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Show THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. VOL. Ill, NO, 1. PltlOE, ? lAMJUll YEAH- - AMERICAN' rOIIIv, UTAH, SATritUAY, OlTOliER 12, 1S9.'. ' ciiu Rfii si:uvicj:s. TEUIW THE TOP NOTCH la) stock is I I.iriO.ihxi, and covers tile old Ibist, Free Silver and lndcis'iul FOR SILVER PUI.SISY ... SiMjt!i Koliva lrajrir t ouforvu . Y. ft, ti Kniuiljr . .. J. A. l.l IVih'loN L.ITTKR 1AY I. li'JOu. fcaU.alh CLOSIN'! in Sillni, l'aiur. Quoted At 07 s wvrs. London. 2 15-1- OF MAILS, , tlis-iKis- flisi,iMKi will lie expended on Sny the Spanish Troops Will Farads in Ccutral Park and Hope Clevet 111 u r:ikia Hi llir iliHLi1 nr land Will be Hung. im-ileft'll ;tl ini al (In ll 1.i Iii si Hit'll Im liiir wh falluT .Illsli.i- t!i(linw.i. $il L:nKiir In Imv the t'lileiiR.i. Met. 7. A He.'liU from Tamwar. un. I Km: miiihK up in Munir it mu nr. cerpa, Fla., nays: "Two tiling itmiM f.n irlii.il siml roniiiir iimtimi , twn It ail h - tain," xnyx a New Voikei-- on Ills way ill' VT Mllr Thr lit linin' from a prolong..! stay In t'ulm, 11K, lluw ultllnsl !l 'r;it:i rliK, wlm ult III filial illlll w Kill lilt lawll looking Hller extensive IntereHts In llie tll$iMIMl i 1. Inieilor. "Un. Is t list we are going 1). io liuve troiil.l. with SMln about COMMUNITY OF TOUGHS. Hiixlng from the (.'ii ban iUes-Huthe oilier thul Cuha will Ih free Western Union Messenger E lugged whether the I ii Sinti'H recognize her or uni. nt Lemont, III. wuul.l nut allow hla Thi I let. X- .- IVI.'i('lileaRo. Meyer, u name togi'iilleman lx uxed beenuxe hi proerty I'lilnu ti Iii lx would uii'SKenger. culxi roiitlHCHteil, and he went to u su I. h, ii on "Smoky lt.w" In would le thrown imu prlxoii were he Iasi :i eiilm:. to I.) I el Ill'll lo Iln Islsiiil. I nt-iulilrt'HHiil to Kiimiti trl I in: ii. d n high ulll rial In Havana tie young uiuimii who it was eul-- l ws say," he iniillnuoil, lliul If the Ainerl-- ii 4 In anil flolll I'l kidliilp.'.l u do nut mind we will parade th h III.- on In in T of oiii Itow" pi "Smoky Spanleh troops In Central l'ark. New lex. ills. Till pl'l.prietnr of III. Hul.h.il Hrk. l.efure we are through. 1 heard il.'iiie.l lliul sin h a wni:iii was tlu-iv- . n said In a oaf In lis-un- a A -'l Meyer turned to l.'ave tile tl:iee. he Hist after the rebellion I was knoi'ke.l ilown wuh u l.ottle, an. I the United States will be atbefore he ei.iild pick hiniNelf lip lie was tended lo," and It wa hoid Cleveland kicked fi.uii llie huIooii l.y llic jirupi'ie-to- r could lx caught and hanged. uii.l tin hurtmdi-r"It I openly declared in th rates unxi.'ly is fell oei- - the that If Ini'li Kain recog nDe Cuba uhxoui'o of John Ki'innii'i'les, wli wu tin AmerlcHii must get out nt the :nkH.iiill.-i- l th Alton staut thBy ('hrlHlmus there will be Sun. tion while wailing to lay auldlir on the Islund of til. a ili.' pateli to a I'lileuRit paper, lie ubu.Spunih Why should Hpaln mobilize so hux Hot iH'111 Si ell Hiiee I ilea. many troop If they are not needed to the revolution? HUppi'es are sadly In The Culian patriot NINETY-HV- E BODIES. One need of arm and ammunition. day u Imnd of forty puxHcd iny plantawere tion wliii only ten gun, and KILL- tin chi'iiix-H- t kind of lilrd-gu- they Th were nrmed with rest of llie party ED AT CONSTANTINOPLE. They loud their gun with bit of iNirlxnl wire taken from fcncca and Sulliin Tries to Induce (lie Armen- with null. ia an to Return to Their Homes Hon. Hubor M. Wells. Prince Henry's Position. Hull IlelxT M. Wells, llie lletitllill-eu- n imminee for (invermir of Utah, i was Ixirn in Suit Itke City uu the 11 lit l. 7, via S.diii, ('iixtuiiliiinpl.'. -x. m l. Til.' giinnl-xhtpof t lie day uf Augii't. Kill, lie was iiliieal-ei- l Mll'i.iUM Hl',VI'l'S Illl' II1.XU.h1 III I tllllllil in tlie iiiililii? Kcltrsils of liis native in ui'il.'i' lo I... In n puxiiiiiii to r.'ii.l.'i' aid to tin foreign rcHiilnilH in it city anil the University (if Utah. Mr. Wells has (snipied various poA council of KliuiHt.'i'S Inis is ll.'l'l III till pullin' In I'l.iiKiiiiT the sitions of trusl ami huitor within the ti'i'ins uf ill.' noli Hiiluullli'il fo Uu I'.u't. l.y (lie envoys id lie kIx powers. There have Ix'i'ii no further iliKt of u Hei'loiis nil I lire here. Tilt Armeiiiun shoi lit Stnmlxiul uml lire rinsed. luiler In Iln iln v Hie iintmls in this elty were Htreiiglhi'ii.nl l.y ail.llll.uiiil Infunlry anil en viilry. The Biiltnn InisI twice moit Artln I'aslia to the pair wliii llie pulri archiilo to ttrell In effort to liuliice the Arini'iilnus I'iiii I'iIiib f Il'e Illl diilil lie not iced. who has Charles of liis entire interest in the Se ier Cold M ining & Milling (AniiKliiyf will go eat shortly to coii.sull wit Ii tlie new owners with rcferciiee to a Alsiut iii-mill in couleiiiidaliiin. Cent on This Side Fence Acioss the WaHas Been Buying and 30 0 ter Britain Heavily Heaviest Silver Exports Since the Civil War Needed In the Orient Local Mining News. rl l. i Nri. liHiirriil STvioa iicut bTvii r lOMUNhil.N. ISIallOU 1,1 w Highest Figure of the Year bund mi i K I'nitrr vrvir ... Hiliitf iUmly til I1, " I'ra trr r claims. J The water has nearly alllKt,n taken from Iln Yoscmiti mine at TintU. vvful CataStrODhC at a COP It is down to tin Mist fiuil level aud nCT'otClIC LcrCniOny. iroiiiB at the rateof an inch an Imur. For several days no percent ible change nee I mil I tmist Sl now I M.tlr.i' iif Iln' i Ilf l M 1.1 Sn- ll V 111 - I $14 61 the property. GDlM.MlUril, Salt bake t'lly, I tali, a. A new iiiiniiitf district has lieeu Lorain, I V, Oct. C. While a great B. (1. W. III Ki.r I hi time lit tliia year all-- r usiieil ii i in Nevada, alsiuL bxi mill's QllWd of iH'i.ple was assembled this r. p iii. 4.4.ii t.iiii-liei- t u u. w . to witness the Id) lug of the 4 IS 1'. In In X,.w Ymk, f uu lik. in the ncighlMirhoodnf the S7ij (Kriier-slon- e discovered ut the new HI. Mary's was Itl.'h la aim the hlgh.-a- t It oi I so sin ni ami r.Avr. dist riel. Keyxlone .i,int r. I.... 111. (I '.1 X. IU l ttlidlral. a teuiMrai-- flisir on which hy Ferguson lints, who nKued the iIuiTiik hint The w A' Is a iii lime h i.. Iii tliia year that f1. wua the Nevada, district. Samples Sany of iln H!.di standing U. Ii. W . .3. 10 If ew York iiu.itittli.il wuh un Apiil ITth. brought in assajeil at l'ioche reiurueil many gave way, or ii mah Rui n: mu ai.cim: in nan, wmin-i- i and children Into the Isisc-htuMuilm ilms uml Sal ..r lii) . 3 30 p. in. and mi the f.ill.iwiiiK day it iIiuhh-,- ! to 17, ixni minces of silver and $2,uou ).udxi. of the Arnnjnlil pr ton. The location 3:wj One was killed outilght, ten It Is tu.1 early to rcili.-- t as to future mine is kept a secret, but hundeds of vile fatally Injured uml lutween thiroKl Ii i: Hulks. . )rusclur$ arc overrunning the hills I.Ut it la Kellei-Mllty and forty oilier were badly hurt. .elieveil Tim Gun rjl Ihlivry, Hxmu xuJ It. ei'iry n the hope of finding it. as they beW lllJo nJ-M Kill ii. III. Hint elutt! III S 30 that tmlay will The service were Just about to lo-- 8 nu ileellne, w ill lie a rich district. lieve it and there Is it strong lnllef Unit an hi when the accident liaialled. Fully 1I1H lii'iiiTnl Ih'lr.iirv On Sun.la uud Stamp tdvaiu-will t.i 3uvu fr. in xaiJa. Ill III! Iu:ll) a. Wiututt, un-, XAIULANI AT LONDON. H'.,pl.; wi le assembled on and aud from 4 :( i.n ml i':iii. ni lli.iker J allies A. l.dliK'k'a inTtutc around Un platform, which hud len TIMul II V M. ill:T. to Enlist advieea from New York Hawaiiun Royalist Trying enu-'-y.- -. coiixiructi-ui'1'..s the foundation of I he infill iimtii ua British Support. that hilver 11"? cdillce. The board forming the r K. iuiiM hln. illy i'o mui-Is that reis.rteil It .11. hlpln-ict. tluin ITul. AEDREW ADWISOB. i Kaliil.ml to Kng-l:in- .l lemimi'ury floor had ben laid acioss e I'tvs.-iju:;l li.iw hiKh was l he vleit of I'rini-.suthe j' .Isis, which were supported In the COUNTY SURVEYOR, iiul aluted, I,j'lieen; k.i sonic political meaning, and ill the indent was middle l.y upright juisls. These sup-Kiarc mude eir.irts iicv.iil Unit n being V- - ii. Deputy Mineral rmitrly of the h. li.-llmt u maleri.il Sttrceyor lili'Ulli'e i broke Interest of Ureat Krltaln to the floor went down Would Si Mill be ill the in In r cause. In n.I.lition to Kir. Chg-.ii-i- i. with a crash.und he 3iS) -A- XHwere Fully rir.; of the iiietul. The for her father, tol. MitcKarlune, and thrown Into the X0TA11Y lUltMCL pit formcil by tin Bagt ins to lie well this uimi'ei-liiliosi vei-ii- l .iiln-- of her uillierviits are here, ging ill the middle of the flour. In New York, so uiu.-l- i so that L'lnli Amerii'nii Folk, This.plilliis Dnvls, the lrln-i-ss- s Fur a moment e cry wu parathen an now guai'ilian, uml AlaJ. und Mrs. lysed by the culumiiy, body but soon there illl the lilelill uiiii the "loiii; luiekels" WlMIllllOUSC. was u rush forward by Ui.ikc willing c:i lied at the Finclgn Mr. to lend UHKiKt:inie lo the crushed ami liuyimf silver where they run jjet i Hliie a of with letter jester.hiy InlliH.-k'Kir. This madi inuttcrs eiirresHiiiili-n- t n'm-it from the llritlsh Minister at struggling N'tiTAUY l'l?BI.i;. tut auihoriliilivi-IUnit silver la the lli.in.lulii, and he had another cunfer-ne- e worse, for lifly nn.iv s'is uis were crowded forward Into a hole iix.n si l.uy now on the 111:1 rkei, from Ier-on- x there today. The Hawaiian 1'rin-cs- h those wliii went down Decil, Mortgagef desiring Iu with the Itixir. ill.er it sH'fulitliv'e or uu Investing Is In n teil with the same formality liuai-dand will When Probate assixisiirc tin Ionliisioii huil su I milled gal ns a ri'lgniiiK Princess would hetnat-1- . unlU-iaileTIiIh udviuu-slaudpidnt. l Nitcndi.-iof llms. wlm were well lo call inline.; iirsx somewhat, many to. She has grown to be a tall, seems to be able to extrlcub fur by the did so liy und has been busy since girl, In fur Asior silver over the CullirtiHl. walking liikxl.s Accounts crawling her from the arrival continent sight- tunate. Tin work of rescue wuless foratic countries. The Cumnieive of those begun sold 011 Commixsiou or by aud The Irln-ts- s at once, aud all were visits. receiving nations rniuirt-- silver as u medium seeing finally taken from for doing business, uml In addition Onlay went to Woolwich, and thla the pit. Auction. veiling she was a member of a supAm sun' ax Fouk China 114 .tlri s a whole lot of the metal Following Is a list of the killed and Mtiu ii AXTH S r., I' discharge the Jai.un indemnity un per sirfy at the Savoy hotel, which wounded: ueeuunt of the lulu war between those Mr. Ilnfrinuiig. late Charge d' Affairs Killed Mary Weblar, 3 years old 011N(i COLTHLV.t it Hawaii, gave In her honor. Mr. two nations. daughter of Kir. anil Mrs. Matt WebIII health In has Clegliorn for NEW YOitlC AD VICKS. some lime past, and has lieen ordered ber of Sheffield. AIani kactciiku dp . Nivv York, S. The Fatally Injured-Ho- se 1'ust lo take it perfect McGee, skull rest, lie leaves with says ill its tiiiiinrial review tialay: line the I'rlui'i-H(olHinfi Electric for Italy In a fortnight. fractured. of tile Hole worthy Ineiilenls of the day In Katie Griffin, 8 years old, hurt Inorder to pass the winter In that Cures Krysipi I.im. saclle.i j.iiuia of till ns a furlh.-advance Iii sliver bulternally. nun try. 3U lion to H1.1l on llie H'iiee Mrs. Isindon fict Mary MeGmlMi, left leg crushed liainN, (ilaiidular Swelling French Victory in Madagascar. and hurt inlernully. market, Iln hlgliest liguiv of the year. of the neck nr groin, licsdaclie Ills is the first demonstration of any Mrs. IWl John Kustin, left leg erushed Dmls, Island of Maurlliiin, (let. (.rulin'. mid uillniiutnr; In that market since the x. Advices received and chest Injured. from the today mu and . ni n Aw between t'lilna and man; otlici reuty of island of Madagascar aniiouneed that , JsJWWiijlUli le-- .. lust Alay. The ! French exoe.lltl AniSliaiianvo, this direction, however, provi il fulll. teiiiisirurily complaint. Mary hurt Gather, severely crushed; novunvtng hut touched Uin iiuasa. iwnee that Tie Arnieiiluns derlnn (hey have no DP TIIK AI.SO MAKl'KAinrilKK i alnee then, anil until lust week, the the enpitul, for many weeks, captuivd Internally. i.nilileni'e In the promise of prolm-lio- n Mrs. Kl. Kelly, Injured Internally, wuh held almost niotlon-s- s (he pi, ice on September 27th. The mm. by the Turkish Government. CHINESE LAUNDRY IVLUEINU price atof 30silver I fled to court Time Mrs. and the Minister Yet won It to Kate U 30i pence. Dledriek, both leg broken lx lle liuve Ixhu delivNinety-liv- e lx m A was news deist ra. The sliSold bv nil Merchants. ; and brought hurt Interval that this plain throughout Internally. ered lo the officials of the patrlurchute Mrs. Margaret Mackert, hurt Interer was being steadily accumulated In In tin coast by couriers from hy orili r of the Hultun, anil It Is Dlsitchea September 3uth. claimed that llailijuarters, - Provo Hit y,U Ini. lsnidiin. represent nil the ArTmnatave say that Faratalra was nally. The old Catholic church was at once menians killedthey During July and August, when its from in the rrct'iit rioting. 3rd lHimb:inleil October the French l.y silver exHir(s usually predominate, turned Into a hospital. A score of docFuila IiiHhu hits gone In Uu linrilu-nelle- s ALYAII LEWIS, M. Ik. uml assaulted the following (lsy. rerent Itriluin imisirted, by ollli-lu- l tor were culled, anil they were kept In Inspect tin furt, und tiirMil.Hs 11 u 11 o o 11 o O 8. Inquiries made at the u n o Oct. Paris. silver than it turns, $4,317,000 inoiv bin'll f or wu rileil to the slralls. office here this sflernoon regarding huy for hours caring for the Injured, hnve War exsame months tin two out. xent in it Is ri'ixirted Unit serious illxliirli-ance- s of whom will die before morn1'iKYSlClAN :: AND :: SURGEON I he nx.rled capture of Antananarivo several Arineiiliiiis h ml Turks port of i liver from the United States ing. Is news the credited while Oilice Hours from Ulo o p. m In ljondnn were $X, 3111,000 greuter than show thut broken out st Hlvax, Vnniind und have The accident was due to defective no lsen have there, particulars lk34. The New York weekly sliip-aieiicities of ArBit Ms. the thri.-limbers. The contractor wan told yesand It Is cxscted that the At SMt' Drug Wore. (luring September reached u still menia. that terday the was conllrmed before will be platform officially Insecure, Auivrlran Fork making a weekly larger average, twice but lie said It would hold all the peototal of nearly one million. It may Friday next, October 11th. CHILD'S REMARKABLE ESCAPE. that could he crowded uixin it. ple our know some to that iieople surprise POSITION OF PRINCE HENR1& There were between 1500 and 2uuu peoFo HALILSEIT silver exports under such conditions . ple on It when It gave way. are the largest since the Civil War. Baby Bache Fell Twelve Feet and Despite the accident the services House Sign acdw-Decorativ- e Nor Is there any difficulty In Ruess-ih- g Emperors Brother Will Tour Switz- were Escaped with a Broken Leg. continued and and erland the luylng of the the purixwe of these Iyindon buyItaly. Salt Lake City, I'tzh, October ti. corner-ston- e was liulein-Ita y 8. Issues The Post ers. One object of the Chinese completed. Berlin, Oct. Tlie little girl of Mr. ;i ml was to provide the silver needed statement In regard to the position of Mrs. J. I. Ilui'lie hud n niirrow ecux BIO BLAZE notes AT DENVER. lloateil ID Eic. M'deeni for Piippr-lwiigit- isr Juimnese Prince Henry of Prussln, regarding (Ilaziiijr, war purHisis in Korta, for which re- whom then have lieen many rumors from dentil yesteriluy iii'ii'uiiig ut the Interior Dncoriii ions uml draining. demption silver will la available. If lo the effect that he 1ms enme under Lawrence Street Fire Destroys B78,-00- 0 of Mr. uml Kirs. F. All kind of Commercial Advert the indemnity fund were to be used to the displeasure of Ills brother, Kniperur KAI of Property. Worth I'kiHt Firxl Soiilli Hlrint, Illl Jupau Itsi-iwith a silver currency and has been practically banOct. $. Fire broke nut where the mot lu-- was visiting, reunitWilliam, Denver, Colo., lleiulijuiirters for the Ih course of would the demand vastly In 6:15 the of ished lx. at from a on o'clock frui'lure ii. of Clii'uiN'Nt larger the top flour ing Latest and (iennapy. today greuter. Hut the Japanese statesmen The lost says that at his own wish, of the five-stobrick block, 1C34 to till right leg Just hell i W till kill'!'. The of are students shrewder Wall-Psp- er guvurnmeiit upthe conclusion of the court fetes 1644 Lawrence street, burning fiercely child, while with her playmate l.sirin. lor UW5, in llnance than the oracles of our own after up ami seated herself next spring. Prince Henry will go on for several hours. For some time the stairs, elimlx-tlie City. country. great In an oix-window, throwing her a long tour In Switzerland und Italy. Markham hotel, at the corner of Sevweight buck on the screen, which guvi He will, however, remain In therlosest enteenth street, and the Immense drySelect inns I mm ten of tlis largest Mill fli-t- . result that slu fell to 6. the recent And with The rich Lunder, touch with nuvul affairs. The arrange- goods emporium of Daniels & Fisher, way, in the United Slate. Dis. In the Franklin mine at South Pass ments made for the distribution of the extending from the burning building the ground, twelve feel rinkertini. Meni'li.'iin uml Biihciiiii wen creates a sensation. Luat various commands In the navy show to Sixteenth street, were in great danstill City Utah. week the lessees took from one blast that Prince Avikkican FN'BK but the lire department succeeded ImnieiMutely siiiiiiiioiied anil nlleiuled Henry's absence has lieen ger, In confining the flames to the structure the llllle uni. It wuh round un other over IllaW. When the rich ore was first fur a long time anticipated. sustuliieil and after In which they started. The losses ore Injury had found, the vein was only eight Inches the Ix.iie, the patient was s.h.ii follows: as setting Is Inches. now is It it Routed. eighteen thick; DOCTOR Black Flags Leonard A Montgomery, building, resting easily. A special dispatch predicted the Franklin will turn out Shanghai, Oct. Thut the child was not killed w'as Furniture commure gold this year than all the other from Toklo announces that the Japan- $20,0110; Cooper-llagu- s us the ground uixiii which on pany, stored goods third and fourth mines In Wyoming combined. Formosa ese force on the Island of she fell wRN Hlinost ns solid :.s rock. floors. $16,000; itiielie, llie father, Is ut present The National l'sik Mining company have routed the main body, consisting Pd company, Millards and bar flx In Mr. Callfornlu for Ills heali'i, but not romimsed of Nebraska men, is work' of 10,000 men of the Block Flags. The tu res. $20,000; Toxel Brothers od A ClRrk, tu mar his pleasure lie Iris not claims near Atlantic engagement took place near the river bicycles and lug seventeen cds riding academy, $3060; wishing Pd City. The ore It Is getting out runs Tao Lima. The dispatch adds the Illinois Glass company, wholesale ware-room-s. been not Mini of the unfortunate accident. from $10 to $31 ier ton. The company Black Flag leader, Gen. I.lu Yung Fuh, $10,000; total, $78,000. The at present Is sinking two shafts, one of Is surrounded on threp sides by Japan- three firm suffer principally from laat Colorado Fopulixt Killed. (L9 which Is down ninety feet and the ese troops, and that the capture of all his warriors Is assured. other 125. feet. Denver, t'olo., Oct. 6. A special to the News from Ixadvllle, Coin., suys: Robbers Get Eighty-Fiv- e Cents, Xorean Queen In Danger. plM MPatrick J. Kennedy. Populist candidatel 7. reNOTES. Oct. MINING BOX. Fort 8. A The A Smith, Ark., north for Sheriff, was shot down in Yokohama, Oct. telegram PRICE, $2 bound T. Frisco Casei was train loCara passenger held ceived here from Bvsry say tonight by his father-in-laPasitlvcly auarsnteed Nasal Catarrh. Catarrhal ilaeaiM rsijalra balk Tal Won Kim, the Kim'1 father, up at Cuxton, I. T., flfty miles south of U. Powers. They had been quarreling that liiil fails Mercui tu So.lo bts'k bring lucal art tiiBilltulIcnil Iraaimanl. and leadtr of the party, here. Inst night by nix men. They cut over family affulis. Powers being unFaMH Diroctlona fur mine Dr. G. W- - Short cur of entered the palace at the head of an the express car loose and ran it up the der the Influence of liquor. The murTiutic xliipiicd clglity-nin- u Curailv, KtaiaSlaa In all catarrhal track. Thpy failed to ojicn the through derer was hastily taken out of town annol f.rrc, and that the (juccri'n life safe ore last wi ck. It yeur hava catarrh, asthaia. nnd only gut 86 cents from the by the officers, as a lynching was ihrwit. crf tha no I ah.cllon be in to danger. uf .ny compticatad irjiiirted local Hate. The passengers were not feared. Kennedy was Sheriff uf Luke The Silver King at iln- - Park dcrlar bnmchlal tubMor hinfi, ua Dr. G. W. ShortlJ Tonic Bismarck Indisposed. molested. It is thought to have been county four year ago. cd :i $ou,uu dividend llie Alii. urrh Cur. Couh Cur ani th CMh. cImm nn Oct. 8. The Globe this af- the work of the Christian brothers hci IK cur, ih catarrh, atop Dindon, ihn appith The (iiitimt of tin; tiiiiics nt l'ark ternoon published a dispatch from gang. purlly th bhioi. Improva l( complicat'd with kiitiay. Ilvart r btad. Threats from Mandarins. City ib over l,"24,i7o kiuikIx a week saying that, owing lo received IstHmnrck lx nee cold. udiien the I'll Oct. 7- .- Dlsimtchc London. Tip? logei-- slninp mill ul Tintic Father Wagner Indicted. ! here from Shanghai any thut i'apt:iios slightly indiHxed. mSoSSS will lx? rompletcil J! W1 ailpallbn Pill at NovuiiiIht 1st. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 7. The grand W. Snores uml Dr. S. 'T'ndaunted" ly M. writ Halifax uf H. nj cna d af FLLL A HUNDRED FEEL returned Indictments Newell of the United Stub s iTii.."r today Jury l.ir hi new avaiptian Int anJ havn your Tlie Tiiuchiiicry for tin Sioux mill at aek gainst Dominick Wagner, the priest, "Detroit" have l.c-- n hislruct.'il '"Dr' Un3r "hmla- - Tlcnd Blood PnrMlor Tintic lias arrived and is living put Several People Fatally Injured by for rape, seducing a girl under IX years the Yicciny lx-to- ori'.i'r niniiiluriim wlm th. Wood. in deanaai nnl rurih wllh place. of age, and abduction. The Jury Is In are mild 4o and nil nwvoun dlonnaas o'iiiyi mciiucihg an Elevator Accident. 1 i: vigor, cure, dyspapala who give vestlg.'itlng the charges of einbexzle-meVi'ligi'Ulii'i IIiohc Chi The I al i mine at Tintic lii;iM-8. The elevator In the Oct. Kii Cheng oulragcs V'&: a.rwShora Kidney nnd Llvar Cur Chicago. Ion the the format in preferred l.y against priest of un: car this four tlie week, llrst niemlsTs of his congregation. ( iku kidnayn. Uvar nnd blnddar. The to stop thiH( obxtniclivc luciii'S and utc all dii building of the National Tailoring shipment fora long time. on Franklin street, fell 1U0 feet three Indictments returned this mornallow the Inquiry to piiicrc.l. '"ifr fll Gvr.ShM, Cough Camruwa all waih It is said that 111" refundTI.of to Inn f id Tlie ore shipments from I'.ingham today. Joseph ltoHcnhurg, internally ing will pmliahly he nolle pmssed, the 02 colia and btunchlal adactlona. die. will bouao. married In the Hulur priest tha Vlciroy of Nnkln Kywon having Tung, botll a e Carp injiirc.l, Hymown Yuseni-itgirl during SejiicmlN'r, exclusive id ayasmidlc comp. Katp Adudral, Butnnd otherwise bruised day night. a visit from tindln-c-I'.rltisli leg frnctu-e- d No. amounted t ton. liislrui'tioiin from i, too,;; Bra! WShoro Mountain gngnOlIntopnthn ler. Is due to Abraham spine injurwl and IVkln. Kx tensive impruviindit will lx lower limb imialyxod: Herman BLOODY SHOOTING AFFRAY. Is U boy. right niile injured, will made in and animnl the Monte Cristo Khiimn, llie chief of ll:- i.rnally. Praventa .nd eurM dlphlhm die. were The victim tailor the In KiirIiiimI, mid Inn iiiMd" a V"iy J i hop' and Horseshoe mine in Ilig Cottou-wixk- I. employe! . The car had reached the Two Mexicans and an American vonil.i.' Imi.ri'Si'ii.ii ;i piilille mid di "7r. Is a mull of gie.'il iMl.'lll.jnie.' Ranchman Killed. fourth floor when the cable mipHi . IniMllnnl worma and "" mid a unlive niJT "f exej'pli.ili-n- l liar Silver touched tlie liighi'St point so Cokcvllle, (K-t- . 4. A recent hay hatch and biaal. Laredo, Tex., Oct. 7. News reached Ills sn.ry nf ll:e nqiaelly. e shipment 1 in ai far tlie Bolvn iiioteil the year In Ixi'liuiimd'ind lx six'i'lully Inslruj-tlvi'tli, icing 0? u'w Bhoron Wlntnrgmne cmrja of n carload of ore from the Collett here this evening of a fearful shooting f xidnts wns ale eiiiisiiliiili"ii Ixt-ti The ATT. at Iindou has reImying near thi mine which to ws it near nccurrerd affray Denver, bid place Twohlg's Haala old aorat is J to eiaiples from Ih, fas. fill ned $;.r In silver und $25 in gold b Station, on the International A Great si.lub'ly priihll.lnd, heavily. to allow tin nnliji Pllla ton. In the Klinni:i will have no in will Further 'w.their own shipment owner of Tff o Tin Riicrauiento the Northern ! In miles north MUM! railroad, eighty aaf U haadecha In tils I'ountry: and I hill lx as It made, returns certain the make cure, chnatlc con4tlriln". ut this city, last night, which resulted which III' I sustained by 1'iiblle ,'iiiion group in Camp Floyd district liavelx the that a one. mine is paying of illxtliii'tbui the death of J. Shaw, an American In KiikIhii.I, without imrly.of "VhM fanwmi SiflSaB gun the creel ion of a mill wi'h a caHurry They say that tourh I the most In Msdlcal IsMMWN (Uu of the lending stamp iiillci'lnni ranchman, and two Mexican men, a G W Shorn, flo pacity of UN) tons ht day. It is to Im exquisite 1of tlie whole five aenwa. Is. I! Is of llriissi Klo.'iis Is II. J. (lnv Mexican child and the wounding of a IbM mlinve sienl HUM on this hobby Ckv. Utah. don't know alsiut (list, old (.'holly completed hy the end of the year, clmp. 1 touched the guv'nor for $M la! Mexican woman. Rhnw had lost to Sultan of Udinro lx.to Tlie (Told Dust Mining Company, night, and he never felt It. Brooklyn yearling steer, and he, in company anTheItalian paper. nalut ofvisit I arK Kagle. Powder gold with Cream tiled have bicycle puro article of A woman I nut Bherlff Wink, trailed the bringing wltli him Dr. Prices Lemlil, Idaho, Baking dressed up unlcn thieveDeputy and came upon them together act wllh precious stone. iucoKirati'in ul Salt Lake. The capl- - her clothe are o really World's Fslr Highest Medol nnd Dlptun tight that they are un' I ir, m.-tu- it with a wi'tnati uml chiM. Tin itna;;t "f thi Mill nut I wjM In WILL LICK UNCLE SAM. In i) lihl whlili t'liMit'i!. iwn Mi'Mran anl Shaw urtv Mill nuirmlit. i!hI I hi ItiiM limit FOOLISH THREATS OF HAVANA this nsii niiiK- Tilt w mu.i ii is hailly SPANIARDS. hut will nioUiMy rivi!l su.l-'knl- w.-r- e v - 111 t. -- n. 1 r In-i- 'Ilit-ilK- - 111. ili-H- ly 111 well-know- i'i.iD-i.lt'r:il- d Clii.-itR.- r 11-nn- d. i 183,-u- ev.-nii.- ri f sei-nr- si-- r IIUMBER-OF-ARMENIA- E. HUNTER, Intrii-liieti.- s in s : : e ng l M llul-g:iri- n. ('' i.ci-.I.h- Ih-c- nrli-illli'i'- Is-e- (K-t- Kvi-liin- I'.n-lu- r rlii-u-1- i js-ac- e n. la Ja-lat- ih-Ii- Vuto-niHud- ry ta v re-jw- J. Painticg n. is-in- g. r r ry d Ix-e- G.W. SHORES Brunswlck-Balke-Collen-d- er lx'ople. Ho wan elect isl gill of the .SalL Lake cniinty in 1X82, Uecorder of and served In that caiKicity fur eight Ho served two terms an a niein-tx- r of the ltoiird nf I'lihlic works of Salt I.ake City; lie served ns Herrelury of the OdiKtiliillonal t'nnveritioii of IHX7, and was a iiieiiilsT uf the lain Uonstitiilioiial Mr. tloiiveiilinn. Widls wax tlie lh'pnlilieaii iiiiudneo fur Mayor nf Still Iakc Uity In ixys, lull was defeated l.y linn. ll. N. Baskin, tlie Liberal Udiainee. teats: Hon. Clarence E. Allen. Hon. Clarence E. Allen, the Republican iinininec fur Congress, wait ixirn . al (jiranl la., Kepmlsr the Hth He attended the pnhlic schisils nf lXC-i- Girard and tlie Cruiid River Institute at Austl iildiris Ohio, wnere he ttwl himself for col lege. In 1873 he eniered tlie Western lieserve college, from which irixtitution he graduated with honors In 1877. Hi iucati!d iu Utali in 18SI, being employed a an instrurtor in the Salt Lake Academy, which position he 11 - cold-blum- ami-ref.u- m : f ' nl r enm-pan- y, 1 . dha' ri,f-'i'- liell Inr live years. He wax elected enmity clerk ui Sail Lake county in two years. lsxt;iml Mr. Allen has t wice lieen elected to llie. Legislature, and was tlie Liberal candidate for Congress in lS'.tt. Waito Going to Kansas. John Kun., (let. V. Brieili'iilhid of llie INipullst Ktale central coinniiltce tixlay recelvei a letWaite of Colorado, ter from notifying him that he would arrive here October 17th to spend a week in I ho Knnsua campaign mnklng spccchen. TiiH-kH- , |