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Show T1BAIT0AIAL VOFICS. I I ' li.j. W !. have i.:ts :i pid ah i ,M Mm i: i fuid) panics. wrii'k'd tie newly ur jnu.mi.. i'll iioin'is in lb" t aiipfl.L f Utah Lake ul.ifti Jr Z nil's Ci)i'ratiw ti tu ifiin'oi jiM'in.l : x; Iota An 'i r l ti ici.-T- i 11 dust . ; refill oe Ma:ae atlt'l II'.kIi, the i SeS' to .leni.'ll'll.l! I0 U. S. LAND 1 ' It- st log i" - LOCAL BYRON GKOO whu-- to- - hI.r I.A KK (n EVERY TIaME REU!STERa 1; 2, 1 a CARD . KAN HIS OWN HORSE AND CATTLE DOCTOR W'.kl bit, M SS J BLv. OIL :i. J. HORSE CUT. BRUISED or WOUNDED, ube XVNK'S BLACK OIL U0R3E or COW got COLD or BLOAT use HUNK'S HORSE C0CCHIN3 or gjt DISTEMPER, use NUNNS BLACK OIL No Fima on W0UND3 w hen y su uau NUNNS You get a Vetrir.ary book FREE when you buy NUNNS Every Farmer, Stockman, Dairy, should have handy NUNNS BLACE OIL 1 Every Sore, Sera.ch.Piiws.eU'.eured with NUNN'S TT 1 l T 1 1 111 No Stable or Ujusoaold coinploto without NUNNS S I O Every Store mould keep for kaIo NUNN'S J tii'M ; :iir I d 'l -- - il) fx'li.g aind'iileil fi.r a ponrxl ef lirtv DESERET TELEGRAPH GO. o:J wl, i I, tl.- - ,;ii'h f 11 f t li i ' I.l '.! S li. Sllr ;,f.l I II.I-Il:'!'.- - li.l'hlig I.l'i Mutifiitf'fi Srjnt to any Puce on t hi ('niitr n t f"r tt. -- I i : i:,i" the stack. ami the is airl Luii it Liw KaiOfl. ut Ai'.i' n, I'l.iii". ii 'iiii'i 'o;-111 wa i.- -j 11 tie-ii'.ii iig" i,1i in J:fu Sli-n- :f In n and Oja '.hj 4iri Lii.ul i.f i'i.uii. ..i Villi' lei I le1 ai.llO l! ie to il.lll'lie u :u u .1! d ai.d IvIm j:i lai ii'ce. tin- -- iil, '.ili" j ,1 s a i. -- ii,,i ,1 sijrj AMI.rur .v hoKft, 1 1 A II. ;i j 1:11.1:. V i wanin'! hi Coliir.nl'i lur nmi i led. h.iiWil.g Ut one ell-- r 1el'll .oid tho toji of the du'ieham-!,- i J J'.'t-- 'TI, hlii,i1l I (f III : (I,'! i!,t Gem-Salo- on iei)io:i-iiiiiii.'iieil e ;il 30 CENTS Iaw s!iil.ii'li. i The hslng I'.irt l.on.'ge 1!)5 tin; cui'i'niT ,i.ry. ttUd.tfwAle A VtiJ .VSnundii, ( huJ Cu., I I'rvprA Tim is t ipldiy .is r,.i ; i Wi.l w:n giili'-The EAT. tlli.ll test lit aeel'l,-!- , Sugar f:i"Ury WEST, tic No. a. m. Nn. with U-- t Iasi week ni l hat . tlmr.'-which im .So. II. 3 ;:i( AM km U of in. No. .is . ,. u, ,.'-iof tin1 ni'p wi: So. H. a 550 pi I..IS run. let pa 111. No a , !u-I t 1 t u A (iimmiiuii ht tut ( e II" I." loused WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS V!i.l I Cli.-C, D u s;k, at-.i- i mi-a- t tin- - i .. .id ,,f a y A. Wai.lei.:. L ike police .Siui'h of the Lake City, Utah. Judge r (Jen. Mg'r. tin1 lJri'V', am! cmni nn ( Ini ciii.it, I,: Hen. flsi d upon tie- I' lreit-- i Ait. Cash partner wanted lu this hi aiue.a. A. E. Wr.i.iir, work is umli-- way. I. S. .sii.t-- , 1 II. w.'io 1.! .id ' Riiu'ig ga ll'l .ii.illi, f:g hiat U.iurl Oen . Sup't. riu in OHnwc ii!l'.wi-Traffic M'gr. tweiit tear hunts Tin; 'J'nca:"i;ihti i' ty ,f S.tM L,i,. ini hi. Torn. AioHficAii t ty of his pres- Vrtinl ut in winch to rid I'luli m wl'l iiiaKi' a luau-lniii1 kimw that man when Im ence. its uolm- -l hiavv.e, sIim wiil be t was rated at a iiai ter nf a million, IK A W. Kli.WVAKD: and nf all I holder. and when no enterprise in the counnt fainiii Judgs liruMU'Uji Chirgg'j, Attorney at Law, try 111 wlnsli Im operated was looked ADA23SSOIS a the judge who tried Mm LTXU upon as legitimate unless the nanmof IKovo rnv rases growing nut of llm ruiiuian Mias vs It li It. ii. Milltli was cr oiieeti-Finest Simjt'e Koodm sttika, was In Salt l.ukusu a j,!i lIpRiltjanrhTft Tor Trav-(liii- ir lie was owner f a numherof stores, Sooth 01 Halt Lak. Men anil Tourixts trip the 2Nili. ihstriimted through as mmy mining r Clark of Clark Bron. A 0,1 located was m at it that and ranis, 1 indie th.it when a Ueanfiful View From (lie Yrramia of I'leiisant (Irnvc, was struck in tin1 e youth I found em LIVERY, FEEO AND SALES STABLE). ty a nail which heI was driving inln pjii.viin-iit- . Manya cheek with hi ltali Lakaaml Sumunlins. TTAdlE barrel. Tim u fit hail tn Ins ti'iiiDied signature iism it have I cashed iu cl.i-- s !urni"il flu A 1'iril in aluuia Id order to save the other eye, Tim Tall in Kffttt Junt KEIDJJCED pay men t for my moot ha' wnik, and b ami Imxisi.. ki.veiiuii i,f Imr-i23, igm. Weber county Iicpuhlicans have think that fate should dueree that to Without Hubjftt Chany t Utah Xotic. Ainrrican Fork. he the one to ironutiee a judgment named E. M. Allison slid Dm hi M Kuna Hacks to All Tralr.-of town, to lime out him get .1. for N. giuiig Harris. the and Kay eon 11. l bul'TII. you it's no enviable tu-- k Thomas J. Slovens, l,ee rinds anil well, I' No. 1 IilM. STATIONS. I.Mie ur al Stalde. W'liiskt No. 2. Fail Tins cup has Iss-i- i his nirse. Dr. A. S. Condon for I he house. Lr. I N M It .1 K M. TAll. I Daily. l.i Is nil Im l:is for, and as Im express'd Harriiituii Al. Daiiy. CUPIDCNE- 111 8:00 a in IhTii 10a Her was found MANHOOD RESTORED T'ba treat VnaulSe a desire ti. 0 to ( igd n in e. in'h of it 3 :3 ) i ni Ogden. room at tin; (Mali Hotel, Salt I.ak ViUlibsr.tlwii 8:30 llm court could do was to li FRANK D. HOBBS. llm lea 4:30 iv tlunof a liuiiuui'n.ich liliyeidnn, will qniefcly cureyou Silt Lake t lie ant 11, the mry that his 7:43 w him the opisirtiinily. !.' ragiatsr L'. S. I.ind Olliee, at ar tlu vuui e Luat aurh 4:43 unjiu, ar death was the result of nator.il runs IiiHimiiki, I'uliiiiiitliaXiu.-k.lM.'niliia- l Nrrvua iMSSlItr. 8:43 Ielii Juuction 3:43 to 1'i.tlinw Land and PnuplM, Exluunihig Mining Attorney. lln.lni, Vorlrorrl end llarry, es. He has no known relatives. 8:4 4 LliOHijiaUiin. Lelii lown It il'ipaall by ilar ur nl 3:43 Suit Lsk ( liy I'tah. chxrVsU of lraUn If to HpermalorrlKiik and not U(M liL'Iiaixwliirli TERRITORIAL ASSESSMENT. 11 LI in ' II. Jardse, liepuldicari Mrs. 1:30 American Fork 3:36 Impotrnry. a the BEFORE aee AFTEfl ll.Uiehorr.)n..I inuiuiiUca rioinlriee for the ai'iiatn from Salt and the urinary urvam at('HIIIKgF.cInuiaMtluiU.tr, all kal;ir 8:55 11. Grove 3 .3!) XDKSIi tierttliiiaiidmi.imanisUwn'.k vrsari, J Lake county, has withdiawrn from the THE BOAAD OF EQUALIZATION r.UN.l. i Tlie anffm-p8:15 rwumi err nut rurwl by jMrtiiri Ii li.Vl'Ks, Provo ninety per cent are tnahlcd wtm. 8:10 Ct.PI liKN li I the aa rim; iniumiilaiiMil-liknown rsniwtr l.i inre wniwul on rrobtaliu. race, legal enuiplieaiious 9:35 A written luvnili. given ainlonly nii.e.-- returned If 3 :00 imin. dove no! -- if 'I O itoruiaaviilcara TRANSMITS ITS BEPORT. tipringville AMERICAN FORK WAGON mlirbt arise In rase of her elect ion. fur rnsit circular bud li iiiniooiala ciaU. :34 lausti,alxl.irfv.iulliy 2:53 Sp. Fork a Sdrew rta w... 1 f Two apparent bilks have :53 nmiyg CO., p. q r am. Han rrennaro. rxx IhpAil ho 5:38 laywiii ID WORKS. larmers wives in parts of Total Valuation Fixed at $97,073,-2S- 1 10:55 i 1:30 Flab county, celling them a Imx of 3:55 p ni fetid niimul of the ANsexinieut BICYCLKR. Hlcyolf lloroni 8:15 am IF YOU WANT auudrtes, nil KiImIMi slew blacking and the pronisi: of a of ii1 hsll. Inwt o o Wmjiohi :40 of Each First-i8:30 or p.rirkMt .. Epliraiin trtinla Kiibln County. o ( 9np if(i.nr(i silk dress pattern fur - iu advance. AT plkAi, luni, Mnuniinitinn, u., leud for our illut :l)3 u oricr. mil nt K'rifws anti 8:00 ASK InlH iiNfulotfUH, fnia to !. O Iu Willi I III! 1fi, U Improvements aggregating plow ;35 a 111 ar. uni I ;30 p in J HKUU UKOK, hi&Main (., Suit I.uke MN( have Iss'ii made In tlm Salt Lake l.uku City, I'tali. S.'iiieinlier 11:45 p 111 Iv. Juab 1: r New carTulwrnaelo foi conference. YOPK AMUlli'AN rOUK, I r All The Terrlt'irl il I '.mi nl o f Kiiualiziillnii Htrriiiiftn t :10 Milfori 6.4)5 a ni XT BE. ea Kicit y I.nV-- i I. 88-OSalt pets ami additional seating J. J. jr. Ilirmie.li Seei .In ry City, eKtei.liiy, 10:00 ar Friaco 4:30 ' Iv are added. Alsmt sic Imndred more Thoiiia:'., JOIIX traiiHinilteil in Teiiitnrliil AuGrocer may Ire stall'd than formerly. dit. r 'a in.- its rrinit of tin- Oml Trains eoutli Pub'.ia. of Justice. run Precinct Juab Notary txcou daily An operation was iierforimsl upon pcsrcrF.c- Koa3LD. .ii.H'iiy in eaeii .miiily of for tbs Sunday. TIliH lellll. wlileli Joe La j is ley, the Salt Lake plumlier lie Teirilnry. kn.'l- - si leg-iwork t r 111v.tr J niik All Traiua leave Het'-Salt Lake Half-Breemecf-nefor shows llie uh llmilly A ost Ggden Under who was no fearfully hurmsl ly hot m I'V daily for .,. An the Xlarrmitu auil irxiuitii GENUIXE pMOursd. at 7 :00 a m, 7 :30 a m, mid iiiiroved p in ami 4 ;50 Crime. iu laal luaik-r- . solder, removing one of Ids eyes. The liy llm tlie mill (maids uytliiug I'miid, to he i'.'T.tlil.-p ui. was nurcessful ami llm Rlchr.ei'I, Utah, Sept. 2S.-- W, 8. Itilis, as uguiiihl fi.jiilt.'i'iJ l.tHt year, is as ANLU1CAN FORK, UTAH. Tree Iraini leaye Ogden for Salt Lake daily a Indian, was thin siidit of the other eye will Is; Ha veil. IIowh; by Deputy UutieJ Stutes at 3:13 a ni, 0:15 p in, 8:30 a m and 9:U0 T11l.il Tim Lehl Sugar Comjaiiy denies, as Marahiil W. J. lieu lie. He ii accused & r 'iniiil y. ( Nil UK Tea1 in. of having robbed tlie jxistofltce last lias hen I'liurgcd, that the price of l in.B r Cluse connections made at inili-:i.Hr..sMi nt . with Is li" elseIn Ogden .Signril. north of night eight BAKU LRC. Utah than sugar higher Southern Pacific trains. ill lie 4KJ.M Lvuan train here. Chris Meyers, non of the postwhere In the West. The company I nl.'.nJ Iu ba,iuirut Coiuiurrdlal Bavlayi llaak f in master. the office. Last leavrs sleeps American Fork at 4 :03 hi living a he will not cut the price this year as lt mv is It.ni'it.syj attended n dance In Vermillionnight and ',ngon 6:35 a in aim G:40 p 111. I, if. l.i s I desires to avoid running al ka loss as Km. y riiovo left tlie ofllce doors open. Young Y, UTAH. (II ASTONISHING RESULTS 47I!.fl!is iiirlleld .... Trains fur Tooelu run daily l was the case last year. asked had Kills to awake him Meyers S37.W. illllld this to work Salt on Sunday Lake 7:45 a in early a leaving morning, 7'.WI. Prom The Halt Lake crui nly will not aeeupt run S.S5I.II-u:d Kurckt Irnins leave American Fork threshing machine. Dibs went through county warrants In payment of taxes, nflicc the woke EACLE 4 4W. ,.! and me I about up Meyers LIQUOR CURE eiti p in arrives at Eureka 11 :33 a 111. TOUSOft AL. ARTIST. the issue of ism'i. This is Millin-'- l ... o'clock. The prisoner stayed with the except Twenty-fou- r hours to Drnver: 34 thresher till noon .rs.w to head off payment of any warrants Mi'ieuu unit then went home, SAFEST, MOST SUCCESSFUL, AND MOST si 7s; Unit cut: inn buliifactii'n guirau Imuis to Oiualu; 4S hour to Knasss '1 l 1. where he was found by the Marshal, FEKMaXLNT REMEDY YET DISCOVERED. issued to A mire ws A; ('11., of Chicago, :tiitii.i city asleep 7i.K.t: In his house, with a Winchester ml Chicago. leail, l.irhri on Mep'lianl Street. whom the olllrlals claim hoodled the K.illh I. like... I'l.lin.V.H loaded and jying a cross h'.a knees. Cose H.111 J now cum) tad . lieuKiiiher tlie Union Pacific is the best rille ... 3i.2K eouuty out of large sums of money, No resistance was offered the oltlcer b'o'hd'l loheretofore cfhnpelrM, Ilf and hatulaou. ANKRIl'AK UlUK. UTAH. S.miiele line lia-rfor Mexien New and arn-vt Arinona. who made READ TUB TKSTIMONIALot the " has The le hl Manner reportsInthe death and the K ietnk a pty-M iv prisiitinnli lined In til Itlch field jll! ... m wntsM vnsix, J,.'l.,..yours, bnying your tlckeis get oar figures. oner is011snid IMIlia AMY IKK It lt4l:'.iBI that some days ie..) Iiilli 23 months aud HI days. Flu, was the Tntn For further iulnrinstion as 10 lull rites, stole a purse from a nmii who was tl.'S.tn'd u ternfir U,uu, ' mother of twelve children, grandl maps, etc. call on or write. .. . iMi.'Ut making change at the postofllce. and w riu fur mother of seventy-tw- o .. ssa.v.vt grandchildren WitsM'!i tunbar or oail at E. a parlloular month tliat I). about Bl. he J. robbed ugo Ulki.kt, IIayiikx, ut iwtiity-fou- r aud same otllce of a letter In which wasthea UenT Agt. EAGLE W.l ! 4 that telegraph ii cheap-r- r American ) Fork. 21, EJIARMACY. Agt. check on the Richfield bank, which great randchlldrcn. sr V 12 !!l. I !', S. E. Cor. 8d So. and W. r and aaii-- r than Tel Pass. Dept. Suit Lake. a Dills cashed at Holden. Tempi St. l Luka The Heaver Ulonlau reports the L ac the Daaeiri. Ticket tiny. Utah S. XV. 301 phnna. Main (Min. 8. 2s Ib Dills City it. Ti7.aJ2.2M r..tui . years old. came orl- death of Fattier Valentine, aged 10 K. L.Lomx, U. P. A T. A. finally from Montana mid has lived n of AGENTS WANTFniM 5 elght.-erears, 4 month nod days. He has A. CKRIoTENSEN years in Sigurd, when he lias n .... . . ... o u"r "good11 'shIm E. Dickixsox, (ien't Agt. u wife been in charge for eome time of llm UTAHS HOPES PIGEONHOLED. anil three children. S. II . II. ('LARK. "'l vifenre. I., ril,r ,wriy. S.Tnl for lli.l.d al tort Cannon, ami on Oi.ivrk VV. BIixk, ) Iiroperty trom Reaver on the night UNCOMPAIIGRE PROCLAMATION E. Em.kkt Akuersox, A Tour of the Yellowstone Fark. Receivers. of the blizzard Im got lot and perisli-aINDEFINITELY BI. Doaxr, UP. 1IUN0 Joiix Residents of Utah should ) from exposure. I ) I S railroad tickets to Helena orpurchase FuRDBRICK It COLbXRT. Butte, PAPER! UAMUhltT PAPER A note from La Kellevue mtii', OrMont., thence via the Northern Paclfio U Ca.Sblt r..b. D. C . K.it. 21. 1I9L Va.shliii;liiii, i Ollico in railroad to Livingston, the natural Cuilding. egon, says V. K. Kaudall, formerly Tile t i ll' I;iiii:i inn o.eliilig the to OUR nature's gateway wonderland. I mljii n lun.ls ts now BUSINESS DIRECTORY fereinaii of that mine, diet! August. lying Amekioax Fokk, Utai A complete tour of the park, covering lie nt tlie interior 'l''iirliii"nt. 25th of Inflamalioii of the Imwi-I- . fur rail and and stage hotel Heeri-tnrOP SALT transportation niftim-ttii-LAKE AND OOUKJT MERCHANTS. Minitli's iiiirov.il Hint luavcs a wife and two email children. expenses for five and one-ha- lf days It was mlereii to him yinterday Mr. Kamlall was well known 011 the IV south of Livingston, costa only J48.&0. kindly mutlo' tM the III Itiet.il hut it A. K. OHM TON, Tickets covering this tour can be Comstock, where he was raised, anil li" derlim-i- i to t I'm It. Haying that he the offices at Northpurchased of the had many fi lends in I'tah. Uealar la wiih not tn isikh upon II. Hi gave ssayer, ern Pacific railroad In Butte, rieiena J. w. CURRIE, no Idea n h to wIu'ii he will 11 ready II. V. Langenuur, a Callfurni.in tteatlon given all order by mall or Mont. For Livingston, publications l ori the iloeiinii'iit. nmi tin ntlh-liisome note and a iiieinN'r of the last for put WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS , and detailed Information, address A. D. III !( the reiimik that In would BARBERS II10 Onlj Lins Jlnnning Two or legislature, mysteriously dfsapicarcd not Uerulth gent.' unli iiKiilu Toohy, general agent at Butts 131 V. knd South Ut KiiiMt HrAmls from hmiie. was seen and rccnguic.l til lie culled for it.to the iwxvi on lUtiJ. Tlirouh East Trains Daily to taunljr ordure a S) pqiuUv. In ( igdeii recently. lie was formerly It Is not thought here that Secretary 7 Ln Imprond firm. MONEY! ORA V F.S A onVINTON 1 resident of Hall Luke and nllcmh d Slid tli will ai'pmvc tin proclamation Billiard and Pool Room The Xeelay Institute, CO.. LEADVU.LE, ConIn f'ornlck ni.lr. Balt Lbk City. Me. the session of the liiiiietallle Union in until lifter Iri'Hldeiit t'levehind's rea direct authorized nection, FURBLO branch of the ASl'EN, , parent May as u delegate from the (Suhleu turn to the city, nt which time the Nien l.rl It in, ,r houe at Dwight, HI., has been opened Mxiviitlve ntid his COLORADO SPBIXUS, of per qitf state. No explanation or his conduct t'hh'f 1WI W. t . Second Kail till Lake North, Interior rail gii over the iU'Htlnn Uaraliant abl. AMERICA gt'ORK. UTAH City is offered. 'strint, 6oni, 8 ARD DEXTER on the line of the itreet railway ruunlng fully niul Ihially hefore IsHiiliig the ly Irt el... in ell iu .ppolSidSeML Maki, til rsts to Tor Ed Egan, wanted at Ogden for purto Warm Springs. Kven trmd. when it is issued. roriMlrfernhlc time For the Effective April 29, 1894. of loining a Imrie, was arrested at with1 daps.' Iietwi'i'ii the Issuance anil JCWClCr W2tChlliaker, lie explained that he had will fi OoHdail Tram No. 3 ltav Lnsley EKeeley Amtncaii Forx si opium habit, opening, ns Mr. Hmith lias until taken his girl out rldiu, and after- tlie 94)9 a m, arrtvs at rueblu at 6:10 a m, Companys doable chloride of gold rem one that would have any Indiig eligible i albejwyatt. ward went on a high lonesume: aud thin between tile two dales tn get Colorado Smring 7 :51 a in, Danvsr 10:80 edle. w hen he awoke a long way from home from Tbs lnstltuts Is under the manageroieign imint and arrive upon any t'revk a m, U:$0 in. Cnjtpis realized he was in foi it, and tried to the reservation In time to make entry. ment of Dr. W. John, who ba Train No. 4 leave Amarican Fork been at workJ.with St. Another applleant for tin vacant poand In tho employ of escape. The court thought the exon on tli,. Iinlah and rneninpaligrc Hops aignal) at 8:15 p ni arrive at the Lrsley E. Keeley Company for the planation did not explain, and held sition iuehln 5:27 p in, Coinrado Sjiiin lu.liiiii eoiiiniissl'in has apix'iirmt In the 6: him to the grand jury The troa'nient and MINING STOGKS Ai'oUock.iaoa past four years. I'erson of lh" soil of the deeeasi'd hi.. Kbit l.qlc. Mi,. p in, Denver 6:25 p m. mcanagement of patients will be ldentl-all- y Mr. William I,. Davis of ArJ. D. Patterson, an Ogden railway madfi at Pueblo, Colorado Connection the same a at Dwight. kansas. The an Mr. M. who like takeu has active KUPPIss-sjaaKdlrln, iipplieaiit, t'lnpluvcc ss Spring and Denver with nil line eat. OM . Main. Sell in local siities for sonie years, the present, clerk. Is well recommendi'd. pll- Lbk.CIt hut hitter the chair lias coaches, and of the Elegant Ihm'II (lay cars, hacking arrested ami jailed 011 a Messrs. Sentt urn! has Quartz Strike Nsar Mojave. riu-sCo.4 the on Pullman Ky all Ujah present Take pptical tram. Sleep San ili i'iiuritiiio, Oul.. Sv.l. 2.7. There charge of forgery, (aggregating about cciiimissioiieiH. EXAMINATIONS rREE. tin D. A R. G and liavs a comfortable is big t'X('it"iiii'iit fftoo. lie has been drinking heavily nmv in tho tinier l. Huiltli toilav mndllled the Seeift.iry near Mojave, nt tin Junction of trip and enjoy the flout iccnery oo tits of late. Patterson denies criminal in- tleels!"ii of tlie ('ninniissioiii'r of the the Southern 1'iiellle unl Atlanlie MUSIC - PIANOS - ORGANS. contintnt. tent. ami says the cheeks will lie paid (ieneiiil baud Olliee in the ense of liiicH. Hitherto wirk Iisim boon l,'r.il V. 'J'h.irkw ell et ill. s. (VntrHl all right, lie has h ru a Train American Fork , at leaving 9.4)9 I'm-lllconfined to placet-- at whieli alnut 17J COALTIB 4k 8HIL0B0TX CO. Kuilrmol company from the name heretofore. Friends claim a rem arrival at Cripplo Creek neat morn-omen liave mailt a good living, I like Th 'llstrlet. lie liolils that Iliy U MaIbSUmI. cent severe spell of sick r.ess has un- Salt ! inveeitf i 9 :50. at cxeltement la over the discovnee shows the land in the 01 dermined his mind. I I.. mini'Vil and orJers tliat ery of quartz eight mile from tlieCJo-ie- r S. K. Hoorn, 8. lli'OBff, are out 37 to gin eutiip. .XI of tin same on uimt every oBicc. The Vernal Express says t liitr t'l. eciepii 111 s helm-lioa day taeli with drytaking O. p. A T. A. Traffic mgr., of us giant he cancelled. Tie warliers (ruin the clu.lv. dealer .lames Beels1 and family from Lauder invnimt in ' he. is deeorniHte.l mineral the Kurrnee. of quartz the Colo., Protestants Denver, Denver, Cein Then Wyoming, are 111 the tallov viMiiur a iv to I .j TYPEWRITERS. WTrs'-iV. K. A. Hpprtini to l.e a wltole ILF. Nevihs. friends. Mr. I tee lie had nine head cf of quartz. John Hull, ail old mountain II, M. Ciftixo, und ex- klbunof IliuiriDF i Siwiiiitv, horse stolen from him while he Genl Trav, I'm. Agt. perienced miner of this city who reAgt , A fr.im Newport, It. t., savs: turned home today, said: "Il I the higa short distance below Fort Salt Late city, Utah. '!i, re is a miner here t tint Miss Vir-aula For at Steel hest thing for HUirace Indication i',,. irilg siore. I Ilia 1'iiii. III.' rnlirori'l.i Duchesne, lie thought they were J Best in the Market. slid have ever seen. The gold i so fine Mrs. Ilirniann Is by the Ties, and from his de- slsier t iviitil Serisi. nee that cannot w riffle-boari you on it !oi has the m.fr, 4c ur eataligue. dfn'kindVbioyof scription of the manner In which pnni'.ln. at m but It is there Just the same. SenJ for the past two pluB Mmt Uy ninlj. Adileic;. (j UEKINQkS The mountain is full of stringer they were stolen, the Italians are seasons. all w,,'n 'ynm th Ni the way the breadth of hand to a ftot wide, and these ate your certain t lead to pocket. .Tlfte i m telling For a Suit That will SUIT You how much ore tl. re I on that mountain-side.- '' The owners have Send for Samples if begun the consti notion of n load from You Can Not Call. HEWLETT BROS. Bikini Pawder ii Ihc ilranfett and purnl Mid. the mine to Mofave, a distance of forty-five nffles. San Francisco Call. D. L. ROSS, Merchant Ws can furnish yon with money to teTailor V in the rtly while view In the v.rtovi 81 W. heooad buuth at your mortgage now duo aod can piinli.lltiM StM. iutere-- t and pleasure are Mtendrd .p( salt lake city. Ail Grocers mske you a new one at a rate of fuier-n- t C'T'li.l isvilaliun to ITAH. in.pect the mlle.-tlcNo Alum from 0 to 12 per vent, according to oil iiiimtinir. at the "Oi font. " Theexhlblt 0t fuiiioii. n. the Farm and buiini O. j prop"Jury tbeiorurlty. F. CULMEIt A BH03. Sell It of "M.irnln "and an I No Ammonia erty ioaua a specialty, 'hat lully eelehraml htatorien! legend, "Meet-isgo- f Ad'lre, . - ! 1 . - r- I I 1 - O UiUUA.vli - I 1- l r, ki-jil.- he-cl.- -s K 1 po-!l.l- e. la-li- i T hu!-i:o- li 11 a.-d- -- 1 11 JZ.C.M.I. i ln 1 1 vt-r -- DrugDept, Agts, Salt ati-- ii 1 l. Grant Hotb: lb-ci- Slnien nii-iu.- t Henry Lee in IK-ls-- P Padfie J Sptsmj LOCAL CARD -i PEOP. EArfE8 t.-l- r t. ih-a- ; griu-retiv- n s.-n- Ui-- do-Int- Ni-ph- 1 111 1 1 MNKIL, - 1 l nt d h. half-bree- jujrr scott 1 1 . d an-eate- afii-rniHi- s 1 exi-ep- stj:l1u avoods. 11 11 S t( 1 If 1 KNOW ! DR' n I d E N T ixissfi T Jm-kaui- i'. . Til Ii.i.-Iii- Mr,rAGEPL,.i; w-M- 1 I Reed Hotel, om XT,- loiig-ltMik.- v.i5wi -- LAWlRSIffiSS I , Jin-ti'ic- go EOigaasau.- spli-udi- e asms- g - upp'.i-.iu.'i- M aeci-.'led- . sCTiteKirsssSiL xd ta-k'.- n c-- TEST d. Money to Loan!! s.s-l.-i- IT: 1 1 --r goM-hearli- 'g High-Cri- d ... -- u.-h W- - H. WEST 117 McCornlck Block, BUIE DUMONO LLEl ONEVERY GAN. ALT LAI.F. CITY maet'-rf-lere- " Anthony ami ''ef-itrENKNol'KKr.KK Hl.itg. SJ VV St oul sj Irosidcnt F. 1 Kama of the Now X'ork Stock Exchnuge todu announced the ext'iilsiun of J.formally H. rroin memltershlp In tin exchange.Manning un the I'liitrge of fraud. Mntiurtciurrri if SHOW CASES svKv: ::::: paints, VP.IIXI1IKn, l I. miUHIlKS. ETC, Klr.1 Smith St. ,h ,, yh.. |