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Show I a ring. RF.covrriNC li .m--ii!:. I fii Bra-1 i 1,4 niililn illy. ulMuja Iiinl c.i!--!. in m li tm f'T ! I ll.fi II Kl.IJil.K li ! ii ii in-- r i ".i . fin'iv -- r linn.- -- mi i iii? r ill.- - HI-1- A ll i in-- l.l'l t I lie xi util. 1111 UllK Ji.ll til l.l ii'Ul ll'- -i in,, W lif.H , . It I'l l Hliii Ii .y miil'iiii u !. uni h. lnr l.i'l) in-- li:i-- l 1 t l II l' titsllliy 1 haiMfAlli .I I ; if '"K - -i h- I' l Li-- iiiiijii.-t.ik.il-l- un-a- I'l I t - n T am. 'd ul " - bur- wnh h- -r nil- - li' . ii n-- All ..iiii "I'-- - tur' ah- - al ii. Vliginl.t O'liSl, l. aliuily, -- Hi- 14 n, ill- Si.ii-ls- ,,u. II. - '. 1 v iu w-- ll, hwmvf'-Q'iiim- Ilf Mpri I'r,j.r Iu rouuii'il4u. uol I Knrkt ( iiAiti Ktw Eagle Pharmacy, CiUl'Y KHNWAKI): Attorney at Law, I'ltnVn riTY . FE:D !V: v, S. K. LTAU Henry Lee itr SALES KD l)ruty - Mineral SurVtym ami C-- Scciiti J Kautli and r. Agents Wanted Everywhere. llufore buy ui -- a tha. the huiil-- s are seul-- I d Nuiiu pun u I lie wttliuut this e:il XV t Teiuj,! 8lr, I.ke City. Salt with tlm sliinatura, Dkvn I.kk Dais or wh-- u simI U hrnknu. STABLE?. Aiii-iic- sii .fpii'hiM turnout alnny In miJini'p. mul busuiaii. MitMiun uf - ITI.LU'. NOTAUY Folk, of-I- I si x - - M- -0 1 1 .a ' II L'ml Loa i,rdiT at A Cu MANHOOD RESTORED Trjia. n CUPIDENE The eraol tiunof a ruinuu, y pliyuiciku.wlll quickly cure you of all of (b- - aeucrubve omuui, aucb vi, u. or du- I'lMinnilo, lulnluibuilHCklU.Diiiiiil Kiiilstiuiui, 1'uflininM tu Marry, AjUuumiIiik limliii . Vah-- ul Fiiiilil-- o, and CduiiimiIiiu. Hsioiwall 1ikm by or night niiwof diwhaiw which If notrliril lead to eprniturrliu.a and ! ronuCImpotency. l'FIIE HE clean Uie liver, ibe BEFORE and AFTER kidney and Ui nhnary onmiitof all luuiurliica rCPinCNliiitiwiifllwMiuidmtorMifiiallwMk I organa beenua ninety per cent r troubled with r not cured by jNirtnr Tli rruwn u4r-- n WU leeihnnnl. t'ri'IIJENEI. tlwiniily known remedy tn eorewnlioulBii Pr. wrilt--Ho. n cunrnni-- e Riven and mnn-- y relumed If lx bnxe dne not eilkcl a wnnainut earn a tor Bui'd teallmonlala aud raaBdivular ix ".in. mail f Iiy fljAl buv. P. O, IkiX 3U78, Ban Francbco.C. ArAilfS AJilrcj DAS Ol. 3IKOICINE b Slulil- -, E. HUNTER, nst ll bottle to Send $5 for one tL COUNTY SURVEYOR, aiin-liln- - i I'lM-- ii CIGARETTE HABIT and your daye on earth will be lengthened. IK A W. XI. Pu-ii- ii -- miiiii-ii,., . U.UI and ktsiiiy till l'i UVft. lb, i, Co WIRES, LIQUORS AND CI6ARS iu l'iii-i-i- l a Wli-li- I. 3 Oi p. iu. u- Attome. dr fit Fr-v- ft nKN.i. HATES, l n-- IUY-ll- sl. AlsiiK an hour Miss ril a day, hut 40 -- lu'i'oinpniili-by one of tli oill is alnlT, cume Into my ii h- -r fsilh-r- 's niid aal'l Hint all- - wunti-'- i to go lo Ih- - Hiipri-iiicourt. Would I take r? A And awuy we w-Willi -was Higulng a cane Htloin-- y y ling elib'i-Hu did tile cniirt. when we ij iih ua we quietly not null und went on with unmt brilliant Judge Wulliici.' laid Ida band chair and mi Ho unit of an ii'slil-- d to iny c"iiipaiil"ii to take It. all' 'Stiiill i go up?' - ask ci I of lue. - on my (iurt, a Thin wna liiK that Vlritlnla utui 1 1ml li kn-- w lluU t wan iml y- -t Jii. lira Carrulin-nVirginia Uuali-- d, and lmik-- il ut me wllli h- -r lower lip quivering. "Uitirge, whi'ii you arc aniYuatlo I -- h-- our-s-lv-- s, at iu." aulil 1, the e vowi-- un-tuailn- ii'i'ialnly,' "'Why, In aoiuul, to niuke th-1wonl wi'in more m- -t you. I hul-h-l- iit I wlah I had iiiKu-- il any wiiy mul we a m to he alwaya iiuamdliiK." "It lakea two to muk- - u ijuumd. Vlr-gland I'm aure I'ln In II- I- et of a Hhn healtiil-- d lllll- -, lHgglnil Kiwi I that (II 1 h- -r n-- v-r e, loii.v li coinax.-- All to gut her in for the teara her eyea, and 1 eun't henr Unit, uml !i- ng with h- -r engagement ring. Now tlna really alarmed me. Aa a ml- -, our engagement waa broken anil neeiii-nie- ii vine a wek. (inly the afternoon bey. fore we had guiio tliruUKh the If It were going to hapia'ii unit every day there were elomente of danger in the cuatoin which II waa dealra-hi- e to avoid. Hut before I had time to aue for Virginia took off the little gold hand, and after a iiioment'a heaita-tlo- n, flung It In to the lake. And then he looked atrulght at me. wllh a brave allow of detluuee. although (he telltule nmuth let me know tliut ahe wa frightened at wbut ahe hud done. I waa inure hurt than word can eay, und with a few awlft almkea, turned the huat'a head homeward. Hut 1 eouldn't bear to leave the ring behind, mul 1 determined to dive for It. I lili'd my oara and touk oft my coat. Irglulii pretended to tuke no notice. Then, watching her chmely, all-I -began to untie Hllll my a hoe pretended nut to aee. lhen I took olt my bell und Bhoea, and placed the cuntenta of my trouaera pocketa In a neat little heap In the bottom of the bout. Vlrglnlu'a eyea met mine, and ahe Mid tretnuloualy: What are you going to do, Ueorge?" "Dive for the ring, Virginia.' Can you aw!m? No. I couldn't reaiat thla flb. It would have eputled It all If I had told her tliut I, at Kton, had held the achool chain-plonahfor three yean in aueceaalon. "George, dear, can't we let the men for Itr dredge "How ahould we ever remember the enact apot where It went down? No," thle with a alight touch of melodrama"! muil take the rlik. And, Vlr-di- e. If I should not not come up, don't you know tell them that 1 fell overboard." Virginia gave vent to a acream. Not one uf thoee ataccato nutea that the mention of a numae will generally bring from women, but a genuine acream ul fear. plcaae don't! 1 am "George, " did Judge Wallace dor Why, Office Hours from 2 at dinner that evening, he conferred with the new Judge, and Inalated upon At StteU'i Drug Store. her occupying a Heat on the bench next Aaierk-afork day. After dinner he naked me to take a walk with him. 'Heck,' said he, If you hrliig Hint girl Into court In the J. F. ART11.T. A AMERICAN FORK. UTAH. "3 I that telegraph I cheaper and latcf than Telephone. Ue the Deseret. HALL8EY Pasifis lrgl Sptgm LOCAL C A-IL- D Time Table in Effeet June 23, 1804. Subject to Change Without Notice. tnurtt. colohado, lluiiten to CANCERS, TUMORS, and Young Bro's Co. SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. In i.riAMF SEWING MACIUNKS end Being Muvblue Mippite, Viauu. nrpaut, al! k!di nbeet Musie aud Meiia Mualcal luitruin-u- t, liook. lnetrameul aud Maiiduea sold on enay payment, bend for our luo llat of sheet unuia &.UJU ouples. CTIT' UUrlLaJIlL ler We Duy and Sell Seeds, Grain, PEOPLES FORWARDING BwiYiif' The liiwiliuta Is uiuler the manage-iwho ha I of )r. J. W. St. John, h ii at work with and In iho employ of lln' I.i'iley li Company for the The trout nienl and past four hmt. lai'anax-uiei- it of palienl will bo ldent:-all- y SSEDIG Neither a Uoldbug Nor a Refreshing Expression of Views from n Presidential Possibility If the United States Cannot Manage Its Own Financial Affaire It Should be Ajxnexed to Canada For Free Coinage Without Reserve. ROl'TH. Topeka, Kan., Aug. 28. Judge Henry Caldwell uf the United States Circuit court la here today to enter u decree tomorrow for the aale of the Manta Fe railroad. He was loath to talk of anything which concerns him personally. I suppose yuu know that you have been mentioned In connection with the Presidential nomination T asked the reporter. Yea." lie answered, with some show of diffidence. I have heard some talk of it. It Is a question of Individual preference with the millions of voters So far aa I am concerned, the mention of my name In that connection la out of the question. I do not regard It all IH01 Washington Ava., OGDEN, UTAH. t isS Main treat, SALT LAKE CUT rt Warwick, niPVPI Rambler, Remington, and Feather tone BlulbLLaTribune. . Ammunition- - FHhGun. amwspasaus'tti-in Tackle, Tents, Playing Garda, Eto. Illustrated natal osua re. M R, Evans, COSTMIBTAL BICTCLB tALIBOOB Riding tchool and bicycle livery, liloyolei, bicycle aundriet, suits, eweatert, iportiug goods, at Ui and 34 W. Second South. MONARCH, 6YHACU8K. ARIEL, FALCON Hloyoles. Agent for MONARCH BICYCLES wanted. Salt Lak Cltr. Utah good SET 1 KKTH. NO BETTER M wicked." And the I -- lira gnn to show lliiin- aelvea aguln, ao. without m-- rado, I I went to the Iwiw und took n hi'iid-- r. thfound that water waa only about ten feet d 1. but the ring waa not to be u n. tin coining up for brcolli. I found poor Virginia bramlliililiig nn oar over the able of the bon I. wllli a view to an v lug my life. If poaHlblf, 1 neU-- d It with mueh allow of dlatresa. and walled until I got my li. Virginia to come hark lulu the Implored me boat, but 1 waa obdurate. After dive I returned to the atirfac- -. triumphantly holding ulil th- - obj-- ct of my aearch. I awain to th- - aide of (he boat, and, taking hold of Virginia' left hand. I placed the ring on lier linger. We made many vow Mini proni-iaeand It waa not before eoiue uiln-ute- a had expired thnt I begun to that I waa getting awfully cold. Clambering back Into Hie boat wllh aome Uittlcutty, I pulled to tlie houae aa quickly ua I could. Aa we cmne in aight of the lawn Virginia exclaimed: "Of courae, there'a that horrid Air. br-ai- tli-tli- lrd a, UK. $8 Dr. J. B. Keysor, DENTAL PARLORS. Lollln lllork, IMU Main St . Itnt door north of the Walker Uuiim!, SALT LAKE. Coma iu the morning and wear your new teeth home alnigkL Rio Smnds r, -- ii n CO. SI to 8f Main M., adjoining Y. C. M. L SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. XX mn! Flour Hay, AND GKNKRAL PRORUUE. Writ Heodquerler fur Poultry inpplwe. lion eille. WITHOUT CCUE TREATMENT KNIFE OK CAUSTICL BROWNING BROS lUNlOH Lr.i irautiee GOITRE. UA1UCAL Straddlebug. IKIES ANT ONE J KNOW j SPECIALIST ulxxwoou eraisue, PLAIN SPOKEN CANDIDATE - bal p in t'tah lilnyelt .uodrlea barn ball, law tennis or cricket tup ullei, anna, ammunition, eto, laud for our eatalupue, free to alL BROWNING BROS.. 146 Main L. Salt Lake ciHirae-grulne- pl-n- xc cror-- to 5 U I C Y C L K S. illua-(rate- ballsrectlou (urDllkir cutllug la aay ityl. Parkin oa lUxulnuUSlr!. nDesorativb lp anil TO. 4 40R :A'v morning I'll have proceeding inalitu-le- d House Hign add to declare your pnililon vacant.' -Oatmenl and Oranges. Faintipg No Hurt of foisl la U'll-- r fur the n I'Hier-1iAUi;ii- iir than imtin-- al mid ofitrigi'a. The Glaziiir, Etc. Iliii'Ht coiiiplexloiia In the world are Dccorationa Interior und Graining. lima, of the Itiillun und Himiilali Imll-- a All kind of Coiuiuorcial Advortie-iu- g. d who live mi fisid and fruit, like the iininge and bunana. it Hoadiiuartera for the Is said that the fact la becoming Lut(st and Cheapest and thut Home ladteii, to acquire and preserve a good complexion, WalUraper Djsigufl, lor 18(J5, in are living ulinoat entirely on orangca. ill n City. Half a doxen for breakfast with a cup of coffee; a doxen for lunch, with a Selection from ten ef (he Mil's gluaa of milk and a saucer of oatmeal; in the I'nited Stale. ami a doxen more for aupier and a alp of tea. may not be too high living In the proper aenae of the word, but auch American Foue I't.xu a courae of diet will bring a complexion of peach and Ivory which will drive A. K. TIIOIlNTOy, almost any belle out of her head with Town The and envy. Country Journal, I)elr la Hyduey, N. 8. W. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS The Xeelejr Institute, KliiMt Mraiidi llnud. a direct autliorl.wi brsm-of tliu parent Kaiuily uiiler a ayeoialiy. bouse at Dwight, III., has been opened Billiard and Pool Mo.'iix In t on- at Kill W. Second North, Salt I.akol'lty nHCilo- -, on the line of the itreet railway ruunlng Me Pan In, Kaf Fanl'.y L'u. Si pir ipiar to Warm Springs. For the treatment of the liquor and MfkIihuIiSI. .XMKKIil.X gFDUK. I'l'Jtli with Lesley K. Kueley opium I'mn pnny'a doable I'hlnrlih uf golJ reui la. St.. TRY THE WALKER HOUSE SCOTT STEPIIEK WOODS. iiaao-1-111- 'What & ritOYO CITY, UTAH. -sl eere-nmn- SouCli Salt Lake, one trip. GKO. K. JOHNSON, Proprietor. BARBEr.i.'. Bavlnf liaak Hid. is bMcnicat ConBi-re- ll Hfl-rwu- nii Third klnil CLUFF m-- u li-- F. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH' AMEUIUAX KOKK, L'TAll. e. , wna to lxl lu cxti-inllii- You ait there Hinlllnif ulid 1 enn't make you angry." To my ahame he It aaiil, I hurat out 1 alt-- r luUKhintf. The iiioiu-i- it waa ililK-u- Hilgert Deformity Shoe Co. with of hgal work trinu-t- d uii pruiiiitnau. Marring llceni-- ii prueured, uiaiUr. nytliiug psrUinlug iu y -d more oniinmia allll, alie wna Kepitirwi in Kint- OrJ-- r. uil 1 Pi Ich University of New lork. IMS. r y iii-c- It. to walk sirelykL tak I'lu-tnf n ue.t uf feet to insure cmilurl. Specialiul iu -liu- -. .rlpnleii and Steel brou-- a and artidulul r Id limb, of rvery liuu, 11 1 h-- "That'a the aKKravntlm; purt of XVaeuui Uf 0. E. DUNSCOMB, M. Ii X- V- MNJilL, M ANi Jmlg-Wiil- yon made there ii at last a (linroiiglily la sail tiin. For Kuipluvnirnt Agency to that city. AMEH1UAX FORK, UTAH the lieuiTit of nur lialroii we give (lie llarnnxtOBit., ami aililre u h ii (winch tliev aliunld JOHN .. react w );PKITY & llKItKKLKATH N. .Vi K. Third South St. Tel. 414. Publo. preclnot Juitlca, Nota-- bench not but ua fli-- D cau WORKS. rArruitEK or wllh u anilliiig (iltriiiN Electric Lininpuitfl. In it t lull and piilt-- il the chair ahe uroae nail (Irmly, and with Cure Kryio Us, awelleu joint of Hit fiet ai.il hands, Ulsmlular Swelling H- i- grace of u iii n, walked up the nisi- - (o Hie plutfiirin. Tli- - JikIk-- m anise of the or groin, hesiische iiinl gravely bowed. Wallace Cnnuc and inlUinstory rlieu hla ha ml, forward, und, iimlisiii. ami many utliai h- -r to II- I- vacant seal, und -- ucli complaint. Jiisllce wua preaeiiti'il In Him andahisik AI.'MI MAML'rACTl'KKK P THE the (iny hand of Ih-- lr dainty uksoti-ut-Alisa Shaft-- r wna qullo qual to CULNK.SE LAUNDRY RLUElNti lie ins'iinIon, and, bowing to th- - standt and -t the look -r Sold liv all M crclisintH. ing umlt-nr-c, case proceed. That yuimg allora-- y, nl mul thi'iigh, lost iilaWh-lhI'rovo Cit v.UA-l- i h- - W Ish-- il cr III- - case. In limlipiurler, on the new make an hupr-sHlO' or Whether the Htrungcti-- M uf the ALVAI1 LEWIS, M. U. n o n l o o o o o o o rattled him, 1 never pnH'eedlngH learned, but he got badly tied up In hla PHYSICIAN :: AND :: SURGEON 11 leuilHTa. llie American Font flrat-cla- 'it respoud-t- l. 1 discourteous lo would to tin ao, " if - St., Errployment. We arc Hilviard from Halt Lake nf-I- I- no. Ing-ulu- iia MenciuNTa Slaif-t-- r, nt. entry JURIES on the system, but improvee your HEALTH. TAKE IT and in 6 DAYS you will be CURED of the TOBACCO and III Alt l:o IT. indt ALIIAK. isv ai- -l hstur lays 3 30 i,r- ,,u'li lloll, s in in slid Ir .ii. I iu ml S.: iTXI.il II XV A - l:k. Ua. y-- H. a 1 fAlf. uI. '' ao J a, : "Vlrgle!" auri-y- S Uiu-i- : t Hhe la, and you know It. You call h- -r pretty !" 1 MUiHae I may n't, lut "Wi-ll- , diir, lota I have nl of any lh-- y thouKlit ahe waa a lirli-k., Krir-eht-to If alu-'or no hrli-k- hate I Read the TESTIMONIALS of wel known men. Worke no INWork. HuiiJiiif. n, tnlil-I- n III- AMIKH AS KoKK. ITAIl. lUnii'flnn St Wiil-lMag - llol- -l Jusll s.il'l: '.Miss Shafl-- r, i ipille D. HOBBS. NOTARY PUBLH' allglit-i- l. you have b n in Sur- Lat Ngbter U. A Laud Ofllcf, to visit ium-n- lo you haw not Jteeila, Morljjagri in- -. Won't yon eoini' up In tli- - morn- fcrsoiik ilrairiug la Land and Mining Aly ing mul ait willi iih In Imuk? gal assist slice will slid I'roliatr bust Sill Lk tlty L'un. utiHi-ul- , r, la Cii'k-and Judge do well lo rail nn in- - j iirsia ailemled lo, w-- ll Iiim us you might 1 11 coin-- ,' i ih, Alls Accminta Colloctw.1. Uootla iiii-Hliufli-r- , Hie aiiliJ'S'l wna ili'nppeil, sold oil Coiumiasiou or Lijr ami I uni aur- - Judg- - Wnllue- AMERICAN FORK WAGON Auction. ilr,'iiii-- il tlml the in v Itn t ! m would Is a horrid flirt I "Hlie probably la flhall we any 30?" tollK, It-- All kiU'U ul i. u LAST. W . li-- th- nt - '.ill. 1 fa-- 1. line iiioniliig ut - iu-r- 1 a . 'i I c i. mi' ral l liv-r- y. Nlainu and Hioirr iii'l.ia - -- I -- I. ut s oij. in. uiiil cloMia at 4.3a y Ul. Iasi if w-- "la-ar!- " Kran-is- -" W Sliil-Th'ii- "f Ins V ka a day." t'.lll- - ill ,lMi W HI It 41 1 1 iu-n- widow. Mhe'a 4 IA h llOUl'i. li"l'l hi III" Inl.i ll-- mul d-- "f I.ii Sail in T HAS NO RIVAL in ita euecessful "T li. i Up 1,1'I.M. hill "III I' I' li I.. li . "It wa in Mr -- ar, bill 1 was ili-- n mlii'l lln Is-. Iind was a..rl'1'liil'y 111"f Hilt- . .lo.la- - U iillii Sai'l lug l'l as nil II- I- ln II, Ull'l mil lig 111,'. - Ill whs II- I- ritpiliil -- II y 'luring II- Ihis ('ul. Sliiil -r and a numh-- r is. Th- - coluli- -l was a ,y his diiiiglil-- r. yuiiiK, Imglil Ull'l hilll'ISolll- - iiilss. iiinuning I lila nil . 1 amll-- ii an anaw-- r, h In niiimii fur nmi au.lii, with it tin nir uf irony: "if i h wi.-iur I'arrutln-Aim. only yur . you would noun liii'l iil-- iii ut y to on My. I'm auiv tli- - way you with h- -r nt lunuli wua .Imply lUngi'mi-fu-. l. 1 of am Not Ihut You ii dn't think tliut!" KU-- at a a wua t'urruth-rAlia, of a Ki'-of inina who pomt-wi- -il many the alluring quulltii- - of a ynung cl-n- x-- Is a Wonderful Thing. Gem-Saloo- n m A iv n woman 11 I'-- ln .Mill I'.l, ! .liriv--.- lli-i- MIIJ'I' NI" e Ofll-- AMKIIITAX eg kiUkio I ! M'lii'lsiv, Cnuit. awiir- - m-is- pi N n I' I VillH ullllHkt hul.l, ISk III- - I w-- V- a - i lili'.iil. I lisik "f iii wh-- u MtL ON III- fi.riilii," mti-nlt-l- nut ST KnHtNfrQ.V iiy and aigliL A With Crilifur i.i i's in pI w nil nf fiilnr in iiil- - H- i- iiag-M- y Ihut luuk-- n iiuliiiiiii m of iiitli-ti- -. Ilvir iiinl uimti hii I mul a'liuM apt mg nut nf lii- - "I i limit at th- tliii H'iil- -r liumlil-ii- -t H- i- aky, mul gi-- ut g'lM-- n In tlu-ii- ' l.t liuxiiug u- -r nur triiimlt HiTuti till Ink- - in i nr li "1 lirilliiiin-- Hiari-- il II n i hiibiftv CktiHil ml hvrviwi iit-i- I Ir-.ii- i Who Onco Sul iii.-iiw- "Y.iuT- IIUUll." ji I. i. Ill iin.i. li.ililml-- . - - 1 sell'll, J.UMv m in All. OESERETJELEGBAPH GO. to an Place on Meage LinaSant at Low liaiaa, I'r . U 'ci 1m 2 -- 7 I -- A PKK'lTY GIKt, lit . . . CLOSING OF MAILS, i 1,1,111 I.itii-Hi- ll jir-si- -ii in W (ii.K-HHI- iluini-- r. k miiil in LAlTKIf htiM.Aiti n L ii Iii I I. "I All 1 1,1' - h 'lii.'ii i' ill'll -- v. hii nil n- -i a i'li :i rt I in' niiiii'-i- i w-- Wulilllllg III- -- tlllllga, uniiiiiaiilul uf VlutUiiiin i. L . Eagle Tobacco Cure hdaciitli Htliiv 1 , p 5. LAND REGISTER, I i akk rnv, hn i uiifurwHG . Hi J A. farnnli'-i- Vi, 7 T- U. Hthyo jr -ii- d.. riiin- of sunlight I il- -' rippl-- a mi H- - nu i in i n "H ulini- -. bk- - '" Tin- li tin- - l.ikt-- . t IlilVlllrf wh'l lii nut y. liii'l Inhl tin- - mil liliniiii "I ili-- ir r llii inii-l- ii n in if lii'piUK by wurlit ami lining- -. il nil U t r.U I . ... ... Ul I. j on ("- - pl.ua in - lion. v. - iiiiidi' ii '1' lnli r'Miliill"n gag'-infill W"ii!'!u'l I'l'.'ik "iir ili.il -r a vh"l- - -- ul' n l.ir inoii'li .'giiin In L luta-Ibiig-- a ,ii il,- - -- iy in 'l. ii.- qlll-tti'- II Hi ft Li ft -i i Inn- - you "Why. lil'g l lilt" fill Will''. "I'.mr r, pii-.Vitgiio'i, withIll- a- vilniiiiiii sinil'1. li!. willi an oar iind I II' I iin l "Hi' il-h -- I wttli1 ili-- l a i if- - laii'ling Mai!'-- . f t, in-w- with: lull on l , t.l l.lj Uli.i.lll,' Hi" I lIHlllllllH. I. nvmy itli.iiK- n uli"l - ..r H'.iih' I'l.iiut"". Ami it H'.in mi- - -- I Hi '"- - K'lrnm aft. i nil'll, tliiil iniik- - "ii- - mi-- ni. I.- III k'-- l - I 1 ir ii. in- I I ! PKkMil' Ji - bVRON GKOO l 1 li- - 1 Alia , V , Ul i III my mi " ' - m'" lia.l l!m- - I. i ' Ml I I'.r. iit ill nl. Hii'J ilKlHll " Hl.i-- lH H I I: It, do 1 In-- nuiiii-li"- ! !''"I, it Vii - Ing i " Ik-- -- d i cm iicii si;kvk:j:s. runus ' ,i r.i. V 1 c I Hil l IIMM yi l lli'i,- t in i in-. W l Hiii al.i- think? W loil h.ill 1 l. il I."r7" ' - II !. 1 I.' u- - lii ii i b .1 lei " ('.in d Hi'' IJ i.ii.- - in i 1 ik 1 f '"Uts- -. liiiii ! !.!.! ii. i '"ni liii'l' r l il"Vll I I! " l"1' i'll in-- -, H,l- ViiK'i.i.t I..1-- W II..SI '1 Ii- -I' .il l'i i. ii- VllKIHi.1 4 inu. a mil.'; 'II I r.iM-tiil.-r- Reliable K-r- lev tho same aa al Dwlgbi. '( IL ii i v whiM tnwtnj flit Y'rious -fttui pLdsuro ftr 4UnJtd m ps'tni Mf liitin (iriiiHl ittVilutti'ii In (hs 4lli 'liun ot Th vtUilni in nil I'tMiiUin: at Ih rliiJfs th fmiiou4 mHurt'4i4 as Hm MJurv of i!u riAin. " M'ri.utg mui 'K'U!bk.m und Mhhv iliAt jusriy i'lrlrAUM hiftiirACftl M iHhful Auihouy ami hNUKNMKKUKR UU0SL omiSoulh Y.ikiturn lend, PEUIGREED FRUIT TREES 1.1Gb OF THE WORLD Ti.f On. i Iii Tiii,t,i'g!i Kit U'iiim iig Ti .iiiiv I in 1 r LKADVll l.K, Tra'na anulh iif Jiiah run dnily excop Two Sunday . Train leave Salt Lake fur Ggilen daily ii 7 :!W at 7:00 a m, rm ASl'ES. ITEM.0. p m ami 4 :5fl a in, l'li W. -- Alig. f- fri-'in- ull-g-- and well-to-d- o H liig eoplc. SPECIAL!: AFTER A CAREFUL TEST WE FIND THAT TIIE OBADE OF THREE CROWN BAKINQ POWDER WE HAVE BEEN MAKING IS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE CHARGED. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MANUFACTURE THE PUREST AND BEST CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER THAT CAN BE MADE, AND THOUGH THE PRICE WILL BE SLIGHTLY ADVANCED. IT WILL HAVE MORE LEAVENING STRENGTH AND WILL BE CHEAPER IN THE END. AFTER AUGUST 15, 18D5. THERE WILL BE A BLUE HEWLETT BROS. IMPROVED t. ah tit. ON THE COVER WORDED: HIGH-GRAD- E THREE CROWN BAKINQ POWDER. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED TO BE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN TIIE MARKET OR MONET REFUNDED, AND WE ASK YOU TO KINDLY GIVI IT HEWLETT BROS., Mfrg, Bait Laka City, UtaA. N. arms a. -f- g II.H.dAx. ' I CO., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Judge Henry rrain leaye Ogden for Salt Lake daily at 3:13 a m, 8:15 p in, 8:30 a m ami 9:00 seriously, and I think thnt no one else AND DENVER a m. CIum Connect :ona nimle at Ogden with du-s- ." "Would you accept It If you were A Southern Logan (rain nominated?'' KHW'tlve Ajiril 21), 189 L grains. 1 would leave Anierl!LArk at 4d):J an if Ing a rram No. S ieav prefer not to talk about the Anirieii King at Logan 6 ut 6 :40 p m . matter, and 1 have had nothing to do I .il'J a in. ixritv- - at I'uehlo al 6.10 ' ifele run daily exrept with whatever talk haa been going the aai, Traiygf Colnrailo Suiting 7 .31 a ni, Denver l'.'Vl rounds, Judge Caldwell, but In gppilafCS?,. T Salt Lake 7:45 a m a mannerreplied a m. CniMi'ie Creak 9:30 a ui. Indicated that he Eureka traina teave American Fork would not bewhieh averse to becoming a canTrain 4 Amancaa Fork 1:38 p m arrfyei at Eureka 11:30 a in. didate for his party. i on at 0:93 at in arrive signal) flop The people In the West understand p Tweuty-futt- r houra tn Denver: 38 lui'I'li' 3 :J7 p ni, Olnrado Spring 8 :3I you are for free silver. That Is hour to Omaha; 43 houi to Kausaa city thnt where you stand, ia it not?" questioned p ni, IVuvri p.;5 p m. xad Chicago,.' the reporter. i'lmnccliouf mid at Puahln, Colorado! Remamber the Union Pacific is the beat The face of the Judge lightened up Springs sn l Denver with a t line e.sl.Fllne for New.JIexieo and Arixona. with enthusiusm, aa he answered: "Yes, iUv einchis, etiair cits, that is correct. I am for free silandj'ore buyistrfour tickets get our figures. sir; ver. without reserve or any reference Pullman Slci-pan ell train. Take inforniHimn a te rates, to an international further For It is Tin D. A R. agreement. tj and have r"iiif.r litble igapa, tli. call on or write, plain to tne that there can be no inand l he fincit nj.iy trip ternational agrivment favorable to sillemerv ou th D. E. BcrlCY, J. M. Hatdis, ver. because Kngland will not agree to ronlinint. American Fork, Sea'l.AgLA Agt. accept free silver. What Is the use of fiain lenying Aimric n F.nk at 0 42 nlt Lake. paying any attention to the foreign a m arrixei a. ( tipple Creek neat niore-n- psae. Dept. countries anyway? Are we not capaTkfcnt Otfie 201 8 Main it. City V of managing our own affairs? I al 50 . i vE. L. Lomax, G. P. A T. A. ble think we are. and If not. 1 am In favor A. H II i ii a ,., Gen't Act. of annexing the United States to CanaJE. DiCEisaox. da or some other convenient country." Tr i llie mgr , 0. 1 Denver. Cain, Denver. Cwh Ol.IVK WWIHC, Receivers. IV. g. Ellimt tXDEKSOX, Governor Morton Indulge In only two F.Nkvix. II. M. I isutxd, V. Dohxa, or three rlgar s day. and these very ) mild Cvn'l Agt , Tiixv, p,u Aft; John onea He 1 abstemious in the use of faso ERICK R.Cocskbt. ball Lase city, Utah. win and not a very hearty eater. vouniAm NURSERIES C. Caldwell. Fn-'.A- Wrirranla have leaui'd ly Justlee uf the IVace -r Die of nrreat of Dr. Afton Vciiter Halhrailh of nnmlia, xvhu wllh n nrty l from Hint city und Kviinaton of are on it camping ntul limit ing trip on ; i The ivinphitnl ray's river. of one elk and live deer. The i line or ninety duys in fl'M penalty jail. All of the party uru pronilucni Kvaiol'ii. PIONEER Grow only First-cla- ss and High Grade Stock. THE LAUNDRY PARIS-HOM- E WANTS ACENTS n every town tn Utah to ejtabllih a branch an olid l order. Addnw at ouoe Paris-Hom- e Laundry 46 W cet Temple street. Salt Lak, Utah iSaTStE" Reedelevator, Hotellight, Farm Loans McCurmck Block. 4ali Lak. nHi 137 elrclrie linniu, first clau ia all IU appointment. W rat to trade. btrlet-l- y Makes a Watchmaker, Jeweler & Optician AlalkX ! H Z 2E A fT. IMi Kkid btrwst. Ni UtSSilSDSi Bftlt Jfihtg |