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Show Kj - r Watkk storage is the mrt im7 l.c Mo '! uniat I. n pur.- - I. ir tin- l.i..l jr ycfiiey which is now pe:i in cun- iiiil'tn-Hili to Irulling ami working with the wat- portant subject before the farmers Ijlowue l in yrtitiecl siiiiini.li midTo iligeuiirt! pum HILTON L. SCOTT, ers slinsild go to t!i.' improvement of of this section: if it isn't, it ought orgwo m'ut uik proper aud efliimct fesrtAa:'ll!.v la carefully l.) r;. too mortim Dr J 11 MrLeau'k Streng. our city, that outside people, with to he. During the summer months, us ut J liy nperiidired I'.inii-riBlond Cordisi and tl ners arc in a continual r. ' ning Ettrrnl ut fir. from Sana, f, Amt iron For k raital would become faseiuatedand the Und-oable reuurly In ru'uir 0. phanuacistt urgfi"). 'it uaili Jj hwate with us. We do not wish to turmoil with the fir ti t'lt'iimi fi!,r. the riiiiiv s.tuiiy, Jt .lino impiiria par ills. Dandelion, and city in'i Wiui mittlrr. v.ui:z:uir slid enriching properties to Docjt,Pipalsiewat particularly criticize our council, ferent wall known the iiiaod. $ 1.00 per bottle lit Steel & other and Brnrles, Juniper Out Ttar i .25 hut it lin ks to us that ficen water for their crop and or- Cu'. something ProThe Combination, rsmedi. vegetable ifontht 75 could and Process are Peculiar to Hood's whereby our chards. It is getting to the point 7'Ar Month! V. nelly lndiuste a portion 50 L'p in t'orinne, itoxeldercounty, tu runiil mMsurre tiuuld hr KMnys, tskra to Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative population and wealth could be in- when something should be done acrious truutils. is selling nineteen pounds sugar power Peculiar to Iuelf, not vast to Store the creased. amo tnt of water fur i American Fork. REMEMBER Ueo. M. Han.io.v, I he able mil $lm by other remedies. Hoods uudi Democrats hat runs oil into the take at differ- - oni mile from the sugar fac-eand mlNinl, iuey bnvmie dsii(eruiu. iiepiihliruns popular editor rf the Igdcrt .Slut. lettln-'- C motives DR. J. H. MCLEANS times of tlm year Salt Lake tory. the same sugar sells but pierce your minds bird. has honored by tLf p lieu the eitv caui iiies are lield. county is reaping the benefit 0f jiti-epounds for a dollar, fan LIVER SSS KIDNEY BALM Cures Scrofula, Soil I thrum, Sores, Bolls, iblii-aan-Is win' you nt. It will nn Uver 1)iir-d- r. h f of Weber with ,U"rtha,lt tl,ls ' party Nominate and elect rimplei and all other affections caused by Kulin-live men, our negligence, by the U.se of this Pj" Wusknsm, ItrlKhl's to luinatioii of Su nd tJmljflu. JnHi SI iwr Iwttl of blood ; Dyspe-w- i Impure Biliousness, Sick men. and pregrenMve and in- water through the Jordan river t,. HlaXts!. young Hump rur tMmk or lonu, liow to live Hbnkels! Dont buy cure School. nd Ileadache, Indigestion, Drblliiy, Catarrh, This is another County llue ruiiiilaiiiii. ditmuin(( telligent men, irrespective of party their thousanls of acres in that d iitil you see those at Duukley's. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. CO Bheumatiim, Kidney and . .irer recognition of the press of Hah. i It u .Not What you cannot do so in any other county. It is safe to say that thoi - They are beauties fur the price. ST. LOUIS, MO. Mr. Hanson will make an enerwe but lie land what Hoods of of and idle acres Say way. good Runkleys Shoes are out of sight, getic: officer if clecteil. Success, Dries, that Saivapa'lila botthe on these benches, am! on both in ijuality and ptice. tells the story Kent House for three Hood's Fur George. ASPIRING CANDIDATES. toms, shat could be utilized if in the Omen Row. Will rent very Sarsai'rllla SHILOHS CUllK, the greet Cough cheep. Apply to A. A. Green. ervoirs were built, that il may In Jakk it all in all American Fork end Croup Cure is in greet demand.1 1jik Desert . News says: Here is ii Pucker size coutaint with w.irer. dose MftlTelOlM Results, twenty-fivis considered the purest political A lew nf Ilm lucel . supplied . . candidates 85c. Children loye it. Sold at j Obtained illustration of o'jly Hu a of Hist From good great letter written by itev.j. Gun dlli.e, niieraiing precinct of any note in Ltali noininstioe Mood' Pills an purely regulable. So. Steele 1 Drug Store. all m Colorado csiue unsougi 1" dernun, ot Dimonusle, Mich-- we are reservoirs through mI county. That, citizens, is some. L of a deal win to , could sort make this extract: tiling, permitted haye go DUlIt. School Conferences. iio hesitation io recommending Dr. thing to be proud of. Let us keep olti tayur and credit for honesty if lly I inKI the Sunday mild nun out piuuiply amt ssv llirv Orly ilisiricl, (lulnr.ido, pre King's New Discovery, as the results up our reputation and go into the sr candidate American Fork, October 13th, were almost marvelous in the esse of my Young Men, if you want to they want the i" to Hi cans' rue lion nf reservoirs, some OIHU) seres wrn irrigated, and wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist catch a girl, get one of those fancy campaign for honest men and an dlic. meetings at 10 a. nt. and 2 p. m. eyeiy Urop uf tie available water wa honest election. The sprout of . Lehi, November 3rd, meetings at Church at Hives Junction she was shirts at Dunkleys. iied At the first irrigation convention down with Pneumonia succeed brought 10 2 a. m. m. and evil broke out in a new spot hood policy as to candidates for office. liver held at Denver, saa J. A, Tuhnion, p. ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of While down in the southwestern part Dont forget to call at Jackson's coughing would Issi heurs with little weeks ago, hut we believe it has If a mail thinks lie would like and "fcre,:r ,,f ll,e 8u,e I,omrd ,,f ,rr" of the state same time ago," i"vs Mr W. tiixi of voming, it was suggested that when in search ut good shoes. interruption and it seemed si if she died away, and let it remain , editor of th Ilon. En mild till a purtimlur oflice, let him rliey and eave provide reser voire could not survive them A friend rec- Chalmers, I had an attack ol' (Cal ) I die terprise, dyientry. Let there he no which tu water went .irktiow fill waste t, and if the I ledge the (.'plain Sweeny, U. S. A., flan Diego, oin men Util Dr. Kings New Discovery ; llaviug heard f ('li:iiniierlaio's Colic, money or corrupt-abl- e did not need the water Cal., says: when the Shiloh's catarrh Remedy It was quick in its work snd highly satmethods used to further any people want him, he will be rlfct- and DiarrliiH- -t K' iuhiIv I bought wi, lUu er the first remedy I have ever found isfactory tu results." Trial bottles free Cholera Hlo)re.i, and nw a I mt! Is A couple ot d of it man's ambitious. this paper ed; if they ilolit, arid lie is tic-- 1 00,000 aeres are entered from the asine iliat would do tnn eiy good," Price 50c at Steel & Co,, Drug Store Regular cured me. Nw I am ii rliampinq h r S ld at Steele's Drug Store. "Whent ,re,"n Hl," will at all size 5Cc. snd $1.00, times c insider rented, there is no disgrace, and it of that temedy lor all stomai'li and how-e- l truth ol the sewage, it a favor to any tersnu who ill the more strengliteiiH lus pos- - riie complaints.'1 For (ale liy Steele A Co. Yw. the Htiwni from come, will reveal to iis the truth ofauv ition in his comni.iuitv. It j, Ament,,in canyon is guflicient The goods were new and fresh, corruption going on uniong people simplv a mailer of business, and is S .. i The star was clean and nest, lo ten Watcr tmiea amount of the in this or any other com m unit . considered so, in an v State ot her The following gentlemen are authorized to solicit sub The clerks were all polite, ll The uPI,liIt is a cheerful delight on our part than Hah. If a man doesn't wish thtat Hut the owner indiscreet. ,l0,w scription tor stock in the th eml ,of thp county The store was uncucc ssful. to expose that which is a detri- his name fo go before a caucus for I11, UTAH COUNTY FRUt I AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The reason you'll surmise, ment to I lie Hople. Hut we want in oilier, let him strictly oppose it; should lead out with some kind of The the owner was s hustler. ' And Collect of Per 20 Cent Same. He didn't advertise. the truth. ut if he wishes a certaii oflice, we formulation, and urge the people W. H. Kelsey, Springville; James Miller, Andrew W P. Boyer, Win. to unite in building reservoirs, or Jolmi'ir., P. Lewis,Drury, Wm. Spanish Fork, Burry Wrtde, Psyson; Samuel aud Ashby, iilonit the following form, which Lake Shore; Evan Wride. M Jorgensen. A. Halladsy, U. Kuud:en. Thomas Leon-- 1 in some way store our waters. spt'to Iirinon'M Thk Spanish Fork Temporar. uoiild either 1st published in a srd, John Gillis, Proyo; H. II. Stnrrett, J. W . G.rduer, Pleksaut Grove; Thomu rulimism or ncurshrU A Shelley, American For; Israel Evans, Lehi. cl,tpJed Bndl .Ild tHC, cracked lips Occasionally, sometimes called The ewspaper orwlierethe joibliccould This S cietv has proven to Iis a grand thing for the farmers and in fact for and violent The Fall Election. Herald," devotes nearly its entic mow that he would accept it: itching of i lie sktu also owe the community at large; citizen in thn county should call on on one of tbs their origin to cold wi ther, I)rJ II editorial page to Tiik Item an "r" T:" VoTEIIs OK AMKKlt.'AN KOKKI Will, beyond t doubt, lie the Krr,eat committee and gecetsrv and sccn-- e s m of the stock before it is all gone. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should in event Ulsli. hersuse the liiitory ot Our By Law for packing and shipping instructing are now ready. Editor Scott, the lust ' time it w a Call on he kept on hand at all time for imrned-th1 lias been the 'nriiest Wish of fur the first time in the lives ot evm the above coininrttua or secretary of the society snd get on free; they ere worth iate application wIikii troubles of this I carried v out of that iiiiii of my friends that I accept oiliest inhnliitant. the privilege ol mt dollar to unlawfully you. 25, appear. It ia a aovereigit rindy, town by the United States mails. the Republican nomination for city nK for tbivrrnor iid all tbs Siste ofli 50c and $1 00 per liottlr at Siele's. r 1,11 cil,I, wil1 to t,,eD Had its defense of Jack Jones cmiicilor of this city. Feeling While it is of HM ,,, thu' I am capable to fill, WIT William afne am. ANDKEW BENNETT pcctable one and not devoted announce vscli in the raceand I questionsbly csst their pnsferlul influ villlany and conglomeration of the wjill Mitv to the Voters of Auiericanjl enee, eml vn et this rlv dsv snxious for le Ip Iroin tli English language by its tram Fork, that if eleeted, will fill the!iI c,nihdfee nr sri'king woman. " nualit to In ctsmiiK otlice to the best Has returned again and is prepared to do of my ability editor, Till Item might give it ind to the good of the most jieople. rm,li,,r wi,,, ,I'B ,r"B sll Kinds of Blacssinithing in an intelligent round of free ad ynu csnt't unlcs vu get reliable news afirst-c'asmauner. if I'.xpertiM your nippurt you III furnishd in the Tnhun daily or His shop will be found at the Old vertising; but m it is, it take deem it nise, One iliillwr n tnunlli tnr the cmi. Stand, I remain Adjoining the Presbyterian Chapel money to net tye to advertise a daily snd 75 cedta for t tires nwntlia for Respectfully, h acini. ( R. Watkins. concern that is so weak in its spin . Amkricax Fork Utab merirnn Oct. 1SU.V Fork, 10, al column. Its cowardly to hit a man when lies down. (That was Thk Provo Enquirer aud Disan unfortunate policy of the editor are now wound up fur the patch of The Item that Jack Jones es campaign, the former turned over no broken lames caped with 31uckimilhing in all its Branches, and to James Plove, hud the latter to J. Repairing neatly done. The Item resorts to resieetab!e F. (Sihhs, an from importation and intelligent argument uml deWORK FULLY and Deseret. Hro. Gibbs is cent journalism, only, therefore Nephi GUARANTEED. have no talk with the Temporary sailing right into the Enquirer and the Republican nominees - American Utah Harrington Street with Occasionally. in licit spirit, nnd it looks like a OR- - J- - D. LOUIS. merry war is in store for Provo GIVE US IMPROVEMENTS. politics, with both pnjiers square Some people who know the con in the middle ut the fracus. It dition of the city treusury may keeps (love stepping away from consider it not wise for this pape himself OFFICE: B. Stall Strut, answering Gibbs' harran-gueto ask, in behalf of the people, the nndthchitterdcvo. columns American Fork, Utah. city council to supply the city with in answer to some of the former's Hro. Gibbs is rather lighting and to erect suitable res literature. bargain no. i -ervoirs. forward for a new comer, for he A Diieuinstic tire Vieler; original Yes, we realize nil of this and lights oil the Enquirer with all pnee $150; our price $20. Docs this strik you that the treasury is low at the pres- fours the first day lie took price BARGAIN NO 2 ent, but it is plainly seen hvatt charge of the democratic organ. . . A No 3 Cii'VcImid. in g ii.l To announce to the public or that I"ic is ur 1 a Hrethren, they have received a your qiiarrelitig price $25. ordinary observer, that the tax ! assortment of large to I of the is not put to grace tnoney journalism, an, people Have opeued up a New Millinery Establishment a satisfactory advantage. The fine ...re t.. jour reJcre If voa wi.t, Xo. r Next Ivir to the Postolfice, where they have a nice and Fashionable Stock of Millinery, all appearance of a town, especially at to hold even half of vour circula- - 0,,J!'nsl list f lui). Our priee $40. A Styles and Prices. hot ba!iic;aVx"n night, tends to increase the cin's tion over this wav, drop 4 I TRIMMINGS FOR HAT8 IN CREATiVARIETY. revenue in ninny whv.. If our potatoes. .A Mndcl K Sterling. I'sed rerv little. W CSRRT THI Original price $1.15. Onr price $50. streets ure supplied " well with new line of Dress Trimmings. American FORK Celebrated Gilt-Edgrilave Mr. J. K Oranga m v mul lra-A 4 Cnluinhia lighting, people in many instance uriTuf the KomIit, used le Cnriiine Poyyder. Lighting y , i'minl inti . n.ontli snd traded in on e Clevc-i-would reside here over night, and Stm'k t'o . nf fni inn, L'lsii, in ng . PATENT 'r'H,,d fhniuherlain's fongti Henirdy ksys: s!IV $100; nur price SUNMEDICINES, with our business money spent ' I ronstder it the best in th market, , Etc. DRIES, men, means money for the city. I have used many kind hut find lisin-- I '"''AIN NO. 6 5 Ctwcent, Finest Line of Dyes in Town. Investors come here lmt leave the lcrUiii's th mist prnuipt end effectual L , mint new; $30 ure vnmtgh, u and uo relief, nw ril1 other keep giving Bicycle Supplies. city on the account of its rocky n my Inline, " Wlicn NO. 7 tr:ulld with a ABARGAIN WI1Y a Fresh New Line of FALL Harrington St mat Sterling used hut Iittli. appearance. The voting popula- cirugli or cold giv this remedy trial rnce lady's American Fork, nt. at $ MILLINERY AND WINTER we ini assure ynu thet you wall he more tion of American Fork has inBARGAIN NO. 8- -A thin with the result. For sale Mode! ;l() Columbia. creased three during the last year. y Steele A Go. Original price H. $150; our price $35. This When ordinarily , reat the increase imp. New arrival of fall and winter should have been fifty. Just think BARGAIN NO. 9PRACTICAL II0RSE-8II0EMrs. Driggs. latent S of it! Something must he done AND tm Onr price $17.50 Original price When buying gents furnishings Mail to attract capital to our beautiful BLACKSMITH' orilrrs solicited. Pleasant Grove and Old Shipley Place, American Fork. little city. We cant slumber and call at Jackson's for a genuine bargain. dwell in such a mood. Hnrrliifton Stress. laic will acquire new rest, and s Hundreds of dollars is paid out PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH I American Fork, . Itab if yeu impel your liver every year that the people derive m:d kidneys to the prqier eerfnrmanre 2l C'.l Mam St Malt EXTRAS FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINES. Lake. no benefit from. I Reservoirs, if f their functions. Dr J II McLean's GAY lOMRAPn Kiddev Ra'in will vlimulato. L.Vanil on Hand be can on would Ihosenot Short save our city hunbuilt, notice. got hem lo healthful action. Prfc- - $1.00 CUIPMAN & BENNETT, dreds of dollars every year, and the. p lie at Steel's. Acenti American Fork. Headquartprs for the Finest Fruit Trees iu Utah. All kinds oil Fruits in Season. The Leading Nursery of Pleasant Grove. AMERICAN FORK ITEM. - . OODS p Aci-- V jr--lr- r i w dif-ubo- I iii-u- wab-rimtstf-r- s Hsn-drak- ut f- dlsord-roTt- S arsapariila poa-sess- IfrZtft&SE 11 nt be : bi-i-- n e, R-- n j v y se ts-- m Coa-plalnt- n- a. , URES e sd n-- be-th- : at , I . I I I I -- ri, y cotu-pletl- tlit A GOOD THIN G HELP IT , - - I exSoi Srot ... ev.-r- y I ? . I I 1 e I I I Hv-- tprr andi!"' Item-Vt--- thb veteran BLACKSMITH 111 Y-- J a KP SECOND HEBER ROGQARD, Blacksmith HAND BICYCLES. o & $ PRACTICING PHYSICIAN s, Steele & Go., WISHES , dis-PR!"- 1' Misses Syd LlSt.TK', andLettChipman I IShells Powder Shotas- ge 1 I 1 f spi-u- e f JUST ARRIVED I p!sJ asaeiessE DR1QGS I MILLINER. MRS - SaltLdkeCycleCo. D. M. SMITH- cheer-ful'ie- JAMBS NEWTON R - , I 0 66 Ill6 ATTORNEY |