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Show PH RANC l! yin Cedar City, Utah The Branch Normal School offers the following Courses to the Young People of Southern Utah 1 . A Four Year Normal 4. A Course. 1 . A General High Literary Course. 5. School Course. A 3. An Engineering Course Domestic Science Course stock of lathes, forges, The Library facilities are ample, the Laboratories are equipped with the most modem apparatus, the Shops are supplied with a new for the modem shop. The Domestic Science is fitted with all modem conveniences. motors, fan exhaust, shaper, milling machine and all the modem machinery THIS IS THE SCHOOL FOR THE YOUTH OF SOUTHERN UTAH. G. W. DECKER, Principal and 7 th of Class work com- - Septembc Registration of students Thursday and F uday , the 6th mences Monday, September 20th, at the Branch Normal school at Cedar City, Utah. 1 1 APPLICATION FOR PATENT Serial No. 04265 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City. Utah, July 30, 1909. Notice fa hereby given that Thomas Kearns and David Keith of Salt Lake City, Utah, have made application tor a United States patent for the Billy Nig, Triumphant Nos. 2 and 3 lode mining claims, situate in the Sail Francisco mining district, Beaver county, Utah, being mineral survey No. 5556 and described in the field notes and plat of the offiri&l survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 16 deg. east as follows, Ingols & Taylor ENGINEERS, ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS aid Nevada to attention We are now prepared to give prompt (I. S. Deputy Mineral Simyors for Utah NOTICE. Serial No. 0 4243 APPLICATION FOR PATENT COSY CORNER CLUB UNITKD BTATKfl LAND OFFICE Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28, 1909. Notice is hereby given, that Peacock Copper Consolidated Mining company, a corporation, through its authorized agent, OoriM. Iiolderman, whose postuffice address is Salt Lake for City, Utah, has made application a United States patent for the Hum-hu- g Mine, Humbug No. 1, Sunlicam Mine No. 1 and Sunlieam Mine lode mining claiina consolidated, situate in the San Francisco mining district, County of Beaver, State of Utah, Commencing at corner No. 1 of the being Survey No. 6922 and described Billy Nig lode from which the north in the field notes and plat on file in east corner of section 13, township 27 this office, with magnetic variation south, range 13 west Salt I.ake Base at 17 deg. 53 min. East as follows: and Merediau bears S. 22 deg. 30 tnin. Commencing at comer No. 1 of E. 4880.5 feet, thence running from Humbug Mine lode claim, whence the said comer No. 1, N. 88 deg. 13 min. U. S. Mineral Monument No. 3 bears W. 1500 feet to corner No. 2, of the N. 13 deg. 31 min. W. 2077.1 feet; Thence S. 60 deg. 33 min. K. 1255.4 Billy Nig lode, thence N. 26 deg. 17 inin. W. 585.6 feet to comer No. l td feet to comer No. 2 of said hale; Thence S. 43 deg. 02 min. W. 542.5 the Triumphant No. 2 lode from which the aforesaid section corner Ijears S. feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; 35 deg. 31 min. E. 6241.8 feet, thence Thence N. 63 deg, 05 min. W. 1270.2 N. 88 deg. 13 min. W. 1500 feet to feet to comer No. 4 of said lisle, comer No. 2 of the Triumphant No. 2 identical with corner No. 2 of Humlode which is identical with comer bug No 1 lode; No. 1 of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, Thence N. 81 deg. 28 min. W. 1500.0 from which the aforesaid section cor- feet to corner No. 3 of Humbug No ner bears S. 44 deg. 59 min. K. 7249.8 lode, identical with corner No. 2 of W. Sunbeam Mine No. 1 lode; feet, thence S. 68 deg. 27 mill. Tri1500 feet to corner No. 2 of the Thence S. 70 deg. 19 min. W. 677.3 deg. feet to corner No. 3 of said lode ; umphant No. 3 lode, thence N. 26No. 3 17 min. V. 802.5 feet to comer Thence S. 88 deg. 09 min. W. 650.C of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, thence feet to comer No. 4 of said lode; Thence N. 43 deg. 02 min. E. 600.0 N. 58 deg. 27 min. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 4 ot the Triumphant No. 8 feet to corner No. 6 oi said lode; Thence N. 88 deg. 09 min, E. 50 feel lode, thence H. 88 deg. 13 min. E. 1500 feet to connr No. 4 of the Trito corner No. 2 of Sunbeam Mine S. 26 deg. lode; umphant No. 2 1 ate, thence 17 min. E. 625.9 feet to corner No. 3 Thence N. 18 deg. ' 38 min. W. of the Billy Nig lode, thence S. 88 14H6.0 feet to comer No. 3 of said deg. 13 min. E. 1500 feet to comer lode; Thence N. 88 deg. 09 min. E. 565.2 No. 4 of the Billy Nig lode, thence 8. 26 deg. 17 min. E. 662.1 feet to the feet to corner No. 4 of said lode; Thence S. 19 deg. 54 min. E. 1496.4 place ul liegiuning of description of exterior boundaries of said consoli- feet to comer No. 1 of said lode, identical with comer No. 6 of Sundated claim. Said claim being located in unsur- beam Mine No. 1 lode; veyed part of township 27 S. It. 13a Thence N. 70 deg. 19 min E. 677.3 W. S. L B. and M. and containing feel to corner No. 7. of Sunbeam total ares of 59.085 acres, excluding Mine No. 1 lisle, identical with turhowever, therefrom the area in con- ner No. 4 of Humbug No. 1 lode; Thence S. 81 deg. 26 min. K. 1560.0 flict with the Burlington Mining Claim Nos 1 and 4 and Burlington feet to corner No. 1 of Humbug No. 1 lode, identical with corner No. 1 of No. 8 mine lodes. Hurvey No. 5391. Net area applied for being 47.721 Humbug Mine lode, the place of beacres. ginning and located in unsurveyed Each of said lodes embraced in said part of Township 27 K. Range 13 W., consolidated claim being of reconi in S. L. B. & M., containing an area of the office of the county recorder at 62.667 acres exclusive of conflict with Lit No. 67 lode claim Niagara; adjoinBeaver Cily, Beaver county, Utah. The nearest known locations or ing and conflicting claim as shown mining claims being the aforesaid hy Plat of Survey is U. S. lot No. 67, conflicting claims and Selma No's. 3, Niagara lisle; I direct that this notice tie publish4, 5, 6, Wabash Mining Claim and Wabash No. 4 Mining Claim survey ed in the Beaver County News at No 5391 and Regulator No. 2, sur. No. Milford, Utah. 4709. E. D. R. Thompson, I direct that this notice lie publishRigister. ed in the Beaver County News at First publication July 30, 1!N9. of nine fur the Milford, Utah, period publication Sept. 24, 19119. consecutive weeks. Edwin W. sknior. E. 1. R. Thompson, Salt Iikc City, Utah, Claimant's Attorney Register. (J. W. Parks, Attorney for Apiilii'aiit. M the tailor, has just reFirst puli. Aug. 6, l'.sm. ceived a handsome line of all wool Second puli. OH . 1, 1!NHI. fall and winter samples and can fit AtTS lulJlTirE suit. Call you out with an iF.urvra all a ul see them. C&rbOliZCd5 rowan null IIUUU Kiser & Brandt, Pro; is. St. Barnard Mission Billiard and Pool Tables ..... "The Monarch Cushions, the Best in the World. We have the best grade of SEGARS, TOBACCOS AND CANDIES Commodious and quiet ITS THERE WELL FIND IT Office and Labratory oppoaite Opera House' Milford. Utah Phone 48 1 EARLE THE PAINTER FOR ALL KINDS OF House and Sign Painting FULL LINE OF PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND WALL BAR COSMOPOLITAN Reynolds, G. D. Pproprietor Exclusive Agents for HUMBOLT EL PAYO Cigars, and we also handle the Choicest of Wines and Liquors Our bar room is fitted up with good pool and billiard tables and also have in connection BARBER SHOP AND HATH ROOM. iMu-hiiii- Subscribe for The News and be happy. Pincsalve , ch-gan- t at all times Milford, Utah Buchanan Building to-wi- t: IF Louis P. Brandt Chia. C. Kiser Scliovi, Fotheringham & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay and Grain COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT $ t Lumber, Mouldings, Doors and Windows t t t j i j |