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Show o line I... tel. UTAH NEWS U i r llUVO I' il X - l.iehinee. rhuiit.'i. Forty-liv- aiie.tii- - were tiutun'.i'-- e it.ie ls n i war lie-rati- - lielni to will the LOCAL at- - CABD IDAHO STATE Mli T obacco Cure Eagle TJME l ami 'th. liii.'iTii urn- of pulilic laii1- - hm-li.d Hurvryrd in I'lali this year. The military deiuiitiiieiit nf tin: Agricultural (.'(llU'gc lilts ail illtcU'l lli' at Pmvwtiii the I. II r.ee llie i.n.i'.iii'is .itan Is a Wonderful Thing. NEYS. - Saiim.u Cily m,,;.-r- an mi a it I ike for a .hurl ei work day. Win. O i wiis In Id up and rol.h.'d near L.iidwcil n:i Monday. L'.iv Will give thi- - proposed m-railroad 100,000 and a right of way. made nf Mirtejs haVirlH-eaecsiif pulilie laud in the past Ilsea! Din. Mrs. J. H. Ilawlii.jfs, wife f .Slate i::..iiiiil Mine IuiKftor, lias divorce. Utah county fuinilie(l live ami mvi-- drum corns for tin: l.L-io.s'- lb-pul- jear. John Alien, rele.lMs lioill the pell on August 'Jlst after sening a three sent iii fnun Wei year term, has for two years on a eh.iigc of grand iiran rarlitlcation Charles Friedman, aCulorailocattl rustler liailly Mantl'd, has been arrest ed in l.'intaii county and removed Ivnver. The Internatiuiiiil Fire Chief in session at Augusta a. have ihi'idcil that they will hold their next cov.-lion in halt Lake. si-- r Work. Read the TESTIMONIALS cf wet kE0W men. Work no INJURIES on tbo aystem, but improve your HEALTH. TAKE IT and in 6 DAYS you will be CURED of tbu TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT und your day on earth will be lengthened. Aa agwMdila tAaaUvw sad Kitmrm Toma SSfiSSiS so BQgiggajiigige Cwytsla gwimy, VJt Bhlloh-- Utarrh Itsoed 1 la nyai sdtnln Ihava rr fuuad tkst wauld HfiNd IVtosWota. galdky EAST. . No, No. (I.- -S fill Xu. S. A 8 V7 WEST. - 4 ;M - p. in. HI . il ;Ui ui F A. Vai.eh;ii, (', Doisik, larceny. 8HIL0HS CURB r Ucii. M'r. lieu. Pans Agl Oaixv Odvom Cni lien Sin Oi van and White Hni-- c, (wo WWsaUotkorifHlLrorCi H. II. liAllfoCK, E. U'Ei.ur, iiamns-ks- , are under arrest tor tin r.TsL1 baaesrad M iaa,aaawlUQnai Oeu. Sup't. Traffic Mgr. BauUUXoalatiioov IiMHlk. l9Zl.Aft purHse of i ling the iiiestimi a whether tin Indians are lioiinri by tin For sals at Stusl Jc Co.s Drug Store, Tim Logun Council jawil a state game laws of Wyoming. tiou denouncing tin: iiewsjiiiisTs lor Tin Ministerial asnoria deiuandiiiK the resignation of City lion of Episcopal the state of Minnesota adopted Attorney ivsol u lions expressing sympathy for A miner enijilojeil in the Wasalch L. S. LAND REGISTER, the liaunoeks. Idaho is willing t lie oi Minnesota snmiid iuiiii: at Coalville was Instantly killed huuiaue I.AKK i I I V, TTAiL NAI.T on the .rlh lust hy top coal fill lint; on have tin- - wlnde him. lie leaves a wife and lte chil F. A. Wilkie had a narrow csc.is Gem-Saloo- n (Iren. from death recent l.v in a sawmill near PlCTO John Starr of Nrplii is a maiiiiicand Dry Duck, ills clothes caught in the TXAdE AiUihkjii, WIMr A Co., Irur at the point of death from the eifeet line shaft ami in: was whii led around of heiiiK stung by a spider wiiile work at a rapid rate. Finally his clothes Tim Table in Effect June 2:1, 18ii4. lie is .'in, and nun gave way ami in- eaiin- out of tin- - or Dig In a corudehl. All klnJ ol Subject to Chany Without ried. leal naked and hadly bruised. l.lil-roaThe ploli.ot'-l- Ilf the plojM.scd l Mayor iiaskin of Kali LakeCdv lias WINES, LIQUORS AND GI6ARS . Sol'Tg. an- fioni lfiit.tr- to San r lamd-e- o "leiuMirarlly siisM'iidisl ('apt. Ismotan 1 Pass. No. STATIONS. No. 2. Past of tin tin' in luiiiiiee that. of the Follce force. Lv. Daily. Ai. Daily. by lKli isassiued. They elaiiii that i vestlgalhin of diaries lias billui i sii'i nioia in 5 :4 p in MKIidi Ogden. sold. non. him of I lie binds have Ih'i-iChief Devine of tin' tire depart j ar. (iib-Ih.iilv Vlsrtlittni si, AiiiHrlcttu Pork, Utk 0 :ai A meeting of the Territorial Iriiua-tio- n 'i'll'1 io.nl will enter Idaho Silt Lake 44 4' It MB Sa!uniii loilow ille ami ar the river, i In Lake in held was Salt society crossing (In' range neat Atlanta, it IRA W. K1N 6th. It was meed that societies I AKI): will pa.. through Owyhe eminly, organized In every county with a view nt Nevada. Law, Attornny into to securing Irrigat ion legislation. IWViJ CITY 1'T.tU (.lf.-rea has Mi'Cmiiiell Doveriu.r S.i of the Fairlield, on tin: line reward of for the ifiniHj w A: appiclu'iisniii ill have Lake Mercur railway, of laul Lawson, the dejiot, owing to increasing shipments ol murder and sen ten I In from Camp Floyd dial riel. Tin- - la-- t convicted Watinn Will be compleU'il in two Weeks. lie hanged lor murdering tienrge liU-i-iFEED AND SALES STABLES. LIVERY, t son in May Iasi. Lawson was Willis Isaacson, a ei hy three masked un u who hoy of WelsT county, was slud in lie- - race the sheriff all'l Inched ll i 111 ill firti rlii-- - tiiriMiiits A ita nlnayi la resUniH-.awson's icli at Hailey. hy Charley Clark, another youth, hi led inn ol Imr-anil buggirs. while hunting. The charge entered Mrs. W. K. Ikitali. a daughter ol his breast and face, hut will not he ioveriior McConnell, lias for several Runs Hacks to All Trains. fatal. mouths Is'cii ailiirled witli lung i Select man Derides of Salt Like lias troiilde w hich was I hough t to l.civc nnl'T, si stable, ioiis. ri'isirled that tlicre are Joo families, Many health resorts wen IlHrrili'loii SL AMEKII'AN KdltK, LTAII. dewin 6nu are Fort land lieiicili. At visile, without imuinrislng iiersoiis, Cali-iand the i ist week, while on tier way to pendent ukiiiI charily now, Sunday. as the season u la. she was seized with a severe FDANK D. HOUH5. iiuiiiIst will Lslo rs,oiit I'. S. Laud Office, Tram leave Suit Like for Ggden daily I advances. nugluiig sm-- and ciiiiglied up pari of a ui, at 7 :U0 a in, 7 p m ami 4 :00 Her needle. is and Land Mining Altorne. recovery complcti: The trial ofCoughlinandtieurgelias i in. Null I Luke Utah. lieeii set for Met. 2ls, at Ogden. It Xpcrled. lly i'raiii leaye Ogden for Salt Lake daily Is expo-lethere will Is a stuMmiii Samuel H. Wilson, a farmer living at 3:15 a tn, ti:15 p ui, 8:30 a m an I 3:00 light and a lengthy trial. Oil. A. li. near Hatley, shot. William Cov,anotli-- r ilUX.I. HATES, in. Hays of Ogden lias lieen npNiinteil to farmer, iln: 2d, coinph-li-!destroyl.'loSH connccToni made at klgdeu with defend them. his ing sight and nillictirig other AMERICAN FORK WAGON Snuiliern Pacilic tmins. A Logan train Slier I IT Foiie of Uintah county ar- wounds which may prove fatal. leave American Folk nt I aid aniving a' rested Clarence Wood ward, alias Hen. siiliseriptimi was Marled and money WORKS. I.ogan 0:35 a la aim 0:1(1 p m. ry Johnson, In Salt Lake the lit h, mi a aisedtoscml Cox to Hall Lake for WilTraina for Tooele mu. daily except St. at re.itiueiit Marys hospital. charge of wholesale horsestealing. o o lluuiipi nuil WttKotu nf all IhiiiikI over in tin sum of $4-- , Sunday leaving Salt Luka 7:45 a in It Is charged lie sold oucuf the horses iniii,li was o n KiiiiU UiimnHJ in Klri-which was iulckly furnished. Eureka train leave American Fork Ui Sheriff McKcllur of Tooele county. o Citin OnliT, aud at I'riori O The men iuarrclcd iimt some hay, and O 10 uU Itiui'd. 3 :30 p in arrire at Eureka 1 1 :30 a in . The sheriffs of Utali have effected according to Wilson's story, t'ox was liuiir Twenty-tou- r tu Denver; 84 uu organization aud will work more Hilvaiieiiig upon him in a liirentviiknii XNKRICAS VOHK.rTil ItarrlnatooX., ... i,i..1d,.. i hotiia to Kansas city systematically in apprehending evil- - niauner when the shot was llrrd. Wil- and Chicago. doers. Hardy of Sail Luke county son is li'.i years of age and Cox about Deintinber the Union Pacilic is the heat waa elected president, and Wriglit of 4i. Precinct Jiiitica. Notary Pub'lo line for New Mexico and Arizona. WcIhtuikI Drown of Utah vice presiSlump is making a tour of dents. buying your tickets get our ligiires. soul hern Idaho to familiarize himself uh All kiiKk) of li'Unl work I For iiirtlier information as to rates, , . The tlrst annual session of the lu'i-siid - poxoir.-ilMarman with the needs oi the stale for legislii' liMinplin-iHmans, etc. call on nr write. proved to I s' an miexjMM'ted tloii. His trip will occupy a month. iinylliiiig HrUliiliig lulual iiisili D. E. Duklky, success. The TuIhtiiucIc was unahle J. M. IIaypi-.x- , of the material interests of AMEUICAN Ei IKK, t'T.UI. to accmii muriate the throngs attend-ing- . Hs'iiking 'I Gen no Senator said the Apt. American Fork. that at Agt. It was a great llriaurial success. Malm, Pan. Dept. Salt Lake. in thv past liad tin: state sliowir limo & The next session will prohuhly go to us mucli promise as now. Tin vast Cily Ticket Oilier 201 H Main at. Denver. ESAffdf-.Kr- . E. L. Iaim ix, U. P. A T. A tracts of agricultural laud In various E. Dickinson, Gen t Agt. portions of Idaho are Is'iug brought lu The Itcnuhlii'uii territorial rat CiitiniMTcial ShvIiilo llauk llulj. under water, and Idg communities me 3. II. II. Clark, under the auspices of the existence where live years ago Omvkr V. AIikk, "j piiiitii (in. f r.n. committee, was held in Hall now inwas nothing but brush, lie E. Ei.i.kiit Anuf.iihon, of the frill. Hun- there Luke the Receivers. 1 lint the mid agricultural, fruit dreds of dollars worth uf tl reworks H. IJoank, John STIMMIKN WOODS. were burned and considerable cntliu-aias- livestock interests of Idaho will in ten Fhkdkhick U.Cocukrt. TOiliOn-.Ayears mon' lie second to no other state AnTlgT. engendered. iff the same area. Alfred Lind of Ogden, who was . guarin-teclNotices are pOHteJ in ull conspicuous Unit rutting in any rt)ts. three weeks ago pardoned from a six rarli.nun Slrfri. Haliuon In all cxhi-surplaces mouths sentence for Indecent City requesting was arrested again the 4th for working men to keep away front YelAMIdtti AN rnUK. VTA II. attempted rajs: on a six year-ol-was child. low Jacket, us the miners are nut on a some lined tn misunderstandbut not strike, sustained, owing Charge -- S KOKSANVONK 90 and ninety days in prison for ining between the workingmen and the SGEBI0 Libe decent expesure. mine mn lingers In that district. The lirungevllU! Free Press says: The Thu San Francisco Examiner prints y, that telegrapli is clipap- - lej The Only Line .Running Two a story to the effect that a newly Kamltih Indians enme down in force 4 week matched e. tcunift than .driving line Hedged Halt Laker, hy the name oof (Ids J er and snl'er Through East Trains Daily to Lru the Deseret. Cray 1 Norris, has a very active sena- and riding in elegant new luteks. They LEADV ILLS, torial ls' in Ills Ism net. lie came to IKilroiiixcil all otir inerehants lilieially. FlEBLO , ASPXX, Utah from Washington 1. C. The die day there was n rim on trunks, A. CHRIbTENSEN Examiner states he drew on Uollis 1. eueh SI wash having to have one to DR COLORADO 6PRIXUS. Huntington for2u,uiMi with whleli to keep new clothes ill. AXD DENVER run his campaign. Others were faU. S. Prnwiic, president of tile Mw vored for similar amounts. row National bank; . t llattaliaiigli. EBedive April --0, 1D94. Marcellus Nelson, a Salt Lake attor- president of tlie ilel'nnel ('oinnieivlal Tram Nn. 3 leaves Ameriraii Furs at o o v ney. has been held to the grand Jury laink. and Joint itilstrap, 9 K)2 a in, arrive at Ilielilu at 6:10 a m, Office ill Jackson ISuililing. In the sum of 9 looo, on a charge of Tl'easiirer, Wire urrnlgueil In the dis 7 :3I a in, Denver 10 :S0 Utai Colorado Hmrings stealing a lady's watch and chain, the triet court at Moscow to answer tin1 American Fork, if :3U a in. Creek a ni. cellicvn Cripple in found Ids articles having liulielii.eid eliaiglng them grand Train No. 4 leaves American Fork lar. He spent four months of lat with roMipnuinliug a fi tony. lien vear In jail. All Idaho official savs A. K. TIIO UN TON, (stops on aignal; nt 8:33 p in arrive at look the oillee of Tcasiuvr In Nelson is wanted In that stale for Pueblo 5:27 p in, Colorado Springs 6:53 tie win! into an agreeinenl I'crlcr lu deeds perpetrated liefore enniiiig to January p in, Denver 0:25 p iii. I wlo-i- . and wuli llrowne l.Mt.iliaugli, Zion. Connection made at l'ueblo, Colorado In tln-llie was to ib poMt n WINES, and cigars Springs aud Drover with ad line enst. A large iiuiiiInt of desert land en- spiitive banka Ine eon lily funds and tries have lns-- made in Washington to draw (Inn from only on prcsenlal ion Elegant day conches, clccr rais, and KihOst Urn ill on IUhJ. KtHtlU Take Pnllman Sleepers an all tram. county, along the liin Virgin mer, of w.oranls for payment. Failiue lo Sl'iviikiiy where a iiuiiiInt of citizens have the D. & IL O and have a comfortable live i:i lo thi. agiet nn lit cost the eouu-t- v Billiard and Pool Poom In to take out a Idg ditch ou Ilia JI'J.ohi. trip and enjoy the fiudt liockville. The ptirimsc is tu takeout continent. Nkv .rt Wine. FanHF I a dich ten miles long to cover liny lu ait. Xoiw.u is King oi ir of qiir Train leaving Amcricn Fmk at llie old, i, iKi.n'.u m. ii n. I, wii,, m,ii.t-V.iToliniit M, AMEKkM tlionsand acres of land' It is the lar- .ict'i.l KOHK. ITAH ,. in.a ,.f lu ,o. m arrive at Cripple Creek iii Kt morn-0a uf the kind undertau s cicr gest project at tlte opi iniii: of tie os at 9:50. l l I'.tl IMIIICI.I. ken in southern Utah. A dl:.p.ilrh from Two S. If. Ilnorga, A. 3. Hvohk, The session of Cmifi retire just clos- Inindn.j inoio I, in is Pen, inooi , .ituvs , G. I. A T. A. Traffic mgr., ed is said tn be the most gralifi ing, to I: iron on llciinnci'.-- i In will I.,in point of attendance ami interest, ler seand will nsid; in nuinerons rials Colo., Denver, Cojo Denver, tisijeHIc. ever held. Hocmwiled was the (itv M. Ccsuino, Mteliiel Miller committi'd sni.'lde nt B. F. Nxvin. II, fen-neof Halt Lake with con visitors Iandville in the most horrible manTiav, Pass. Agt. Genl Agt., slid those attending the eisteddfn I ia r. lie secured a !.' Coifs revolver Utnli. Latte Salt city, In his moiitli and and licpublicun ratilicution, ail com- placed Hie nunv.le The luillet ton off pulled the trig;;.-!-- . ing in conjunction, that the tlo.mgi the top of his head mid his luams were could scarndy is1 accoimiiiMl.ued. suUered nlvmt the bed and ibmr. MilAlsmt tlfty jieople slept in chairs at' ler was about fil years of age. fra Send $5 for cue bottle to m-i- men Paaifis BYRON GROO l. iril. - Eagle Pharmacy, S. E. Cur. SiiGuRil Smith CAED Salt Lnka City. Dais La.it broken. i J Temple of Music. d Mill-Ti- - 1 i Cth m-a- r furlt Agi-ut- i lent Flanci aud Orxau tn lha market 208 South West Temple, ::i-- i tln-ne- POST OKKICE BLOCK, HenryLee ASTONISHING RESULTS From Tlif over-jiilWere- EAGLE LIQUOR CURE SAXKST, MOST bl'tt'KSSl-LAND MOST IlIltMA.NK.Nr KKMI.DY YKT DISCOVERKD. Cbm- - tierclc.'furu new cured ItMUIfl.t tu llt-U( sx of ille huiI t:u Lpi uetiH. UKAD 111 J TKsTIMOMAL of a sad phy- sician once skeptical on liquor cure, but now a ounruri lu Ilia kag:u Remedy, Kvispce fruia Ollier cure and victim, of Ih terrible liuuor disease should not delay. M rite lur furthar rr call at 1 e joiiS Street, Te(upl E. N, JENICINS Xi-tk- t W.-- None geiiiilne without this soul or wlieu seal - s and Agents Wanted Evcrywhore. before buying sen that the lio'.tles are seated with the signature, Dkan System LOCAL im-ii- it luccenful T HAS NO RIVAL in s EAULE rilAHMACY, S. K. Cor. and W. 6U. The Xeeloy lnr.uiuto, Sid a direct authorized turuu h of ll:e parent bouse at Dwight, lit., has hm-- opened at 100 W. Second North, Salt Luke City on the lino of the street lullway ruuning to Warm Springs. For the treatment of the liquor nnd F. Kedey opium habits, with Loth-double chloride of gold rr.m Company -- edlna. The Institute Ku. ll leitv.rtah Lak- -. yrur luculity to li;h nli our jroral. halary- lu right lartv. Send fur' llnliduy SALT LmKE PUBLISHING CO. ul CoDjiUtuilutt liiuy. KaJt Lakt) city, Liali. Kupuiie, Wrapping pa PAPER! t'nniar Etc. Beg. Twin, ter,Mil, in- CO.. Salt baka an-- l evpi-nsi-- paper under the nuci.ire-inon- t of Dr. T. W. St. John, wh i hue been at work with and in the employ of the Lesley E. Kceley Cnmpauy for the The trea'iiient and past four years. mrinagnniont of patients will be idenil-all- y the amn as atDwisbt. Is When you cau be linule tu walk eiraluhl, Wn tukc plaster "I Pane cast of fn-- t iuura euiiili.rl. in cripi.leil and lhreriui-- i Shod. Steel linm-- s anil artillulal limb ol Ite-fnr- e roi-uc- le r- -. sroTT CLurr AU.U0S CAINL'S FIGU.ici. 1 sl es BsnY6??,Rie ii e, fends Amount of Taxes Cltnigcd to tLe Counties of the Tevritoi y. Suit Lake City, i'lr.h, Octol.er .V To Whom it May foiieprn: Tills that in itci'nrd.'iiico v liii the pro- -' isionn (ff chiipter l.NXI, l.iws of Utah, tv.'l. 1 hove this rtny ronipuled tin: iiiiKUint of t fixes duo from ciieh county of the Tcrritoiy of L'tuti. on the totil vutiuition of ull taxnLI iiropei ty then-in- , ne certllled hy the Territorial Hourd of Kiiualtzution. Soptenilu-;y). ixy.1. which umountH have been chst rgoii to the respective countieH on the lMoks of this ofllce, nnd the name reported tn the several County Clerks, to wit: (B E. SHOE CO., Third South St., Salt I.uki- - City, t'tah eer-tili- GOOD SET 1 EKTU 55 $8 NO BETTER MADE. r Dr. J. Q, Keysor, DENTAL PARLORS d If of the World KNOW FREE COINAGE w SB Tele-pliuii- D jurs tlil-stra- r NT H Con-nCil- m-a- RESTAURANT West Second South St., Salt Lake City. in Call Utah, nd be Convinced. SID HATTON Proprietor. 004.1-In 'IT.!l73.;l.il l lenuysou'c Beati&liness. L(K CITY, UTAH. i'DOMLSTIC ,BWla,a. Plano, &E al! kV (iiyau. Instrument, Sheet Mu.io and Mai Itaok. Imtruineut auJ auU meal. Send fur our lUo Hat uf aha eay paj AbOUU Mosii-a- To(;il p uli'.-r-- ,:w tocl1 Best and cheapest Eating House 1ST liquors lld Wet 3rour home alinitht.nl0rnlnB l lUUrlS, ttupipf. Mr. It. H. Slierurd eomi-In the defense of Mr. Denson, who was recently attached he said that Tennyson was not a man of uirreeal.le inan-n-E. DUNSCOMB, M. D. Mr Hherard d el.tr. s that Mr. I biver.lty uf New Turk, 1M3L Ihieron only wrote what was true. He says, in Tie Doe'.. man, tbit, "like ni.ed SPECIALIST men who have studied ULMWOOB ru:u. . the huCOLOR!, man heart. Iird Teimy.-.i10 CASCEKS- iimiu'u wan a tumors, aid ami ho tiicii gueu on to re- mmSt late Hem ivinlnirrt need of RADICAL CtHK TRKATIIKXT WITHOUT lit:, met tier, who, a J.Jiss Wordswnrtii, knipk tut and with Mrs. lafurward TayIdy) lor, vtrii.-- the I.auriut-.- - ai a house in Twickenham foil: y.ais ac.o: -- The wninisRepaifs everythlns novelty Taylms (Mr. Jtirar,l rti.tlr-- l knew and make model rutler 'aiii.efln ii J the i.iul Mrs. Taylor had Writ 4. 23d Mins Wordsworth to see the then new laureate. The poet, who did not ni'imir (iii la? wu sent for, came X M. K. U Bait Lak City, S9-9Into tie room, we arc ll, looking s. In very f;I sti.iy, an-Mrs. T.iylor rallied him on his 'iir.u woul.l say, Mr. Tennyson,' she salt, 'that you were rle.iec-to s- -e ;s.' 'I don't think you v.'i.iil.l le d i si visitors,' erb'd Tennyson, 'ir yon hired t:.e Times for an hour a d.iy ::n ! tii- virtiors J'ist came during that When told by Mrs. Taylor that lie n- ver visited IPs fr.i'nds. lie relied. Moron ly. 'If ail very well for c.i to trlk. 3 mi have ony t order your leus. s to be put in nod drive over her-- . When I to Wo can furnish you with money tore-neyou I lmve to go to the can exju-nsof a cal, or a railv. ay t:ek t. your mortgage uowr dmi andluur-eat of Ho a rate nfiirwnrd left the room. (f Mivs make you a unworn tiio poet ha tik-- n no from Ulo 12 por cent, sreerding to Wordsworth , nolle-''-she was very much hiMlnna proj anl and Farm Iboserurliy.' abashed. Mrs. Let A (hires. Tennyson, who had noiloed what hud laken i t.ice, went triy loan a special ty, anil sat l y l:er. end spok-- ' ktudly. 'Mr. Tennyson was n! well.' sh- - said: 'lv s'.iff. red from liiliouunovs. r.n-- Ids manners ihst day meant rothing. She wbs 343 N. W. Tout In. sarry that she hail Just that (lay, The ndinl ought aonu-HinIn cause when Tennyson was In tn lie good thii ll the t r to CITY I.ALE SALT hur.i'tr h was delightful.' " thinking. I'hactlrua. ic.-nur- K.-- Swi-i,'i- 9.-0- g w- 1 Hir-ioi.- V e Money to I HERLETT BROS. Dm TEST Hifk-Srs- d Thrsa-Craa- Bakin 5. t- i l moiio-syltabb-- . t l pt-as- i - LINE Loan!! IT: Paader ia IS itranguat and pyreil Mida. l tiil-.cl- i TO - w No Alum No Ammonia All Grocers 1 1 Sell It AND W- H. WEST C'.-i- 'BLUE DIAMOND LABEL ON EVERY GAN. a. et l i |