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Show THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. a ts vol, iii.xo.: AMEItCAX 1'OIIK, UTAH, SATUUDAY, HKlIItUAKY 1, 1890. FltlCE, 1EH YEAR If 1.2 5 ietcriior and the j imlsc of regular EXPRESS AGENT ARRSETED. relief guards. troops tu replace t Adana hus Buffered a good deal from I'lIIlSliV TKKI.VN panic, lladjln Is still safe, but reGEORGE KROUT CHARGED WITH ports are now circulating of trouble A BOBBERY. Official Report of Massacres there. An order w is lsjued for an escort Believed to Have Taken $35,000 of to bring Miss Shattuck away from Or-fof Armenians. Wells-Farg- o Money in November, but she Is unable to endure th When He Claimed to be Robbed. journey. r.l its But it Was Bad Enough, Evtn The college (male) of the American Best Armenians Were Skillful iu board at Karput lias commenced Us Denver, Colo., Jan. 38. Pinkerton deor classes. At Bivas the missionary tectives have aiTesied Express Agent Evading Their Prosecutors, schools been have and tlu Killed-Plan reopened Krout of Colorado Springs on More Would Have Beeh are venturing out quite freely to George the charge uf being implicated In the of the Powers to Settle the people In llellef services, work grows apace. o theft of $::0.000 from tlie Trouble. Van, about 9000 people are being helped iiiiiipuny several mouths ago. with funds sent to Dr. Grace Kimball The robbery occurred on the. njgbt of of itungor. Me., who has rented two November lltli, at the Santa Fe h;iv I.iriiiliiii, Jan. 3n. depot SWKi. IS ESFKCT SoV. is Iu Colorado Springs, just after the lmn inauiil I'nntainliiK all Ike olliuiiil public ovens for feeding refugees. out train south. illsi;iUliH rvlatlvi- - tn Arinrtiln. IB. areAt Constantinople missionary rooms pulled George transformed into clothing ware- night FAST. WEST. Krout. the agent, said that two' men July 34. 1VJ4. uml Octi'lwr Xu. i. tcll-. ;IIU a. III. No. ni. IMCi, and tin rcii,i'tx uf the consular houses. Clothing and bedding go mainhlru In had his overpowered olflpe' and No. . III. 4 :N .Ml. i. in . It'IcKsit. s iillai'hftl tu tin- - Sassoun ly to ncur points, Treblzond and taken two packages consigned 'front Nil. K. 3 7 OiOi 1. in . I No a in l.tciiver banks, which contained 135,000, The fejHirt Kivos tin1 history f Ih'1 overlooking another package containII. It.Mii'i'CK. I). C In,iK. Come Over and Help. Aiim'tihtii uKitation for several yours, ing $ 15,000. As Krout had been in the iin.l ico.tiils iho nlistiu'lt'K thrown In tin Express-compan27. The newspapers this employ of the (Sen. Mr. Trallii: Mgr. Jui. London, for a number of years, suswoy of tin I'limmissinn hy the Turkish afternoon discussed the speech which F A WAlll.KIlill, It also aiiuita the the Secretary of State for the Colonies, picion did not llrst point to him. He Ce i. Puss Act- ili'ii'Kiit.h. of tin 3:W pi in, Moiirlav?, Wfihit'Mljjti cliurgi lifiiught gKttlnst Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, delivered at told a very plausible tale, and It was Artlr-- k 3.1.1 1'. u. to of liurniiiK thslr own property on Saturday evening, par- believed. In spite of the fact that- the utlnviik uinottK their pvopli, Birmingham mblicry was reported by him to havi OFF1CK lluPUs. upon his references taken dwelling ticularly to failed thi facts elicited place at a time when the statio; Stat-J'- ' to United and the The Oeni rul generally inl In ivRiji.iry lit- Arini'itiatiM were platform was full of people. He said Win Jews inn n utuiijj. m. mil them. ut;:.lJ p. praising roblKrs hid in the office while He oii, hiil t 'liow Hint the HgltatiC llurad m. The St. James Gazette heads Its ar- the was looking artt-- the express matter lusiivmlcil i u Su mi:iys tin Armenian outrages ticle, Delivery nm! Come and Over Us, Why. Help on Kurils. Thi latter then relaliated, and catne off (he train, and two a. in, Win.liiA'i nn oix11 irm'i :(! . hi till says: Fresident Cleveland's Gov- that and (rmn i:iu till 6::a p. q. uml the Armenians fieri tu their vil- ernment masked men faced him when he en- - , . callhas for good very ground Tl V.'M'IIY MrlARTY. closed the door and locked teriii. lages. on the Sultan Sgebig Lice ;itisfactlon. If It It. madeThey IottiiiualiT. him deliver the money, and ' The eonlllcts between the Armenians ing to he acts Is itself It by likely paralyzed then at Ihe muxxli of a pistol ordered ami Kurils followed, and the governfiLVAIl LEWIS, M. I?.. at u peace- by the toEuropean conceit, but if It him to get into' bed and cover-uhtk' The Only Line Kunniug Two ment tiltl notliiiiK tu urrive women heartily with us, head. There was a cot in the office, i anil agrees ful Keltlenieiit in to protect o i 0 0 O II O O O O O II the situation will be Improved. If the anil the agent said he did as the rob- chililrcn. Through Eist Trains Daily to the United States are really bers bid him, ,but that hy PiiYSlOIAN :: AND :: SURGEON The report shows that the number of people toof advance the cause of civiliza- alarm as soon as th.Iy were oil.gavetb-LEAD VJLLE, killed has been grossly exaggerated, eager m to d p. Office Hours from ;l tion and good order, tu they can do so liul Krout's father, a farmer, .came to ? the report admits that owing A8PEN, PUEBLO , effectively than by encou- Colorado Springs from Cerro Gordo, the absence of registration it U Impos- much more At Stielf'n Druy titoie. HI.. January 21st. Ids actions excited COLORADO 8 PR I XU sible even approximately to fix the raging Venezuela to defy us." I tub Ameni'aii V. k The Westminster Gazette remarks: suspicion, be has been, constantly.. of victims. There Is, however, number AND DENVER appended to the report a tabulated list Mr. Chamberlains enthusiastic adop- shadowed.- and he"- boardiAf Yesterday tion of the Idea of American aid for train on the Gulf roaA aftjm havinga" of all evidence tendered the committee. even It Its literal realization purchased a ticket for Fort Worth, . Six villages mentioned show a total of Armenia,come will not 2 about, will, nevertheless, Tex. ' Detective W. B. Sicyces btlanled' 365 victims. These villages were all Elective April do much good In other ways, and In the same train and telegraphed soTAity j scattered. anti burned the inhabitants Sheriff Train Jfo. 2 ieares American Fora at ft The Hritish delegate Shipley; in a the long run his speech Is the best id Farr to meet Um at Walmbsri.'' Le a news a of for Pueblo at at it Ar0:10 the oppressed There Krout was arrested, JM'il, Mortgage i):n3 hi, arrive in, Ptrnnsl( firing piece attached to the Joint we have heard for a long he was tar from the evidence gathered by menians that : (.'dorado Sniringa T :51 a in, Denver 10:30 gal asrvstHi.ee will Hud Probate protested Consul Ilampson during his tour, esti- time." a m, Cripple Creek 0:50 a hi. nt!c. idcil to. do well to cull mi me. Jones, the Tiain No. 4 leaves American Fork mates the express, robbery. Yheaiuv TOTAL NITMBEI1 OF VICTIMS Us to Wants Act Account (.'olloc toil. Goods searched-$450ou signal) at 8:35 p in arrive at iu the Bassoun district. Including wns found, most' of it fiops 28. The JPh. Chronicle this London, . sewed to the Inside of his shirt ., sold ou Commission or by Pueblo 5:37 p m, Colorado Springs 0:53 deaths from starvation, at abodt 900. editorial an has the recalling morning One of the worst cases of Auction. Jefwhich success p in, Denver 0:35 p ni. attended President PACIFIC FUNDING BILL.' 1: a Delegate Shipley says, wss the fersons sending a fleet to Algiers, and Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado cruelty, American Fori; Mekchasts St., murder of prisoners in the camp at advocates inthe powers formally great Springs and Denver with ail lines east. (ilielleguzan, under a promise of safe the United States to send a fleet Hearing Before the HouSse CfoihmittSe vtii I (MIN 0 CPU KlX.jp Elegant day conches, chair cars, and conduct, liut the number of those so viting to r . on Pacific Ro&ds. .. Turkey. Tske murdered was only forty or fifty, and liman Sleepers on all trams. "The mere sight of such a formidable Washington, Jkn. 28 JJr. Fpuncis B. not stated. been has as M a X IFAGTCRKIl OK hundreds, t lie- I). & R. Oand have a comfortable the Chronicle, would Thurlwr of New York hppeaMT before Ltelegate Shipley, while he admits display,"tosays the Sultan to his the House Comiplttee.on Pscifls 'Roads bring Coltrinn Electric Liniment. trip and enjoy the limit scenery on the that there were violations of wompn, suffice senses." today as a representative of Die Na- wholesale asserts that the continent. alleged If, however, action were needed, the Cures Erysipelas, swelled joints of tli Hoard, of Trade of women was not confirmed, butchery Train leaving A meric ii Fork at 9:08 lie points out that while an agitation Chronicle urges that the British fleet YoFi Board of Trade gnd Transport- ; . , feet a..d hand, Glandular Swellings to aiivocatSp the passage bt &timdv's p hould ,.v a m arrive at Cripple Creek ncKt morn-n- subveislve of the Ottoman nuthyrtty you bill of 'he neck or groin, headache for the Pacific, railroads. He Ing ., has existed among the Armenians In at 9:50. Cmnic mid iiitlmuHtory V1 commended Senator FryeVhllPfor a 4 Barnum is Barred. V which has exasand abroad, Turkey and many other years extension fit the debt 8. K. IIoopeh, A. S. IIiT.u:, Boston, Jan. 27. The American board hundred perated the Turkish Government, it 3 per cent. The settlement of mm plaint. must be admitted that the Govern- received the following cablegram from at ,the (S. P. & T. A. Traffic ingr., Pacific ! V Its authority of . of Phlllpopolls fected railroad finance die said.r af-- J ALSO V XI KALTL'KKIt OK Til IS way Constantinople by ' Denver, Colo ment hod failed in to all Denver, Colo., business V, the . interests of of the; clauses its this morningprotection country. ' He had 'armok-i CHINESE LAUNDRY HLUE1 NO R. F. Nisvi.ns. " ' 4' , ,'v' II, M. Cesium), subjects. He complains of the suppres"Turkey refuses Barnum leave to go entire tmdies commercial of the to thn commission evidence sion uf before to country the Erzeroum relief to in work engage OenT At., Tiav, Pans. Agt. uf Turkish officials as not calculated to ror lC ' . 'V.'-Sold liv all Merchants. Armenians, saying the missionaries support of the Salt I.RKe city, Utah. advance the interests of the truth. K nf but the logic of' e'vehts "ftail proved disturbers. This is punishment merce bill, The report of the consular delegate without trial. United States Minister convinced Senator Iladquarters, - Provo City, Utah anil made that Reagi records the hltns(df hy the Terrell denounces the charges as cal- that the protest & . . proiilbltlon of iKtolIng was un-- i legates against the Intimidation of umny." MAIiHiSSSY ''1 necessary, and that rallAJkO rates1 were eviof and witnesses the Is to Barnum suppreaslon The referred Rov. II, BARBERS. forced as low by competition and other ... . dence by Government agents and their Barnum of Constantinople. i House Sign forces as they could !e. ' attempts to remedy this state of things In bHiemrnt ('uininnrcisl Snvlngs Umik Hidg. The on rates the Ilaclfld raIlrcuuI?L eluthe so that weii always fruitless, The Webster Grove Murderers. were less thah or the "staniL cidation of the truth waa very difficult. I'llOVO CITY, UTAH. St. Louis, Jan. 26. Sam Foster and ard at the. establishment of the: fines. . Especially on the question of the viola- Pete Schmidt, two of the murderers of and this fact Should be considered in tion of women (lid the commission dis- Bertram A. Paper-liangi- nr Glazing, Etr. Atwater of Chicago, who paying obligations incurred 6n the ba4 , '.' the greatest repugnance at dis- were play Interior peeoratioiiB and Graining. . . brought to the holdover In SL sis of those conditions. ci ivering the truth. Only four female ." to save them from Congress should do three thhigs id night witnesses were heard. Tlie commission Louis Friday All kinds of Commercial Advertislynching, were taken to Clayton today settle the business Interests of : refused to hear more. for the ing. Headquarters pass a tariff bill to increase' Mr. Shipley further declares that the and lodged in the county Jail. Latest and Cheapest Dr. Elchler of Webster Grove, who Is the revenue, a 1aclflc 'railroad funding ,1 Aimenians were attending John Schmidt, the wounded bill and a bankruptcy bill. HUNTED LIKE WILD BEASTS, Wall-Pap- er reDesign?, for 1895, in to C. Mr. H. Tweed, attorney for the We can furnish you with money ami if the slaughter was not greater, robber, stated this afternoon that he new your mortgage now duo and can it was solely owing to the vastnesa of thought the wound would prove fatal Central Iaclflc, glsq gpoke, , the City. In the hearing yesterifay'Mr.'PatWr-- 1 ' Interfacilitates within two days. which of mountain the new rate one s at make s ranges, I. you Mill rarest ten of tlv son of Tennessee had asked Mr. Pierce Selections from the escaiie of the Armenians. He waa est from u to 13 per cent, according to convinced of the Union Pacific whether that comin the United 8.-- s. aimed at the the Turks that snd propbusiness the security. Farm pany would be able to oomply with, a of the Armenextermination TOR COAST DEFENSE. complete loans a specialty, Address, y the principal of ita proposition to Talori disin and the erly ians Ghelleguzan Utah. Fork American the Government within a short tricts. He says that the story of tor- Lodges Bill Appropriating $100, debt to time if the interest was remitted, and ture of the priest at Ghelleguzan seems Mr. Pierce had answered In the affirm000,000 for that Purpose. -to have some foundation, hut the alJan. 27. The following ative. Today Mr. Johnson .of California DOCTOR leged flaying of an Armenian by Tewflk is Washington, Senator Lodges coast defense bill, asked the same question of Mr. Tweed, is extremely doubtful. 343 W N. Temple. how Without desiring to appear partial to offered today as an amendment to the and he answered, he did not see comSALT DALE CITY the Central Pacific railroad could Mr. Shipley emphasizes pending silver bill: Armenians. the OMPLETE v "The Secretary of the Treasury Is ply with such a pnqusltlon. its abil-- . the fact that they were exposed to the authorized and directed to Issue Hy to do so would depend on the conofficial and hereby to of ATARRH rapacity government bonds to a total amount of $100,000,000, dition of the money market and wheththe exactions of the Kurds, who would at such times and in such amounts as er the company could make a yhowlng have burned their houses and stolen URE. required to carry out the pur- of earnings good enough to float the Istheir cattle unless they had paid their may lie poses of this section as hereinafter de- sue of bonds necessary ,o" raise the demands. Said bonds shall be payable funds, and he doubted Whether such a Consul Hampson also attaches a rt scribed. IIGTH LOCAL In coin twenty years from the date of showing could be made. .. Mr, of the inadequacy of and the oblease their issue. They shall be offered at declared that the AX1 IXTKBXAL. stacles to the distribution of relief. to the people of the United States of the Central Pacific, held bjr the pIM BMs) Among the official dispatches is one par in denominations ranging from 350 to Southern Pacific, would not operate to The only remedy guaranteed to absolutely from C. M. Hallward. the Hritish 310(H) and shall bear Interest at the rate prevent its acceptance of the terms' of cure catarrh and completely eradicate the in at Van. written November, t . , of 3 disease from the blood and System. per annum. The sub- the Frye bill. 1X94. which describes a horrible butchwhen scriptions to the loan, or to 'such porery by the Kurds at Sassoun. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIiL SIZE, SBC. men were burned alive, a Ghelleguzan tion of It as may then he required, contains one full north's Each full size . and six- shall be opened on July 1, 1896, and at t priest was tossed on bayonets, WANTS 25,000 DAMAGES, local ueaNnenr, one fi month's siirply of Catarrh to the church and such subsequent dates as the Secretary were driven girls ty of the Treasury may determine, at all Healing Balm and on full month' supply of Catarrh, to ordered dispose of soldiers then the blood and Stomach Pills. R. U. of the United States, Suit Growing Out of tha them as they liked and then to massa- and If you have Caiant, Asihma, Bronchitis, Hay suband the all national at doubts banks, 1894. of cre this them. Mr. Shipley Strike tlie atftciionof nose, Fever or any curoplicated throat, scribers shall have the right to pay for -, brondhW tubes or lings. Doctor Shores Oimpleu story. Indianapolis, Jan. 28. William Gam,the bonds In lawful money of the UniCatarrh Cure will give instant talial and completely has begun railroad a brakemin, bold, shall ted States. The sum of $3,000,000 and permanently cure you. Manufacturers In Session. the Pennsylvania Railroad Doctoring the Sick Man. If the bowels are constipated taka one of Dr. G. W. be annually set aside from the revenue suit against 28.- -A 21. The llrst annual Jan. If nt special dispatch Pills bedt'mo. company and F. G. Darlington, superChicago, voui Jan. Londnn, Shores paiion a for of Government fund the sinking writ Dr. G. W. convention of the National Association received tixlay from St. Ietersburg fund to pay the bonds Issued under this intendent of the Indlanapblis division?' imubl is chronic and Shores personally lor his new symptom list and have of Manufacturers assembled today at says: Arrangements point to a eonclu- - act for 325,000 damages for malicious pros-ec-ofu ffc.l tow at maturity, and the $3,000,000 thus advice free. t Ion, The suit is the outgrowth Music hall for a three days session, slon between Russia, Great Britain. year case diagnosed and get expert preof annually appropriated shall take the American Railway Union strike Dr. a. W. Shores' Tor.ic end Blood Purifier fully 500 delegates being present from France and Italy for a final settlement for those of except others, cedence all and caae. test a as inThis Is and and 1X94, all of sections cleanses and purifies the blood, gives strength reprethe brought country of the Armenian question. by the sinking fund now establishedInterGambold. with John Buck, II. R1X vtgnr. cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseisei cludes Russia's occupation end adminsenting every branch of trade. for the payment of the and law Price. $1 per bottle. the to be and the and Tom Romatti. A. R. U. stria bould of purchase Anatolia istration principal subjects Cura Among debt. end Uver of the W. est Shores' public and O. Kidney Dr. principal Darlington with are the devising of ways and of Cyprus by Great Britain. act ers, was charged by this authorized by bonds The cutes all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. discussed switch-engin- e after , of remeans for the be known as having killed a to loan a Price, $1 Pr b'Vtlle. shall constitute and fireman off coughs, the trade agreements with foreign engineer Dr. O. W. Shore' Cough Cure rates ellwill ciprocal prodriving and the coast loan, defense the of Judge ... stop SITUATION IN TURKEY. colde ami bronchial affectioas. One dote countries, the recognition and control violating the injunction ceeds of said bonds shall be kept in and In the house. Large was at that time ;r . Woods. of the Nicaraguan canal by the United spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle Darlington shall and fund as a apart the treasury 2c. marshal, hav--States United .v of the slit btiuiii United the extension dea but So deputy not States, for the Oil Terrible, the Destitution used be stops is only for providing Dr. - W. Shores' Mouotelo Sage ... been sworn in on July 4th. Gam' commercial marine, and the esworst peln In on minute. For headache, toothache. States fense of the seacoast and lakes of the Ing Bad as it Was- TerrO Haute, at was arrested American bold at South it and tablishment use colic or capitals manufacture the for cramp ' neuralgia, following letter United States, and Boston, Jan. 27.-to this city and kept ,!n Jailer Prevents and cure diphtheria If usad la snd other desirable points of expos! of B1M. aJ?d y1 brought tried in from Constantinople, under date of of guns, ofpurchase was vi'tV handy. Price, III a bottle. the display of American ten lie for tlons for time. Ktp days. batteries and the forts general con- erection Or. C. W. Shore?. Pepsin Vermifuge deslrovs January 4th. surveysthethedisturbed with plans court and acquitted.'. The difpns! Willi J ,,, that purpose, in accordance disIntestinal worms and removes the little round nest ' ' of affairs in dition War department as e bned oo where they natch end brood. It never fails. Price of Turkey. The writer says the prepared by the tricts now Mr John Christopher Willoughby, Hurl., or11,?Jea by law to condition is not good, though authorized Congress . Shores WHtergreen Sal1 now a prisoner of the Doers with Dr. general provide for the by passed has improved, but some it at ektn. Removes red spot! the Is of of on places liooks three tlie Jameson. author ijfHM I destitu- coast defenses. Isa pi at from the face. Heels uld sons African suujects. The first, published In confidence is weak. At Karput ISM. Is entitled "East Africa anil lie HU tion Is terrible beyond an comparison Price. Jl bo. t! potion Pllle 'Gumc: the Narrative uf a Sporting Till with other places yet heard from. Dr. '(I W. Shoma' from Za lir.l liar to the Borders of Mosul. Sugar Planters and Populist. come ghroilc constipation, sick headache and bffloua to go At Madln it is still Impossible Treasury' Statement. bottle. Prlea. New Orleans, Jan. 27,Ttie In ISftl he published "A Narrative of Fur- outside the of neki famous At walls city. of Hinorsea Doctor tor the Washington. D. C.. Jan.' $5. Today s rasa dits are prepared only tpmghlsiid ther Excavation nt Zhnliahyi. Mashnim-bin- Hltlls mre statement of the conditionc of ths Treas-ur- y security Is felt for the mis- thS tlSrt "nomlmiW by1 the Poi ShoiM, foe's Medical institute, fall Lake and In the following year he wrote G. h4aA an account of the close of the campnKn sionaries, who will probably remain headed by t.'apt. J. N. several nSuVh shows: Available 09. Utah. I In Matabeleland and the ilownlull $50,190,143. reserve, and Lo- - there all winter. At Marash Mr. Tercontaining of $178,119,053; gold planter, I Forih'd a' Still rell has had new cautions given to the Ucans. bengula. CHlUCII SICK VICKS. lOBAl NOT SO BAD AS EXPECTED. OTME (BARB Wells-Farg- lilut-boo- kd , . i (.-S;- 1,-1- 1 I :Sl nun-missio- n. 1 Wells-Farg- Hti-'- l o. y - Nulur-liiy- tlie-ii- i firii.-r.- HiS snysp i RieSrands Ma-ii- - 1 l of the World ir . -- 11 . - . - E. HUN1ER, ruum - im. re-K- m leisi-nes- b cold-blood- . 11 - - ... g rlicu-niHlibi.- VtY, , J i, , -- . -- d . ' -- ;' J. F. CLIJFF 1 w SCOTT add a-- - w 1 Decorative Faintisg -- i. Jr one-thi- rd Money to Loan!! the-countr- . , . .& SHORES W H.WEST re-Io- nlnety-nlne-ye- ar - vice-cons- per-cen- f I i sub-treasur- v . Ant-Cin- st deep-seate- d, 1 i . - Q- - exte-nal- ly The the-Federa- l 'writ Anti-Cons- I d. i . 4 e |