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Show V.r i . '1 MINING EDITION OF THE 0 VOL 3. NO MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1910 2 MILFORD, MINING METROP- seeking a country of opportunities if inthey locate in Milford, and for the otters the vestment of capital Milford greatest inducements in the connl-cy- $2.00 PER OPENING FOR A WORD AROOT THE MINING Freffsr of OLIS OF SOUTHERN UTAH Milford Offers Greater Inducements for Investment of Capital and Opportunities for Homeseekers than Any Other Town in Utah Milford is situated in l season opened this spring De Wolfe Utah of McKay Company, who oper- the richest shearing mining territory in the state and In addition to this is surrounded by the most fertile agricultural lands in the west. This great metropolis of Southern Utah is located 207 miles aonth of Salt Lake City on the main ate the shearing pens, installed a com- plete plant of shear! ng machines which are operated by electricity. Over 200, 000 sheep were sheared here this season and the wool clip was the largest If you have a farm you will neod implements. We have aline. Hteam plows and threshers. Burns ft Bird Co. residence lot adjoin Fur Sale-Go- od ing Milford Heights, on brow of the hill. 50s 1M feet. Ideal location. See V. L. Elawick. MAN BRIGHT A Advsncemsnt" Which It Is Doubtful . YEAR If Mr. Boldt INDUSTRY OF REAVER COUNTY isrl-susl- y CensidorsS. William McAdoo, former polite commissioner of New York, snd onre ar-stsianl secretary of tba navy, ass a small town in North Beotia, stop-- ' rli-St Ilia hole). "You from New York 7" kd Iks'' 1 TJus County is Richest Mineralized Territory in the West and Has Produced Millions of Dollars Worth of Ore How about the cataf Are you out? This mining edition of the Ilcavcr See Rums ft Bird (Jo. Idaho Oats prices right. County News is published In Ihc Interest of the mining Industry of HeavCiliforiia Strvitt lii Sail take Raafa er County, snd imrllcularly those disNot later than Jane 16tb, 1910 through tricts lying adjacent to Milford. There service will be established to all Calino Is of mineralized Utah that section fornia points. For rates and ill ustraMander has made so pronounced a degree of iled booklets . address J. H. field, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Balt progrewi during the past few years as Lake City. hss Beaver County. Neither la there any section of this great commonwealth which offers greater opixirt unities in the mining Industry than dues Beaver County. The whole western portion of the County Is highly mineralised and all the districts carry good values la lead, cupiier, silver. Iron gold and other valuable metals. Just now ibis entire territory is eit pedsneing the first stages of real and properties which have - r produced largo quantities of both low aadjNfili grade ores from the surface arg.Bpw being developed st depth and i .ol rl owner. ? "1 am." "Know anybody down there a ho kin run s hotel : Several people." Well, 1 wish you would tail ms tba name of good man I css get Is coma up here and run this hotel fsr r. district are alsuil twenty miles west ttf Milford and are reached by n branch of the Balt Lake Route. The Rocky district lays about five miles uortbwest of Milford while the Rearer take district Is about twelve miles out In the same direction and both ol these are reached by good wagon road. From the Rocky it is about a mile to a siding of the Frisco branch of the Balt Lake Route and from Ihc Heaver jkc district it Is about six miles Hi the same aiding. The LI :coln and Hradsliaw dial rids are reached by wagon road from Milford at a distance of about ten miles. All these districts are highly mineralised and many llxni sands of dollars worth of ore have beca taken out ms. I ain't got tlms ts attend to it, ad I want as honest, sober, respeet able mas In lake bold of 11 for ms." "How much a III you psyT ssksd Metdon "Twenty lire dollars a month, or. If he's especially good, I might go M. McAdoo promised to think and that sight ho told the hotel owner a good man to write to. Whereupon Mr. George C. Boldt. proprietor of tbe Waldorf-Astorila Nsw Tsrk aad In Philadelphia; the Rellerne-Htralforhighly astonished a few days later In receive sit offer of 016 a month and hoard lo go up to Nova Beotia to run hotel, with the promise of s miss to n If he mad" good. bHt so more. Bsturdsy Evening Poet. a-- s COULDNT HELP BUT BELIEVE Perhaps the Bsn Francisco district Suburbanite Had Ample Evidence sf Truth Centalned In the the tildes). If ntit the uhh'xl Occult. mining districts In Ufah, and has been one of the greatest producers. At Ho I bellrvelln lbs occult ? Burn, I do'-saiIs time which the miburbanlU as he setlocated llie are the am Frisco, proving iptyeiry jpstam-tled dots into' nls seat hi tbs smo' on the. of the a and extent al depth. center of district, waa waa Is one of 1 fil c mf r: V - yc king ear and filled hla tdiie. 1 "I . I. v- N Birdseye VieVFAf Milford, Utah ever known In the history of the counline of the Salt Lake Route. Thia is a progressive little city with try. a population of about 1200 and lies in Dry farming is also carried on in thia section of the country a beautiful valley through which flows the Beaver river. On either aide of and good crops are raised every year. town are ranges of mountains which A cut of a field of com raised last year 'contain a mass of valuable metals and by George Atkin by the dry farm are only waiting development to prove method, is shown, elsewhere in this that Beaver county Is the riche?! min- paper and fully demonstrates what eralized territory in the west. - in the can be done in the way of dry ' farmvalley are thousands of acres of the ing. During the Aekt year hundreds of moat fertile land that ever the inn acres of land adjacent to Milford will shown on and with irrigation all of be placed under cultivation by the this will be placed under cultivation. dry farm method. At the present time there is one big I The resources of this particular lo- irrigation project being put through cality are unlimited and the town of wh ich will bring nnder cultivation Milford need not depend wholly up76000 acres of land. This project is to on any one resource. There ie no be completed in eighteen months and country on earth that offers more golenough of it will be completed to den opportunities than Beaver County, place 60,000 acrea under irrigation Utah, and Milford ie so situated aa to next year. make her the distributing point and At Milford is located the largest supply station for a vast territory. Milford is the coming town of Southhops of the San Pedro, Loe Angeles and Salt Lake railroad and a large ern Utah and will have a population force of men ia constantly employed of 6000 within the next three years. here. The monthly pay roll of this This metropolis boasts of having the company amounts to a considerable beat water system in the state, and in sum of money most of which is spent addition to this she has good graded in the town and invested in the val- schools, the best electric light system uable real estate. in the west, telephone connections The sheep industry ie also one of with all the intermountain towns, a the leading resources of this section live Commercial Club and of the country and at Milford ie loca- in fact everything that goes to make ted the largest shearing and dipping up a real live, prosperous metropolis. No mistake will be made by those pens in the Untied States. Before the suc-cessfu- ly - te WOMAN EASILY THE VICJOR Amusing Comedy In a London Court Prisoner More Than Met Hie Match. There was a rather amusing opts it London sessions recently. In the dock stood a short, young man, who skillfully questioned the witness es against him. Eventually a little ode woman, looking very meek, but shaken with excitement, entered the box In quiet tones she answered the que rles of counsel, but when the prisoner's turn came the witness became increasingly emphatic In her responses, and louder and louder grew her answers, until ehe was positively shouting. The prisoner tuned his voice to accord with hers, and both were engaged In trying to drown each other's noisy sentences. Suddenly the man cessed, exclaimed .Pehew!" stunk bis hands deep Into his pockets, and with long, promenaded strides around the dock. Phew!" he said, coming to a dead stop snd glancing at the woman whose vehemence and volubility had gained for her a victory. "Phew! A woman nan always speak longer than a man. Why, youre as bad as (he suffragettes and worse." With a hopeless shrug of the shoulders he lapsed Into silence, while the court laughed loudly. London Express. Main Street Looking North, Milford, Utah ore which have been oiencd on the surface levels snd practically pinched out are now being cut on Ihc four, five and lx hundred fool levels snd are of such extent as to warrant the belief that (bey are permanent. la now no uncommon thing for which have reached a depth of several hundred feel in open ImnIIkh of rich csrhonatR ore front fifty to one hundred fret In width. Bodies of stiff-legge- Mori of POST OFFICE HOURS:-- On week days from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money1 orders and registery business closes at 6 p. m. sharp. On Sundays office open from 8 until 10 a. m. All mail ieaving for the East and West must be in oy 7:20 p. m. and for Beaver, Newhouse ana Frisco, mail must Inin by 8:15 a. m. the proiwrlles arc now most flonrisl big mining camps in the Just' giro) a skeptic aa you art un a wreli ago. I was firmly conseal aud boasted of a population of III vinced that table manipulates waa a two or three thousand people. It Is faka, that mind reading was purs by no means a dead" one today, as guesswork, and I hat all afiegad ps whcould be attributed in here la located the famous old Horn ir phenomena natural rsuses. Hut now Im willing Silver mine, (lie Heaver fnrlMinale, lo arespt the entire propaganda. Noth(hr King Itavld, the Frisco Con. and ing (a too olisritre for m to accept onblind faith. I've experienced a coalother goial producers. The other ills Ipleto change of heart as they used trirls which are made a part, of our I to say In the old Methodist ramp subject, while newer ones In tin: flrM, i n,eetngs "You see t waa Ibis way. My friend are by no means of less account. The Huggins, who la really a bug os the Star is rapidly coming lo the front, orriili. Induced me to go to s seasco and Is known as one or the greatest with him the other afternoon, sod prevailed upon me to have a Itting. la miners zed territories in the Slate of pile of my f h asld I waa good subject, and f guasa I waa. Thot Blah, and it will not lie many years whn waa delivering tha soul fluid before this will he tile greatest pro- lady told me I should bnve trouble with a ducing district In llie west. In Ihc stout dark woman. All tha way out, Pruesa district- - Is located llie faiumis on th train that evening tha Ides I couldn't got li out of haunted m old Caclus mine which is located at my head. Tills mine has been a Newhouse. What "And, ssv, she was right. I good producer and has proven that lire happened? Why, when I got home. (mind myself up against tha propoei-lln- n mountains of Heaver t'oiin of firing th colored r"k. Bure. an abundance of valuable ! hellers In he occult. OGI a fight?" hold ly In- coming well rqulpjied with hoisting plants and other maehincry which will enable them to carry on mining operations on a large scale and soon become regnlnr shlpjmrs and dividend liayers. Some of these mines have I men heavy shipix-r- s for several years snd now have large bodies of ore blocked out which will keep I hem busy for sonic time at active mining. The mines of all these districts arc easily reached and have good railroad metals. facilities. The greatest distance to It is only th question of time and railroad being not more titan ten miles systematic development until Braver and hul Tew of the mines have Ibis far county, Utah will lie known to the in travel. world as the greatest mining district In this ml it Ion wc are endeavoring on earth and in t.lir course of a few to show up the projierllen to the best more years we will be aide lo count advantage and yet show them as they the real mine by thesenre. The ore really are. Wo are representing sev- ia here iu (inanities snd values and eral mining districts, among (hem be- all lliat is required to make lire best ing llie Star, Rocky, Beaver ltkc, Han mining reunify on earth is com moil Francisco, Pnicss, Lincoln, Bradshaw sense mining barked with sufficient and Pine Grove. The Star district is capital to carry tire work to depth. located about nix miles west or Mil1 1 non-hee- Kiin-klsai- - I fonl snd Is resclieil by a good wagon II you have farm you will need YVr have a complete road. The. Han Francisco snd Priirss implements. NewFrisco and embrace Steam line. plows and llire-drerjdistrlria These country. and UotjHt Burn- ft Hinl surrounding I - Main Street Looking South, Milford, Utah - ' Word-of-Mou- th Advertising Passing encomiums, only over your store counter, about the iualily of what you've got lo sell, results in aiumt as much satislact ion as you r wi ? woui d get if you gave hrr a lx ol cigars for Christ iikr. Advertising in TM UUr to fvpnbtfiji lllffil Idik l' k (L'dprr IT, C Paper 0"i.r in! nukr Mu HNfVUPY. ft . tij - - Vf |