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Show 1 o 10 kk item. AMERICAN vn ii i ri'jiT re will , . . Ii ikley, A v.i-i-l- Mi. ". i: 01 excb an Jack Devlin, the Dutchman lias Lrn eating cueniii-ber- s with l'urkcrs tins I (.V, ivi iry Ann-rica- E. Diiggs, millinery. Syd week. Chipiuau, representative uf the American Wringer IV. eaniej into town tins week, hi'- owl tig o' an attack of iW jos. lie lias been u .able to do any . lie Democrats meet in the city r .ViT.ili Lewi. IhrMciaa anil Sm hail this evening and elect tlo-isix i.elegiilci to tile conven.1. F. llalUey, deem alive painter ami tion. All Democrats nlioulil turn hanger. iiilliucry. (Irani Hotel. Dr. A. Chriatemeu. iKniii. I iiiniimdiei-- , J. Jackaun, gem-ra-i thing, etc. I teller Huggard, Blucksiuith. Andrew Blrnksinitli. lu.s. B Luuii, Practicing l'hvsti inn K. S. Samp-o- n. - hu-nn- -. . . r St.-n- out. Stophan WunJ, tuuaurial artist. John MeNicI, Precinct Justice ami Lamcnrsa usually results iroiu a sprain, Notary Public. r oilier inju-or fioin lor Andrew AJamsun, County Surveyor, which Chamberlain's Pain liiim n, lr. 5. mineral surveyor ami notary public ml uii quoted. It lbi Lake Resort, Hosier A Knight, IT rda alv. st immediate i ier ami in a Deseret Telegraph Ullice lor satis snort Unit effect a permanent cure. For .action, sale by Stscle A Co. ii. Lee, liver). , wiui-ali and A. K. Thornton, pirns Following is the vote on the first y, ! ballot for Doiiiintioii for governor: f gars. lainson, Wild A Co., wines, liquors, Crane, 200, Wells, 172. Thomas, IK) i cigars, Farnsworth 20. Low, 20. On the ilbenexer Hunter, Notary Public. next ballot the Crane men went Out ot Town Advertliwnb over to Wells, giving the latter a Ll ah Couuty Fruit and Agriciil'iivn good majority. ti'citv, liiipers cf fruit and proriiirv. D. M Smith. Implement Extras kiln it is a profound Salt Lake Cycle C.. bicycle. sun surprise to the uewspaier fraternity of dries, etc. L' tali, it Ur. G, W. Shore's, medicines. is nevertheless u fact 8. (I. Wells A Co., Shiloh's cures. Fred Nelson, of the Eureka that .3. II. McLeau, llnir.iefit. blond pur-- i Miner, will soon lead to the alter u tiers, etc. popular young lady of that cutup. II. E Bueklm Arnica salve. Her name we refrain at the time, Cliamliurlaiii A Co., rout'll cure. for there is liu dead cinch that the C. I. Hood, sarsaparilla. Hot Springs Sanitarium, bathing. Bolt marriage will take place. Cluff A Scott, barliera. Freddie. voyage, Ira W. Kenwsrd, lawyer. The drum corps met Thursday F. D. Hobbs, land and mining att'y. Land U. S, Gron, Register. Byron evening and resolved itself into a Chicago, Burlington A Quinry R. R. Republican organizaDenver A Rio Grande Rv. tion. When the boys solicited blue-iug- , John O CMrnn, electric limment, means last fall to institute the Provo we advised them then to corps, Union Pe'fic Railway either join one or the other political pari ies. They have chosen the LOCAL AND PERSON 4 L. Republican side, and arc now mak. full-fledg- to prepare for a ing preparations Labor Day on September 2nd. hot campaign of noise. Some new Vill it be observed in American ; drumcutK will probably be purFork? chased, and a the course of a couple of weeks, the lads will lie Cliaa. Peterson, the window upon the streets espousing the dresser at Chipman's store, took in cause of Republicanism. rovo last Sunday. Manager Steele of the opera Miaa May Chipman came lioine house, has inaugurated a restriction Tuesday from Spanish Fork, after of young girls from attending r successful visit at that place. dances, it should, be thoroughly It is thought the sugar factory will understood bv parents, that, front on all girls under the age of tart up about the tth of Septem- nowteen shall be rejected from ber. thftV place; and the This step. w lie enforced. ill e f Miss TTTTTMcCuTIoufjfrFft wise one, was taken for is uicli a Mon-la- v .ter home in lennslyvania ,u:ii reasons, and parents and the night. general public will coincide with it. Mrs. Sarah Reed left for her .or the many young girls that confut :re home Monday in New stantly attend dances under this Mexico. age ure not by any means capable themselves, and should be at of Tit i,rhytprian mission school helping their parents or home, will open Tuesday morning with the Bible. reading teacher. CJ. Herron as Miss E. 2 Mr. Benjamin Barratt came liome on a short visit Saturday and returned Tuesday. five-year-- 2nd. See 'ad" on this ..page, grand prizes will he given on that occason. Tom I.ie has purchased a new himself buggy. Kobt. Walker, the blacksmith ho made a trip to Teton Basin, Idaho, this summer, will enter his old shop and resume his trade once more. Beit Bates, who now occupies liis simp will vacate in a few days. f s w.-r- delegates, romuiittess were named. The meeting adjourned. and hustled out to Saltair where mte of tli most elegaut banquets in the v of that re.nrt vu given. Fully I MM) people sat down to eat. Daneiug was then indulged in. The second day consisted of two sessions of the pushers, where considerable work was done. It is too extendiMl to attempt even half the good that was done liy the meeting, hut will say that it was the most important convention ever held in Utah' The I'n ion Pacific is verv aceom modating to extend a special train, and nearly the entire delegation made a very profitable trip to Park City. Thursday, where the mines anu principal attractions of I'tah's big camp were visited The editors were well pleased with their visit, and it is too he hoMd that they place the advantages of I'tah before the eoph of their communities respective whereby we may be greatly rewarded in the way of capital coming to the Territory. his-tur- jH-m- d. Nelaon. IDAHO. TJ Malad, Miaa Irena and Mm C M Griffith; Montpelier, Miaa L X Leonard and upo the action of the Utah count' r Miaa M Crowell; Paria, Miaa M White; dwyion at the convention, say Samaria, Min Anna Noble. One of the women delegates KOTF8 lortor y, jwr-suad- ed Ir. . H. James hiptnau. Mrs. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Scott. Rossi Preston and Sadie Chipiuau were lumored as member upon the reception committee from Am ericau Fork at the great Press Day at Saltair, last Tuesday and M r - Anderaon-Tavlo- - rt-ii- nlury, Si.-el- lT. Wed-nenda- . ilia -- Sullivan; Benjamins, Mine Alice M Peck; Ephraim, Mta Laura B Work ; Fairview, Uiaaea Sadie L kleiliug and Mary Ilcm inway; Gnnnisun, Mr. M. M and Mia a. Green; Ilyrum, Mi- - J D Stump; Kayaville. Misses M Lon and A U Fitts; Logan, Miuei G M Sammone and M . A Raymond and Black, 8 E R. Pohhack; Manti, Miaa L A Wilea, Mendon, W U Campliell; M)nro. Mi tare C R Walla and Viola Kelley; Ml. Plaaaaa, Mr. G II Mraliall. E L Bur neti F Galhratili, J. Buhranh anil M H. M Knx!and LrOugla ; Nsplii, Miaai-aE- ' sun Nettie Gray; Peru wan, Miaxea LB McNouigal nd Joaia Gurtia; Pavaon. Vliaaas A M Speak man and Ii Johnaon; Grtivi. Florence Taylor Itich-li-lMaggie O Wvllee and T 0 Stalker; Saline, Muwce L Parley and Belle Walk r; Smi'.hfield, O Ried A Lundquiat; Salt Lake Home, M E Moore and M E . Murphy; Spring City. B T McClum-wifr W. K. and Marahall Springyille, 0 Giles, M A Dunham, Emma McAllen; 1 Hardy; Sr. George, Q Willsville, Miaa Maggie Roberta and Miaa Khoda IN TEARS, SHE STOOD BY CRANE. Mina Grace V. wan a visitor at - y n-- still continued to favor Crane, and of Scipio, a Wells man pleaded with her earnthe lreshyterian estly, and witn such peculiar gestichurch Tuesday. culation that he seemed at times J. L. Lvarof Ogden wan a visitor about ta add muscular pressure to moral suasion. Editor Scott of the at the Prenhyterian church American Ferk Item, who was excursion for the preparing standing near, remonstrated with o Saltair Saturday. the male delegate, and charged Gertrude Whitman of Salt Lake him with trying to unduly inilu-enc- e ?ave a very interenting speech on the lady. This angered the he ntudy of English in the miss- Wells tnau and he retorted veheion schools and methods of the mently that he was not attemptPresbyterian church, Wednesday. ing to persuade her in the same Fred Wishard was in this citv way that Col. Trumbo had the latter part of the week attendScott." To this we must have a word to ing teachers association. All the teachers that have been say. I he Wells man" was no attending' teachers association here other than Reed Smoot of Provo, are returning home. and unless he upoligizes to the lady E. V. Silver was in this city for his insulting language To Whom It May Concern attending teachers association for delegate in trying to pull her over, he may Mr. tin omleraigncd merchant of a few days. (he to The entire number of visitors look for a drubbing when the 8s Lake City, liere'iy teitily quality ot Mcom1ry A Co's conducted themselves as perfect lady's male companion meets him. M M Te. We have now been selling ladies and gentlemen. All sorts of church influence was anil evr, dav ii Inr several month to make the lady come it. fur I' iirinit an increasing dem and Found. In American Fork,s inaugurated i undoubtedly the beet ot any ot the Owner can have under the dictators' lash, and the tlm white lace wrap. package tee aolu here, and coats brands same at this office and lady; with tears in her eyes, polled interior by applying consumer no more than from the ordeal still a Crane wothe price being only 50c, for three (3) paying for this ad." half pound papers. A bunch of keys. Owner man. Smoot then became irraFound, In making the abnye statement we es can have same by calling at this tional, and for a time it was peclally refer to the New Suaeon'e Tea, office and utying for this ad." thought he would whip the entire which we have nst received, end believe crowd of Crane supporters. it to lie superior to any previous impoit All MINES AND MINING. ti"D M. M. Tea. the editor of this paper did was to Salt Lake Fruit A Produce Co., The company now working the preserve the respect of woman by Roy A Co. Cave for onyx, suffered the calling down reiuonstrous insults Lion Produce Co. loss a tremendous slab of the of As to perpetrated by this fellow. G, Brooke. product this week. W hen raising Col. Trumbo, the editor of this paUtah Produce A Commiivion Co. it over a ledge down from the . store. 1 wentiedi Ward mine the derrick chain broke and per never met him, and not a cent F. W. Hanson Produce Co. down the hill went the five ton has this paper received for boomInst. Salt Lake Equitable slab, into pieces. piece ing a candidate; furthermore The Thj Wiecomb & Go. would have finished a c'ti&d that Item nas never supported Trumbo T.E. narper. would have been for the Senate, nor hasn't in the C, B, Durst Grocery Co. Chicago now. it a Miiji-rio- WiisitK, The Gold UIomoui Mining uul, by Company, a l'th its certain Trust Deed in writing, dtrd was duly March 12, 1895, and lrHe i recorded in the office ut coriler of Utah couuiv, n day . . of Apr1!, 1895, al 9 o'i-I- i iu., in Hunk 27 of Dreda, intg , cuvey lo David Kelley, aa 'I'riiaiei- be fulh-ain.inucribud lands. . end iii'amg cisiins, aituaie iu U1..11 ciim'j nd Tir- - ; i'f Tlie session of the I'tuh closed ita work iu this city unable to lust Monday. Wo get in last weeks report, owing to lack i f space and time. That the hi'SMuii proved u successful one there is no doubt, mid the teachers and ministers go to their varioun places feeling that a inure pleasant time was never had during a previous session. They feel highly in praise of our beautiful rily. and man v asserted that tbe would like to remain wtlii us. Nearly all have left the city. Following are the names of the teachers and there places they are assigned to labor during tlm next school year: American Fork, Mis E. C. Herron; Box Eld .t. Mrs. C. E. and Um C.B - p. - i nni-ulv- J of II ii. Mrlj.-- S'lrliglheiiing Cordial ami Ithnnl P(ri-n- r ; it will kupply the mucli nerde-a'rvngth aud overcome all weakness $1 a bottle at Steele A (!.i m- - a :iu in iniiicta d the . v, inaald County IVintory. All '() which . miles claim! are i ' i, iiriweea north af until sid county; Cedar aud 1iali vtliova and, 11 kiibas. Tlie emd Gold Blortuna Mining Compauy u justly iuJeblrd ta Jainee Cliipman upon its certain premia-aor- y note, dated March 59, 1895, for tha aunt of Six Hundred and Ten Dalian, payable on Augurt 1, 1895, with interest thereon at Ike iwte of twelve per cent, per annum, payable quarterly; and W harks. It ia pruvide.1 iu said Trust lWil that if default lie mule in the Ptymeni of the note above mentioned, or any part thereof, or of the interest ilu according to tlo- vuiia thereof, lien ujmn Npiliriiuii of the legal nf aaid noir, tin- aid Troa're if wni-i enl- - r illlmriEei Upon, aril Slid dlf .i-u.e ol iuid in lues, nr aay !irt iherei f, .nil . . right, iiilw, Iwnefita I tqmiv of n mpliun of tlie said Gold Bliwaoiii Mining tNmipany, either ut puldlc in nina or separate pam-la- , auction, at the front door n the County Court Home, in the enunte of Utah Territory nf Utah, ior tha highest and Imi price for ch.Ii, first giving thirty d v'a previoua notice of such sale in a nulilihlieil ia tai 1 county ol ii(wapaM-( tab, and tn apply Hit proceed .if said sah- - to the payuiuit nf the amount due Uion said nnte and tha coeu and expenses nt said sale, as provided in said , ee to which ia hereTrust Inr made all pnrpowe, and which ia by hereby made a part of tliia notice; and WnKHKat, Default lias Iwen made ia tha iymi-D- l of all Interrat and the principal sum dne upon laid note, whereby the condition ot paid trust have been broken, sad 11m said James Cliipman 4a-- n qni sinl in writing that asln lie made ol the said prrmi'.--. for the pUrM'te of - and satisfying said paying off aahl vn trust ; now, TnxRErnRR. m : request of uid Janies Cliipman, pohlic notice is hereby giv n, that 1, David Kelley. Trustee a atnrrsHid. hy vinna of authnrlty ia me vested by laid Trust Dml, will, on the 9th day of BeptniuLer, 189-5- , at 12 o'clock noon of said citv.. sell and diapou ol aaid almyo devcriiic-- i properly, together with all the aiipurtenaucee thereon be lunging, at public auction at the front door of (he Countv Court Ilnuea, in' Provo Cl'y, Utsb County, Utah Territory, for Ilia highest and licet price that the same will brii- i- j cash, tor tha pur ite and the coata pose of paying and expenari af x rilling tins fruit, David Kkm.it, Truatre. Dated thii 10th day of August. 1815. First publication Aug. 10, 1895. . i . - r-- op, r -- ! . pii-iiii- r Castilla Sprinqs. One of the grandest excursiona of the season will take place at Castilla Springs on Monday, Labor Day. Among the ntuuy attractions will bis a grand display of masquerade hall, band cpn- teat, bicycle cnrvinal, base ball the game, l'rofeanor Anderson great w izard in hia magical illu- aiona; Utah's Hermit Poet, will aing and recite hia own com potations. Two hundred dollar ( $200.) will lie given away in prizea at the mask hall, and for foot raced, swimming match, nhootiug, etc. Altogether a good time is promised to all. Trains will leave on the Rio Grande Westrii at 11 a. nt. and 3:30 p. m. Fare 75 cents. tire-work- ... - i ii nm-ni- i rii,' the 1 1 up wlut Vi-- John L''nu a.v are pu.ticul.rli nf local mn rrmr ' Andrew Adamso'i comity surveyor has purchased the reMilenct and jirojicrty, fornicly owned h;i Hall ida v mi Harrington store. He street, opposite Co-ohas fitted up u neat ullice, where lie is ready to do any business of lega work, surveying, notary public, etc Ladies Th '' '1 l: Lake -- Mixed porl.im this wjrk r.rc reliable. Paiuts and iinggr Pants and gnitlen.cii'a uaJci rlutb Call iug is going at eot al Dunklry'. arly. Fine Rtia-- of Granitcwara, Glassware etc. Fine (1.slushed Table Tumblers, all clear glass, for 50c. a dor.im ; and another fine aliipmant in arrive in a few day a! Giant's Empmium. m's and amnrtiiii'tiai'k should uw 1 juvl lUUSTEES SALE, NOTICE OF iiiM-nm- l T. F. Day. 1). D.nnd family left American Fork Tuesday for .San Francisco. They will stop off at Salt I ake a few days. Cable, the' girl of John Mence, has been quite dam gerously ill the past weelr. Grand excursion to Castilla on Labor I)av, Monday. September Rev. Some r 'OtW Ifetlai Mi. L'. ( Strung, pnneipai ut tL: public cLsa!k at Andcikon, Cal., sxt-have used Cbamterlaiu' Pain Balm aud have found it an ex:ellent remedy lor laiusueis aid slight wouuds.1' For talc by titaelt A Co. i; s l.iM'iirfb li Vriki'iiucnt MiuirtiTK. mill tli (ifiiprftKiihNl Tiiiift Enjuvid lllffe :;i wa ut aim. a. I here G'.er Ill "I iiiWp;iii-- null I.f tile worst form anil iircva.i it never took over two latt tumiiui 1Mi-rStab-Iiu-- t in Suit l.aki or tlirvi! dnas of that ro.iii Jr tn el!ct 1 Ui:;i v for till' purpinu nf engag- complete cure." Fur aie by Btace A ing ill a three ! ii iiiui to Co. injoy tlie gimd tfiing of Zion us A Household Area'll r . tin giii'M ,.f the I' tali Press As-- g IV. Fuller, of I htixjuliaric, N. Y.. I). oci.it it ii'. Dr Kiuu'a says ttml lie always - k iu tin- ti('.e anil his lain received u hearty New ilv Inc always fnuml Me my heat at the hands of tin husttl. it lie would nut he follow ita ling I tali Inn. There was a (!. A. Dyke rain! upvlr at 2 o'clock headed without it, if prucuinl-l- i X. Y., aavs that man Calakii:, Druggist, liv thi Dr. King's New Discovery is uriioubt-eiil- y utii r a ; tliaat lie lia the tii-- t ougli renu-iitheater. uai.l it in Ilia family for eight years, amt President Rngumi called the it lias never failcil to do all that i lv d tor it. Why try a meeting to order in his usual claim, so In ig tried and tfan-.- i Trial tMitl pleaing manner, welcoming the tree t &(.'nV, Drug Store. Ifeg visitor to I'tali. lie named Hon. ulur ie 'iiii-- . and gl.0 Gen. (j. tanium us chairman of the convention, who gave a touching Additional Locals. speech. Atter addresses by Gov. West. M ay or Raskin and Judge Ilr. Merrihuw, d, ntiat, Lelu. Goodwin and suiue of the visiting NEW arrival of gr.n.ta al Grant's Em ARE MADE. APPOINTMENTS , 'Mi'-rii- Misses Celcatia and I Salt Lake and folic, riu'lcia a.iil l):Xrii,uf Wlut Icail me to make this are Royally Entertained. ii watery i fioin t Iip fact that Successful Conference by thE Teachers and Ministers of the Jurisdictiun. any !;ir week. in.i-rlio- Grant miuu-.uiniture- -It is Ilia brat mtri i ii.kIii.ii.i m tin D.tiia'cy't air t:jfl:y iu n" Ibl Hiiilif' is what Mr. E. M lUrtiuhn, nf ityli in dry fund. Mopriif.-n-t Miiriiaui, Oregf J, )s , ('lim! iu. WESTERN EDITORS. PRESBYTERIANS. nntr.j.n Grant. igini, piaua. 'uy.. nation. l II. - iiit They Meet in i Thura lay even mg Vm. l i le taken lor o. l.iiiir.i M s. -- . MARRIED. Oil Thursday evening, August 20. ISOu, Mr. Cyrus Mercer, of this city, and Mary A. ' Harvey of Pleasant Grove, were united in marriage, Rev. J. A. L. Smith ollic-iatiliIt took place ut the residence of W. II. Fool, and but those intimate were present. g. Mr Isaac Keeatt wu One night wln-stepping with m- -. ya M. F. Hatch, s of Qnartermutsr, prominent Wuhingxiii, I heard lii in groaning. On going fu hia mom 1 round him suffering from cramp colic. U waa in auch agony I feared he would die. I hastily gave him a duao of Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, lie waa shod relieved and the first words he uttered were, what wu that stuff you A few gave ine?" I informed him. daye ago we were talking about hia at tack and Im laid he wu never without that remedy now. ,1 haye uied it in my family for yeari I know its worth and do not heritate to recommud it tn my friends and rastomsra. For aala by Steele A Co ref-ri-n- Ih-ed- When the liver kidneys are a feeling of deepon-dencproduce anil gloo of mind that it is impossible to shake of. The victim need dia-eaie- a-- it Co-o- kut five B'ackhurat Brea Ed. Sherard. J. A F. Brantiuc. A.T. Webb. J. W. Stinger. Edwin Wright. CaiMeton Bro. I), L. Davis, (aa Van ilouton Bros, the old Silver claim main shaft, which up Dear Creek, in Silver Lake din trict. u aay package Marriage licences have been is- tea) Samuel II. J, Shimming. sued to the following: J. W. Ure. llooten. aged 3(1. of Beaver, and John Cariwrct. Laura Beck, aged 23. of Alpine; to F.. .V Welle Co., u good ai any . E. Wilson, aged 21. and Sarah rowan, aged IS. both of lavson. package tee. i mid to Mosiiih Mercer, aged 37. A. A. f.'ulbeilcon. of Aloe rii an Fork and Mary A. A. Levey. A. K. Coir. Ilurvej. aged 2H. of Pleasant Grove. to Horace Peerv. aged 21 A.T. Hoot, Agent, p. o. Box 91' and Ariel Warren, aged 1'. both Salt Lake City, Utah, of Maplctun. i ; thought. m the stomach lack vigor an d ISi digestion is weak thercwill bs flat u heartburn, muses, weakness needed is Dr. I. W. Strengthening Cordil and Blood pnilier to give tone and strength to the itsaacli and organs of digestion nnl to Id In the assimilation o! food. I'nriliei tii blood and builds up a stroug and healthy appetite. fl.OQ per bottle at twit A Co's. Symptoms ot kidney trouble! should iipromptly attended to; they are warnings that nmotl ing is wrung. VMir rreons die victims of kidcey distil woo could have been laved ha they The prompt ta proper precautions. of Dr J II McLean's Livsr and Kid-- 0 Bim has saved thousands of vslu-0h- !i lives. Try it, $100 a bottle, at lesce, tbs remedy i The Milk Maid is runing a tunnel to tap ita vein, and ia now in about fifty feet. Bncklena Arnica Salve. The Brst Sai,yi tn tl.e world fur Cat, Bruises. Sorer, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Goins, sod all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. FOR 8ALE BT Sad1 Steals A Co'., Drag Store. Me-Lttt- k na-tsr- cl J Castilla the help of a remedy ' that will restore the deranged organs to ' their normal healthy condition . Dr, J II McLean'a Liver and Kidney Balm will bring about this result. By stimulating tbam to increased activity in removing the the waste bf the system, it restore! health and vigor ot mind and body. 50c. Steele A Co. a bottle. For sale , .. - . Duokley'i has recently made a tremendous cut in rammer hate. Call and fee them. .V Springs AT Monday, September 2, 1895. QEANB MASQUERADE HALL. PRIZES -- $200 $200 IROF. ANDERSON y 1 r Co-op- d tlTcIAVVML PROF. WILSON, UtahM Hermit Poet, liicycli Carnivul and of Races. Masrjueraile Cost mm's for rent at Castilla. all kinds Trains on the Rio Grande Western Leaves Amcricun Fork at 11a. r.t. aud 3:30 p. m. |