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Show saw me. And. oh, Ellse, his arms ONE ON JOHNNY. FOR M0NTH3. were full of roses." " Roses!" Abandoned After Physicians "Yes. red roses. Dozens of them Positively cured by Consultation. They weiv uioie than he could carry these Little Pills. and fell on i he floor all round hint, Kuos They elan relieve Dls Mrs. Yew Washand car Shearer, on the one saw and whenever be Irena from Sts.. Ccutrulia, ington Wash., says: pel be stepped on it." TiHillrarty For ycais I was r maKailua. A What?" for Niiir liUzinr.N, ran and weak nly dow his n, under Yes. lie did. and ground it , linmaiui-Minra, llul cnidd not sleep, my heel. He began to say something, too. Tania !u ilia Uoiiih, limbs swelled and nl Toumie, I'am In tl.t i:i a blustering sort of way when the secretions were side, Tollpll) l.IVKit. Lady Kd.th interrupted him. She stood They Trgulslv tlir Hue ala. Purely tegeiablw ' in front of troublesome; and pains tall straight, him, very w ere inti use. I w as SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. and looked riiierily at him. She said: fast in lied for four 'Wilfrid, we are not alone. Her head Genuine Must Bear ' mouths. Three docwas very high in the air, and 1 never lie was a lalmy-liea(le- l Johnny, said tors was there saw her look so lovely; I felt awfully with little cash. She was bulb preMy Signature homo. sorry for her. too, for 1 think her pride and pert. Hu said: "lki you know, no cure for me. and1 I was given up to 1 list'd Doan's KidVilly, 1 am sumiMliing of h mimic? 1 die. Being uiged, "Uokos?" she repealed. Oh, yes. must have suffered. ney Pills. Siam I was lid ter aial in a can take almost anybody off" It was Harry's Idea; he is always so j "What happened then? REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Site said: Turn take yourself off, few weeks was about (lie house, well Well, then he saw me and I certhoughtful. 1 hope you liked them." and strong again." "1 do not consider it very thoughtful tainly wished I was not there to he old boy. I'm expcci.ng some one tu Sold by all dealers. Till rents a box, And lake me tu supper. seen and muttered something. to you like this." Fostur-MilburCo , Buffalo, N. Y. The words sprang to my lips and I then he dumped those glorious roses DURABILITY. PAINT I lit trier on bell. the were Kir the and soon as as them rang they regretted About Time. to talk pleasantly while we were wait uttered. I have some Ikirothy--fawaier to The in first thought painting should, "I told him to go." She was at ing for i in Imy to come, hut honestly mamma? ihrisii-my doll, of course, be durability ami dura"He would t tie whole room seemed full of red once on the defensive. Mother nil! no. 1 don't like you have stayed with me if I had asked roses, never saw such flowers in my bility means simply pure paint prop- to play with water. " Pure paint is pure im. i wanted him to go. I tut, oh life, and 1 couldn't think of a thing to erly applied. Well, can I hate some , Dorothy while oil or Wll-linseed lead and I (with Lord came She collapsed again and shivered say. When the toy wax her? I'm sure she waviaate lu without flirt said: Take that trash and throw tinting maieriall. convulsively. lo lmvr something done by now. ought paiut-luiye- r Some was the years ago and lie it ocean and them up out, "Tito skiff is so little and the gathered I'li had her three mouths.--Windslikely to get adulterated or counterwent off. is so big. Wilfrid went off, too. He aaid feit white lead if he was not familiar Magazine. d "lie goes so often I should think be may buy something civil to me about harinR with brands. you would he accustomed to it." Important to Mothers. I fear sailed about in the sun until he had a with perfect salety if he only makes Examine carefully every bottle of my voice was not. very sure that the Dutch Buy Painter CASTQHIA a safe and sure remedy for but, ns Gahrlelle suld, there horrid headache and the scent of the of infants and children, and one that it ware times when Mrs. Graham Jarred roses a ns intolerable. But you know trademark is on the packages ones nervous system. She was look- he didn't have to smell them, for he white lead that he buys. Tins trade-nears the The Success Sulky Plow ing straight at me now with an ex- could have stayed in his own room. mark was adopted by National Lead Signature of the pure pression of terror In her large dark He scowled at his sister as he loiupauy to distinguish Ymi an inuktt two mistakoa lu Im.vnifr Years. Over For Id Use iiO Kiniiur l'Ww . Out is In Imy nil Inferior left the room and I think she la dread- white lend made by them from the eyes. The Kind You Have Always Bought I'l'iw lMvauzM it im ISnttp, ami Uie Often," she whispered; "often? Ah, fully worried about him. She ia going worthless adulterated and fake goods. uiliDf in to Kn.y n 1ip Ii (ricnl ritlliitr iiiw is It valuable a as the to she a for tlio jiumIiuiii when htn riceii a guarantee doctor to from nr 6UCCE&b, the get you don't know! Hay city, night Working the Brain. uiwt ill tin better work. r as the education of a the fancy takes possession of him he doesn't think tills air agrees with Church - They suy tisli is a great paint expert could be. Successful Flowing lias to go; he says he cannot help it. hint." stimuli1 til for I lie bruin. "I wonder what rnn be the matter Last night and 1 know W Out Gotham iuilrrn!l cir-alum! Well, catching just The Ever Changing Waist Line. You with him." I speculated. 1 iiiiUNiaiiiHt witli tli' 6uctctwa Plow "Lust night! more ac "Perhaps he Consider makes ejaculated. the them imagination fraiimlt'taM ill In mi a lifeII tlinl a ih a lakes it jtinw the menial agility don't mean to say he left you last is threatened with brain trouble. She time. It Iiiim tin brat hitch, Hu beat tendtive. to One line. waist one's with up iSir keep beat device, ing seems to lie so careful of him, and the rolling cutter, nml tlie night? beat bottoma rrr put on Killing IMimn, ziH'H to bed at night in the sweet asShe Immediately stiffened, resenting least things excite him." It h:it only IrviTH. hut liny rUntlir n iIhwm ultli wnnir raiift "I couldn't help wondering where surance that it will lie under i lie anus the implied criticism. Hint or lour Irvom. It Im fitaui r Iium at for months or two next the three so came roses from," iiiHtrrl.ilshould many frwrr he reason was no iiinrr exquisite lui There par;, uiui m limn othrrM. iMHoiniiuMi'( "for flowera are hard Miiv rate, and awakes to learn iroin the not. I waB ail right as Boon as I got said Gahrii-lle- , KIiiimIhmI with wall rberre for Alfulfo in tlie morning papers the you know. Lady Edith to bed. He was restless and wakeful to get lu-iPlowing, wloaii oftlrml. waist line is positively at tin- - knees. That's why It ii strong, simple and been able her 1 said brother had never was It and did not need attention. durable. in prognosThai' why r rail It lltr Succeao. best he should go. 1 was quite corn- - to endure the odor of rosea, hut 1 There is absolutely no use Auk tile furuirr wlinowmoiu-h- e knows, noticed that the white ones we sent ticating anything about it any longer. fortable at home." That the line occurred waist at the Yesrs of Knowing How HamIn 67 all. seem at not to him did excite Quite comfortable! I could imagine waist was an axiom accepted as unmered Into Every One of Them. the thin white face uion the pillow, fact, I don't think he saw them. What Wrlti for Beautifully Illustrated Pamph. questionably as that ihe caiili rea of time did have? sort you with frightened eyes staring into the No. 37 of inirrt-M- l In every fui tner, him! let I told her about my afternoon as volves on its axis, but in these days it P. Ik O. Catalog, wliloh will be mailed darkness hour after hour throughout of it lie to is likely free. higher criticism we mounted the steps leading to the list-ctPARLIN & ORENDORFF CO cottage, and we agreed that we were anywhere. It blowfih where it Mrs. Wilson Woodrow, in AmeriCanton, lllinoii. very glnd our own famlllea were merecan rtota Vehicle (V, tell lake Pity, Utek. Magazine. Implfnienf no and ly commonplace possessed liiirtnn iNipfctHM'iitl'iL.iitfth'U. I tali, E. Pink-haWomen-Lyd- ia ltliillalil liiiiiletiM4il .. hi 'lelil. tah highly wrought invalids to be watched Pnike liner ImtHemeHl Cii., .pricy. MbIa Marriage and Meanness. and guarded. Sonic there lived in AtchCompound Vegetable The cottage was brightly lighted, ison a years ago young woman noted tor her I was passing through Noah, Ky. and Elizabeth stood in the door to works and gentleness. She was the Change of life anil suffenHl from good welcome ub. A metamorphosed Elizaheadaches, nervous always helping the pour and was beth, absolutely radiating happiness adand kind and universally prostration, and and arrayed in her red dress, which mired. She married a hemorrhages. man fairly good she only wears when she feels espe- and abused him within three months. Lydia E. Pink-ham- s Vegetable cially cheerful. She- had been good and patient for Compomulmademe Where have you been?" she exwas much too husband a but well and strung, so I thought you would never years, claimed. -- NOTHING LIKE IT FOR for her; she bad never been cross to that lean do all my come home. and atone she was cross to her until housework, any Putin, tied, any denbfric, She seized our hands and dragged husband. I I ii ia clcuuina whitening and tend to the store I lib Tri'TU Is something about There ua into the living room. and amoving Ivtu frow the teeth, Leode, decaying and post-ollicmarriage that stirs up hidden depths "Look! she cried, her third finger of I feci much younger ell gmn of decay and diwue which ordinary on both sides. Atchison meanness extended. than 1 really am. tooth prepaiation, cannot do. Globe. Lydia is. link. And there was the marquise ring, its (Kan.) mouth. P hams Vegetable Comiioimd is tho most IHL mUUIn wuh diiiofrrli live I seven rubies shining in the bright Bhalt Into Your Shoes successful remedy for all kinds of nnd throat, piuifie the broth, end kill, the u powder fur your feet. female light, and its diamonds twinkling ec- Allens Foot-Eastroubles, and I feel that 1 can which collect in the mouth, earning .ore throat, cures sweatIt statically. painful, swollen, smarting, never praise itcnoiiRli," Mns. Lizzie bad teeth, bad breath, UK Makes grippe, and much acknemb new shoes (TO CONTINl'KIl.) ing feet. easy. Sold by Noah, Ky. when in&uned, tired, ach, all Druggists and Blioc Blurts. Don't IIoi.laxi), is critical themost TUC Life TheChaiigeof TAXPAYER FEELS HIS DIGNITY. accept any substitute. Sample FREE. AdI I I E,d ud bun, may be iulaotlg, period of a woman's existence, and mlieved and atreoglhened dress Allen B. Olmsted, Lclloy, ,V Y. by Puliae. of this time invites health at neglect Effect of Ownership of Property la to a QQU Paxtine wifi ddrov the ycra, disease and pain. ay UA I ntlflfl that cue catarrh, heal the in. Make Better Citizen, Willing to Try. Woineneverywhereshonldrememlier She Do you think it would take that there Is no other remedy known to lamination and Sop the duhafga. ll in a nan Ground It Under His Heel. medicine thatwill sosiu'cessfullycarry remedy lor uterine catarrh. "Many a time," said a policeman in jrou long to love a girl? He I don't know. How long have women through this trying period as Putina it a harmlem yet powerful when the southern of the city, part the long night, and it was not my idea d, E. llukhams Vegetable germicide .diiiniedant and deodorizer. Lydia Yonkers you Statesman. Intoxicated got? men, especially of comfort. I uttered an impulsive arresting made from native roots and Uted in bathing it deatraya odor, and 1 leavea the body antiaeptkally clean. When you hear one man trying to herbs. of sympathy, hut she men, have been told by my prisoner ejaculation For 30 years it has been curing FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES.SOc. checked me with some dignity and re- that he was a taxpayer and that be belittle another, It's safe tu bet tliat women from the worstformsnf female OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. the other is his superior. marked that she thought she would helped pay my wages. 1 always regarded this sort of back ills inflammation, ulceration, dis- URGE SAMPLE FREE! take my advice and go home. drunken insolence, and Lame back and T.tintliagn make a young placements, fibroid tumors, irregularitalk as 1 shall he all the better for a THB PAXTON TOILET OO. BOSTON. cup never merely much attention to It until man feel old. Ilamlina Wizard Oil irtakea ties, periodic pains, backache, and paid of tea, she said. Isn't It curious how nervous an man old feel nothprostration. Alwilutely about a ago, when I bought a ing like it for the young. I f you would like special advice relief of all pain. depressed one gets when one is cold house andyear lot and became myself a and tired. about your case write a confidenI had always rented betaxpayer. And occasionally a man throws off tial letter to Mrs. rinkhani, at I watched her frail figure walk lanfore and never gave a thought to on a bold front. Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free guidly in the direction of her house taxes, but as soon as I moved into my trouble by putting and always helpful. taking liquid physic or big or little and knew that the tea, even if she own PERRY DAVIS' 1'AINKII.I.KR house I began to appreciate the AfrHttiKuf pills, that which makes you worse MMurt(y hiiiicn iiy having; iJiin fnmmR drank It, would bring her no comfort. Ilia of the men who resented ar- PraiMljr on IwtuI. It a a dcppinluliU safiKimrd AGENTS WANTED; 1o heiHtie feelings instead of curing. Cathartics don't at SU- lx ii i ! ns HfSiBM colic, diarrtK, ora uipv. Several times she stopped and looked k, In of Nivh fsMii m Anwrin. Illjrnp nitli anti rest because they paid taxes. There cure MinfiHiMcnt Ippp mill full infitrttMiioa nwanluiir behind her and looked out over the they irritate and weaken the - wiite. Ur my is certainly a considerable addition to Fame may come to a man suddi-nl' CASCARETS make the rrf( nlan ( rtFMinmhNbowels. and triiaimtiffe the ihmnm, laiyeM tif expanse of water toward the far horl the TImiiRIIii uf AgPIllr lisif dignity of the man who helps sup- and go just as quickly. H)lll itilr liHPB zon. I knew she was looking for the (( art fifttullwu bowels mr Our lug PtHusivrly. strong, tone the muscles so He feels a dethe WkIbi ami Mrtwp imitrnia. fia'm little skiff I hsd seen bounding so Joy- port of government. that a renter or and work when they crawl Wear, iTifaiifp'amlriiPdnii'a Mrs Winslow they Syrup. gree Pnthlng responsibility fiit'fiiliiiiv Draw n Work and IhKHMii ml. Writ? tin Porrhlhirea terthluir. pifteiiH (viIiu'chi (a ously over the waves, and when she roomer never laaSuf No I ami mr'iii- NHraanry. f'r do are healthy, producing this and they my wlBduullu. ittcehouie. understands, AauuieUutt, (NkittuLurra Allays Nrhaarfr lMMirilna .e &S imhi NI4a. M LaaW, resumed her walk, her thin shoulders results. idea Is that every man in the country right It i bent her head is the after (feet of experience upon drooping and her to lierome a taxpayer as soon CASCARETS tor a buz for z wrckl that counts. breast, I felt the contempt for Harry ought Irraliiic-nl- . All UinfezislK. llij'zc.1 seller nu re fact that he as he and the can, Nothing to Learn, Simply Shave Graham which something In ids per-aaIlie wurkl. lliliiuu buzta a nuuno. in to does the government support help NO HONING NO STROPPING sonality prevented me from feeling and hears his share of tin; expense, when he was actually present. makes him a hctP-- r citizen. HabituI was very glad . w hen Gahrlelle This Trade-mar- k al criminals, excepting, i.f course, high Joined me and my though is could lie Eliminates All They I saw fiminricni. are rarely taxpayers. diverted into another chunm-l- . know- they may have to run any day WOKIJJ OVER TIIE KNOWN had not at once that her afternoon Uncertainly and perhaps never come back, so liecn a success and she was anxious to in tlic jiumh.1-- uf do are but real nut they buy tell me about ll. uiut lii;it'ri.i!. PARKERS roomers and lodgers all their lives. t is an ah-ulHAIR BALSAM Well," she began, slipping her St. Louis Globe III uiocrat. I warn far B'rf) PImum l.'.p lute hand through m.v arm, "I've had the gu.iniitce of tTii!.a 11 a In 'll N. rn.Wt!i. and quality. bVvir Fai!a lo Knat'jre firogr funniest experience. I'm glad iny ua tu YouihMl Color. I:ur Force of Habit, For your on n Cuiva ra p k Lair brother Ik not recovering from an illA German merchant's wife comiJK'.Bt f protection, ness that left bitn with a crook In his that it is on tin; plained to an intimate friend temper. ki gof wliitu len-.HOWARD E. BURTON, It seemed she had gone to Ijely you Imy, thrill. mIvit, In'U'1. f: IimI'I, "If only mv husband were not so pr,!,.-- , nr nr r, 1. Sla.hng (mill, .sir: BITtmil LEAS COMPANY Edith's sitting room at the hotel ifor absent-mlnd-d- ! Si!ir, The other day, when n nl lull jirx-- lit i'iiYrlor ,Mt Tnaihi Ivudiaa. In Yertt the Campbells li.nl taken a suiiei. and we were i It wIthihI, I .t'ltdvilU, an" nnip'n at a restaurant, the dining Cil. li i. i'.itlHii'Uti .Vi'infij Ikifik finding her alone bad presented the waiter brought him some bad fish and roses and had a cozy little chat, as Hfll rti fl wtli If of a sudden Fritz thifw ilia whole um ) Thompson's Eye Waier lfrr well as a cup of tea. w hich she found jail hhlng, fish, plate, luead. all at lay fleilvcivd Ut Jtmr holllR At very cheering. head. I was ashamed." Meggendorf-e- r Srlrrtrd diif-- Aud raiiiifd fniitM, iiiiih him And then," continued Ga bridle, lllaetter. ruiMiiiH, pski kel Its family Aaaortmcur nsnj just as I was about to come homo I for tiMe. We wll coiiMiitnrM uuly. We msyi r.v-,.- s Aoiiurse lirKirr intfv wagia i heard some one go Into I only Edith's Write ii fur prlefM. you Banzai Comparatively Modern. tuuaey. i'luw Kr. lj aaywliriw ym wont in usp bedroom and slam the door. She got CALIFOKMY f RUT SlITLY CO "Banzai" Is the only Japanese word No loagpr pok .We.'iteCl? 40s Work puic. liken charm vneqnzlrd. 9( up quirkiy And then sat down again that most Americans know. AccordMarysville, California Jwa lo attach twni-- to ,all Ilows: also waij-0- 0 Ask your dealer (urilekder uoubletniea. zinzlctiei-a- neck yoa.a, etc, and 1 saw she looked worried. Then ing to a contributor to Notes and ffri(pr4!1offppirMr FvetiPt Ffrnlnnrltl!i(4h(irv I heard a smash of china and some. lltl.l tltl K itp I iaf la fur-Queries, it Is only about 15 or 16 w w miuL Work! IrrM rfp1r.if. J'lttlillT Cuuukd j (fiM.'iN" body swore yes. and swore hard, list. years old. Its birthplace was the im!! ati, Nfw h. AM vqpq fwi" pvt and roatLaVaai If tie cant attmtrron, write L fl.uu; 4,1,14 I didnt know whether to get up or 91 t mrrnr end Cstpof, JA Gold and HOver ivtlaud lal university of Tokyo. It was Inon lualat other, the any pel end brwiifht Writ fr frre inaii llnic stokM. llel'ti-- r none work ao perfert. sit still nnd. of course, I did the wrong vented hy Dr. Sliii-enome of the UGDEaV iMAK CU. 1W lMri rin, Dwm 03. NFIDER MFfl. CO.. IEFT IBLCarroll. Iowa I to I and still have se sal au-ought n J thing; literahighest uuihmities aj liikfiiklu W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 0!. gone out; I know that later." ture. in response to a requ-- st for an Well, what happened?" to KnsIMt the "Hurrah. equivalent "In a minute ih dsir between the As a In Id way of cNpre-'-tln- g rooms was flung open and land Wil"l.aiizai" Las traveled all Ca)w mere ,oeda brifhtar and haler cnSora thae ter ether dm. Ona IDc eacMpt entara all Nhera. Yhef Brain celt) vzter better than an, ao frid marel" d In, so ar.irty ho never over ihe wnild. -v L Wnta ter lia beoUat-H- ou te Oia. bleach and Hut Cetera. Ut Bvauri mlhwt riKu MOMROE ORUa CO,Qulmoy, llllnul,. sky was gray and leaden. Tlij wind blew sharply from the east. with it a pciiHiiiti.ir' chill which made me shiver in spite of luyst-li- , "Had you not belter go home?" 1 tiigttesied. "Suiely it is nut wise for you to s:t hero." in i t ply she raised her hand and pointed toward the ocean. "lie is out there. "Mr. G rah am?" "Yes." Gordon Bennett had been right, and ililk was tlio way Mr. Graham louked after his invalid wife. I tried not to show the indignation 1 fell as I thanked her for the ruses, and again giiggcfleil she would be bettor at SERIAL STORY X THE SMUGGLER By ELLA MIDDLETON BED-BOUN- SICK HEADACHE j pri-fn-- l Fac-Simi- le ' TYBCUT j Canton Plows n Illustrations by Ray WJters 1 , J. it. (tui)nnbli SYNOPSIS. or Hl'mile-th- , Three eirls iVilirielle nnd l for t'iinailii to the nil bunr-- t they wen- friKlneneil liy an apparently elemented atraiiKi-rwho. timlini; a U;ik to mu- - nl them, tmik enjuy inenl in a of the trio. Kline aliarel . ln-xlHieriH-with a lira ham, ulao bmiiiil fur ('aiiinla. The ymniK woim-- on t nn-t a Mm. tuiir liraliiini, hiieliainl, wlio hail atixhii.My awaiilriK il were a mania aa'liiiKThey amt I .n - ly IMilli. to lmril Wllfi-li- l A IotlnKO hy tinwan rented hy the trio fur (In- Kiiminer. Klixalietli ieurne-- l Unit a friend of ln-father'. Ira to call. Two men ealh-il- . one of the (illanaer on the Tin- - Kirin were "not at liniiie.'' eteaini-r- . but left that one hy the of till- ia Klize.lielli'n fatlier'H friend. Tle men proved . to boA John Illake and (ii.idon ltenm-itwlnp of yi How liii't- from Mr. (IihIihih'h airket Mik. fell into tl.e hands of lialr was lilnek. Ijnly Kdttli told the plrl of a mhlii ry of jewels at the hotel. for the safety of her own left thrill in a safe at tile gen), site Mr. liordon ilennett was properly Introdueeil. explained his queer HeliollK, relnined tin- lost ling and toM of mysteri-oii- s of a year before Kline-xlHrui- l "I-or- nn-in- Butiinu-- tin-re- - . ' ; neru-tlnlzIii- K r Mt-n- BlKlit-u-e'm- ln-- r Intrn-dui-e- - - iHli-rn- tin-11- huuse-uwue- iK ineei-aetli- I - io THE rnt-liiK- e. dol-iK- with ti.i- - line el i eottaae. Kxplonna tin- - eellar. u'rln found a spninx n. exiti-- t of wii'eli liolli were liennei t ami found to possess, also. Kline, alone, ex- overli-arieonvera the cellar, plnreil tln-rlielwi-eAnne and a satiiin Mary tun n. proved to la ln-- son. Hie tior-liir- i . nk with tnurili-r- . to ke-the Tin- - ynuna wonn-- HKi-en- l ii told a sei ret. l.adv with lory of a lost love In eonnei-tiotinnliinx kev. Klise nml ilorilon lien- i i, netl diseovr red Ijidy Kdi'ii and .Mr. tin- iait-- r a marvelous baritone voter. At :i supper wlilelt was held on the rin-kKlixnlntli rat ln-- mysrin;, eunslnK a seureh teriously lu by tin- entire party. Ura-h.-in- iNypl.-iyln- r s ln-- r - CHAPTER Xle Continued. It was a very beautiful world, too, as tjie sun sank slowly out of sight, leaving the heavens tinted with scarlet and gold, fading here and there to amber and palest pink, and we Instinctively grew silent while watch- ing It. Finally Mr. Bennett touched me on the shoulder. Look." he said. I turned In the direction he Indicated and saw a little skiff under full sail, heading for the open sea. The white canvas gleamed, rosily pink in the sunset glow, and we could Bee the figure of a man allhouetied against the aky. A fresh breeze had sprung up and the boat cut through the waves, now careening to one side until the sails seemed to dip in the water, now righting itself and darting forward as though exulting in its dangerous freedom. Steadily onward it went, and as I watched it Mr. Graham's song returned to me. Almost unconsciously I repeated a few lines: y Where the dim horizon d Tourliea the aea. There lleth an Bnknown Kingdom With Its gates ajar for me." "Yes, said Gordon Bennett, adding far-awa- - mist-boun- after a moment, "it is Graham, you know." 1 contradicted him at once, secure in my superior knowledge. "Ch, no! Mr. Graham Is at home. I saw hint this afternoon and he said Mrs. Graham was far from well. He is with her, of course. I rose as I spoke, for it was time to go home, and Mr. Bennett rose also. He looked at me in a puzzled, incredulous sort of way and once or twice seemed about to speak, but thought bettor of it. As we walked toward Mr. Iilake I remembered the shadows and my fright of the previous night. I began to toll him about it. but a gleam of gold caught my eye and I with he was wearing the scarf-pithe Sphinx's head. For some reason the sight of this pin checked the words on my lips and a feeling of distrust arose in my heart, totally unjustifiable. Mr. Blake joined us and wc walked slowly home in silence, interrupted reperfunctory only by occasional marks. I was conscious of a return of my fornn-- r depression, also of an inclination to hr very disagreeable indeed should any one give me the slightest provocation. I'erlirps my companions realized this, for at the turn of the path they and went on to the vil-said gi.ciii-blage, having me tu return to the alone. Fur in the distance I saw a worn mi's figure 1 thought might be Galirldle coming home along the shore, and I decided to wait for her. So I went around to our little slip. Intending to sit upon the ledge until she arrived. Much to my surprise, I found it already occupied, for Mrs. Graham sat, or rather crouched, upon the ledge m u filed in a thick shawl. Her thin hands were clasped so light ly together that the veins stood out like coni and the knnrkies were blue and prominent. Although It was evident from her ahsnrption that she had not hoard me approach she displayed no surprise when I sat down beside her anil when I spoke sin answered as though I hail been there ail the time. The sun l.ad quiie set now and the v cor-tag- e ' To-da- y . : BEST REMEDY For ms 1 I I pu-tle- TOILET ANTISEPTIC yiir th e, tup ainirru of tn, e, lit rvre n Com-imun- Stop ll J - liiu-ra- l (tMiiiiii-M'S- ip Y h 1 : - isjr- - ur-ily 1 - l . 1 ; ! I . California Fruits t Wog-xi- , r EVENERSi ASSAYS an-rn- , 36-19- PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ' |