OCR Text |
Show j. ' ion L. iCOTT, Il 'I.'! j! H, c i .6! in !i j j'i ill r. l k ti th.t. n'i ii mil. ;u Fl'lllO li:ia Htli.T.- -i ll. I. 1. !( I li.t y l.'ff f, (.!'( .1 .4 . Ji l ilf i!i ii ;ii:l r- in oT mail I t V-x- i n li ut i'ms ini ''4 in-- - nf f Hi'f ; ,1, i . U.- . - - ! -- fti-- n. :iH, us tijuri' light. V - s ;;i.i.K to i ''ltli! tit da.i'. Frh .r' li:i ii i lii i .'iiii 1 in-eil- our merchant start h fuml sprinkle the streets. Tin dilst i simply horrihle. ('an somen.i" git a mure mi themselves liefon it he- iinn s necessary to have n n m en 'M Liit in American Fork. U ! 1. 1. years ago. that II on. perched jw.i !,(. I.) :.r a ji-- 1 i . ' - 'r i ii-- .. .Vifi. 1) in !.":. I.iik. .M,.i''.:-- s :r!. Joliii !:, V Krl-c- S,s'ii5i K..m, M v Ii ll SV j '. ... : J II .J. S T k, ..!: tty-I.a- I li- - kl r : (JulUrs i. J liirler. vT 1 - !' , 'cox-- T'lor. i; . KARL'S CbUVl.lt i .. i a ..1 .1 - I'B : : v ei: :is ou !r' . Just Arrived. 1t hr RANT c. 1 JJMPO ftIUM, I Merchandise New Style Piano from SI 25 up. Music! tet w Pictures and Frames, Shelves, Brackets, Etc Bird Cages, Bird Seed, nip-tu- Our Mixed Paints I3LAt5ESMa again ami ik irri:iif.i to i of Blitckkinitliiug iu a firt-ekniauncr. Ilia hoj) will bo found at the Old St.iii'i. Adjoiuing the Presljylnun CliNpcl ! :i oircon-ideratio- Well-Kno- to-da- y. and Bathing Bancing, wn FRANK KNIGHT MANAGER. Misses Syd and LettChipman p. del-(gat- es e MRS. R. s, D RIGGS. 'J MILLINER. Kin-.- u Amkiik ax Four Blacksmith Uluch'iniiliing in all its sixty-thre- Tbe iv-i- -- GRANT,- fr -- f J)R. J. D. LOUIS, PRACinCIKO JPHYS3CJ3AK OFFICE: E. Fork, bar-act- notice run or '"Itah K I D. M. SMITHS y mimi-natio- . -- di-tr- iit tab. i'i ui.icatio.v Salt Lake City. ILanu OrrrcE, JlT.T 10, 1805. Notice is hereby given that the follow-innamkd cttler has filed notice of his intention to make proof in support of his claim, and that laid proof will hr made before the Register and Recejv i U. S Land Ottace at Salt Laki City. Utah, on Auguat 31, 1895, viz: Petri Beck, II. . 8731 for the Kg N E 4. Sec. 34, Tp. 4S.R1 E. He name thu iollowing witnesses t" prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aaul land, yiz: ,Iuui Brown, A Adamson, Stephen Moyle, J 1; Whiling, oi American Fork, Utah. Bvkox Gkoo, Register. Fhaxk D Hobbs. Any, Salt Laxe City, Utah. Date ot Orrt pulilication, July 90, 13!tg - Steele & y00 0 Go, WISHES- To announce to the that they have pubii-- ' u received large assortment of Shells Powder Shot - WK TABBY TUK Celebrnted Gilt-Ed- ge Orange Lighting Powder. MKuiciXES, PATENT Etc. Finest Line of Dyes in Tow n. SIN-DRIE- S, Bicycle Supplies. Harrlacton Street American Fork, fv - DONT LIMP Wl can lie iniiii' f i straight. We i..k I'lailri Pjrik cast of I'k-- i to irui jou Seca.i eomtort. crippled and slinks. il'tmiur. Steel lucres artificiil limhs description, aevi of irri', Hilgerf Deformity Shoe 63 C. 3d Bonlli. Co., Salt Lake Clly, I'tah. PIT 4 i i- Stale Street, American - h. v American Utsl. Harrington Street P AMHSON PROP. -i di.u. WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. ce I Hini Itranrhe., ny neatly r of every -- L'taii HEHjEE H06GAHD, are Unexcelled. CALL AND SEE Boating, li; NKLEY'S. fit l II Hi Ev-r- - i'Uiclu.ki-- ANDREW ItEXXElT l-- tit mio It. mid WiMih le Can - laud-slid- : T3IE VETiSRArS FOR Organs and Pianos G. 1 I'. mr.i-liinf- M. (' paily. and snioped tin enlire THE TRIBUNE'S Territory, as a gallant leader of his forces. hat was liis reengiiitiou 'i Speaking of the Republican pri Why he was rewarded with the maries held in Salt L ike Monday, And All Kinds of high and honorable position of ju, lornlii savs: he a 'lerritorial Secretary, place t'oMi't, ti.VTS are miniennis ut Tin: Tn lin nr cliiju:, nutwllliclsnding i his ollii-as to the small and (rival had won. in the hearts of the Ftnli lioir ig lilnlf in el.iiniiii' s w i'll lint know Hirr met a svstem of lighting tin streets of Democracy, fur his aide hon- vVtfeilu.iiiil'.i'liy mi Sl'inliy. Hnil from tlm iiiienVun Fork. would est and earnest murk in achieving liniRiiii will work ilie.lirk horse rucks! What lleimns will l out Su with Mr. Franc; can f"r all it is worth. tilt .'umre lamps cost? Four viitory. fnrwaril to preveiit Crsaa from gninc in mils would light eurh lamp earh his party a (Turd to iguure him? well t wleiop an. an attempt will then N-Lines of Uno Is Arriv- Tin Item's interest in this con- lio uu.lf t j stampHilu tho sggrcgmioii to 500 Pieces of New S light, ami fifteen lamps at four s dai k hour. Music Just Ilceive l. Hg Dally. cents would be sixty vents per test is simply patriotism and jusof -Stock New and see Our we wsCall Now, It hope that the delegates night. Fan a city of 3,01)0 people tice to the heroes of the cause. stand sixty cents a night for street has always been w isc for people or from Ftali county will go to the itfht in vf ? It dose n't ulway pay newspapers lo support no man un- convention, fully knowing that to practice economy. Let there be til he had been nominated, lull they vote the choice of their party for state officers. As for dark oi rthing done to assist in pro- owing to a certain element in Salt ALSO""6 horses in the convention, that may dding our girls and (In general hake (with a liraiicl. at l'rovn) n plunge the party into a sorrowful irMiv who ehiinee tn la out late having net down their loot to iiiuod, head lmdv of the and the whereby the entire election !h dark nights. T And Tiiotistn ls of Useful an I On- i; N U iy, Etc. ticket for the hcnclit of a few, we may be turned over to the DemoVi:i.t conHieting reports the find it our duty, ns a puplie jour- crats. The dark horse racket has nal, to assist in downing the game been tried in this county and relie:'.. and Tribune gave of the sulted in much damage to the peoa primaries in Salt hake of this element. a nil a Prize Q t I)nt Forget Our Bakin; Powder The of Utah The Tribune llcpublicans fully ple. Let the delegates know where jJSe. for a Pound Fen county, Monday. Wr: v ('an. vlaii is a victory for its pets, while nali7.e tin unluous labors Charles they stand, and notallow cluyues or last the ti'rald bases its assertions on Fnitie lias performed. This is best shysters usher in men at n e that slid last moment that no thought figures, to the fact that the Tribune told by the U can be taken, it not dement was wiped completely off autum throughout Utah; and they knew thnt polities IS right, and is an injustice upi w llle tUWrfaUf iwtii VYir Ivan-ou- s d, when the smoke cleared similar to that of other business, in honest representatives of the deleOur of Utah. precincts there was evidences of a that to the victors belong the should down the first dark HOSIER & KNIGHT. Proprs. victory" and further spoils." It is unnecessary to unwind gates his head over horse sticks the that of aiui to our ball attempt yarn, ting that Mr. ('rime will have at the Republicans dash board. : why : : ist XO Kr cent of Salt hake explain them deep! should aide wrviccs the Hurry recognize for uud governor, tiuuty'a support Fine Sandy Beach, E rant Dancintr PaTilion, of lion. Charles Frum. by making there it rests. and the Orchestra, Kirk'iam Full FOR THE SUPREME BENCH. him the Republican nominee for Quadrille Band to Furnish Music. ('llAlKUAN (ill.YHAM (if the the first governor, llis record is The Salt Lake Argus, in its last --Ml KERF MR HALL. EVERY FRIDAY EVKNIXQ.fr- central cominittee has spotless, his character as a man issue. Jus sNaks lion.' of earnestly Refreshmenfst of all Kinds ou the (iruunds, The best of order assured called u meeting of nil the State is without a blemish. A. Miner of Ogden: information regarding Excursions elected from this county, delegates etc., apply to or address wise be ConIt should that State "Arthe strictly to meet at I'rovo Republican Very few field in this city Aughave signified their intention of delegates to the convention not vention to he "JSlh ust will Ih three Judges there allow religious factions to control atteiiiling, deeming it an mineces-sar- r of Hie Supremo Court nominated. The It km believes them. We speak of this from tin In making these nominations, the expense. it is wise for the delegates to un- fact that it is stmagly asserted Republican parly should consider derstand each other. The cull is u that, ill the event of tin defeat of that the nomination alone docs not tlu regular Tribune Thomas slate mean an election. proper one, and those who caniiot Candidates should not In selected Have opeued up a Now Milliuery Establishment lit tend should turn over their seats prominent men of the Mormon with reference to the locality of Next Dor to the Postolfieo. where they have to alternates. Delegatespledgeyonr-selve- s church will be run in ut the last their residence, nor because they a nice and Fashionable Stock of Millinery, all for a share of Stflte oflices moment, especially in the case of come from the North. South. Fust Styles ami Prices. It will he or West, hut they should lie select-wit- li for Ft all countv, but outside vou the guvsriior-hiTRIMVIINCS FOR HATS IN GREAT VARIETY. reference to their fitness and done to inilui'itee tlm Mormon have no uxesto grind. a new line of Drekk Trimmings. hold this to jyil-ivAMERICAN FOISK high position. as n means uf defeating Mr. ability None Imt exjH'rietieeil lawyers he tolerCrane. This not Wk shirk to s'e such outrageous !;iulJ should lie selected. The RepublifalsehiHhls told by papers and in- ated one loonn ut. Delegates, do can party is especially blessed with K dividuals for (lie purpose of their not ullov oiir religious prejudices material ami if anv of the six or own sellUh motives. This thor- to prevail a.i ng liust the choice and more prominent jurists who are mentioned for the positions an oughly pierced our minds, thinking welfare in tie p 't'ple of our bright nominated the D.'taocrarv vviil Ii ml of the remrt of the Springville Territory; b if g- there as Ftoni-an- it hard work to present o:i its tic- Latest Styles of and not is supporters of a ket their convention which apH'ared in the Conceding jire- - Lsdie- - and Citildreits TRIMMIXRS Salt hake Trilm in on the follow- candidate ou account of his reli- cniiiient ipialitications to all. The 18115 Spring a;t I Sumhud the honor of mer liars. which DESCRIPTION 6jArgus, at BEDto We the Oin ing morning. npeal extravigant gious standing. ROCK PRICES. first presenting his naine. cannot untruth was cited in the fact that county delegates to stand by the nTrum from saying that there is Fieasuut Drove imt hut one man who favored ('has. father of their victory, and imt al- no man better iiialitied to hold one )IJ Shipley Place, American Fork. or ram was able to get upon the low tricksters to dupe you. of tlies three positions than Judge tate delegation, among e you to change your honest Miner, lie Ins had cxH'rcnrc upon the Supreme Hem-l- i of the Terconvictions. man The made that delegates. years, his term li With this little epistle of facts ritory for fourlast that report, in our estimation, is a summer. It is expired sen-e standpoint, friend, ami has been judged fairly from a common coiire.led by all. that lie generally Mr. give wav. leaving truthful (us much so as possible in we will the able judges among the iimhands of the conven- wasthe Franc in bomb. lli oil his position) Imt sime we rend and Finest Sample Room honesty Headiiuai lers for Trava fair deal ami an tion, and ask has cal'led never been integrity Men and TonrRts in South ot Salt Lake. ucli an unmitigated falsehood, we honest count. eling In dealing in ail ipiestion. to inclined think if that he ire ,B(atitiIul View From the Veranda of him. In was fair, unhIris expected that one of the and before Lake and Su;ronndIng. practices such games, he shall no his life ami private just; feature to le accomplished by the is without a Idenii-non. occupy a warm ili,piir!?,i'ut llis HATJES REO'ttOKD. f tlo western editors will in our bosom. Tin idea was- d meeting mlarity in Ogden, in tit- - Fourth r. ' American Fork. m lie the i.itieii. Utah iniug of an a drut when he at first resided, it by all who were present. In wlo rehv great aid can be dune ill and in this city, is unsurpassed. contrary lo this hold break, we are lie wax i: restoring free loiuage I'eople of ail parlies, whiv lie is to mid that ut least half o PLEASANT HR0VF, UTAH justilii-Wst known, univer-allf sil i r. speak in .the Fiali county delegates who liis praise both as a man and a to the State convention are in w .1. Republicans . f all part, of EXTRAS F0I! ALL KINDS OF MACHINES. TKCOTTOV of Irovo judge. Q ft !ioc!iiiii and tire favorable to th th I av n hi. on not erritory Mn urging Thoatf fur u. notice. unSiioil RanJej'i p. begot g mail who. through his energy, i" to the S;.pr. me Remit, ami or the for th Finest brought victory to the lli'piihlie .u e hi. Fruit Trcex in Ftali. All kind of meiti'.i.itiiiu upon .iiju.:1. Headquarter place "id! eum-- d mint." party, no nth thin Fleas. Fra.ie. in The hea Saxn. Fruit ling Xnrxery of Pleasant Grove. - t lowing unme L'rnwn. 10 , v th- - Mktliine S'Clions fur M uwios Buekive, ratio i ! tli! tirt reiomly I have ever foiimi that would do mu ixy g"(il. Ince S"1'I at Steeles Dray Men1 I vietrv upon the I cli ir fif.u r i mp x:on. r jour .Hlmi'l. howi-ts uml nuk" your ) i c u guide your l.fai ami . OUc Ih'SI. -ic a clear at Sold kt Steeic's l)rUj Sire. (.H:ain Sweeny. L". S. A . S in Dlegu Cal., Buys: "Slotolii Ctlarili iCemcily ik you ! Excursion Press AUGUST 27th and 28Th -- ri!i--io- ii i II !!i'l( lay, A. "i. 1 ' 1 l:a-be- . u tvr- I JA-sa-- Ane-rTii- 1 . v. IJ ri' T i I.!i F.uk; .'u;iiv, r g lo It- - gi e: . I Tl.is S'liiefy i. 5 -i I hi: .i rv c:i i:.r cui'i'y ; cniiiiii Jai'y st i "'i s ' a ef LU.minllef ami s Cfttiry inl for nacaiug ami sli: ('; l.,; ris'rii.'t.nj Our k '(.-ihealmvc cuiiimrttee or BkrMiy of A S - I .Uilll'-TL'J- , i'- '. I'rovo. Flder A. fvixey it: hLglaml has a 'i'll ou a for a veur. ha. taken i(k. He released ii;'.d wiM reo.rn l.otm-iV. Amin. J..aos Mi,:.., !! ingville V:n. sa Saa. a few davs. Ashby, j rry Vfr 1. Fayson . SOCIETY UAL FRFtl' AND And Collect 20 Per Cent of Same. F. ii M ' ! i FOF MV LTAJI J.il.-.- j ' !' ci tn attend. A grand Finale mneert will lie given five in tin Salt Lake 'I iibeiijuci where the faMtuns fame at the i lioir who wmi World's Fair will render wb'itiuns. It will lie tin grandest affair ni the iMuin, and one hat every I'l'rsmi should take a fund interest. Fr the 1.0 advertisement I tali will reeeive at the hands of tin Kniirhts nf tie' ('. Kiehards Faber, will rnme hack to us in lieiiiliis in the future. l)euio-- r wmilil iu-- 1 each a joy for Republican delegate at a day. Will the State convention to rise an! tli"ir nr will tlmy enst their ballot for a gentleman mniii'V tiny ki'i'p l ik. Ill dust? who h:s bl tliejr buttles to victory. That it will he an insult to ig 1'ivKHV min an-- woman. In Ii nore the services of this leader and I nine rat 4 an I IJipuliliratH should organizer. is evident to the people, that tin) an registered, that and down in the deiths of the llii'.'i will In iiu complaints after rankest Democracy it is . Mn linuk an rlu.-r-d. so. Fail It In: rellli'lllliered. three t;m i ii;iii i Tie f ' it. km-wl-d- i Cii-'.- .vli. i'l e t s ni-r:- in , JV. n!j SlrUt'- - Uni' j lhTr will S.ih LA til- - in '! fcil1 'I ivir grad tin '".il- ii 1 1: 1 I f: . t llu'.'il in i ml; i f ii;t--riw.!! of Snarly ji.utv i".r t 1 'f tlii; Missouri w.'.'t Jir.t, guvvrnur of l.'tuh. at tin lii press teemed tbuugbt will Ii" n jir' - ii 1 in ..it In; a s If-i .it to (hi on thusl!fi)iili!ii-,tni'i n t l. jiaiiioliiknow tlrj ..qicr iuin mil 1ii'y Ion t imiili; a in in liys. by tin m-with ;t ','ni:jilis!ii I Sail or awl (ikrlieldj ainl lln-i- r I riiinl ln-'- !i til- - masses fur bearin' Inn 111 n;t v of lun fur engigec for , ini'l the highest olliie every per-n- n iii't ul exi:ur'iiiii-the voters of I' tali, in L't.ih an cordially inviteil li.-- tin b - ! . t li- A GOOD THIN G HELP PRESS 04 r 4V MV t67 JP'fJZ. AMERICAN FORK ITEM. ; ll V V K ' - r- Sl'l t'Kstri I in 1:, I,-- . ir r s,.., r li i. LIVER , i'1 i.:: ; . j'lvuliar !' aud OR. '! . - l' u H. McLEAti'S m KIDNEY BALM. r. flSi ?; iUI'B Inflamnikii - I.;;.-.;- IMtrv, I.lvr. IV I. Jm-n- i ': i..- - V - tli. . or l v tea at... (.lolitivii. li'ivc tl.iii .,r lii:,., ii:eiai:; i r.Y THE DR. J. H. MclEVI ME!.- rh-r- a ST. LOUIS, M'. I. . ; . ur -- j, |