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Show ARMENIAN AND MOHAMMEDAN i'ltion. a Methodist minister, with suine unique nails of character. Il edits off, the jatpvr with bis coat and hoots and a big pipe In Ida mouth, lb- - says that Just before hls ordination lie was for by the board of examiners. "Mr. Flson," said one of the hoard, are but there your paiH-rIs one thing we ohjci to. Flson uski-You are mMleted to what It was. the evil habit of smoking. Fisn exIn It; but, plained that he saw no Inking a large plug from his pocket, said: "In deference to your opinion, gentlemen, i promise you this: As soon as I have smoked the plug I hold in my hand I will emse smoking fm'i They wet e satislled, ami he was ordained the -next day. Itut ax lie refills the big pi in- lie chuckle and tells you: "I've kept my word. I've got that very WOMEN. An Armenian lady. Dr. Margarit Melik Bulgarian, recently delivered a lecture in Vienna which will be read with Interest by all students of the woman question. She described the condition of the Armenian and Mohammedan women In Anatolia. The lady, who Ik a descendant of an ancient princely family of Armenia, has studied In llerue, Zurich and Salzburg, and made a short stay in Vienna upon her return to her own country. Speaking of of Armenian women, she said Everything you him; Ju an Armenian hlUHu has linen made hy the Women. The i muiimii cotton from which tho makes clothes Is given to her in the raw. hllk a onus. To obtain silk, she The colors used in dyeing Kim fiom plunts in forest mid lield, and llins I tie uml plug yet." lirlghtly colored garirn-ii- t rugs and hangingK fur which DON'T NEED BRAINS. Aimenlu Is noted arts pioduced. have iiuthine In do wllli all this. You might not think It, said the i Oil thn oilier hand, tin wonnsi man, but I envy you are alisolutely free from all work a whole lot." The iuna. exert great physical men c.ut WinmI uml Very likely,- said the descendant, curry loads The Ik kin-atisi. ilia bread. If a woman "very likely. I Uh Olio whuiut life if full of hail to hustle like a "Yea. Here the Arnieiilans say: "1uur tiling, roustabout to get where 1 uni; and all she must knead bread," or "she lias tier hands in the dough." Kven in the pooi-ts- t you ever had to do was to set around and swell up und cat off your s studifamilies the girls are ed. The parents may be starving, but china dishes, (lush! blit you they lake run! of the dang liters. "A girl," got a snap! Don't need no brains at they will nay, "is like a rosebud, and all."- - 'ineinriati Enquirer. hinuui Wllhiiut mile'll : exci-lb-nt- , vi-r.- Ai'im-idm- must-rais- e self-mad- e a? Geiti-Saloo- hilld-nhip- WINES, cu.n-n- g . linii-p.il- s dn-Hs- Turning to the condition of Mnhain-meduwomen, especially among the Kurds, Dr. Ilolgarlun said: Is no mein-6e- r The Mohammedan of a woman's rlglds club, hut she is as emanuliwted as any. She Is, alxivc all, very brava and known how to handle arms and homoa. It is a real pleasure to pro her ride a Wild horse, ami generally The alia has a child tied to her back. n slip races country is wry billy, ami men would down tnrlbira where many lose their- equilibrium etqx'clally those w ho are not prohUiltlonlnts. Such a woman Is not only a man's right hand, but hls right and left both. What could he do without her? Hlie cooks, spins, rides, keeps house, docs everything. If site is she lights courageattacked by robln-rs- , ously. Hut woe to lier husband if lie stays awuy from home a long time and ret urns will he without Imnly. Ills punishment a curtain-lectursomething more than of wood la handy to give him Aliy pliH-a reminder, for the Mohuinmedan woman respects no mun that la not lirnvo. When asks: a young man proiKMtcs, the girl "How many caravans have you rublM-dor: "llow many horses did you bring home?" We often hear that a Mohammedan girl has been carried off, hut that Is not so awful as you think. Thcv have been carried off by their lovers, generally with the parents' eon sent. If the bridegroom la poor, for a wedding Is very costly." Translated for the Literary Digest. DONT LIKE AMERICAN WOMEN. If American women want to know what English women think of them, here Is an extract front an article on the subject In the Realm, a wldely-pu- u joj i.i(Riind XitpKAY uopuo'i peoj bv women, and edited by iJtdy Colin Campbell. Here are some of the traits which the writer professes to have discovered In our women? "The American woman must surely be the vainest creature that struts on earth. ComIn the 'Mikapared to her Yum-Yutdo.' admiring herself In the mirror, nnd congratulating herself Inon being the all the world, most beautiful woman Is modest. She at least utters her convictions only to herself, whereas the ludy from Chicago or Clcerovillo goes up on the housetop and screams so loud that we are compelled to listen whether we will or no. She Is not a woman, and she goes to one of the best Parisian modistes for her clothes But she Is not a lady the word Is out of fashion, but the thing never Is and nothing could make her one. She Is quite without charm of manner, and her education Is of the sort that our board schools give our coachman's children at our expense. Her own comfort Is the one thing she thinks of." And here the writer proceeds to give the American woman some tips as to her danger of being taken for an English woman. e. e n, bml-lookl- n billiard KIbm PPM- AND CIGARS 1 11 D EoNTI NEW. HIGH CRADE TIIll EE UHOWN THREE-CROW- N S T ' : . Jocund fresh every QljR 6C3DS BEST LINE TO Kl D r CUARANTEEDTC EE tCUAl TO THE EEST IN nets assist ll.e if they assist the rising If: the Antilles, If they countenance the Separatists, It Is not by anv struggling means in order to sinotlmr in blood the greatness of the Latins; hut with the Intention of aiding a people in tlielr effort to become a member of the American community. Translated g:i;it for tho Literary Digest. Anglo-Saxo- ot n, liun-ora'i- . lu ' A SNAP FOR PRINTERS i at a bargain. New 22 inch Ianigun paper cutter. Address 1'. (). Hoxiilii, Salt Lake City. For sale UTAH DAY At the Leadville Ice Palace Special Excursion, $12 Round Trip. Fur the evening train of February The young students in Knglirh mar who are getting settled in grain, their 13, tin Kin Grande YVertern Kai'.wav singular and plural numbers, will bu will sell round trip tickets to Le.t'l-vill- e aided, perhaps, in their effort, by tho and return at the unprecedentcurious combinations In the following lines, embodied in an article oil words, edly low rate of $12, tickets good unby Frederick Saunders: Hcinemlter, tho' box in the plural makes til February IB. The Ice Ialace otTi lioxes. The plural of ox should he oxen, not dais have selected Felnunry 14th as oxes; Utah day, in addition to the meeting Aik! remember, tho' house In the plural of the members of the ordfr of the is houses. The plural of mouse should ho mice, and Mystic Shrine, February lo and Id not mouses; will he special days for the order of Mous( It Is true, In the plural Is mice. Hut the plural ot house should la, houses, Elks, and in addition to regular carnot xi lee; And foot It Is trim. In the plural l.t feet. nival attractions these days will preHut the id mnl of root should hi: mole, ami not reet. sent special features in the way of skating races, masque balk, crocus A New Territory. 23. Senator Vest sion of Elks in costume anil nnudier-lcs- s Washington, Jan. other Interesting novelties. The Introduced a bill In the Senate today to create the Territory of India noln out headline Ice I'.ilace is second to no of that part of the Indian Territory other similar institution. It is unique, occupied by the live civilized tribes. majectic and unrivaled and contains, in addition to its hall rooms, skating anti artistic decorations, a rinks ANGLO-SAXOIN DEFENSE OF THE toboggan slide 2100 feet long. Few people are aware that Americans Ak.ia Midway llaisance, etc are actually the most unpopular make Come, merry with us, is in the South American republics. Conscious of being a member of Lead vil in's invitation. Come all ye the mightiest nation in the world, the lovers from far and near, the pleasure American bears himself with that pride which is only the outcome of his supe- city is ojitMi to you. A firman is riority, but which, nevertheless, strikes granted without the asking, that the Latin as somewhat arrogant. The moral and material assistance rendered gives free and safe passage whither the Cubans is viewed with suspicion, us yen will go. King Pleasure rules and Intended to lead to an absorption of his code contains hut one wonl Merthat Island by the United States. In view of these opinions, It Is pleasant to riment. It is the law which g verns note that an important Radical paper, for the carnival and a Chilean one at that, takes up the the city Sanin our defense. The Lcl, cudgels tiago, says: Dont forget the (Land Oiura Tho story that the Cuban rebellion ! fostered by Amerleans with their money House in S< Lake City. The best must be regarded as groundless so tar as the charge of bribery is concerned. Marti, dramatic company In the West. All and Macco ure not ihn men that can be bought: they will not rek to free of the players are dcrect from New their country frum one foreigner to sell Yotk City, presenting high-clas- s of it to tho next. Thn North America are solnly cone Tm d for modern plays in a finished manner. tho welfare of this continent. They wish to assimilate the American nations as to Change of bill each week. Trices lie. seme extent the nations of ihirope have 35c, and 50c. become assimilated. That they are opposed to the effelo iwwer of Fpuln ts mag-hilkv- nt rs irt-me- Anglo-Hiixor- .s therefore perfectly natural, for the rules In Kiiroiii-- while the prt's- of Spain is as nousht. lhiropi Is on. tige in political method, cm in Inihixtrb'S. one in tho civilizing aspiration which move her people, and there Is no dnuht tli.it formerly then was a revolting confusion of Slavic, Tentuii and Latin Idea. Hut the war which In uur day-- i Anglo- , -Saxon Try Them CfTHIS.BR that the Americans Culian revolutionists. The power of Hpa'-'-i iwcd not create unrest in tnc mind of tic? sea.-oh- ." ARSDKLICtOUS. are s RULES FOR THE PLURAL. i FLAVORING EXTRACTS BUT per-crsl- ly million years to coinc to the the remotest luminous vatelereach of hls forty-foyet, whatever may have efforts of astronomers ti as a whole bring the starry heavensmost Into view, even with the powerful reflectors, they have so far proved to be futile. Hence, to the mind of men, the universe must seem forever to be and to remain Immeasurable, Incalculable and Incomprehensible. And while we may be able to weigh uml measure suns and systems within range of our telescopes, there are others so fur away and so far beyond our powers of vision, and our power of calculation, that even our present supposed great knowledge of the sidereal heavens would dwindle Into the thinnest of mental vuporles. second two earth from pors within scope, and been the mr-elgne- TRIPLE SPICES ei.nvulxe Europe are no longer tho result of the antagonism of races. These strng-f.- li a are merely the outcome of ambitions, as the corruption, or temerity, ueh of human nature must natur.-hlnleree-twhoso nations produce among n. i.rciudounlly flush, i'.ut the Anglu-tii.With his essentially civilizing toMid hls pruetlrul view uf liic, stand.! day aL ho head of the world. The l.atii. race Is more like a shade guarding Die techie light which reminds ns ol' fi.nncr givatntws. France, though still great In. tier present splendor, cannot revive Die aneii nt power of the old Latin races, mis Is a colossus, resting heueath tho shadow of crumbling wall. it 1m, therefore, nut for fear of tin La!-In- s OF THE UNIVERSE. "It baa been estimated, says W. H. Lamaster (Popular Astronomy, Janull moving with ary), "that a cannon-baa velocity of &00 mile an hour, and leaving our earth at a certain time and traveling in the direction of the nearest fixed star, would not reach it In less than 4.500.000 years; and yet there are stars in the heavens and visible through telescopes that would removing with the quire a cannon-ba- ll same velocity at least 500,000,000 years to reach them. It was said by the elder Herschell that it would require light traveling at the rate of 1S5,uoO miles a RTZR N. THRKE-CHOW- Localise they Pianos. s. THE PUREST AND BEST MADE. ABC 13. N. Jenkins Teiiijile of Music, 238 South Main strict. Send for cata-- . lotrues and prices. We are also "gents for ChickirinR & Sous and 11 rvard or RAKING POWDER iiivt-n-ko- dui-abl- U. S. Land Offlea, labi.r-einpliiyli- ig ll instru-'uen- u laj ed at the suniotinii1 uutl Is tho Kvorutt Jianu with the plect'iii'.ht lie, or lieiLir known as the mandolin, pui t :ir and banjo attachment, L:s3d only in lli famous Everett, the n cst and only ciuuiilete piani u am factun'd.. It is sold at excecdlngi low psices and on very easy ter ns. A lare and well selected skek c. these elegant pianos always kept inslotrkat d. lie-a- strliijf kind in one iik n. Thu yiiiittst lit tin? ntiii'twnth eontnrv by t in AINEIL, il fU:l ;nl Apa.il from the explulllng of prcclouf JOHN ami sloiica for their own liciictlt what bencllt have they luudowid uuor Preolnct Juitlcs. Notary Publlo. the country? llaa a single one of their made a blade of grass grow whom none All Has Ihelr own individual gnw kind of legal work transacted with effort added a borne, or an ox, or a sheet promptuaa. Marriag llcen procured, and to tho wealth of the country? In ihew anything partainlug to lagal matter. or an acre wheat, or of barley, of cotton or tea, of coffee or augur, of flux or to AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. bncco, or anything useful In the servief or man, the outcome of their handiwork' Hardly one of them ha inure than STEPHEN1 WOODS. leniiHiiary home In the country. They only go there oecaMlnnally to pull tin TONSORIAL ARTIST. and some nut erei string a lltlle that much. Notighter, itultixlry but milling re calve the slightest attention from Heir cutting In any styla. Satisfaction guaraa-teand one would Meareh In vain forthem tin Parlor on Merchant StrL rriugnllicont establlshmentx forming tin center of vast enter prise which the Am.trultun mllllonalr AMERICAN FORK. UTAU. delight to create In the laud in wlih-- In met Willi hi sueccs. If they had oik A. CHRISTENSEN spark of gratitude, or onn glimmer o rudimentary duty, they would till th land with vast herd of useful unlinah start the plow and the harrow tnivendai Its loamy expanses, and cause fnetorie to spring up llku mushrooms. I'.ut ltd Is not the ethle of the niillluiuiire elas All take and no give Is tho urn end-nof Ihelr creed. Oflice in Jnckson Ruilding. PAYING FOR KNOWLEDGE. Aukhican Foiik. Utah A manufacturer once pnM a tvninrk-ubl- c ADAMSOE. bill without a niurmiif, simply on ANDREW account of the way In which it was COUNTY SURVEYOR, worded. A lnrge pump which kept the factory V S. Deputy Mineral Surrey or supplied with water suddenly ceased to -A- XDwork, without offering the least explnn-ntlo- n for so arbitrary a proceeding. The PUBLIC. XOTARY mechanic who was called In tinkered American Utah Fork, (he thing for half a day. hihI then said the apparatus would have to he taken to pieces. This was serious, as it meant the stoppage of the faetnry, so it was suggested that n neighboring engineer a reputed genius In all mechanical he sent for. He enme. looked at the pump, and then, taking a hammer, gave three sharp taps over tin valve. ' She'll go tnw." lie said, quietly; nnd when stcnin was tnrncd oil she dbl go. "In tine course." says the manufacturer, "I received a hill from that for fin 4s. The sum atna'.'il me. but on reading the Items T drew a cheek at once. They were as follows; 'Kur llxlug pump, 4s; for knowing how, fin.1 Had he charged me 110 4s for fixing the pump I should have considered It exorbitant. hut 4s uas reasonable, and I recognized the vnlue of knowledge, so I raid -- ami said nothing." Tit-Hit- HEWLETT BROS. A oat mi-tul- s iSS?. v Land and Mining Attorney. ARE MILLIONAIRES USELESSP I'un. I.tk In South Africa they evidently thin Sit til so. The enormous wealth lately draw from the mineral resource of ilia 151'N'J HATES, country hus given quite a number u person a chance to write their fortun AMERICAN FORK WAGON with seven figure. But all this wealt doe not benefit the farmer of th Iransvaal to an ftpprcclabli oxtcnl WORKS. and whatever advantages he d rive are neutralized by the factmay that h In n a Uuggle and Waon of all to take up arniK a Rains o tt Kind Rnptirad la Flral- the unruly lot of fortune-sieker- s In thi ciui Ordr. and at Prieo district. This Ik lult time. different If the millionaire might did theli duty, which, according to a writer It AMERICAN FORK, UTAH the African Critic, London, they are un Uarrioutouit., willing to da ThlB writer say. gold-beari- LEADING BOTTLERS, AGKNTS 'Office: Naylor Ulock SALT LALE CITY, UTAH. '? a u. A large stock of fruil anil ornanuMHul trees, also small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc. Make a specialty of supplying commercial plants at low prices. Call and examine stock. self-mad- ngl-tie- 1 KSTAIiLlSHKl) Anisrlnon Kork. Uuk hat nfUtar then, Writ'1 Year Utah Nursery Company eosntis HenryLee he K.,-i- u the Salt Lake City, Utah. A LAW TRADITION SMASHED. The at dlty of the old doctrine that law defending a client nre ofcourt and acting In the ficers of Interests Justice, Is again exemplified by terfornmnees of the coun sel for e efense In the case against the sug: .oker Chapman, who Is on trial In hlngtnn on an Indictment in with contempt of the rhargin Senate in infusing to answer certain questions put to him by an Investigating committee of that body. Chapman has an array of eminent counsel, said to be retained In his Interest by the siignr tnist, among them Edmunds, and the one purpose of WHICH IS THE GREATER JOYP these attorneys has so fur been to preAt a dinner party In Baltimore many vent a trial of the case on Its merits. ago nt which George Peabody years do not intend he that They evidently was one of the guests, some one Inshall the so at facts Involved, get Jury "Which did you enjoy most. as to be able to determine whether or quired: making your money or not Chapman Is guilty ns charged. Mr. Peabody, It away? giving la There nothing unusual In such pro"Well, answered Mr. Peabody, slowceedings. hut such a case disposes of ly, and John Hopkins was observed to the old superstition that courts nnd be deeply Interested In the answer, "1 lawyers are for the administration of enjoyed making money. 1 think It Is a Justice. Springfield Republican, Janugreat pleasure to make money. And 3 ary 8th. when the Idea was first suggested to me that 1 should give money away, It HE SAVED THE PLUG. did not please me at all. In faet. It The editor of the Melbourne (Aus- distressed me. Hut I thought the mattralia) Spectator, Is the Rev: )orlmer ter over, and concluded I'd try it on a - nut r Drinks ic 1ITHII5LT1N: hOI.K - IRA W. KEN WARD: NO BRAGGING IN HEAVEN. "Mr. Moody has a popular ami very Attorney at Law. telling way of 'hitting' tin errors which PROVO CITY UTAH ire so rife in the theological thinking of many persons today. Speaking of salvation by grace be has said: 'It Is well that a (nun cant save himself; for If a man could only work his own way Into hcuvi-nyou never would hear the LIVE.1Y, FEES AND SALES STABLES. last of It. Why. down hern In this world. If a man happens to get a little ahead of Ills fellows, and scrapes a few FlrtcU turu in rtmdlnn. A On thousand dollars together, you'll hear nd buggies. wleeCle uf boras him bragging about Ida being u e mu. 'i and telling how he began ns a poor boy anil Runs Hack to All Trains. worked hls way up in tli.4 world. I've heard so much of this sort of thing that I'm siek ami Lhv order at Stable, tired of th'i whole business; and I'm AMBRICAH FORK, UTAH. glad we shant have men bragging Harrington St all how tliev worked through HOBBS. Ihelr way eternity FRANK Into heaven.' , II your dvsb-- Club Sic THE SALT LAKE CITY SODA WATER CO., id PuI rinin tlaroliant 8t, iK Till: Uo.mk, PalatableNon-Alcohol- Fur Sale KviTywhuri. ' UPS grand-daddy- l AND TneMost Pleasant and ill kind of il - register, AiUmtf.,wc- - Juices QaLIFORNIA QRAPE Cherry Bounce Juice Syrup. Claret Punch Juice Syrup. Angostura Punch Juice Syrup Champagne Punch Juice Syrup. t'TAH. SAi.T I .ARK tltb of e Sweet Muscatel Crape Juice Syrup. Purple Crape Juice Syrup. B YRONGR OO u. s. iND OiiM-in- includes the following leaders: t ?e A11" some 'more And now I ettuty 8ay Thati mu,ch1a givI enjoyed mat money. enjoyed dal Utr " ing It away - develop lllto full I asked very hhii- pa re ms once if they would allow their daughter to go into service. "No, aiiMvend tin broth- I er, "os long as 1 live she shall not go. caunoi would rather Hre her dead. know wlial might happen to her among To ail Armenian woman I lustrangers." lu other Is a veritable knh'ht and dian angel. As Imiik as she has a brother sho Is certain t lint she will nut wain. Thu Armenian girl receives mi dowry; to her; to niy sister I must that I rlitw my (levoiion." Jlmice the blessing to a girl cannot take a higher Inriri than' Oils; "May lod protect tby bmilns-Tro Armeiiiaii girl leielves no dowry; , the bridegroom must exH-useand furnish- the t the wedding . Ariiii-niiliridai gills are- not parft rend Into marriage ull hough the tlu-ents often choose the ImsIiHlid wliom earliest would like her to take during her tut tills eiialoin Is going out now. age. wife and In her home tin Armenlaii mother rules supreme: even tin grown whim will do nothing without tier consent. u ! It old-fami- ly tin-n- , can," l,nsl ot iAindnn. was a hard I went arotinDnione l,le ,,our Tin-ne- Anm-iil.n- 111 llUt M-- a uu,n small scale U Anglo-Saxo- n, ORUOIET REFUNDED ! the Committee on Tensions, today reported without recommendation hi hill granting service to soldiers of the Civil war pensions at the rate per month of 1 cent a day for the time sen front |