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Show MINING'EDITION BEAVER COUNTY NEWS Ell 5 PAG non; Li-p- lUTjaa -n-H S Call at The Old Cline Store u y We have taken over the entire stock of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and stoves, and before putting in OUR NEW and COMPLETE STOCK We have decided to SELL what we have, commencing May 30th. Now is the time. Call and examine. ft See the Prices and the Sale is Made i Cline Store. And the Date Beginning Remember the placer-Ol- d Monday, May 30th. Dont miss this great buying opportunity URW f I THE JIM BARRETT IS PROV- ING A WORTHY PROPERTY A Good Proposition with Indications Favorable for Opening a Large Silver-Lea- d s Body of Shipping Ore The hoisting at the present time Is done by means of a whim, but It Is the Intention to Install a gasoline hoist as soon as the owners are ready for more extensive operations. The accompanying cut shows the holse and blackwill smith shop of the Jim Barrett The trict, and from present indication soon become a shipper and a heavy work of sinking this shaft was started Buildings of the about one and has been done year ago, But little has heretofore producer, since that time considering the Tact ownthe of this property but been said that but two ram have been era SHAUNTIE IS OLD ers have kept grinding away and get- ployed. ting down to depth until now a large MINING GAMP amount of good ore is opened up. A Notic is herby given to the people car fo this ore Is now ready for ship- of Milford that all pubic gatherings ment and the mine assays show values will be closed until further notice on Is Present Source of Water Supply account of the prevalence of scarlet of 60 per cent lead and 40 ounces sil fever. order of By for the Mines of the Star ver with small values In other metals. Board of Health Mining District The shaft is down to a depth of 150 If have will need a farm you you feet and the ore Is Increasing in qusn implements. We have a line. Steam Shauntie Is the name of the little tity and value as depth is attained. plows and threshers. Burns & Bird Co. town situated in the heart of the Star Moscow mine and has a gwd i haued of becoming a piwunma MtUwg .preiiY in position. The iiroiwriy the Bon Soldst. Mining Coiitpnu;, hn stockholders of which are jtwelly Cei Bonn g'"d ore Jias fornla jienple. been taken out of tin shaft which is down to a ilepUi of shout. 2u feet. in I Assays of this ore give Ksl values i KBd snd silver with prmulslng .copper stains. For the iast few months the Bon Ruldst lias been idle. Inet .it is tbe at up resume IntoiiHtou I Ini' cntnpwiy early date at iparhincry. A will equip U with ( for hpisling the wliim lias been ore and waste matter out f .the abaft, but It has been found that the process The picture herewith a too alow. ws the gallows frame and dump oi "his Pn,Srty "nd directly across tin n from this working another been sent down a short dfs- h" i ! 'L ills pnqierty there Is no lack ml and build-of room for dumping gnu, work is again resinned Improvements will be nsjiy owns a number rortj.' and hey are Another property In the Star district which Is proving worthy of consideration Is the Jim Barrett which adjoins the Moscow on the west. This property Is In the best territory of the dis- Shauntie Pumping Plant in the Star Mining District n district and which is one of the oldest towns in Beaver county. It Is s typi BON SOLDAT IS csl mining camp and consists nisinly iif miners' cabins. Here is lucstcd the A LIKELY PROREHTY considered valuable Jf jtfdins. Moscow postoffice with Lnrrin Hall ss jsistmastcr and general merchant. The Utah is being settled fa01, Shauntie pumping pant is also located Is Located in Good with auy other state of tbs whole Territory here and this supplies the water which declares J.H. Brown of Knit I.akel Excellent Indications of GetIs used at the various mines in the Few states of the west can show' Star district. The water supply, howmore varied lands or lands of better Perand a Large ting ever, has become inadequate for the and it to this that is atpossibilities, Increased activity of the mines and manent Ore Body settlers front other states. tracting Messrs, Msrtin and Hardy expect to This is especially no in the case or warn move the plant to the val'oy This property is locslcd iu tbe Star Idaho, more than 2000 citizens of that where they have sunk an artlsisn well district about half a mile west of the state settling in Utah during the past two years. which will furnish an abundance of .1 water for all purposes. Hliauntle lias a population of about 100 people and is a most promising little mining camp. It Is but a little over a mile from the ,0 (he Moscow and Red Warrior mines and many of the employes of tlics, proiiertles reside in the thnviir; camp. The accompanying rut shows a of the pumping plant which ior koiih time has furnished tin only hut supply of Shsimtle. iso-lin- How about the oatsf Arc you out? See Rums h Bird Cn. Idaho Oats prices right. For Sale flood residence lot adjoining Milford Heights, on lirow of the hill. MixlW feet, Ideal location. See W. I Klawick. Brand new Jesse French The Hoist of the Jim Bairett Mine in Star District sale Barr on t llano for easy payments. Hee Mrs. Methodist parsonage. Bon Soldat Property, Star Dulricl |