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Show 54 L f L, ill vf. In Lis is the' Vt'tfxpt i! a.1 Jarr.-- i ( guiiii: idi tlihl j " LOGAN NATION is life sullen of he and la will private Logan and the Muw if Mayor noiiiK unit cau :o.i popular m:,u in jbftul hugd, : The that of come course. au whispers for Mar.dml. all 'city w overwhelming majority, new by 'Tlr boys a xewspapek. furnish Fslitor Jackson ith a . of. of the very sanctuary of his home ll.Apperluy, jjjje jiai UI1( (tjj the young men at least one hundred, licHd, or at least put boiiib brains vioiw 'tgngements will Tote for him. am despicable, anil that such a PI BUSIIED TUESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS, into tbe out) vhicli hr now 1ms, all II, :S.l 1TS dal mouths, over over bis opponent a mini should lc able, by the help at will glide along serenely w ith the ht; T Ifh nomination the of tin gloat merciless blinkers, to well UTAH. as make for CACHE ms COUNTY, Amorim organ. LOSAN. the, preparati r of i lie American sit as a As C. II. IIaht and John M. for County Superintendent of his indie,-appointing Tho following truthful , democratic the organ A. N. ROSENBAUM. " nl' (Jngress as And who would warn a Is tier pictun - of the Tiie Hi. Pau. Iimmr I'rm is Wilson are in the statement busi- Schools, condition of Elll I'OM AMI I'l'Ill.lsHKK. the ticket is good as broken but his I uppet, is disgusted with Senator DuIhii ness will they make a statement that Buys tity Recorder thun Adolph Ander-- j jlt! 4.llllutry, brought iilsad by though it were in the general line of aouY That's of tin nge, und marvels of tbe one Ad-- , Lilias up. S. some , JNO. F. PRIBYL. Kimball others or is are bo aa fainiiiarlv conduct. Alt gold-linwe from dcmDcndi - kuccl-ksorgana clip '1'iih lino ii Mas. of that sheet, so of; called, is ix Mich an of the reasoning not of the democrats did u with has old the tut that , of Salt Moue leading the boy always any 'displeased the editorial columns no confidence nd if coins'! ,m'l I aud pie place per C. a receive letter from walk Chairman lie Ids hinder immediate to into cilice democratic T i.n you ill, ii nr. The tendency Lake hatbs: of right of tlm Anmncau the C. Richards denouncing the posi- in it. Wy should remember that ask him for a tliousan dollar w hi sensi of the unconditional reKal and paiK-rtliiimgliout tin; country j,., a, Oils Year l an exhibition i" 1"v' tion they took on the registration Mr. Apperley was not at the con rant on the city, und there is m. in ,.U1J the statements contained l.2,i fcjheriiiaii bill. Six Months rt;iy bewent Ins name ventiou when r business or you, he will ,7; ,s his r, gi I brro Months herein are false, us tln-- undoutit-- j fore the house or he would in as nice words ii.a c The OliOAN of (lie local hen ever re, .'dly will, but they cunnol pru-- i yon Go-News. Re- have objected for Ine alaive stated aud The crow over is Journal to 1h will a ready many t says party tin.! bio. you .bice any fuels to snliwtai.iir.le A DE.lULY PMIAU.EL gl.td to tlm did Frofessor reasor. tlio fad that no democrat has publicans will vote fur the men Appeiley Owing scarcity of work you did not get the ii.ouey. their denial. Read the nrtiele MMBAi.1 afiiuavit lmv not reason cml decline for the the ul'KXAL'-on the democratic ticket. As witlidm wu fnuii the ticket. That J pile nf grain and Fl The very mau we need for I'ity caiifullv llmi ht will continue we he feared the or that it defeat, knows lioHst. is that oxjiected The demo what produce Sun , irhueitftiyf Treasurer is Allen M. paper says it justifiable . tluil In' Im iiinml laeks hut il few da vs of a discount of iifti-cit he on for would lit t Ht'j'tthUniit hail, that reason but the the is would '11 lints about it Ie is assistant I,,,t rl"' f,r " talkiug i oblige cashier at m , i.l ;:rat wl'' n,., deiiiiH-rm-won in , r y m irfrt ir'l ijin n I,II.all,.Vti riifi httllla.il und is his Iihyp time been .lpiwrt ,,lliir elected, ,,r lx of few of us the fouml. names a by giving National Isink Hiid is used to ha. at- vtf yet to ,,,ry V1 It lacks but a few nr,,a ulu.m.ljtrt llrivml hi Ihe re- . ,l , the iiimibi of II, r alli.I.i- those many, also wo it ton e so engaged that he could not do ing lots of cHsI1 .....I ... during ,l,, ' days of u ,, . r since tin people of , y(iiWifi.'iiifi iiufi, anf - Erening Sun. OaIIikn 1st. the ioxitliU justice. We've got sure our i tl tj the iifriMi men on tbu demo, ier. A ( . hi. i. kt iulers tlmt they chii lie cVH prnmltfil over j turned Slates the. Fnited Lite good men in the party yet, aud trust their 'J '"I1"1 "" Ws,she has been in rather a whom these hepubliil Isaac Smith, Manager J . lh fin ill uill, In'. uiuuey in his Iihim!, branch, s Legislative busted condition for sonic time for. We who men of are ami iriih mnlii f ,;f " filling with no fear of him taking up Ins capable presume li Pin if ir the (ioveriiiiient to that tiling Cash paid forcjs yi C M. I. will hrillg be withheld for u.i-- thmiyhl. tMlfd, blit next lllolltll ' rtitf't'M professional tliftt otlice honorably. Joseph JJ. residence in Canada. No better culhd the d thr !. mocintic juiity. It H'"1lvusoiih' or that the jNiiair talks Wiliam is the gentleman who lias choice could have bivn made. The iiImvc clearly , .roves that fl,r' ''uKh lacks u few P.oples Store. but ihirt of eight Iwen selected to till the oflice iu l'"t "f The office of Justice of tjie months since through its sombrero. Registrar Kimball is an abject kinks. Hex 2.0IKi of lry CIoikIs, to.-uni-tifull the party iliiceofMr. Apiierley. Mr. Wil- IVtice is by no means the leiu-- l uii'g I'rmi. I l.il:'.. Hoots perjurer or that the Jnurnnl is a ( 'liiillilig. iiinl of eolitrol the (ioveniMieii', Foii the IsMirlit of tho etlitor of son is amply qualified, having had in the city. We a! wav malicious falsifier. iirportai.t now presen- and slioes to lie sold nut lveual-- s behold the The coi.stky is full of iiionov, tlm Journal, we will state that tL. considerable experience iu the need goixl men in tlieso oiiices an-We pay the highest of cost. ted by our country! .Not one he Hurliugton (Vt .) Eart. editor of this diaper writes and schoolroom bus served iu the 'Villiam Rraugliam is well knowii The man who cm rule his wil bc.i-for lias of the latter, K.rgs, Grain, price he pledge platform That may true, but we don't aliiuo is regponsibla for every capacity of a trustee and held to Ik-- a should indeed la happy. good man. liven many fulfilled. Wood. and Potatoes iu Rather, how to every phtlg. see it going help our article which has apjieared in tlie other responsible jiositioiis in tho democrats like him, as they will of the platform stands violated up J. H. A NIIKI1HON, What haa "John M. WinsoN"!1 any. Wn prefer to have our titiitorial colnuius of this pap.'r city. Ifis iinme was proposed by prove by their votes on the seventh of Thenis one to not acre date. Proprietor. of full money, rather than Wedou't have a IiohI of college pro- l'nif. Apia'rley, and the professor if next liiontli. done that his name should I.c to Maine tin faun see the country Republic, overburdened fessors, bank directors, and county rays lie is nmrly qualitied, as lie I Told You So. draggld into the Journal. lhe names of nominees for Texas or from Florida, to tin wi'li it. to write our editor- sertaiuly is. livery one who in council men have city mile ' rates arc now a!...nt 1 cent lieeu mentioned limit of the Nurthwol. ials. Our contemporary holds u tended intiiig for Mr. Apperley heretofore nn-A ulliL should never marry a tinto tiie:ir;i) via I'lii ni Pncidc. it i not necessary where the lm n dtid foot tower people Hre satin'.. .1, Oet. L:5. is I We should cast his vote for Mr. Wil for us tall man on short courtship, as she Thehe wii.i, monopoly on that score. y. For them to here. give it the California Midwinter where the producer of the count y slate this, so that the "inuchfully ion. us should everyone else w ho is supposed to love him long. full A p.iriieiilurs ticket conM lmv. not stronger No matter how high towers colic.', feel that they live getting any reabused and inaliciouslully at- desires to see a good mnu elected been w. tv. W'.mi.miio;, i (i j;s made up, aud the entir; ward. Great industries aialyz--d- , ' westerners must them, have too of much tacked democratic (alitor may People oet tir.l Agent f. 1 Synt.-uiticket will doubtless carry, with I.r.gan where, the proSenators should Hard times don't fane tlm people have no further cause to sliam-i'ull- y GEORGE THATCHER S SOLILOQUYcongestion of one thing. -from to majorities ranging ' coast they are going right fifty ducts of the i 111 do not living DoNo! Wail insult people against whom Tu run. or nut to give us something else than talk 150. rue, that is ihe qu. head with of a the a for their produc- too sufficient building great prices for a change. iiu holds personal malice, aud ad(io-aThe World's Fair long. tion. Tin gic-- it exposition. industry of vance as an excuse that he think lYhethftr tu nobler a uiayural amUtiou will Ik- closed in a ftw weeks. The MA YOU JAMES VI A YLK. of the Republic is absolutely We have noticed that the very to suppress that they are responsible for edilive are to tbe public fully Wai.tf.k Wf.bb. editor of the torials which have take up anus against the niighly Jr ti wiil serve another naralyzeil. The fear of what is to filet that tin James Krsous who cant get un idea in Quaylu in Ifuioii appeured Republicans their heads usually have noth- Lelii lion in r, iu the last issue of this paper. We alone are reterm as Mayor of Logan (,ity. It be in case the one pledge, which & him oilers the Ynit, by opposing, end them? To run-this paper lias this to say for himin them. else was so decided at the Republican the democracy is liable to iulfill rcry best un oiiimod.i lions to the ing aud Journal the editor be elected sponsible self: cun tire all his slander aud abuse No mere; -- for there my ambition doth city convention Saturday night. shall lie carried out, paralyzes pu'.ilii! fi in imd to (lie:igo, Ou.alia and hank tin au-If THE man who loans montv We have been sceused of uiauy at us. We can stand it, for end. Out of several candidates every factory-wheemu. only bud as poor a memory as lias the things since we have lieeu iu the lin-endure Ihe To and tiie of many were every forge and furnace, birilig the Worlds V:r, bill pluced iu nomination, no more effect has than il us tile ahix-kman who lxirrows it, the borrower newspaper business but the worst a are going into tin ho whs chosen by au overwhelm Uui'vnuds would around. an year mosquito year was this week when we were acThat come ti ibe candidate t would be a would Ik happy. ing majority aud oil the tiret linn. is of receivers, Iwmks rm prac- I'nioii I'iicilii; Ageiif, for or cased of being married. elephant. ballot. tically suspended all over tin iiifoi illation. would bo elected, 7,2. TllEitE ABE some girls who never A the rub: lie has served this city iu the country, and although we Kisses Tiie editor of th Amorinc or' exiiect to marry. There are also upon every lu,u-ll- o doth now appear capacity of Mayor for one term, n bind uiiequalcd under the sum Xotic. i'n r. Natios will ucc- tbe Salt Lake Critic sayF tk.Uie Repobllcan platform watHlT,0ii wje mountain to overcome, soiiin girls who never expect any- gan a laud with every variety of soil cept. n u0 term not heals of wood and hay (bis yet liuving expired) n I hired man'' could that the both coiiLvaled till after get deiuocnio)BiV t inat sxmer will I huffl.. off this one to projMisr to them. slid climate, tilled w ith a tin ms in be has and his (lone Therein were duty orws fearlessly i.o publiahetl? barniu a moral piyment of mihserijition No, piat municipal job ue-- d resources, (quip- aeeounl. He is a good and slumlx-rinof aiisweriiia of couhw, for it rcaily Tht-will I he elected to tiie mayoralty aud without favor. is tliniiks! Tbe liiixl man" At last a use for the Chiiminaif s dun t luatter.- -- Join tuil. chair- business man, shrewd in all his ped for a career of jerh-c- t Ri v Iiu n we of Ij:in...ireaux. A Los bsikiug for a job, and even if he I fe:.r. which queue has lietui c is the That the real condition of affairs ilamity was The platform dnaliugs and honest a the day is was he would not want to deprive celestial n ture Yet fur l.al., recently craveH tumors, Angeles, , political my but little lietter than Hint ol nut neither wia ther.) loug. Mayor Quay le is the friend Ho I will e.ideuwir to kiear tbe scorns or llef) to tlm h'vedy. committed suicide by hanging C. M- Jackson of bis job. of work convention the at the done and lie Turkey or of Kgypt, or of any working man, any the public. wmsl and .. ('. M. 1. wi!i himself with on.. which tin arty is ashamed of. The opimnents charges, the Juumal the especial friend of the jawir. other dio::.in. ONE of the features of the lust .ill aeiimil'S for till II xt o wonder, it the ( lection Tin- Uepublicnu convention he lias always proven him-- j lion. was flattery, The tiikes are nliinnit stripped issue of the Logan Journal was n hilly d iys. Im called were io in most a and with open doors and demo- The pangs of focii g my post deeds. noble again tieniorrow. self, way. of their foliage and yet w have page of coiim drums mid rebuses, S.imi, Mgr. voter. of the insulance and the , When he was tiit elected, and how many itate. North nml crats were made welcome, while The not received a single poem on troliably the most diilieult reliu, of those who dislike Spurns won Li at the time the question of salaries! South, tho di the democratic convention would F ir who would not endure these J r wilbp-iyou to pay up your NY lieu the leaves liegin to fall." iu the whole lot is the oun headed tlm west of discussed in the had who was allow one no the Allegheny room, carry i ipiioii in iidvn'iee, council, huh being by his When he might polities! aspirations ashy so indeed we have cause to rejoice. We Publish Our Regrets, and not sworn to the demowe already know, a democratic mountains. (Yrtuinly, m piliful a L.nig you get tie! Now York as . satisfy? allegiance is safe in offering a big the editor been remember wanted the salary of tho failure has never bosses. They cveu fired a Who would bear nine as a pivfiiium. The Sunday papers of the east prize for its solution. As u rebus cratic i grunt and sweat under common life of iu all Reall corded from raised wTiut lie the a was because was it at Mayor arc gittiug so large and bulky writer the editor of the Juanml, reporter, When he may be iii yor of Logan City Mr. (Jiiayln was elected, that buvo (xi ,1c-- sinci time o e the h iau I oings I I is hut Im there somethin? dres But exto an that inventors ar. devising some ,(s proved yet lmve been honest Many men Luc' Miiiilui aii.ir.:tiiistoiidiie $bXl, to tUl.OOO. Mr. (jitayh object-- , He light of ci . ilizatiou ;vns firl the H delin k to hold peri. AnyjHTSMiwho ever read ed to this, because he did net. kindl'd hi Lgypt. There is no above bourd, while we have Cut few of them were ever realised tln-read. while me the editorials spiieaiing ill that.land at being jvrs what thats me; pussies satisfaction in saying that nil assume some think that the price was just to ot that the light iMiper will endorse this assertion. And it causes me t hewts'e deuim-raraud Htuted out 1' tin- 7ViV.un. of would the that $tKk; was )N.iiih-doings have The Salt Lake Whether I should make the attempt or imi Inst year; Hut! will, he all the lB tau M wanhd whs (hi salary "8 .X Ihi Yol' wish to read this weeks u,,t had a ci hi pin of cai!ihigii songs! not; i! Was would held it with cs close was such in convention iu.t that accept. ability Thus th's thought duth make a coward written for thein. After election issue of tho Logan Ji.nni.ilf' tli.-ialh-t'.ni st m itself noble a i me. on of a of act? s not It good comparison lie this1 have No, thanks. tin liberals won't need any No; my a'uition shall not be subdued refused to accept any ad-- : not one wold that (iii.v.-- ('h-two paities. the only week's month.' Journal for will lut suffice thru funeral a dirge By (his thought! 1 lieeitste no longer - (A no altove tliesalaryof his pn de- laud hml ever uttered or written .Subscribers to the Journal will, I wiil make the atteinp1, mout HJRD to in it a premise of g, i a8 cessor, but he would not accept n A that agree that there is more truth: iihNi'ii epigram c u tliouKh iuy name Kendon tbu u. r ,u hi for by on cm this much, me buttle, making W tlm above .dry, Iii-- . i i ,H ( piup. a woman is iu.t old so long ns she than p.i 'try" in eom U ulomir$-KH)Hwint t bis ln,rt' kiii.wii Be one vas hliow:. is annum, ..(..id : ' can love. It does not W Tt. dialogue, when tliev ohsena that 1 Lia lime wLlch lifted of liff.-it rh tim ',,i:U ,l in should also he lb mlon ,ut to a PKle w8 mind of tin in tlud si. ri.;' ir follow though, that ii woman is they have had dished up to them . sy? in the The Nation at the time, 11 ' future campi ign ii. if he had accepted this rais.i it masses was p,- , ; oi i aye I lssim r..,. ' . : Be all old so soon as she learns to love. t la same stutl ainkitinri-Xotrial red. my Ul1 Hult Lke Tribu"e would huvu meant a general raise lln fuel that on no subjin tin pist month ... more. Its about i was believe aiake that it iuK tr in fm the lie all tie woild lie STIiUXiXnvEET. sulaiy paid A city (itlicers. It AHi'EAits that iliere is no time that our drop M r,"on P'M10 to d lf tlml on tint two must vital iii.!i-.iamounting to nearly alKHtt ten .olumtis of as a P1" democratic parly in Salt Lake. not is the Iiinl There that Such with as talk man the his which idfeci the Koplc of tin i means annum, less wrong up. TIm Ifrral.l. tin "organ of wistern With ticket. iu account on that for j Republican the City! of this devoted 1. Every indulges year Hipcr is carry ing a citizens country In Imd u t:.xxiycrs isn't it? Louis of study, was point, mil city. It's ipiitc mi We riiiNT the following it.m licki t at the of its editorial Do the (liii. you siipponiAiely.it, willi l!m eight or nil-that tin- residents of Logan and. columnsof sole the but what full a for "dvanetd for licki candidate hav would ilnvor poll hi.vlred l purpose how ugl j I'aclie county may know Kepub'i ,ul ,hK,,, t,,e wH tii.-hS,JfJ Do wi,h ,,f ro:,ilv; but fine timekeeper, done that? 1 r vott' s,,ife hid liens Kansas said you nij.js.s. d ,lP is stolidly lay more x,,!,;,. Win rum, Jrrway frm, line so oilll Matoliuod. iippiMr.incc; above of their teiition man wag tlml till! lie Un to IIS US able of go defeating any j Ifjdoub!hss Hiiy other eggs limn lie 'hens t;. the Irilmnr bus tljioughout y H,,. p.s uf Jv ;:,d lb., l v.'elll f;0 pio.id to inlcii-t: JI imrt.i. i. on I prixifs to tiniii is he it.'iu Buy ii in. The hIh! jmr enougli eoiintrv. Wc h.iv-- i!k":i .it Janies (juayl.! with tho hopes that tin The editor of the Lognn Journal offer to Kulistautiate Iheir Baserpu bl -l ' v MM'ilil like Io have you Lite House Minouiid.-I'tiil, liens will take not in and ha turned liis nlteiitioii to tin tioiis they bhould U. B nt otico, as1 notninulcd for Miiljr slid he will would npposi any rui, i., his y ti - idle talk ilora not go in a case of i Ihcr oii buy any tiling blink hrtSi'!,!'in lie M,l tin Rather dmi'l ho hia snliimle of record tlici'l",rH,,,r J ertaiuly ti, Duiiug ol salary? .mu knock out the :.i. idecjti. us. ytn uniiler. Now lint In Im mdly thw kind. thia1 . oil l16 demand Time Inis We he would in !!'. fic.or m1,' olli.-the raise? his 'V,v';l1 r,v;,,V' proof to city hulldo.. a Kansas chicks.' liigli lL . : .) of Ijml )i(, wj fuf our in his lif tactii1iiia by ftnjonp, Lin n8ilutith in h i8iiii61h itisfurtory lo;imbiiiit thut miy miblwciiit vl: m tit; lin liubilt's Vlhi (miuIlim1. .itli It is rtaiil to Ut it Wc lisivi ;i cry ;iu . Co: luck to ohii an unil.iella in a himurlf strictly to the truth. Hi sailant should certainly lie pumah-- . all- lie suits tip Ih publicans! charges us high a IK) per end. piiidly; refuses to ex plcte any ussort- cannot interest on mom y Im u.ihouse. A Wisconsin woman did can find no lstler subject than ed mid severely too, but the idea well, and the de does no', suit him, and (hut .i top. Liii,;.. H,,1 '' o W,. that tlm Mormon pcoplu are res-- find a flaw in his wjfi !u character.! peoplf, will not g.d the vote id th. i no 1. . thnt very thing iiinl the next day got who Mill ding" to i r l' ' " p,,p alT hon-'word that her nude Imd died id MJ.nt he is a great Mel; lM,il'h for it is ridiculous iu the, Mr. (jutyh is a wi mg muu and th(e poor people or tlm vote of ilu im-cvbry- h. hdd him for the extreme. We iutend investigating .will receive tlm left lir SfUKJ H0. Were going tui 'port of all. the friends or lie jnsir, whether .wise and powerful m.n, 1i:.,.i-i- li WaUi buiy, this matter thoroughly, aud giv- - working men. tJiere is no evidence on earth that they bj democrats or not past year. Kexlmrg S to Say. opeu our umbrella in a bouse, ?'rnat.t Tti .. i.ah.i-- , mui-weekl- y Tm: k!rnK (Vir ia t present ver y (Soveuor Rickards how statu of Montana, When it to riot act reading, Editor Quit takes tliu bun. poriit'ltUrs to the' l't.a:l . 4 . I'aldsM-o- ed w:-lk- i.-- l et o-- . j pn-.-n- ll'l. ''! t i imjx-acbiiiiii- ct 1 ; t j 1 e I1 demu-crati- ; i HUI-KI- . tin-bio- - - iV . -t - 1 1 vi-u- - r r- - . I 1 : tlnvill j i ' - l I - liroci-ricK- , sKH-tac- I ) - s oilict-liold- urs jo-- r - J I'm-id- iii-.- e i s.-- l , j ev-r- - a i t mie-thir- d - Iravi-iin- Cliii-ngo- North-Wi-Me- o , Pm-ili- rn i l whos-uauit- fs l beart-ai-h- j s s Sc-- Id-U.- . icti-- 'i d f.-- l - m-- t y, pros-(erit- disi-overw- l. com-cabd- - ij - s liojii-b-s- na-Thi- j - j in-i- ls0 T.-i'- i T-- ; liiin.-.c-l- f ; -i Pty i ; ; j I - liU-ml- s , 1 j 1 : I s-- . osi-ss.il- j 1 ng i ! l t r.-a- . r . j - i m - . j j it ( ililT-rciu- -o i:n-- P, F in-Y- r . - i 1 jx-- in-di- deiiiiN-riicy- ? - r Fit You j a v.-- r " it.-m- , ' - - - . j j ! Watch 1 In-a- tlioll.-Kle- ( N-.- -j ! lli-r- . - i.- ren-ain.-- t l l I.-1- L- l j , s I e-- - d ,J I j u ! I - .- ; l;i.!" - ; - ! 1 im-i- i l..-li- . -t Quick-Windi- ! Pit. h ng a |