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Show AMLill',. A).,!- Gi. . Or.wdeJ l.v .. 1. iluh Dr. . A til ;i 111 . . ,! I.. I.lgiil oHit-i- i . hi: ! ifiUiI ;i use Buckingham's r! t s I.f l: i . in l.d ; . will j'-- f yo Ml. II 'o '' ' l I V 'ini 1 Vl: h sk- - . Farrar, formerly opera! or for Dio P. at Irovo, is imw agent li ne. Wn weleomo you lloh to our town. The Charity hall Thursday evenipiite ing at the opera housewaswas a finanlargely attended. It cial as well as a social success. H. IT. known Ayera Cherry Pectoral is of half the experience ty its works,proves that no other prea century kind the stops coughing of paration and allays irritation of the throat and bronchial tubes so promptly and effectually as this. has gotten out some elegant wedding cards announcing the wedding of James W Brown, son of our friend, W. T. Brown of Alpine, to Miss Sarah J. Boddison, of the same town. The happy event comes off Monday next at the home of the weeK evening room. The Union Pacific will make rates of one fare for the round trip foi IPaderewski Concert and Sonsa Band conceit at the alt Lake Tabcrnaele Mrch 5th, Cth and 7th. Tickets will be sold March 5th only, limited for return to March 9th. K. Fakker, Agent. Unlike mot proprietary medicines, the formulae oi Dr. J, C. Ayers Sarare saparilla and other preparations who to sent any physician cheerfully applies for Diem. Hence t ho special favor accorded these well known standard re.aedies by the bund Fair commissioners. t J yours I business for many for his genial iHe was a giod rustler for !.! fiany, and if reports are true Tlxn given Higher honors in i circles. Jim, old boy, v. v, i mice ess whuro ever ou go. .i - The T.-- 'tr - i. . , , , Z Slo : .J ) , ' i' iSOnie Wfilis turned gr.i :80 rapidly i!i.i with imnu'iliriL!1 hit with a little morn practice. As McFaddle, the Irishman, in Bur- der Land he was immense and kept the audience in a continual uproar, lie also did the part of Teall justice in Broken Fetters. As a stage villian, W. E. Robinson is good. He took this part in both plays and received many compliments. Many have remarked since the preformances that Will should travel. Joe Jackson, as Mr. Lester in Border Land, was good, but he deserves more praise as Potter1 in Joe would niaue Broken Fetters. a good boos agent, sure Tiuff. Walt Wild, as Kidder, was good, but he made his hit as Ludwig," in Bronen Fetters. He cant be beaten as an amateur. Frans Turner, as Charley, a terror, was just what the bill called for. As the Irishman in Brosen Fetters he was immense. His vase-u- p was good and he had the Irish brogue down pat. Miss Liza Chipinan really did full justice lo the parts of Mary Lester, iu Border Land, and Mrs. Leland" in Brosen Fetters. She received great applause for her successful efforts. Miss Effie H?cbe, as Polly in Border Lend. was all that anyShe repreone could wish for. sented a jolly, girl, h 4 free-heart- 1 l: con- - McFaudle jtli down tiroo after j'a " lrs. Grime.i iu Broken was ai;,o immense. Her t ... aelieg wuigood. da Chipuiiin, as "Wiu-- v Indian girl, in Border . t iii'.liv Hie : v, hou-- e 1 scene in L.v'.d. win od. 1hodv-it!, ; ail, :n which sho took the :i. ijrd j .it. was highly apprec- , .1 y il c .nidi .nce. Bhe only took h r : 4 - v ( . i i;i v.e play th-- ii.'-- iiui" ;. 1:. - rfU;: m.t Miiii.-- t ; i.n a1 sit-.- D.'nrihg D'b l,k( n irii-.ua- f, - w Ip re mi i tru remedy in Elec i'.iiti-iv- . This medicine does not t;i - liMH.h'ie r.ud contains no whiskey u ,r other intoxicant, but acts as a I mil. and aHeralive. It acts mildly on the sinuach and bowels, adding giving tonp to the orgiiirs. thereby adding Nature in the performance of the functions. FjK( trie Bitters is an excellent ap- itizer aii-- aii!s digestion, Oh ole find it juFt cxcactly what Frioe fifty cents per y need. bottle. At all Drug Store's. ! i ml 11: ! - ii'-.- ty l Peip'-c- . re medicine jrgiihite tin bowels and kidneys Oil .copii ilv r ean- - latter inliH'il cxei-iite- I in t property, and tii.ir mer for fore being put on fPf'rd. lost. Powers mite oul a t.Lr it wrinhlcil and sumo "g. i.iiuh. We wish i w r:i:;ld pivdiel tin letter f.iit ii,r vi.u r.i! iii'l it is mi impos-wh- o I do in you iliii:y !iiln lilt1.'! til Il old change tlii and s.i wl.. re was mv cour- r. wants then. age ' i I.1., do not know luo who to Well, there are scores ?. yoli will deeli'l to sign it. these fsitsiu Ins deed and Powers denies answer to tin court. Il'suvs tlo property is valued at l',,Mtl.) and for sues ( lu lien purchase. I ,'i i I ii it i1:1 . I an amount ou the I When they purchased the prop tliree-fonrterty, Cullen was to have Powers and The deed ran to Cullen for tins entire property, Powers portion to be held in trust for him by Cullen. Powers says in 1894 Cullen sold an undivided interest iu the prop- H-- hs would bn willing nfyoung nn-'- ", s, toslmrn his let v.ilh a betler i one-fourt- h. seven-eighth- Inn 1. ou, is back- Iii.; I . ward tbH. men here who cun b .g,d for the mere asking ui wit!i further isp.y S' ; 1 i" i n ed iil maid, and her 11 - - UM ...i- the cerium lv in you - ici:;-?ra- ! : J'k' Ayers llair Vigor nsii.-coinmciin'd ve in niiOnal of the fore you m:i!i l reception. they seated in the oiera house, where tables were spread with everything that inner man desires. It was indeed a beautiful sight to see the smiling faces of the dear ones, seated at the tables, chatting, laughing and enjoying the wholesome food prepar ed for them. In the Biternoon they were entertained b a nice program, prepared by tlio zpaUii3 committee who have l or so many rears made it a point - give the old people a day of pVasun and recreation After the prog ruiu once a yea was carrier, out the old folks were taken to tl ir homes again, feeling younger ai d happier. we could not give We are a f all lepoi t of the day's exercises but our sp. ee is very limited this 1 iv-rr- mid cVe the ;it once. pretty well up c .. j r.i:n T irnei v umI (nay ly,ix in t;:. feet) but lin L... has . il. Up jaa jeeu i.i.ik.ug in the h.. gar factory and ,s ,'i;,.-1sweet amough for like befow leap year any gul expires. Try him, girls, your chances are way up. Has Green is well liked by the huhes, but he has one failing, that of bashfulnesa. Girls, if one of you want him you will any have to pop the question, as lias says he couldnt think of such a task. He is not so green as he looks. Yes and theres Will Wing who is ready to let Uie right young lady wing" him. He has one of the beat livery stables ia Lehi and could support a wife without a flinch and wonlu not growl if hia wife got her cold feet in the middle of hia back. Girla, wing him. Charley Brown of the same town is getting tired of kicking the cat under, the stove, carryingout ashes in his nat and making his own bed. He would be as dear and true to a girl as two peas in a pod. He is a good dancer and an expert barber. The girl who gets nim wilt not have to pay for hair dressing. Dont forget Charley has a brother named Frank. A good opening for twin' sisters. Sam Hanson, a beautiful hlonde, was born and stall, fed t Spanish Fork, and knows, good alfalfa and carrots when he seen them. He is now engaged at Lehi dealing out corn, rye, nops'and barley in a liquid form. 'Some young girl can just move her things right over to Sams home and put them' in his trunk. He wont kick. '.J ;f,But why go on when 'you girls know that'' there are1 httndreds cf just such' chances in and abott American. Fork. We have only given you. a few samples of our candidates and hope you will find one among them wliieh pleases you. Any 'further information' will be cheerfully furnished by Tire Item, and as an inducement-we'offe- r one one a and milk Chair, bottle, high' license to push . a baby , carriage .1. 1 1: - i (Hh'Ts will have to erty for $70,000, and that from the ho of was told due proceeds of the sale, there ynurgfiid (iialities aud to him the sum of $17,b00, no part faults for they v ill probably object of which lias been paid except to the buying of a cul in tile hag, In speaking t I : i very impor$1,040. tant Powers pays for an accounting ijuesiiu;. ri'u;; 1 v.m iiW taken Cullen for great pains in a fiiw gentof judgment against he who lemen iu the $33,000, The developments uigU caudidites.if suit will be watched with interest. they were iaken in tin right way. The iirst we is ourself who will give ! I'n.'-c'.up on the Old Folks Day-Okind .f a Dont .i)p.?1 Thursday the old people of slightest at all come oim. American Fork wero given their isap.ipulur young annual reception at the opera Joe JacA'.e,i this ei.v. lie is a good of man house. At ten oclock the transboy and would miiKe a spunking portation committee was seen in all good husband for so: ie- good girl, fu!i of life und mischief making Sarts of town gathering up the lie is only twe ity-iyears old, old fathers aud motheis who io for Hiss Sprigging. we believe In i.f tlie proper which Annie had for several wccks past been of conf' :,!. llei.?M line st at loosing ahead to this, their anneal age l in the c general were all uro and is At noon ! i i entuiy. (I r "f litijiti . ,jf.ee tull'-flievv M..1 ! ii-,- r. - :. "Nearly f - - -. n.i brighter. but if Die average liia ma and dh esh v1 e Df- - - X r , . A A 'J ; ' HV "I'' i;-.- ilv-om1 ia blU ' feel i!'-,.'1,- a I. 1 tv1 y.i. J 1 .,ii fiya . .iLK'AiriJT.r WITH u l. - . o. TURNING GP.AY v lint 1 li-- . tv in a yl xe.-ute- now ' Ji;i are cauy'j: I'. !o of prill1!'1! i; - era. Tn Itkm this , . 1 color an own brown o will please mill yon 1 their parts I -- l - want n"n".ri.-ii- M:1, v : ! : If you A heiiieiil- - j;i .Uui GA.' ami M them to perfection.! j,, jSy tl'eir public fully appreciated ;,h jke pun tiw,.rs an.', compliments from all ij Vt. Yanki e, MarvEH'11 and in :rs re showered at th mem- (xleiif,i.iii,liaal-' J "f t !i e rduce u.ipany. , erica n 1'nik canyon. M. I I;.y sis .l;it,k Ralston. j;Ilu il),. n,ims bate been nrnduchormv Land," and as Ilenry juj- - sunn1 orce.ii'k it:i i ll-ilil iii ankei "Broken liiinl Fellers," Livp ij past Mimnrr the l.i::iMlf honor. lie acted his parh mil and shipped wait IV'ehi wi ll ami was applauded greatly. from which was also show errd turns were ivalinl. LeoT. w ith cuinjdi neats. Loo is good on thin tin hi-- few n make would nod great ktseeii tinjibe stage, pule has ari-- n . all kiii!. fur IMIViIim ... etc. (Jim i1' Grant - i for ianTi all kinds. .in' what you waul in !'. '1 ;h. ork of ! ! ! v.t . Tji :: E;, arj Elh The Live Yankee!? Miir.i isi l.li a10i j Night. l:o. nv ili-i;;ll well up iii i lH.. 1 1 :: - House Fork Dramatic at the opera, i v'ai.d Tuesday nights i!'i-rii;i- : A MINING I'Hi l( - -- . . tbe thoroughfares of our He would' through to the first girl who finds be able InfunrV.i his family with village a husband iu the above list. provisions at c. I. Cftarlea IVtirom. oe.r famous Blirklens Arnica Salve. window drrs.-.non, iksiaie-l- o The Best Salve in theyrorhl for let no oji!o:-1i:!-i:s'. .All you tints Bruises,' Sores, Uicers, Salt t!m kiwi ih need to ii in 'il Fever Spres, Tetter, Chaped uni. In limM hov i i ...i !;:i right iiirii: 'i.'. -- .i ii i All you and will fc!.. need to s::j hi.ij raerchandir:1 : . . J- - ; Jim lla'l .i her of the t:! :b!-- a iav. Ltel to gi.e perfect Tel 25 Price or ii'onoy r funded, i fn.tor in FOR SALE BY t jifcjr, box. 11' i a a Store! oini'l o, n riv no I ' r.; says. t'd::-'of i.ne . .i lil K::ptra to .erouh weather, cold, etc., is ap-t- o ifty peuicmg of cuan attack of rheum at if some I egraplurs. kt.il onr dramatic c" raiididiiti! -4 I r. the girl v! Win. Fh council. Was satisfac-lio- - : ! gettin;: n:r .' : girl ii v.ilii,:g broneh t!'? : ri.iiML-.'- tilt 1 . tt-ii.i- vfa'4, r:fe, ve j chapped hands S cracker! lips and violent the skin owe llieir oriweeK. cJM to wether. Dr. J. II. Me gin - ::v lO't.f.s. Oil Liniment Volcau.2 i j Or.-oThe lTE:-r- , $1.25 jier year. hand at all times !;e kept ci i ...n- g- toget witi waiting iliror-dev, iloneda When the crjnB i'iows signe of application when : t cavils. ':c rieul is said to ho the of nr this s aucli u fcnntv How, turprcMcil appear. It is a ho mi ilw list too. but troubl off. He usual dark cior, firij'ient chI!h, or it the ii.y remcoy. 25. 50c and $100 nnI very light it will tiik ; yi.i.ng lady withcon-sideral!- i' sovereign muount passe. ! is larj-liottlc at Steels. n . ve and attractive qual- per color it indie .ite trouliln in the mo in tliesie organa dangerous ities to afK hi'n to g hofort the believe a hit near .v !. . i ; wou1: e . r?:ake itckiiiJSspf u fr u kiiTuuv-Diieaie- s licr.cc the importance o! prompt hislioM. Dr J II to slop t lie trouble. io:ue exercises Liver mid Kidney b healing ami Rtiniulatu," iuiluenco over leaning Me-Len- i vi to-- i , 1 ; lady L:i ii with tastes e -- sayers ONE WEEK ONLY. bus- iness, mav .i! get a chance to Wo will sell snd asii Joe VV oil on, for he is inquir- Shoe?, Hats, Goods ing fora h. ly student who could Furnishing will at that OTer. Orea prices be of some H,;isUince to him in the to e'iul-.l. buy now-Sal- e pay you offic,' ii:;l Send me tlie names and addresses An 8lUer' Hrn'iiiiiniliitioi. begin Monday, of three or more good canvassers, Billy Givul iMiivoniiig a bachIn the late war I was a soldier in with do cents in postage stamps the First Maryland Volunteers, elor very f .t. and iT some girl with Febuary, 3. 1896. and will continue for one uik.1 kind disposition and I will mail you a copy of The (J. During my term of a tender Comaay week. Dont wait. Come World Family Register neatly aervice I chronic diar-rhop- would resei-.- him, we are sure that Itliankful.lo her for and see for yourselves. tubed, pac Vd and postage prepaid, then I have used a Billy weul-Since Free delivery to any part It Sidls everywhere for $1.00. El- great amount of medicine, lint when the imlauee of hi.J life. Walt Wi! !? a promising young of th VflE egantly engraved, size d2J x 28. I found mi v tlmt would give me reDUNKLEY STORE. traveled some and is It cost S'.OOO to produce. lief it would injure my stomach, man who i: American Fork. iu the background Merchant St,, R. H. Strousb, A ddress until Chamberlain's Folio, Cholera a shining s..:ir n v.'VIKnKaSff TOPIJiJWB jrrrr.'LjIndianapolis, lnd. nnd diarrhoea Homed v was brought I used it and will to my notice. Location Blanks at this office that is only remedy the it gave say Some time ago Mr. Simon Gold me prcmar.ent relief and no had o Are. Making a Specialty of baum of San Luil Rey, Cal., was! results follow. Make pleasure in troubled with a lame back and ! recoin men diug this preparation to rheumatism. He Used Chamber- - lalljjof my old comrades, who, while to their couu-wa- s Iains Pain Balm and a prompt cure JI giving their wrviJes effected. He says he has since try. contracted this dreadful disease A !uv t..ti'K is Extended to the Ladles to Call and Examine Special unwholesome 1 from rating to his of did, as advised many try fpiends Th m. They are Elegant, and the Frices are within it and all who have done so have and uncooked food. Yours truly, th Reach of Everyones. Means. spoken highly of it. It is for sale A.E. Ben nixo. Halsey. Oregon. the kidneys and uriunrv errans aud will cause au early ri!tiratiun to normal conditions. Pnce f.l .00 per liottle Stcfle & Co's. 01-- i 1 le-ir- i, f a. i tion, and was so 1well satisfied with the result that have never tried stopany other kind of dressing. Itstimuout, from falling hair the ped lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. X never hesitate to recommend any of Ayers medicines Mrs. IL .to my friends. JIaigiit, Neb. Avoca, Ayers Hair Vigor rUPABED BT . DR. 1. C. AYER Aw I CO. LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. srH jrW Stmvrtt JPimphi, 1 Sisters n'ns Hats for the Holidays by all Druggists. For sale by all Druggiats. Dont Forget. Next to Post . - Office, Amman Fork. ( |