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Show VOL.III, XO.3. C11UHC11 I. I. SEHVICLS. prubv tkuian Si'.bllh lutauj ( hi III iiifiiV. (unfnnoK . l Hi Itbfcfh-S- .J -- K Wd dajr J. 7.111 T:iAi 1.U0 IB . . 1. ui lu t auilii lililialli-liM- " " Bll.lrSl1.1l5 n a. a ill p. ui ' iandar (i.inriil :ru-L'- i 1'. iu (iviiar.il ll. KiMUSaiiN. W CLOSING OF ij- Srn Plain il v. 31 AILS. G. W P- - - U- - hi. I l:i p. I IS " Hk HI- - GOING SOI Til A ND EAST. I'- - P. Gt W AO- - W mil ai.imm:. alunlvy Arnrai :l p. in, 3.U0p m. limits. OKKICK Tlia Gtnrral Hrliviry, Siamii unj Ibuiury Wlluluw. iq-vat h.'ll u. in. miiu Jiihii nt r:30 m. On Kuiidiijri il, ('IiitiiI Rvluery an-- Ktmi.p WioJow. nr i.pcn frnm e uu a. iu till lu.un a tn.a aud friu4:UU nil C:l t. ni. TIMOTHY MrlWIlTY. Poaluinati-r- . ABDREW ADMS02, COUNTY SURVEYOR, ti. Deputy Mineral Hurt eyar -- aNI)- XOTAttY FUbLICL - Americsn Fork, I'tnli E. HUN1ER, PUIiUi'k-- vjNUTARY Iet'ons desiring Lc ; Deeds, Unrt(;N!iN assistance will mni l'rn'iHie Itied-weto call on me. ; nrsss to. f; m! siti-udci- l Accounts (.'ollectcd. Goods sold on Commission or Ly Auction. - AIibciiaxts St., Aukkican Fohk 1011N G COLTKlX.fr MaNITACTCKER ColtrinH OF Electric Lininpnt. Erysiprlas, swelled jninl of i lit fret mid lisniU, Glsnilnlur Swellings of tlie neck nr gmiii, limflncli: Cure Crotnc and inlliiiiatorj many other i, and iniilaint. AMO WAKLFACTI'ltEU Price of Neplii Mu rut red. CHINESE LAUNDRY BLUEING Sold by all Merchants. Proo oi j(u mu WflilqusrUw. Wna evidently FlAced Against the Fire While Yet Alive and Managed to Crawl Away A Man Named Jacobson Arrested for the Crimea-HQuarreled with the Boy nud His Father. Ncphl. Vtali, Sept. SI. Nothing fur ycaiis lniH ei.uKcd so much excitement uiid crist such a shade nf gluum over the city of Xcphl as the niunler of Divls on l.ist lewis's fatlier, 'Italics Price,Frlibiy. is li . sln-eLewis, a hoy of 1C, left home Friday morning for the camp In tln canyon four miles east of town, tu move the camp some distance to where the man wna who hail charge of the slc-t-- p herd. The herder, without provisions, wuit-ti- l until Saturday morning, when, hungry and uneasy about the boys failure to come, he set out In search of him. Falling to Mini him. late Saturday night tie reporti d to the paternal roof that lewis liad not come with the provisions and could not he found. A posse of nun started in sea rch, and found him early Sunduy about u quarter of a mile fri ni the old ramp. 'The men hastened to the city and Thu Foote, u Justice, ucllng us (urn-iie- r. with a Coroner's Jury, went out to hold an inquest over the on Arri Inj? ilit'iv, iiihI with onlvbody, u Investigation, they said thui' the hurio had fallen on him and that 1: was not necessary to hold an Imjuist. They gathered Mm up and hi him home. A wound was ili.i.j on lui.i and they supposed a ,t.,h hud j.asr-- l thioiiKh his body, hui did not it enough to investigate whether it was a stick or a gunasceituhi wound. At home, on dresxiip; the body, it was soon determined that It waa not a wound caused by a rilek, and Ur. Miner was summoned, who loiiinl that death was caused by u bull. Thu ball entered Just above the of and In the fork of the suspi nd. rs. shearing one of the suspend, rs. rangdownward and ing passing oul just below and to the right of the nave. The murderer built n lire liy the body jo destroy It und cover up his deed Tile body was burned In several und quite u bit where the places bullet passed out. However, tlieii! was life enough for the boy to crawl away from this liic and avoid any severe burns, llier-- i 1m no telling how he us it was possible furlong him to linger for a day or two. The boys father Is very low with typhoid fever. Onlying Katurday the h?y SoSchL"1! p 11 LEWIS, M. raiii-hirum- d Ihi-huh- Mother of One Girl Receives Anonymous Letter. I. aedn Paintieg Utah. at 10 oclock tonicht. COLONY FOT BLOOMER DOCTOR G. W. SHORES GIRLS. pcs No Man Can Live on Dr. Mary Walkers Farm. the gospel of dress reform to the women of this country, and who was arSd rested In many cities for dressing snd appearing on the public streets In male 55 attire, is the apostle of a scheme for the bloomer girls. Through lawyer Henry C. Benedict of this city. Dr ITHM Mary has bought n farm containing 135 acres of hind several miles west of this PRICE, $2 A BOX. city, and promises to form a colony in "Mltlvely Quaraatecd to Cars Evtry Casesl Catarrh. Catarrhal dlaaa.aa raqalra hofli which the man shall have no part. ul . I an cnnaillallonal iraafjnant Only females who will bind themllractiona for aslag Dr. G. w. Sws selves to a life of cellhacy while memrailva Kaaitdias la all catarrhal bers of the community and to wear mar Hava catarrh, asthma, bionchltla, hay favl bloomer for life, are to he eligible. any complicaMJ ,if,cliinUr. G. W. U will work on the farm In all its They ncalal tuhaaor lunca. uaa Shorja Pud details, plant nnd harvest the cropa, ih Cara. Couch Cura and Tonic and W I1' to curt I ha catarrh, atop th dispose of them in market and take care nf the stock. The site selected for the colony Is In the heart nf the finest fruit country In the Btate of New If your trouWa Is chiuajc York. wrilt Dr G. W. Shw ptraiwially I caas his uw ayuptiMB Hit an j hava jwuf TRAFFIC D HMH BODIES. wd anJ rat tapart ttlvle Waad PtirHlar k. U. W. 5hraa I Totilc an itrergih blood, fivat Coffins Buried by a St. Louis miai and purHii haand all aarvou diaaasaa. Empty nr, carta dyspepsia Hospital. 3S. )?' o.,lWShoref, Kidney and Llver Ciir St. Louis. llefcriing to and bladder. scandal nt thSept. fciouli hospital of this rts all disaaaaa of the kidneys. Rvtf l He In the lr.nii.ir.g will the city, )r!0. r.5hwa. Cough Ona daa will am say: That the direct iliargi-- Magia aat branchial aflaclion. lalhahoiiao. Larga gie Dalton, alleging that truffle in hunaradic emup. Kaapahutlle man Indies was carried on lust winter Jro'.'vV.Bharai Mountain Safa Oil atiipaiha by certain perrons conriecteil with tlie haaiaclit. toothache of the Institution are true, ZStI! craJs . J cSlc uia It .atam.lly and ' management was proven today. Pravaata and ur dlFhj!Il,J'L4 TIip graves supposed to contain the kms a bottla handy. dramnrf bodies of Mrs. Smith, Kmina Lewis and cm'laal Q. ti Shoraa' Papal" Venullufo naai I'lila tha njunJ Pnca llel i Hopper wen wimai a"3 by Health haich an brand. It nnvar Officer Francis anil two era ilSSpiUi at haiilna. J. Jrf. CurtiHlcchx lb-pu- .f iovsi assistants, and the boxes therein wire found to cou a one. of tain wood; another, log taaaa of tha akin. railroad tie, and th other, emptiness. plat tram the fan. Healaollaoraala Jtoldaya. Tomorrow the gnve wherein la thought to repose the body of a male Insane patient who died in the asylum on Icci'niler 31. 1KS4. will 1. opened and the health officers, In the light of developments brought forth today, ex iv. Utah. pent to find the box empty. In any event, the Investigation win im. I.lvale M Fmt of Monmouth. Me., lie pushed to a point where It will he and i a grist mllL Shs turns on power bus-ad absolutely ascertained to what extent c ties ths machinery, wlnlu her the horrible traffic was carried on. writes poems. they v. alw. Short Wlnterg renu Sstvo cam a irSfieSaBaMs Purpose of South Carolina Democrats. l Yale's Team Weakened. JEALOUS WOMAN'S CRIME. New i'l k, Siqit. 30. A bel'lul to till! World tintu Man Douned Masculine Attire and Killed ,i iii says: ager Huy uf ih,. Vale truck athletic Her Rival. team Ilviile.l a MirprlH' tn eollcgi' ull Albniiy, Or., Biit. by iiiiiiiiuncing tliut ll. Fosl'i' particuHanford, the luuner, wmiM not Is al- lars of tin tragedy by which Mrs. Litlowed to runiH'ti Hgalnst I'anilirlilgi tle Hiatt was shot and fatally Injured on ttatuid.iy. I Hiring th, at her home near Bclu. 'n muiiII und regames Inst spring Sanford had u change In Ins Kindles, lie was there- mote luwii In Linn county, have just fore liiellgilde fur the Yule team, and been received, and allugi-llii-i- ' they furas the Yule temii thui meets i'anilirlilgi nish u very Klrangi- - story of a woman's will be lulien fi. in men who were eli- murderous Jinb-usy- . Mrs. John llun-iiiigible to meet liurvui'il, Hu nfurd will Is 4.j olil ami Hie mother of a ruled out. Ills withdrawal leave Yule family, years donned niasi'iiliiie gurli and Wll lloul t Ill'll' KII'oiiKeMt man In the 300 fills, whiskers and lusl Thursday night and 44Q yards rim. elllel-ethe house of 14 IK. Ijittic ililltl and shot her twice. Her motive was Confiscation of Anns. JeuluUH)-Ml, lliiitt. she In lieved. had lai'iilon. Sept. from ('Mti'illigeil the unectloiis uf her hus-IiJlspali'li ml. Madrid Pi I he Time,, w hleli lilll Is The lliiitt family, together with Mr. published tiinioiTi'W, suys IllUt Heller Elizabeth llolinun. Mrs. Hiatt s inoth-e- i, Dupuy de Lome, Hiuinlrli Mlnisler to u Ikiu l u quarler of u ml to the I'niled Stales, lei. 'graphs that the in ut llh eil of Jordan's stop, a little settle-un-t- it 1'nlli d Hliites. at tlu request of tlie eight miles from Selo, ami on Seerotary (if Stale, ami ill evening tart, almut dusk, with the ilenmiids of just lee. has de- Thursday their house was by a nuisu, creed that ull arms und munition In- who ileinu iiili-admittance. This tended Tor the i'iiIuiii rols'ls shall be beinggruffly uecni'dcil him. lie entered and, seised by the American authorities and drawing ii pistol, told the Inmates to nut returned to (heir owners. throw up their hands and say where they kept their nioiiey. Mrs. Hulniuu, z Acquitted. iigeil S3, ii'sented tin and Boston. Sept. 27. Dick OBrien nf promptly seized a billetIntrusion, of wood and Lewiston, 31c., and Joe Walcott were gave the Intruder a sound rap In the aequilleil this afternoon of the charge race with It. being Instantly knocked uf engaging in a prise-ligh- t. The jury down for her temerity. waa out four liuiirs. The men have lieeii Having quieted aged woman, the on trial for two days before Judge man turned umn (lie Mrs. lilatt with his Sherman of the KHKrior eourl. Tlu r and began firing. One shot e went wild, hut tlie second testimony showed that they used and third struck the unfortunate woman In the gloves. head and she sank dying to the floor. Arrested for Murder. The rubber, to make sun of Ida work, Itenver, Sept. 29. A to the bent over the pinstruie woman und shook her violently to iiseerialn whethNews from Victor, Uolo.,aperlnl says: Geoige Miner, who lias liecti working In the er ala was dead or not. Tills act waa mini's In this vicinity for about two witnessed by Mrs. Holman, who reyea.rstwa!i today arrested by ('unstable gained consciousness almut that time. Thi scoundrel tied unit Mrs. Hulinan Liiptun for a murder committed at Jefferson City, Mo.. In IXM. He suys Hint made haste to Jordan's store for help. men who were at the store Several he never was In the State of Missouri. Since lie has been In Victor he has been liiisteiiid to I be bouse and did all in an Industrious worker and liears a thetr power to succor the stricken woman. They found on the floor a good rcpiltstlon here. hat, a false inoustuche and a pair of Jealous Girl Shoots a Rival. Sunn mu present recogWashington Courthouse, O.. Sept. 29. nized the hat as the property of young Lida Hargrave shut und badly liuiiiiuli, and this announcement prewounded Daisy Redman of Columbus cipitated a search for the young man, here lute hist night. Miss Redman snd who was not found until early mornMiss Hargrave attended a festival hist ing. When charged with the deed and evening. A young man who had lieen confronted with the list he denied tha paying attention to bliss Hargrave killing, but admitted the hat waa his started to accompany Miss Redman properly, declaring further that hla home. This aroused the Jealousy of mother had borrowed the li.it the evenMias Hargrave. She procured a revol- ing before, hut for what purpose he did ver, followed the couple and shut bliss not know, remarking Incidentally that Redman In the shoulder. The girl was she htiil not returned home until 1 o'clock In the morning. arrested late at night at her home. The searchers Immediately sought out Mrs. John Hannah, the boy's mother, CoL Whiteside Deposed. Bt. Iiiuls, Kept. 28. Announcement and under menacing Inquiries she at whs made this afternoon that Lleut.-On- l. lust broke down and confessed that she Samuel Whiteside, If. B. A., com- liad purloined a suit of her husband's mandant- at Jefferson barracks, hud clothe and her aona liat, donned them and dune the work. been fcummnrlly deposed by nf Wgr Lamnnt, and Lieut. --Hecretary Robbery waa only a blind In the I 'id. Guy V. Henry ordered there from New ease, and the di.ejMr Impulse of Jealousy (.us the real inutlvn Mestizo to take charge of the post. of the crime, is It has long liven known Govern-... Favor Recognition In the countryside there that Mrs. Hen- " St. J.uu-phMo.. Sept. S.-- An anonymous litier received by the mother of Maude Sti l tel. the rii who disappeared fmm her Imim last Sunday ban the night, police the only given due to her whereabouts. It Is claimed by them that the girl will be found In a few days. The letter threatens the iimther with severe punishment foe ilu! trouble she has caused Father V.'agntir, and says if she had not made the accusations the girl would have been at her home before this time. The isillce claim they have found the writer iif the letter and will try to fume a confession from him. The the-oi- y that the girl has Itcen sent to Chicago Is strengthened by the statement Hint Father Wagner has friends there. Father Wagner has been almost crazed by the strain upon him. Nothing further has been heard of Dora Kennedy, who disappeared shortly After Maude. Steldal was r lury surrounding her dlsapiiearancetia ever. as deep as ht 30.-F- Suffrage Clause of the New Constitution Requires Educational and Property Qualifications Which Will Exclude s Majority of the Negroes Massachusetts Democrats Will Hold n Convention Today. h. New York, Hi t. J.- - A tqiciial to the orb! fi'iiiu tnliiiiilii.i. S. ; Five uf till MX Ill'll I'O lli'll'gUll'H to i.;iy tin South Cui'idutii Coiietituilniiiil i'iijiv ciitioli, which priqHix'H lo disl'iutirhiHc the blacks bun J u iii'il iu uu mill less to tin North, llmiugli tin World. Tin mining other things: si'M'iiih InnMitutiuiiiil conven'niiHuy, tion culled hi South I'uvolqui Is In session. li huH bocn called for the pur-po- s. of dealing ivnh tin negro proh-leiThose who have advocated Its aKsi'inidugc hui U'cn explicit In their decimation of the iiiiipoKes to lie accomplished - tin disfraiii'hiseinciit of the negro ami tin elimination of liltn entirely, tnd finm a piirtii'iputinti iu elections, for he has iiol, miu-- iSNti. had any show ut all in uny of the elections held in the State, but in view of the I'Ossiliiljty of the negro uniting with the eiiiiservulive I ii'inncrutie furtliui and thus from the pluee Ilium sow in eoiitrol of the government. Tlu chief obstacle In the way of accomplishing what Is desired is lln 14th am liilli anii'iidinents of the Federal This difficulty removed, there will he plain sailing. "Tin! lion. Ben l. Tillman, who Is the l unit front of tin has not hoii ut all im it i t ic ormovement, hyitocrltl-caus to Id itiientloiiH. He has saidi that his nhjit'i I to disfranchise an many negroes us he can. without disfranchising a single white man except for crime. . l, W 3U.--- A ud-ilri- Price-Fightw- four-ounc- om-lin- n. QUA I J FIXATION S tiF ULHPTORH. fVluml ia. S. lid. l.-uf the sun i age cnmimitee uf (hereport i, m uppi-imehe- n. cs. Tlie com dil mu was ut last made to nil lit. It fur the ivgistr.il ion if provides qualified volets. The ii.:lii:i'utliina of electors, given in the following section, are regarded as practically disqualifying the majorii) of the negrucs on account of the educational and property requirements; "The person applying for registration must lie able to read and write any nectlon In this Constitution, or must show that he owns and taxes on J.'IOO worth of property In pays this State; provided, that nt the first registration under this t'lmstitullon, and up to January I, lugs, all mule persons nf voting age who run read a In the Constitution, or undeisUiid and explain It when read to them by the registration officer, shall Ih eligible to register and lieconu ('lectors, a nepa-rre a tvVrf.b ,vmra YV urgo. Tl f one copy th the Clerk of tTourt filed c 113 nnr In tho jef office of the Kecretary of State, on or Is , ore January 1, um. and such per-suULTIMATUM TO ENGLAND. shall remain during hla lifetime a qualified elector, unless convicted of some crime. The certifiCLEVELAND WILL ENFORCE THE cate ofdisqualifying the Clerk of the Court, or the MONROE DOCTRINE of Sforvtary Slate, aha II be nulllclent evidence to establish the rtght of aald cluss of citizens to register and exer-cis- e the franchise. Unless Great Britain Consents to ArInndon, Oct. 1. The Times and the bitration in Venezuela Within Chronicle this morning give leading Ninety Days. places In dhelr foreign columns to special telegrams regarding the South Carolina Constitutional convention. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 1. The Plonrer-Prcs- s Tlie Chronicle, In & leader on this subtomorrow will say: Moses E. ject. says: "A very serious problem has sudClapp left for New York tonight to atdenly leaped to the front In the troutend Thursday evening a hastily-arrange- d bled of the United Htates. The meeting of tlie Munoa com- negropolitics may completely overpany, limited, to consider immediate shadowquestion the currency and the tariff steps to take iiosBesalon of the terriIn the Pre,udentlal election tory embraced within tlie concession light" from Venezuela. The outcome of the BAY STATE DEMOCRATS. meeting may he possibly fraught with serious results. It Is no secret that s portion at least of the territory Is In Platform WiUAvoiid'ths Tariff and Denounce ths A. P. A. dispute between Venuxuela and Great Britain, and that the present GovernWorcester. Mass., Oct l.The Itav not ment of the former country would State House teemed to lia loath to avail itself of the moral, and DMnocr,lt,c PomwSS to If necessary physical, good offices of nlghtW the United States to prevent the encroachment of the latter. It Is even ljidera Min wraMUnc Ihe said that the grant of the concession platform. Joslah punta was a shrewd stroke of diplomacy of John tt EZ: the Venezuelan President, for the pur- sen. Corcoran, dRussell. pose of drawing the United States Matthews irectly Into action to fores Great Br- man Fitzgerald and 'Thlr itain to abandon her usurpation of the hading party lights were In of mnsult tlon In for hours Venezuela The syndicate after the territory of the has given notice that it will take posDemocraticbanquet club, which session of Its territory within a month. wos held earlier In the evening The ticket that will be Diplomatic correspondence on the presented at subject between Washington and London has been active for some time past. y President Cleveland and Secretary are said to agree un the subject of action, and three letters, H is rexrbd, of i'!tntst"eldf SprlngfleId or J W. Huli have been sent tu Mr. Bayard, Instructing him to notify the British J. Government that unless the whole question is submitted tu arbitration Al, C. wut- and settled within ninety days, the United States will act upon Us own view of the dispute and enforce the Monroe doctrine. ; Thursdays meeting. It Is said, will The resolutions consider the details of taking possession of the cAicesstons. te Chit' cS States Ithd or VESSELS STRANDED TRIAL i Craw of Sch? DredHU Eight Men an w t.raS lug in tlie District Hn ls 0 April. No gss n TdralK,n IHr,W,n" rowiyap steam reef 3JE morn - siSSW of 13th St'SK X3Jh th Principala shots, MeDougni was tv.rra!L?.? Ih ?romT,?VC2tmeut10t Jkrarf,pr,Ha when tha While In the isUer cUv h- ' went on the her of the breaking com- - clety and acoi.nf.m !. atfS, -; first havo been t Vpww:1" various isilnts. issig trlui for The two tn. ,tom ffih.13 Charged wit! Spring.. jpSL.JjS1 JTS&'ftSS,"- I ? WAYNEKOSE. Fmxr i!1 atIaker Bock STORM SWEPT OVER THE LAKES. TER! a,p,t nip,n- - J. n;?r " Hla near Bault William NewtoST.f VtoA' J r?',"n lost deck oecutor R. E EnterliMki!,,r "i" Iro" St. M sir liqd of ail Judge S. T. Corn of FvansKStatld bjr etc. The steam- oanvaa njMa Jo-lo Ht er "Pu HARRISON HAS WITHDRAWN. oeph, rwa?."bIIPd to put tack ll 'j went I ! I eargoeww 1 I f. to three attempts Said to Rave port I, wporfedL " far 1,0 l0, I I BKJf118 ym.A ir m , NewYork4 .UT. 7 STRANDED. that l".njJSm 0f,,Nat',naI imputation 8au,SAnihln,, K,2't 30. The draa'n from the mn iha wlth' Prrn js ffiKSsaKiar,? n'Jm'ST0' S55fof vaSswsS O n ' Oswego, N. Y., Sejit. SO. Dr. Mary Walker, who, forty years ago, preached Ed Avowed 1 J. F. MAMSEY Amkkicaw FVina an , come home alive." YEAH. 1.23 riCICE, 1 s, The father said, never Ter Body of a Prohibitionist's Wife is Taken from ths Grave. Tut'kahue, N. J., gefft. SO. Late last night, u nuinlicr of young men discovered the corpse of a woman lying by the side of un iqieii grave In the cemetery. On liiveatlgutlon it waa tound to lie the body of Mrs. Mary Wallace, the deceased wife of a well knuwn prohibitionist of this pluce. Tin ut the coffin allowed that Itappearance had been roughly handled, and tlie body hud been subjected to lough usage also. A ring was missing from one of the Ungers. '1 he news of the discovery spread like wll Mire, und the town wus soon In s ferment of excitement. An effort was made to learn the Identity of the van-dulbut without sucrcas. It la that it In the work of revenge on the juirt of adherents of tlu liquor i of the uttitude of the party, deml womans husband on that question. bT, JJoU'H AdUJtllON. oot will a OUTRAGE IN KEW J1RSEY. I have no Lewis; he At this not time he had yet heard that Ills lmy I o II 0 11 (I 0 I II ll ll had not gotten around to the herder. PHYSICIAN :: AND :: SURGEON All day Saturday he felt that Lewis was not among the living. The beOffice Hours from 2 to 5 i. m reaved family are wild with grief. Who did it? Who could have the At Steele Drug Store. heart to shoo! down in cold hlood one I'tnli Amirlrui Fork of NYpld's best and quietest boys? The charge Is laid nt the door of one who had been working for Charles Price, nnd with whom Mr. Price nnd the boy some time previous House Sign had had some words. A man's track about the body and the tracks of a "WDECORATIVE horse with three shoes have been traced to the hut where this man was Piipfr-liangii- iir Glnzinjr, Etc. lodging. .incolison came Into Nephl and went Interior Decorations and Graining. Into the house when the boy was All kinds of Commercial Advertisbrought home. Mr. Price ordered him for the oqt immediately and in the evening he ing. Headquarters An left for the north on horseback. Latest aud Cheapest officer started In pursuit today, and toWall-Pap- er morrow he will bring hlin back and he Design, lor 1893, in will be given an opportunity to rlil tlia City. hlmseir of the cloud that hangs over him. Selection from trn ef Hie Isrgsst Mill Jacobson was arrested at Pay son, in the United State. and the KherltT will be here with him ALVA DISFRANCHISE THE NE6R0ES 11a-gi-- I, suf-roiv- d, OF THIS FEET. Monrovia, Cal., Sept. SI. An accident uct'uiicil here jesterduy which resulted In the Instant death of Nellie W. wife of F. ll. llagel, the aeronaut. The couple have been traveling throughout the State, making balloon ascensions nud parachute Jumps. Mr, iliigel made an ascension, and when at the height of a thousand feet she pulled the roie which cut the parachute loose. Site shut duwii almut a hundred feet like a Hash. The air caught the arachute and It commenced to iijn'ii, but suddenly It became upitarenl that she waa falling. She came down like a cannon-bal- l. She struck on her liack, her head coming In contact with the brouml til at. Her skull waa cruahed. Lieceaaed was 33 years of age and a utivs of Illinois. Was il a. in IS a. in 3.10 p. i.i K Ol'K S' AM IUUIi. Manila!!, WviIiikkIiij. iiii.I U- - FELL A IHOUSAND BODY. ad GuIKU NOKT1I. k Lewis I'rntf Mn. LlVlSUk I DS asm'll, l'aitur. A. U THE Aeronaut Hagai's Wife Meets rible Fate. Pr.y.r Marfiv LATTKR IMS MAIBTI I. SHOT THROUGH 111 sl3Hi-li SATI JCDAV, UCTOllEllS, 1893. AMEIIIUAX FOltlv, --YSJSg JJSSS. c.impan'tlaaV a" "Alassba" ,"d "e ndldate faTSSSJIJZ "Hng VSSrCPtom STILL FIGHTING BATTLES. Spanish Troops Disperse Force of Rebels. a gffisrasavsr3S g?8 OF DISASTER. Duluto)u?pti3"-- A I "fwial to J Murderer StillT H, nt T Great Paris" Havana, Sept. 30. An Important engagement Is reported to have taken place at Fortero Las Veras, near Santl larger share Im of attention. Spirit us province of Santa Clara. B Is said Llcut.-Co- l. On a Silver Platform. Antonio Rubin, with the battalion Grenada, two companies Khelbyvllle, 111., Oct. 1 The rumn. of of the Zamora battalion, a company the fhiclana battalion and two squadrons of cavalry, dispersed BodO Insurgents commanded by Castillo Sanchez Lecon and Zeyas, after capturing the enemys position. The Insurgents are reported to have lost 120 killed and wounded. Among the latter are San ches and Lecon. Roberto Plnar was Republican Survivors Reunion. killed. On the Government side four teen men, including Col. Rubin, were rost wHMurmtY' Ct- - 1The Syracuse wounded. letters from mi mbers nf Pii Republican committee nV'e SUt,ea' .Baron Blrseh has thus far sent alout sugeestinn1 Vhe SLf Tr,un!n of le survl-- at fod Kumlan Hebrews to the Argentine thefntsiJth'L Republican convention Republic, and hopes to have a Hebrew nnlrersary of the Wrth there of Hm.M within ten community e sends them out In eompaales Carte? year. Chairman of fifty families, each provided with t teMieforeVhi UiV l partl W,H ,ay th mat rabid and a doctor, and ns expects tlie J1 of the com- mltt?e to sett In giving a spcelsl 1 takcrT thatJ"11" action appropriate tract to each Villases, company. pSwlHS FUlS?i J5?jjnd, The trfKhaStSM1, nt P on uT I burnedA'nttClfyfljiJ to , ced iu fl"AwSn'hSl wm L,1'8 wrho xt tat.!d by ;wln life jmewas and ennlS execuiion thVt e..f i rely raga to Og- - I Unct when "Elms. - elwfrl nd th nrt" 0ffi'VVhltedensbun Laftr,d?Zi "Jones" mediately the fish yesi?01."' applied iJLn Ih at snCKVm7,Kt ot Whlt- - wusoltated Fould have fish polfj, Vi7,.!frtrpIK1',tfd " aplration, it a?MB,nt pu,se nd re" the rjan bn w,len to Forgery awamlm,k7 mat L , GET LEFF, Quarreling Justiceship. man, of empK Is also , Te,n C t r omaiI2II Coleman .r ('Inor JijN(rt. rrl?.7? Htewari, li1 JiiRiJet IfMiXmK whiuij in Nhali of w if languwiiTy tVhVm,Pm Jw?d he rhtniI.prhahl Jjujruaenea would of drink ter , arter " e another Juiqj" plaee, l(. i.iiJi , ,n Justice Blew-Be- e by being ,.,,, Irn,wlJ'; ' "n'' Chief Sore or Sjtriiigv. either Kfi- - rl u'fre |