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Show - AMERICAN 1'OliK ITEM. Nnlil'l CURRESPOSDE NCE . Kl-l'J- No ropy nr iviviinuijic'iiiiiin nature will Le t iki n fir riu Tim i I iy i t u iii nt r.idi 'aci any . i : mm: 1tiT 1 irm-rlio- iii-i- . REPUBLICAN Delegates Elected to the State t 'i ;i am! Judicial Conveniio is. luting Thu It- pul.lie-ir-if fiah county held .nil' j ! ng Morse, superintendent uinl mie nf the iiwner- - of tin I.ive an- lo-illid Wife p;lSi-i- l through Tin -- lav to xiait tin1 mine will lie up there ;i week m m' i - D. W. S. I lluilx.'liolil Tre.ixurir A MINES AND MINING. CONVENTION. I 'k, .. Ku'li-r- of . that Siiiiaii-'.iiirie- Duuklev'i are ntiictly iu it'' for latest st lies in dry go n!. Shipment jus, . N. Y., , kci-- ) lie a'.iviiy Dr. King's it) tin- - lunise and In fatii-- i v ha-- i ulaaxa I'uund Ihe veiv laxt ils liillnw il l'xe;lliiil lie w iu l l lint lie .iy in. New luTi Mi'.m (). wi'.iiniil U, if prociiiNlili (I. A. Dyke Ilian Dnggisi, Cntskiil, N. Y., vi)x that Dr. Kim,' Nrw Disemvry i miilniil.t-cdi- y the : .lint lie lias iiiigli remi-illist'd it in hi l.iiinly fiireiglit year, an-it li is never ftili-tn do all that is ehiiiiii'd tv it. Yl.y not try a reinety so lung trii-- and Trial liottlea lu-ut SiiH-lACti'a , Drug S ure. ISeg-ti- l ir siu "in- an-- l $l(i'J Tle-- t Strong, principal liools at Auilerson, puhlie ut the Cal., lay. "I have uxrd Chamberlain's Pain Balm at Spiiugville N't Sat .mil have fmiud it an excellent remedy nthuriain t as luiuh pre N"t unlay. nl'l wmiM this I'iilt if till- and alight wound." lor For : hut Will, Guilt, ''Gralil' l.iukel for. harmony The Lixe Yankee noxx ba a h'lci sale hy Steele A Co. nl i ui vi .1 t In interest In lull'll'.! i.l'UKiiS, J'i'ili'i'i, '.cn:i-- l Mi:iri:it throughout, with the ol ten men at work, on the properlx. t .iriniiiri'. paper. Il.txillg l.iimreil ill x.-- i : of a nnii.iiis. i'ii', i i. ir- jiut nr two. Mn opening The mine ha shipped in all. six il. IliiiiM-yvaiurtl iini Iiuti liie ant different part - ti"Gralinn car '.o.nls id' ure. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE, the Ch.nrin.iii i uvnti-inThey i K'tiiiii. atiiiiit one car a week. in-- ii cliav- -i Steele A: Co., d.'Uirgiel-ai;ring Inr Mr. It. K. Dii-'siiiilliicTy. h.glie.t nrtl e iu the gift of the WiiKHKAS, The Gold Bi iissoui Mining M.n-u-OLlia and Sy i Ciiiiiun, tc . ail I Locals. Additional a Utah corporal mn, (lid, by like old times to see ore el fMli" i 'i I ' Her. It looks Company, p.i.. iiu-r. U i . its Dvcil ill xxriling, dated Trust t Irum to crr.uiu iu il. toxvu d tea 'Hies nis aki going through Grant Hotel. .. l Mardi 12, NiiO, and which was duly i i'i.i the mines. City (''Mini il 1. night. an a s jls'ivi I1, e 'lentiat. Dr. A. in tin ollicc ol lit-- County Re. Dr. Merrihew, dentist, Lein. ' nii- - trjim; I" l:i li.'i inti- - proner:i! ni'Ti'liMiniise, J. J. Jackson. U'.ali cuu.ity, o:i tin! first ihf c of In ll.e iui l'i lot lilllg, etc. iIlC !U- the deie.work i going on in lx'i.'i. at 0 oVIi-cNEW urriv il if ;;iiiil, it flr.ini' Em of a. m., in little Very April, il.s J irvi, a llehi-tiiec r.vi i.ulo'i, . lloggitrd. II l.n ksinitli. ix 27 of D. vds. puge 23'-4- convey Mr. huteliman. tin i ii this we.-Mixed r.iliable. mi an Ml , I .. . .ui!'r i M iCii'niilli. Andrew lii'Biictt, David Kelley, a Trustee the following j :te .1, I'roni Iaiutx ami wailing i'of orib-r1 r r1. If) li .1 I L'iiii. li 'ic i n .iiy rinn: ii. Buggy lamta (tl'illllOli ol lauds, premises aud mining . I , tin- oxxiu-rri to make progres. riii-'ii-si In li un'f i 'Sl.a i I.-Aiv i'i I. w n .rii srand Mis I.amx 11 dey ix uttcii ling Ihe I). claim, situate iu Utah I m ' r i'i'l ii l c i. hut iwed. 'i.i ij'litt. . "'U). The Gdd Blossom. " at 1rnvii. . Aeudi-nil ' . i:rvsiii-in and pr: J tlie Lake View," tlie 121k Horn," the J.l' I! il.xi y. ilucoiativc piiiiter and The Bro., ot Pleasant I. idii-- knd geiitlcmi-n'T " ul' crrini.--i under cloth i.iii i li'in r. Nolwitlnoan.iM John L" ami Silver Key," a the same I i rove and l!ahaud Bros., of Park is g'liug .it cost at Diinkley's. Call ure WellXVood, ti.uanrial artM. to iug iielegates particularly described in the notirea Cil v an working a group of claims urlr. 1,1 1, lit ixl .Kiliu Mr-Ii!, Irecmet Justice and l.lV'TsllK I'1 t 'i in ofiice of the of liftcation recur Jl-rr Creek. lo ii iii I't ll i Rcc.irdi-- ( f Utiib rounty, in said Ul N.iti.iy l'u.ilir ha riviii-.l(Vunty ir. i.ii- a Dunklij'a Andrew ii iiM Comity Surveyor, All exi-t-i- l cfwlii. 1. ti.e s;il In Sul I 4 inliuia cut in u.nni r hu.!s. CjII and Teiritory. i i. . S. mineral vi y.-- Him untarv public. sli.-u- t tin'll v.i'e said s miles lau-ke- e cliiniis two wrni iif a tlie situate uf iie the Lixe lives of Cal Kelley, one see them of the 1'Mli and a time of rejuieiiig till' til K ic ! I cMle-- ill Lclii Resort, Honor A Knight, lirtween north uf canyon, )iln this town down was I I i 1'V ill Ollice tor . Ti e meet wax Doseret Telegr-ij.lI'n- -' iii.nili-g Wits iu said Cedar and I 'uh McCari) - xidi iii' The ci'liliii t'ii' ell ur'iii week,force, lb returned Tlmr-da- v. l iii the euii) on, a a ui".-.i:nf n stor- a calle.l i nler ut 1) a. m. and the reporteil II. M. D 'iiii-ilII. Lee, livery. ing his ireetit ill health. x' i y. W 11. Wiikkeas, The said Gold Blossom iirt 1'iiiieiple.' of tin tfnspel were hi iii; E, S. l' irnl, A. K. Thornton, wine, liquors aio1. ut o nil had of Aiiicncm loik is mux, i in the Mining who till Coniiany is justly indebted tc DiiuUii-to nu'ilieine It tin finished is people piillllded D'puly Ihgiartar piitcnt c I l .1 . T. lilt liluVi ;i James Cliipmau upon iis certain promisgars. uf h Th'irin; i K vi' irhl" i M. Mr i mi the Ilartn hi h"UM mi, iMiiiMM vtiuit grounds. Adil.nsoi), Wilil A Co,, wines, Iiinirs. 'gathered together sory note, dated March 20, 1S05, for the Mii'linn. () iii , t s i f t'li - i in her Is in'ii Iter wliieh we partook of the hos- eliaplaiu, 1 lie little child ol Mr. and Mi. E. 11. sum of Six llunJrcl and Ten Dollsrs, .mil near. 'I lln- - Minor ' Tin CiilIVi lltiiin eh t 1, i Di i .i mi li y. , Klieiieer lluii'.'-r" Notary Public. h li B'lley. who injured its fo.it l.ixt seek, ia psyalilc on August 1, IH'Jft, with mtrrest pitality f tin- Weal Virginians, (My w :0i t' e I'1 XVl.i' :i:i-1- ' 111.1 tn Ml lk" lilts a l.. I ax not i could Out ul Town Advert Ixer. and Innings a.ili'iieil the inner ill I' ril'tlvi til Ilto-'- I ! - - ' i el .1 n ix fioiii lln- fiet tleil at the lute of twelve per & nt. ill it lie L'lali Couuty Friti unit Aurietil'urul man. we enjoyed talking to the tcr annum, ciMVi- i'i u V hern payable quarterly; and iillll'l hi snixt fill ill wtix lir: 11. W ii k it k x . D ia provided in said Trust rv.cielv, shippi-- cf fruit iimi produce. serviees Sm'i XX. D. Uoiiuxuii Win over tw-Fine Stuck of (iraniteware. Glassware, afiernooii Our l.i'l minimi i mi'l it iint. I). M. Smith. I m fill meat Extra McXeiii. J II. V r ill it ri d ii-to i lfiict a etc. Fine fisliialn-- Tsiile Tumblers, all Deed that if default lie mads in the r 1n at 2 o'clock and ain.tli- olll! i t mil of the note above nientiuued , v. iuiiiili-ti- llnnih Annie Jju't Lake Cvele I'n., mi.l Sirs. Uuliiiisnn psynii-iisle E'ur eiire." We Bay ty Stwle A clear gliiK, fui .Mli--. a dozen ; ami another or r spiritual feast was had. i or of Ihe interest M . L. vtitf. Suiiiml Wnji-tair- , rics, etc. any in a few days at tine pait to arrive tn. shipment mel in eounsel meeting and were J K. ilimlli-v- . Dr, G, W. Shore', medicine. thereon, according to tin- - trriui thereof, J. J Jsckson, Mr. Grant's Kinpi'iiiiiii. S. C. Wells & Co., Shiloh's cures. then upou ssigned to our fields of labor. On Ii'iSi-uapplicsti'iii of tlie legal Bromley hm llininili Daukiry, Bishop It.iliinsmi and wife, Mrs. llobt. owner of said note, (In- - said Trustee l J. II. McLean, liniment, blnml pur-- i he morning of the 1 1 li a large alternates. lYoi-tnr- . Mrs Klleu Clark and Mrs. authorized to cuter upon, sell and Jinl-ciatiers, etc. John McNiel. M L. Scott, rowd lie I met on the grounds l 4fhia-4lihiswli i hsv.i Iwea pwt4 II. E. Duck lm Arnica salve. or sny nt said premises Anins . to listen to the plan of salva- Tlinmas ('lii)iuiin, Leo T Sln'llcy, Mr Clianiherlain A Co., cough cure. mg a niunlli in Idaho, returned homo jiart thereof, and all rigid, title, benefit W gstuir, ilflci'ntci; Carl Dickcusmi tion explained hy the Klders. after Sclc-iiHus week report ii.g a splendid trip. All and C. I. Hood, siira;iiiiilln. Chipm-iPNrs, W. Grant, Sarah rquity nf redemption nf the said ri- - limking a perfect mage of health. which ihe heavy laden baskets Hot Springs Sanitarium, bathing Gold Blossom Mining Company, eltlici Mrs Susana uuil John Grant (Tnukstnn, were relieved of their burden. Wagstng, slteaiiati-s- . dull A Scott, liarhers. in mass or separate parcels, at public Ladies who ex pcricnce a aonse ot weakIra W. Kenward, lawyer. After singing a few hymns the conTl.c conreutiou nnunil up at niglil ness and sometimes lameness nf the suction, et tlie front duor ot the Court; 27-2- 8, 1'. D. llolihs, land mid mining atiy, ties can lint say buck should use I)r J II McLesn's Court House, in tho county of Utah was called to order and with speakin:', innl gregation Land U. S, i Groo, Register. the Ilyron f the hospitality too mut-l- in Cordial and Blood Puri Territory of Uteh, lor the liigl.rst and was Mormons'' Sirehgllieiiing the listoryof for cash, first giving thirty best Chicago. Rurlingtnn A Quincy It. It. ms cxhihittil, will it Her; supply the much needed di price hy Khler V. M. Kydalch. Sprinavilic Denver A Itio Grande lty. notice nf such sole in a i irreprevious and overcome all strength otHi of Provo; there were about in said county ol . published Ililgert Deformity Shoe Co. newspaper BEAMS. A bottle st Steels & GROVE $1 PLEASANT gularities. John G. Cultrin, electric liniment, hlr.e-mg- . ample on the grounds and the best Utah, and to apply the proceeds of said The Lojila Uncle Tom 'a Cabin ComProvo. sale to the payunnt of t'le amount of order prevailed, thus our cunfer-ene-e is in full blast, ami the drew quite a crowd on Monday Inion Pacific Railway. Threshing said note and the costs end ex pany ended. armors seem to Ik jirety lmiipy, as (veiling. The play was that equal to penscs nt said sale, aa provided in said On the morning of tin 13th we tliis season's . ce to which is hereon the road, Truat crop has Ihvu pxcpetling-goodany Tin lieing Utah and had our met in Charleston and which L all made lor OUR IMPROVEMENT. purposes, by i Laini-iiss usually results irnm a sprain, Press Day. The first Anietures taken, after whirl) we made a part of this notice; and hereby attended have oilier fioiii of Keveral or or our for nual outing under the people injury, visited the Capital building; we Wiikkeas D'lfaiilt has been made in wtliieh Clmiiibi-rliiiu'l'ain Balm ia Sab air ami Garfield Thk Item gM.s forth to its read- were nitieli interested of the and the printhe payment of all inb-rrs- t in looking the excursions to auspieiutis intended anil unequalled. It laid nolo, wherchj ers this week in a practical new at the relies coiitaiueil therein. this week. siTurds almost immediate relief and in a cipal sum due upon Ihe conditions of paid truat have been mfllress. one hundred iVe will spend a few days with Autoao livker au l ff'iiry Jepson short tune cir.u-- t a permuneut cure. For Nearly UTAH and the aaid Jams Chipman In broken, for eft Mercer, Stoi-lThursday. xsli! & Co. by pounds of bran new type, besides he saints in other parts of the in writing that sale be made ol requested in xviyi played Jo u Uncle Toms Many persons sufle.' torture fruir the seid premises for the purpose oi numerous other articles have been county, and then depart for our new evening, lield of labor. K Xpert to souti argn houst hero ou ncliing about flic joint nud lower limbs. paying off said note and sntiafying laid lidded to the mechanieal departThis annoying troulile can be stopped iu trust; now, A word by tbo Loyd eonipuuy dose this eonferenee. sliml order hy 'applyiug to llm parts ment. whereby our readers with rom nnv of our friends will be Tiikhrkohk, nt the request nf aaid There will lie an e 11- stTi r.ied Dr J . Mcleau'a Voles uic James Chipman, public notice ia Ik: Tin all with will excursion from few these Gem from cun tako here iu pride' . Hoping point pleasure Oil liiniiiu-nlTlie Irritation stilt yield gtoiu, that I, Davul Kelley, Ti list re it . . m. Low rates on all t nncii In its healing and to their home paper. That The ines will find all well and prosper- ittiyjauA'ixiu uci point in Utah. quieting aforesaid, by virtue nf authority in mi remain yours in the etinst Print; 25c. 50c ami $1,00 per vested by said Trust Deed, will, on Ihr It is rumored that L. P. I .mid wdj ruilroads will In given. Keep your Item is felt is apparent every ing we bottle at glccle & Co's Otli day of September, 181)5, at 12 o'clock of truth. nsign bis position as HiiKntendew money ami join Hu multitude day. and there isnt a day that of 'I home Bros. & Co V store. W. S- - lIlSI'I.KY. Tims tin ce hoodlums whn hurled noon of said day, sell ami dioio of the said alieye described property, together C! eo. T. Mime person comes into Tayuik. Autone Christensen has moved liis the rock in the tent at the Loyd with nil the anpurtcuanccs thereon be V. GAY reW. Co.. LOMBARD This apPatrick. Kanawha nttiie and subscribes. tho other night are known to family to Park City, where he will nt public auction nt the Iron, longing, lSVio. the future. add wo tlie side in writer; might right here, limr or the County Court House, in preciation shown, we feel it a duty August, lo, i I that it such hood sum is carried on by Provo Maud Drigga, Henry Jewison Mae City, Utah County, Utah Territo exert ourselves to the utmost them again, we shall publish their pedIlia highest and best price that uf for our more several and tory, Gee McCokmi-Bullock, J. D. Louis heat the record Block, - Salt Lake City igrees to the people. Be caret ul, boys, the in putting out a pajs'r second to sumo will bring in cash, lor the purstteud to decided have people young wheel a do for you know we'll ss we ssy, Thursday. Therefore. to Salt Luke on pose of paying said note aud the costs of Utah this season. i. one in Utah Count v. He made it in three hours, a dis the University and Wide-awakexpenses af executing thin trust. now in is southern the Registrar Lynch The: Item greets you with a bran taiice uf 34 miles. David Kri.i.et, fully 1M5. 23, Tleasant busiol the no Grove, Aug. part registration couuty ..... Trustee. PRACTICAL II0ILSE-SM0F.- lt i.w calico dress, and all we ask. is ness. lie wishes Tux Item to inform Dated this 10th day nf Auguat, 1895. of our untiring labors in AND THOUGHT. POLITICAL the voters ol this precinct, First publication Aug 10. 1805. BLACKSMITH' of paily, who Ii tve not had nn oppiDun-ilhe shape of a rosonable patronage S: to the to house house Sam Tim'Kman' wants the register dining Democratic Conventions. canvass, that lie will hold the books A Htati of IIih llriiiiH-niiiStreet. Harrington or nothing. ma-- t open, at hi office in Greenwood & Co.a ut Until is hereby LOCAL AND PERSONAL. American Fork, I tali store, Irom Wednesday, August StJlhtill City For oik member of tin Supreme hi tin l Ojiec house, Saturday, August 31st, hotli days inclut tic Otfi day of Harxest is about over. Bench, James A. Miner, of Ogden on Tliiint'lay, ut 11 o'clock a. o. tor the purpusc When tl.e liver and kidneys are dis- sive. eased it produces a feeling of despnn One night when Mr. Isaac Reese was Both railroads have made spec in Beep Smoot and J. D. Jones o i f iiiimiuuting a candidate for the to the miml that it is Uoiifpwa, dem-- and glon-with me, says M. F. Hatch, of stopping tin; Excursion after Press ure Republican h nil ciiuilidatee for tlie followring itute Provo, rates to the Utah to shake of. The victim needs prominent merchant of Quartermaatsr, Treasurer. of nomination for State the help of a remedy that will reatorc t.ii the 27 th and Sth. Washington, I heard him grnauing. On utfici, to wit: Governor, fenetary State Tretmrtr, the deranged organa to their normal going 'u his room I round him suffering State Auditor, State, The race for Congress in the A of Burn. To the wife of J. J. Huberts Dr. J II McLean's from cramp colic. Ha was in sueli ttoincj General, Supertendant pub- healthy condition a baby girl. Mother and child are Democratic ranks is between B. H. lic instruction, and three ju'ljjei td the Liver and Kidney Balm will bring sgouy I feared he would (lie. I hastily ubftiiit this result. court. By stimulating them gave him a dnae of Chamberlain's Colic. doing well. Roberts. W. II... King and Dave eiiiriine tn increased activity in removing tlie Cholera aud Diarrhoea Iten.cdy. He A Imi, the clectiou of a state committee, and the tranjaction ot the waste of the system, it restores was soon relieved and the first words he Elders John E. Louis and Janies Evans. such other lusiacsi as may properly healili and vigor i intnd and body. 50c. uttered were, what wsa that stuff you lhivdeii will preach at the L. lb h We call for the resignation of come before the convention. A few a bottle. F-- r snle by Steele & Co. At the Big Red Letter Day aftergave me? I informed him. house meeting coneiit of nx we were talking about his at t f at Ogden, Aug. 15th. shall convention chairman The agn days the county republican noon. comwas and lie lie without tack never said hundred and delegates, City (050) tlu central committee. We Have. 1- -2 u1 that remedy now. 1 Itaye used it in my ) posed of both sexes, spportinned entitled Judging hy what we hear oil the for years I kuow its worth ami is Utah the counties. for family county most is Ameriof Item Sk.. sought James Ujiipman. The American Fork wheelmen do not hesitate to recommend it to piiet.Tip: my than any paper in Utah county. can Fork may make a good run to 83 delegates. are auxions to have county cham- fricmls anil customers . For sale by WALTER WEBB our know to that We ure gratified A Co. Conventions for the iiominslios "f pionship races there this fall. They SH-dfor State Treasurer on tin Repubwil. be ON A CRESCENT won tbe one mile efforts are vindicated in giving our hax--e tor candidates to district judsei think the material they lican ticket, if In- would accept. held on September 14th, st Provo City, carry off all tlie honors. readers a paper worth the money Salt Lake New and Old Advertisemensts nuvic in 2:10, lowering the previous reof is W. II. e Pool, Me already spoken cord of 2:24, aud ulso woo the Senatorial convention, comprising Uyclist. Qur old friend. Judge John at the Republi- Utah county, will be l Monday, SeStei-l& Co. is any one that Yes. and if Hu-rjuat had a alnument ot acrateli iuvitu'loo race in 2:15 t 3. Kiel solemized in marriage on as sargent-at-arm- s lieautifii! Imir and tooth biushi--- , plain .. thinks we haven't the ptember 14th. Tuesday at his residence, Mr. (i can State convention. let and stuff, the judiuriiitni'-iito d, alvo alinvin; luushse. The number ot lelegati-C. Eustis and Miss Emma A. Bish . shsd them answer our chiillHge. See. C':ill an i ' is and cial senatorial a Cannon J. Miss capable Frank HYDE. p. both of Millard county. f. r the stale conn-nh'as tl.e ad" of the ON A A urw and attrnchrc is a sister to Mrs. Tsuar young limn. H would like to sit CLEVELAND, made a peced When thu stomach lacks vigor and Butt Lake JV-to- n Cycle Co, ia desplayed in tine of this city. Tiny wi in Hie senntori i! clm:r. bid it Conventions- ia weak tlierewill lie flatuthe dir-stin. - mile in 1 :02, of halfiiuinhi-rdelirious Republican getting beating the State re IVnplu i ve for their houn in a few days lie i lence, Ii - irtburn, nausea, weakness them a wheel thould buy their makes. very ipiiet. Frank may have The judicial convention, comprising . second a 3 5 cord ol wm the reined v n edeJ is Dr. J. W. McThe,, mean buciness end will guarantee it- will In . remembered, some got onto strings, whereby he may Utah, Wasatch and Uintah cnnntlrs Lean's Strcngilicning Curdil and Blond . Read it, lie held at Provo City. September ii. ne ago Mrs. J. W. Scott .sun induce another man lik" Charles at Purifier tn give tune and strength to the 10 m. o'clock a. SI I r,.ikim f.r perniiiu Kotini tin. cliangs in tbn "ad" of CUAF A REYNOLDS, st'iinueli ami organ rd digestion an ti 1'r.ixu City Craii" to put up SlO.ikMi to elect niii II ( it and ON A CLEVELAND TANDEM, put in sustained tlii 1:1 this is'in: A fond. ul assimilation falling n,J (jtccl" .t injitri'es inril!;s by The scnatnrijl convention, compm him and then betray bis moneyed the hliiod ami builds up n strong ami then r haa wnto-tltnculvert, defective at Prv il oid purely a Tummy held ate lie Utah go through county, wl the unpaced Tandem State record $1.00 per laittleat . healthy appetite. We'll list l.chis. tlii ingleet of tin city, lln jury friend after election. lor you. Sept. 21st, at 10 o'clock . g',',i & Co's. Steele one-hamile at 1 :01 4 5. tile lady the paltry sum A. I Salina Press say l The who was ot Our Lombard, should trouble Salve. fi Symptoms kidney (liy Bucklfnd Arnica , f Sl.tMkl. which would but pay la: promptly attended to; they are naai'K'-iHcwith the bank here, and who record. clean a Thoimix ha Thk Best Sai.vk in the world f"r tin doctor bill. The case is the ture's is warnings that sometl mg wrong. everybody knows, haa taken tip nt us law Heaven save us from immortal Bruisea. So-- r. Ulcer. Suit his in Salt Lake. Gay disbuxines die ' of victims I 'tiding appeal, and ill the men Many kidr.ry prnn fi We wonder if tin Sores, i r, Chnpi'fd I'I11 ease who could have liven saved had they card and yon will ecc il in thi? iniue. lie while Mrs. Scot I has filed anotln desperation. ,rnj Idains, Coins, nud nil 219-22- 1 aken proper preci'Pi-nM- . Main $tSalt Lake. The prompt wislici all old friend ami rctjuan'.ancc suit in tin Justices court for 2bU Press gladiator spoke for tin peopl and cures Piles, nr no to Salt ,( ( ( positively use of Dr J II McL'an's Liver and Kid- - to call on him when tlu-go I slnmh Anv bill. to pw r city I of Sevier county, or. in a state of rmirrd. It is enarautcsil ii"y Bslin has sivhI thniissiids of valn- - Lake, and if they have any troubl i he CHIPMAN & BENNETT, I sKtisrsction or money refunded. I responsible for their lmuglinj deh-riuBY mil, la live. Trv D, $100 a bottle, at will fix it up. Gut our beat w'.ihca arj bis asked own tremmins. " I i cents box. i'..i:i!iiixt ration, and tin lady shoul dter h A Co with you. Airpr.t. American Folk. StoreSteele & C'o's , Drug brain. receive lnr just dues. Un-- ' l:.rl(' . I lutll i theii ciiiiV'.-iiiin- t ill-il- Md - , i lami-ni-s- a to-ii- d. axi-rag- , - . , i l - 1 v-r- 1 Chris-ten-e- 1 - . r lh-vli- : , fii-u- s l i 1 , . s : . V . - pra.i-tii-all- Tcr-iltor- to-wi- t: . i I I .i- - Alain, r tri-iii- il t r Hnui-iiiKvill- m , 9 L-i- In-s- y I 1 liim-ii)'t- : : .1 - ilyM-jtel'- - il'-n- t i r I'!. . s 1 iin-'li- t, ili'li-ipitr- 1 1 Editorial ihs-pn- Excursion, , Aug. iL-ti'- ed to Saltair C-i- dm-UKi- and Garfield. Di-oi- f 1 rif-rcn- s .Press Association Tui-)nla- liri-ch- - . . .ATTORNEY lr. JAIMES XSEWTOK e. - POLITICAL. 1 irre-iecti- y CRESCENTS WIN! l- im-t- Gr-iut- Og-l--- fifty-lourt- li 2.l 5 one-inil- hi-l-- e tlK-iu- Pii-h- up w. Ih'-tn- fr 1 b-- i ll iri-ui- Salt Lake Cycle Go. Rlu-un- Ti.-tl- '.iv-i.ia- ns . 2-- - |