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Show SECTION TWO MINING EDITION OF THE VOL 3. MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. NO 2 THE HUB MINE IS TAP- PING THEJIG ORE BODIES This Property Has Now Developed into a Mine of No Small Proportions and Has Large Bodies of Good Silver-Lea- d Ore In the Star district its located a ager, II. T. (ierrish of Boston is secproperty of the Utah Mining, Milling retary and John Thompson, one of and Transportation Co. commonly Utah's most capable mining men is known aa the lfub mine, and thin superintendent. in one of the moat valuable holdings The proerty consists of nine pat- in Beaver county. This company is chiefly composed of eastern people and is well financed. M. D. Malbon of Haverhill, Mass, is president, Chas. T. Birchard of Boston is general man thus far develop'd is highly mineralized and nmeh valuMe ore has lxcn oX'iicd up. The Huh, or Pan shaft, as it is callmaciu-ered is cipiipiwd with a of power consisting gasoline hoist, a three drill compressor, waugh drills, cages mid tunneling equipment, and is prepared to do lluh ented and three unpatented claims and is situated on the ore beddings which cross the district and which are found in the Moscow' and Red Warrior proerties. All the territory of the te y, heavy mining at any lime. The Ian shall is down over Juo feet and drifts have been run to the ore body's which have liven fully proven in the property. Over 1M0 feet of drifting, cross cuting and upraising has been done in this prosrty while doing development and blocking out the ores. Below the shaft a few hundred feet a tunnel has been driven into the mountain for 1200 feet and considerable valuable ore has been taken out of this workings. In this tunnel a number of veins arc opened up and thef indications are that these will develop into permanent ore bodies. Assays from samples taken from the Hub property give values of MAY 27. S2.00 PER 1D10 which prom-- I a the Heat cr Lake per rent nipper. Tl ht cent I, .id. 'linn. Tin c rl.itns ire ounce silver, llptm-d am! are ci m- ; as a copper pnix-i , make mm .m.r'.hc i Mel a a Liable SO 'sideiv.l in Mil, hi. Tlie formation in this territory k,.,l p,, k ha- - hern Umiiim ot deal it on,. - a " earhiinate ami inaUi-in gray ihiii.'mii:i' wdh rhyolite dikes (lr im.,. ilo i'llImt next to granite. to i unity I'eet thick cut'ing !n - l li.it t ,.iv iluali'il in or1 irmii two i This pri'iM-rt,., i.Hai.,1 and hate itcrt the proprrty nortli and south with a .'niii' nl i he en miles from Milton! an.i adjoin tin indu-a- l iuii ot prm mg gissl pro.liu p.irphry dike cutting tin' entire ' At lln i a bafl nt lime M..S.VS and .1,,,, pre. later. Bryan, ,.lrri.( 'down udy to a dept It III .Si Ul t and miin rali.ition in tins territory mines. 1 he Mmsvw - ,tch. iihii-- i Tlie link lor si l. t. in wme lia- n On w-I i JoadiiiL lo il u uirpliry I I v it. ttn i ki irii iicmvst 'linion MI it . h SI ll i l IHH lrr il l 'lit' H ilii l 4 ki.-tti- -- HOil di-tr- icl i - Xtl.i-an- 1, 1 . . - . - ilio-i-ilai- -- lu-- oli'i-min- i -- t j ts-le- .1 -- i 1 i I I m I li inonnni: mill as high a .t per values ami rlnoii'.e ... and vend tallies hate eKaitiid eeut about flvo milus. copper and n ounces silver have Irnin f.iuioio! l.ikrii I rout ll.r wn i t more in ncfiurMmu ,i trout tin1 ttvrraey satn- Ihvii tt on l!u CHiuiMin uni . I.alrr uiv. Ilf Tin and stability lie llul. mine and it preperty has an iiielme Start MIIKI'I;; Ill. till lUi'pem ler the.'id.. II to a di'lilll of dvS) fiet aul ... .shall ihtt bill Kh.'rl Ik' a wi uii.i mini iiun lairuk n, in.riHtM' of iMtrhiim illnow Iioiuk dmo from tins drill is mg eelleut pmnrty will Iw one ot Heater biHlles i Im-l- mils! siirl ei-- l at ileplli. level to eul the isirphry dke along . . . lodging fivm the Mirt.iee !utt in; countys heaviest priMlin-erwhu ii ore bodies of considerable, lin- l I We hen'with present a picture ot he Alla Iiioiu-- tt ttlHsoliied.lt be iiitrtaiiee ar exneeted lo lte eiieoun- a a n al iiiiuiiig prop-isiion. the Pan shaft and hoisting plant kii"S ii ten d. This proiH'rty is situate.! with which showstliat the proieny is well in seven miles or the Frisco hraneh of tin' Salt Lake Houle and twelve equipped. miles from Milford. Ik Atlas Preperty At the present time the eompany lias about Ilfteni Ions of good ore on lu addition to the Hub and Lady will I Bryan properties the I'tah Mining Beaver Lake ColisoliJaletl ( ui i i lie dump and a small shipment Win. near the in future. lie made Milling and Transportotii hi Co. owns Company 1 las a Splendnl Poii.iber ol Halt Lake is the president two valuable elainis adjoining these ol this company and A. F. Palm of Two men are Provo is secretary. work at developing I lie I constantly kept '(II1M 'I ed 'lid. The HenM'l' l.aket rosotuMl l't tyapott at a iImumi'1 Phis s III. nv I 1,1 Il'i ipO-- ll letl .1 . i !' w l I . i ; ; 1 1 i ! The Dan Shaft at the Hub Mine in Star Mining District fo. lia a gosl we are offering you the choicest of everything in o gr-ii- ('up claims in proper! it - Fruits Groceries. and , sell for Cash and by so doing can save money on A Trial Order will Convince you. We Handle the Best Flour in the Marvel MAIN STREET i . Piojierly of llic Beaver fjtke Consolidated We want your Meat and Grocery trade and in order to get everything. ni tln-r- mt We YEAR MILFORD, UTAH Copcr Co. |