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Show PROJECT AMERICAN FORK ITEM. MILTON L. THE HOTELS. THE The blood must ha pure for the baity PAPER. COUNTRY to lie in There has been considerable SCOTT, l.rrot among the ictel and l TOM Ahb PKHe keepers of Aiimti-(a- ii Fork, who pay a city license. It is plainly seen that the town is a complete boarding house. many of w ho fail to pay a licence, conWe trary to the city ordinance. who deem it an injustice to those do pay, and especially upon the hotel is a (Treat hading hotels. hem-tito any tow n, and it is a blow to the community to allow- them to cl , on account of a high lie-- j to give room for secoml-cla- s hoarding houses who pay no license at all. The city recorder holds that I here is no law preventing p ranis to dine where they please, tin that we have an ordinance on this subject tiiat reads as follows, huarding-lnnis- c NOTICE CONFERENCE The Sixty-si- x uf (liri'tiif 1 Cun-I'ereit- li (liiin-l- i Saint Lutti-r-du- of i!l v. o' .Irnii.-- i i n'i-tpi- l- - s ent. of (he clmrcli to be resVii.nHi WooDiii j r, I tt i Kt K Io-ki- mi First Up in hell boy mid a card receiver Hi readers know him by sight; L" - Salt Lake, in t lie Tulw-riiarlriil.iv morning October I, lV.in, at l' o'clock a. in. A cordial inti-- t .lioji is icn to the olliccrs ami on I). CANNON. 1. Smith. I residency. (in: of themselves; his inrcls unt their interests. Just now it is the chief imprest of the country outside of the large cities to build up a noble lock public spirit. This the local paper can do as nothing else cat and this it is at present accomplishing. hotels: Wiirv you show some men a regarding liutcl keeper tiwti fi!c witli the The small cities and rural seigh-bo- r favor, instead of appreciating it, R ronlt-- h sworn sLitdirent of lli hoods need to be made ittrac-tiv- e ot moms within Ins house, mid upon they flatter themselves that they as places of residence, so that piyineut of Hie Hiiiount have "worked you. issued he icwntMi shall they wil 1 be a joy perpctusl and yearly draw people away from the big Tiie La non Woni.n is the latest amount follows And the tlipn per cities instead of the big citiesdraw-in- g It hails newspaper adventure. the restaurants, rooms. Regarding and from Salt Lake, iople away from them. keenly espouses law says: Every small city, every neighthe noble cause of labor throughWhomever shall keep any bouse or borhood needs out Utah. May the World live good streets and for the of meals without Kvi-r- - r t iiuiu-1s- I . furnishing place forever and prosper. lodging is declared to ho a restaurant keeper. Every such keeper shall make a sworn statement of (ha gnatast mini or persona he can furnish meals nt one time, ami upn the filing of such statement, and the payment l surli the eny re amount as prnyhleil I , kliall issue a yearly licenw thereon as tollnwi: intends to do p the advertiser business for a week or a month, it is '.ery likely he can make more profit hy lieiug; hut if he is in business to stay, to establish a local or national reputation, ami proposes to do business year in midyear out, and leave Ins business to posterity, he will find that honesty will pay lum. in advertising Honesty means permanency in business. Then follows the amounts per It seems to persons accomodated. us that our city council could regulate this matter, so as to protect regular hotels w ho follow the business exclusively as ngainst private boarding-house- s who indulge iu it It will be received with glad tid- simply for spending money. No exings hy the many enemies of Hon cuse mulie given about whether Wm. Urccr to know that he was a sign hangs or no, for one of our down shut in on the unmercifully leading hotels who pay a license, rote of instruction at Spanish lias no sign. Fork last Thursday, when the n tliadif a hotel It is Democrats met to instruct for a with desirable sample riotns should candidate for the Legislature, to lie I close, travel i n jMfcilwJuId seek before the convsuUon wim....jirtHnirtiiM n . j,.., well-know- I II Pal-so- im ctlTCu6 a - has! ed JT. J ' 1 j nu-nt- e when I YVatku storage is tli most I farmers remarked in a speech before the port ant subject before. e English Newspaper society in Lon-- 1 I of this station; if it isp, it ought sunl rr months, don, England, recently, that the tube. During the iil continual are an ns the newspaper in its capacity I e advertising agent is after all, of turmoil with the city Inf the first importance to any civili.-- 1 ferent wateriniisters T,Jiut insuf cd society, inasmuch as it brings ticen water for their M and the point those who havo somelhnig I diards. It is gettin he done 3 some-1 sh have when: something to sell and those who vast nnn j to store the thing to buy. im-h- land-owne- rs ilif-jh- I It will be hailed with much satis-- 1 faction by the press throughout Utah to know that the respective at differ- that runs off into tlnl nt limM( of tlie TeaJStlt Lake I. u I WBpinR by JVncfit tirie .1 of 0f this river to ISlaukets! Blankets!. Don't buy you we those at Dunk ley's. They nre beauties for the price. Dunkley's Shoes Iiandi-lion- I ualljr inti.-at- e dUordcrof Ihc EidnrYR, and ruiiiil lueasun a lauulJ be Him to truutilc. PC U C Blueli p Dull DC lilwaw, mb In fund their limi.ieiicy, ll iu gleclul, luay liaeuiue ilaueruiu. DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S ll L 111 JL 11 LIVER In KIDNEY BALM I what yon need. U will eun Uver Weakiie., llrifrlil'i li-a- and Hialieii., Cmv 1 ier butile. Send Nlamp for link of hinta, lion to live Bud care tiro ilitrr--in- g oulupluiiil.. K idii.-- THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. CO ST. LOUIS, MO. are out of sight, both in quality and ptice, SHILOH'S CURE, the great (.uni'll For Rest House fur three Jamil-gre- at and Croup Cure is iu (leuiainl. ieain the Green Riw. Will rent very dnaes cheap. Apply to A. A. Green, Iockrt aiiee emitaiiia twenty-fiv- e cnlySTc. Children love it. Steele's Drug Store. at' Sold Sunday School Conferences. American Fork, October 13th, meetings at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Lehi, Xuvemlicr 3rd, meetings at 10 a. m. and :2 p.m. Dont forget to call at Jackson's when iu search of good shoes. Man- s anl curatire Ssrsapsrilla. giving itatn-ngtpower Peculiar to Itielf, not possessed by other retni-dieHood's S arsaparilla i. Cures Scrofula. Solt Rheum, Sores, Iioil rimples and all other affections caused by impure blooJ; Dyspciwia, nilimwru-ss- . Sick Ileadacbe, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, IUicnuatisui, Kidney and I.iver Complaints. It Is Not Wliat we Say, but what flood's SarrsTiarllla Does, that tell the story Hood's Sarsaparilla URES Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Kev. J. ot DimonUale, Midi , we arc permitted to make this extract: I have Dr. no hesitation in recommending King's New Discovery, as the results were aknixit hurveluus in the case of my wife. While I was pastor uf the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last heurs with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satTrial bottles free isfactory in results. at Steel & Co's,, Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00, , drake, PcHjk.ripfcUsewa, Juniper Kerne, and other well knows vegetable remedies. The Combination, Proare Peculiar to flood's portion and l Gun-derma- u, Hoods Pills are purely trom disorders in Many persons sufl-.-the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them, They rhuuld know that disorders iu those orwill result gans if allowed to rem-mfatally. Dr J il McLeaus Liver and Kidney Balm will restore healthy functional activity and thus eradicate the disease. $1 00 p:r bottle at Steele's. i Fifty dz. men's heavy underwear at Chipmans, considered cheap at $ 1 .DO a suit; their price, .$1.00. Mrs. E.E. Davis, ot San Miguel, Cal. says: I am trying in a measure to repay the mannfaetureres of Cough Remedy for the great good their remedy lias done me- - F.ir years I was a constaut sufferer fount weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed' by a Intuitfeel miserable the ing cough, so that greater part ot the time. Many remedies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my 1 case. 1 did not experience any beneficial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the large size have been used I am pleased to ita'e. my health is better than it has been for years. The serenes and secure soul i of the srock before it is all gout. committee and secrt-irhas left my lungs and chest and I can on Gall now for packing and shipping instructing ire Our ready. the above commrttcs or secretary of the society and get on free; they are worth breathe e.eily. It has done me so much good (It at 1 want all who are suffering dollars to yon. trom lung troubles, as I was, to giro it trail. For sale by Steele A Co. A GOOD . IT THING-HE- LP Cham-berlaio'- s 20 tinre. every It not a By-Lt- the circulation the herald and promoter to the extent of its circulation of the culture, of its progress and prosperity is mere medium for of gossip It is r reader fifty d.. suits boys underwear, would pay the city to cut the hotel sizes, 25c. each, at Uhipmans. any been predicted by The Item for license in two rather I than have He ought to be. them close, which they Ire liable to some time. do, if projcr protectiois not given Amen. them Turn discernment by the Honorable Halfour, Sarvapaiilla is carefully prepared l.y experienced phariua.ista from Sana-jArill- Captain Sweeny, U. S. A., San Diego, beautiful Cal., lay a: Sliiluli'a catarrh Remedy the tint remedy I have ever found landscapes, public improvement iliut would do me good, Price SOc. societies, first class schools. SOcie-t- o Sold nt Steele's Drug Store. tics for the learning of civics, good anJ good local g0Tern. These are things in which every man, woman and child is The following gentlemen are Authorized to solicit cub interested. They nre the things scription tor stock in the in the securing of which the local SOCIETY UTAH COUNTY FUUiT AND AGRICULTURAL newspaper can and does aid more Per Cent of Same. And Collect than any ot her agency. Whatever P. Buyer, Win. Drury, W. II. Kelsey, Springviile; James Miller, Andrew W tends to increase the prosperity, re' JohnS'in, F. Lewis, Spanish Fork, Wride, Pay son; Samuel mid Win. Ashby, finement and intelligence of the Lake Shore; Evan Wride, M. Jorgensen. A. 1 til ad ay, II. Knudsen. Tliuruu Leonard, John Gillis, Proyo; II. B, Sterrett, J. W. Girdner, Piets tut Grove; Thomas region in which the majority of its A. Shelley, American Porn; Israel Evans, Lehi. readers dwell, that the local newsThis Society has proven to be a grand thing for the farmnrs and in fact for the community at large; every citizen i.i the comity should call on on one of the paper will be found to advocate .freer is politically doomed, as wow-displa- yed t'orinne, Iloxeldercountv. sugar is Belling nineteen pounds for $1.UU. In American Fork, one mile from the sugar factory, the same sugar sells but sixteen pounds fur a dollar. Can any merchant explain llr.s ? good libraries, roads, !r en-iii- OODS To keep the e t ii purfect comlitiua. blood pure the stomach and digestive organ 111 nut make proper and eftncirnt uss ot food . Ilr J II McLean's Strengthening Cordial anil Rlom Purifier is a reliable reins ly inn-storthese organs to litalliiv It also imparts riialuiiK' and em idling properties to till! hluuil. Jl.OU Jut bottle Hi Steele Jc Co's. SECOND HAND BICYCLES. L it Mr. Grant, our enterprising uxie Doiiler, has just received a sample of is prepared to do again all Kinds of Blacksmithing in ail manner. His shop will be fonnd at the Old Stand, Adjoining the Preabyterian Chapel Awebicax Fork ; Utah The Little Giant Cottage Organ, and puts it uion the market here at the Low Trice of $25.00. s The Organ lute been thoroughly tested and proves to lie all the manufacturers claim for it, It 11 FULL SIZE, FIVE Rich in tone and quality, HE23EE HOGGAI5I3, OCTAVE durable end warranted for SIX YEARS. Will do itself credit wherever heard . lias sufficient capacity for any small choir, and especially suited for childrens voices. Every one of our Primary Associations ahoubi lie the happy posses sor of one of time Besutilal Organs. It would do itself credit in tho Mutual , Relief Society meetings, at Lod(e and political meetings, school and society gatherings. Can be carried Good tor anywhere without injury. BARGAIN NO. small Quadrille hand, or for any pur A nneiimatic tire Victor; original pns: wherein accompaniment is needed. price $IV!; our price $20. Docs this Its cose is of walnut and substantially price strike you? mv10 BARGAIN NO. -A Nti A tMcvelunil, in go,il ihspc, our ,,rice 03 . price $1.1(1. j. Hill rlieap enough AsvH-iation- 1- ANDREW BENNETT Word, Friends THE VET33HAN Vn IIm returned and - Surely nil can afford this small snm end tell tho habitations and halls of our nnuntaiu vales with rich urasn music uery Small Effort Among any society will raise the small amount of $23.00 to buy an Organ, We would say to all, call this wonderful production, Mr. Grant the amount and the happy possessor of this - gem, a Novel of the Blacksmith Bluckimithing in all ita Branches, and Repairing neatly done. WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. and Bee Harrington Street - American Utah or sene become J. D. LOUIS. munica QR. Aqe FBAGTIGIKe PHYSICIAN Mr. Grant Also has a fine Stock o. OFFICE E. Stalt Strut, recogn-- l conventions have legun the tfr t,r0UgU other Organs and Pianos to offer the American Fork, Utah. ixe some members of the journalisth.;r tll0Usanjrt Qf KM j that public. Some rare bargains in sec tic profession by placing them up- - countv. It is safetol Jatthous-o- n ondhand organs. their tickets for honorable P Lud f acres of go. I kd lie i Y sitions, notably liichard . 1 oung on ttMp jwnPj,P. A jliaij the b of the fcaU Lake Herald, and .TohnU Steil if BARGAIN NO. C1M No. 7 tUevelinil.iiii splcadi. C. Graham of the Urovo Enquirer. t,rvoir- be shape: of may Wlipp To announce to Uie publie 0"P"sl list $100. Our price $10. A Mr. Younp, nominated by Hie Dem- with wate $re is an genuine enp. that they have received a BARGAIN NO. rrats for Supreme judge, is a very illugtratlou of prt,aj ,,"t'iqbtainoil largo assortment of Mmlwl R Have opened up a Now Millinery Establishment Sterling. Used very little. iVmrs be- capable man and a perfect gentle- in (.oK,r:wlo throng! OriBinsi price $135. Onr price $10 Next Dtr to the Postolfiee, whore they have man; he has an excellent military BARGAIN NO. a nice and Fashionablo Stock of Millinery, all yrn) A Minli-- 4 ) ('oliiinl)ia (,'rt,vly education, but ns to bis ability on uiw. lees Styles and Prices. Pr llwlnc Jh'?"1''. ,n l(, l iana montli and Iradi-in on aCIcyo-hiBivimi know to we tht (vns'ruci nothing, law, TRIMMINCS FOR HATS IN CREATIVARIETY. practical OrigiiiHl $100; pri ted, and flit), wx CARRY THE " mrt! He is a decendent of Utah, and a h"'8 wes new lino of Drew Trimmings. irr AMERICAN FORK the of sv . - Icvciy drop Celebrated Gilt-Ed- se R'KOAIX NO. -' ll nveiitiuii Orange product of journalism. M r. Irah- ,Ml.d. At Hie first i 5 Crescent, almost o' TuhnSoll, Powder. y ' Lighting Citxli am. who was put up for the Lower ver held st Denver, A in 111. re I me enouh xeretary ol the State BARGAIN No. AH itcd that House uf the coming Legislature liollr Wv0lllIll , lt PATENT MEDICINES A lady ttd ssve St, Ujl0( as the unanimous choice of the lie Frii-- $V Etc. to waste BARGAIN NO. 8 the water. Finest Line of Dyes iu Town. publicans, will, if elected, be heard A Model 30 Colnml'ia. now over Original price from in the halls of that body Bicycle Supplies. the as me $l 0iiMir price $33. This i rihi great a a friend of his constituents IlarrlDfton Street a Fresh New Line of FALL WHY 'tfllrivut lor triMni which ws I'JWt We believe NO. American and an able worker. bargain Fork, MILLINERY' at WINTER ot the scredp 73 AND A No 2 Crescent. there are few more practical men mnea from $40. Our Yes. the stream (t $17..T0 price Mail orders solicited. in Utah than Mr. Graham, so well American Fork cam- 'wiflicient titted as he is for the position of a to water ten times mount of I PRACTICAL II0RSE-SIIOEhmU The H.li The prc.. l,.pl.lor. AND consider this another step towards fiie county u tn(j BLACKSMITH' oth eitcemiiUe journ.liera and Pleasant Grove and Old Shipley Place, American Fork. wuU .innlie tin,I of I It ueafe elect ion. for their loeny r..nuiUtIon. and Of ,!hf Main St, Salt Lake. Hsrriuaton Street. (hat there centlemen. if elected. ,0 uni wervoi. r American PLEASANT wi!dln, UTAH GROVE, Fork, I tali u II I HI IN & BENNETT, wm led, after the heel raterert. of ., terr Asrents American Fork. EXTRAS FOR ALL KINDS OF newspaperdom in I tali as well as MACHINES. 11 GAY LOMBARD w mo are the people at large. Both are ac-- 1 Th(, Those not on Hand can be got on Short notice. y Q tive members of the I tali lress ping all their parcel1 Jr1 r'ct 4,' for the Finest Fruit Trees in Utah. All kind of looks like they Headquarter McCormick Block, - Salt Laxi Citt town red. Fruit in Seaion. The Leading Nursery of Pleaaant Grore. to 2- Steele & Co., WISHES or-in- al t ri-s- - ;i- -A 4- -A 5- - I flew Misses Syd and LettChipman Powder Shot 1 tesi-iV'ii- Shells l. 6- i.-r- -- 7- , 1 - JUST ARRIVED SUN-DRIE- S. e I 0- one-ten- th . - MRS.R p"DRIGGS. - MILLINER. SaltLakeCycleCo. Pr1' R 1 D. M. m SMITHS n rhail I 819-22- JAMES NEWTON BitPS Q00 .ATTORNEY |