pif which the Wyoming und eliding only five days ago, and which alMiil 1011 years after tin; flood, in lnl suer aged alxiut 25 yea rs, com 1 attended. no tendency to make the demo- Utah toad is iindouliiedly the same I l.i of IV leg. Many changes day suicide Friday afteriioni. mitted I left Sait Luke t'ily on the llllli, crats feel jolly. ro.iili the rouie will In- - up Hie North have occurred since that lime and f through 1 lie mini hi m arrived and l 10:oU , j.is-by shooting p. inst, v. it Imut i e vela t ion .t would Ct! good term deserves 'mother. Iliiitii river, over the divide to lie hard ralilcr re heart with a forty-fou- r hue lust night. wluitthc voters will con. Sweet Water river, cross the main That's In drlcrniuic and settle that niiil. The committee ou platform whs volver. lie hud beer, out of em- wiil smell readily ami iie eiit:rel N( w, i Is'g In Isiidly slate that We election duy.and Adolph range of Hie Rocky mountains dude has mi the been garden say prox-rl1 am ill tlie Isiumis of for soma time. lliul Kden favornlile for working, lie said lion coinjxiHpd of representatives of tin Anderson will retain li is hieated by revelation nnd we are ployment positimi litre ugh South Pass, tlieuce down own five wards, nmneJy : C. E. Thor wlieie Adam (Miihacl) was placed well Utah has a dangerous rival they have enough ore recorder. ns with iLs lieautiful the Big Sandy to Hreeu River, city pleased J. A. Mc- down east. We lenru that, there properties to keep the ' Wiping stenseu, Fifii"j,Krd; by the Hods who ucifinipuiiied him situation. nml his across the divide lo lleur River and Georg.) McCullough Firs, Trd: J. C. Walters were 2.717.580 barrels of salt pro- even if they don't get "Ay gave aim charge uud also commandKnwARD Stevenson, from there down blxchsmith Fork nr selected force policn . wv,lZas-- X laughan. prematurely ci. aliont to work. Tribune. ments. last duced iu year, Michigan Co. sim-Jackson the Mo., are looking very glixuuy Lignn I'iinyou intu Independence, City, Cvril!L-J5''-half a million barrels less than the Only think of that grand garden! Ki.ld-xtroOct. 1 Htfi.- thence of F. i'Iimh the inoiintaiiis into Charles iionliniitimi they want. Smioiul Head. Hr. UravniX.il Fruits and flowers in every variety, previous years output- - The prim Tor tmnslnil. it. e iiiirtheru art of Box Klder The com m ltb The Denver AYirx publishes n on creileiitinh all in tlu-i- r pristine glory; Adam and is said to be the lowest ou record. A Thrse-year-oHeroine. James (jitayle is a strung eamlt-dat- county, through Brigham City aud sensational story to tlioelfect that made their rex ft, by aniuiuueiug -- I)rrret Vries. his wife perfectly innocent, no pain, Ahout two weeks ago little Bessie titnl will kiiiN'k out the di'ino on to (Igih'ii, where will lie made the Dr. Tliati'lier Graves, tin? prisoner I lie names of t.lo delegates win no death, no deep sighs of grief, Snowville. of William Cottsm, was the Union to icnniiiii. i'hipman brought who waa snpMisixl to have Kiiieiilni were entitled to teals in the con- cratic tioiiiiiiei! for m.'iynr in nothing to harm, neither lo molest I.icific Hospital in consequence of Box Elder county, lias filial n A represent, 'Hive of TltK Xatmx, th'i! w ill i'.'iiisc t!ml indiin jail, is not dead. It is main- vention. nor wake afraid! Is this a reality, 0 tin. amount of to suit damage in her off coiiversaiioii with iuciuIxts of cut a i i.uving by right leg The committee on onlc- - of bm-- i vidual to wonder where he at tained that a pino log ixriiphs: or am 1 in a dream ? Ah', it is no I'uioii lacilii: the Halt Lake Herald. against in Kin veyiiig the freight engine party got the above eotiin instead of ii body. Tlie ness and iieriuuueut organ i.atio;: Genial Will i:i!n llr.'inglciMi is tu dream; no phantom. It is indeed a American Fork where the child's because that (nqier had publishoii the tnu pnixmeil route, of story is given on tho authority of reiKirted the following selection of serve miotl.er term in 111" capacity dencriptioit stern reality. I uin indeed here, ooinmunieatiou a reflecting upon The lived. was lull until a tlie accident parents Mirvcy is imnle Ixitli N. Chandler, a wenlty citi- otlicers: Ghairuinn, V- - Ibipp; 1st if ml ice magistmt '. As iniieli as but the Harden is ii waste, and the Mr. Cottani should Uliarles elmracter. his did hut a never 's child, through Logan canyon and shocking one, Isaac Smith; 2ml the Judge's frieii Is rej.ii e Center county, Altar our Father Adam built, only or naked for 50,000- He would zen of Thomiiscn, have iL lx. will endure not it Fork with sweeter decided adult, J. C. Walters: the victory. so tli evil d ers drea.! Graves's old home, aud where the of thi seventy miles noitiieast fortitude than this little queen Bess. lie just as likely to get it as wliiih of tin- - two routes will lie Assistant tho conseiu'iit'e. bo to buried. E.lt. is Nielsen; Secretary, su(qxsiBl Ixxly (jarden (where 1 shall starfd In So liilliciill has the wound proved 10,000. Anderson: Till Wcllsville iepiliilli'lin bind chosen, but in either ease they will Chandler and a fellow townsman. Soerelary, Adolph morrow and have stood lie fore), is a Wasatch a Lewis 1cSj lleber, than Sweet, no three strike L.,g-m- . that, operations Stephen Morse, are now here, Chaplain, T. X. Hinitli; Hergeant-iit-nrin- Ciinie overand piiueed 1 - cob.v.'b.s heap, hut still remains to 1st seen, have been Termed on the in- county man, while out hunting A. M. Hibson is in charge of the Itoliert Muruix.'k, i:i llis ears ut tho democrats with l'lmy declare thut the colli n was a picture of which I shall lake on nnd after week ran last commcnilicr. against Without ' up jured Tho ofllcers having taken their honk? goixl music. As prodiiei r party ami (!. S. Rogers, the gentletqxmed at the grave against the wills, also my visit tins time if without tears, indeed with a hard fight killed a huge mounplaint, the widow and was of it irotests places, and after a prayer by tin of giHxl, lively music, tlnWnlls-vill- e man who had charge of the Union of this Tempt-- 1 lot and siimiiiudiugs, -0 measured Tim lieast lion. tain the child has Iacili.' through Bear River cauyoti, miles, passed found to contain a pine log. The chaplain the order of businesc boys carry oil the palm. of which I may have more to sav at this terrible ordeal. Sin feet from tip to tip, weighed 150 The geiilleiuen chief engineer. through with. was is dead said now doctor proceeded That was a wise choice th a future and mure convenient time. was 17 j supiHiscd forearm xiunda. that hail ilismem-liere- d a alKiut her tin1 road will comchats ami that inloim i.s hmgii of The the his in lie a freedom to platform selection of Allan M. Fleminire reading enjoying Tun scenery is simply grand, shown only iuclies around ami his tusks ami limh, having for Iraile, as they wiil have no drawn up by the committee wire for country. foreign which surrounds this lady, yet accity treasurer. Mr. Flmmuiii:: pete inches In a short toe nails each measured and sweetness. trallie I'.iuiieelaniH with the Union wm The order. first iu has been A piaeency current rumor hen platform is till honest, gixxl. relinbl,- bilsi cused laud, 'Fin thorns and thistles time she will lie so far convelcHccnl in length. Elsewlier stctions. tiiim for carried tlie some that tuloptnd by Ixxly ness man, as is (lie priqcr n'i.ui shall it bring fniih, &c. A Kansas City limn is in Hall from the as to lie taken hack to her osn sunny Yi"i"rday the parly left Wells-villcounty juil woh really of we pnblish the platform uilopto! fur Kueh n re.siiisi!ili' The land is more rolling and few a when-theto is lieautiful a Lake City trying have liccn r injl'il !minc. Sim buy bright, wiix mid that the parties to the by the city convent ion. i river, east rougher near the can if he of such loads a perfect little blossom, x)tuto?n ami will lx- gone train f.n a sleiri in child, tim.', Nouiinntious order. then were No a ofliciub some are Longer high deceptiou of the T mple lot, 1,:. n il is iioith-wes- t us I. loom into the flower au ideal get low enough freight rates to ami n secret organ ixatiou. Thi:. Tho uiiines of Jumes (juaylc, surveying a route Jin1 Klreng id Og.l. n was it. al.oiit two tov.urels Kansas City, where the woin.iuhonil. 1111,1 Hie M.iy little Bessie lx-- a justify him shipping against the rumor is oilier Wm. alle. It is six T. James .Im-rethe Hammond, on Judge hiisiuos. strengthened by Logan Friday lund spreads out inure into open Colorado prixluet. The gentleman fusal to allow the iMinaiiis to be Gotxlwin. John A. McAlister, nml is out' of tin most use of the acciileiil that lias left I asper and tin since y months j w, tiieu plains. Where the Temple lot Was intimost have the viewed in Utah bv find no stones the path says tlint except potatoes Cole were placed her, Mirvey Ic- Imvu eouiplete.l this ever tin t - lutieli un.iv so of lute 1 ho selected is on high grounds, gently further George Tlie grade, wc are iiiforiiii'd, of life over which lo stumble, but made a stir in the outside world mate friends, and by far. l the lie to balloted convention form iim.I to lie than upon sly. sloping, and excepting where stands indeed, may the journey lead through and they rank with those of Gree fact that the widow refused to Ih very heavy, und in many wili nut for James for nomination in of the detnocnits one Mayor. allow the remains tobeembnlined. strongest court house on the an elegant The Greeley all tier life long. Caloriuln. imusallv light. is ley, leceived the of plans nml has will pleasant phnes but majmity (juayle Utah, repented same grounds where the little ini puds are the lxst in the market. A Sun. Election ''it!es. not con pany of fifteen men, her votes on was and first Ogden it tlie salvation. ballot, yet mvcivu political ferior one stood when Hisliop at Wil- moved aui carried that his nom- Seeing tlie condition to which the mid for the same Mail, is surveying the voters Frank All Hart, tu employed precinct liognn Iarlridue and Uiotlier Allen, between here and St. Uliarles, Idaho. Wanted. losilion as domestic j son's mill, in Ggilen canyon, was outside iif the city Units are here- ination lie made unanimous. country has lieen brought tlir siirrouinled by a furious mob, wire of tho their ballots the in There is no doubt lint wbal the lunr-slit to dcimx-i'iitifor The nomination decomnotified 1ms in machiuery J success. ile(X e city caught by family city !y striped, larred and fenlliered under iiigixxl house keesr. liallot thrown box a will be built and work would after ioa.1 nnd in The House was for. next balloted Unit Court the at mill, Iming cidial it Addns, country . -- 'iling 'times of fien.ifd mimls of which Hint the to class for wer--Hie : the field around names this fall were it not for uinndrell, in 1ms AT10N therefore than leiiimctuc left tin providixl 'Hre placed party, How changed are deep prejudice. C'rexik- - Charles F. Knhlstroui, Erast us M. democratic N. W. several is li condition of thu iimney inuiii aaw Messrs. attached, times, voters. tin pres.M'tl and w tie u B' jomel parly . the times now com pared with iIiomsaw-du- st llionms and Git will be com. mst into was the ho . market. Hubert llecse .Mr. Cole, Il"cver pit. Munlouk, slot), Josepli Republicans. Strong says lv hotel, wlieie 1 earlier davs. designs in caniets, lure i Ho 111 Ins aud one arm were, Morgau are tho tidges for this Knowles, Don C. 13umoii aud the liberal party is practically den i ' incin i.l early in the spring and . legs the curt house ;lUI-(alnwindow sli.ul.s, etc., at can hxik mil ? Uimrlcn iu Ogden iiniI that tin Uepuldi- - pushed t early diiiipietieii. broken und lie received other seri- precinct. Ephraim Blanchard. tin1. square where.. C. M. square, is joining Kalilstrom H. nominated on first cans nr.! certain to carry tin city. wus ous Elias Kixualt., injuries. Boie ninny m.mtlis, bog an will these mi cues of honor tixik place. I Farmers! Grain, ballot. In Coilly your WJiih eonin THE Coll'KK BLAST. Bring llegitrnr. Joe ly ruin, l:,Vc another railroad, says The ground here is the only cxcep Thu names placed for the nom- verted seven demo, rats to U. imle, I'hne' weleotn, lo the liter and Kggs to the Union work is again to lie started Active Wyoming turn of '' Mercantile Co., in the Thatcher Bank 01 t,1(l ''I'i1' ination for recorder were: Fred in lliirty-limiiiutes. Quarterly Coherence j Yntcrd.iy (.1!r(,n(1 fl,r it9 HjVent Wlp)m pi;lllt, ir,;l!i t Tlie tuarterly (Yiiierenee of the Lumlix-rg- , building md gel the highest market , rllIlon( Wl.n 1Plir, t0 the effect that fibeeii' niiiiutex'w'dk roinTl Adolph Anderson, Ben If a Tew iinnv Hepuidn ans into this velley means the salvation ' j , eonsuinmated j Cache Stnke of Ziii will convene Wilhnore, D. W. Unrd and Will J.do the s:ime thing iln'r would lx ,,f Oil' t he' aomc deal had l:ldi! lot is u frame nt Anderson TalKrincle, Stake was',,,, Logan of the further tin in "owned bv had Adolph new capitalists (imxjwin. to .lunger shoes country of all whereby Hedrickties. the go Jou grades building ' at 10 j iioniinatwl on first lmll.it. Mr. Humhty nu.rniiig, (Vt-2itAgoing democratic." l.a.ier i. Klder Hall, Andreas lelersmi from wlioin you inl rested in the situation. t B- - V Their ,,ANM,N l,f doTho of contest liveliest the is uttndaiieo A f .... the a. the in. gixsl M. president HiVg. Uiwn, the lxst how Hu will bargains. who is with me. explaining get for IotaUws; must be cadi Ladies' utnl Ulu'.dirii' Uuut hiiI pays evening ensued when the balloting tuxes, making nml repairing department company, wrs swn last evening by sired, paid llemlrickiles have t for candidate for city treasurer Wraps, uew full sty les at Z.l'.M. 1. t bad ut once. Hue him, Tribune repiesentstlve, fenced the lot, made purchases aud is always found complete, , . i ' ; o-- as - d j i . -- con-versali- i ol ln'.dr . c 8' m ld c, -- (.l 10,-())- Bluek-smilli- .yr Yiee-Chniriua- u, - Yice-Chairnm- a, x-- r U-k- I lj - I'ai-ilie- . i, j.ii.-ilii- in. .Mis-i.ur- - Dsni-jcrat- . 1 e Ed-war- m-g- c al r : !f t " ; i ; ; ; v Ix-e- N.n-tlnri- . pD-sin- l'inee ; - |