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Show OF THE EARLY DAYS :.GIKES ALL PUT TO Their Capacity and Cost of TEST. Operation Two Tnmgs Mott Carefully Considered. RAILROAD ROLLINC 8TOCK IN INDIANA. PIONEER Railroading is a pretty exact science the big engine on the testing 'able at Altnonu Is only one of many Videiins of the skill that is beln i kuiigiit to bear mini! the owralion of the great. railroad properties of time. at the nt This eiig ue goes upon diet, sayr Outing, lir. Wiley down at Washing-owith his young men sustaining themselves scientifically upon rneas urcil :li i.l selected roods has something of the same method that ie siiow n with tlie test engine at Altoona Its supply of eual is carefully weighed and anulyzi-- by sample. An accounting of the amount con suined down to ounces is kept; the water supply Is also examined and measured with great care. When the lest is finished and the big captive engine has covered miles of theorel- j leal grades with u long theoretical) train hitched on behind the experts and begin get busy with their to preimre the rcisirts upon which their chief may rely when he goes ahead to construct another gross ol llilKou locomotives. There is no guesswork about modern railroading. Many hundreds ol thousands of dollars are sjient each year in expert scientific tests of every sort, in tlie salaries of men who devote their entire time to thin work and tlie railroads reap the benefits in iruny more hundreds of thousands ot dollars in operating economies. (A Million a .:itd Museum at Purdue University, Lafay-ette, Shows Advancement That Has Taken Place Along Transportation Lines. i UnrEstimated Inherits the Hevtnne pr-ro- Purdue university at iJiiayetre. I ml has one interesting center that Presidedent Slone clares to be unique among American colli g,s It Is a railway museum, one that locomocontains tives of the pionstate. Nevada is primarily a vantages of the town over any other Iu the eer type anil other nun naiiiiv usually hioes lu-- piccioiis meiuis u oiniciiu state, uiiiiiiig equipment showphir-- . s. ltciio is not a mining camp, and Is not only cent rally situated ing the develop-railro&I I'cm a r.tilt oiid point ol iow, but has scenic attractions rarely to In Amorira. meut of the leutid in any Aiucniuii community. About the time of the world's fair at It is located in the heart of a rich agricultural r. giou, and through the Onn, mho decides halt Judge Chicago iu ISM the university began OF THE D tOHCE AirS center of the town runs a beaut It ul uiomuaiu stream, the Trnekee river. Viiiounlaius. Sin rounding the town, ut a brtel dixtame arc snowcapped seeking locomotives and other railthe very near future for the next way equipment for u railway museum and the winds coining Hum over then Miiniiiits keep the air cool on sumlegislature does not meet until JanuEND. Ncv The populaOn ;ke other hand, the wiu-tei- s Jn connection with ita engineering demer nights. 11 t never very warm m of 1911. There are others who Reof ' ary life social uinl tion is museum me comparatively mild. partment. The IlirUit" to 1 lie experience of South Du a point N are v.. on undergoing no. An altitude ol 4.;iim Icet makes the atmosphere somewhat trying particularly interesting for its cona knia, wbli-'- i Where great change. trasts. On one of the tracks in the nerves that arc not lohust to begin with. Imt nervous affections are llie of lax divorce laws before a reevils optithe so or ago year center of the museum is the Tornado, to which the i innate is untavoiuhlc cnmplaiiits only was peal mistic mining promoter, a model of the second locomotive For the cure of other ailments lint mineral water springs abound in V I' v .1 khaki or in liis in corduroy S'eamboat the vicinity of Reno. Twelve miles away an- the famous No- operated on the Seaboard Air line Hut them. before stuhliorn task russet shoes, ! and hie high years 1840. The Tornado is but a vest Springs whiih fomstock millionaires were wont to patronize VuUd li Ll slikli K Ill UUJ lilfit was wont to disport himFive miles from Reno, Moana Springs Uoui is miles Throe ago pocket edition when compared with after gainsession of the seen legislature, be may the self, to the west, is another famous ivmih, Laughton s Springs, the big James Toleman, tin engine of ing being permitted for 40 years with of the oast flashing men bcuulitiil a The driving it. near Truckee the making road to which runs along river, English design standing eiigtd.iiiiee of law, a hill abolishing liy In high nowored lull way to Laughton on this mad is a magnificent edifice boulevard. engine of the 1840 type could almost gambling was passed the act to take Washoe Where be stowed away in the cab of tlu effect in Noveiuls-- r of 1910 and It Is uuu a sit would piay ago year squaws stand English engine. It la a pigmy believed t hut If that could lie done, FAITHFUL EVEN UNTO DEATH. cards at the corners of the public ing beside a giant. the slack divorce laws can be mors handsome squares may lie seen Tlie Tornado was constructed under easily repealed. in RememStricken iu women Paris sauntering Engineer, gowns Mortally. the personal direction of Albert John In the meant line tbe hotel men and bered the Lives That Were On tlie veranda sun. the ulteiiiooit to son, the engineer first employed cottage renters of Reno and the diConfided to Him. of tlie leading hotel where a year ago run it after its importation from Engvorce lawyer will continue to flour-land desolation that were the sib-neland in 1 840. The little engine was Parisian toilettes anil liO horse sit Although he was Instantly killed, the panic of l!)o7 produced, idly as great a curiosity in 1810 as it is to- instinct born of power automobile will flash and dart with his :iiid fight with ennui groups of men long training, day. In those pioneer times people hand on the throttle, causer M. 0. and women, who look forward, ir through the quiet thoroughfares at all came miles to see this giant that Davis, an sorts of hours. Men and women will when time Delaware. on to the mental they the vision, engineer y it is moved curs by steam. continue to become "citizens" of Ne--' Lackawanna & Western railroad, to will be able io forsake this frontier valla on u residence and merely laughed at when compared stop his train on a heavy down grade post of civilization and whirl an eager with the magnificent Atlantic and Pa- at Ioni-- Summit. leave tin state forever the dny after homes lit tbe easL to tbeir back Fa., flight preventing cific types in use on the transcon- what would have securing t heir divorce decrees. Hut they are looking for divorces at been a probably tinental lines. th--must stay hero costly wreck. present, and so A locomotive that is of particular Tlie train had passed Ponro Sum- for at least six mouths from date of Frolic of Real Queen Reuben Interest to Indiana is the old mit and wub going rapidly down arrival to satisfy the requirements of on used was that an Wells, engine grade. A few miles from the summit the Nevada divorce laws with regard the inclined plane at Madison to push is a platform built close to the trark That queens are very human betrains up that hill, famed for Its six to facilitate loading into the cars. This after all is evidenced by their ing Wells Reuben The per cent, grade. had a hood. Davis was looking out of in the outdoor pleasures delight got its name from the builder, Reuben the cab window when his head was which even their huiiihlet subjects mechanic master the for Wells, years caught between this heavy wooden Rick's.1 known as may enjoy. The royal lady of a European court of the old Jeffersonville, Madison cab window. The train liood and the no lunger eft in regal splendor in her palace, surlocal is which the Indianapolis railroad, now a part of was running about twenty-fiv- e miles rounded by Indies in wailing ready to minister to Carlo Ricks "Monte of the Pennsyldivision Louisville the an hour and his whole head was conveniher most languid wish, but you may meet her all the has construcvania railroad. Prior to the crushed In, while the body was Jerked ences for those who motoring in the country or riding horaebark In tion of the engine all trains on the in- through the cab window and thrown It la an excellent example they are a tlie park. to mitke desire stay, MadiBon of sent out clined plane were on the floor of the platform. for their countrywomen In this respect. and setting pnrlles frequently by a cog system. They ascended the At the same Instant his head was who go there to spend Queen Alexandra 1 a devotee of outdoor life. Inmiles three by is which long, grade, struck Davis threw on the air brakes. a few hours forget to deed, she attributes keeping young and enjoythis slow process. The building of Evidently Just In the flash of time he ing good health, to the Reuben Wells was considered a recognized there was danger. The fact. When a thi railroad workmanship. great piece of crew, running to see what had hapyoung girl she was I. road was opened To The J. H. train The the body. fond of swimming, ' traffic in 1848, but the Wells did not pened, found within several yards. stopped rowing and drivlater. ten come into service until years ing, and even now frewere time to runaways that Up she never permits ALL TO RAILROAD MEN. TELLS quent on the Madison hill, and many a day to go by are the stories told of the accidents without Has PreLines on Used English takingIf Sign of the The coming that occurred. some exercise. Accident a Serious vented Many Wells marked a new era In hill climbthe weather is too on the Rail. Reno has succeeded to the eminence ing. The stocky little engine amazed For bud fur walking to residence to push everybody by its ability Sioux Falls ae the divorce center of she passe several No doubt many readers have stood formerly occupied by trains up the hill. A modern engine lawyer got into the Nevada nohours at billiards. farsighted Some ami America. a station of on the platform there same Is used for the purpose and when he got out again I wonderShe ticed on the back of the last roach of legislature several years ago, the statutes of Nevada law divorce skilled with a was atutmj; a fully there either out lamp went It a train as The Daniel Nason is an aristocrat the cue and i for length, breadth, height, elasticity, and all other that or a plate with I white plate, plain of the old school of locomotives. It V. Mast vehicle) by day. and one or qualities lhat commend theniHelvee to the seeker after proud of her gams. was presented to the museum in 1905 more Hut in nice weathThese vasy matrimonial freedom, could not be surpassed anynight. by lantpa lighted Harter Iter favorite exengine-driver- s by the New York, New Haven where In the union. It was equaled by the South Dakota the for not are only When Nason was ford railroad. ercise is wulking. same line to detect law though, and so Nevada and tbe Nevada lawyer seProvidence following on the built for the old Poston At R a n d r i n g- cured no results from it for the time being. the for are guidance but ahead, danger &ISHESS 3TEEET railroad In the 50 it was one of the of AEMO'J and trains him that to wails, comes g)(, visits towards keeping Hut everything signalmen handsomest engines of the time. To- under leant once a day. This is at control and averting when the people of South Dakota arose In thelr her farm of all menpart be proper It outmight come back for several day, day on Its tank there are the dim more of a pleasure than a task, because she ususerious accidents. As a train parses wroth last November and, by a referendum vote, tloned In this conned ion that the divorce colony dilines of a beautiful gilt scroll that the signal-boat a to loots desired get who one the signalman declared that any ally amuse herself on the way by taking snapmade the tank glisten in the sunlight. the back of the last carriage, nml if vorce In South Dakota would have to live there has brought to lteno over HM motor car. with her camera or playing with one or shot anil crowded, The lending hotel are always reThe engine proper was heavily mount- he sees the signs lie rings back to the the been had as Fond though the queen I of outdoor mure six of months, instead on (logs. the i year for cottages have appreciated, rents the ed with brass and copper and the lias from relief train of seeker hard exercise. Ynrhling and drivwhoII1 the avoid Hie, she f quirement previously, the extent of fin per cent, in the last . fireman had to work long hours to out of section;" present matrimonial lies began to take the long average, to the but site never has played gulf or rlie Train enjoys, ha ing Increase the y six months. In hoiiu instances there It or hut takes a tennis net. over where keep it all shining. a ball signs ta to westward Nevada, lights put n0 Journey much greater. Due cottage that rented for little of this circus wagon display on own-e- r elther the fain has a six months' residence to be in a position to go bpen Its now returns Persistent miloiuobillng. she believes, offers the $6(1 n month In January last, locomotives broken limse or. if at night, the lightf bet ore the courts of the state as plaintiff In a month. a mi an known for gating rid of a nice of $HNi rental a quickest With the Nason came another piece H thM1 ring the sig-oUt divorce suit. and gaining 10.000 wrinkles. 1 one thing that endears Reno to hag the ('(iniplcxlon crimps Is one stock that is railroad rolling else Is towards which the train than thing more any 11. Schnitzer, a Reno divorce specialist, has nam(11 divorcee W. the visiting is It a Queen Alexandra believe so much In fresh air of the features ol the museum. One may board a telling him that "train has writtin a treatise oil divorce practice and protravei to San Franel.-cits proximity It nml exercise nut of doors that she bus sometime of coach days. or pioneer sign; passenger coast metropd ',tll0llt tall light cedure, in which he throws an illuminating ray train in Reno and lie in tin Pacific in a tent she bail pul up for her at SanAn slept has the architecture or a stage coach. ' attracmnniridd of anjlue and Reno as s olis in ten limits. Despite its on the wherefore of the impiilarity Once.' asked liow she managed to dringham. with the railed place on the roof for divorce center. He says: tions, life In Reno is likely to wear Irksome uimn she snid: "Fresh nir and exercise are passenyoung, keep and baggage those who have been used to existence in larger of youth." laws of the eastern and middle elixir Rails. the best "While the the Grease soongers. Tlie coach ran on four wheels, Caterpillars and the visitors, to a great extent, some provision centirs, contain In on used state were tlie western seriously generally bases been have leather and Caterpillars Queen Alexandra's particular hobby is photoger or later during their stay, take a trip or hair of the marriage tie, it is obher out of doora a great frame to break the Jolts of the passen- terfering with the movement of Cana for the dUsohition and that taln-to the city by the the Sierras raphy over a dozen extreme trips, where eases in in said now to possess albums containShe deal. gers on pioneer railroads. Tills Ron- titan Pacific trains near Fredericton vious to thi- reader thatInilnre to Cate. Holden run cruelty, desertion, and provide form the Providence coach had a capac- Junction, and the locomotives ton ing over l'),i"i photographs, all taken by her own Sueh visits, while iifiording relief Trotn the basis of tin grievance, the law in such states ofpassengers ning over thnt section of the big resiity of about twenty bands, represent ing royal and important personnot the In do Impair life Reno, ol monotony was a narrow footboard on the (.0.i(1 have been equipped with fers no substantial relief to Hie aggrieved party, the age. places ami 1 festivulH in all parts of Europe. to obtaining neeesary outside that coulil be utilized when1 steam jets so that the pests can be because the requirements of proof, ibivutlon of dence qiliiiilientinns For a period of years now tin; queen has been divorce and procedure of a divorce. To again quote the Nevada She possesses five camthe train was crowded. a devotee of the camera removed from the rails as the trains offense, curroliiratioii of plaintiff : ntioiu-ilno authority already the under court rules are so exacting and Irksome eras. proceed. Caterpillars Infesting or the is Iniler tin provisions of Section 22 railroad tracks In such numbers that that tbe desired relief sought by the applicant Fried, Roasted and Stewed. W'lii'i ever the queen goes be It a cruise In the Divorce act, the plaintiff must reup and Slimming of attainment. affectrendered impossible Marriage been seriously has to a certain institute, the service A visitor six least ot ensti-rat a royal in slates yacht, to her Inline in Denmark, or n ride for the state It as in period exists it side but situation the of before, ihj in where it was required that each one ed have been heard that across to construed nunii country in the Highlands she is never the not client is relation Tills law, months. have proved any respecting the domestic i camera. That she use it well I evihad to sign his name, wrote In the is doubtful if they the without statute the party order to fully comply with this seetion ol when consulting local counsel is almost invariTor said period. visitors' book "Washington Jones. more troublesome inin the dent wlnqi it Is stated lhat during one of her Medor submitted he here cnnilnuously facts the remain ihat must of advised uion ably vicinity I.4H0 photographs and ailileil the letters "F. R. A. S. the country than So. If ,i party comes to Nevada, and. In good faith, iterranean cruises slip secured thousands upon she is without remedy. Here in Nevada the apin six weeks. Then It Is very seldom, too, that The next visitor, upon seeing this, Fredericton, where or a residence, the party may leave (Infraud, upon without takes up deception covered have the queen throws out n picture or destroys a negwished to shake hands with Mr. Jones, thousands of the pests a distance ol plicant, residence, state at any Hum after .iliiiiist any rharge from wiiieli lai k of harmonious fel- the tracks in places for a with meet to was he because the subject Is not up to the mark. the glml ative wln-wherever and party saying may go and travel relations nmy lm reasonably Inferred, may apply Kennebec Journal. win never Inde-I-- I state the to low of the Royal Astronomical so- several miles. results ht-return and secure wav of going to work she it must methodmay and by prompt In our courts chooses, to valid and binding in ciety. Retort. clination prompts, and yet such temporary of a ical. Her Poet's divorce, ee The photographs fill many albums and un"Fellow or what?" said Mr. Jones. would t.ot in any wise affect tin' legality T overtaken once was her majesty has wiitten a each der Miller law. photograph Joaquin Why," said the visitor, "did you by a countryman.' who gave him a tin- - resilience established, but the patty would be of the picture anil the date when taken. 31 cases now on the description limit a ate While there Washington i not sign your name of con- entitled under tlie law to hi ing sail any lime in Reno They include n great ariety of sulijei is. from the long ride. Tired, at length, .li.' ket of the district court, there rest the date troiu six of iitiuilis tinfrom Jones, F. It. A. ST novel a took after estaldlsl-1':a lapse the poet kings stud Imrecs taken iu the oh! Tuy at the Jay over 350 individuals Mr. Jones, "that versation, not wlHid, Hiding vvns originally "Yes, but. ei.lt at Wnlferton In perti.iils of her deuce annual u. whom a divorce majoro) for ptirjiosi's, - ask,.d th, means that 1 am a potato tin- - party's absence troin the Mali: d iring said n on the lawn at ;'.iui;riiiham and iiuii rtfllling7grande) yfm (re women. roasted am them frb-d-. of ami 1 the i n;:is i.i the Fat ih tu n. Tlie photograph period." countryman. Th1 charms of Nevada as a divorce center ulo.ie and now stewed." th- - finaiuial setlu-Honn fill tl.ne nllum-her somewhat Riiiaed greiiileliililK by "A novel of Hrot Harte's, said Mr. the into have only just begun to pen (date amount to seieial thousand. They depict them at of the situaHon, and yet to learn tin lesson that Miller. of the outside world. Steel the Railroad Demand. imc.m only result in tin moran how I see tut ir games, nuuplug with each other, and one. affairs of a state don't such now. Well. statu ob'-ctioto the present tons of Reno lias no Ttw.ro are about ol Hie eiumtiiitiity - a w tin of tiiat made the king roar with laughter when he h, al jmiih degradation i roads of the mortal .f affairs. It Is cstiirati-i- l lhat the revenue of the to her rails in use in tbe rclorin Dulni'a saw it. has caught two of tin youngi r son of ths South mused wlileh I lesson close :nwti fmia the dilutee eoiony at present Fnited States, about to be ITiiiec.- - of Wales, each endeavoring in exert his Reno the said laws divorce appears In-, poet, will rapidly to Jl.finii.f'tiq a year, and ilm it y by tin free use of his fists. of iron and steel in cars and loeomuare. to ti certain as with they immortal rigid being?" an tilings tons more that am from this on. To a ciuutminlty ol but as one of ber best photoshe live and pet haps Imu.-regard hut in cleaning Of course you are." tii i is busily ciiu.-geliul and building, a viaduct i that wlileh thhim talk-inpopulation this is no small confides. it Ion. in briilg-'S- . id ohs-iv- er king that graph ive fleet mo.-case." n responded ihe is Is i "If that and It felt by the like 75.imn,-noReno is preferred to any other i (immuniof in Ia-Why tbe Sulheld Marlborough grounds to grand total of will I be . so now need written :i as dont see why or road, Mill'-ruiile those, Ihe divorce laws of Ne tom- for ty in the state as a place of r sidenre ar bouse. future. Nol In economical or my time."-Chris- tian ad- a thing of Ihe past it be uiauiiold very Iron the Trade of uiile Is a because divorces tons 330 seeking siluuit Register. Review. . d i j - V Kt-n- M lb-n- to-da- y nuto-nioblle- 1 y h. To-da- a to-da- x ; To-da- u. it.-Lo- ndon g s rail-Ther- e , 1m-- r e ; resl-uii.c- e ; j s-- Tit-Hits- s st.-ar- ; con-teutf- d 1 e 18,-iio- ii e. 1 1 - HHiu-lbin- il 1 J I - !:- n-- lir-pi- :: |