OCR Text |
Show T S.l't l.ikl' - Th- :!. I lab.--t 11 f "III" fl-- ot'Vci 11 lll I'ai.i.l: u.ig..ii lit. hi i li.tt I . li lik m i" ' I i r, . I'li- - "Il .1 -! Ins p 11. 11 I I.lf li- - 'I Iii- -- Mll.sl iiii'l 111 ( Il is iis-HV- -ry nil- ill till- - lli.l-l- l'll ii J rl I . ii' to l- ''s S' ' 1111 .l','.. I'li-.'ll- I 1 ' I tl-- 1 -- il lilgii-gi'iob- : lai-- of il.iiiKht-- -- n-s working un.n mi- - l.y no mills ai' Tin- - Valin- - of uvi-raK- Ui-- 1 nt , miltsf.i'l") tint mv y in un- - now Hoik-'- l. nif a lii- - i'liiii - ('"lull'd" inatittil", I.' IHh fa v oi'iti- in-- . 1". tii" lb- inis-bun- - - in tli- Ini-1- - young I'1 mid. l.'ippy . 'ii at Schi ller was uiii'g I -- I llu g i 'ii t Ki.'ird eotiii'iiiiy, and ii'linliiist-ri'- ii Iln' fm (iitii'H ami lii- V U Sl ju s.ne.. id-.i- iiy j'l.id j in i' culeulati'ii lo giv- liv- r In lh-lii- tli- - uliiiohl Th-- y veil It lli- - old -d hatlhi'artioii. and hud a family l.i'ly ul lli- - chali-.iii- , of sum- - live i.r six puLly Lhildicii. I I IIJ to llilll' lll'TC S"lll"ll!ll".S in tli'is- - days, ami mn' or tHi-- i' hud m m li'iii i .tl mill'll to lii- - liiill-- r, a i.illn i idii.il, mipofiaii;, 'iiiiiiiiiisdiMikiiigsid--- Hlmlivlilsh-rs. id aii'Shiivi'ii save for who had bii li vv i I ti Mm- -. I hard for a liid il, long ntimbi'i' of li. r diiiikhl-r- 'e uuirrl.ig- -. ai.d Hln, I In that kunlly, a. hi, was may wlileli ieo.- - in tli- -. f.i hi i.i i' maiui-- r .. Hull' I II- Ito lo City. -. II- r - ui .'.I a lies M lii'.... li..- i I!.- !... ; i - I '..'Hid l!c,il. a i "gini.'iit of up'itia sh-wl.il- ..i ("..I x .'I :.il eav.iln. vln-i- ll In , - I I'.IVAL in ita successful Work. Rv U the TESTIMONIALS of wcl -- known men. Works no INJURIES on tin) system, but improves ii-- J iw Eii.ploymerit. '. a' t- lj:n Yuiitli i; No. - ..nd lii1 Inill is .1 iii !':.s' tin. .lull iln- - inr. ii. :! f. i"".' i wu" " il"Si,'rul-- I I min' d :"id -- ueli sid- - si'ci.i. d mld-iii- y, as .'i .i.d Its gi'"ii"l. m ns IniMi'Sl. ii li"i wus ul i s Ii i. ..in if ill- -r .i f.d si, ut in ii diii -- l Ilii- the I Mick I Ml til- - ImlSe's i'"lik- - I iln-lil wloi was v.is a man iiam-- 'l laigli.-li-, "iiiiiiig back In Ins su'id!" iiini lulling .m'Ii all his niiglii in a full!- - effort to f I", i S- rouiiiv, i; -. il-- l-i igle .. S. K. l.y Coll riiis K ertric ii'ii. iipmiIs. fill's Elt Sl" u. sA el I'll j.,11 I, ,,f (I, fill ai.d liaii'i-- , lion, dnl If' Sb,.!,,," of - bis fright' Tin- - Imi'si'. ii- -'l animal .ins y lliiw In i'id"r, ami in running Th-i- .b "ok buig imd eiumsj jumps. i raw t lint h- - could lod stop nally l- i- iiintii.il. aii'l I- i- uri'l- - up his niiml " ni.ik- - th- - hosl of th- - si l nut loll. Ilian, d forward lu Iiis saddle mil ll his ul iio.sl toiiidi'd lus horse's tos'k iioi Ins hiiiids elaspi'd th- - hri I- I- ta'ai' -- a rs S'S'in-- d 'll- - lot. Keen lii- ..it: ii'.'l I .ink, so great was Ills eff.irt to CIIIXKSK fK I.Al - ilatliltiarUis, Mcifliitiil". - J'i0vt, City, I'tuh LVAI1 LKW1S, PilYsiCIAN IlHite AND :: iliiiisi-i- r 1 Jtn 1 ji. m St'-fU'- t y Sum- will! si'l.-- 'l w-- r- D E N T - of lli- - s.d'li-- rs a Sid tiring ami ex-it-'- lly ni. I'taii li'r w-- li-- ad k-- rly - Deeils, Mirlgaiei anil Fruliate liusi-iliicsji, altcinlcii to, Raiulili'r, Urinington, tVari''g, ninvni re mill Trihune, Fvath"rl"!ii' CILTviLlO and cyi'le 1111 ire's, (,uii. Aniiu'inUi"ii, Fish lug Tiu'kle, I'i-- Is, Playing Cards, l.t-- .. lliui Irated eataii.guc rrci:. AeixinnlH CoIIih'Ii'iI. (iikklrt sold ou C'lMiiinission or by A net ion. Meuciiaxts St., - Amkhican Fouk M R. Evans, I,- Hssisliih will Well In Call un m- -. " thein-s-lve- v I nii-il- , ng W. EALILSEY House Hign 1 ril i Hcli-Ri- li-- art m.' iv- !' lli-sl- S. K. Cur. &1 Su. - -H Paintibg M. N. U - 22.18W6. Watchmaker, Jeweler fi Optician ALEX. 1. VV COOU hhT i 'Vkl-Pi- lor Desiiriifi, Mr 181)5, 35 38 Dr J. B. Keysor, DENTAL PARLORS. Lollln IlkK'k.SMUljuiii 8L. HM dour north of Ui Wnlkur Unu-- , SALT LAKE. Cornu tu tlie muruutf mid wur your new tooth tumii: nt UAIli. in tlia tily. Sulccliuna Inutt ten uf t lie largest Hills in tlie U tilled Stales. Amxhicak Koiik Reliable rTAti PEDIGREED JRUIT TREES A. K. TIIOIIXTOX, K' Ui'alir lu li-- uy WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Billiard and Pool Room In Nine Port (Vine, Kur Family Marchsnt'iSt. AMEKIl'.VX iil- n e o Hugaii'i uinl Wmious of all a o Kiii'is il'.uaircii Iii Flr.t-a I'iDn i . and at Priecs O U to suit llllli-S- . o r.l'-r- on m- s-- me e f- prniiipliie- i, leal anything pertaining AMUUli'AN I - cLurr with pr. .1." II ri'ii, anil rs. mail' trin-Mi'ti- 'd In basement ('umiii-n'i- nl PltOVO t t.ii-gl.- Saving llank llklg. ni.-M- TJ ent-i'l-- .l. i:- v-- a.l 1 1. oo n ro.f Propr. -,. ii". I'iiii ri anl il riH Farm Loans am SPECIAL! AFTER A CAREFUL TEST WE FIND THAT THE GRADE OF THREE CROWN BAKINO FOWDE R WE HAVE BEEN XAKIKQ IS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE F OR THE PRICE CHARGED. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MANUFACTURE T1IE PUREST AND BEST CREAM TARTAR BAKINO FOWDE THOUGH THE FRICE WILL HE SL HAVE MORE LEAVENING ST11EN THE END. AFTER AUGUST IS. 1 LABEL ON THE COVER WORDED: HIGH-GRAD- E THREE CROWN BA GUARANTEED TO BE EQUAL TO MONEY REFUNDED, AND WE A HEWLETT BROS ,r";k. .uni -t 111" v- r,,:i". . :i U. ills to III. min. Hi. i"nss tli.- s. ail ll. Iiis is s- - - ni"i it, g Ic.iiri.i-- r. ,i..;i ,.f g ii t, si ibinuvr m.."- - t;,i"i- - on tli. ".. i :.;y ,,nj , I'tah E. DUNSCOMB, M. D. ill.EXaiM'1, Attorney nt 1 aw, i ,. ni. my ilimiv n M.irv bnis nighw.ivs anm No m,.. h. sitat-- s i.'' day m.iti-- r. I.MS "11 II"-- . Ill, of (I,.. I .1 - 111. , S .1 r. in. A .i- Henry Lee LIVELY, FE:D AND SA'.ES rl' turn-nuu nl ts -- m f her taii hm-ss-. Train. Run Hao'c bid. n I'.ieU I. ,n n THAT CAN BE MADE. AND wiM'.iim. In ,in tirJers at m.iMi'. ,u!i toss', "ike Leave IGHTLY ADVANCED. IT WILL m.ils .,r,. lilll- ,1 GTU AND WILL BE CHEAPER IN Mr.lUS 11, II,.- I'.., I AMEU1CAN I', I(K. I'TAII. Harrlnglon ? 8U:. THERE WILL BE A BLUE w n; , ,i I.. HEWLETT BROS. IMPROVED -- f lli-- :- l.og-- r tli" slid-. iiin I, "in. i" v 7kankn. ,. XINO POWDER. EVERY CAN I "l.l!... III -- I in'.Law mgi'ter C. x. I.aui t':lie ', -. V.lllr) IXs. tli,, . THE BEST IN THE MARKET OR vv.i-- t. i.n tli.- - lii,,. r '.vnu.l, Land and M'nliig Atto-n- o. 8K YOU TO KINDLY GIVE XT A ct.lc. t:ssM".g Hi" cut "'.T l'v th- - t i'f Hup u triil u th- 'oit 'uh' ., Mfra , Balt Ltk City, Utah. gait Lak OtJ ravine tl;r,ugh which !h avaiaU U (ire ...wais with I I-, ,. inn f 13 otkI Krtvx Tanok lo Ml Z TREATMENT KXiFK OK CAUSTIC. WITllUL'T i Miiii'ai Mi, S'S? i.m,",Jin-i-i'ran. all k'nil Sli-- et llMik- -. li.- - riilil-i- i! nu, M'liJ -r our pay U'.'iii uiune. S,!), cpi' . rai Seeds, BMILOM'a r.tiBB ITAII. iiiiii "DOMLSTIC" M.ii We hobbl i (TEE SALT LAKK sa. - rOI.ORADCL L'AXC,;BS' tl'MORis and Vo ung Bro's Oo. UTY, A Du s. 1863. SPECIALIST - arillKu., 1,1 KAIUl'AL STABLES. nnj t'ujgii uivsrsity of New uumir -. an or Flrsl Salt Luke. roiiu vtidii. SV-o- , lll'w-k- . IJ1' Rwins X elnvat.ir. elvotric lights. Strl iv nrsi cImm ib Bii ii upiNiintiiusntH. Mtkei pjruU tu iiitPMiiouuittiii triiUe. Ani'Tin in Kuril, itaii. i'KOVO CITY -SiSiiur: tenuis cricket or sap- -lu, tend for our lllu-trati- il calalngU'', free lo uli. IIKUVVMm, UKOb., 1N6 Main st. Salt Lake I : Proprietor. pile. guut. ammunition, McLornick IRA IV. KENWARI): I'a-ll- i Kim1 Mt'ri'liunt Si. amkhuwn rmiK. Salt Lake, one trip. UKU K. JOHNSON, Reed Hotel, ocpf; giniriu struct. tm Mcffluuit Salt Lake, Utah TRY THE WALKER HOUSE . 1 -r- Yilif .1 Jti(iiu!i, , sirm-t- IF YOU WANT I'OI.'K, ITAII. 1 Laundry, West Temple limliliiig. 'sdTlbT. . WANTS AGENTS town In Utah to establish a branch an orders. Address at coo 34S All kimU of -- -- vv- A lUlr ruUinjr in ntiy n- li', ixi't f-- i Il-- in LAUNDRY E Paris-Hom- e ITV, VTA II. STKIIIKN WOODS. m-- PARIS-HOM- BvrF olicit DESERET TELEGRAPH GO. Messages Sent to nn Piaco on L'ne at Low Ka'.ta, ! iv-t- THE Wadleior, G e m-S- a EAHUERS. d m I'TAII. and nlglit. oill rin Stock. bi. Gen, Pass Agt. 8. II Uaucuck, Traffic M'gr. AVIKKir.VX scott & A. ii. (US U. S. LAND REGISTER. i'p-nih-ijr FOUK. I'TAII. pr-el- ti, ih-i- .ob nf it Hirlt s Marring" -. Pubis. Noti-- 4:18 -0 SALT LAKE CITY, JOIIX MNEIL, preol.ict Juit.ci, 7- and High First-cla- ss p, m l,-lf- ;19 0. Grow only Grade WEST. a.m. Ko. p, m. IN'). p, m.Xo F 13, 1893 BYRON GROO AMUtl'JAN FOUK. ITAII ilarnnatotist., kind li:9 No. No, fl. SglO Xo. a. 3;50 MARCH D. C. DoixiK, Guii. Mg'r. A, E. Wkluy, Gen . Stip't. WORKS. All IX EFi'EUT KAT. AMERICAN FORK WAGON as In-I- 'ii, per qusr FOUK ,UTA11 CO., SALT LAKE CITY, I'TAII t3ABD on. PEN. I. DATES, nts M, Con-nac:l- I", Ilia, y 1 NURSERIES I Uor-uardi- pi-c- -s. E PIONEER Finest Brauilt a nay on liuud. family urilnr. npeoislty. r cl. LODAL-TIM- iimth-r-lii-la- Wi KTII, 1 NO UETTKH MADE. g. vi-i'- i- Sit MsiubtneL YATT. Balt Laha. Cllazinjr, Etc. Ititerioy DeeorutiotiH uml draining. All kinds of Coiuumial Advtertiu-riunranquarterd for tbo Latest aud Clieaiatit j I U'l Lak City, Utah. roNTixrxTjit, bicyclk HALrRO'in Riding scliool and lileyle livery, Iliuycie, Kuudrie, mts, saunters, spurting gowls, and ul W, Kveoinl MO.vAKCll, SYKA'Jl'KK, AHIKL, FALCON iiioynhs. Agent for MONARCH blCYCLUS wanted, bait Lake L St. W, Temple PHjiVr-lmn:ii- iir k lt aud (all w-- iii-si- J IA11MAC Y , Citr, Ituh abd-Deoorati- -r J3 A OLE 1 at! J. e..iu-pmi- iiis heretufure liopMets, now euied and uenrui-s- s of life anil happlnw. uf a phyltKAl) TI1E TESTIMONIAL sician unci! skeptical on liquor cure, but now a tu the Cuuvert from Eagle Remedy, Relapse olhur cure and victims uf the terribi liquor disease should nut delay. Write for further panlitular or call at Cam- XXOTAltY lTISLH 'epi)iia ilisi ii ti From Th EACLE LIQUOR CURE bniuaht to E. HUNTER, tfnl RESULTS AND MOST BAFI'.ST, MOST SLCCKSSFl'L, PEUMAKK.NT UKMKUY YET UISCOVKUEU. t- i ASTONISHING I.A Main Mreet, SALT LAKK CITY OU1H.N, L'TAIL ii. - i'iiiis-iiI-i- fur tin: b st Pisiiua sad i)ri;:iii( in Ay-ii- t WH vV:i?diiigtiiii A VI'., ST tli-n- eiinst-rnati"- JENKINS BROWNING BROS w-- ut f- lh-- hoi:-- A. CHRIsTt NSEN QR. kp Sait LakeCliy. POST OKKIC12 LiLOCW, I tali s)S-lld- tli. 8trts, 208 South West Temple, SllttJEOX :: ui rs IruDi Ihu;f Stntv. .1 iiif1 i un I oi k . - At Utali it n n n o n ii i, n i, ,, M Wel T":n!'' Temple of Music. Miljy HU'EINO Si)ltl l.y h! n Soiitl, nn J s are simI-- iI wlilt the signature, IlK.vN Lkk llAIS wiiliuut this sual or wIumi seal is broken. the s Ihii Non- - E. N. as small as iiis vv as as pal- us ..I till .li- - niiiiii.il ti.wiii'i lii- - regim-ii- l, turn1 ami ing in iili- -r to tile right nor 'los- -r iiini el"S- -r liid tlie ruler to M l- i- mui'iiil's liinly. l 111 ice iii JiiekkMii Ibiilitiiig. Th- - Yiiiikct-saw th- - liorse ami its -r Amliui'an Kdiik, and rid. r Hoiking straight i, Moik- Hi-.i'- -ii, 1- bnyiiu' f- o p 1 I,-- -- I'lif-d-r- 1 1 - k or iriiiiii, -I Cloiue anil inllniiiitorv i ll.lt.MII, Illl'l III i v it,. '"inplaiiit-- . At ll Vi VXt Kll It It Kit ny Hi-- Pharmacy, (.'r. Agents Wanted Evury where. I Th-.1- IICCH.-.oll"- d ii Bend $5 for one bottle to H J'JI. . vl Kaciv tll.ll M i -- I lll'.KIvl.l.KM A; ".'i U. Tliir-- j(Hi tin it M, t your HEALTH. TAKE IT and in B DAYS you will be CURED of the TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT anil your days on earth will be lengthened. lii I In-al.- y- - elii , , vfi iii iIihiiv "idb'is i'i- - Minding of I Wits down V i.- skir- l lll-- y "ii"i.iiy ;'! i ii. "l" ih-fu- ml b p, I I : : To.iki'il Suit Luko City, L tali, August tn, at lli- in a short iinimal Hying lownril tli-m-li.ts Tliitli; Mining owniiiiy while lit- filched III- - regiment, lillt did u.'isorlH'ii tin- - Yuh-iiiNo. i ul I tliift Fed-riils Tlie almost fi ll tint stop. Iiiiiii, ami wlifii H- i- nilioii mi lli- - il ul Inr in th-- ir efforts - get iirf iii t'iii-llioi'iu- - ul Stis'klon slmll have iiiiilni'-- 'l ls, and a away ftmn the horse's will li n in la-- Unit utnong tin- - list, Unit 'I'll- - umiiiai I'.uili: followed. regular y.iis ul of imw I'liilirms's uhoul iiH). plunging through tin- th- - reginii'iil, foaming ut tlie iimulli. Tills iiifiiruiiitliiii was liii'liiil-- 'l In ami W'itli down. Tin.- horse uml iiK n Unit .Mutnik- -r I. A. II. ruler dush-- d nil thrnugh lh- - enlire binnglil with him from tli- - K.isi -a lhYankees pt iit, ami making olil lblnl"l'H. Th- - meeting of tin- - IhuiI'I oi lli-- iu "I Ii. a. Midd-nl- y, all down the Hue. Nut a mi- - day ill- - ehateiiu for way at hIio h Has shut li ; old Mm- -. Krai'd Has ill, shot was II led until lie had gulli-i- i nut illivclors lias Just Ihs-i- i .if I'iiii:;- -, ami (lieu It WUM llci'ilil'll to tuhl- - III III- - llililllS pr-- sl i'li loi I by soni- - li't'i'l Id slunk; half the s who liiiimiKi'd to iveiiver Muiiuk- -r Frunkiiu ini'ii 1. nifil, uni i.rallling grand. Iilldrtii Imd from tin'll- ustiinlslinient, lir-- d so had llulr lovely nioHier; says ihai tin- - coniiiany is now thinking so,misli".l, .M. IIII - biili-- i; hIiII- Slufl. r had ill u cloud nf dust rising in the air. lull Ini. of tiihliiK lh grotiml In Iilalio. I in mi; that with- II- I- linrs- - ami rider were at safe dis'ti l.orn.' to (It- - giiiv- -, th-and lila uha-ii- vc Mr. h ranklin was ul.-- " - niithoiiil-- s tune-. Th- - horse made a cm,h piete cirout any film i'li ril'-H-l- isT-il y to lli- - iii'i'siil-- ni i'f tli- - i "Mi-l'- of cle, returning to tlie t'iinfeder.ta nf 1(011ov- -r his in safety. Wlteii the rcl-saw to i.l the burial liiinoinnv to uir ny, aini Hill htli-ni in (iii'ir eoinrad- - hud returned wi'gisut a (o nor to l tmit ms it t imi in Um jiroi"i in s mol -- il in I seraleli from a dungeruua ride!jfhey grouii'i. in iiiiiklniiii. n tak-' had wlial we ami I I is nni'int lininssilil- - lo iinnii n ' l!y forgot the light before them, undEx-i'- e ly M. mu- - day wli-- ii e. lliul went up great cheer. il III llu- - Kast, hiiiu Mr. Kiuiikiiii. t tj plai -r e.uino lunna from pualiieaa lie Iiih own I'lim-ta- , iimiifrty, niiiiiiig that tils wife rniiml ii note from saying In whli'lt Ik-- sue AVALANHeT ilisl, IwIiik fnniin-- n sli- - could not I fur lo live with him uny THE RUSH OF AN to llinsf who aru ulivmiy nssm'ial-- ii was Hint her lohg-- r, With him. Thf (snni'Uiiy In.s ever hiul, inth-- fact, been Tint - also winch I'iimiiisis ut Kniunil ir sine- - (lie diiy of mariliige tliai Perils of Travel in the Snow .Mouto Is- - liruilui'llVf, Mllll Mllll'll Hillhutl-r. ntains of British Columbia. It to the test iluiinif tinlul In sysli'iuutli' thought, i'uur M. might have nf tin-- McuHon. . Imagine, If you can, the very roughiiis that so at did tin-I'ami est bit nf nature you have ever seen, MuiiaKvr Hert llnlil-- n of Ufoine Insaii- -, uml or take a wife Imd sit'lil-n- ly nt IIiik Iiiiiii. ami UhIi-iih- , crumple ll into a re cusnllona mou liiercly liall, uml, placing it on a table, suppose dial h- -r tin- - iiriMliii'tlniis nf lh- - camp ut illsord-rvhriiin. il lh- - vuH'i'iiiKa of a tmi- -. iil all its raised parts to la peaks and the Iona 1st inoiilh ul tin- ti- - round I tut wh-- ii that she hud hollows nv- -r which In- is The iM'iiii-- i'i ravines; picture the sharp too. tiad butler lh- - l "t;i g1"". gone uml that the turnlsh Min nit oiic-luiedges as ridges niot'e or less timbered, h- -r s viilmilil-curried liad she iiu.l that as tl- hollows bare, smooth or sb-cof k"l-- l "'is nulimt. Th- - iiciv-iitiiof th- i-- roof of tin-- steepest lions- - you know iIiiiIiik Hie away with Iter, the horrible realityuml. lias tncr-iiM- -il rupiilly him, burst tliidsituation -a mounukii Ilnun the of of. and you have year, uml (his, with w -r his tains and gorges of (In: Slocan, says the iii'niliicliuiis, has iul lh- - "ulil leu v Iiik a li-note iiinlnn fur what lie wus Victoria I'nl'inlst. in very iimsiicroiis coinii-tlm- i. li'iplorliiR -r iilmut to do, he cut hla threat with a la-us suppose we are standing pear ruxor. (he summit ut one of these ridges on a The uhl Tcli'i;rH)h will noun ol'-s, thus- that trover Urn Nk' bright, sunny day in January. It has IN A STREET CAR. been snowing continually for days and the iiianiit-- In which they luit- - be-- n mark-lc- il tit- - "beautiful" lies in plenteous sulil, is In'iii. prohnviiiK it a Young Woman Heartily Why In the niuiiajicnn'm. Thoae lusion everywhere, six to eight feet of Heraelf. Aaliaiued co -- rink itrouinl in which tin1 divp In the timbered ridges and any vv as a mush of slush, and like in the ravines; the sun carbonate irvvulla will It- - ulInH-- tl to a llroudHaywoman wlm wished to cross depth you young t'oiilinue. up ubore you, near the gels warmer; - nt luntain. stood shivering on the eui bslnii- -. fear- crest tinlittle bits of of d CALIFORNIA GOLD STRIKE. ing to st p Into the slough. A rough-eouh'detach themselves and go rollcrystals h-r irishman caught hold of ing down the slope; a tiny crack forms In tha Oro Qrande Hina in San and carried her across. She, taking in at your feet and widens across the 1 County. of the deed, said: tlie gulch; in an instant the whole snowy The desert mining country to the thankcourtesy you, air. I could nut have got muss Is In motion, uml with a hissing, "lle-giinorth of San Hernarillno tt'ul.i across tint for your courtesy." rustling sound and an upheaval along la the scene of a gold strike that 1 saw all Iii your eyes beits edges goes hurling down the gorge. niailc In fore miss, iuta In the shade any Easter mid faster it glides; the air Is spoke," said the Irish gentle- lill-t'allfurnia. For aonie time past the man, you d with snowy spume; where you In whose veins ran the courtesy mining In that section has ai'iu'iircil Celts. The st'Hiii it was a rivulet; a thousand feet noble of jf soiii-wh- at dorniant to the unohsei vliig. lie low It Is o mud torrent; the noise lady was not a sist-- r to the but nevertheless the miners hciv suiul-ll- young us it gains momentum. tells folk woman Our of whom Young of bowels Into at work lairing the Hocks are turn loose, broken to atoms llils story: the earth to see wvil they might unir ground to powder, trees uprooted one day it beautiful young gill rus-ll- i .irid fold. It came in the shape of i xci y brok-- ii to logs smashed to d lulu a cable car and sal d"Wn with oi-- w Ui'Hinlc gr-- at orn at for At half a mile on its path It sui'irise, splinters. fr-- sh di--r h1. was r ii. ill compilin' n civet of twenty to thirty as struck ul the depth of iMI Il- -r gl"V-- d Tom lli- fix-- t lialg-- s in lii'lght find move faster than varying from one to four -d a lied with while a hands lliickn-sIn paras"! that fairly dusliil .in express train. Wue any livI'lhlioiis. 'I lie car wits ing thing in its way now. Nothing ami show-- il Ilia! the t'arboiialo Uut of -- lowil'd. the '.isseiig-i- s ami inn-t- ig mine was -- n- of lli- - rlchcsl in Soiuli-erin. ul by man can stand l.ore il; the a is a huni-an- e; t'liiifoiiiin, i'i'. for that maliir. in ui'i'- - some liiibiiii lalioiers. su-- h as wind I "f its -h laig-l- y il th- - lough work of our eloii. of snow and dust foiiowu in its the Stale. torr-- nl a. ike; in a it iMiurs Spia'iiiii'iis of (lie ere were biom;lil gn.il cni-- s. .t ml. moving pi to Sait llcrn.irilino by Ju-lgX. I. of them over lock arid I'li lui'i siii- - i tr.u-in -r on. its broken row of Urn lii.iinli', the reeor'li'i ii restlessly at a ilista ii". if "ii" si -- s .1 and the district. They lire f.iii l In nds and great, .uni erttsli'.'l fragnii'iiis of oik h alt t h- -l f I tins an. aii'l smooth "lished ir with goldi the pns'loiis tiu-lshuns i:i"l. in. li dy sli.ir.gy i but iii,il"dorous and ps. Th- - thunder dies. gorge. from every crevice In lh- - rock. S 'k lo I stiiiiinil If oil- - has I" sli next to glasses in th- -tinand avalanche is passed. lug of the discovery. Judi:" lli'iii fm- a half hour, uml tint was Is1" gone w ti at tile foot "f tilt- - slop, a mile said: a l.al lias t't igbl--y-gill had b d. monni'iins of sii"v t..ss.i up in ouv. "1 have been In the miiiiiiK bosin-s- s "I think d'.'u 1." s she diva wins il of rliii'S, a wild for inuny years, and have iravclul this i ii'il to h- -r -- iimani"!i. "Why don't sh;i'-l"S- K eardi. liv-- s and gs r. n.aiit to Stale front Siskiyou to San I'i' k". Imii ill ' company refuse to let such crea- rocks, tlie slid- -, mid eflen .i! is. nf-- ti mark never have I seen such n min- - in u II tures -- ii Hie cal's', He will mill my I'l'ili. s of brave -might my trav-ls- ." I I. iii'h him. I know. Just Si -- in Us If dress li- - Iniried in i;s icy rush, "What Is the value of that or-'- "' was In. w lie starts at !'' asked. -tli- - man arose, uml. for-ti .Ml S.'i'ti around Ii ir. day Hnil .in leaning Why, It is the richest ore discovered i: r .:tss- In t'alifiiriilii, anil will go all the vvay ward to ealeh the strap, fairly bent me.lit. tli- - '!:s'..,iii, iMiiill" i imr nv.tlaiiehi s. Tli-- y e..:i, ..nd over r. at from to $l".oon In gold, imt I nil '.Tins and .it ail ll !.: . ..;.eli 'vear ry "1 mn sure h- - Is linpentri-iit- ." ore that is riiiht ing the silver ti ml -. vv m-d. I' is a ii 'I'.- "id..r .'.ties r, she said. "I have half a tuiinl i call II. ll- Well knout;. Tl" i h.iv ,..ch the i,"ml;i-tr- ." I. lilll.. I Iii'ir Id . ' Ml -li In'. ne Win'll the "iidiict"i cam- around b.flmi'lis W. pastor nf th- - I'm I is ils t i rd f In. iv.' I: j; ITiiliil 1,111 i hnri'li o Uiikland uinl s.im she tn.tioin him. (o ti Tinsit :iva!.ineli. s .uof lli- - Amir I. an I l.iim mu "Won't you make that man tu"V-'- ." r: tli-- it a w.n: lit It.is n 'i.". of lh- n ti, eoasl, a ,,r she j.,.d said. -- d liis l .i in tr.nl tli.it d.i s n m. t cross the pastiiral- - In'i'iiiisii U- i- n. li in. :. -- I "Move up:" -- r s" Ills cliiiivli Hill not klv- - lilm I'Wiu r l.'.a.i i rai. p.ilii i;i ,iad -- lal sabl in a sliaip Th' wills lias u.ri Mi .1 a siiiihK. Mr. to.N.vv r t!" iv ;li.. "Y s." tli- - Italian answered, "but lh- call front a I'liilai iun eliun n. wirbr t .id t S.iini- n j Tin- I wh-- re 'iilprfil- - tli-;- i.f i'"- - l.uii.iy, lh" V I Salt r of in -i u of tin- - Hill, y..... Ainmn; nr-U- iruiuln-- il nil. li in '. the I'liMliii'InK in I ii- -s at Iln- - i'uini "ti. lllg Allan (hr, inl Jmi-s Mr. fiii'f, Jtluiiii aini Uartii'lil. will In tlif m-illntiii'l ns -ii UK till ri'HUllN of USHiiys UIV iil'l.lltl' ! ilit llllS UMHlH'lulfll Hllll llilll H' I i'1'ii I 1 I 1 ih; l.nl-ing- n 1., .oily, to wliiiin sli" w a piissioiiiitidj at I". li. d. Tli- - gill mild- - a loi" m.itidi, lmi:d"l on nia iiik u V"iy -- silimibl" of III" aini ,"oi loon i in; yoiiiig mill!" of Side til l'. Who was i wl'y Iiing niiii well a husband to lloii a wile , uml -- njoyiil iiinv al I'.'Spii'l and , . ip, nays, la ijulbi high. sun- -' "I it um inu-- li us fl'si gold per ion (in- of tli valuif of tiu is iioh' iul through tin- mills Unit iiifi I .i Having of fniln flu to ll.'i, illl'l tinin.-- .'ill. t wilt'll in I'.illS. l.ild.plillt.lS uld Mm- -. I'hMi'il I. ad a d.ini'.hT.r. ati only t'liild, and a Homan of pi al i ir lh- in nlilntiiing li g.'l'l-b-.iilii- g roi k Unit Hill lif iut lo tlio fiirnai t ul Atiani'i, ilay. Coiu'i'iniiiK iiiUl M'IiIlIi plu in (ii; Ins JuiiiTny, Mr. Jon-- s say a Unit a In- i- luo s(oi'il - tii"-- " iiii'l adui'ti'il old widow I .i .i 'I, w bo, up llll IVxm, hum iioli'i lot Iff ii.-iiI.is.l and all lii" nn.il .."iiipos. i s ll- - l! if lu:r day in.lkltii; lo r ell.il-il- U of oi hiiIi L i dy had b it '.jiimsl dar a in. in o.iiii. d fyuiik, ii Tlie y l"!l av, n:i! a trabg-- r I" uam(lit.. of will ijuirk'g "oip.H.y II III ' has Sni"- t Ii ll it si hi of tli- til iiH'ii-- r, lli- - I'-- lb.it - lurii'd from i'amp i'Iihs.ui" fniic lin y had l ll i - I' "i d-- l ;.i-- 'III.- .1 sti- -r I'l'il - iJKNOW l.boi-r- s liuii'. (fill ii -- "iiHny was l'lriiicl of Ills ..Id s.juadroii w!n lid ."in- - o' t" i.rari - . t- I'oik, T HAS NO that f'iii.''-t- , (s 2 !Vo:u!erful Thing. I rS link (M li M. I'll . r "ii- - iirniin. I'm I"i. t.il '"iii an.'in. i.i"i.i Ii JOHNNY PEL'S WILD CHARGE. ."." i'"i"i,il ii"ity lillll-ltl'I- I will b"t a I. i."iii" "l Hi-- sb.i'i; r M.'ilf. than 1 c - 1 . I I r i II U Allier ean I'i th1! k W'llll- -I n.r'i iiii'l li ka-- w it I" lu ll sm ll e..iis for I. ,i.--i AN - .NOTAUY-IlHLir- A obacco oure j li-'- S" li. lit : - -l ll'bi - r f.i' - tis sin i' idm ;ud mar i'T-.bii- li I'l'oalllisi ill I lull, U- l- I ll's-10 1. lt I'llllll- - llom ln iKlilii'l IIIK Mtiili'S, Jliik I'll)', Its illl'l ll Mil. I.". lilln" of U.,.. I'Slilli'l lilll till. I II IS US llli'k'""! Hoik .llil'i'il. Cliaiii- - Joii-- s, Him has li- -i n i't- - i i link at liming Hi" whs-mi- u li.is I hi M il uft- -r an i xiMsiitioii ; in-h u ti'i III yiiiintiK, Mlu'i- - b It to -- Xillllilli: llllo Ills l I'Oil nl K'ii'1 lilM'ot I'l'Ii'H, Sollll- Sixty lllll-Is'i M "l"l I .i I ! 'll' li" lo li'T I'll I'oliii;, tiiit so ' -- s Il" Has abburjJ"V" V. Ilii Ills III'. ' I.tloll, ill. 'I H I" II. "M Ul" k "I iii ii", "I'. ' i 'li. iii" ' n.ii. " M "iii i vv I" .'il 'llMn II "fi'l f!!"iii. -: "t A: I.i il. I" "1 ..I . Ill'll- - .lil'l i . 'll, 111.. nol.l" ii.i.i.f. ii.. I l.y than I lion ti a, li bud it .'I j ii i i "d siifi"!' in IdW'lltll to "II I - llilll lo lull'. Il I.- -- .1 1 ..IJ't of II. 'Ill- - M Si ill" Ol'l 111 by i'"l II- -ci'-i- il 'J'.ilb y ni'i'l tin .iiiiHi.. ill old" in, ii t id i'. i . , i s ..ill,- - soil" a 1 il lli.il oi'l Ji.us iilb'i' lii- - li- lii- - kiruUKlil Vi a foil.' fo-lii- UiN'k rtpiiiiga. ii I III Holm- - very II" h- 1- We ai- - iniv ii to in i.i J, .1 v : t, ,i ill-- ! hi -i h tlioruii'ii.v 'it e n Ii r w i,..l iiii'l Ku. .l", m-- lil A.'i-ne- i v ,'i.b nil" sd'li' Fiji in-r i a i ui ia i" story iftal is 'll-- I, i ih li of i.'ir iai..!. - "A- - ilo u? bi'U'li"!'!" in ..! days iwiee, iiiilin: mid iii.Iii-iwiiiiii ' - v slioii'il .ill-J, ini .YoiKan was made a ii I. . . -. I -- I . nt. ul." I I.I'. I I .ill III'.' Mil'll! I ol'f ii i in" 'a i.-- S- -I U II ll IS kl.'.W 1 ll-- W 110 I' N li-- I- lS -' How a Fiivnliyn-iiUiseoncer'td a Uiiiun Sim- - ..fill- - i:i"-- i iini'in.iig hlai-- s are III".-,- w fill'll iaH" a serious si'l- - An old - I'll! II 'll had piob a- ag!e COUNTY SURVEYOR, is. Dvput'j Mi ur rat Snruy-t- Y .ip tll.ll ll.l'l l In flIll il ll' 111' n lli- - iii'iiiniiiiii. iii- -i a il- - it lull" vv.ia iii Iii.! In 1'ink Into It. W.ilim i fi w f'S't ,.r i)i- - Mill,- - - tl- -i" jn i r 1'iii.iiiiiiiK fi l"iinl k"' I w.is su.li a Mirj.iis- - to i in till' I" i; Mown tin f t aii'l loi'iiliil .is iii- ii- - vtni'kul in u i. i'1'i it m , ii iii'-- t ii fis t, ai- ii linitiil n.ii III.'. u.i- f"'l. lit W till'll I'llllll till' in. iii- - I Am I is at li'iii twig tli- - a! I' nr - 'ii it of iiiinliii; iii-- n of (ik'I-- ii an I 1'S.II till lint US of II- I- 'il'io'l 'I' to liii.ir-- i a yii' s tintlilli lint ins hiiinil-- s Mill - ' linltisl to a l a l to III pl'""fa of tin ! Ill Hi Is anil tt lilifi tli- - m. urli for .'l'li at tl., I.i Ii it 1. ll I.- -, iiM'i1 i ALTOEY W I: ' b'l ll." i - ' olMn'd I. "I sb "ild li".' i- m- -. lie..-- i ! r !l, , lo - "- .'n: ii- i li In.- - ur.lii-ill- - nil-- , Illnfs-Ml- I v. I I .I t i'li" ' It ll.:k-- S l T - , il' i .'O , f . .""i" ii I I I'l.-- T 1 f:i-- .. !.". a h" "! a:. 1 )i'.i mid t In J li.i'l m I - .inn o'. "I- - -r I.1- :!.i iii. - !. ly, op - - r i.iiigo'it -- I; l; i'll I i i: a i I'.ist I It Ill tlllS I !j li in.. lUM'" I ! liii'litii, win i -l u null fpiii Il.i' 'll" 1.1 y l:ml lillig, .1 ir.i'.il.i: v,Ml rty '-i lil mi ii mi k ti c iiiijiii-Tin s- - iii" li v il r " tiy mi ii.i il, iih I kIiiiW IIi l.f-.iii- I' i . : '. ilii 'll". Hi.. M :.r iir.. iv ' I.'"i i. at....!. i. ,.il ri.iii.1. Hi 1. il ! J . - - . Tii" S I in I't.iil tale i.a I' til, A.iJI-i ciiVi;sovr PARADISE REPORTS FROM liny and Grain, aUl g e i s bi wild of nie 0B heet S- -ll Hay, Flour AMI M.NLKVL I'Huhl'CE. Writ tu 1ouitry udk:s PEOPLES FORWARDING CO. SI to 37 Mam SL. adjoining Y. C. JI. L r-- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. - |