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Show K .ITEM. voii.ii.No, AMtiliH'AN FOliK, UTAH, SA'l'l'lJOAV. Al r,o. republican convention IF0U3 ii .1 i: LIMB. SAME THE ON lilsT Am i .'J ad ,1 free ipl.-.- ul NAMED PLATFORM AND RESOLUTIONS. Sail Luke KT 1.1't No, u. line, 13, '1 1 d inu-veuc- r.li'iN.K Irii. M:'r. T li. II. I'.. Agt S. II lltlii-ui'K- . Ir.illi.- Mu i. S.lp't II IU.I Ii. II, I iVi.i ii v. K A lirii 1 uf j. I . l. own. it. I i. "ligrc.-MJlui- Sf. lV itl liioiiil. i iij-i.ri-- Van u il.u ii. low mg 1 1 1 ill ir I - na 1. a: . i trade. i I.i'li.M i!le, Aug. I rili' i' t in- Tlie 21 i'als i of live, eln-- eall-- il h-- re -r . r IV In. .M 1 i "1 Isl. The ii .1 uile M.einlaln iiiiiipan)- - ("day A .its" I'Mi'ilia'id lie : ii i nt Jiasiu fur iidil-l- 1 1 .if Dir-- - aii-- l ' I ! i 11 1 J Imi, ""i.i. NO PROTECTION THE INDIANS MAY SLAUGHTER DEER AND ELK. Wyoming Laws Nullified by the Treaties with the Bannocks and Shoshones Will be Protected. t.-l- - Wuslilngton, Aug. 26. it has been by tlie Indian bureau Dial uu ulteiill'in will be puld to the K.uiie laws of Wyoming where they lie 111 with the treaty uf tlie l ulled kuil-wilh (lie Dunuuck and Kliasiiaiie Indians. The alturiiey-geu-i-iu- l, ulii-the mutter, has considering iiilai'iiii-iilie scereiury ut the inleritir Hi.cummins loner ut Indiuu affulrs .uii Dial (in-- rig ni ul indiuiia to huiil uu minis, iu his opinion, is und the Hiale uf Wyoming lias uu power tu limit ur abridge ius right. Nu deliiille steps to enforce this lieleruiinaliuii have been decided uimii further (linn that Instructions to I idled Hlaics district attorneys to secure Ilie release ut tlie Indiana now ill melody mi wins ut liubeua corpus probably win la supplemented by an order lu ilu tlie same tiling in case uriy arrest is iiiinic lu the future. Tiie bureau will discourage hunting by ludiuns as far as possible, and at least no (lasses will be Issued permitting the braves to leavs the reservation. It la probable small numbers of soldi ra will be kept In the Jackson's Hols country; during the remainder of the hunting season, and If It be deemed advisable any lime to permit Indians to leave the reservation to hunt, the whiles iiuHMibly will not be permitted to molest them. It is hoped, however, the work un 1 lie Irrigation ditch, soon lu be contracted fur, will furnish occupation and money fur the Indiana, making liunliug unnecessary fur maintenance during the winter. No Immediate trouble Is anticipated, as the Indians are now on their reservations and likely to remain for the present. UTAH ASPHALTUM JOB. s r - r - 1'. 1 .1. 1 lu-- l ! - - 11 - (tuiu-rai- . i'11, .,11, .i.i. l III i A. I', lllstiu,.. uf Iubln- - L , .i.i-iii-i- liii'iiai.is. iii.r..c Mrs. Emilia Me Yirlu-r- . Judge uf .Siiiruiin court, ( liai lrs . a in-- , Ii. , Uarifli, James A. Miner. 'iliu ruMiliiiitius anil platform the puujilu uf L'luli lliai tliu a il Ui in- - li.llii.S, ij ibe ai 1 1.1 iv n ghasily Slu Sc li a-- . llilii III KiSi.iall i"'iilis past. iiim tiniil inis was aims 11, M il" an I In- - Mil eiiiidn-lull II aha lll-i.- . was Miii- - ms lu ueix-.l- 1 iiil-l- l i.-- binux ban boon laiwri-'acl un a Ill'll. III Ii.iS i..r l:!i 11 u ivi-- i U. j) lilllllllig Auk. 27. The While brouKlit tin- - eoinmis-hla- ll of Mull W. Uillliiilll tu Ih- - I'niti-Hlnies Minister la MeXIl'il. Tlie was iliiteil mi AUKiist 24th. This Yii!liii.i;(.'ii, bis llaiiseiii.nl today - la- l Ilia Iplll.l bln Imluy ill.-in .1: ri sit ii linn an s.i.-- I In i, 1: a bai.K iaiiii-uiul uiiuu: lligl lllli-- Up nil Ills lllalii-- , ioak ll 111r il was uliiili-to .1 a Ilk. will ult-- i i. . jii'i-i,- .1:1. .!- iiip ill: . 1,1 ' 1 ul Juij ill tin III- 'I' .a A ; -- . J.,1-lll'- l'. halll-ii bunk I i im. In- - I.II--I- - - Mniisli-i- fill-11- r l Yln-ivmi- is alter l u.-i- I 1 liy eoinplii-uti.iii- laiimoiii. ' s was William Null, who shut Hli.i III IL Jilll ill lip. uf U Henry iiajit-- lu the buck with a rni dl'hft iili-- sent lu llis ailill'iiis In U Republican party again tbe dnuiinuu. m"r Cuiluliauu oil April 21st. mail. Jie was iln-1sent Louis Moreno und Garland Semltr. party of the natluu; demand fruu coin- wliu along after it, in custody uf un oliii-c-r- . ure killed have to George supposed uf age silver; condeuine tbe administraand Casper Melrerhuns at Dailey PACii IL LXCRibS KUBjENY. tion fur the issue uf bonds I11 time uf if ul on Augu.--t &lh, were also hanged. 1 Cluck last At n hi from farmers Innig peace; favor pruieciiun for bume all uf the surrounding Cuulrrry-beg- un Agent at Wallace llelil Up by Two dustries; cuiidumua tliu failure uf tbe lu drill- - into lawn, ami by mil night the Jnaskcd Men. 111 limb was Bdiiiluleiratiun tuupeu tbo L'licumpali-grready to arch in tlie uounty Alii.. 2i. A Klulei.iiiiin Ida., u 'ill. inking step, however, aud I'ioiab reser vat ions; pledges was taken to prevent syc- lal Haiti Uuil.K-i- says: About id piccuutiaii veiy . w liu.support lu tliu public sellout system; enIlie I'.iiino plans uf ihc lynchers from being o eloi-k- Iasi v by the officers of tlu law. expi. es dorse tlxed salaries fjr public ullicials; frusii'uled Un- ii. it. al N. l in di'pol ' lie und one nf his deputiis were IMO duiiiaud ucuutnuy In public expenditures; ilit-- i lyed to unuilu-Was l.iai.iliK up ivi.ill lalli-i-K-, uf town by iiia.K.'-part .1 w 111! Hi iIn ii Ilie null two eudurses tbu coustlluliuu fur Utah; cl tin niab, who were en- ora II ii H'lalVi'IS III pl'aie.ipil gaged 111 a siium liglil, and the tbai real estate beluiiging to Liao 4..IIU Ull.l IIIMIH'I I.I belwi-ei- i wus m 11 lied to prevent an alarm from Ilie nvu. 111.- - lubln-l'well-- 111 II hleul hlll-rMoruiuu church, now held by the gov- being given in ihui way. as ilie sal. , wlil.'li slau.l oh-iiernment. be turned over to the churcli; A DliTKltillNKD UFFiClIIt, sev.'iul v.iluabU- piiekiik'-s- , was women the ill ilesli-.lcuugralulalu upon suffrage; When tlie jail was reached a uunibei nul Kcv.-ru- i saw vc nun parli.-condemn the National Dumucratic of tlie men, all ul it hum were massed, m u liuiii.-.- l nut iim-r- , bill in the L'uoi-awitki-iieruf ana KudlurU weak lli.-fur were not i'ec.'kina,.l. foreign policy; ileinaii .eil me tlie iliii'klii-sKeys Hum him. lie pusi-mdenounces the Democratic party t.J reiused iu upi-- the door or. give ANOliiLti VuLbAnU FuKiliYti. U lah fur buliut box smiling lu ii eber, lie keys up, them tlmt if tney broke in n.-- iiours ne would blow then ball Lake aud baupetu counties; rains oui. that Uuuiurd was Daily Eanhquuku Shocks and Omithe Democratic uieuibers ul dcierninied um 10 give them the keys, nous buuieriaiteau Jwiuiug. torn mission as being utcussories mey went uci'iikm lu ilie Jail ami got on of Mexi.-o- , AukCi'.y mp uf tiie siuiie wall winch surrounds to the fraud. iiiLiveivd m ilie pneii.iiii . nu are ine Jail. luwll ul i ilicl.ip, islalo Deputy HherilT Henry Drahtlsclu, ueLuiiiug ulw Ihe , i anu w ho has been Tried to Smuggle Diamonds. sleeping lu the jail since ox uaxiai,u nil.--liassince Kuyciuui-uu uay passed wimoui New Yurk, Aug. 2li. Jacques F. Nul-teu- s he comiuiiiiiciii ul so many murderers, .asi, nol a. Will uf Kunaua ieopie liue Mo., ussisiuni ave- iniiiklng some oue was escaping from eurituib.iae shock, houses ure und blone living rt! la ry of tlie Kansas at Texas Trust the jail, lired two shots out ol the wih-ou- uuiieu iiitir iu niarui City Murshal Parka and ill nuts made 01 wuuu und inullliig. Lulled company, waa arraigned cacli lor uiaim Mheiiil Givui daily Hadfurd. Jie then Slates Commissioner Alexander today Deputy the uours by uinliiuus louinigo and was Immediately shw:K IS pivcedeil wlilcii and held in liuuu bail 011 a enurge or opened IS UI by the mob, who luuk tlie keys oiuy Irtviiv ainuggliug diamonds and jewelry. Nul-teu- s held rum mill and entered tbe Juil. Having dislulil. 'lln-l- IK obsvi Uuie u arrived yesterday 011 the French no 111 fonulliciii Slexico a Iannis Key lu tlie dill ereni ceilH, they were line steamer "lax Champagne," and isiniiue utiiviiy, un.i Hie suu made a declaration to the effect that he culilpelled lu burst the lucks il rouiing at 'ieiiuacun, blulu winch they proceeded' had no dutiable goods in his possession, to do atfiaumnK', ' once. la, and siiucks or euriuquuKe, lie acted so auspiciously that he was fit seem prububle that auuilier FIRST. arrested, and In his handkerchief was 10 la turiiiiug. Lawrence 11. Johnson, who brutally found two diamond rings, two diamond and pearl rings and two diamond pins. stabbed his wife to death at Etna on I EHS AKKlSTLu. evening, July fifth, was the first The total value of the find waa estima- Sunday i ted at 620UU. Hla case waa net down to receive tbe attention of the mob. Anaibi-- (lie olliee I.I wliii'b III! Ilild wliii-l- - NO MONETARY i inaiillis' lu till seii-rn- l been llllolllt to ilie expiration uf his term United Slates Senator. eil pii.'i- s as CONFERENCE RESULT OF BALFOUR'S STATEMENT IN PARLIAMENT. e , iit-foi- - - Geniiiiny Not Inclined to Take Action Giiinau-Ama- i lean Veterans Given a Heurty Welcome at Berlin. - - ak-n- sin-riii- r - i s FOR GAME. 1 - J : lElt YE Alt. - 1 sell itoiirs. iMin-i!b,- lil IS A; lliling and l.illln II Tin- - isinsiili-- .1 1 imi is r,u,-ii"- ", ulnrli J Io.iMhi was p.u-- l doun ami lilt- - I'l'iii.'iiiiiliT is lii In- - paid I n "iv in-- , I y !ss,n- lurri'i--- r.n-iip- g-- It . M. U.l:-- l.llviif.- ul Sia.r, .Id. Amliior. Ainr.'aii .i.uim.- 1 - I lie iiiiiiiiasi-of! eliiinis liimun us tin- in .Madisuii l uiinl). an-- l bi'i'iniii'M tun g ,, no a. was appidni-- : a! I un address t.i In- I UTAH'S STAR. Doers Baticied u.l. IS uf tin- Stale. Tlie Vi I will r.llleil Otis In CiLuinuls Taken Out One by lip'll mi.p.,t lb 11 War Department Preparing to Place us well as the Tiie Last Win. but Nineteen Ytars uf Die On tlie Flag. net. The li iiildios will also uige Old. A ii'.. 27. h W:ishiiikl"ii. . to ilruii in Ismii-uey at ilie War iii'i- - ill pl'api-1-Situla piii'ai p at uf ai)"ilii-!..i, Cai. Ai.g. ;ti ider s Mill- all till- - I llili'il Si il l S Mile, ta A FO'.L A:U IIS lap. y,OfiLY. '. ii. Tile i"'-il- l ll.iks I'l.ili. liavini; 111.- iu. - " !::i II .il i a i'i.ji'S il:..l Ilial'll-:a. Ill laii.-- i l nilI.b'ir uiit In be lnuii.ini Hiiliuiiutire Sent Hoi-i.ni I ... n- I I. lls.-.- l Hill il July 1. IM;. llilii (III- uliti'lal .. : ... tin tliui un... the Police. ii baling is, Will be isMIl'it. Ilia ing I.iii. in' i.ulii-' aiu.l ul. all-- Ullii'iins. I.i Aug. iKliv H. I'llilllki- - b Ink.' efl'-i'- that il.ila. :iii- eii ii. Ian. Ilia llilii:. Ii.iii I'l ilir.-- 11. illlu s, u. 11 lam. o in Lam- iimni-iCoinmibsion fur Ransom. : 1 Joints r, j r it c D.;i . les:te.ts in Si.iyou vO .uy Cell Dow V and tbe Weie -4 i M'j:t Law Ghastly Climax to 11 1) A. MAIH'll Quartette of Murderers Hung in California. lull it ii .la y tali, Aun;il ho Ki'i'iiMii an Sikii: iajii i. it.i in llilii rliy )i'kli nl.iy ai .1 i,:i:ii. .1 I u main ticket. WIST. .1 Every foamy n. III. Ml. I. 13:10 I. In. cxc.-p- l '1 In' a .luuii. full sail .1.delegation . :1K iii. u, nii, p. p. rn convention w:lk p. ni.j 'u 7 0:113 urgumi'd liy 1I10 iK KAr. 3. 'll)': (I. n. I tny, ; III- 1.23 lMMCi; kindii-ab- .. si- M l."M II- I- bn.l-- M 'll III lie- w. I til, hal 1 is 1 1 .id .!J il !ir.pine l.iiii-!- i w- - nog TICKET ISO.'.. , 1 1 laiiiili.ii. Auk. tire-be- 27. Tin- llt-rlii- i of tlie Kliindiird s:iy s lie leiiriis Oil ul Iiuilloi'ily- tlmt the result tinaf remarks of lla- lion. A. J. liul-faii- r, lust laid of the treasury Iii In tile elTei-- l lliut In- did not l tmiu I eanrerenee Eastern Capitalists Scheming to Seuii In uii would agree-nien- i, cure a Monopoly. is l list (ieriiiuny is unlikely tu New Yurk, Aug. 27. A special to ths van vein- - 11 eaiiference. World from Washington says: Thera GEKMAN-AMEiUCAVETERANS. will be a strong light over the successor to Captain W. H. Davis, late memPuiuaed ut Berlin aud Clieei-eby ber uf the commission fur selection and tbe People, distribution uf lunds tu Uintah and Indiana l.ii'iin, Aug. 2i'. '1 lie train lullings un n board Hie (eiiiiuii-Aiiieru-aA combination is said to have been aimed ul tlie eenlral slut loll here at funned of New York, New Jersey and 8t. laiula capitalists, to control this iiiui'iilng Hum Dreiiicrliuveii ,j.u ilns Jliey were wurinly welcuiiied by tiie appointment, for the purpose of securuliier ussoeiutiuiie wliu as ing, If puselble, a monopoly of the vast uiiiiluiy und 111 seiiiblc-(urge numbers at the depot, gtiNunlte deposits which lie along ths will! liieir buiiiiurs. eastern boundary of the Uncompahgre aii impuHiiig iirucvsslun wus funned reservation. ami tlie visimis were esourled lu tile Under the law providing for the mull guldens, a number ut liullluiy of the Uncumpabgre reserve bauds taking purl 111 tlie purude. The opening Hon, no person Is permitted to locate I IMIal'H iveeived uu elllliUHiusllc greel-ni- g more than two clulino of ten ncrea each iruiu tlie public ulung the louie, containing asphaituux ur silsuain. lie, aud wcie uHerwurds emeriatned at resenuitives of the combine, however, lunch. 'J he greutest ciiihusiusm wus lioHi to have the ear uf the commission, wnen tlie bands played und to know In advance the exact date uispiuyed "Deuisctiluiid Uberullva" Alter a sliul'l when the reservation will be open. slay In tlie gardens the veterans la said to be to have a stool-pigewith their friends iu order tu Their plan on every deposit within the visit tlie unfereiit points of interest. area named, ready to file his claim on At J o'clock the procession wus re- me broke luck from they the door 01 Tlvuthe veterans and ths formed, left Colorado the ms cell, and placing a rope around hla Today Action by onthe gurdun XXSZ I Authorities. neck, led him out or the jail and across erected to tlie memory of muse uuient me street to where an iron rail was be in the interest of the comDover, Aug. 27. J. II. Wolfe ot who fell in the bailies fought by Uer-mui- reality laid between the forks uf two locust bine. uguinst France during the war uf Greek, the promoter uf the ireea Johnson pieaued for mercy but Gripfle There are less than 1000 Indiana to When the veterans were t, was arrested today tsiu-i- i. ihe silent gathering gave no heed to hit GUieAe whom land will ba allotted, and these the around wreaths He tu uionunient Colorado grouped taken bpriugs. will be located principally appeals and he w as quickly strung up, and was unable to lurnisu bonus, und is wire placed upon ll and several pa inl- allotments dying from strangulation in a few min- uow lu among the agricultural sections along K1 Faso cuuuty jail ai uxe ine addresses were delivered, after me utes. wmch the procession again reformed the Green and White rivers and up ths The mub returned to the Jail and next springa have been sent tu Gillette to und uiurched through tne principal Duchesne river In the fertile valleys Officers broke luu the cell of William Null, Hie veterans again assembled where irrigation la possible. who shot Henry ilayter at Callahans arrekt the Mexican As soon as the allotment to the I VVlIllum a luuliuiuelil near wim tbe Meuuows buys, Arizona al uu April 21st in a dispute over some ilie i'umiiauseii, which waa emhusiastl- - dlans shall have been mode, the f. and tue Ktu. u mining pruperty. Null desired to maxe Liiarue Germau-Aniericumalnlng lands, containing the gllaonL Muses and bis assistant, tally cheered by Hie AUjl.-Ue- n. a statement, but time was too valuable visiiuis. ilie latter and their eacorts deposits, will be thrown open to tk. 10 permit any such preliminaries, and Gen. Klee, swore out the waminis, then proceeded lu Uie Durgenpurk, public. ne was soon hanging alongside ol wuich ciiarge conspiracy, and will conThe gllsonltc la so valuable that it where there was a concert by tne nuli-lur- y duct the prosecution. Johnson. .j to haul It from fifty-fiv- e bands to luo Louis Moreno, who was charged with Denver, Aug. fi. Governor McIntyre illcW'OIKS. lu tile evening and splendid pays miles to the nearest railroad, at great Having killed George Hears un the tLh Has written to the uiiiceis uf tlie Na'me teus given al the Derger park expense, and then pay heavy freight uf this month, waa then taken from his tional Humane society, advising me o line evening were iiiost animaied, and rates on It across the country. It la .1 ut local agent, G. IL 'iiiuiuson, cell and was soon swinging with John(here was uu liniiieiise uuiicourse of the purest known form of asphalt. son and Null. sect tary uf the Culurtxdu Humane M- people rs in the parkliaus. ut the A YOUTHFUL VICTIM. odel , uu the of liicompeiency. Heir Muller coniine ut Dreinen greeted Hie ALASKA BOUNDARY DISPUTE The last and youngest of the foui The Governor ground said Thomson could have Americans with a icIlciluLs speech, and murderers to pay the penalty of hi the bull lighting at Gillette, at Us cuiiclusiuu he called lur cheers Surveys Now Being Mads do Not Set-t- ie prei crime was Garland Hemier, aged about n his duty. hi done the Question. had lur the Kuiperor, which were given voin, who In company with Moreno was President bchienecker Of ciferously. Washington, Aug. 27. An attempt with killed charged having Caspei V eterans' association reuf has been made In some quarters to Chicago Meirerhans at Dailey Hill on the Mb ERIOUS FIRE AT CEDAR. Kpondcd in a speech, returning thanks work up a diplomatic controversy over A rope was placed of this month. Wiltoast tu a and Kiuiieivr the Alaska boundary survey between around Hcmlcr's neck and he was led tlie German (umpire. liam and from the Jail In his bare feet. Hemlei the United States and Great Britain. to drunk a lierliu ul lienbcundcr his arid for last cose Is now that ths word mercy, pegged BARNS, GRAIN, MACHINERY line Gorman and Jierr The statusIsoftothe cuiurudesinp were "Tell my dear old mother 1 juii be settled by an agreeboundary AND STOCK BURN. Dreinen wilh a uf followed Wuldmaun , innocent of Uu: crime.'' ment between the two countries, after luast iu the German family, and lierr a About this time Sheri!! Ilobba, having survey has been made. Doth counul Uie , nuvul iil mllilury Alilors, i pivsld. nutilii-doci-iarrived on the sceile and Some Lost tries make sn Indiiiendent survey, but unito LaGerman urank then tiie Whole Summers ussucmiluii, wus the com. Jail door, darling far these surveys do not settle the bounniiimlcil to halt, the command .being bor and had No Insurance List of ty. which will have to be agreed updary. mipliurtizcd by the display, of several ARMENIANS TERRORIZED. on by both countries at some time In the Sufferers ivvolvi i'b. lie was tola that the "Jol the future. Hecause the survey which ilum-.- " had a Have Appealed to the Powers for la now lielng made by Great Hrltaln J:y this time the greater part of the Protection. dar Hiif noli hud territory that certain people In City, L'luli, Aug. leaving only about Washington and Alaska believe right('(iimluiiiluopii-- , Aug. 27. Advices lire this iliiity ur fully hu-i- on guurl. tvhqsoon fered a disiiHti-ou; ihe must serious ever arrived. aay liiai fully belongs to the United States, an ft tifii-- tin' lure- Hum l here. Liken down by Coro' About 3 o'clock Haines cxpcricnc-iTin' bad)' s ui-rhas been created that the invvulis uninlig tile Ainic-maiigieul I' liuii were d , Uic ullJlude mid Marshal Parks, who 111 u barn owned ul survey settles the boundary, and that Scii"tii.'id owing lu llic ialit-r- , l.y Francis Wcbbtcr. ilu- - linkihli HUinoiilK-s- . 111 in a wagon 'to un en-- . A In rcc Thu the United Staten should wind was blowing from llc ciiiH""'Ui-ii(-t- : ui un uiiiick which wus re against It. The survey by the protest gnu- - linut', where they were laid side south and United heroic cfloris wen-.nudalthough In igaiula on u Turkish Stales inane liy ay si . cciiily may lie unsatisfactory to Great lire . 'Ill-- : uf iai.an, me uuniM-a lias summoned a Jury to ireadto stay the-the-coining his which cui"iu-i, during As Itrllnln. both surveys arc made of tin; bloe-Ktnrubgii is a litile mi nn 11 were killed, are believed lu he hl'l mi in'i!'-st- . YreU'i was they are preliminary to an destroying narns lille.l with liny uinl ngd HiepM wlilcii will have most serious frequently grain, ning town ami yearsviolence. International agreement. Until the surhay Htucks, stacks of grain, Tlie sum'if midi Tlie Armenians are the are completed nothing else will be (arming machinery und some live sIock. ul being, tiie iiuliiurs of the attack veys mary munii'T In which justice wasjne-t- e The was waheat done. terrilic. no With I uiit uu Hie rulum-l(hat a and ll Is alli-gcI" Hi" four murderers terworks or lire di'imriini-nt- , tin ihe id'ineer nuirninn were almost helpless, and it was ulni'ist large furce uf Turkisli troops lias beeu READ THE NEWSPAPERS, liar by iiiincKiiig the villiiges during iheY'Iu excitement a miracle tlmt of the owclluigi und riiiiiaii'rii-iff ilie vieiiilty and .rty yciirs K". when It WJ-e- notMlan along the line ofany were the lire saved, 111 uliier dels iff violence, ilie How M<lisw McGinnis Discovered Fp. ciiub: to ay$v vyw, of them being 011 fire, all at 11 a recurrence of the larniUK nud see Ih" buJ . T He Was Heir to $750,000. time, and in such cPae pioxlmliy to the Arni' iiians, Icuringnave iSusMiun ouliugc, ium criminal tlaiiKling appealed lu the stacks ol burning liny and grain. Indiunaikdls, Aug. 25. Matthew Mciff the puweis ut Culistaii-iiiiupi- i: la Ginnis. a laborer living at 24V West it linioissible ut tins writing to asSalt Iaiki- City, lur iinitecitmi. certain the uniount of loss. A luu tlul Maryland street, hus Just discovered W. 1. Mat lil A Co., l.ihscs shows I that lie Is tlie heir of his brother, Dansmok'-us Tf follows: ANfiLXAIiOM FAILS. sumnixry hmyears iel McGinnis, who died In Toledo, a For tli ehi'We.l lelsi.-'-'i..Wly Middleton, large burn, three I would UL amok of hay und several head of bachelor. In 1K9U, leaving an estate valfa.ir , Alleged Scheme to Enthrone the Ha- ued to 'quit, Jam at 1750,000. The two brothers sepaevory (lay. I tried se insured for 6500 wilh Home Firehogs, of waiian Princess. lint it was iniKss.ljle fur me to do It In Ireland when boys, and Daniel rated .isii. 25. A dlutch to tlie London, .'ir.iir... 1 trl.'l Ilie Kecly Curs. It failed. Aug. WUllam Tucker, barn, thirty tons of fSiundiird from Deri In says the Vossi-ei-l- iu spent years In trying to find hla loat I'li.-a trial. I look hay and 200 I gave he brother, who emigrated to the far West bushels uf grain; no insu-lanan i it libi not help me. On Heveii Ihjx.-liears from Honolulu that, and came here seven years ago. He Ihe 11 'lay id - March I enmuietici-r- i takdecline Uie request of left an estate America should In trust for five years. Imrn, fifty tons of tho It cured Francis tu ing t lie "ivinli.- Tobacco I Cure. tu Washington deputation In the now over two nay. Several stacks of grain, premises me iii five iliy-Hhope that Matthew might be It will the llawaiiuna Uie islands, found. The rni.iiHix nii'l I have no desire for lobae-H- i for tWM). ljMired discovery was made asslst-ane- e, hi any foim. II will curs any man of the ..Juhn Ford, shed, corral and haystack, lag i'Jiiglund, will! America's through a chance reading of an old Kaluluni. I'lilhrune I'rincess inlia.-etu h.iliit if he want to be cured. copy of a Toledo paper, In which the Lunt, barn and thirty-fiv- e tons Ail lie will hiivo (o do Is to follow the oljlenrysnd SMI buHliels of trustees were advertising Wudehuuoo, the for the heir of grain, rvirf Major Driluiu The oi.ly fault w.th the rurt Is to Hawaii, added, it to tlie property. It Is In business Greul t B'.tiee ggiiiuff bis summer's work, and no to eat. is I 1:111 nut to enough udvucate this America lu hus blocks, stocks and gone bonda Had Mattaking tli'- - cure I have gained twenty-tw- o thew not been found, the estate would A- - ti. Falrn, barn, corral und five tons plan. pound in weight unu siill going up. 25. MuJ. Wudehuuse have gone to the Roman Catbollo New Yurk, Aug. (ithsy; lnsun-- for $lo0. Yourr, etc., DAVK JilLL. was in New Yurk lust week and sailed church under the wllL gsh-Haight, corral end shels; no for KiiKliind oil Saturday on board the Igjrancr. toThe origin of the tire Is 'Ktrio-ni.Free Trade for America. 80 far as Is known, he had a be small qipos('d lioy Eloped with an Actress. playing 24. The Dally News wfik matches. London, Aug. nut paid a visit to Washington while New York, Aug. 25. Detectives an has a n. il of the garden party at anopln-lu- n lie in tins country. expressed fur William Holt, an actor, and cHKliu on Thursday, which was In New York looking to an MONTANA MINING DEAL Mabel Eaton, an actress, at the inIn a dispatch to the .Assomentlan.-In Hawaii Government the that present stance of the authorities ciated I 're Inst night, and the Peru, Indi, nut endure, and tliut the I'rincess where Holt's wife la MraofHolt claims jwisli Syndicate Pays $750,000 for could included company, wlilc-one. Ilie Un Mr. be U.ua would placed that her husband deserted her and two James of New Gold Claims lrin-ces- s, Thirty tiie the father A. 8. of Clegliorn, children and eloped with Mlsa Eaton. York and his two daughters' Mr. Gladwas also la New Yurk on hla way The couple left fittte, Mont., Aug. 27. A deal was Toledo; a, for New stone. In talking with Gen. James and to Ben cloffd York England. several days ago. Mr. Quintard, said that he used to pro- today by which an KngUsli iiiinii-ii- l y, , mu-lallui- - ik - - - . tu l r n I'ur-liiiliirl- il. - l.-- iiili-riiii- s -i biini-lullli- - N 1 jiksolntlmo. Bold by prntrjlits on a guir. antes. For a lama Back or Chest dm SHILOH'S BELLADONNA FLASIERJfe HILOfSCATAHRH .REMgpy. r ilaTOTou ioaUTD 1 This remedy la ruBraa-teodtocursr- PnockMct lnjectortma mIo At Steel A Ca Drug Store. For DOCTOR G.W. SHORES Hi L53 PC E C2 fa w i CD tin-Uta- - 1 -- w si-a- for Friday. ENGLISH MONEY AND STOCKS. A BOX. Positively Ouaranlnd to Cura Every Caie el Naval Catarrh. Csianlial raqalra both Kic il ar.i eraistiliiMiinal irra'ment. Direction tor tiling Pf. G. W. Shuras' Finos .. r u ,. f. ch" smSS: pBMWBWOTwwre ws ir vour have iJtnrrh, asthma, bfiinchltii My fwif afiectlufi nMh nost, UiftMta or anv Ca-ii- ni hr.mtifi.jl iubMir luns. use Or. Gs W. Shores Purt-It I Cure ani Tonic anl Blood (. uih r. in care he catarih. stop tht cough, deans and and d.gtsHun. iiitMiktJ irrprtwalh apiellu purify 1 cunr! caieJ oiih kMnty. liver or bladder trouMt, I r. G. W, Shores ur KJny ani Llvar Cure; and tn all ca lake one fit Dr. G. W, Shores Anti-Co- n Is chftmjc Hpanon l,lSs at beJtime. If yourinniblt J. vintt Dr. G. W. Shores persunilly and Jrcj'-se.i- ! ar.i have your case dlaf-h.r.- -J f, if k nw svnpt'n hhI tel eceM advice free. i W. Minrca Tonic and Blood Pflrlflcr the bltntd. fives strenfth and i'lr.inv.'S and punfi v1 r cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases per bitile. Mr. 0. W 5ltores Kidney and Liver Cara cures all J;seases' of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Price. $1 per bttl. Or 0. W. Shores' Cough Cura cures all coughs, One dese will stop C:is and brmchial affections. bpiunujic cMtip. Keep a boitle In the house Lsrgf 25c. yiii Dr. 0 W. Shores' Klountsin Asge Oil stopiihi in w.h-c- i .ne minuic. Fur hral.che, toothirn. dn ersmps ur Oilic use It rxlrrn.lly sn4 n.iiniii Prevents snl cure diphtheris II used la bottle. Keen Kittle h.nJy. Pric. I nr Dr. G. W. Shores' Pepsin Vermifuge destroy round ttfit w .rrns .ni rrmuveS the I'll. iri"sini' men- - thev holch end breed. It never fell. Price Ihiki lt Ir Pfi, lc 1 Dr.ll" W Shoree' Wlntergreen Selve cun .I end buck JiM- - isc . i.- j.mi-- ul Hie skin. Hemuves red splits (r,,m ilie face. Ifvsls old sores in 3 to 5 days. ir .Vw' Shores' curw i;!ir ''tic (iiMsiipiti'tn. sick headache and Pills bUions k . Price, die .1 Kittle. I n se ius remedies are prepared rally by IJoclut t; W sli.ires, Ion s Medical Institute, Salt Lake Cltv. 1'iah a", D R. A. CHRISTENSEN , 1 bULL-FiG- PRICE, $2 Vt'L-iuu- iiri-iiii- uis-peis- ed on H wUbetMlbfornlfH iy Honey Rataa Slackened and Stocks Advanced. Lob aon,' Aug. NU3vith the continued Oiit-Edg- ed iiiuux ul guiu, the rates fur money have again alaukened, aud, from the same cause, gilt-edg- e stocks have ail vanned, but the exception wae tbe mining market. In which business waswere quiet, aliliuugli prices iirin. liume railroails were strung auu There lureign railroads were quiet. was a good demand for 'lurks, but dpauiarus were weak. Faraguay se- s American secun-ilecurities advanced. were better, especially the bond issues, which were in good deiuund at Snares were negadvanced prices. lected, but the anticipated Erie ana Heading reorganisation schemes, when Issued, will improve matters. Kites have been sold on a basis of )1Z assessment. Grand Trunks have been better on better traffic prospucta Ad vances have been as lullows: Illinois Central, 2; Chicago, Milwaukee Ac St. Other moveFaul and Lake Shore, ments were fractional. 1. Transfer of Honey. Mur-gu- n Washington, Aug. 27. '1 bus issued an order, the purinise ul which Is lu facilitate the forwarding ul small bills lu Intern ir luinls. aim which to nujve cnips. As huuii us uunn-- in iiis oeposiled in the York, tlie treasury will be nutiliL-and the bills will be shiiit-(- i the same Uuy fur the desiinatum nam' d in New York. The Treasury department has also arranged for Hie trausier by telegraph of money deposited it) New Yurk to New Orleans for the movement uf the cotton crop. ry 1 bull-ligh- ' a, re-m- Gt-tlii-r , Uispi-m'd- 27,-O- i 11 s ed ul'l.-i'iiuu- slu-ril- r H ii.-i- - llii-ru- e ill-.- em-nur- r tix-Ki- ENT S 1 T Judge Long's Appeal. Washington, Aug. 27. Judge I'liarles 1. Long of the Supreme court of MichiOllipi- in Jsckson Huiliiiig, who apealed from the decision Utah gan, Amkikcas Fouk, the court of aieals of the' District ol .1) - r Columbia, In his pension cose, to Die - Fi-s- 7ry.; v' r .. ... ; f illl S . l; Supreme court of the United States, has not yet perfected his appeal by tiling the record, and the attorney-genera- l has served notice un him that unless he does so by September luth, he will have the appeal dismissed. Ki't-iii- - ac-vus- e.i . fi-np- sis-ne- s It ,a.Cs - . - frVy' Iy I k .. m ;t .,. VL ' me BiG IDAHO DEAL s Silver City Properties Bonded for Two Millions. liolse, Ida., Aug. 26. Information 1ms reached liolse of a mining transaction at Silver City, that is probably the most Important In the history uf the State. It Is to the effect that T. F Corning of New York and II. H. Daniels of Denver have bonded a number of the most important proiertles the lilack Jack and Trade Dollar, both large producers. These are connected with the project parties to build a railroad from Huttv through to a California connection section this The amount involved in the mining bonds so far secured Is put at I2,U00,0W. n I'roken Selina Loyerlaf. tlie Hwedish authoress, has been presented l me King of Sweden with the sum of f.X kr., and i'rtnce Kugen of Sweden has given the sum uf 4w kr., as an acknuwledg ment of her excellent literary work, and to enable her to undertake a visit of re creation abroad. then-includin- i'i y u: es f tVc-bste- an-m-- xt . ly 'liir-ctla- g.-- " inU-rvkjw- Impi-eNdo- |